A young man argues with Dr Zakir Naik on various concepts of Islam

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yeah thanks dr zakir naik you're a big help um i have one more question i'm a bit confused between the two verses in quran um the first one is in surah baqarah 62 yeah which says that if you believe in one god and believe in the last day and do good deeds yeah you shall have nothing to fear on the day of judgment yeah and you will get your reward with your lord yeah mind it in this surah it doesn't say it that you have to believe in the prophet muhammad peace be upon him as the last messenger and there is also another surah which supports this which is a 22 in chapter number 22 and verse number 17 i think in which it says a similar thing that those who do who believe in one god who believe in the last day and who do good deeds will be fine on the day of judgment but then there is also one more verse in the quran which says that whosoever amongst you comes to me without the religion of islam it shall not be accepted of him and he shall be among the losers so in that last verse does islam mean believing in one god and believing in prophet muhammad and believing in all the other rituals or because islam means submission so whoever has submitted yeah is submitted so you know what's the meaning of islam in the last verse very good question he's quoted verse of the quran of surah chapter 2 verse number 62 that all those who believe in allah and believe in the last day irrespective whether they are jews or christians or sapiens they shall have no fear and inshallah they will have their reward similar thing is repeated in surah chapter number five so brothers asking that here the world doesn't mention believing in prophet if you read the context of this revelation brother what happened people came to the prophet and said that we have been jews we have been christians we have been savions can god forgive us in that context the reply was given as long as you believe in allah and the last day irrespectively previously whether you're a christian or a jew or a sabian you will get the reward it does not mean today a person who says he's a christian and who believes jesus is god he will go to jannah no it does not mean that not jesus is god believes in one god ah believe in one god but if they believe jesus is god then they won't go to that that's fine but my concern my point is yes there is one true god correct so he has to believe in one true god and if he believes in true god he also follow the commandment of god simple yeah but maybe he's confused with that yeah so that means he's believed in a confused god you know he believe he believes in his creator yeah but he he's not yet reached that level then if you ask me the question a person who truly believes in god and little bit confused from his heart and yet doesn't believe in prophet muhammad will he go to heaven or hell that's your question my question is he is clear that there is one god clear the one god he is confused in the prophet he does not do idol worship he does not do that he believes in one god and does good deeds and believes in the last day can you go to jannah is your question yes fine this answer and i'll come to your last question also about that islam is only way of life other verses talk about prophet muhammad peace be upon him yeah so if you truly believe you have to believe in prophet muhammad but if you ask me no suppose i believe in god and if i die today yes if you did good deeds you believed in god but i no i have two verses of the quran supporting me that you believe in one god you do good deeds and you believe in the last day you shall have nothing to fear on that day yeah two verses but the context of the verse is what yeah the context of the verse is when people came to prophet muhammad sallam and they wanted to accept islam that previously we were jews we were christians then the verses say the context is important and coming back to your first question that quran says in surah al-imran chapter 3 verse number 19 in nadine islam the only religion acceptable in the sight of allah is submitting a will to god submitting yes to god and quran also says in surah imran chapter 3 verse 85 if anyone desires any other religion besides islam it will never be accepted of him and he shall be amongst the losers so now submitting your will to god means first you have to find out which is the true god yes and when you find out you have to come to allah yes you can't say i believe in true god but it is jesus i believe in you i believe i believe in allah so if you believe in allah you have to follow what is the commandment of now allah you believe in allah and if you don't come to commandment of allah that means it is not a true allah i believe allah is not created by anyone he's not born of anyone he doesn't have kids he you know correct allah islam that's part of islam yeah part of islam even believing in prophet alone will not take you to jannah you may believe in one god believe in prophet but do bad deeds you will not go to heaven fine so what you have to realize if you believe that true god when you know where you got the school allah was from where from where you got this from the quran i can tell you i gave this brother i tried to remove the misconception well that's a little bit of a private question i'll ask you through emails okay fine when you ask from email when you get convinced that time i'll ask you to believe in prophet muhammad also sure sure fine yeah my last question is uh we see uh this uh the the style of uh the kalima yeah that uh muhammad rasulullah means there is no god but allah and muhammad is a messenger of god yeah now islam has this distinct style i have not seen this style in christianity or judaism that kind of kalima do i don't know i mean is it was there the same kind of kalima in those two religions as well no you know why yeah because it says there is no god but allah and similar similar similar in those lines i'll tell you and prophet muhammad is a messenger and servant so no one should worship prophet muhammad therefore it's mentioned there fine tomorrow people should not start worshiping prophet muhammad peace be upon him we love him we respect him we reward him we are to but we don't worship him i understand so maybe in christianity they could have something like there is only one god father son and holy ghost what no but i'm talking about what jesus told not what christians are telling people every time of the prophet it was that time rasulullah no problem no that is what people had to believe in not in arabic in the language they spoke no what i'm saying is from your study from your study have you found a kalima like that in what jesus would have not not in arabic at every time that you have to believe in the prophet to be a muslim yeah so at that time you have to believe in one god and you have to believe jesus was the prophet of god at the ram of moses you have to believe that there is no god but allah and moses was the messenger of allah you had to believe in that i understand but did you see that reference it is understood there is no reference in the quran the quran says they were messengers it is understood and if i don't believe in jesus now also i am not a muslim quran says you have to believe in each and every messenger today so believing that time was a must and today you have to believe in musa salaam and israel you are asking the question did you have to believe that time simple logic yes i know you have to believe at that time as well what i'm saying is why don't i see any any kalima like that in today's christianity or judaism was today's christianity changed christianity how about judaism i don't know it is changed so they removed the basic of their colonies of course they have changed the messenger to god it is mentioned in the bible today also that jesus is not god he never claimed divinity he is a messenger of god that's what the teachings of the churches yes today's form is the change form how are judaism they still believe there is only one god they don't remind moses as god so did you see a kalima like there is only one god and musa rasool allah no but they believe that musa is the messenger of god they believe in that yeah but at the same time they even believe that you are the imposter jesus christ peace be upon him so that's wrong yeah if you believe jesus the imposter knows that is wrong so you find some of the other mistakes here or there right therefore quran is the furqan quran furqan means the criteria to judge right from wrong so whatever matches with the quran we agreed the word of god what is against the quran contradicts he says not the word of god what doesn't contradict and doesn't match ambiguous maybe that may be wrong i understand your point sir what i'm saying did you see any reference in probably in your study of judaism so they were still believing in this thing that you have to believe in moses as messenger yes but there is nothing concrete like or you know like i don't know of any in the scripture right right okay right okay well my last question is um third last fourth last this last yes after the last just last last of the last last of the last yes recently in india it was in the news that same-sex marriages got allowed yeah and and uh on reading upon it yeah i found out that they said that it is at the genetic level of people genetic it's in the hormones yeah what they desire what they don't desire now i understand that islam is completely against this it doesn't allow this but what i'm saying is if someone's got that it at a genetic level yeah and it's his choice and he was he was he was born with that with that kind of tendency and yet islam chooses to to punish him on something on something that he was born with i agree with him so god sounds illogical yeah so god god made him like that and god is punishing him for that as well brothers asked a question that recently in india homosexuality has been permitted not permitted but the law says it's not a big crime that was there in the indian constitution they have softened it not permitted yet yes it is a court case that took place in delhi it's not a law yet yes there's a human cri yet there are many organizations fighting against it so no law it's a law in canada in usa in uk not in india yet right okay and today there are some scientific research that say that homosexuality is genetic yes the brother asked the question if homosexuality is genetic then who's to blame how can you consider it to be a sin very good question this research was done earlier a few years back and later on what was found out that this is totally false and the person who propounded this himself was homosexual right okay so there's no scientific proof yet it's an assumption right sans doesn't testify yet that homosa shard is genetic right in fact quran says in surah araf chapter number seven verse number 81 which says that do you have lust for men more in preference to women to homosexuality talking about kame luth it is private in the bible also talking about luther islam yes also in the quran it's prohibited yes homosexuality is prohibited completely right it is the assumption that it's genetic it's not genetic at all how does it happen i'll tell you yeah the psychology they tell us that once you overdo a thing you start losing the pleasure right so what god has permitted the normal sexual way of life you start over doing it you start doing unnatural things right what god has permitted natural things you do unnatural you start doing from the riverside so once you get fed up of doing it so often that's the reason scientific research says a person who has no extramarital affairs enjoys the sexual life with his wife and husband the maximum yeah but this tendency is found in small children i mean you know yeah so i mean they have not gotten married yet let me complete yeah yeah they'll come to children later on for them talking about adults yes how it comes in children i'll tell you it okay so what happens once you start overdoing it you want to enjoy more so that thing what is normal doesn't excite you any longer then you start doing unnatural things it's not genetic talking about children how it comes in children it doesn't just come out from birth it's not from birth because they watch pornographic movies right there was blue flims it's haram the parents the way they behave in front of the children all this has a psychological impact on the child right don't tell a person who's born then you start becoming homeless it's not like that at all it's a misconception right scientific doesn't say that right right right it is because of the over exposure now children watch the blue films yeah the channels free to wear you know the more pornography channels and other channels yeah very good money so because of the media that's how when they see on the channel they start emulating and that's how they divert who's to blame the channel right why did the parent allow them right okay so they will be responsible for that right okay okay that answers me that's fine uh one thing you said was that last of the last question yeah what has to be logical you said yeah so why don't god has to be logical god is logical what is logical okay so why did he choose taking into account islam is a correct religion why did he choose to bring you into this world in islam and so many others in a different religion so so that means he's being partial from the birth very good very good question whether the question that some people are born in muslim family and a person more than muslim family chances muslim non-muslim family non-muslim so why is god impartial maybe you were born in a muslim family would have been a muslim yes correct yes it usually goes very good question the criteria to go to jannah is not to be born in the muslim family her beloved prophet muhammad said every child is born in denis he's born as a muslim he submits civil to god later on he's been influenced by his parents by elders by his teachers then he starts doing idle worship fire worship he converts therefore when a non-muslim becomes the muslim the more appropriate word is reward rather than convert he comes back to the original faith now the criteria to go to jannah is not to be born in the muslim family the criteria go to jannah chapter number 103. that by the token of time man is buried in a state of loss except those who have faith those are righteous deeds those that exhort people to truth and those who exert people to patient perseverance the criteria go to jannah is all four things iman righteous deeds exotic people to truth exhorting people to passion and perseverance if a person is born in muslim family the first criteria the chances are more yes not the remaining three yes fine now you you may be born in a righteous family but not having iman i don't know yeah but i mean why was he born in a christian family or a hindu family you know he should be born it's more likely that he gets the other things there are four things to go to jannah if a person is born in a muslim family but does not have righteous deeds does not do dhaba he'll go to hell yeah okay they will not go to heaven only by having a name zakir muhammad abdullah sultan will not take you to heaven even practice is important you may be born in a family which has racial or may not be having iman so everyone has different combination but almighty god says in surah silat chapter number 41 verse number 53 soon we shall show them our signs in the first region of the horizons and into the soul until it is clear to them that this is the truth so allah takes it upon himself to every human being he'll put in his heart directly that this is the truth like how god sent me to put it directly into your heart here yeah correct no so you need to say there's no advantages yeah no no there i want to disadvantage it it's a big advantage you got everything very easy but for a person who's in a different religion it's it's a com he doesn't even compromise you got so easy in three hours you got it directly very easy right or wrong you don't think it to be easy yes see how you take it i am saying how lucky you are compared to the other non-muslims you attended my talk yes yet you're not accepting it who's to blame you are god yes you yeah but there are not me there there are a lot of religion is a big thing not big thing you want to make it big you make it big you want to make it important it is important the problem is that almighty god puts in every human being directly not always to dr zakir naik i am only 0.0001 yes it's not me some through me some through others some directly so on the day of judgement you cannot complain to god you cannot complain you cannot go and tell god i didn't know about islam yeah i cannot you cannot i cannot because you know you may be having more knowledge of islam than many muslims more in muslim families yeah because the way you're quoting quran the way you're asking me question i'm sure so now after reading so much about islam and yet if you don't accept allah will question you you have no excuse whatsoever the other non-muslim will deliver them afterwards let's talk about you first yes you have no question at all yes on the day of judgement i have i i can say there were a few things which i was i did not get the right answers no there are many muslims who are born in muslim family not few have many questions which are not answered yes you are few they have many so you are in a better position you cannot complain to god you have a few questions not answered give god that these are the basis because they did not get answered that's why i did not accept it if i don't accept it maybe later i don't know which question you don't have tell me now tell me now come on you can't tell god doctors ask you in front of 20 30 000 people what question you don't know about the quran come on first of all the answer that you gave that because of media and blue films i know i know small small kids who don't even have access to that and still they have that those which kids name them what nonsense are talking i'm a medical doctor what do you know are you a medical doctor i have seen it are you a medical doctor let me tell you i'm asking are you a medical doctor yes or not i'm an engineer i'm a medical doctor fine okay now you are telling a doctor you have seen if i tell you that i have seen a building made of paper you know come in bombay i have seen a building the pillars were made of paper will you believe in it i won't i have not seen it yes see this is the first as the person who knows now i have seen you have seen does it carry weight yeah i have seen a building made of paper will you believe but your point is that it's only because of media but i know i know the point is it is not genetic there is no scientific proof at all it is genetic i'm telling you right right what i'm telling you it can be one of the reasons yeah what is there can be 20 other reason one of the reasons can be media you tell me it can't be media i'll disprove you right right one of the reasons can be media right fine yeah yeah yeah very good actually i have to go through all the other questions hope it's not too late i don't know how long i'm going to live see if i die at the state of getting more knowledge yeah then i can always tell god that i was no no you cannot you cannot i'm telling you you cannot you cannot i will give shahada on the day of judgment i give you a chance you cannot yeah i don't know i'm going to live tomorrow or not since 90 of my questions are answered but they will go through more things people accept islam with 10 acceptance saw that girl according to me you have more knowledge than all the people who accepted islam yeah that's true maybe that's true but my principle is unless i'm 100 clear i will i will not take such a big step i will only take that big step many things you did in life without knowing hundred percent did you know how much you're going to own in dubai that you gave me 100 see that way i'm ready to say the the the thing but but the thing is i've seen some muslims who say that if if you have a iota of doubt then you're not a muslim so who said that who said that they say if you have are you going to follow the quran i am going to say some muslim forget about muslims no you want to judge you have to believe in 100 percent even if you are 99 who said that who said that does the quran say that it doesn't say that you follow quran don't follow the other muslims don't follow you follow quran so if i tell you if i tell you that i believe that prophet muhammad was a prophet of god 90 and 10 i have doubts am i am i a muslim no do you believe in messenger or not a god other doubts are separate i believe in one god and i believe in his messengers ninety percent i believe it is yes ninety percent i have why is ten percent who don't believe tell me now i'll clarify that i can't recall those questions now why yes i can't recall this is escapism no not really i'm not including my heart i am not escaping i am not asking you to accept islam i'm not asking you i'm only telling you if god forbid something happens to you before you accept islam you will not be forgiven i am only telling you an advice take your time take your time when you need me you can call me on the email suck it at irf.net my pleasure to reply to you brother how do you spell irif ah i r f dot net i r f it's a short form for islamic research foundation right okay yes or you can watch me on peace tv inshallah all right okay thank you so much see you next time
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
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Keywords: Dr Zakir Naik, Zakir Naik, Zakirnaik, Drzakirnaik, Zakir Naik Urdu, Zakir Naik English, PeaceTv, Peace TV, Peace Tv English, Peace TV Urdu, Peace TV Bangla, Zakir Naik Lecture, Dr.Zakir Naik, Zakir Naik Lecturs, Muhammad, Allah, Islam, Muslim, Religion, Muslim Brotherhood, Hiduism, A young man argues with Dr Zakir Naik, A young Engineer argues with Dr Zakir Naik, A young Engineer argues with Dr Zakir Naik on various concepts of Islam, Engineer, Dr Zakir Naik V/s Engineer
Id: rJ7a0gNdu3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 04 2015
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