"She Wasn't A Witch, She Drowned" - Debating An Alt-Righter w/ 145 IQ...

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she wasn't a witch she she drowned so i'm half cuban and i think my ancestors more recently came from like either france or italy so can you tell me some aspects of your culture that are independent from mine that's two white people just because you have those particular ancestors that's why we have statues of athena in our courthouses you know that lady justice that you just said that's not athena either it's a different greek goddess you don't know any of these things you're the one that brings them up i'm studying computer science i've written a lot of papers about ai and automation yeah so like even reading like the thing that you linked me like i'm just like scrolling through this it is important to note however that even when some tasks are automated employment and those occupations may not decline but rather workers may perform new tasks when they were brought over as slaves all of them were basically mixed up and so they don't have like the trip to ellis island to read the books it's oh this is where my great grandfather came over or like oh my great great great grandpa came on the the mayflower great great great great grandpa came in the [ __ ] mayflower they don't know that so the idea that like black people like oh no i'm not actually american i'm from kenya or something that's just if you're a descendant of a slave you don't know like that told me that my iq was just like right above the limit in order to get into the gifted school which was 132. what do you think what does like assembly mean assembly like assembly code yeah what does that mean the zeros and ones that's binary you don't have any idea what any of this is you said you're in comp psi i'm done go to the next question like you're a fraud you actually have no idea you're a compulsive liar and you're a fraud 140 plus iq and is now arguing pro-race realism while representing themselves with a cartoon girl while thinking marching music listen he just didn't remember at all guys you can't expect to quiz somebody that was a professional musician worked at a ski resort um publishes his own ai program goes to school for comp sci went to a specially gifted like institution for x-men you can't expect to remember all this but he will read you the wikipedia definition of plato's forums that also has the same example of a horse [Music] well i'd like to tell the story sort of a story of a specific civilization and a uh group of people descendant from the ancient ones i'd like to talk about ancient greece and how that was in many ways the uh you know the first civilization remotely like ours how they you know they had lots of ideas they had the great ancient greek philosophers even the pre-socratics you know you had you had heraclitus and democritus and people like that you had socrates his best student was plato his best student was aristotle his best student was alexander the great who captured er who conquered half the known world and then you know as a civilization that combined with that one that that took in the best parts of it and uh and combined it with an imperialism tired of clean clothes that just don't smell sort of what if your clothes marshall order and zeal and um obvious nationalism the romans the the romans were obviously you know they're they're quoted all the time as you know one of the great civilizations ever known to mankind an empire that lasted for a thousand years and it started as a pagan empire and then you know it's for a while it's i think official religion was judaism or at least the prevalent one and then what happened is starting with the emperor of constantine the christians started to gain major influence in rome and and now we see the the real foundations of all european descendant civilizations that were under rome before the fall before the the split between you know the holy roman empire and the byzantine empire and it seems like since that point we've had many different civilizations many different ethnic groups from different places you see you know uh england spain france germany it's all of these civilizations are are descendant from rome and greece in some way they share the philosophers they respect them they they learn about all the ancients even people they disagreed with because they thought that the ideas were important there were great thinkers who came before them and they respected that they respected tradition they respected the ancient knowledge and wisdom and you know you can see this play out in their architecture in all of their cultures that grew side by side distinct they all had you know many many differences and you can see them obviously just looking at those cultures looking at their traditions but they all had some things in common being descended from these mother civilizations and they still do in many ways today now i'd say that at some point the these civilizations have largely derailed from this and they've gone in a different direction which is you know obviously it's uh a different yeah i'd have to say a different direction and it's they've turned to liberalism starting with what the french revolution or something somewhere around there now we see in america specifically today these these ancient this ancient wisdom is being completely abandoned we see the the cultural um i guess decay from from these mother civilizations that we no longer respect them we want to tear down all the statues from history of the the great leaders all throughout it in all of western civilization i'm not just talking about slave owners but you know the founding fathers of america people who existed even before america um there are people here now who completely disrespect this and reject the entire history of this civilization now when these these separate civilizations all created empires and dominated the known world they had they brought order to a lot of people that didn't have you know infrastructure and things like that i think in many ways they made a lot of the colonized countries greater than the ones who were next to them which never were colonized and you know as we see deco colonialization we see that these these other peoples who are not descended from this are rejecting it entirely and going back to their old ways and when that happens things don't turn out so well for the people who are descendant from those mother civilizations the european descendant groups and for me i'd like to argue tonight that these civilizations should still exist adapting in many ways maybe but they they there's something worth preserving there i'm expecting destiny tonight to you know get into all sorts of little you know maybe little nitpicking details about how is mexican music different from american music like he did before maybe quiz me on musical terms like partials and blues scales or something like that i think that's all completely beside the point and you know i i maybe i couldn't tell you with the correct terminology the difference between mexican music and american music but i can tell you that if you play them both in front of me i can tell you the difference and that's what you see today is you know a lot of these things like culture which are very difficult to articulate and describe they are they are visible upon plain view when you go to different places how these people are different so you know i'd like to get into that a little bit tonight and i'd like to talk about the future of where this nation is headed where all of europe is headed the future of a white minority in the united states while we have these two separate groups of peoples or that you know one descendant from ancient rome in greece and largely categorized by christendom throughout history and the people who are not who see them as invaders as oppressors as colonizers as slave owners as you know uh people who did the holocaust i see all this as a major problem and i think there's going to you know there's going to be all sorts of of cultural and social conflict that we're headed towards that won't be so good for those people okay thank you um destiny i'm sorry what the [ __ ] is this debate over again i just can i get a quick refreshment immigration and you know little timmy okay um jesus so i think that today i think that the internet especially and all the technology around us has kind of led us to be more isolated than i think we have at any other point in human history technology was supposed to be the thing that kind of like bridged our worlds together give us an ability to communicate with each other and allow this kind of like inflow and outflow of culture and friendship and relationship and communication and all this stuff to happen and in some ways it has but i think in other ways it's left people feeling uh more disconnected or isolated than they have in the past i think that these feelings of disconnection and isolation are weighing on people and i think it leads them to try to find these little niche groups where it feels like they have something that they can identify with because it is no longer with your local communities or it seems like it's no longer with a local church so some people you know become rabid socialists or communists and they try to pretend that they're marxists or whatever even they've never read a word of marx and other people unfortunately you know look at their skin color they find white identitarian groups and like oh we're white like that can be our thing i don't want to go back to shooting in the streets i like playing video games on my computer and i like all of the modern uh accessories and luxuries that exist in our current day life i don't see the need to get rid of any of that i don't see an advantage of going back to usually people say go back to 1950s but i guess now we're talking all the way back to the 400s if we're going back to rome um so yeah i think that the idea that you can freeze culture in any type of glass and have this unchanging unmoving culture is really silly uh i guess through the course of this debate the thing that i'll seek to establish is that one you don't really have a good way of identifying what any of your problems are instead it's all kind of just these vague notions of like well what about this if that or giving some incorrect diagnosis for why rome fell spoiler alert it wasn't because of uncontrolled immigration um and then i'll more importantly point out that even though you can't identify the problem or especially because you can't identify the problem you also have no real prescription um and i think that's kind of one of the saddest things for a lot of these more radical groups is you get a lot of these people that get kind of funneled into these groups with like okay well we're white we got a protective culture what do we do and you don't really have any answers for that you're not winning legislatively anywhere you don't have your own country anywhere you don't have any representation anywhere and you really don't have any plans forward for like well how do we make these groups you know instead of encouraging people to live healthier lives to make friends to socialize it's more just like getting more and more in the weeds of these insane online uh whatever groups where you know you continue to like exhibit the most unhealthy behavior possible um so yeah i guess that's what we'll talk about in this conversation all right we can open up the floor now sure well the first thing i'd like to say is i'm glad that you openly admit that white people who seek to preserve and uh you know sustain their any form of their culture and any part of it they have no representation today they are largely outnumbered by people who are against that they you know don't have any political power and um yeah there's there's basically no one sticking up for them and i think that's a big part of the problem i'd like to get into tonight sure can you tell me um what are what aspects of white culture do you think need to be represented politically that are not currently represented politically well that's a it's a good question what i'd say is that the america right now is a lost nation in some ways when it comes to culture and it has been for quite some time as you correctly pointed out before america has been a mixing of different ethnic groups for a very long time now and even while it was still just the european descendant groups that are all mixing together even though they had more you know more in common than people from africa or china or india they or south america there's still a mixture which is is causing yeah so we're getting kind of like a cohesive culture yeah so we're trailing off these communities in order to it to dissolve like you said where people are not able to just go out in uh you know in the public square or in you know have what i don't know but like public dances things like that we're in the public center republicans get to know each other right you can do that all right you can do all of this right now so i'm going to go back and ask you a question people are not for some reason and that's the question right yeah but this is the whole yeah so this is the whole point so i think there's a lot of interesting conversation that we can have about why people aren't going out publicly anymore i think there's an interesting conversation to be had about the loss of churches as the kind of centerfold for communities i think the loss of union culture probably plays into that quite a bit i think that the hyper fixation on moving to the coast into these like more concentrated cities for jobs the economic opportunities is probably reason i think that technology leads us to be more and more culturally isolated from each other because we connect via the internet now instead of via face to face i think that there are plenty of interesting kind of questions to ask to figure out why we're kind of like more isolated i don't think the answer is because there aren't enough white people or we're losing our white culture so i'm going to bring us back one more time and we'll see how how long you talk about actually answering this question again what are some aspects of american culture that you believe aren't adequately represented in congress like what are some aspects of white american culture that you'd want to see represented in congress and where should they be represented well it's it's funny that you would phrase the question that way because it's uh you know there's an obvious push in in all of you know the not just the media but in government against what people in critical race theory would call white culture and they seem very uh very good at describing it describing the differences between white culture and african american culture or latin culture and uh they seem even more interested in making our uh the culture in america like those other ones than uh what you call white so can you tell me what do people in critical race theory define white culture as then if they've defined it so you can't give me your definition so how do they define it since you're citing them now uh yeah sure things like the the protestant work ethic things like um you know the focus on um so america is already one of the most overworked nations orientations are you know there's an emphasis on the scientific method so america yeah sorry america yes there's the holidays there's the traditions it's the heroes the shared story of the people that goes back for thousands of years and that's the difference is that these people they see themselves as descended from these civilizations that's the story that a lot of americans grew up being told this look here is the the long course of history of your civilization of your people and and you have uh you're born into this whereas other people from other groups they don't see it the same way they have a different shared story and this these shared stories are one of the most important cults of or parts of culture next to language which is they see it as these people did all of this and then colonized and oppressed your people and and they see it as a bad thing rather than a good thing and so i think a big part of it is just simply embracing the traditions embracing the historical western european uh identity and and this the people who are not from that are not going to to buy into that whereas the people who are i think that our we could live a much better future if they did that so two big parts so number one um i this is kind of pointless but i'll just bring attention to this every time i ask you a question all you do is you start reading me another script or another monologue like you're giving a speech i'm trying to engage you in a one-on-one conversation but it seems like every single time i ask you a question you have to kind of like dive off into some other i don't know if you have these written down i don't think that i don't think that happened at all i think i gave you four or five different answers of just small examples of white culture yes and largely what i'm describing or i see that you're trying to drag the conversation down into the weeds on like specific parameters or or facets of culture that's like what's this one thing you want and we can talk about that all night but there's something larger than that happening here uh yeah so if you want to if you want to yeah so if you want a story if you want to do turnabout is fair play if you want you can ask me about some more complicated topic that i enjoy that has many facets to it i will be able to defend to you every single one of those facets about that particular thing that i enjoy i'm sorry but i wholesale reject this idea that me asking you about any of these four or five things that you say are the most important qualifiers of your culture as getting lost in the weeds with all due respect these are the weeds that you're running us into and you're the one that has the inability to defend them i notice that you open the speech up being upset about our last musical conversation i will remind you once more the only reason we have that conversation is because you're the one that said that you had the background in music and you were a professional musician and you were the one that wanted to get into that conversation and we don't have to have that conversation but if you're going to bring up a topic i am going to ask you questions okay hold on if you want to go line by line we can do this but when you when you ramble on a monologue i'm going to respond to every single thing you said so i'm going to do that this is why this conversation is is already kind of like getting if you so if you're going to bring up four or five things that are all foreign i haven't no no i'm not losing anything right forests don't exist unless trees are in them okay we're trying to figure out if you have any trees at all that's the problem right now right so when you start to say denying that there's you're denying that there is any uh any facet that exists to white identity at all or european descendant groups in any manner is that is that what you're saying there's no trees in this forest i think in the united states of america in the united states of america wait are you trying to talk brittany um no no go ahead okay um in the united states of america if people were to start asking me where your big cultural divides are i think that my the number one easily would be urban versus rural that would be my my huge cultural divide um and then we could start going down other lines but in terms of falling down ethnic lines um i mean firstly like how you would even begin to define white gets hairy right what are we talking about for like mixed-race relationships what about for like a lot of hispanic people so like my mom is cuban but none of us are really dark a lot of people that come from people aren't uh you know you've got the whole mestizo versus custizo thing um like you've got children of like relatively hispanic-looking people that look pretty white like this whole idea that you're trying to separate things out as like these people have this culture and these people this culture when it's probably way more regional and people can tell that like this is another thing too like people can tell just by the jokes you say or the way you sound you know like are you from the east coast are you from the west coast are you from california are you from northern florida um these like racial lines that you're so obsessed with drawing i don't think most people even identify across these culturally uh yeah i didn't put it that way at all in fact i'm i'm not talking about skin color in any way that's something you brought up to be clear you said you're mixing a lot of different ethnic groups you you use that word multiple times i've written it down on a notepad in front of me i'm writing that down so if you show me this ethnicity and race are the same thing can you tell me the difference between the two oh yeah sure race is well let's go with for the sake of discussion the critical race theory definition no let's go with your definition you're the one using the word so you tell me how you're using it if you want to draw distinct between race and ethnicity that's fine i'm not the one who brought up race see i brought up ethnicity and ethnicity i can go into that's different ethnicity is a group of people who have a shared history they have a shared culture they have shared generally shared religion um language uh you know music art all of these things architecture it all ties in together because it's a group of people who are distinct from other other ethnic groups so can you give me an example of like largely the same race who have gone into separate ethnic groups with distinct identities right yeah so absolutely this this idea that it's it's racial is is you know i haven't said anything like that at all now well so if you have like asking about culture and i've told you already the most important part of one of the most important parts of culture to me is the shared story shared history of a people because a lot of things are downstream from that the traditions which like what did they represent something in that story the holidays would represent something in that story the heroes the legends the the the archetypes of uh you just asked me to get real specific about one of these i didn't all i asked you was no all i asked you was the difference between race and ethnicity i didn't ask you anything about culture but every time you answer a question you've got to dive into yourself whatsoever i describe the difference between race and ethnicity right there so now i'm trying to ask you a question to figure out if you really believe this so would you say that a black person and a white person that grew up in the same ghetto and came out of it with all the same values and gangster rap and whatever you want to describe to them right you'd say oh that white guy and that black guy those guys are both ethnically the same you would say that yeah i don't i don't think there's actually a good example of that that takes place by virtue of the fact alone that these people have different shared stories the white guy and the black guy maybe if you look at just their lives or like what they ate that week or or you know what they've done in the past you know 10 years maybe you could say it like that like these people have a lot of things in common they can talk on the same level they know what they're talking about things like that but when it comes to the the larger arc of history these people have completely different stories and their people groups have completely different stories and i think that's a part of what i'm here to do in the memorized speech again the issue of of mashing all of these people together it denies both of those people in that scenario they're uh historic people's identity which is important yep okay good speech so i'm gonna ask you the question again since you seem to be unable to answer it so if you have a black guy and a white guy they grew up in the same neighborhood go to the same schools listen to the same music and other [ __ ] would you say that that black person and that white person are ethnically the same thing i think i just answered that like exactly do you want me to just repeat myself i'd like you to answer that question by giving me a speech about like well i would say they're culturally similar i'm asking you because i asked you for a definition of ethnicity and you gave me a definition i've never heard before now maybe some people use this definition i'm just curious if you really believe this so you said ethnicity definition of ethnicity it doesn't surprise me that you don't know it given that you're totally okay with wiping them out all across the planet never said anything about wiping anything out um i'm sure you're talking about mashing all sorts of people from different historically ethnic groups together making them both grow up in the exact same way and everything in in some post-modern world view some constructivist idea that we're going to just make everybody all come together in this every single person that went to your high school the exact same ethnicity did they become that by going with this no not at all every single person in a workplace the exact same ethnicity groups in my high school all identified with each other actually it's like all the black kids hung out in the same spot all together every single day they were even there during classes i'm not sure how it worked cool but so they hold themselves distinct it's not something i've done this is something people all across the world all across the planet dude okay we're going into another memorized speech i understand before okay there's no memorizing it is another memory speech so i've asked two questions i haven't got an answer on either so we're gonna have to start i'll try to do this ethnicity one one more time it should be a simple yes from you if you truly believe the answer to me so if you have a black guy and a white guy grew up in the same neighborhood same shirt experience the same music same movies and everything would you say that these two people are ethnically identical this black person and this white person are of the same ethnicity would you say that yeah not at all and the reason for that is what i've been saying all along this whole time is it's a group of people with a historically with a shared history that's one of the most important parts of culture and i've described it uh a lot you i mean you can call it a monologue all you want but it's it's very important because a lot of aspects of culture all come downstream from that the holidays the heroes the truth so we're doing the memorized speech again we're doing the memorized speech again we're doing the memories they're all just ideas off the top of my head i'm not like i can tell they're covered off the top of your head because you didn't prepare for this i don't know why you would think that if i talk about this type of [ __ ] all day i don't know why you think you can do this conversation on the fly with me that's kind of surprising um or you just like think i'm an idiot i guess yeah well then it's interesting that you say that but yeah when i give you like exactly the answers to your questions you're completely dumbfounded as to like how you can possibly respond to that because i understand you want the answer you want the answer to be like oh no it's it's all about just white people and it's all about race and we should you know ship everybody else off or something like that i get that that's the answer you're looking for that's just not the answer that i have for you so instead of just uh you know keep trying keeping on trying to keep this conversation down on this one point on well you didn't give me the answer i wanted for ethnicity you gave me the international relations definition of it so you're telling me maybe you've been trying to you know move move this i'm trying to i'm trying to go wrong so if you're telling me that i'm black so if you're telling me that a black person and a white person can never have the same ethnicity then it seems like there's some aspect of skin color that's important there or some genetic aspect that's important there can you at least admit that or it's it's funny that you categorize it according to racial lines according to to skin color especially because be clear you're the one that's done that because you repeatedly tell me that you would never call a white and a black person the same ethnicity you've done that i'm just trying to figure out what you mean and it has nothing to do with whether they're black or white that's the thing then why is a black person a white person can't be why can't they be the same as historical ethnic groups who have different stories the black guy his his story is of his people not just the story of his life the story of his people is never going to be that he's the descendant from these colonizers he's a descendant from a part of rome he's a descendant from one of these roman p roma uh roman you're dependent or descended civilization how do you know that's never going to be his story but [Music] there's nothing memorized about it man it's you can you know you can cope all you want saying i'm like i memorized something for this like it's not that important so usually when i'm having a conversation with somebody the way that i can usually tell that they're nervous is it's kind of like when you're doing an essay in high school you don't know the answer the question so you just start writing down every single thing you know on the topic and you hope that you put enough that they teach you like that's your favorite way to categorize it well i mean that's essentially what you do questions about culture about history about ethnicity and these are not just simple things if you want if you want to go with well culture is just whether you're white or black to me that's i'm not the one that said whether culture was just white or black you're the one that said different groups you're the one that told me that a white and a black person can never be the same ethnicity and then in the same breath told me it has nothing to do with skin color when i told you the only difference between these two people is the fact that the white and black maybe they were both the senate a long long time ago from romans you don't know that they're they're right not every black person in the united states you're the one doing that to be clear it's going to say what ethnicity are you from what's your what's your ancestors and it's going to be what for the black guy it's going to be bantu or you know why would you bring up why would you bring up why would you bring up 25 points spanish portuguese yeah you know anglo you know something like that so why would you bring up 23 and me for ethnicity when you told me ethnicity was shared culture religion language and art what does 23andme have to do with that and again you're missing out again on the most important part i don't know if this is like you're just unable to hear this part but the shared history the shared story of a people and and the people from the congo or from nigeria or from ethiopia they all have a difference a different story going back a thousand years than european descended peoples and they always will no matter what it doesn't matter if you mash them all together it doesn't matter if you tell them okay we're all going to eat apple pie and whistle dixie together it doesn't matter because they have maybe in their lives if you are only working with people who can't think in terms beyond their lives they can't think about history before they were born that would be something that would work so again to be clear like how the world works i just think it's really funny it's not funny actually it's really frustrating because i know that you're not giving what you actually believe maybe because we're on a public platform this is why you hide your face too when you're talking about like ethnicity and then you tell me very specifically it has nothing to do with like skin color or genes and then you're appealing to a 23andme test we all know what 23andme is so it feels like you're just trying to dodge the question but we'll move past that and i'll try to engage i guess with whatever i can like dig out of like this [ __ ] whole you've dug yourself into so you're talking about like this idea of like shared culture shared religion shared language so let's say that you have like a person from some culture that their like grandparents immigrated to another culture so now they've had parents that were born in that country and now they've been born in that country like what culture or ethnicity we should say i guess are they more likely to identify with the country where they've now existed for two generations or whatever history was in the country they came from yeah i can answer that question uh actually i think pretty well with with an anecdote if you'll grant me that it's so i've had a couple friends over the course of my life that i used to you know uh argue about it international relations stuff with about all the time i argued immigration back in my cringe ben shapiro days i argued immigration with a hispanic friend of mine a couple of them actually and it's funny at one point i got them you know really cornered and they they had nothing else to say and they knew that i had them and what they told me i'll never forget one of my friends looked me looked me in the eye and he said well really i just don't want to keep them from coming in here because they're my people those are my people that are coming across the border and that really struck me at the time is you know maybe one of my first red pills on this because i asked him i'm like what do you mean aren't americans you're people you're you're a citizen here you were born and raised here you're a second generation immigrant you know you know the story of when how your parents got here how grateful they were for the opportunities and everything and and yet he still says yeah but uh you know americans aren't like my people that's just like my nationality that's what i have legal documents for and the reason is as i've been saying before that his history is different from ours whether you take him in and you say okay you raised him to to like i said you know love apple pie and baseball whistling dixie okay he is back in the prepared speech by the way go ahead he will always well well no not at all i'm telling a story apple himself is his story is that his people he came from a previously colonized country okay and then he came to america and his people are still back there that's the way he sees it no matter what now unless you want to erase all of the history books and tell all of these people you know none of that happened and then raise them all in the same same cultural conditions all in the same way and say you know we were all just born just now and there's there were no differences between the people historically that's fine you know maybe maybe you could make something like that happen inside of a lab or something like that but the fact is that no matter what this guy what what how he's raised what his culture is being raised in america he will always identify with the people from his historical ethnic group that's why i brought up the 20 million 23andme thing okay so it shows it shows that these people are from distinct ethnic groups historically they have different stories for every one anecdote you can provide i can give you like a million anecdotes in the opposite direction so i mean like if you're gonna tell me like things that your friend said i don't really know how i can ever argue with that i'll give a really common asian american experience that one of the most cringe things that asian people deal with especially asian women is when white guys go up to them and they're like where are you from where are you really from and they're like bro i'm american i don't speak [ __ ] korean or japanese or chinese or whatever right like they're americans because they were born here they speak the language if you heard them on a microphone or a headphone you wouldn't know that they were from any other [ __ ] part of the world besides probably the west coast like san francisco or la i have never in my life and i'm willing to bet that i probably have more friends that are non-white than you i have never my life heard a non-white person that is the children of people that were in the united states say those aren't my people and now you hang out in very far white uh well white and right circles so it might be the case that you you are like talking to a lot of like literal ethnic identitarians but whatever you are describing is so [ __ ] far off the norm i can't hardly even engage with that hypothetical is somebody that's dated hispanics as somebody who's family hold on you went you gave your whole pretty speech about apple pies again so as somebody that has dated hispanic people and asian people as somebody that has a half cuban family on my mom's side like i like i have interact with i have never in my life heard somebody say those aren't my people um that is oh that is just so i'm gonna so i'm gonna circle back so i'm gonna circle back do you do you remember the question that i asked you even before you just rattled off that anecdote that you had ready for this you've been asking a lot of good questions tonight man yeah and i can't get an answer on any of them so my question was is that if you had somebody over here in the united states in general and their like grandparents and parents lived here and then they were born here and they like know the language they know the culture so that means they listen to the music the tv shows they know our religions our schools and all of that do you think they're more likely to identify with this american culture or with wherever their grandparents came from i think that for people like that that have been taken out of their own historical culture and raised up into this new one it can be confusing you see people choosing you know between two identities a lot and and that's you know that might not be good for children by the way but yeah and you say raised a new culture it's it's the culture there are so many people who i who identify as american they they love the american dream and they love this country you know we could pull up videos of people talking about that and and i understand that but the problem is that that's not largely what's happening anymore now we're and i think it has something to do with the change in the demographics of where immigration is coming from and now we're back into another memorized talking point about where people are immigrating from has nothing to do with the question at all uh yeah it does actually because it's it's about these people are coming from pre or previously colonized places and they they have a different story man it's it's i don't know what to tell you they're they're historical ethnic stories i don't understand when you keep saying story what is what story do you think you have well my story is that my ancestors arrived in america before the mayplower did okay before the pilgrims they were driven out by uh of europe well not driven out my ancestors brother-in-law accused his wife of being a witch okay and it she wasn't a witch she she drowned but you know he left left for america and he he made it to james jamestown before the pit yeah so can you tell me i've been here ever since on the other side my ancestors are descended from the pilgrims themselves they've been here since the foundation of this country and before that they were in england for thousands of years that's the story of my people of my ancestors and i don't share that in common with my hispanic friend and i never will can you tell me what aspects of their culture you live out today that are unique or independent from other white people that might not have the same shirt so i'm half cuban and i think my ancestors more recently came from like either france or italy so can you tell me some aspects of your culture that are independent from mine it's two white people just because you have those particular ancestors well it's funny first of all i just want to say it's funny that now we're just two white people when it seems like every time i talk to this guy he brings up that he's like uh hispanic or whatever but he said i have descent i said i'm half descended from from cubans i don't know if you consider hispanic or not i consider myself white okay so unless i'm applying for students so what aspects of your ancestors culture do you inherit today you still live out today that are unique from normal american culture yeah that's i you know i i think that's a good question and really it speaks to the fact that as i said before our culture in america is currently in a sort of a funk we're in a lost place where we have many different cultures okay yeah gotcha so you don't have an answer for that so let's go all the way back to the very first i don't have any you don't have the answer you're asking about a specific anglo-culture descendant thing which is like uh you know a lot of the european cultures they had many many things in common and they used to yeah you know slightly different uh you know traditions cultures holidays different heroes from their places things like that um but yeah i don't identify as as anglo right i don't identify as someone from england i have no no nationalistic patriotic duty to england itself so yeah so so the correct answer is so we don't identify with cultures of the past there might be some traditions that we inherit but largely our like current culture is generally shaped by the culture that we're grown into so a third generation immigrant born in the united states the culture from the past i wouldn't say that even a little bit so sure okay what aspects of anglo culture are you living out in your daily life but we have all of these traditions man like thanksgiving there's there's something that the anglos did right and but it but all americans are now taking part in this we have many many such cases of these types thanksgiving you said thanksgiving wait wait wait thanksgiving did that come from rome is that what you're saying not at all what i've said is that these these cultures have developed as descendants from rome and greece and they've taken on their own holidays their own heroes a different story now we're back into the memorized speech go ahead what i'm getting at is that yeah america is lost in a way in terms of culture right now and i think that we we need to forge a new culture that's based on good principles and values just as the romans did there wasn't a culture before them that they returned to and somebody might have said you know like well what specific things you know what's a precise you know thing about music that you want in order to i haven't pushed you on like super ultra precise anything i'm just you literally all of this you're squeezing me on music notes and blues so the reason i asked you that prior i asked you that i asked you that prior because you told me you were a professional musician i didn't know that you would have the audacity to completely and totally fabricate your history in front of somebody that's actually going to say now first of all the definition of professional means you got paid to do it which i did okay so i was a professional that's great that your mom paid you and your friends to play for like her [ __ ] friends at like a wedding okay like public venues and stuff like that i played jazz i played the violin we don't want to do this listen you've already taken the biggest man can ever take on this topic we don't need to revisit it okay yeah we don't need to rehash the music thing but the problem i'm running into is that like you you seem and i guess this is at the end of the day this is kind of my problem is it like you have all these strong feelings about stuff that is just so amorphous and intangential like you don't know what your old culture was you don't know what your current culture okay hold on you're rambling you've done your prepared speech like 15 times rubio okay slow down all right so you have like your your you've got like all of these kind of ideas but you can't like quantify or qualify like a single thing you said i'm not asking you to like give me the idea give me the exact definition of blah blah blah blah i'm just asking for like ways i'm just not giving you the answer that you're looking for i you know it's we obviously have traditions holidays heroes legends all that are descended from the civilizations that we came from and so when you say that obviously we don't inherit culture from the past it's out it's absurd on its face it's ridiculous you can't tell anyone from any other culture that at all in america yeah the problem is that like i'm just trying to make sure okay so just one more time sorry this is really offensive can you give me like one example of like a ritual or a tradition or something that you mean when you talk about like your family's like past or something like my family specifically no but from american history obviously no you didn't say you had american history you talked about your family specifically [ __ ] coming from rome and living in england for thousands of years so i want to know and what do you think happened after that man my ancestors participated in every single major american american event all throughout our history my dad still has a cavalry saber from the the confederate side in the civil war all right so we yeah i have all i do have a lot of uh story with america here it's not just roman england okay and a lot of these people there are people whose ancestors didn't fight in the civil war who just arrived here who don't respect the ancient civilizations that we derive from much less the one which they've come into here and they disrespect it so much that they say that they want to tear down the internet back to the memorized speech tear down the statue memorize talking points yeah okay so you've so just i just think it's very funny that and this is very rare that i can like demonstrate an argument in real time so because you are a whatever generation immigrant you have no idea where you came from i could show you a 23andme that actually is completely contrary to your entire history and you would actually have no idea because it sounds to me like you haven't inherited anything so when i talk about like a culture tradition right so half of my family is cuban so my sister had a quinceanera okay this is like a spanish celebration when a girl turns 15 years old or something that i went through religiously was my uh my seven uh not seven there were like four or five holy sacraments in the catholic church so things like your first communion or things like your confirmation or things you know your early baptism so these are examples of traditions that i was looking for and i don't even like this [ __ ] and i can give you a few minutes but it sounds like you have nothing so we're gonna move way past this and then i'm gonna go all the way back to one of the first questions i asked you i don't know how you can possibly answer this question though what type of quote-unquote white culture do you feel like is lacking in representation when it comes to like the legislature so in congress like what are some aspects of white culture we're like [ __ ] we don't have this represented because all the other stuff you named before like the scientific method i think all of our academic institutions work off of that you mentioned like the work ethic i'm pretty sure americans are the most overworked people in the world um i'm just trying to figure out like what aspects of american culture aren't represented like in in your eyes in the forefront of like american politics or culture yeah well so it's uh you know it's funny that you say that like that's something i said when it's something that you said actually you're the one who said that white people have no representation in government for people who want to preserve their culture white people have no representation in the media or or in widespread popular belief they have no representation for their historical cultures on social media anything like that that was the point that you brought up and so it's it's i just agreed with you there okay and and what i'm saying is that these not just the culture the institutions the civilization its history they're all under attack and they're under a cultural attack from people who think it's all bad and they think it's all wrong it was wrong from its inception and it's it's evil still today and it all needs to be torn down along with the people who built it and and that's when i hear what i have such a problem with and that's why i keep going off like this yeah you know so for the fifth time i'm gonna ask that question again um i don't know why you keep trying to like reverse uno this on me so i'm i wrote this down because i write because you ramble a lot um although at this point you've repeated yourself five or six times i remember a lot of it so you kept you said oh right america is a lost nation when it comes to culture right so you said america is a lost night when it comes to culture now i inferred from that and i could be wrong around i inferred from that that you feel like there is some important aspect of our culture that is either gone or in the process of being removed so i asked you what is some aspect of white american culture that you feel like doesn't have good representation anymore um you feel really strongly about this yeah so uh well that was a good memorized statement but uh you know let's go with the family structure the nuclear family is currently under attack at all sorts of levels it's it's you know you see another media media article about it every single day we don't see government programs that are are trying to benefit people who want to start families in fact we see the opposite and largely from the especially the calls of people on your side are trying to say things like the nuclear family is bad i saw an article the other day i think it was the new york times it said the corona has is destroying the nuclear family and maybe that's a good thing okay we see the lgbt crowd who are railing against the the nuclear family and its history and they're saying that that's all bad it's all oppression it's it's patriarchal you know things like that and so that's that's a great example of one that i would say is uh it's it's better for the people it's better for the children better for the man and wife and it's better for the civilization at large as each individual uh you know chooses this so when you say that like the nuclear family is under attack so i'm just going by stuff that i see so right now if you get married in the united states you're incentivized through tax structures to have like a wife or husband because of the myriad filing jointly status and you also get paid a decent amount of money right now via the um both the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit for like having a child like in what ways do you feel like we are actively discouraging people from like having like two parents in the house today or and like in what ways is that happening yeah well i'd say a big part of the nuclear family structure was that a man would provide for the family and the mom would raise the children whereas we see now this the state and all of the media and everybody on your side pushing for that to be abolished that to be dissolved and unattainable for men and women uh in the the new vision of this idea where the state takes care of your kids it raises them in daycares and schools and teaches them the state propaganda you know whatever their version of history and current events is at the time so i don't know of any like there might be state-run day cares i've never heard of that um there are state schools it's probably good that we sent our kids to yeah no what i'm talking about is that the state is is uh at the very least not combating this this push against the nuclear family we're in ways that it obviously could you know you could have more like uh incentives to have children you could discouraging women from being in the in the workforce propaganda about women staying home with their children and how that's a good thing rather than a bad thing most women are raised in the world today and a lot of this does take place in schools which is teachers paid by the government maybe the president isn't ordering it but this is happening in these places women are raised to believe that being a mom is like demeaning it's like you're not a successful independent career woman or something like that and it's demeaning motherhood and it's making it uh it's lose its value to women in in their eyes and they see themselves as as unsuccessful if they were to settle for that rather than a career and travel so do you think that women should be discouraged from going to college discouraged i i don't know if i would go that far but you know i i think that that would bring the ball about a better result for in terms of the nuclear family sure so let me ask again in a different way without you trying to cause you're whistling a lot alright so do you think it would be better for society if women were discouraged from going to college a better for society in in some ways definitely and so why do you keep waiting wait why do you keep weaseling i'm just asking you like a clerical what do you what do you mean well when you no we're not getting into the weeds i get so upset why do you keep saying we're getting in the weeds any time i ask you to defend a single point if you want to just ramble off your prepared speeches do you want to do that you can do that when i'm not here you're doing it on your own your own youtube channel culture don't get me wrong sure that's under attack it talks about the nuclear family speech about the prepared speech you know it's the state yeah a prepared speech about what you talked about everything's a prepared speech tonight speech because you're running around the question because you're uncomfortable answering i feel like i can play both sides of this argument better than you can that's that's where we're at right now okay that's how far behind you are in this conversation so i'm just i think that speaks to a misunderstanding of what i'm saying man because that i've talked about the nuclear family i've talked about state incentives in order to make that uh more desirable at the very least i've talked about how that you know the government is the one running these schools they could be incentivizing or making teachers talk about the virtues of motherhood and talk about ways in which that you know people can still build a nuclear family so we're talking around a bunch of renters so my question was do you think holistically now if you want you can talk about the pros and cons i just want to answer at the end do you think holistically it would be better if we discouraged women from going to college uh well given the state of the year universities today i'd say so just by virtue of the one statistic alone that 90 of divorces involving college educated women are initiated by the woman okay that's like 20 or 30 percent higher than when they don't go through this this uh these universities and you know i'm not sure why that is exactly but it's you know that's why it's like maybe that's not the best way to combat that but it it would combat it in some ways it would benefit the nuclear family okay cool i got you i'm glad okay yeah we got this okay so so so you can ask me these gotcha questions all night about like you hate women or something like that they're not okay yeah okay here can i wait wait wait hold on i'm not trying to ask you've got your questions can i tell you how you should have answered this question and maybe you can do better on these debates in the future if we ever talk again okay so the answer that you should have given yeah let me it's okay that's fine okay i've debated enough of your type to know how you should answer this we were educated on the topic okay so the answer should be yes we probably should discourage women from going to college because when women enter college a lot of bad things happen to the historically understood dichotomy of man vs woman men are now competing against women for earning wages which they shouldn't be because it's an attack on their masculinity and it's an attack on the family structure and it discourages women from starting families until far later in their life to where they might be completely discouraged from doing so and it upsets the natural balance of the household where a man should be in charge of being the alpha the breadwinner the decision maker and the woman the caretaker or somebody that ought to be watching the children and taking care of the household that was the correct answer that you were supposed to seems like you really understand the issues man but the fact is i said more than more than you haven't you haven't you you no you haven't you're talking about you're like almost definitely yes first of all you didn't say almost definitely yes you said it depends there's pros and cons and blah blah blah i've talked about how bad it is in many ways and so it's like yeah i've talked about the divorce rates i talked about a lot of reasons just because i didn't give the exact reasons that you wanted i think that they're largely tangential and they're all connected yeah okay so then so now that we've i've got i've given you the argument for this so now we move on to the to the second aspect of this and this is what i said initially is that even if you are able to identify some sort of claim now i ask you what are you going to do about it in what world can you exist in where women have had the ability to go to college and work jobs and now you're going to take that from them can you walk me through what type of policy proposal or something that you would start doing that would get women out of college yeah no i'm not i'm not advocating for any specific policy right now at all i think that if people were made aware of the way that things are in contrast to the way that things used to be when civilization was thriving rather than decaying i think people would try and act differently and that would play out in all sorts of different ways throughout society okay i think we could see cultural shifts from people understanding these things okay a music discussion about men and women in universities right now seems to be the new one what i want to talk about is the the future of a white minority in america when when all of these things are happening just so we've demonstrated now we haven't demonstrated anything so why don't you guys why don't you explain to people that don't know um the little who little timmy is because a lot of people are asking who little timmy is that's what i've been trying to get to so i'm glad that we can you know abandon the uh that you know the having to defend any of your pride points yeah my bad dude all right yeah sure so i i have one more prepared speech for you tonight destiny okay now this is what what many are talking about these days this is this is the little timmy question okay the tq some might say so little timmy is a child hypothetical child who's living in america in an inner city 40 years from now okay and little timmy is alongside all of his classmates he's being taught this critical race this uh this version of history through the lens of critical race theory where it's white people you know uh they colonized everybody and they were they were cruel in so many ways and their civilizations did slavery just like everybody else did and and white people came and you know they brought slaves to slaves over and they did chattel slavery and they did jim crow and the three-fifths law and and the holocaust and white people did richard nixon and donald trump and you know white people are trying to build the wall and they're all racist all their institutions are racist and and all their laws are racist and they all benefit white people in some white supremacist way and that's why all the institutions all of the the culture everything has to be torn down along with the people who built it now little timmy is being taught some dumbed down version of this in his class let's say in fifth grade along with all the other kids and because it's a future of white minority which nobody denies is going to happen now at this point joe biden said it himself little timmy is going to be the only kid in his class the only white kid in a class of a bunch of hispanics blacks non-whites asians and indians and they're all looking around and they're all looking at him saying this was your people that did this to us and he feels alienated and he's not uh it's they don't have this shared culture where they're brought up in the exact same conditions liking the same things like destiny would like you to believe they have this they have different stories in their heads their story is look what little little timmy's ancestors did to our ancestors and you know what he has to answer for that and i believe that if that's the case this is not going to play out too well for little timmy in his classroom and so i'm curious the last time that i talked to destiny he said on stream you know we could clip it if you want he said i guess i have no real way to combat this argument i have no way to argue against this hypothetical and uh so you know maybe he'll argue that it's not going to happen but but you know other than that destiny seems to refuse to provide any solutions for this very real issue which is almost definitely going to happen so listen to that question destiny has no solutions for this real issue that maybe will happen i can't solve a problem that doesn't exist yet also why does it matter that little timmy is white i thought that you said that ethnicity didn't have to do with skin color yeah and uh but by white i'm talking i'm generally using the the people who are under attack from critical race theory as the people who built all of this racist stuff so we can just go with that for now um white is just a one-word way to describe these people who are all collectively even though they're from distinct ethnicities among each other all under collective attack given the same name gotcha um why do you think there's a higher chance that there will be like a few white people and very strict hispanic or strict indian or strict asian wouldn't it be more likely that because interracial marriaging just or interracial marriages keep going up and up and up isn't there a higher likelihood that we're all just kind of like more mixed race in the future rather than all of us like breeding down these hardcore racially segregated lines you know you could say that that maybe that may be the case in like a thousand or two thousand years from now but the fact is even though you could say that you know interracial marriages are going up it's still like 90 of marriages or relationships in america are intra-racial they're within the same race and so it's like 8.4 of all current marriage racial yeah so 8.4 of current marriages um are not interracial 15.1 percent of new marriages are interracial so that number seems like it's increasing like pretty quickly right if it doubles again we're at thirty forty percent like what percentage again so it's a you know we can talk about your hypotheticals and go down that path but when we're talking about according to all the trends what's almost definitely going to happen within a couple of decades uh yeah i do see is that that is being the case especially because it seems like all non-white groups seem to identify with their uh their origin ethnicity i just want to yeah i just want to echo this again and i understand they don't say i'm an american they say i'm a hispanic american yeah so i just want to echo this i just want to echo this and you know maybe we just come from different backgrounds i have i do not have any asian american friends and i live in la and i'm friends with like the [ __ ] asian streamer house that say oh i am asian-american yes that those people don't exist they're like bro like i'm not from korea i'm from [ __ ] la or people that live in san francisco asian americans like even first even second generation immigrants like don't say this [ __ ] right like oh yeah i'm i'm japanese i'm korean no they say like i'm american um yeah they don't say i'm japanese i'm korean they say i'm an asian american they do identify as such especially when they're under collective attack you know this whole stop asian hate thing that was going all summer or whatever it's like that is uh who do you think that's referring to it's a specific group of people it's not all americans right it's asian americans so do you think that like do you have do you have any real argument or do we really just have to argue over like little timmy in 2040 like oh yeah i mean you can you can joke around that it's not a real argument all you want but in 20 years from now according to all the trends this is where it's headed what trends what trend what do you mean by trends okay the fact one is that even joe biden says that whites are going to become what majority minority in america by 2040 okay fact two is that this critical race theory stuff is getting out of control i don't care about vosh's highfalutin academic version of it that somebody's talking about in a university somewhere i care about what's happening in all the media in all the institutions it's happening in the military in lockheed martin and it is happening in schools even in grade schools they're teaching this stuff some some lighter version of it and it's not getting across to people like oh this is just an academic way to view history and blah blah blah they're seeing it as like they're saying all right so i know that i know yeah so we suffer from recentism biases where we think that like the world is always falling apart because it's the only world we know like people have argued over what we ought to teach in schools for a long [ __ ] time you've got fahrenheit 451 you've got book burnings you've got conservatives and liberals alike trying to ban books from certain schools like we've had debates over curriculum and how we ought to educate ourselves on the history of this country for a long time i don't think that one i don't think that people are talking about doing this like critical race analysis in [ __ ] kindergarten classes um can you explain to people what critical race theory is uh well there's like there's there's two versions of critical race theory so my understanding of critical race theory is that it kind of like uh split off i think from like critical legal theory where it basically it's just um anytime you look at a particular problem you are able to uh like pick up like a certain framework through which to view it so critical race theory will look at like american problems through um through a more racial lens to see if there's like some insight that can be gleaned there like broadly speaking and then you can go more in depth on like um you know like how do they approach studies you know what are their epistemic values which is separate stuff but then there's like the conservative version of critical race theory is when black people all learn to like hate white people and how white people are evil basically um but but none of the conversations about critical race they are usually about critical race theory it's usually some like insanely drummed up conservative strawman of it where it's just teaching like how evil white people are constantly basically sure okay so we say he gave his uh preferred definition of critical race theory what he'd like it to be and you know talked about a right-wing booking man i'd like to give you the actual definition of critical race theory that here it is according to britannica it says critical race theory intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis is based on the premise that race is not a natural biologically grounded feature of physically distinct sub subgroups of human beings but race is a socially constructed culturally invented category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color that's what races they say critical race theorists told that the law and legal institutions in the united states are inherently racist in so far as they function to create and maintain a social social social economic and political inequalities between whites and non-whites especially african-americans so that is what the that is the britannica definition of critical race theory unless you're going to say that britannica is some right-wing far-right boogeyman white supremacy platform that's the one i'd like to go with now that's not whatever says it yeah yeah so whatever you'd like it to be here and you know no conservative drummed up booking that so two questions so one how did your definition contradict with mine at all and then two what part of that definition do you like think is bad or damaging yeah so you know as far as how it contradicted yours well you talked about how it's just like nice to view some things through the race of lens and conservatives just want to drum it up and make it all like sound way worse than it is that's why i wanted to give the exact precise definition of what it is and uh as for the second question why is that important so when i said to be clear when i said it's nice i'm just saying that like it's nice to have like different tools by which we can analyze history i don't mean nice isn't like good maybe i should have been more specific i think everybody knew what i meant but the definition that the britannica gave sounds more or less in line with what i said just a little bit more precise okay but we're gonna talk about that definition yeah we can agree on that definition that's fine so what parts of this definition do you take so much issue with yeah well it's not not a an issue i take with the definition itself it's an issue i take with how this is playing out today no and so you need to tell me with that definition you're telling me you agree with all parties in the real world you're on that and so there are no parts of that definition that you disagree with you agree that race is a socially constructed category you agree that there are like systems of oppression that serve to divide white people and black people in the united states you don't agree with oh no no i'm not saying i'm saying i i don't i don't uh disagree that is the definition of critical race theory we can agree on what the definition of it is and then we can debate you know the uh whether it's good or bad or what the issue is yeah so like yeah so like what aspects of that and i'd like to say that it's it's really it's the way that it's playing out pragmatically in our society in america today right now not just some definitional like what i disagree with so my some idea here or like a little part of this definition i it's it's we're seeing anti-white hatred all over the place all over america okay so let's yeah so let's so let's try to do this one thing at a time i know you've probably got a whole memorized speech of all the things i hate about seriously so like give me like one example i have a i must have a really good memory well it's just because you probably rant about the same things every single day right so what is like one or two things that happens as a result of crt that is one because of crt and two should be eradicated go yeah what's one of these things that's happening because of crt okay well yeah well there's let's say a lot there's a lot of people talking about this nike commercial mostly leftists saying they disavow it or whatever you know there's uh so you think the nike commercial happened because of crt i think that a lot of the things which the blm movement is based on why are you jumping okay you're doing this okay so let's focus on what wait no no no i don't want you to give five seconds to name as many things that are based off of this i just want to ask you i'm just asking you very simply for just one example that we can talk about don't name one realize it's stupid and then try to jump immediately to another thing mid-sentence so give me one thing that you're talking about so you brought up a nike commercial that now i'm realizing you probably realize that sounds stupid so you want to move on from that i have a blm nike commercial that's why i said other people bring it up okay but i don't know okay so for you we want to go by the definition okay critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the united states are inherently racist yeah i have a problem with that because what's the answer to that with what obviously what these other groups that it's they they believe they're being taught it's racist against them what do they want to do they want to overhaul it tear it down they want to completely change it so that the opposite is taking place and so it's like yeah i uh i have a huge problem with that given that that's not going to turn out well for me or little timmy okay um i i don't know how i don't even know where we went with this um i'm not talking about little tim i can tell man i i can tell you're confused just like you were the first time i brought it up and i know no no no no no hold on it's not about me that's why you want to deny that it exists talk about definitions all night you know you want to let me give you let me so let me let me talk about a little example okay so this is irresponsible me because i'm i'm unintentionally i think i'm helping you because maybe you'll take some of this to heart so let's say that somebody's asking me okay destiny you say you have so much problems with this particular framework or theory can you tell me why okay so i might say i have a problem with the extreme populism that exists right now on the right especially under people like donald trump the reason why i don't like this extreme version of populism is because i think it leads him down roads where he's giving talking points that make it sound like you need to trust him over everything else including institutions the reason why i don't like it when people doubt institutions is because they start to believe in crazy things like q anon and the reason why i don't like when people believe in crazy things like q anon is because they start to doubt descriptive reality like who won the election and it leads them to do things like rioting on january 6th in the capital so that's a very clear dialogue tree from like i don't like this it plays out like this because of this and this so that's the kind of answer that i'm looking for from you okay not like i don't like crt because some people say that there are nike commercials and i haven't even seen that commercial but blm does some bad things and then and not that but like in the minorities of the whites in the future are going to be this thing where little timmy is in a classroom and he's getting bullied by all of these children and that's not the kind of future that i want to be raised and i want to be more like my uncle whose cousin was drowned for being a witch that's the kind of answer you're getting right you're just you're tying together a whole bunch of like random things you sound like you're out of breath like on [ __ ] crack in a car about to crash in the parking lot okay so all right so very clearly so very clearly let's just take a deep breath okay so all i'm asking i'm this isn't it i'm not trying to do it gotcha i genuinely by this point in the debate i have literally no idea what the [ __ ] you think about anything because you haven't given me any real answer all i'm asking very simply yeah all i'm asking very simply is like what is like an aspect of crt because at first i wanted to talk about the definition and then you pulled me off you said no man i want to talk about the pragmatic okay so what is an aspect of crt that leads to something pragmatically bad what is that pragmatically bad thing that's not i guess the nike commercial that's what i'm looking for yeah and uh that's why i brought up little timmy in the first place so little timmy doesn't exist good example little timmy doesn't exist you understand that it does exist there's already white kids who are growing up in minority classrooms where they're being taught this stuff and you see videos on social media all the time of uh you know black kids like beating up on the white kid they call them racist they're people you have black people attacking white people in stores and lying and saying they said the n word and they get a pass because you know it would be a hate crime if you said the n-word or something like that so it's like yeah i i see this happening all the time all throughout society and little timmy is real already in this world now i think it's funny that you can't talk on on level of a hypothetical future which is the most likely to happen because you're like well we can't address problems if we're not already currently facing them today right now and i think that that speaks to the either that you're trying to deny the this future which is the most likely future we're going to face or you you just i don't know you don't get it you don't understand that this is the position that we're in maybe you can't offer people a good solution for this future that we're headed towards and uh so you're just going so you're saying so there are no current so there are no get there yeah so to be clear so i just want to circle back so at the very beginning of this debate i made two big assertions one is that you can't identify what problems we're even facing i think i've demonstrated that because you won't even admit to me or or talk to me about a specific problem that crt brings about and you won't even give me conversations about like well what part of culture is missing from our like american legislature so that was the first part i made the second claim that i made was you can't give me any prescriptions you can't tell me what we ought to do for any of these problems because right now the only problem you want to solve involves a hypothetical boy named timmy in the future that like doesn't even exist yet so i think those are the first two well hold on let me finish holland because you're rambling you're [ __ ] prepared rubio's speech over again right yeah yeah so in the very beginning these are the two things that i had set out to kind of like show i think i've adequately demonstrated that like i don't know why it's so hard for you like i can i i don't want to give you any more answers i'm sorry i've already given you like a couple pretty good ones um it should be pretty easy for you to find i'll give you one more actually there was a math book that was released that was kind of under some guidance of like some very race related [ __ ] that was incredibly [ __ ] cringe you're saying like black people need to learn math by running around outside and it's different than white people so that was like a good example if you read that math book cover to cover you'd have like a million examples to attack me with i read it i said it was cringe and stupid that doesn't mean i have to hate everything related to sierra theater everything related to right i can point that out but the fact that you're not familiar with like a single example aside from a nike commercial that you yourself admit that you haven't watched is like kind of cringe bro like i don't know why you're so mad about all these topics if you don't [ __ ] know anything about that the first thing that came to mind and that's largely well generally in arguments the first thing that comes to mind the first thing that comes to your mind in an argument is generally the strongest point of argument because somebody just said it like just the other day the believe me all of your clones okay well then give me an example then what's something that crt what's something we've gotten from crt that's really bad then give you another example okay well here's something and uh here's the wall street journal opinion article in california two plus two maybe thought two plus two equals four may be thought to be racist math is racist now and uh so it's like yeah this is it's affecting society at all of these levels it's not just that's you could dive into that one little example and we can talk about math all night but it speaks to a larger cultural effect and and it's like this is it's infiltrating this lens of viewing history this uh this corrosive idea is infiltrating the schools at all every level it's it's in so it's not just in sociology he's making his way into the sciences yeah so i'm like i'm trying to ask so do you think that like crt is headed for a future where we're not going to be teaching two plus two equals four do you have an actual example and not just an op-ed from the wall street journal no it's uh right now well again we're headed towards a few here's a question have you even have you even read that article have i read that article no that's just something i i know is it's something that like i heard you google right it's a two-minute article i have read this article that's why i'm asking you you're familiar with it two equals four is racist and that's the first thing that came up but the reason why i googled it is because i've heard this so many times now um it is people are saying it there's there's a lefties who i've talked to who honestly believe this they believe they believe that two plus two doesn't equal four yeah what they say is that if two plus two equals five is better for everybody and leads to better outcomes then we should just all agree on that that goes along in hand in hand with the social constructivist parent i i i'm sorry but i don't know which leftist you're talking about i will challenge you right now to give me one of them to debate i know that you won't because they don't exist you have not talked to a person i don't know no no no you have never talked to a person in your life you just said you talked to these people now you're saying you don't know names oh yeah i could i could get some names for you right i want to debate so britney so the next debate i want to debate two plus two equals five is good with one of these leftist residents i am so curious to hear this i don't think these people exist um yeah actually or i think it was on twitter or somebody did give me any word and i will find something on tick tock that says it's racist and so people were doing that and they were finding just anything like apple and they found a tick tock clip that was accusing it of being racist yeah so yeah but we're talk i don't care about tick tock no offense but teams are cringe i don't know i'm saying nothing to you guys but teenagers are [ __ ] cringe teenagers think everything is racist or sexist or stupid or whatever but like okay so there's one there's one guy specifically i just i asked a friend who was arguing about it it's a libertarian friend of mine he says that uh one of the guys in the uh the politically provoked discord especially he's argued i've seen him arguing with this guy for like weeks about it about two plus two equals four or five guy's name is emo adept you can uh go ahead and look into it all you want set up a debate with him whatever but he he seriously does argue this position and i think that there's there's gonna be more like him so um okay and then it's not just him either so gotcha okay i mean we've got it there's a guy like clear examples you're asking for you asked for an example on you know uh uh-huh like the nuclear family that's that's a cultural example you asked for an example of critical race theory i've given you several and and what's more than that is that you seem to be able to i don't know if you just can't think on the level of the future that we're headed towards but you you seem to be just denying at all denying outright that the little timmy question situation is going to happen i think there are already inner cities in america where whites are a minority not just majority minority but a minority all together and this critical race theory stuff yeah it is leading to a ton of anti-white rhetoric and hatred that is pervasive in the media in the schools in the government the military lockheed martin that is back in the game i know it's the same one real important is that company owned by a jew or i don't know how you can pretend that with all of this happening that it's not going to get worse and more inflammatory in the future especially as the as whites become a minority all together in america and the other ethnic groups can form voting blocks to outnumber them and make things even worse according to their new world view which is now being taught today okay so what's your solution for little timmy man i still have yet to hear an answer on that you just seem to be i can't give you a solution okay what about little johnny okay little johnny is a kid that grows up in an ethnically white town that wants to preserve its ethnic superiority he doesn't have access to any good schools because nobody wants to teach in a racist town he doesn't have access to any intelligent peers because nobody that smart wants to live there he's not able to move or go anywhere else for any sort of opportunities his particular town has really shitty healthcare a lot of people have gonorrhea and chlamydia because it's poor and all they do is [ __ ] all day um half the town has like [ __ ] 27 teeth on the top row because they're all like [ __ ] insane what are you gonna do about little johnny that's trying to live in his ethnically pure village of people that are all inbreeding all day and have no job opportunities no cultural opportunities no engagement with the outside world what do you do about the little johnny problem is little johnny a minority is that what we're saying he's white wait what i feel like i didn't follow that very well um what are you gonna do with the little johnny problem meow did he dc no i don't know what time mary's still there are you hearing me yep yeah okay sorry yeah so first of all i think it's interesting that i don't know if you heard me say this that you know he uh answered a question with another completely different hypothetical in order to distract everybody your question was already hypothetical i can't answer a hypothetical because you've already seen the conditions that i don't exist it is a hypothetical because it doesn't exist yet already happening in schools today man then i'm asking for an example of it happening in schools you haven't given me any examples you just talk about like apple talking i'll show you i'll show you how you give an answer to a hypothetical even one that we're not headed towards that's not real that's not already happening in america today right now okay the little johnny question i'll tell you that there's probably all sorts of domestic economic uh opportu like uh policies which could absolutely benefit that village because they could benefit his people i bet there are all sorts of things that they could do in order to make their lives better you want the answer to be like mass immigration and globalist trade or something like that and you know what maybe where are they going to get their medical where are they going to get their medical supplies from it seems to have done so all throughout society now there's an answer john you have no answer my answer is that people aren't going to bully people in the future for being white it's cringe to even think that my answer is that if you have problems today looking at the call of your skin and trying to blame it on that is just as cringe if you're a like black separatist nationalist or if you're like a white identitarian there are plenty of things that exist today that alienate us from society i don't think that being white is one of those things and unfortunately i think that people have a lot of problems because of things related especially to like technology and social media and unfortunately that means that they're drawn to groups to try to pin all of their problems on one particular thing there might be some hyper rabid feminist it might be some super ultra cringe white identitarian that can't give a single example of crt having a modern day impact that is negative aside from there's a guy in the politically provoked discord that argues two plus two equals five um well i mean again there's uh i mean there's it's not just one guy in the politically provoked discord this is making it a guy on tick tock too mainstream media headlines okay it's an op-ed an op-ed saying you know this is sort of like you saying like three years ago that someone like vosh would never come out of your community and and like overtake you or parallel you in terms of viewership something like that because you just can't imagine that type of future happening why would i ever make a prediction about future online content i don't know where the [ __ ] the next online content is gonna go it might be more socialism it might be libertarian who the [ __ ] knows i would never make like strong predictions like that yeah of course and you're not gonna make any strong predictions about the future of america either and then i think that shows why people shouldn't be listening to no i'm more concerned with what problems do we have right now and how can we fix those problems right now rather than yes little timmy in the future might exist in some like bad state and we need to take dramatic action now even though i can't think of a single dramatic or drastic action to take like i don't know how no no we haven't gotten to solutions yet because you've been denying the problem you still have yet to answer the little timmy question even in one little way at all it's funny the guy who says you know i've been asking you the same question all night over and over again and you can't give me a good answer is the guy who's like a dodging left and right trying to squirm out of the little timmy question as hard as he possibly can i can't answer about a future hypothetical i'm sorry but like it's a situation that doesn't exist it's hypothetical it illustrates things that are happening in classrooms right now but you can't point to those things that's why you need the future hypothetically yeah you absolutely can point to those things there's videos all over the internet of white kids getting beat up for being so called great videos on the internet of people being beat up uh yeah there's videos on the internet it turns out are taken of things that happen in real life so there are people oh my god what's happening is this new white people getting beat up has that never happened before oh no for anybody who's a white person who realizes that you're under attack right now that people are against you that you have this this scary rhetoric that's that's approaching you and that as you become a minority in this country it's only going to get worse and these other ethnic out groups which don't appreciate you they don't like you they hate your your culture your institutions and your people themselves wow destiny's answer for this is mocking that's just that's wild dog so did white people just start getting beat up was this like in like the late 2000s or like it was after crt or blm or oh well i mean it's you know we can only go so back so far back in history before we get to segregation itself right do you want to know i'm going to i'm going to tell you you know you know what blm actually stands for the reason why i don't want to address the little timmy thing is because blm is actually a covert a covert organization and they were actually planning on revealing in 2040 when little timmy in school blm actually stands for beat up light-skinned minorities but they have to wait until white people become the minority to start attacking them publicly and to actually reveal that's their actual name so i'm totally on board with you there what do we have for like q a uh un-ironically believe you just yep yeah so yeah that i think that it's you know anybody here can see that again oh well okay you will you just gave a great prepared statement but i'd like to ask you my question for the 17th time okay so what are you going to do about little timmy man what what's your answer for it at all besides this little timmy is going to go to school there's probably going to be lots of kids that are different skin colors there and little timmy's not going to be a cringe white identitarian so he's probably going to be fine he's going to make friends across ethnic groups like we do today for anybody that lives in any major city and has gone to school with different races of kids and he's probably going to grow up and be just fine yeah okay well i think that uh you know i could completely disagree with the idea that white people as long as they're not racist none of this is going to happen to them okay because the fact is that almost every white person that i grew up with i can't think of a single one actually all of them weren't racist okay but this uh they've seen this happening over and over again it's you know uh here's the here's a little prepared speech for you my mom okay she grew up teaching me you know i don't see color at all she doesn't she doesn't know which characters are black in the tv shows because she doesn't notice because it's so unimportant to her over the past two years my mom has heard so much anti-white rhetoric from the minorities that used to be her friends people around her her best friend from when she was in high school locked her on facebook because she's white and that's and white people are are racist and they're the enemy and it's bad and white america is the problem and and so it's like or or you supported trump and you know what i think trump's a racist racist now we're getting a little bit closer so it probably wasn't because she was white sounds to me like your mom was probably posting some crazy [ __ ] on facebook i'm gonna say that's probably more likely what happened okay rather than a blocker for being white but that's pretty funny um the fact that you have like some inability to make friends in high school why that has to be turned into like like everybody else's problem right dude you're saying as long as little timmy isn't racist right then it's it's going to be okay and turn out okay for him well what i'd present to you is that people are calling white people racist basically all the time over anything tell me right now you can't that you've never been called racist before yeah it happens a lot and this is almost a universe but there's a question yeah but the question is what is the solution right we changed the dialogue we have conversations about this right now the pendulum probably swung too far in the other direction i think that's the case i see a lot of cringe [ __ ] on social media today the only difference is i'm not crying and screaming to go back 80 years ago i'm pretending i've got some relationship with ancestors that i don't [ __ ] know anything about that's the difference right one of us is engaged with the real world and wants to offer real solutions to these real problems and the other one has some fantastical delusion that they're going to create some white identitarian state in the future that's never going to [ __ ] happen yeah okay well it's interesting to notice that the uh you know half cuban guy or whatever doesn't know anything about the history of western civilization or respect it but yeah the the fact is that there were great civilizations before us that it would behoove us to emulate in certain ways why they're gone uh yeah that no empire has ever lasted longer than the roman empire the united states the united states is arguably like the greatest civilization to have ever existed why the [ __ ] would i look back to what rome did or some other country did yeah the united states became the greatest country that ever existed like before all of the mass immigration and all all the cultural mixing from all across the world so it's not exactly an argument for your world view but how is it not the united states is still going strong my dude the united states was built off of specifically like even even named as as a civilization which is based off of greek and roman philosophies and documents you know the idea of the senate that it's it's written all into the constitution and so yeah the our founding fathers who wait there are parts of of rome like written into the constitution can you be more specific yeah like the idea of the senate which rome had things like that they are um they based their idea for if they're like what's our country going to be like what is how is it going to be set up what system of government is going to be better than king george wasn't our constitution largely based on civilizations of the past in order to figure this out what worked for different ones and what didn't work for them and but they respected them enough that's why we have statues of athena in our courthouses that's why we have greek roman imagery and symbolism and and architecture based off of it in all of historical america so yeah it's it is we do inherit a lot of things from these civilizations and it's good too because they were better than most civilizations in the history of the world do you know anything about the roman senate that you're deciding right now just curious any anything about the roman senate i mean i i'm not like uh the roman political procedure i'm not an expert on but sure i think i'd know enough can you tell me like the structure of the roman senate or anything i'm curious do you think it functions the same way as the u.s senate i don't know i don't think it functions in the same way but it's obvious that the america being a republic was in part the the founding fathers of it who wrote these documents were looking toward the greatest republic that ever existed in the history of mankind when they were trying to build theirs and the fact that you're going to like try and do the the music thing about i'm not doing the music thing you're the one that's bringing this up yeah no you're doing everything that you possibly can in order to avoid the timmy question like it's not about like tell me about the policies of the roman senate act you're the one that yeah i see how far we've gotten from the point all you're doing no answers all you're doing no answer so all you're doing over and over again is proving my point i think oh yeah i think you're based you sound to me like you're an american you don't know dick all about roman culture or old english culture or even modern day english culture you sound to me like an american we probably are pretty similar in that we are both american and we don't know [ __ ] all about anything that happened to people that lived before the year 1900 that's exactly the case that i've been making this entire time you can give lip service i've read marcus aurelius okay i i do have some level of understanding and appreciation which is worth more for the people who were the great civilizations i don't believe for a micro second that you've read like literally any of these things like okay well i mean that's your prerogative i've read a lot more than that honestly too you know i've read i've read plato i've studied the the iliad i've i've been like these these cultures are actually um i i hold a a almost a reverence for them in my opinion okay for the reference what do you think what do you think the us constitution political what do you think the u.s constitution sure so you talk about like athena and rome what do you think the us constitution is primarily based on that i think the the u.s constitution is is probably primarily based on roman and the roman and greek systems of government more than you don't think have you ever heard of the magna carta or what do you mean like do you think that the founding fathers were writing about which they came from right it's not based off of the other civilizations or the empires or or the dictatorships that are exist all across the world which system do you think that it's most like okay i don't think you know it's not literally a question yeah i know why you don't want it you know that lady lady justin's in the answer you know that lady justice that you just said that's not athena either it's a different greek goddess like you don't know any of these things you're the one that brought them up right you're the one that brings these up no it's all there man it's like you can just like pretend that it's not real but that really exists it's we obviously do have and it's just show that we have this respect for these ancient cultures or that we did once upon a time at the founding of this country and and you can't it you can see it all over the place it's you know yeah if anybody goes out for a walk around okay yeah we don't need the prepared species speech is there like a yeah yeah for little timmy man we need to know what's your solution what's going to happen because this is the little timmy is the reason why i bring it up as a hypothetical no no no the reason why you bring up a hypothetical because you're not grounded in the real world you have no you have no pain that you can the reason i bring it up as a hypothetical is because if this is going to be a standard white american experience in the future as the white minorities which we see in many of the inner cities become the norm all across america given that european descended peoples are the vast minority of the world population so what is we headed towards that from your globalist worldview yeah so what is your what can i look at right now so let's say i was skeptical of your point of view and i want evidence that all of this horrible stuff is happening to white people right now can you point me to something besides youtube videos that shows that this is a real problem uh yeah i could i could point you to all sorts of things okay youtube thing okay well i mean they're all the institutions like the media which institution i am i'm i'm getting there they're coming out with ideas like here are institutions of uh that that are reinforcing stop stop stop no i'm gonna get to a specific example no no don't get to one just start with one just one thing give me an example of a damage that's happening to one of our institutions go ahead damage that's happening to one of our institutions okay well how about the military our military is now like more focused on diversity then excellence okay they they are they're focused on on bringing in women into the military even if it means they can't meet the physical standards okay it's like they are that is the military is the nation's defense is very important absolutely women have been in a military dog since 1948 okay so that's one so women have been in the military since 1948 okay truman science okay so i think so hold on so that's way way okay so this is back during the golden age of the nuclear family so this is so [ __ ] this now you're talking about racial immigration do you think there's problems with like black and white people being in the same military or that this is wrong or what do you mean by yeah no i didn't say anything like that at all i was just talking about the values of the military history big answer another prepared speech well here's why can you stick on one point without dancing around holy [ __ ] yeah i'm i'm i'm getting to it yeah so tell me very concretely what is something that has changed what is something that has changed recently in the military uh yeah their priorities that's what i just said like what like diversity can you give me an example of how diversity has become a new priority of the military what does that mean there's there's uh articles about it you can read the military you don't know anything about this no no okay so i don't have a statement from the military prepared right now oh you don't have anything you don't know anything about what you're talking about there's always been diversity in the military dude consistent examples for all of this you haven't given me a single example on anything all you're doing is speaking in english i think everybody sees that what's happening here tonight is his destiny is essentially just keep saying oh that's a prepared speech oh well i don't like that point or or that's that's not specific enough for me or that's that's another prepared speech you just memorized that all night long can you give me an example okay so let's ask again can you give me an example of how diversity right now is being focused on in a different way in the military and how it's hurting the military go ahead yeah no the the military openly says that like this is their top one of their top priorities now they didn't used to say that so that represents a change so can you change in privacy can you tell me how is this damaging the military right now i think that as as it overtakes other priorities which used to be historically important to the military that that's going to represent all sorts of changes that uh so again this is a huge tribal problem you can't point to anything right now okay um what yeah we should just feel like this is like literally a waste of time like we have nothing yeah thinking about the future and where the trends are headed is important for people who are thinking about the future of this country i don't know why any anybody would listen to somebody who can't think about the future draw lines of all along trends see the trajectory of where we're headed and try to cut it off when it's headed in the wrong way and or course correct and steer back in the right direction so so i think it's you know for the 18th time tonight mr prepared speeches and answers okay uh i'd like to hear what your solution is for these these whites give you a solution to hypothetical problems you haven't even shown me alongside non-whites so here's like an example what can i say because um some of the like concerns i've had when was the last time we had uh any kind of comprehensive immigration bills comprehensive immigration is really hard i don't know if we're ever gonna get one was there a specific time that immigration kind of started skyrocketing um the one that white identitarians like to focus on is the heart seller act but that started skyrocketing for reasons that people didn't even know at the time so one of the big provisions of that immigration act was people wanted to open up the ability for families to immigrate to the united states and originally when people opened that up they were like oh maybe a whole bunch more europeans are going to come to the u.s now but one of the byproducts of that was we started to see a lot more immigration from the south as a result of that i think conservatives in the 2000s refer to this as daisy chain immigration where you'd have somebody come over they'd get citizenship and then they bring more and more family over whatever but um comprehensive immigration is really hard to do because you need to get like bipartisan support in the senate for stuff like this and our political division in the senate has reached like record highs like i was looking at the population increases and when you look up united states you see like this huge huge uh um hill throw it up on screen yeah whereas like the uk it's been like um stagnant for i think 60 years or something and i'm just curious okay is that because of our immigration or is that because of our [Music] population growth in the united states and my guess in the u.s is it's probably largely going to come from immigration because as um generally as countries move towards industrialization your rate of birth goes down as women gain greater access to reproductive rights and education and as people no longer need to have a [ __ ] ton of children because they're all dying in childbirth yeah and i looked up like i think brazil said that they you know they have a lot a longer lifespan and uh they're having a lot more babies or something but like you can see like with the united kingdom they have just been pretty much stagnant whereas we have just been going on this huge huge increase of um and it's a i mean okay i'm just i'm just asking questions because you know like this is something i have somewhat been pulled in a bit but uh so i also i don't know why people would want to like i'm not sure why you would want to move to the united kingdom though like if you wanted to be especially now if you wanted to be part of the european union or even in the past if you want to be part of the european union like in terms of being in part of like the schengen like free movement zone like technically the uk had exclusions from that so i i could be wrong but like i would my guess would be if you're moving for like economic opportunity i don't know why you would want to go to like the uk over a place like france italy portugal sweden like any of them we'll tell that to all the people that are going there or the people that are going to the uk seem to be more from you know muslim countries yeah thank you um that's what seems to be going on over there but uh you know we're not dealing with that we but like we're bringing in a lot of low skilled labor that is going to be automated in like 10 to 20 years or something and so how do we end up dealing with that once they don't have any jobs either um i mean you i mean you have to educate your base right like investments in education i mean we have to make more investments in education like every other country in the world does like we have our ability right now to get people through school without like a [ __ ] ton of debt or without having like these huge barriers to entry that relate to economic conditions or being able to take care of your family these are like huge issues that we have in the united states that every european country seems to have solved that we can't have we haven't solved for some reason yet the united states so i think that like getting people like more educated is probably important but also like a [ __ ] ton of people that come to the united states via immigration are also educated like they boost our education rates whether it's wealthy chinese people that come over or or or anywhere i'm pretty sure like half the immigrants that come to this country like have college degrees like it's part of the immigration process to get here yeah it's uh it's it's funny not really you say that it's difficult for it's difficult to get people educated in the united states well you know i'd put forth that there it's more difficult to get some people educated in the united states than others and you can see that in that sat scores at the way that they play out even when you you control for economic status so there's there's that first of all there's the way what is the implication of that or what are you what are you saying from that what do you mean yeah the well let's just say the average iq of the people going over the border is what 87 coming coming over uh from south america and the average iq of americans at large all americans is 100 and so bringing in a whole group of people who are like almost an entire standard deviation lower iq on average than than americans and then saying well the way that we're going to to stop their jobs being replaced and we'll pay for them to have ubi or whatever we'll pay for their their health care and everything um you're saying the way to to yeah okay we're yeah so real quick so real quick just to educate yeah so first of all the ones that need to be educated the most here don't want to go to school um who who do you think we spend the most money on in society um people receiving social security i don't know what yeah it's yeah it's it's people it's it's old people right like that's where most of the money goes towards so like having a young immigration population coming in to like work jobs so that we can bolster like our social security systems actually yeah the jobs are gonna be automated that was your point man yeah so mark said that jobs were gonna be automated and there wouldn't be any more work left for anybody okay people have been saying for hundreds of years that like the threat of more capital we have the experts saying that a third of american jobs will be automated by 2030. yes but those are those are mark said it was silly right those are not going to happen so those are current jobs but it seems to be the case that we continue to find more jobs for people to do as our economy becomes a service economy is other more educated positions open up like that seems to be the way the trend forward people have been saying for i don't know how old you are i'm 32. people have been saying since i was a kid that oh my god all the jobs gonna be automated there's gonna be no jobs left but guess what there are jobs that exist today that didn't even exist when i was in high school or even college yeah and that's true but it's not a one-to-one ratio and you know as a good friend said to me it's it's sort of like saying you know if you had 10 guys out spear spear fishing to get enough you know food for for their people and then somebody invents a net and it only takes one guy to work the net there aren't just already of jobs for all the other nine guys who used to be spear fishermen right it's like yeah that's there's going to be a period you are yes that is yeah yeah so that is probably which doesn't work according to the studies just to be clear you gave what is probably one of the most counter-intuitive examples that could have ever been given because human history is literally defined by our ability to no longer having to hunt for food like human civilization didn't start until we began agriculture so yeah in fact it is in fact the case that 10 people needing to find food one person figuring out how to provide food for 10 people did actually lead to exactly the thing that you said wouldn't happen which was everybody in society being able to specialize and work in different things that is literally the foundation of yeah work out like that exactly because this guy isn't just giving the food to the other nine guys they need to find a job in order to survive and be able to buy food from this guy who now has a larger supply yeah but the guy with the larger supply maybe now that they're not all out naked spearfishing maybe as part of the remains of this fish maybe he wants some clothes made but he doesn't have time to do it because he's doing it maybe the people that are making clothes um you know maybe they need somebody to make something right he's saying is we need to retrain them truckers need to learn how to code and that's just that well i don't think that it does who said okay i never argued in favor of retraining i don't think retraining works you just have to educate that's what you're saying that these other nine spear fishermen should do right is they should retrain into other jobs like i don't think we have people right now in society whose only ability is to [ __ ] spear fish if you're 50 or 60 and you've been working in a certain industry your whole life you probably just get paid out until you die then because you're not going to be retrained to be a [ __ ] computer programmer of course i'm not here to make that argument i've never made that argument so i don't know why you're pretending that i have all i'm saying is that you can't escape the looming future which is having a more sophisticated and higher educated population is going to help you be more competitive in the world economy there is no way to escape that the only way that you can counter that is to educate your younger population which is why the u.s needs to make bigger insurance and education and so this is why i would put to you that i i completely agree we need uh to step up our education in the united states especially given that our population a huge portion of it is likely at least likely to be to have their jobs automated out and by robots which work you know 24 7 with no workers comp or sleep right so so yeah there's there's that but what you haven't what you haven't addressed yet still is that these where you're advocating for that but also bringing in a huge amount of immigrants from other places who are lower iq on average and tell me i'm not talking about it's all the same i'm not educating all of them i'm not talking about bringing in anybody okay i'm not in favor of driving allowing it whatever however you want if people want to move here because there are jobs available which there are there won't be when they're automated i don't know why and then you know what then in that case then they'll leave or their children will get educated oh you think they're just gonna they're just gonna leave that's all like okay yeah there's no opportunity in here they're already hypothetically you're amazing you're just saying when everyone's job let's automate it away they'll leave let's talk about reality okay you're telling me you're worried about a future where jobs are gonna run out before the coronavirus the unemployment rate in the united states was like three and a quarter percent it was one and three quarters percent below what the natural rate of unemployment is okay so whatever hypothetical future you're talking about we run out of jobs we're really far away from it it's not there yet now maybe there is some future we actually don't have those jobs but hey until then we invest in education we make sure that our population is educated that's all we can do about it just like keeping the keeping this restriction on like we can't let people of a certain iq come here i guess if you were in favor of that sure can we deport all the low iq people too then are you in favor of that or like i don't know like i don't know what this solution is it's not grounded in reality at all like we're not going to start iq tests about restricting immigration from other countries people like destiny always talk about kicking people out of your country and i don't know why these two things are connected in their head it's just like because if you're going like help me not be able to consider one without you're going to tell me that my future and the future of my children have to suffer because you want to keep certain people out of this country that you deem bad for being here then fine but i want to kick out anybody in this country then that meets that qualification you think that [ __ ] low iq people don't belong here that's fine but then i want all the low iq white blackest whatever other people kicked out too you can't just pick and choose at the border because of some random identitarian obsession you have yeah sure we absolutely can because it turns out that the people who are already here are american citizens and the people who are not we have no obligation to whatsoever and you're treating them all like they're all the same i'm talking about an obligation somebody from coming here from from ecuador like well okay well then let's start kicking black people out i'm not talking about an obligation i'm just saying that we ought to do what like prepares us better for like the future world and you know what it's uh you know it could be in the the most pragmatist way where you don't care about anyone at all that it's like if we if we just completely got rid of all the low iq people in society that things would be better off look i'm not arguing for iq nationalism either i'm not saying that like there's you know we can only bring in you know like 110 iq immigrants from india and china or something like that i'm not not saying that's the case it's just simply that you're not addressing that these people whose jobs will be automated away they're they're not able to be educated to a higher level to do jobs better than the medial robots it's like the iq if you have a low iq maybe you can be trained to do a job if it's not so difficult and it won't affect how well you're doing the job okay but if there's a job that is more complicated like the ones that will be left off after automation then your iq determines how well you you will whether you can learn the job at all as well as your ability to do it well and so it's like yeah having having people who are their iqs which is like their capacity to learn and know things is too low in order to to rise above what the robots are and why are you in favor of thinking and then saying we need to pay for that yeah i'm getting very healthy and ubi or whatever as well i don't know why you're saying that so yeah are you in favor of cancer so do you want to only let in high acute people then or not because you said you didn't care about it but then you're making a song you really care about it uh yeah i'd rather if we stopped all the low iq immigrants for sure okay so you want us to favor like nigerians and ashkenazi jews that's what you're in favor of you want those people immigrating in rest of the united states yeah can i just hear you say that i don't know i would say high iq nigerians yeah nigerians it turns out do like they do better than like most ethnic groups in this country and nigerian immigrants but so yeah if you want to say that are there non-nigerian immigrants wait what did that mean [Music] no i mean like it rather than just nigerians who like grew up here or whatever i know that's that applies to nigerian immigrants specifically so wait a minute aren't you america what's that if you grew up here you're not really nigerian right true okay well well yeah okay nigerian i was just making the distinction nigerian immigrants vs nigerian americans okay but sort of like they say african americans it's like are you gonna laugh at black guys for saying that okay so well where does the terror why do you know why they have the term african-american right it's not because they came from africa restrict immigration strictly to high iq countries like nigeria or or china or even israel it's like that would be more acceptable to me right now than what we're doing specifically because of what britney said which is that the jobs that they are the low iq people are capable of doing are going to be automated and then yeah so can you show me today yeah so can you show me today like downsides to immigration that exists today can you show me this or is this just another is this another little i just said okay so it's another little timmy problem no no not at all it well yeah it is actually and here's why all the experts all the experts this is where the trend is headed okay we have uh yeah i mean you can look at it the mckinsey institute for research has done multiple studies on what automation is going to look like specifically what percent of each job is going to be automated in each industry i highly encourage anybody to look into it especially if you're considering which career to go into but they're talking about these things they've done the studies they're saying that it's about a third of american jobs are likely to be automated most experts agree by 2030 okay now that's a pretty big deal and you can ignore that the experts are saying that you can stick your head in the sand or whatever because you your your real world view is just that we should have mass immigration no matter what okay and that's why i know what this really comes down to for you yeah so just a quote so this is what we need to be talking about okay this this point drives it home these people the jobs they're capable of will be automated and then people like you and britney are going to be pushing and i wouldn't be opposed we'll be pushing for health care for people okay it's like like uh state health care one one uh payer single payer whatever the solution you end up with is people are going to be advocating for more healthcare for americans who are already here there are people who with these technological um innovations with with ai and automation stuff they're talking about bringing in ubi and taxing the tech companies or something as a solution taxing the robots i don't know this is these people are we're gonna have to pay for them okay they're not going to be able to contribute to society and we're still going to have to pay for them and and we can choose to just not them not bring them in right now and avoid that whole problem that's my solution so what's your solution to that man i can't provide solutions for hypothetical problems in the future so one problem that we have right now in the united states but you don't care you can't give me a single expert that says this is happening so stop saying all the experts okay so the problem i have is that right now in the united states we have a massively declining labor force okay we have a massively declining labor force and right now we were using immigration to bolster a lot of those low-income jobs we don't have that at the moment and a lot of places are suffering as a result of that um so i i can't i'm not going to try to solve for a some hypothetical problem that exists in the future when we have like a massive problem that exists right now okay well yeah i just sent an article about it the study is in there mackenzie research institute that's what they're saying most experts agree with that with those numbers which i just gave i'm studying computer science i've written a lot of papers about ai and automation and the you know the arms race for ai in the future things like that there are relations with china which who's developing technology faster silicon valley i've i've researched a lot on this and you i mean you can stick your head in the sand and say well i don't care that the experts are saying this is happening or you can nitpick one little thing about it but everyone's i think everyone can see tonight that what what you said is fundamentally true you don't have any solutions you're not really thinking about the future you don't care about the the hypothetical which is most likely to take place within your own lifetime okay and it's the same thing for the timmy question as it is for for this immigration question with with automation then you have no answers yeah so like even reading like the thing that you linked me like i'm just like scrolling through this it is important to note however that even when some tasks are automated employment in those occupations may not decline but rather workers may perform new tasks the potential impact of automation on employment varies by occupation and sector taking these facts into account our new research estimates that between almost zero and 30 of hours worked globally could be automated by 2030 depending on the speed of automation like even this thing doesn't give like any type of doomsday scenario that you're talking about like yeah no it absolutely does i mean you can say that like well it automates parts of jobs or maybe there'll be new jobs that are made but like okay let's take truckers for example when there's no no no no no no no no no no no that's automatically i don't want to take i don't want to take your hypotheticals let's work right now no no no no i want to work within what you just linked me this way you don't want to hear about truckers so let's no no so let's just read through this why don't you point me to parts of this article that you linked me you were really proud that you were a big boy and you gave me a story so now i'm reading through it and it's interesting just you know i've already read what mckinsey says um okay then why would you link this to me because i'm familiar with the mckinsey institutions and their stance on automation and i can link you prior articles that they've written is basically saying that like yeah there's going to be like a lot of changes in the future however there's probably still going to be enough jobs to go around so for instance this is a headline from another mckinsey institute article here you go um that i am familiar with whoops boom boom and you can read this right off the top automation and artificial intelligence are transforming businesses will contribute to economic growth via contributions to productivity they will also help address moonshot societal changes in areas from health to climate change at the same time those tech these technologies will transform the nature of work and the workplace itself machines will be able to carry out more of the test done by humans complement the work that humans do and even perform some tasks that go beyond what humans can do as a result some occupations will decline others will grow and many more will change while we believe that there will be enough work to go around barring extreme scenarios society will need to grab with significant workplace transitions and dislocation workers will need to acquire new skills and adapt to the increasingly capable machines alongside them in the workplace so even this study even this institute that you're citing does not believe that we're going to suddenly run out of work uh yeah no again it's i understand the point that you're making and i agree there are some there are even some you can't agree with me because you just provided a whole counter to this david actually prepared statements i know i didn't get i mean it's your prepared statement i just read your link that's you read your own link okay but but either way regardless of which link you went red you talked for a minute it's my turn okay yeah go ahead do your ramble talk make sure you bring up your apple pie again there are many jobs which only some parts of the job will be automated and it might not it might not completely make every single worker obsolete it'll just take fewer fewer of them or something like that there are some jobs which it's a it is a one-to-one ratio where it will free up people for other things stuff like that when it comes to some specific examples like truckers though when you when you bring in self-driving automated trucks okay there's not just like oh well here's the new job that's created for all the truckers to go to right right up for truckers probably not yeah yeah right so truckers which make up what like 30 of the workforce in america something ridiculous like that it's a huge amount of people you just have no good answer for i can't so you you're just going to deny that so you are clearly uneducated can see that you are uneducated okay so if you want to point me to another source that says that truckers losing their jobs is going to be like some insurmountable problem in the future then yeah i'd be happy to contend with that but you giving me like little timmy the kid that was bullied in school and now can't become a trucker like i can't deal with your hypothetical scenarios that don't exist yet i don't know how far off we are from automated driving i don't know if every single type of trucking activity will be automated and i don't know if there are going to be new parallel jobs that open up in exchange for these like automated drug and drivers so maybe software engineers are other things like is there going to be a lot of people are they're going to be can i finish without you screaming i know you're so excited i know you're so excited to hammer home like your little griper talking points like hashtag learn to go you can go back and watch older streams where i talk about retraining especially provisions that existed under nafta and you know what i said about that all the money that we spent on retraining would have been better just send us cash payments to these people and then they just don't work anymore like retraining doesn't work i know that i know you're really excited to hammer home on that straw man talking point but i've never made that argument i have no it's clear because if you did you know how to argue your points a little bit better right i've never made the argument that retraining is going to work that's why i've said over and over and over and over again and i welcome you to link me something that challenges this that i've said something different i've said that we need to invest in education it's not truckers we need to re-educate it's their children that's what i've said over and over and over again yeah well it's funny because you i mean like like you just said if you scroll back the clock you know two minutes or whatever however long your rant was what you said is that well when the truckers jobs are automated my solution for them is that it'll open up new jobs like software engineers okay that's that is what they meant when they said learn to code okay they were talking about i'm not defensive why do you keep ascribing to me the learned i've never defended that position have you ever run out of the ability to engage with my talking what about truckers you said software engineers now again i don't know i don't want to get tied up jobs will be lost which by the way are six percent of the workforce not 30 i said that trucking jobs will be lost but other parallel jobs were opened up so things like software engineering i didn't say that truckers can become coders i don't think that can happen but what are you going to do for the truckers man pay them out pay them out okay now that there we are we're paying people out as in order to alleviate the automation issues that are taking place we're having this what's the problem you have to deal with americans or with with americans the problem with that is that you want to keep bringing in mass immigration of low iq immigrants who are not able to become software engineers just by virtue of the fact that they don't have the brain capacity let's talk let's talk and you still want to pay those people too right speech jesus okay let's write down the talking points okay so very very very simple question okay right why do you think somebody would immigrate to this country if there wasn't a job here for them what do you mean do you think that people in africa are like i heard a job opening a bird flew by and told me there's a job opening in america so i'm gonna go find it no they know what america is like they have this idea in their head of you know that they they can find opportunity there and you know what in a lot of cases they do they they find a much better opportunity than they ever would have had in their home countries and it's not like oh well here's a job opening so i guess it's i'm going to go pack up everything and immigrate now it's not how it works these people let me ask you let me let me ask another automation comes through and you just want to give them but give the states okay you're going down the down the down the prepared talking yeah well give me an answer for it man okay well i'm asking you a question so it seems to me that generally when you're telling me that there are poor people in africa that immigrate to the united states that don't have any jobs here no i'm telling you that as automation takes place and the lower iq requiring menial jobs are automated that they won't how do you not see that it's like this dude has no concept for the future because this is because people because people keep saying over and over and over again that this is going to happen and it hasn't yet people have been saying for the past 20 30 40 years that computers are going to replace all secretaries that automated car factories are going to replace all manufacturing that nobody's going to be able to find jobs or any of this [ __ ] and it hasn't happened my dude that's why i brought up that even since marx was saying that the sewing loom was gonna replace like all of [ __ ] labor it hasn't happened yet we've still found plenty of jobs even for low iq people like yourself we've found plenty of work in this country for people to do from from birth till death there's all there's plenty of fun in some of destiny's debates he argues that automation is happening he brings up articles about mcdonald's is replacing everybody in all the cash registers and they're gonna do it in five years yeah i saw that but now that you're stuck in this position is because your overriding concern is the defending mass immigration at all costs no matter what i don't know yeah it's been happening first of all i thought you didn't watch me it sounds like you do that's cute uh secondly i'm not defending somebody else i'm not defending you i'm not defending mass immigration i don't talk about mass immigration because i don't even know what the [ __ ] that means okay like there's some arbitrary yeah thanks a lot okay yeah so i don't i don't i don't defend uh and it is a lot okay no it's like 30 of the population yes thank you i know you have you love that 30 number that's probably the second time you've thrown it on correctly pretty big but i'm not happy about it is that if you boost minimum wage to a certain point you are going to see automation happen which i still defend that of course i never said in the past that we are going to run out of jobs if mcdonald's start automating their workforce i haven't said that but i've also said that we need to bolster our investment in education because that's typically how you combat low wage jobs being automated uh yeah and again you have no answer for the fact that the people who are coming over here have lower iqs and they're not capable of being software so fixated first of all half the people that immigrate to this country have college degrees so they're plenty capable of becoming some type of worker in our service yeah something tells me that colleges in their home countries aren't the same as the colleges in our countries do you have a source for that i don't know how america is the only country in the world america is the only country in the world that has [ __ ] college i guess you dominated me on that community college at zimbabwe is probably not as good as the local community college near me yeah i think i could probably safely say that would you disagree with that you think that they're all it's all the same the level of education no matter which college you go to no matter which country it's in it doesn't matter there you get the same level of education your degree is worth the same and represents the same amount of knowledge um i mean there are forms of like accreditation between schools across the world i think that there's probably some standard thing that you would expect to learn and i'm sure there's like some competitive competency tests that you can give as well so okay well like you realize there are like international students you're not answering my question you gave me a prepared statement instead of a yes or no i don't know what the exact qualifications are to graduate the degree in any country i'm sure they differ from country to country but if you've graduated from college in some country i doubt that these i doubt that in zimbabwe they're like let's make a bunch of fake colleges so that people can go like wait first of all even the idea of having college is like a huge drain on your early year workforce you're taking people that arguably could be working from 18 to 22 and you're sticking them in some type of school for four [ __ ] years that's a pretty big cost to your economy i would be very shocked if there were countries that engaged in that without having those kids come out as being more educated and able to work higher paying jobs at the end of it hey maybe it's possible if you want to demonstrate that go for it but you just alluding to some black country and saying their schools suck when you sound like you yourself have never even been inside of a [ __ ] college class isn't going to cut it chief yeah so funny you admitted that there's different levels of qualifications from different colleges i'd simply like to ask do you think that the colleges in zimbabwe have higher qualifications than colleges in america yes or no i have no idea i don't hire a lower wait if you had to guess if you had to bet money on it you're a gambling man which one would you bet has higher qualifications america or zimbabwe he hates this i i i i truly don't know if i had to guess i'd probably say america but i i really don't know because i know that a lot of the african immigrants a lot of the african immigrants a lot of the african immigrants that come to this country are among the highest earning ethnic groups in the entire country so i don't know if that's because african institutions are better or if those people tend to come from those countries and they just earn more or what i don't know i really i truly don't know the answer to that question right okay so and it's funny that you you're like well a black country likes that zimbabwe when you know it's that kind of ties into my whole point is that uh it is a black country called zimbabwe now but it used to be a different country it used to be called rhodesia right and it used to uh used to have to do with anything oh well we'll get there trust me no no i don't want to get there oh god what is the um what what are we doing are we doing like a q a at the end of this yeah we are going to do a q a um he wants so badly not to talk about rhodesia and south africa and i just don't want to get off into like some other like white nationalist talking tree when you haven't like it like engage with any of the conversations so far yeah i feel like i've engaged actually a lot and uh again so so to sum this up you uh you have no answer for the timmy question you want to deny that it's real or happening even though there is historical precedent in south africa and rhodesia you want to you don't care about the future of automation because it's not in front of your face right now you haven't heard the right people complaining about it or something you want to deny a problem you want to deny that you're going to have yeah so my question is what do you think what do you think financial problems so what do you think a trend is a trend the way that things are headed in uh talk to me about it like what is a trend what is a trend to you why are why are we doing this are we doing music no you just like like yeah like you just have your it's like this is such a painful conversation that's exactly my point right here i talk about little timmy i talk about that i'm starting to think little timmy is autobiographical i talked about places where in history where whites have have been uh had the authority of the state removed from them by non-white ethnic groups which hold racial grievances against them which is exactly what we're shaping up to have in america and how that turns out another talking point talk about the apple pie again spoiler alert it's genocide by the way i talk about automation and healthcare and how immigration is going to present a problem to that and your only answer is is to eat apple pies to get everybody around the table eating apple pie how do you define what trends are that's your only answer to this yeah well the reason well so what a trend is no good answers so the trend is when we can a trend is when we can like plot a whole bunch of data points and then we can like fit a curve to it and then we can like point in the future that like will this stuff happen in the past based on this data so it's probably going to happen in the future business data that's a trend you seem to think that a trend is dating you you don't know what anything is you seem to think that a trend is well i saw 12 youtube videos of white guys getting beat up and in the future little timmy's going to be harassed because he's not brown enough because people don't like his turban that's what you're saying that's what a little that's what a trend is to you okay so yeah i don't know i don't know what i mean when i call it a trend is that people didn't used to talk in these terms they didn't used to say things like this i grew up in a country where people were proud to be an american and it was as simple as that sure but the problem is is that you can't even answer like at least like at the very least at the very least when i talked to big papa fact she could give me more concrete answers around these topics but you literally are like so evasive around everything like at the very least when i talk to that guy he can give me like oh like here's my answer to this here's my answer for that but you talk in circles like you're exhausted i'm evasive about the only point that you really want to hammer home is a hypothetical child that doesn't exist yet like just listen to yourself it's embarrassing it does exist right now there are children in this situation exactly the reason i brought up a hypothetical instead of a real world example is because this is going to be the standard white american experience in 20 to 40. sure it will be we'll see we'll touch base then okay we're going to move on to the q a okay um all right so from john i'll pull up the ones that i can uh from john locke's can meow by himself he better mike it's too blown out and sounds loud as [ __ ] especially if he's going to be this channel stop either and maybe we'll use your super chat to get him that good thanks yeah no no worries i have a better mic it's in a box somewhere i'll i'll figure it out okay uh let me see we got a lot from hunter thompson a question from you are college graduates from nigeria or college graduates from the us better educated that's that's a good question honestly because i know that nigerian americans specifically they tend to do pretty well it could be that that's a country that does have really good education institutions and it's uh better than that they they could be i don't know but it could be that they're better than a lot of the education institutions in america today i think it's not hard to beat the public education system in grade school especially so it could be that nigeria specifically is a country where i would be much less likely to uh to be opposed to immigration from it also has a lot smaller population than all the places we're taking them from currently you can you must have a high iq i see you can learn well because you just basically copied my prior answer so congratulations you're evolving uh yeah or maybe we just had the same position on it yeah a lot of your positions seem to become mine after i give you the answer for them oh right of course just like how i said like you said like half like everything over yourself that you gave me and then uh but i already said half of them and you're like oh well i'm giving you the answer because you don't know what to say like sorry i didn't give you every single talking point that you've ever heard before but these are all legitimate reasons and it seems like you understand the issue well i understand the issue very well that's why this conversation's been so boring it's because i can have both sides of this conversation on my own better than i can with you you're so ill-equipped for the conversation that's the most disappointing part of course you should go listen to daddy fuentes more like he has these kind i don't understand how you can listen to him for so long and not know the answer to any of these questions like even in my limited engagement with him yeah i could tell you how you can answer a lot of these people if you answered they just weren't the ones you're looking for sorry i'm not gonna say like you know around everyone who's non-white up and ship them off or sorry i'm not gonna say something crazy like that which is the answer you're obviously getting out with your pointed questions about it doesn't happen universities or something i'm trying to be terrible with you because i'm because i could walk you to a million horrible places because your answers are all so vague and like intangible but that's okay what's the next question from justin kg the average iq in zimbabwe is 82 and you talk about the best of them leaving and coming to america then can't say which country is better it's not about which country is better it's hard to answer the question of what has better colleges so like here is a hypothetical i don't know if this is the case but it could be the case here's a hypothetical maybe colleges and poor countries actually produce the smartest people because maybe in those countries college is seen as like some ultra elite institution and the only people that go to school are like people that are children of like big business owners or like government officials so like it wouldn't surprise me for instance if you take a place like cuba or something um or they probably educate people if you take like a really poor country it wouldn't surprise me if like the average person that graduates from a college there is far more intelligent than the average person that graduates from like a european university or an american college because in these countries everybody can go to school generally speaking or everybody has access to it that's why i don't know like what colleges have the higher qualification i'm just not sure yeah i think yeah it's probably he's probably totally right that the the countries who have an average iq of 82 probably have a roughly equivalent institutions to america that that makes perfect sense of course right um real quick brittany i i don't know if you you said this already i was maybe tuned out uh are you are you done taking new questions now at this point and all new questions have to be super chats did you already say that yeah okay i just want to let everyone in the audience know if you super chat britney has to read it like basically no matter what no slurs okay but uh here's your chance to say anything you want to destiny through britney's voice okay oh and my internet's watching it alright so from the justice 35 next time destiny should debate himself um mitosis is clearly too dumb to have this debate tag and bpf to save me out oh thanks man thank you appreciate that all right so from bash the fash some north and south koreans are the same ethnicity do you think their culture have anything in common do you do they share common history in any meaningful way in at all in it do you want to go first you want me to go first um okay so yeah i think that they do have a i think they have a shared story on some levels and that they came from the uh what the koreans had an emperor back in the day right and they a lot of their culture has a vestiges left over from that however they now have different stories and so far as you know the south south korea has been largely characterized by democracy and by eastern or western influence but the the north korea has a complete lack of it the people have become you know very different in many ways and you also have to count for the fact that what the kim family has obviously done away with parts of culture that it doesn't like you know like uh what was there an article the other day saying that kim jong-un made k-pop like you know you get 10 years in a work camp or get executed for it because it's degenerate so you know you don't see that in south korea and i think that they have largely distinct and different cultures at this wait so are they ethnically the same both descended from a mother's civilization for them to uh to come together and reforge an identity at some point in the future i don't know it's a good question i just i like the fact that in this debate he has said that a white person a black person could theoretically be the same ethnicity i think that's my favorite thing so far yeah i didn't say that though i i said that uh the people people from different groups all across the planet with with different long arc of history of their civilizations they will never be the same ethnicity okay um all right so from tenro uh black guy here most blacks in this country don't consider themselves american and go on only their ethnicity all the time blacks are literally taught to hate whites and other cultures in every facet on their consumption okay so just as a quick educational course for you people okay so whoever wrote that okay is the literal whitest possible donor that could ever exist in all of mankind yeah actually not true black people don't go by their black people so black people don't go black people don't go by their quote unquote ethnicity because a lot of black people that came over here don't know what their ethnic roots are that's why the term african-american was invented it's because they don't actually know which countries they originate from when they were brought over as slaves all of them were basically mixed up and so they don't have like the trip to ellis island to read the books it's oh this is where my great-grandfather came over or like oh my great great great grandfather came on the the [ __ ] mayflower great great great great great grandpa came in the [ __ ] mayflower they don't know that so the idea that like black people like oh no i'm not actually american i'm from [ __ ] kenya or some [ __ ] that's just if you're a descendant of a slave you don't know [ __ ] like that sorry yeah so i think it's funny how destiny says and i know i say that too much it is funny but destiny's a funny guy uh it's it's funny how he they say that laughter is a good sign of nervousness it's not surprising to me that you find a lot of water laughter is a sign of nervousness so you're saying that everything i say is funny is pretty interesting laughter is a sign of just vibing man it's like yeah we're vibing something right now yeah so it's it's interesting that destiny he he fully admits that it was it was bad for american blacks african-americans that their cultures were wiped out and and stripped from them and that uh they're largely you know confused in many ways he says they don't even have an ethnicity anymore and and you know he would probably deny them a a unique ethnic culture to themselves african-americans uh even though i think most of them would disagree with him and and yet he says that if we just destroy and wipe out all of the ethnic history of the historic american people that that would be totally fine and we can forget all the ancient stories and you don't inherit any culture from the the even the ancient civilizations much less the ones which we came from a couple hundred years ago and also another i don't know i don't know real black guy and uh yeah he's totally based oh seven's in chat to ten reel he's in chat this is a this is a real guy i don't know if there's like a glitch in the in the what is this stream yard and i can't say the other destiny you're talking to but i don't know where you come up with all these completely fabricated positions of mine i've never said that we should forcibly wipe out anybody's culture the reason why slavery was bad wasn't because people lost their culture it's because we forcibly took people from one area and then intentionally attempted to genocide their culture and then intentionally no i don't think that losing culture is always bad because culture is always changing and always evolving throughout all of human history that's why you can't point to me a single static culture that has ever existed because it never will because culture always changes there's nothing bad about losing everything because you don't really know you're adapting with the times and having it wiped out by another ethnic group yeah can you give me an example of one aspect of white culture being wiped out by another ethnic nerve man exactly so let's go on to the next question so let's go on to the next question the nuclear family is a big one go on to the next the nuclear family who do you think is more likely to be in a nuclear family organization a hispanic couple a black couple or a white couple like who do you think is more likely to champion for this like family organization do you think it's gonna be white people or do you think it's gonna be people of color yeah i think right now as i said throughout this and that's why i've said it that america is kind of in a cultural you don't have an answer for that now you have to talk around it because now because the actual answer to my question is white people white people aren't the ones defending the concept of the traditional family that's going to come more from hispanics that's going to come from that's going to come from hispanic people and asian people those are going to be the people those are going to be the people that defend it so yeah yeah right right so based based uh basic black culture asian culture and hispanic culture base culture those con here i'd like to i'd like to present an uh an infograph from the african american history museum at the smithsonian where they they talk about examples of white culture in the united states which are actually it's it's racist to say that this applies to all people and that these expectations can be applied to all people when they're really just examples of white culture and on here is uh the family structure the nuclear family mother father two to three children is the ideal social unit a husband is the breadwinner and head of the household wife is the homemaker subordinate to the husband and that children should have their own rooms and be independent all of those ideas according to the african american history museum at the smithsonian are examples of white culture wow so if we were to go into any college if we were to go if we were to go into any college classroom who are we going to see more of for women are we going to see more white women or are we going to see like women of color what do you think is more likely the majority in the united states still of course we'll see more white women so this this concept of like the traditional family structure i know the his the um that that sign you're talking about and it's cringe as [ __ ] i agree with it um it's not like but but i don't think it's indicative of the average belief like this is something that it's not even we're talking about this video but is it something that like the democratic party has had to contend with this over the prior elections that the average black democrat is far more conservative socially than the average white democrat it's something that like the democratic party itself has had to contend with so the idea that you're sitting here arguing that like black people are in favor of the destruction of the nuclear family it's just it's just not true but it's funny that you bring it up yeah sure so you did so destiny disagrees with african americans on african american and white culture and the differences got it um all right so from low end theory thanks for the super chat brittany say this may have lost okay um let's see here uh from uh i told him they could do it yeah of course um why is mia worried about maintaining white culture when america is trending to more interracial dating and different cultures blending every year why why am i worried why am i like opposing all of the things which you're saying are happening like i don't understand how the question is a rejection of i'm focused on opposing uh the the cultural change and blending which you're talking about exactly i'm i'm advocating for a different value set and and specifically a huge amount of the the values which are under attack and the institutions which are under attack in this country being labeled racist i mean again according to the britannica definition critical race theory says all the laws and institutions in america are racist i don't think that's the case and actually i think we've built a pretty good system for doing things here and i think it's worth protecting we're not you know as uh as someone said it's we're not just born into this like oh here's a nice thing that i found it's like we we have an inheritance of of this civilization which it's now our turn to carry the torch keep the flame alive and protect for future generations which obviously destiny doesn't care about because they're all hypothetical yeah so i totally care about future generations this is why i talk about how it's important that we embrace the more upcoming kind of global culture we have as we do more trade with other countries as we engage with more like actors and musicians and other people moving from country to country to country like there's just the reality is is that we're more connected to other countries today than we ever have been and ever will be and that's probably just going to continue to increase as technologies increase as travel increases it becomes more affordable like you can travel the world today in an airplane for you know less than 500 bucks like you know prior to like 200 years ago or 300 years ago there were like rulers that would never travel as far as you can on like half of a paycheck um the idea that we can just turn our eyes away from everything be like oh we need to protect our ancient culture our ancient history like none of these guys that talk about ancient history culture they don't know anything about the culture they defend they don't know what the [ __ ] the roman senate is they don't know anything about like classical music they don't know anything about like what the cultural norms were of the [ __ ] puritanical people that came over on the [ __ ] mayflower like nobody knows the answer to any of these questions they just like vaguely allude to some ancient culture or history that they want to protect because they're embarrassed about what they have now oftentimes the same type of people that are making these vague calls to the past are only doing so because they haven't accomplished anything in the present and they're embarrassed and ashamed about their lack of accomplishments instead of actually building something that they can be proud of in their current life they have to look to the people that came before them to try to latch on to some sort of identity because they have yet to create one for themselves now yeah okay well just just to respond are you going to respond to my response to you if we can go back and forth all right you're right you're right it's not let's go to the next question i'll let you have the last word all right so from justin kg destiny wouldn't you say america is heading to the same place as south africa blacks are killing whites and taking their land can you see the link i i don't i think that south africa has had a pretty unique history in terms of of of all the crazy [ __ ] that's going on there the united states has had a very unique history in terms of all the crazy [ __ ] that's gone here uh i'm very hesitant to like look at one country and say this one event happened here this other event happened there uh i i don't draw those types of comparisons i don't think that they generally hold true people are trying to say things like this for for since the dawn of time you hear you know republicans talk about it all the time um with like or not republicans actually it's people on the internet right like oh rome fell because of interracial dating and immigration and blah blah blah like i no i i don't buy into that okay well i have a quick question for you do you think that fascism is inherently tied or leads to genocide because of uh what happened when fascists arose within the 20th century um it i guess it could yeah they're certainly related okay so you can look at another country and say look what happened here when these things started happening this is down the road if we allow this this type of rhetoric to continue you say exactly that about fascism but when we talk about critical race theory in south africa you say well we can't look at different countries and say what's going to happen here right i don't think that right now the conditions exist such that black people are going to rise up and kill white people in the united states if you want to point to those conditions go for it but screaming about some lauren southern documentary about south africa that's not going to cut it down cities all across america all right the funny thing is that if you actually watch any of those protests most of the people burning [ __ ] down were [ __ ] white antifa kids but go on yeah anybody else saw the footage and watched it all happen go off king from jimmy sanchez uh i work at a trash company a lot of the truck drivers are immigrants latin america africa but we have a labor shortage why so why do you have a labor shortage right now in the us i guess for the trash company uh i i don't know the answer to that i don't think anybody knows the answer to that right now that's like the big question that everybody is kind of asking but that seems like another job that's going to be displaced by ai right but i mean it could be people have been saying that ai is going to be the first ones to go what is it aren't truck drivers going to be like the first ones to go maybe people are gonna be gonna be one of them this self-driving cars thing is tricky because it's like there's a lot of legal liability issues that they have the programmers have to work out before they can really allow these things on the streets but yeah it's uh you know we already have self-driving cars to a huge extent it seems like there's five levels of it and a fully automated self-driving vehicle is level five we're on like level three or four right now i think i mean like there have been headlines since like since [ __ ] 2010 about how we're like a year away from in five years there's gonna be 10 million self-driving cars on the road by 2020 or you know in in 2022 we're gonna have 50 million [ __ ] self-driving cars or blah blah like we've been hearing about this for dick it hasn't happened yet right like we just haven't figured it out yet like how many startups have come and gone that are claiming like we've solved like this is the true ai we've got the general ai blah blah blah blah blah like it hasn't happened not to say that maybe it maybe it will in the future but it hasn't yet do you not think that that it's gonna happen i don't know like there's um there's an interesting paper on on the concept of i think it's called the ai winter it's called why ai is harder than we think you're overboard you're gonna read it uh but like this this idea that um we have like made this linear progression through ai and we're like on the cusp of just breaking into like general ai and we're gonna be there and every like probably i mean like maybe but it doesn't seem to be the case right like i said like over the past 15 years we've heard every single year like next year uber is going to have a good total fleet of self-driving cars google's so close to solving the self-driving thing problem no more uh truckers it's all going to be automated we are seeing self-driving cars that are literally on the roads right now like in very small numbers and in very limited deployment yeah but like how are you on the rewards right now what is it going to be like in 10 to 20 years we don't know that's the thing like so for instance i don't know we can't guess because anything would be my god yeah no it's not about we're not talking about little timmy can you hold on the grown-ups are talking okay hold on chill so there's a lot of questions that have to be asked when it comes to like getting self-driving cars so here's like a really big one okay in my opinion a really big one are we going to ban all manual driving to make self-driving work because that seems to be like a big question that at some point you're going to have to grapple with like if we start to allow like a create increasingly more and more automated cars on the road are we going to allow people to manually drive there's also some like niche questions about like how do we figure out you know like which moral decisions can cars make while driving and then they still like the cost and the affordability and the reliability of these systems too you have to keep in mind there's a lot of political pressure on these things if two people die because of like an automated accident even though it's way less than the normal amount of accidents that puts a massive amount of pressure on these companies never to make mistakes right every single time somebody dies in like some automated car accident or used to be we would hear about it so much um so like i don't know it might be the case in five or ten years maybe we start to automate large swaths of our trucking section but maybe not it might still be like 10 years out perpetually over and over and over and over again like it seems to have been you know like don't you think that okay so say that you have a job that has 10 people it's going to be one person and i those seem to be more of the low-skilled jobs that are happening that this is going to happen to you it's hard to say like brain surgery right now yeah so there are machines that exist to help with things for sure but i'm not trying to trigger you okay i was trying to figure mine i'm not trying to trigger you okay but like remember trigger remember bpf his job is literally like putting together doing that i know chill okay get moderately triggered that guy's job is literally like putting together robots right and he said that he only has a high school education right so it's not like you need to go and get like the four-year degree the master's degree the phd in order to work on anything related to these new technologically uh inclined jobs that exist you might be somebody that services robots so there might be some training you can do that allows you to service these things that you don't have to go to college to get a degree to do it might be the case it might not be but it's really hard to say all i'm saying and you can go and look at any economist that talks about this you don't have to appeal to whatever random [ __ ] this guy's talking about this has been something for the past 20 years i remember hearing this when i was in college that hey guys in five years ai is going to replace all the jobs it hasn't happened it's not even close to happening we are not seeing it happening look in china like they have these uh machines that are taking all kinds of jobs but even it i even in the in the us before the chronovirus hit our unemployment was at three and a quarter percent it was so it was lower than it should have been like the idea that like so many people were struggling before before the coronavirus not with employment people were still struggling like economically even with our low um our low numbers i i mean like if it happens then we'll see but like it just it just hasn't happened yet the idea seems to be um that like we're still able to find more jobs um there's always like more positions that open up we specialize more like yeah like it's called if you're ever curious there's something called it's called the lump of labor fallacy basically the idea is that there's some fixed amount of work available in an economy and that once you like solve some work there's not going to be new work that opens up but there's always new jobs and new work that opens up that just seems to be the case okay well if i if i may that's uh i have another completely fake made-up story about you because i have no history or life experience i have a couple friends who build the robots okay and what they do is they go into car factories and they put robots in that completely replace all of the assembly line workers and they just press the buttons they're not like programmers they press the buttons and make it go left right up down but it takes a certain level of training expertise it's very dangerous you know stuff like that so what they're doing is they have this one robot which can do like 10 guys jobs and all way faster with no workers comp no no sleep rest anything like that all it takes is maintaining them and when these robots break down you could have the whole factory of robots break down and they'll send two guys in order to service them and fix it where do all the factory workers go are you going to train them to be computer science and like using that same straw man over and over again i've never said that i've never claimed because you said software engineers i never said we were retraining those old guys into new jobs i don't know what well i know why you bring it up because you can't engage with anybody okay so the other answer is you're just going to pay all of those people to live and focus on education for their children and still i present to you that so there's no reason for us to bring in mass low skill and low iq immigration when that's all going to take place there we go let me help you out here let me help you out here okay so right now there are some software companies in the united states that want to bring in foreign workers in order to work some software engineering jobs these are called h-1b visas right they bring them over here so they can work jobs here and they're educated in other countries now let's say that we're worried that this h-1b visa is having some sort of a negative impact perhaps on local jobs you're supposed to show a good-faith effort to hire an american before you hire foreign work but let's say that's right well what you can start to do if you're worried that companies are outsourcing too much this h1b process you can say okay if you want to apply for an h1b visa for a worker that's fine you need to pay 5 000 a year to do it so now you have some payment that's going to the government if people really want those h1bs you can pay for it and then that money that's paid to the government that could serve as a cash transfer to another american that may or may not have lost a job or into our education system so if you're starting to make all these robots that are replacing workers maybe there's some temporary like five to ten year fee hey if you want to automate a job and you want to bring in like this automated cash register at mcdonald's you want to bring this automated robot worker at a factory if you want to do that that's fine but for every job you eliminate there's some like five thousand ten thousand dollar fee that you have to pay and then that money is just dumped in the education system bill gates proposed something where you tax the machines that are gonna take people's jobs you can't tax machines that doesn't that's just why i wouldn't be able to because it doesn't it just doesn't make sense like how how how could you even begin to imagine what it's like to tax a machine so like for instance well like let's say for instance i've got a room full of filing cabinets and i've got like five secretaries and they are in charge of like fetching information or documents no but with a single computer right so is that one computer going to be taxed as like five workers is that going to be taxed as five workers forever how many workers are being let off i think yeah but that's the problem then so are you like gonna infinitely follow this chain down where one robot is being taxed as doing the labor of like 500 workers or what if you create a new robot that replaces two workers but then let's say later on there's some new tool invented that would allow one worker to do three times the work does that tool going to be taxed like it just doesn't i think you can work with it a value-added tax on products something like that i'm not entirely familiar um but what i want to push back on is this this idea of you you switched everything to when i talked about the immigrants the problem that they're going to be here and not be able to have jobs and we're going to have to pay for them for their health care for their living as you said when their jobs are replaced uh your answer to that is like well temporary worker visas where people are building the robots and you can do you know you can pay for it in that way or something but it's like what about those other people can we just stop taking them now if you want in the future we can do another debate on automation if you want to like prepare materials and comb but like you're just so illegal to have the conversation that like i don't know like yeah because like i think you need to like engage a little bit more with like what other economists are saying like are the worries about this because you just you don't really seem to have any idea where the current conversation is at that might be an interesting conversation for real i've been uh you know trying to talk about these issues of course as you go to school for computer science and professional music and study ancient roman history and everything like you seem like you have a really busy schedule professional music was on the side okay okay professional professional doesn't mean that you're an athlete you're you know an expert okay it means you got paid i got paid play the trumpet and that's fact okay so you know and yeah i am triggered don't worry let's go he's denying my identity okay you denied your own identity by not being able to answer a single question about your culture my dude i'm getting me a nephilim here we go with the music too all right okay all these [ __ ] [ __ ] okay come here camille name three beethoven compositions um bonus neem destiny maybe white but he's one of the good ones nice all right we're gonna move on um intellectual [ __ ] i must say mio did pretty well against destiny tonight i can tell by how he resorted to mental gymnastics tactic tactics which is an indication of losing okay um so what else we can pull oh [ __ ] i just lost all these questions and damn it i hate this stupid program this is a family-friendly show by the way everyone all right i'm gonna have to go to i'm gonna have to open up the other i'll just go to the ones i have written down and i'll get to the other ones after all right so um again from bash the fash i'd claim the cold war has pretty much erased any historical bond that would be necessary for a cohesive common culture to exist between the north and the south despite shared ethnicity well that's an interesting take okay it could be well we can move on um let me see i've got this one that i can pull up a lot of them i just got lost i have to go to the actual superchat thing all right from tyler durden i worked for a semi-truck manufacturer that is making a fully automated truck that is currently being tested on the roads wow cool they've been testing fully automated like trucks and cars for like a decade but thank you okay um yeah i had i had something to say on that uh before give me just a second on this so it's yeah you're denying i i don't want to rehash the entire thing about you know denying automation or these jobs but it's like you know it seems like in the uh the early 1900s when the wright brothers are building the first plane destiny would be one of these guys saying people have been saying that people can figure out how to fly for centuries people have said my whole life that someone's going to figure out how to fly someday and that's not going to happen and i'm telling the guy you know who's like running a horse and buggy or you know transportation company a shipping line or something to you know for for passengers overseas and i'm saying look there's going to be this new form of transportation that's that's going to change everything and you know you might want to like change your future in your actions and i'm trying to educate people it and dennis and he says no everybody's always said people could fly or to figure out how to fly one thing that uh myself and mayo disagree on that i think also could be affecting migration would be climate change which is going to have a huge mass influx of immigration so um i mean there's a lot of things that are going to be coming in the future should we not be planning for climate change either we can plan for everything like in my ideal world if people want to immigrate for economic opportunities that's good if people want to immigrate to collect rents from the state that's bad so like there should probably be systems in place to ensure that like i i would have to like argue or look at this more because i'm not 100 sure but it seems to me that we should probably discourage like new immigrants from immediately being put on like tons of welfare or something because you don't want people choosing to immigrate to the united states to capture some sort of like economic welfare or not economic welfare sorry so like government welfare you want people moving because they think they can work in a given area so as long as people are making those choices i think that's fine and he says that but yet still it's uh when when people are immigrating here that we know their jobs are going to be automated within our lifetimes um that they can just like you know drive the the same economic benefit of ubi or whatever his plan is for truckers as all of the native foreign americans he doesn't have a problem with that right there's just no answer like you're not even wrong like that's how off you are in this conversation all right right okay got it all right so from ryan b the percentage of married couple households that are interracial grew across the united states from 7.4 to 10.2 from 2000 2012 to 2016. it's getting bad though what was the first stat the percentage of married married couples uh a married couple households that are interracial grew across the united states from seven point four percent to 12.2 percent that's based hell yeah interracial relationships how awesome now we don't have to worry about a horrible future for little timmy because it'll just be little timmy the mixed race student and everybody will be mixed race and i want to really care yeah as long as white people just uh you know they don't look as white maybe they won't be under attack by all these other people if they just you know completely i think you might be projecting your like little racial hatred there a little bit my dude oh you think so man you think it has nothing to do with like what my black friend is telling me about you know tanrio about how blacks feel about whites in the united states right now which echoes all of the institutions all the media the government the critical race theory stuff i've been talking about you're the one down the prepared speech again nice good job rubio keep going i've got so many of those it's uh it's amazing when i get together with my black and hispanic friends all we do is we just sit around eating uh apple pie talking about our magical soil actually that's what we do yo tan rail you ever want to get around eat apple pie talk about magical soil so from the justice 35 seriously mia was not equipped to have this conversation britney had a better five-minute combo destiny versus brittany needs to happen all right so totally agree honestly destiny versus britney was better so from andre espinanzo meo if they start kicking low iq people out of the usa what will be what will be your last words to your family when they ship you out in the first batch okay oh man oh that's horrible who's gonna get that man you post i'm not gonna iq post right now but i'm i'm not worried about it okay all right so from chimpo wait i'm actually so curious what do you i'm what would you estimate your own iq to be i'm just i don't have to guesstimate i was actually tested as a kid in a psychology office i went to a gifted school and my iq is uh above 145 i'll put it that way fascinating okay um and i'd also like to uh point out to the people that have been uh liking to throw bpf bpf got crushed by destiny you guys so settle the [ __ ] down real got crushed worse though to be fair he has been doing this for like two months yeah sure that so that maybe that's why he got crushed worse i'm just saying he got crushed worse okay anyways so um all right so from ryan b oh i know we already did that one all right so from artisan how does mio rationalize the zimbabwe has eight to ten top unis in africa okay i mean [Laughter] actually actually it's funny because uh you know it actually makes perfect sense what was the question rhodesia's well what's left over of rhodesia is still one of the best countries in all of africa as it was and it's not even as good as it used to be but now that it's it's all the white people were driven out that they changed the name and everything that they still still have the best education system in in all of africa so not surprising that it wasn't a never colonized country like wakanda or whatever that has the best education systems in all of africa from hunter thompson oh wait no away from chimpo question for mia what's your take on single-use styrofoam cups single-use styrofoam cups uh i'd have to go with cringe because the uh what styrofoam is plastic parade although all the plastics got to go man it's a problem i don't think so is styrofoam plus i don't think it's possible i think it's a form of plastic you look on the bottom there's a little plastic triangle right i don't know if i'm remembering right no destiny greeno polystyrene yeah it's expanded polystyrene foam what is polystyrene what does that mean it's a plastic okay um um okay so from hunter thompson mayo just wondering if you know plato as well as you do the trumpet according to plato what are the three parts of the soul oh man i used to know this one too i used to know where he disagreed with aristotle on it what each of them thought it was i think aristotle thought there were actually four um let's see there's and there's the three different ways to temper them there's appetite right there's um hold on are we doing this again yeah okay yeah i don't remember all three of them okay i lose the play-doh quiz too but yeah i did learn this i used to know it i've read not the whole republic but parts of it i've been trying to get her it's it's i really do like i think plato's work is his philosophy especially metaphysically is uh like it's one of the best ever put forth just curious what what is metaphysics it's the study of what's real really yes what uh wait can you tell me about like plato's forums i'm just so i just i don't get to talk to people over 145 iq sometimes are you doing this yeah well i'm just it's so like the the meta conversation here i'm just sorry so this guy is like he's actually a compulsive liar and he cites so much work that he has no familiarity with right so like he references things like the roman senate even though he doesn't know anything he talks about the us constitution is based on all these things he doesn't know what the magna carta is which was like one of the biggest foundations for like multiple state constitutions and the us constitution he tried to lie about having like a background in music when he doesn't know anything about that he's talking about like plato and aristotle he doesn't even really ago was get music thing no no it's not j it's not just the music is that he's literally he's literally like a compulsive liar that's why it's just it's so interesting but he'll he'll like dance from like one thing to another thing like the title for your video man he's literally a compulsive liar yeah i know i think that's really interesting and then and now you're saying that like you went to gifted school like what did you even go to school for uh yeah i went to like one of the one of the top five public schools in the country one of the top five okay what's the difference between like an integral and a derivative an integral and a derivative man i forgot all of that stuff i'm not like okay like what's one area i don't know what integral is the opposite of a derivative that's how it works right okay what what is like one area one no one measures the instantaneous rate of change the other measures the area under the curve okay what is like one area and use them to reverse and get the results yeah yeah sure you're kind of right okay so what what so what i want to know what is like one area that you think you know a lot of information about you're in computer science so i asked a math question can you get like what's one area that you think you know something about because you said you're 145 plus iq super educated i know a lot about a lot of things i don't know like one area do you know any coding can i ask you a programming question like what's a function uh yeah i know what functions are can i okay what about this like if i said what is it can you can you tell me like i know can you tell me you know python i know a javascript to some extent java a little bit less okay here so here's like a broad question what does it mean when a language when a computer language is considered touring complete when it's considered i don't remember you're in comp psi you don't know this like you are you are a compulsive liar no no you don't understand you are literally these are found these are basic foundational questions you are actually a compulsive liar your entire background is fabricated in fact i'm pretty sure that you don't even have your ged i don't think you've even graduated from high school is not even white no i i'm actually i'm super serious like you don't you don't have you don't know and it's it's funny because you literally say that you were 145 plus iq and you can't answer any of these incredibly like i'm pretty sure that kids learn what turning completeness is when they want to go into csm high complete languages and i you know yeah i did learn that i took a test on it once okay that's like no no no no no okay so let's see what happens here's a question what do you think what does like assembly mean assembly like assembly code yeah what does that mean the zeros and ones that's binary you don't have any idea what any of this is you said you're in comp psi i'm done go to the next question like you're a fraud you actually have no idea you're a compulsive liar yeah and you're a fraud man go ahead i don't write it 145 iq you don't write in anything you don't have any idea about any of this [ __ ] all right man it's really funny this is an epic rant of yours but the fact is that this is my history this is my past yeah i'm a programmer yeah i could pull up code you're not a programmer am i dude yeah i am actually right now actually it's one of my side projects is i'm writing a trading ai in uh mql4 to work with metatrader in order in order to uh build a trade everybody here that knows anything about comp sci programming knows that you're lying how could you be working out of concepts like this and not know what touring and not know what turing completeness is you are absolutely a [ __ ] fraud you probably haven't got the terminology my dude these are basic fundamental foundational concepts and comp sci you have no idea what you're talking about blues which by the way yeah i did study i know about the world of forms man i did take philosophy 101 okay wait you know about the world can you talk talking about plato's forms explain plato's forms what does that mean so the the plato's forms essentially like the idea that there is a a another a realer world than this one where the the ideas in their true essence exist and he's he talked about like okay here's an example like every horse in the world like if you see a horse with three legs instead of four is that a horse yeah well yeah but you would say generally that you know the ideal horse has four legs right so you know maybe you see another horse and it has a chip on its shoulder and it's like is that a category characteristic of a horse well no so maybe the realest most perfect horse wouldn't have that and it's the idea that every horse that exists in the world today is like a a shadow imitation of the real horse hoarseness or whatever which exists in the world of forms and he he talked about the world of one one way he described it was his allegory of the cave that's how you couldn't know that it's real we're using all of your logic and empiricism and evidence and all the everything around you your surroundings you still wouldn't be able to understand it you have to use a rationality in order to get there over empiricism and that's that's what the the world of forms and plato's cave is about good job do you um you said you're working on a project right now working on a project right yeah do you work in uh yeah do you work in git i'm gonna move on no i don't actually man i so i used github for like a while and again i never used version control at all but uh like i know it's useful i know i should be i have bad coding practice when it comes to like saving and stuff like that and it does cause me trouble sorry all right just going to keep going all right so from i did use github i have a github okay i have like no you're you're a compulsive liar my dude it's just you've been exposed in 4k like it's [ __ ] hilarious like comp sci guy doesn't know what assembly is what a terry complete language is like doesn't know what [ __ ] binary is no the term he doesn't know this term this specific term so he must be lying about everything that he completely like to trounce you on tonight you still didn't give me an answer for any of my questions dude and i'm not quizzing you on terms it's not my questions are more important and you avoided them way more often it has not been answered from anything i asked you tonight it has nothing to do with quizzing you on like words it's just constantly yeah it does actually you know what does turing complete mean like yeah right man i can write i can write a function i can write [ __ ] i'm writing butts for [ __ ] the runescape right now okay like i'm pretty sure if you were doing if you image recognition i could be i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that any comp sci person in the world could i and i've never taken cop site so i might not even know this i get my [ __ ] for programming humor so maybe i don't know [ __ ] but my guess is that every composite person probably on day one learns like what is a what is a turing complete language like it's probably don't know what they're talking about programming programming and comp psi are not the same thing okay i'm not talking about programming i'm talking about comp psi you said you were doing computer science yeah no i am doing computer science and i have already i took like two years ago i i took a quiz in like introductory programming on what what a turing complete language is i remembered that that was on a test and i don't even know if i got that answer right or wrong because i didn't really study okay but i'm still making my way through all the classes making my way through everything and it turns out that you don't need to ever have to answer the question what is a turing complete language in your day-to-day use of computers when you're programming even that's not necessary information and my brain has discarded it the idea it's hilarious that you're like you know you uh you forgot something some of the terminology from school which i never went to school for but i think it's super important even though i don't know what i'm talking about it's not about it's not about yeah so just to be clear i'm talking more to the audience into you because i know you're a compulsive lawyer i figured you're out right so the the reason why i'm asking this question because you presented yourself you're presenting yourself as an exceptional person 145 iq plus how many standard deviations off the norm is that do you know how many standard deviations no it's it's pretty wild man it's crazy somebody that has you can't point to anything that's related to this industry that you can talk about you don't know what the [ __ ] like anything so just it's crazy you can have such a high iq but you don't know like any of this [ __ ] yeah yeah i do know i told you listed off programming languages that i know i like i can do web development to some extent not the front-end stuff because it's like you know that's what stuff looks like but i was always better with the back end stuff i i've worked with servers what do you mean like back end stuff like can you explain to me can you explain to me like what is an array an array is a list of things okay good job all right i got one you hit one of the questions good job you got one of them it's vindicated neil is a compulsive liar and a fraud about everything except to raise somehow he just knew that one okay all right does it make you feel dumb that everything that you just said on your epic destiny rant was totally false now i think that anybody that's listened to this conversation knows that you probably haven't done anything i i don't think you play video games you can't even claim at least you're like a mythic raider and wow or some [ __ ] like oh man i'm really missing out on that achievement in video games well no i'm just because you have nothing else like you don't program apparently you don't work um you probably haven't graduated school i don't know if you're going to college that like worked in the workout in the workforce for like 10 years okay i've worked in a factory i've worked at ski resorts i've worked why would you work in a factory for 10 years if you're 140 plus for like a year and a half why are you doing all these menial jobs at 145 plus iq yeah so funny story you went to a gifted school and everything yeah go ahead yeah no that's that's uh it's funny story so first of all i didn't know that my iq is that high until uh just like three years ago or something i said you said you went to get wait wait you said you tested earlier was just like right above the limit in order to get into the gifted school which was 132 and it's roughly around my brother's iq and she told me that she knew that if i if she told me what it really was that i would rub it in my brother's face the whole time and i totally will even 132 iq is still really high my dude yeah it is really high so what do you mean it wasn't that hard what have you gotten your iq [ __ ] no the only people that do that are people that one have never gotten it tested and the two won a dick wave online if you have an iq you know it because you probably have accomplishments to show for people you don't get high iq school in sixth grade right i i i was in all gifted programs throughout my entire school career i've never heard no i'm talking i could be wrong but i've never i've never heard of them they might do it in some places but for we we had to like test in classes and [ __ ] like if we wanted to be in the ap classes or the honors classes or whatever we usually had to like take tests to get there like to know that you know you couldn't get into my school if their iq wasn't above 132. that's just a fact okay how old are you again so like it's okay i thought you said you were like i thought you said you were like 19 or 20 how old are you no i'm almost 30 man okay so you've been working odd jobs for 10 years i'm compulsively lying about that even though you got 145 plus iq so you said this public school was a gifted school they needed an iq test to get in yes okay you just you're an impulsive liar but all right okay well those exist in the united states i'm not going to dox my my middle school but uh you know that's that's just what it is i'm gonna move on from the john for both has automation had a net positive or negative impact on the average gdp and cpi historically given then the end of the mouth dewey's malthusian did i say that right stagnation i don't know what that is how many what say that again can you just read it oh wait has automation had a net positive negative on average gdp and cp historically given the end of the malthusian stagnation i don't know what the [ __ ] malthusian stagnation is i don't know what the [ __ ] that means so there's a worldwide stagnation and income per capita during the this guy's from 1798 during the pre-industrial epoch i have no idea i don't know how to answer that question i mean i my guess is that like automation is always going to turn higher for gdp because it helps us produce more goods and services um i don't know how automation is going to affect like the consumer pricing index but i don't know okay um and yeah i would probably i would give a similar answer i don't it's probably good for the gb gdp it's probably good for the consumer price index but like you know malthusian stagnation i'm i'm not familiar with i'm a total fraud oh [ __ ] i just people like puddling this up over and over again i thought it was very funny uh when i asked him about the thing about forums he was reading the the wikipedia entry for it i didn't even know people tried no no that was i was going off the top of my head you can play it back you can read whatever the wikipedia says about it you know they probably would decent explanation too i can give you my philosophy book okay you know it's just funny that like of all the things that like comes under you can't remember anything but you remember this one thing about like the theory form that's funny summarize this complex topic and then pulls up a summary of the topic and says you said something similar well it's just funny that you couldn't like summarize literally any other [ __ ] thing in the world but that's okay go ahead sorry what was the next question um well zona thanks for the um big secret chat meow i'll challenge you to a computer science debate okay um yeah i'm gonna do that from sylveo you can shut destiny up entirely by using get and pushing something obviously not copied up to it do that um some of these are gonna be so out of order now that like some of them aren't being pulled up but okay from admiral ask me what class abstraction is class inheritance um how about ask him the difference between a method or a function what is this like i'm alive my internet cut out so what are these quiz questions you guys like well the problem is he's if he's citing himself as an expert and it's obvious he's a liar like the entertainment part right now you said you were 145 iq name every country ever name oh you know about roman culture todd let's talk about their legal documents or else you can't talk about romans at all oh you're you're a computer science major well like hear me let me quiz you on these terms oh you were jazz band in high school what's a partial and how do you what's a c7 minor blues scale bro you don't understand bro you are you are i don't the problem is because you're like because you're making this [ __ ] up you just don't realize what you're saying 145 iq so 15 iq was one standard deviation at 145 plus iq you were in like a fraction you're like point five percent or less point two percent of the population i've looked at the stats i don't understand i don't understand it's gonna be so smart to me that like most of the people in the world are so like must be really really stupid maybe the online mensa test you took maybe maybe the online mensa test you took wasn't the best indication of your actual iq than my dude einstein but well i mean it was in a doctor's office it cost hundreds of dollars it took hours i'm sure that your mom took you to a doctor's office and spent hundreds of dollars to get you looked out for something i found out i'm a [ __ ] and told me that i'm special instead and then uh she paid off the private they're the uh i'm sure you went to a very very special school too they maybe they told you it was for gifted children that's cute uh-huh yeah gifted from normie account can we get destiny versus culture thug debate sure um from pruet 1994 140 plus iq and is now arguing pro-race realism while representing themselves with a cartoon girl while thinking marching music is big fan jack listen he just didn't remember at all guys you can't expect to quiz somebody that was a professional musician worked at a ski resort um publishes his own uh ai program goes to school for comp sci went to a specially gifted like institution for [ __ ] x-men you can't expect to remember all this [ __ ] but he will read you the wikipedia definition of plato's forums that also has the same example of a horse i'm telling you that the example is in the philosophy books it's the most commonly used one it's either a horse or a cup is what most people use yeah that's just how i learned it that's how that's how they're teaching it in schools it's a no-brainer you how many different majors did you have no man you have to take humanities did you not go to school i only went to school for three years huh okay yeah you have to take humanities and core classes and i just i took philosophy i took ancient uh greek and roman history i took ethics you know stuff like that so yeah i can i can speak on it a little doesn't make me an expert and i think i'm pretty smart i don't think i'm the smartest guy in the world at all well you do think that you're talking you think your top point two percent smartest in the world you do think you're a fraction of a percent well it's not about what i think that's just what the chart says i guess okay so all right um so from vintage red this is why meow doesn't have his cam up he is googling everything and pretending to know something bruh i i honestly i don't have the uh like attention capacity to do that people can tell like when i'm reading things that i like you know it's i can't multitask that well i'm actually the the benefit that i get from not being on camera is that i am like most of all of the debates that i've done just sort of like pacing back and forth instead of sitting down i don't know how destiny does that maybe it's the coffee in me right now but um let's see here from artesia did i do this one from our no yeah we did this one these are all over the place sorry guys um okay let me just go to the ones that i've jotted down because these are all over the place all right so from jason k as a christian please refer me to where jesus ever discriminated against demographics and how can you reconcile your racism with christianity okay well jesus actually did discriminate between demographics he recognized all the independent nations as they existed and didn't tell everybody all go mixed together and there should be no borders first of all second of all he did say go to the hebrews first and then go to the greeks only after they completely didn't they didn't listen and they rejected him so there was that and then there's but what my true answer is that yeah we are all considered uh the same in the eyes of god in that we all have a soul we all have a chance to make it you know it it does absolutely i have a christian worldview in that sense when you're talking about people's souls and their worth in in the spiritual sense but uh people are not all the same and interchangeable in here where we are it's just a fact wait does jesus talk about that again i'm sorry that people aren't all the same and interchangeable did jesus say that people aren't all the same and interchangeable actually yes he did he talked about how uh people who there's uh specifically there's the parable of the what are they called talents talent was a certain amount of money and that he there's a slave master who gave three of his slaves a different amount of money or talents when he went away and they did different things with him and he gave them different results in the end according to how they acted and what did he say that those servants were like of different ethnicities well no but that that proves that people are not interchangeable and they're not all the same um it is they are equal in the eyes of god they're equal in their chance to make it into the kingdom of heaven but he also says jesus says you know a hand shouldn't try and be a foot and a foot shouldn't try and be a heart and that everyone has their role to play in in the church and in the world so yeah that that to me i don't know what this has to do with like an ethnic hand and a foot are not interchangeable saying that differently saying that different individuals are different is not the same as saying different ethnic groups of people are different i don't know if you understand that or not but oh yeah it's just an extrapolation an abstraction of the principle itself okay well these two people are different okay well these groups of people are different that's that's not that it's funny because one of the few things they test on iq tests are abstractions and that is not a valid abstraction but okay my dude no no it absolutely is it absolutely is not that is absolutely not a valid abstraction that just because two different people are different therefore groups of people are different we could do this like in a prop logic form that like a set of a containing this versus a set of be containing this must mean that these like that doesn't work at all this doesn't work in formal logic it doesn't work like allegorically it doesn't work like metaphorically it doesn't work in any there's no way these two people are different therefore all groups are going to be different it's just that these two people are different and these two groups are different and it's just the same it's the same principle in in that they they are not made the same okay yeah uh you're you're not here for this conversation i'm sorry you're just not here for this conversation but that's okay you're a fraud you gave a prepared statement you're you're just you know memorizing things and reading from wikipedia it's like okay man like you you didn't argue the points at all tonight you had no answer for the the questions i presented to you no none at all you're right i got owned on the little i could not help the future i could not help that little boy that doesn't exist yet that lives in 2040. i'm sorry it does exist in the world today as i said half a dozen times but i imagine a you know low iq you know half a half cuban immigrant guy you know it's the obviously you know having trouble understanding these i wish i could keep up with thinking about the mighty iq from from you who's accomplished so much in the 30 years of his 145 iq life what a gift oh man yeah uh more than you i think you really think so would you put money on that all right so from so i pay very good money to watch them both take iq tests live on stream side by side also give me your address i'll send you a camera hey boxer um okay it might be fun um all right a left roth room whatever uh does meow acknowledge that aldo come on yeah okay first of all i heard somebody explain this alden thing second of all it's like no i i say i don't know about [ __ ] all the time when i don't know what i'm talking about i'm not gonna pretend i know [ __ ] that i don't you can you catch me with some other term make something else up and try and catch me i'm not gonna talk on [ __ ] that i don't know about okay um all right let me go back to some of these other ones that we have all right so from ryan b two-thirds of legal immigrants are on the same kind of welfare equals they aren't coming for jobs they are coming for free money and free housing and destiny wants to give them more um i i'm pretty sure i literally said earlier in this debate i know you love screaming at straw man um yeah i literally said earlier in this debate that we probably shouldn't incentivize people to come here to collect rent from the state so we shouldn't have people coming here just to collect welfare i don't think that's a good idea i literally said that verbatim you can go through earlier in the debate maybe you were disconnected and yet he would say that we should pay people whose jobs are being automated and we should take in more people whose jobs will be automated so yeah you do think we should pay immigrants who aren't here yet more money than they would even receive right now yes yeah no but nice try go ahead so from tyler uh should the us adopt an immigration model similar to that of the other western countries where we take in immigrants based on demand of traits and that are needed in our society is that for me or it didn't say who it was for i like economic immigration i think it's good are you for open borders doesn't he i don't know what open borders means i don't think anybody is for open borders in the way the conservatives says like i want i think people as many people that want to move should be able to they want to sort those out for economic purposes like that's what i think um all right we can move on from 256 to the guy sweating in his gaming chair you can't talk about little timmy but fear monger about climate change that won't happen for a hundred years aren't we already having like record floods fires like heat waves across the entire [ __ ] northwest of the country like everybody in washington and up in bc people like are we are like like these are real problems that we're watching the news not like i saw two youtube videos like oh yeah the whole black lives matter thing was all white people too it's like a lot of it was white people might dude and 96 percent of those prototypes were peaceful like move aspects the fact is that we are already right now having to deal with a little timmy question in inner cities and you're trying to paint it it's still just like a made-up story i mean the ultimate defeater for this is that the little timmy thing was happening right now you wouldn't have brought up a hypothetical child in the future you would have started with right now the only reason you're starting with right now is because i pointed out to you how absurd it is that you're asking me to solve for a problem that doesn't exist yet so you had to back it up to now but well we actually had uh cut sleeve was on here and we talked about that he said he was in a pretty much all black high school and there was like one white person or something in there and i asked him how he's treated not good so i mean i don't know if it's uh so there's a real little timmy for you destiny and destiny still won't care wow like that i'm sorry that sounds tragic all right so from alex novicen he doesn't care about what happens to white people in this country and that's the point you know all right um fine you win brittany question what is meo's 23andme score what's uh what was 145 on his test okay okay so i haven't done the 23 in me but i think that uh but both sides like my both i don't even know what you're no but no my parents have graced my lineage and ancestors like through the names back to england like thousands like a thousand years ago like hundreds of years so i know when both of my both sides on both sides of my family i know when they arrived in america it was the ancient planter society on one side and the mayflower society on the other and before that they were both in england for a really long time on one side actually they went to ireland for a while because of some conflict and then returned to england before leaving so do not worry that if you're if your parents lie to you about your iq what if they lie to you about your heritage as well okay wait hold on i'm super curious do you ever feel like when you're watching streams youtube videos do you ever feel like the people are talking directly to you even if it's like not a live stream or something yeah it's like it's it's they're talking directly to me man what kind of question is this talking about did you ever hear like voices or whatever when you're at home and you think you're alone or anything like that oh yeah it's uh oh [ __ ] he's talking about right now it turns out a lot of people don't have that uh that inner monologue that they just don't have it at all there is no voice in their head and they think that uh people people who talk about it are crazy they can't visualize things in their mind at all and uh you know but their folk counts just as much as yours and mine i guess so there's a voice in my head at least okay you know i mean we could keep going with the personal attacks like you know that you what you you let your girlfriend sleep with other guys and like your uh you know i i don't want to get too personal with it but as personal as you want i don't care we can talk about our relationship with dating history if you want that's fine i'm talking about it it's just the only thing i'm attacking you on are qualifications that you've presented that you seem wholly unable to defend i've never brought up and said like that i'm a paragon of like relationship health and that i'm like the best person i never said to be clear the only personal texts making against you are qualifications that you yourself have brought up that i don't think you can stand on that's the only thing i'm attacking you over okay right yeah specific terminology questions about different topics you say specific terminology you're confronted when you're confronted with the actual issue we're here to debate which which is directly tied in with little timmy and then brittany gives you an example of i'm not asking you know who lives today in the real world it's not just hypothetical you just don't care say it i'm just asking you really broad conceptual questions like i'm just kidding and it's just funny that you cleaned up so much knowledge and so much ideas i can't talk about it a little timmy that doesn't exist yet yeah the little how about the little timmy that does exist which brittany just described to you what do you have to say about it man i i had nothing i would ask me at 2040 i guess like that's right some people get bullied in school do you think that's a new thing like yeah it happens it sucks and we shouldn't allow that to happen but like your idea that like oh my god i know this one guy and he got bullied in school so we're gonna make it so that every [ __ ] truck driver that's white in the united states never loses his job to automation we're gonna close the [ __ ] borders and we're gonna maintain our [ __ ] culture and we're going to ban black people from immigration into the country like you yourself said in the course of oh and you want to stop women from going to school like you have no solutions to any of these problems all you have are pie in the sky things you want to get mad and scream about so you can rile up a whole bunch of other people they don't have anything positive for them going in life and then you're going to sit here and get mad about it and you're going to try to grow fan base on it that's it that's fine we're actually here to debate when you're confronted with a real world example when you're confronted with why it's happening how there's historical president in other countries and there are parallels all over the place and this is real it's already happening right now and if you're given an example you don't care and you have nothing to say on it and instead you just like to quiz me about musical terms or like computer science terms or some something like you want to talk about my my background or whatever when in reality you have brought nothing of value to this discussion at all whatsoever you're not just denying that the problem which everyone who's listening to this conversation knows is real exists at all you're not equipped to have any part of this conversation that's the problem like i said earlier there are interesting conversations to have here okay ask some weird question as you know trivia contest that's all you're going to do for the rest of this i'm humming at the end now because you demonstrated that you weren't able to engage at any point with the earlier conversation every time i asked you a question you start rattling off about like [ __ ] apple pie and [ __ ] my dude i'm sorry like your mental is destroyed right now you need to recover take a deep breath off she says go ask your mom to throw some some chicken nuggies in the in the [ __ ] oven go like whatever you need to do go jerk it out whatever you have to do to get control of yourself because you're losing control right now of course yeah no it's it is incredibly frustrating that you don't care about these people who i'm here to represent the best interests of right oh yeah yeah you're super representing them right now might do definitely one you're representing 45 iq special kids everywhere keep it up yes no no i'm speaking it could be a black guy here representing the future america and their best interest it depends on which point you're arguing and i'm arguing that things are going to be bad for them and there are ways in which we could change things in order to make it better for them in the future and i think that that's a very fair thing to advocate for given how very real how bad the racial tensions in america are today and you don't care you don't care at all so what's wonderful yeah so what's one thing even if it was real who cares about it so what's one thing right now that you're arguing that we should do one thing because one of the questions that i asked you at the start of this debate that you couldn't answer a single time is is what part of our culture isn't represented in the legislature so like what's like one policy thing what's one thing you think the u.s should do going forward or whatever you think would help everybody in this country that's realistic it's funny it really does speak to your worldview that you think the only thing that could solve things like this are policies that it's all top down we need to make the government do something rather than just inform people and let the people that let things start playing out differently in the world in the workplace in the school in education systems when the teachers stop teaching this people were made aware so maybe things wouldn't be so bad yeah not now oh yeah you've got nothing but it's like okay man you can say that all you want but i'm giving you real solutions informing people is a big solution it's a big part of it what do you guys say about what gay and trans people you're like we just need to educate more people we need to change the culture but we're not no that's not what i say about gay and trans people what whoa whoa don't project your lack of knowledge or prescription to me i've got plenty of things to say about the stuff i talk about we talk about gay or trans people we can talk about extending access to uh medical procedures for these types of people we can talk about rolling back some of the on the books discrimination that exists against some of these people we can talk about rolling trans into protected classes like sexuality is um we can talk about expanding the uh the federal definition of marriage to include like uh gay people and tax forms and stuff like that i think that's mostly happening there's plenty of so many legal policy programs yeah yeah but that's that's because i that's because i care about these things and that's because if i want to change some of these things i'll give you actual ideas for it and informing people who are misinformed is a huge part of the solution right no right it's no when you don't have any when you don't have any answers it's probably best that you shut the [ __ ] up and let other people at the very least led fuentes lead the charge because at least he's got [ __ ] that he says about how he would want to change the country oh but yeah okay well you know what i'll let i'll let nick fuentes lead the charge on in politics and all of those things and uh you know it still doesn't mean nobody's allowed to talk about cultural issues right but you don't even know what the [ __ ] you don't know what you're talking about though you don't know anything about what the cultural issues are you know policy issues he way big way better than me on how government works i didn't i didn't uh go into college for for politics or international relations or anything like that i just took a class okay so yeah when it comes to policy proposals i'm not your guy but i'll tell you what there are guys out there and it's not just nick fuentes okay vince james is a great example of a guy who knows all the facts all the statistics and he does understand how the government works and which which ways we could manipulate the system in order to alleviate these problems more i am simply here to let people know that these issues are taking place this stuff is happening and it's going to be bad and more people should start listening to nick fuentes and and vince james um and not not with me as a representative for them but just because as you said they are way better than me on these issues it doesn't mean the things that i'm talking about do not exist okay okay all right so from the django geek uh destiny do you think historical context has any impact on the tensions between how different groups of people interact with each other um yeah it just depends like what dimension we're talking about um so like for instance if we're talking about like economic realities then historical like because there's so much intergenerational wealth and because those types of things can be passed down from person to person so like if you've got a college degree your kid is more likely to have a college degree if you've got two parents in the household your kid is more likely to grow up and you know not be a criminal and [ __ ] like that um i think that historically we can look a lot of policies that lead people to like be in families that are the way they are of course okay from the dolphin should we send little timmy and all the other immigrant europeans back to europe so that native americans can preserve their culture oh well that's cute yeah because there was totally in america before the europeans got here right not just people like skinning each other alive or whatever okay um i'm pretty sure to be clear the culture that existed here wasn't just getting people alive and also the people that came over here [ __ ] like burned witches at the stake okay everybody had their problems i think that there was a level of technological sophistication that existed on the european side of course but to summarize all of like native history um especially when you go further south um past just like north america there was a lot of civilization and culture down there um the idea that you can just hand with all these people skinning people is pretty [ __ ] stupid but all right so from little uh what is little it's little timmy not little tommy iq all right so first little timmy's iq is 100 it's 15 points higher than uh blacks on average and what 13 points higher than hispanics on average and you know they're still going to hold that against him and they'll probably say he's a total fraud because you know these these cuban immigrants and their descendants they're they're not real kind of people like timmy you know they they hate the idea that he's so smart and so they'll just you know yell as much as they can about it um all right so from neon nora the multicultural coalition of iran russia and china burn your godless nation to the ground will you move back to cuba uh nope i'll go live in a sweden with my girlfriend [ __ ] that and i don't think okay so i'm going to read all the super chats i don't know if i'll be able to get to um the other questions because we did get uh quite a few this has gone on pretty long um all right so from tyler for mio how is the nuclear family structure part of white culture how is it a part of white culture um well you could ask the african-american history museum that at the smithsonian i guess um they could probably give you a much more researched and detailed definition but as i'd say i think that the new nuclear family structure is descended from the intergenerational home which is uh that it was a huge part of like basically every european culture um so i think it probably is derivative of that um so um tyler durden uh he ended up buying a couple people's questions for a super chat when we did close off the questions so uh tyler durden bought one from for z question for destiny if you believe that the gap in income between blacks and whites is because of environment what policies would actually achieve economic equality um the problem is that like economics is just that's like a thing that happens at the very end of so many other systems so for instance having like a functional household is a really important part of having like a successful child and being able to earn money because like a functional household means that you have at least two parents in the household that are able to like watch and guide the kid it means that that kid's probably gonna do better in school because you've got a family that's invested in his success um another part of that though also goes into things like like drug policy so for instance if you get arrested one time you're probably gonna be in and out of the jail system for like five or ten years because that's just how the u.s prison system works so like if you're if you're more likely to lock somebody up for instance if they catch like a marijuana charge then you're hurting like that that family cohesion that family structure that's gonna [ __ ] that kid's life up um making good investments in education is important um oftentimes poor people have nothing more to do but like [ __ ] and do crime because when you're poor there's like not much else to do but if you've got like healthy schools that have access to like a lot of like um educational programs or a lot of um you know like after school programs and [ __ ] it gives children more to do more ways to be plugged into their schools and communities so like that helps um uh i mean you can talk about like funding for like different things in neighborhoods like having parks and like public pools and [ __ ] like all this it's like it's a huge thing that like you have to come out from a lot of angles when you're talking about like a person's like economic destiny because like your ability to work and earn money at a certain job is going to be downstream from so many other issues that have to be fixed but it's not always as simple as like oh we need to throw more money at the schools or just stop a resting period right like all of it kind of like plays together okay from hydra what place would anyone like to immigrate to that is predominantly black how about it destiny i don't really want to immigrate anywhere i haven't looked around to shop for places so i don't know uh-huh that's a good non-answer he said anybody i i i don't know i'm not looking to leave my car you don't move to if that's predominantly black i don't know any desirable country that i would want to move to i don't know anything about i haven't looked at the other countries around the world i know their tax policies there's another another non-answer here you got me my dude thank you so much mr he didn't know a single thing about any of the white culture he claims to care so much about i wouldn't want to move to any country at all yeah okay man um from vintage red for destiny and mio why is it such a problem for whites to become a minority why does it matter yeah it matters specifically um in the context of this conversation because as white people become a minority to other ethnic groups which are especially being taught like racial revenge theories against them that uh we're gonna turn out just like south africa and rhodesia did and i think that's a bad thing for white people especially and it's bad thing for the world at large because the people who built this civilization if we kept it strong we would be more equipped and able to help out the rest of the world and uh you know but you know we can never really get to compassionate things like that because destiny wants you to think i'm like some genocidal crazy white supremacist neo-nazi or something and uh you know it's it's it's that i'm just looking for what's the best way to preserve this nation to preserve the the um civilization which we've inherited and and it's like that's that is the best way what i'm saying is the best way and it's uh it would make the rest of the world better too but you know destiny doesn't care he doesn't want to talk about any of it if little timmy's hypothetical doesn't want to talk about it if it's real and you give a real example he doesn't care he'll just you know mockingly dismiss it because he has no good answers for what we all know is going to happen now notice that he didn't say it's not going to happen he has no way in order to to put forth that that argument but uh he just argues that he doesn't care maybe it won't happen maybe it's not going to happen as much in the future even though it's already happening today he has no answer whatsoever besides you're [ __ ] and you're a fraud yeah to be clear that what he wants to preserve he doesn't even know what the answer to that is he doesn't know what he wants to preserve because he has no idea but okay keep going from bash the fash why is mia so invested in painting white people as such huge victims uh no actually i don't think that white people are victims generally speaking especially in the long arc of history i think that historically speaking white people were conquerors colonizers settlers and pioneers and that uh white people i think that there is an ethos underlying all of that which had nothing to do with self-victimhood and so yeah i think that uh i don't like the idea of describing me or my people as victims i'm just simply uh if you see a car in front of you and you want to swerve away from it to keep yourself safe you're not saying oh i'm a victim because this car is coming you're you're steering things for a better future for yourself and whoever's in the car with you so from bexner oh my god people on the internet remember bee who remember bee who beat up white intellectually challenged kid and don lemon defending it on national tv saying kids did a bad thing going on for years yeah he also said it's not a hate crime and destiny doesn't care i i don't know this particular thing if people beat up somebody that's usually always bad if they beat him up because he's white it sounds like a hate crime yeah there's this autistic white kid as like a mental handicap and there's like three or four black kids took him into a plane apartment and started and just like beat the hell out of him and you know put his face in a toilet or whatever for like hours and uh yeah the next day don lemon on the news they're saying it's you know some kids did a bad thing and um yeah i don't think it's a hate crime at all even though they specifically were you know making racial comments towards him the entire time on the video which they put out but uh you know you could say that kid's little timmy but destiny wouldn't care about it i mean it sounded like i mean it sounds bad if they said that it's probably hate crime but i mean like you're talking about one thing that happened like five years ago like okay i mean it's bad but i don't know what you want me to say about that all right so from dee jane jingo geek destiny what should you do as an individual if you feel alienated in society due to the historical context of your material conditions stop caring uh is that like a marxist joke i mean like i think that everybody i think that like finding more real life friends is probably the most important thing you can do to break away from like the crazy horrible toxic [ __ ] that exists online um whether you're talking about like griper groups or even if you're in like super far live communities uh make friends in the real world i don't know buy a dog at a hobby go walking meet people dog parks um go to a gym make some friends there find i don't know fine anything you can do in real life like do things with your co-workers to like get more real life engagement is probably going to be healthier for you than the like toxic sludge that is online communities okay from tenuo most blacks and minorities don't think they're american that's the problem that's the big difference but i'd be cool to see a source on that or whatever but i don't even know like how like i don't understand what that means but okay do you have a steady tan rio um from justin destiny what is happening to white people in africa nelson mandela um you are stevie wonderbro thanks okay from the john can mio provide any concrete pure rude peer-reviewed evidence that crt increases anti-white sentiment peer review is an integral integral part of scientific method oh okay yeah but the the peer review fraud process is biased now these days and that was exposed especially in what do they call race studies gender studies a lot of these social sciences that's what jade what made jim james lindsey so uh you know blow up is that he and a group of his colleagues they wrote a bunch of like fake papers using critical race theory in order to do it insane things like rewriting mind conf just through the lens of intersectional feminism to see if it would get passed and one of the things they did is they put through a paper that's like they said that white kids should be taught in chains in classrooms and you know if they don't like that if they have a problem with it you know you as long as you frame it that their problem with that is their white fragility that they wouldn't want that to happen to them um that's they're putting these these things in papers a bunch of them got passed and it just goes to show that like uh the peer review process itself is becoming corrupted because all the people who are peer reviewing already subscribe fully to these ideas which destiny is like denying exists because like uh i haven't seen the nike commercial or whatever you're the one that brought the nike commercial i'm not me all right so from um dark shadow realm hispanics and asians have strong nuclear family though that's not exclusive to whites and again i'm not going to be i'm not going to get to all the other questions i'm just going to read the super chat sorry guys but we just got way too many went way too over um all right so from from dick goblin question from if you're worried about a white minority why do you not have any policy prescriptions that you won't openly advocate for why do i not have any policy prescriptions that i would openly advocate for um well it's you know there are there are some policy prescriptions um you know at the very least i think raising the birth rates of natural born american citizens generally speaking would be a good thing given that white people are not meeting their replacement rates and so i think that like child tax credits and you know there are multiple ways to incentivize that um that without even directly making it about that the things that would boost it um so so i think that's one solution i think that stopping immigration is exactly that's like the whole reason i gave for wanting to stop immigration which is a policy proposal is it not so yeah i i do have policy proposals but largely speaking as i said before i'm not the policy government guy okay i'm the guy who's telling you that these problems are real i'm demonstrating that they exist and that they are taking place and i'm i'm showing that it's going to get worse and uh you know it's like yeah we didn't get to solutions at all because you know destiny first of all doesn't want to admit that it's real and second of all wouldn't care even if it was all right another um superchat that tyler bought for somebody else was for from steve bannon's cat for mio why do you think that if white if that why do you think that if what people face antagonism in the future they wouldn't fire back considering the most powerful nation on earth are majority white yeah no that's that's sure interesting i guess you're talking about a sort of like a collective white identity and a reaction to all of this forging which would which would combat it and that if white people did forge an identity collectively and stand up against all this you know the other groups probably wouldn't be able to stop them it's it's sure an interesting idea i guess do you think there's like some group that's preventing that from happening maybe that's a that's a very good question maybe it must be those especially all right cute people huh so we have um we have two that are written down and then just whatever else comes through uh from batch to fashion many leftists would call israel an ethno-nationalist apartheid apartheid apartheid did i say that wrong state um if true do you think the u.s should follow their lead in regaining cultural homogeneity yeah so it's a sort of a trick question because when you're talking about regaining cultural homogeneity that would that would involve like reducing the the populations of other ethnic american groups which is like you know there's there's no moral way to argue that basically so yeah i don't know if i would phrase it that way but you know in a perfect world if i'd if i could just you know from the what it would uh john rawls call it the veil of ignorance from behind that if i could choose to live in a culturally homogenous society rather than one that's just completely everybody all matched together and fighting for dominance then then yeah i'd probably rather live in a culturally homogeneous one but wait what is the veil of ignorance what is that again what does that mean rawls john rawls a bail of ignorance all right here's another philosophy test veil of ignorance is basically and go ahead and look up the wikipedia page because this is all off the dome but it's basically the idea that if you could go back to before you were born okay and you don't know where you're going to be born on the planet or anything like that what kind of you know your race whether you'll be a man or woman or you know whatever uh if you could just roll the dice and you know hope for the lottery of being born into a good life uh would the world would you choose to do that we want to and the way he brings this up is to illustrate that we want to it's a good system to think about morality because we want to bring about an order or a system where you would want to say yes to that where even if you were going to be one of these one of the marginalized in society one of the most if you were born disabled if you were born with no legs you know if you were born a woman god forbid it's you know things wouldn't be as bad for you um so it's he's saying it you know okay that's good you got it i understand what it is i'm just i'm curious why would you invoke that when talking about like making like an ethnically homogeneous society or something yeah i was just saying that like if i could go back to the veil of ignorance and choose to like be born uh into a homogenous society that i would probably have chosen that but given that where we are in america there's no pragmatic way to make that restore homogeneity to america it would include reducing the other ethnic groups populations would it not i'm see this is the difference he literally just can't understand what uh i don't understand why you would invoke the veil of immigrants i want to go back to before the sale and then go live in an all white house oh yeah okay it's just i only brought like if i could go back to before i was born and it's like could you live in a in a homogenous or not homogeneous society i would pick that one that's what i meant to say okay okay i'm not like poking from all of my philosophy that level of abstraction hurts me i'm only 105 iq i'm barely higher than average i can't get those like fourth deviation away uh that that cuban blood is uh it's holding you back thank you that's a joke by the way i know don't worry it's all irony yellow from little bro um what if little tony never gets bullied um all right and then um from tyler brittany did destiny unread pill you uh not really and if you guys want me to change my title to center's host so i can get stop getting some [ __ ] for this i will happily do it um but yeah my position on immigration still hasn't really budged so you're saying that destiny didn't make a single convincing argument this entire time is that is that where we're at we didn't even we didn't even get to argue over anything i don't even know where you are well yeah because somebody tied us up in like little uh terminology quizzes yeah i do think that there's a lot of being tied up on things that don't matter that is not going to unreadpell me but um from rowdy or anybody from rowdy does mio know that he may have more genetic similarities to a black person than a white person also oh yeah sure yeah i believe that for race human race and last one and then we're gonna go um from matthew burr i grew up in toronto and it's multi-racial the race war never happened why doesn't mio use toronto as a study and realize this doesn't happen uh yeah sure just tell me about south africa man all right all right well um this went a lot longer than normal um thank you guys both for coming on we are gonna be back tomorrow night we're going to be doing our pop-on drink and chat and um so if you guys are interested in coming on you can let me know and we will just have a rotating panel go all night like if i can make it all night because i'm a little tired from this but um and then sunday we have sean last and stardust they're gonna be debating um systemic racism so that is the rest of our week oh we did have one more okay um from bash the bash last question mio can i pay you one 1488 to recite the 14 words on cameo come on i might want to make special gift uh my uncle thanksgiving all right oh yeah i definitely don't know the words yeah we're going we're outta here i don't know which words he's talking about all right all right everybody smash the like button hit subscribe ring the bell we didn't even get to talk about anything what a horrible conversation not gonna lie i feel like you did bully that guy a little too hard for most of the nazi audiences like ask when i died cs turns out to complete a city does not expect most cs people to know cs is a very broad discipline it's not as fundamental social space so i guess like my understanding is just that like the guy said that this guy said that he's 145 iq like i don't think you guys understand like he's a that is incredibly intelligent this is like the point i think it's like point two percent of the population 140 and he said 145 plus so like it just seems like somebody that's that smart like if i was talking to somebody that was of that level of intelligence my expectation would be that if i were to ask him a question about any of these random things that he could start to talk in levels that like i just i'm sorry i can't hang with you i don't know what you're talking about like i'm not i like i just can't keep up i'm sorry like this isn't my field like that that's like that would be my assumption that like you're you you've got to be like very intelligent if you've worked in all this [ __ ] and if you're um yeah i don't know i'm studying computer science i've written a lot of papers about ai and automation saying that assembly is binary i mean it eventually translates to binary i guess but like i it feels like the answer there is like conceptually weak like if you know the concept you should be able to speak a little bit about it you wouldn't have to guess like assembly isn't that kind of like a binary like you would have a better answer right that would be like my that would be my assumption going back to like the music thing i felt very strong about too like he made up everything about music i know 100 yeah i don't know didn't he say he was 30ish yeah he said he was in his 30s do you think he's making up all the music [ __ ] or is just hardcore stretching the truth i mean he didn't know he didn't know a single thing about music at all which just sounds so hard for me to believe if he's like if he's actually like plugged in like professionally to music scenes to not know like anything i i don't know when you're saying [ __ ] to me like john philip souza's big band music and you say you play jazz and you get paid to do it i i'm sorry i just what is traditional american music traditional american music it would probably be like uh folk music or um we have we have what big band music we had uh jazz was american music it's we have um so this is all african-american music right jazz and big band that's like african-american big band music is not african-american music okay of course it was come on no it wasn't big band music is literally like john phillips uh hold on hold on this is african-american culture is that what john philip souza wrote marches that's not a big ban hold on just i just want to be really clear so you don't embarrass yourself with this okay big band does not mean you have a big band playing of the songs big band refers to a type of like jazz or swing that you'd go and listen to and like dance and stuff it's definitely african-american i promise you i'm asking you you're talking to somebody who's a musician and uh you know actually did play jazz and uh i promise you that you were not a musician i promise you that you never played jazz you did not play jazz and you don't know theory okay you don't get to say that about absolutely my life in my history timber oh yeah the timber of an instrument each instrument from a trumpet to a violin produces its own unique quality of sound called timber which music you're using it's not timber it's timber wait you're violent you actually have no background in music no you're actually blind okay oh that too i guess he's saying he's in his 30s but he's in school right now for comp psi and he's 145 iq i like i i don't know and again to be clear i never gatekeep people or test people on this the only reason i'm doing this is because he was literally he opened that conversation like i'm well studying this i know i studied music theory in college and everything blah blah blah blah blah like i yeah i don't know we didn't know the name for embouchure that's got to be something that's like the most important thing that is literally the single most important thing as a musician is your embouchure if you're playing a horn instrument right like i don't know what a partial is and i don't remember this is it's actually embarrassing i don't remember what it's called when you're uh your embouchure ambition yeah you're trying to do your lips yeah so yeah i don't remember i'm not kind of like but that doesn't mean you want to talk about theory you want to talk about scales you want to talk about music history how many sharps are how many sharps are in an e major scale oh man i don't remember you know okay fine tell me what you brag don't know your blue scales what are the notes in a c blues maybe i could count it out what are the notes in a c blue scale b flat what are the notes in a c blue scale what are they do you know what oh my goodness okay yeah i don't know gambit is linking me to [ __ ] iq questions i almost linked him one because i was curious if he could talk his way through solving one but uh what does an iq of 145 mean it means you're isolated many people seem to be missing something and the rest disagree with you basically you're smart enough to see the world does not work well but not smarter to figure out what to do about it things most people are passionate about like football basketball rock will seem meaningless to you eventually you will accumulate a small number of friends who are as smart as you you find it very difficult to cooperate with the people form teams or stay in volunteer organizations for more than about a year your net worth is on average a little higher than your social peers but highly volatile and you're probably not rich zibatsu five dollars you should have lured this kid to the wilderness you have brilliant ideas often not worked out correctly and peer reviewers just don't understand them by the time you get old you figured most of this out conditions are much less favorable to high iq individuals now than they were 50 years ago at the time when survival depended on solving ballistics equations organizing million strong armies and building nuclear weapons and computers and radar you would be identified and put to work and your idiosyncrasies idiosyncrasies tolerated now you're just taking up space better used for affirmative action because the cohesiveness of society is more important we can buy any of the above things from the asians who are smarter anyway yes we can even buy nuclear weapons from them north korea will sell to anybody who can run the blockade we already get all of our electronics from asians and many of our scientists what is this is this the most upvoted answer remember to hit that like and subscribe and don't forget the notification bell so that my videos show up right in your feed did you not do your homework uh mr garrison haven't you figured it out timmy's [ __ ]
Channel: Destiny
Views: 580,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, livestreamfail, lsf, destiny vs, destiny eric striker, destiny conservative, destiny right
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 48sec (13728 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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