Genestealer Cults vs Aeldari - A 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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foreign welcome back to tabletop times we have GSE versus eldari these are two metal monsters that are in like the 70 win percentage right now they're a problem with the problem here we are we are the problem that's why we're in the little playpen by ourselves it's just you and I we have an rtt to get ready for over the we are for the weekend that's right and so we're doing a little practice game it's going to be nice and fun nice and friendly it's gonna be great it's gonna get some good practice in for both of us um and uh yeah hopefully you're having a good time have a great time I'm super excited 10th edition is well and fully underway lots of tournaments results are coming in people are learning adapting dude we're gonna be playing on new style terrain today for the Edition it's an exciting time to be playing um Warhammer 40K absolutely please remember to like And subscribe we're the sponsors are you in need of terrain on a budgeting time money or space an issue for you look check out Titan's terrain it's the battlefield happy Uprising day everybody it is time to take a look at these Jean Stiller colds this is my competitive list for tournaments left on gone in first off we're going to talk about characters leading units let's kick it off with my warlord who is a Primus with prowling adjutant joining a nexos also joining a unit of 20 neophytes this unit has four seismics four flamers and an icon we also have another Primus joining a unit of 20 neophytes with the same Loadout for seismic 4 flamers and Nikon and the third Primus because they're amazing and give full rerolls to hit joining a unit of 10 aclight hybrids with 4 demo Chargers and six flamers next up we have a second nexos that's gonna allow me to have some CP savings as well as moving some blips he's going to be joining a unit of another 20 neophytes with four seismics 4 flamers and an icon my last character joining unit is a biophages with inscrutable cunning which allows them to infiltrate and give a CP refund and it's going to be joining a unit of 10 aberrance Muscle Beach is back baby now that is the end of my Leader's joining squads but I have more characters let's take a look we have a reductive Saboteur with meticulous planner which is the vect we also have a second reductive Saboteur with no upgrades and we have two individual climber vessels that may be joining squads but really it's going to depend on the deployment we have a fourth unit of 20 neophytes with forks that makes four flamers and a Nikon a unit of five AC lights with one demo charge and four flamers and lastly two Ridge Runners with a mortar and an auger in individual units gonna allow me to tag up John's units giving me ignore cover and plus one AP the list is all about battle line that come back automatically with blips having a ton of maneuverability a ton of Firepower and just enough melee durability in the form of the aberrance John today is bringing his beloved pointy ears the eldari with a really cool and strong list kicking it off we have evraine who is his warlord a death gesture has a lone operative and sniper and an individual farsier on foot allowing him to turn certain fade dice into sixes his only leader joining a squad is his Spirit Seer joining a unit of 10 Race guard with these sights this is a tough tough block that's gonna sit in the middle and shoot back at anything that shoots at it beyond that Jon has two individual fire prisms true Knight spanners two units of five Shadow specters with are fantastic against GSC two units of five dwarf spiders that are just fantastic in general a single support platform with D Canon and three ravagers Allied in from the drukari this is a very nasty competitive list that can wipe many units off the board today we're gonna be playing GW style terrain but if you want to save some money some time and some space check out Titan's Terrain oh boy boom uh those are the lists it's gonna be fun this is what we're both thinking of bringing to uh this weekend's rgt this is the terrain set we're gonna be playing on it's gonna be super fun oh boy um and uh yeah we we really need this practice we we do the game it is the wild west out there obviously there are huge things in the huge huge problems in the game well you know what where you want to play Warhammer we're going with her we're going to events yes wild things are happening and when you kind of we're just kind of going with it accepting all the wildness with it right yeah uh we'll complain more about it on the good talk after this yeah exactly we do have a good talk we'll talk about the state of the game all that stuff uh so that's for after the game right now we're here to beat each other up yes um now here's a question yep did we give Lindsay the mission today [Laughter] that's hilarious that's amazing yeah yeah you've got dawn of War style a deployment today yes this is hot dog uh so this is coming from this whole pack and the terrain is coming from I forgot the UK organization it's like UK it's like the ITC equivalent right and so they have their own ranking system where they have like top players they have their own admission packet yep um and and everything so this is uh literally mission one of their preset terrain and Mission set exactly and it obviously is coming from like the GW standard um just with their terrain set so the first one is Donna war and then we're also playing skirt scorched Earth burning time trying to burn injectors yes uh this is uh you get five points for each objective that you hold at the start of your command phase and your command phase um but if you burn something it's gonna be worth 10. we can't burn until uh starting at turn two yes so that's pretty interesting there uh and then the uh chilling rain right just chilling which is great I like to see that I like to see it you're gonna see a lot of chilling rain in all kind of organizations that you know play competitive right just like the most standard thing you don't want anything too wonky more on that later yeah still yes yes members I'm still complaining they've heard this on Tuesday uh anyways anyways it should be a very fun mission this is like literally one of the missions that we're gonna play during the tournament um so hopefully we don't get paired but you know we do we might have some insight of how we're gonna play that yeah exactly exactly if you're planning and going Saturday yeah yeah yeah uh look John I think it's time for the ye old-fashioned roll-off I think it is you gotta redeploy after we put down our models yeah I've done it before the roll-off I every every GSE rule possible I'm playing as conservatively as possible I'm not doing any Shenanigans bombs aren't coming back I redeployed before to put a bunch of stuff in reserve uh we'll talk about what's in the reserve once we get to the turn yeah sounds good you ready for this John with the white dice Adrian with yellow dice Turbo's highest has to go first that's right same time [Applause] turn one good luck have fun boom let's do this thing uh we're each gonna get a command Point yes on a four plus I'm gonna get another command point because I have neophytes on an objective whoa uh yup they do all that and more let's take a look we do not get a command point and you have some fake Tyler dice it's really we're going fishing for sixes let's see what is in store for you today huh so 12 dice no um no l-drad today I like it and uh we'll see I don't think a lot of eldari players are getting through all their fate dice yeah exactly um so I think I really go hard and look for sixes here especially I think I'm gonna be overwatching a lot because you have a lot of deep shreds okay here we go five sixes here it is so weird so tell I've heard I know a little bit about your philosophy behind this it's not purely sixes right there's philosophy right right I'm looking for above average sixes which I do have or above average for ups and so you can see here that I don't have a above average four UPS I have I have below average everything right yeah right but I do have above average sixes I doubt that I'm gonna have more sixes than this I do have a way to turn things into sixes also true also true um so like there's some leeway there yeah oh my gosh that sounds like a that's like a really hard decision right on the line um but you're feeling like if I mean if you value six is more and you feel like you got above that average sixes right and maybe you are holding on to it then it's it's hard it's a it's not a great decision and it's not a great problem to have here but I will keep I will keep I'm Gonna Keep three sixes and two four ups and then at least five of these hopefully if my farseer lives the whole game yeah it's gonna be five sixes on top of that look that's not bad at all not bad at all right oh gosh when you say it like that that's terrifying uh cool cool well um before I draw some cards just to let you all know I have three units of 20 neophytes in uh Reserve uh in the Army description I mentioned I wasn't sure where the claim this so we're gonna go they are not attached um but they are not on the board currently because John does have uh out of line sight shooting so we have two canvas and deep strike we have uh Saboteur and deep strike we have a five man a ten man and then the 320s uh using the redeploy is able to put in more things in reserve than you'd normally be able to uh with that uh we don't always have to do jazz hands anymore we can also do other other things so you've been doing like poses and stuff like yeah you could do poses you can wiggle you all right so this is uh this is kind of a 50 50. extend battle lines is great this is hold something in my deployment Zone hold something in the middle already done it perfect engage on all fronts less desirable turn one yes uh this is have something in at least three table quarters if not four um I could do it but it would cost me dearly however I'm not going to bid it so we'll just take grab those cards I've got one for sure and then one that might just turn into a CPA yeah you didn't get the CP regen so you know you're like oh I can take it or leave it precisely precisely um cool so we're off the races yeah let's see command phase this is gonna be a very quiet turn frankly this is yeah it's not gonna be a ton going on I think I did want to go second I don't this is my literally my first time playing against GSC so I'm very curious about about your output you have amazing survivability yes but in some ways I think I need to play the whole breath of the game because you will definitely be alive on turn fives try to score so I need to go be going second and also playing the whole breath of the game yeah so we'll see how this goes let's see what we can do uh command phase nothing I'm just gonna get moving we can take some questions yeah yeah so I don't know I don't know yeah completely we do have some suggestions today went so fast like it like just suddenly was six o'clock I was like oh man yeah we should probably turn on the stream all right uh so this Super Chat is from Jason Langer thank you Jason oh by the way yeah I can like super chats now wow yeah you could do that on Tuesday oh my goodness unlike can we like well here's the thing you don't the ones that you don't like yeah yeah oh yeah I like it so it's kind of like yeah every everybody I could like super chats now so that's fun uh is this the first one which I liked is from Jason Langer thank you Jason what's up Jason long time Watcher first time Super Chat looking forward to this matchup as getting ready for ATC any tips for Orcs against these two armies riding laws and Beast boss on a Squig on a Squig heavy movement and anti-monster vehicles so I think the thing the best tool against both of these armies frankly is Orcs MSU frankly just lots of scoring you will die you will get tabled but you can still win the game yes um I can tell you GC hate going up against multiple small units they want a single big thing to kill so lots of small units will be a fantastic against that aldari are almost exactly the same way right we want to Stack all of our Buffs our plus one to wound our lethal hits all of this stuff onto one unit that we're killing and we also have an amazing Strat that you got to look out for because it's a huge gotcha it's moving after your opponent's movement phase and so if you have this kind of mindset of like overloading threat overloading the board and you got multiple charges lined up now the eldari player is like oh my gosh where where do I move like I I'm gonna get charged either way exactly what direction do I move and you gotta kind of just have to pin them in and just classic orc wad up wad up that was so huge and that durability for that turn is absolutely amazing yes it's like super super important even eldari AP is is going to be Shrugged off sometimes yeah exactly uh thanks so much hopefully have a good time yeah good question it's always a fun thing like playing like a non like meta Army right and like I have air quotes like and you're going against like the best army right and it's super fun because it's a it's a win-win like you're you're punching up right exactly I'm scared of your warp spiders um oh yes I could Advance my so I rolled in advance on my Saboteur which can get me on the point but it can't get me behind the terrain so I'm loan operative I'd only feel truly safe from your warp spiders if I was behind the terrain because you could zip up super close within 12 shoot I do have the bomb which could be effective but then we're both kind of gambling and the reason I'm thinking about this is do I want to be able to pick up this unit at the end of your turn and and bring them back later on uh that would mean I would have nothing on the objective if I didn't have her so because I haven't rolled high enough I think I'm just going to stay tucked in there probably means they're frankly going to hang around and it's a really good deterrent from for side warp spiders so I think honestly she's just gonna chill nice and tucked in right there so we've got septer here aberns are going to stay here um and um that's actually I'm gonna do virtually no movement uh tell me about 14 across the board movement on my skimmers okay can you give them assault or anything uh I cannot give them a salt not that I know of okay uh sounds fantastic all right so we feel pretty safe here then we might tuck in just a tad the range on your night Spinners is like a million right 48 okay correct so we are just going to tuck in with the Achilles Ridge Runner make sure we can't get shot by the ravager coming around the corner um we are nowhere safe from the D Cannon we know we're not gonna be safe from these and there's nothing we can do about that uh with that we're just gonna go straight to shooting yeah oh let me sorry let me sorry end of my moving face after the movement phase I might want to move here totally um The Wraith guard are so slow and you haven't come out this is a pro move I hate it thank you thank you I'm not gonna play with you yeah not today yeah yeah um the terrain is weirdly kind of thought out I can't yeah there's a lot I can't get away with I hate it there's big Lanes but not where there's objectives not where it matters I don't know we're also curious what y'all think in chat uh what do you think about this train it's our first time playing on it with the 10th edition layout right uh John's thinking about if you can if he wants to Phantasm for one CP move at the end of my movement phase yeah um I think I'm gonna stay um it would be cute if to move if you did move out yeah but you've I would be moving to just be in a better place for secondaries right exactly um yeah it also potentially lets me back to you before and I think it's like me too is it the best Strat I don't know I don't know I'm looking at that I'm looking at OverWatch I'll tell you that overbought yeah oh yes and then lightning fast on uh four up uh BS Army I don't know exactly go ahead sorry no worries we're off to the shooting phase uh we are gonna try to work on these warp spiders that I keep talking about uh and specifically so we'll start with this Ridge Runner because it has the most limited range um now that I even realize there's one in the middle we could they could both reach everything in the center there but putting some some threat onto this uh because I think this is a unit that John's going to want to reach onto this objective with feels good so we'll start with this Ridge Runner shooting its mortars all the way over at these warp spiders yeah I'm already minus one to hit yeah so why do fast doesn't make sense exactly this is D6 plus three and blast so this plus four we got a big seven shots here we're hitting on a fives no re-rolls yeah twos or twos let's go oh it's good new AP though um no HD and no ignore cover no no ignore coat well I guess it doesn't sorry yeah yeah I don't know if they have three UPS or four I have three oh so you're just sitting at threes um what a weird day okay uh I'm saving one I'm gonna slow roll this yeah I'm just gonna roll three because it's it makes it just makes sense it doesn't change my decision for three years okay I lose maybe one this is one damage one damage oh at least two and then I spend this is yeah one damage yeah I lose two and then I fake dice one three Okay cool so using the three save it yeah kill two warp spiders is they have the crossfire Special Rule which means after we've hit something with uh them we now get plus one AP and ignore cover with the rest of the army it's amazing we're gonna shoot the second mortar at the same Target here yeah obviously ignoring cover doesn't matter but the AP is nice so it's D6 plus three now so six shots still hitting on fives we can't see ya oh yeah yeah still not too bad two is here let's go fours yeah Force let's go ah Shucks I think I'm excited yeah they're good though right they're good that's about math I was expecting you to kill two or three a turn yeah exactly uh last of all The Saboteur did Advance she has one out of line of sight gun I don't call if it's if it's assault uh no only her demo charges are okay so she's just chilling in there that's fine it was worth trying to get the ability to go back here yeah that's gonna be it for my turn uh we're gonna let's go ahead and score it up okay obviously no burning yet we're gonna get the five points on extend battle lines okay I'm gonna go ahead and Bin it on engage so get rid of that we'll get a CP okay and we'll go off to the aldari turn okay good strong start I like it thank you thank you well Dari turn one we're gonna get a CP up to two you're up to four to be here wait what so I started with one um bonus wait it's about it wait wait um it's impossible I have you you had three okay okay yeah sorry you just gotta cheat no problem yeah get one at the start of the turn uh and then we binge it and then we're going here so three yeah you're like the most you can possibly have yeah yeah four would be good though yeah I'll take four right um anything to declare in the command phase nothing that we need to do just yet we'll take some cards first oh let's go I don't know what this is [Music] assassination okay dang it I'm a Teleport Homer um it's like a love hate here I would love assassinate at a different time yeah this is the one you want right also deploy teleport homers is kind of good yeah you could definitely reach the middle I can reach the middle I do have a character here but you gotta get danger close um yeah this is weird no I mean it's dude I mean I I lined up to do it so yeah this is why warp spiders are amazing yeah because realistically that's like board time my ravenger can also do it um because it moves pretty fast because it's just within it's on the objective right yeah oh yeah yeah sorry yeah I'm thinking about the assassinate too so yeah you have a fast unit that can get in the middle you have fast units that can potentially shoes I see I see I love it yeah okay all right let's do this thing oh I should do some sidekick I'm going to do minus one to wound on the race guard two up oh let's go okay fantastic I was like for sure gonna fail that um T6 minus one doing it t7 minus one uh I thought we were the same for a second John no no I am better I am better um I have nothing to resurrect at the moment no wraith guard and yeah we're gonna move I should say I have your brain and Shadow specters and deep strike I don't know if I said that I should say um yeah I'm gonna get moving I don't know what I do here but yeah I'd love to see I'm curious I've only played this is only my second game against Eldar with GSC so I played Jesse last week we learned a lot and uh and here we are so lots to learn every single game well we could take a Super Chat yeah it would be fantastic uh this one is from Willie the orc thank you Willie um are there any changes in 10th that have made your jobs easier or harder either in terms of production planning videos coming up with content Etc oh really this is a great question this is amazing question um yeah go ahead no I'm I'm not sure the answer is definitely yes I need to think about the ways in which what do you think what do you guys think I personally like the um secondaries like how the secondaries are done and maybe just how because it you you you you all you guys always do tactical right right um and so it's like uh you have to there's no more scrambling to oh oh you're this there we go there's no more oh and yeah sorry there's I don't know I feel like there's there's less scrambling to get secondary set up oh my gosh that took the beginning because now it's just a random role and it wasn't a fun part either it was like agonizing of like oh I could do this or maybe this and nobody's happy about picking the secondaries for like half an hour yeah least of all so that's a great Point actually just just kind of rolling with it right yeah so I think that's a great Point um the games are dare I say faster um we get to more natural conclusions more quickly which is great I think with the ad when Gambit was introduced we were a little bit like oh man are there going to be games that kind of get dragged out with not much hope of something ending but but it's actually ending but generally speaking we found that like you will be able to reach a point where you know what's going to happen basically so yeah so the games are actually faster which is nice um the lists are weird to build but kind of simpler to convey and show to people so like the graphic that we have right now really works best with 10th edition um so I think that's another Improvement there's a lot of things that are more difficult uh of course some of which have changed uh the time which we couldn't stand on objectives obviously a big pain for us yeah we never really learned that skill which is which is good because we didn't have to in the end the fact that was such a pain especially because like you know we're trying to put on a good show for everyone and it's like this tiny little micro thing that just gets constantly in the way yeah um and I think it also takes people out of it once they like see that we're standing on objectives so that was like a big production annoyance be honest yeah so roll the Big Five on my race guard Advance the whole scary I don't like this um I'm really having to respect the aberrance yeah it's probably my only counter like hard hard counter to these race cards so I am not out of a charge range I'm out of a charge outside or inside of cover I guess outside of line of sight so if you do come out of this building I can shoot you and then move away right exactly so hopefully that helps me a little bit I do want to get some board control so I don't think you have any Precision in the list too so no Precision I like that I can be pretty blatant with my characters here yeah just be aware uh yeah The Saboteur can pop a bomb on someone it's the is it at the end of the move or at the no just when you finish the move so there's none that I wanted to do yet yeah you you in terms of like Precision or um characters yeah if you know what I'm saying like weird character stuff I got you I got you I think yeah not Precision within a squad uh yeah definitely don't want it yet schwounds good hopefully everyone's having a lovely evening day slash morning [Music] we're excited to be here playing some games uh do take note of course we don't have a stream on Saturday um this was just because of the way that scheduling ended up working out um just people people are traveling people are out uh and so there's gonna be no stream on Saturday uh apologies for that however tomorrow is a consolation prize sorry and I are going to be doing some painting join us at 12 p.m Pacific Standard time we'll be doing a hobby and hang uh and just chilling I'm going to be painting up uh some of these GSC characters that need more detailing and soray's gonna be bringing his Golden Boys the custodies and we'll be hanging out so do join us for that sick and uh sorry sorry we couldn't get the show together on Saturday um there's a there's a couple days along this summer basically people are traveling so I suppose that's allowed huh John yes okay okay I'm just like trying to screen you out oh no that wasn't like no no yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry uh yeah we are we have a lot of events lined up we have uh so Summer's gonna be pretty exciting so hopefully instead of catching us live you can catch us live live um yeah and when we do go to the big events and stuff we'll just be sure to put out content for it and it touch base with everyone oh I'm trying to do math you move six yeah I want to slow you two inches you have a 16 inch threat range yeah correct suddenly you're gonna be 16 away sounds great hanging just outside of 16. this is a pro move taking no chances right uh not gonna move the platform 16. I hate how I'm so restricted by these albertans are great so I I will fully I will fully admit I was not convinced about the aberrance um people were like oh I try the average well I was like I'm gonna try the average I was like ah I don't know I don't know I tried them I can never go back they're amazing even if they do just this the whole game they just stand there and hold the point to be scary yeah that's great totally worth their points amazing um don't forget I can make a unit untargetable Beyond 12. it has to be infantry infantry yes they're not the tanks you want to see those guys oh no I appreciate that yeah it's beyond 12 and then it also gives them stealth in case you're within 12. look I I'll give you a 10 inch charge oh I like it while you're thinking about charges yeah this one is from just Jupiter thank you Jupiter uh and Jupiter says happy Thursday have a great time at the Tacoma open people really like my big under Hive display and my chaos GSC my two biggest losses were against indirect firearmies any tips to deal with indirect oh it's a good um very good question ever right um although the strength is not the worst it could be still pretty oppressive yeah it is very very spooky um with GSC you real so it's it's about giving them not many options to shoot back uh not many targets and then putting pressure on if you're on a dawn of War it's really in trouble because it's hard to stay out of out of range but put pressure on them make make sure that you can uh you can reach their indirect you can maybe tack it up things like that um that's not gonna do anything anymore it's tough I'll be honest it's tough it really really really is um I don't know that have good advice for you yet I'm gonna have to figure that out myself personally there's gonna be a little bit of this today frankly um but certainly this list with a lot more of it um I would say it really comes into the list building um aspect right you need to try to focus on things with good armor save that can benefit from cover um loan op is amazing loan op is absolutely amazing it would help if you if we have a faction but oh GSC oh GSC GSE yeah yeah so that's why frankly overall you you're like a captain at loan operative you're just like I love it so we kind of played my first event with GST I had three Ridge Runners I dropped one for another Saboteur because loan off is amazing I am honestly I would consider a third one frankly so then you have a couple loan operatives then you can also of course loan up one unit and that's what I mean as far as like trying to reduce their options like if it's make all your fragile things untargetable and then they can shoot aberrance like good luck have fun um knowing I you know I say that I know there's still ways they can get they can just have so many units that there's only so much you can do but that's that's what I would say for now we're going to be learning we'll figure it out yeah thanks Josh Jupiter amazing amazing amazing army by the way yeah um okay I am done with my movement phase I'm trying to entice you but give you bad options you have things you can do here could okay so you're really not going for the assassination huh I I'm I'm not I would put be putting my race guard right too close to the average again these secondaries can easily make you make dumb decisions yep so totally just not gonna risk it really it's going to be you're gonna choose who I shoot here uh I'm not shooting aberrance or am I shooting neo-fice this turn yeah exactly exactly and both both of my spiders or night Spinners are in 48 of both units makes sense your loan operative is safe I'm doing the action with the ravenger so I can't even charge it yeah so safe here I'm not gonna pop the mines yeah give me something super compelling like I'm trying to do some Mortals against your ravager but yeah um so yeah you're beyond 12 Beyond 12. so I can save one not the other one okay yeah so I have nothing to say just yet then I'm 18 here but 16 here okay so like you can't charge this yeah and if you try to charge this it's going to be a long charge and I can OverWatch you yeah exactly it looks like I've got 14 inches to the uh wreath guard so if you hit them if you slow them it'll be a 10 inch charge yeah if you don't hit them then it's an eight yeah and then keep in mind I always have a Phantasm yeah it's very interesting I'm super intense all right well start shooting yeah shooting face oh when do you oh I got the target so it's the Target and then you can retarget we'll we'll get the elephant out they made it much better than it used to be yeah let's do a support platform into your aberrance okay so I have to decide now yes Fiddlesticks and then the night Spinners are 48 uh no so two number shots oh uh blast three plus D6 three plus D6 yeah it'll be five plus D6 twin linked devastating no AP slowing you down you got that you've got that and then uh the D Cannon if they're untargetable we'll have no targets we'll have no targets correct okay okay so it's value in that sense yeah for sure we'll we'll make the average on targetable cool we'll go down to 2cp there thought you would yeah coolness so support platform is out of here we're gonna do the um night spinner into new fights correct yep you got it so it's a squad of uh 20. it's like blasted it's totally blacked out three plus four seven plus D6 do you ignore cover uh I do not ignore cover okay correct so you will benefit from cover I will benefit from cover I'm hoping to just normal wound the life I have nothing else to say carry on uh yeah D6 plus seven it's the first one yep let's say it like that oh 13. I hate it thanks I hate it uh so four is here oh man we're starting to roll dice uh keep in mind I'm gonna Master Artisans that's good every thing everything cool yeah I'm not getting anything here and then two two seven sixes are nice though oh my God why would you do this to me six more words uh yeah it's six yeah twin link and the sixes will just save no no I have a four up save okay yeah okay yeah so you didn't lose anything so these are four UPS here all right all right so we saved that and then we take six portal wins and we lose six bubs yeah and then you're slowed no more dancing minus two to your movement amazing cool well that's one last blast shot for you mister whoa D6 plus six now uh-huh yeah you better slow down you're gonna lose all the shots um I have a mortar and a mortar and this is a lone operative correct yeah ah no I just I keep thinking of these guys okay here it is nice uh 10. 10 shots fine hitting on fours fours yep was a singular reroll yeah Artisans that was good I like it now we're looking for twos and sixes twos don't you dare John oh okay less hot yeah yeah Ah that's okay okay no that's fine actually yeah four mortal wounds and then five saves oh amazing oops this is oh my goodness you have cover Adrian what are you gonna do that's ten more no sorry eight more uh so you're gonna have killed um 14. one two three yeah fourteen fourteen uh so we're gonna be down to six which guess what it's all the flamers and all the seismics oh sorry not all the flamers because the icon's gonna stick around uh heck yeah yes so we'll be there one two three four five six seven eight uh who do we appreciate oh yeah that's included in character so we're good three kill one more I think yep pretty good all right is that all you got oh that's all that's all that's all I got that's all yes I love it cool so we're slowed shall we score you up yeah we can score up we're gonna get three points for doing deploy teleport homers and we're gonna bin assassinate for a CP going up to three CPS all right love it uh with that let's take it away do you see turn two we'll just get a CP um I need to see if I get a beetle shocked let's go there's an eight we are good we're chilling let's see if we get an extra CP because we are on an objective as well nice Bora or we get an extra CP like yeah now we're standing on an objective with uh the icon so we get three plus D3 models back so let's take a look uh we got four models back it's a classic you know hey hey it's only so so low it can be this is your seismic coming back these are no I didn't kill the seismic oh gotcha yeah yeah um boom so we'll be here here nice we'll take off the dead and anything that we're forgetting about I don't think so uh do you have when do you declare your upy Downy end of your turn okay I had decided not to because I would be off at this point I appreciate it gotcha yeah well with that um I think Lindsay could I have some cards yes come on vote I don't know what I'm doing you're doing great John you're doing great see you pleased no prisoners and deploy teleport homework is very interesting so this is kill things and do exactly what John did which is an action in the middle or action in the back line as GSC we prefer the back line if we can got some nasty OverWatch let's see what we can do I'll hang on to both of those okay and I'm gonna get thinking and get scheming and we can take some questions nice and no prisoners okay let's um so this is a super chat from eight bit bite hey thank you 8-bit bite uh and eight bit bite says shout out to my roommate who is in chat uh that's a chickadee Spike thank you hello I am going to destroy this weekend yeah I'm making great content to y'all yes I love it the call outs are real super into it watch out man this guy's gunning for you man seriously that's amazing go get you come in with the heat getting called out I love a good call out on the channel yeah we love a good couple out here call out your friend in front of a thousand people it's good have fun French Friendship is number one always always on top here yeah destruction of your enemies a second right um question yeah can you you if you over what was the thing that slows like Spinners night Spinners not that you'd necessarily want to do this but could you OverWatch with them in slow me no well in shooting face yep good question I want to take an eight inch charge into wraith card probably not it's probably a bad idea right out here yeah I don't know Phantasm you can't Phantasm in OverWatch though because you have to OverWatch first is that true yeah so OverWatch is one unit starts or finishes a move so if I come down outside of like for example your warp spiders are here 12 inch range if I'm going to come down here you could OverWatch we got a range yes you can't then Phantasm and then oh no no no unless they move I was thinking I can do the other way around I can OverWatch and then and then Phantom on way yeah yes which is my other kind of that's what I would want to do yeah yeah yeah you know what you're just all right I get it um so we're thinking about how to get the Homer um we have a five man but we also need to survive potential OverWatch yeah uh and so that's that's when it becomes like interesting like we have a 20 man we can use um but that's a lot for a ton of points you know I'm saying what I'm saying I'm saying uh that's that's the decision right yeah um Adrian what's your primary oh yeah thank you primary is going to be 10 points I'm holding my home objective I'm holding one in the middle okay excellent thank you so this one's interesting because I believe it caps at 10. yes so it's really hard to take someone off of that primary so for example John is on two in the middle and one in his home objective so taking him off of one of these Center objectives will do absolutely nothing for my scoring I have to take them off two of them to actually do anything that's right that's right speaking of which what kind of OC you got going on here uh probably not a lot I think it's OC 2 on the rate so it looks like six on the ravenger which is three okay Mission work so very very takeable yeah okay I like it I like it cool while you're thinking about that we can take another Super Chat this is from eight ounce sweet tea thank you eight ounce sweet tea oh it's a lot of tea and I know right eight ounce says howdy Titans packing for a family vacation tonight while I watch currently working on a night's Army but already planning my next Army any fun recommendations like a true Warhammer player yeah I'm playing eldari right now at tournaments but I really have a t-sun's army yeah yeah so like playing every Army right now sometimes by the time I get an army together and like playing I'm like I'm already thinking about the next one it's the worst that's true that's true the worst that's true that's true oh hello oh hello hi hello um look at it what a guy what a guy there's no models on the table anyone oh boy then right there yeah again yeah everyone's good so did you have any recommendations they asked for recommendations oh so I missed the recommendation question part recommendations for what for new armies oh new armies yeah gotcha yeah I mean oh that's a tough one honestly so Knights is a good one to pair so you already got that so really you need something way more complicated how about GSC or two size oh I like it I like it and that's that's gonna be a rabbit hole for you all right yeah they're both very deep there's a lot to dig in they're both very powerful now but even if they take hits which I expect them to they will still be cool and fun and they're they're great amazing deep armies so yeah frankly I think those are both amazing options and uh that's that's what we're taking to events because we really want to play them right now um so I'm into it very very much all right John yeah hit me till I'm stalling I can't figure out what I want to do with my life I've already noticed your your boxes my boxes yeah it's such a good idea this is the only way to play GSC so this is each of my 20 blocks um and they also have Squad markers on them because I need to actually not clock myself out every game um that's that's something I would like to to do or not do as it may be um so yeah man that's the plan yeah yeah all right so I don't think I have much actual movement we're just gonna we're gonna be chilling here we're chilling here we're chilling here we are gonna chill here The Saboteur chili Illy probably also chilling can you throw the mine in your turn or is it when I move only when you move so she kind of lies in a way she does have a have a demo charge which is great but um what it also lets you to do is is uh Advance an action as well what's the wording is it like Advanced normal or fall back okay yes it's pretty fantastic okay you can do it oh that's interesting this is a normal movie yeah I'm super into that um actually let's try it in advance on here we'll see because I'm Not Really Gonna worry about her actual shooting uh four up would get us at least behind the cover which is cute oh that'll do it yeah I'll take that so we'll just run her back here so now she's much harder to kill we don't we don't actually need to be in the middle I'm not really expecting to take you off of this point per se um sorry I totally forgot the OC this is oc2 yes I believe so it's sorry it's been a while it's been a while uh OC one dude you see one let me see one she's OC one John calm down I can take that objective from you but then I would also have to take this objective from you I think we're just gonna let you have that primary for this turn so we'll scoop back there that's that that that's that that uh that's all the normal movement now we're going to bring in uh the reserves and uh see what we can do with that oh yeah uh starting off with uh I'll spend a CP if you come in just beyond three inches of someone or something which we don't know uh we're gonna come over here this is going to be using the acolyte uh bomb the bomb bomb this is a unit with uh four demo charges uh they have a Primus for full re-rolls so we're gonna come in just beyond three of your farseer here your precious yes and then once I'm deployed then we'll see if John wants a killer or not I think I definitely OverWatch here so the idea is I do want to deploy teleport homers yeah but also I need to make John an offer that he can't refuse right like basically something bad is going to happen to me but hopefully something bad will also happen to John yeah I I'm slaughtered to lose a a platform here exactly uh so we'll go here I guess we'll stay an inch Off the Wall I don't know if it super matters so three-way cannot charge Jonathan oh do your worst uh if you want to yes for sure yeah um so spend me a CP I'm down to oh hey it's us we're the sponsors are you in need of terrain on a budget is time money or space an issue for you check out Titan's terrain it's the battlefield in a box that's easy to use no assembly required 10 and my Primus character so it's going to be D3 plus two shots of the D Cannon okay oh hey it's us we're the sponsors are you in need of terrain on a budget is time money or space an issue for you check out Titan's terrain it's the battlefield in a box that's easy to use and set up with no assembly required and when you're done hold it back up and put it on the Shelf we currently have stock on both our core set as well as the Cathedral Square expansion and you can bundle them for a pretty hefty discount Titans terrain the affordable way to create an epic Battlefield oh hey it's us we're the sponsors are you in need of terrain on a budget is time money or space an issue for you check out Titan's terrain it's the battlefield in a box that's easy to use and set up with no assembly required okay and when you're done fold it back up and put it on the Shelf we currently have a stock hit uh six we'll use the six yeah D3 plus two let's go looking for sixes oh my goodness one will be one's good two is amazing one is two you're dead two of them dead Okay harsh prepare oh my goodness this is actually a big roll this is a very important role okay yeah six come on oh my gosh this is what preacher did to me on Tuesday Lindsay same thing I do have a master Artisan rerun oh I swear [Applause] no lessons I'm channeling the Bridger right now who needs screens when you OverWatch with v cannons on Tuesday inceptors came in three inches away he has four shots with a monolith double sixes sustained D3 kills them off here we are again all right this is what I have to work with everybody okay so those hits yeah yeah you can now use a fake dice to make one uh devastating automatically I'm gonna use a one Auto six that's amazing all right yeah I like it with the farce here yeah now you could just roll more sixes here too I could just yeah if I roll a second let me close this thing out so two ups to wound but I have a re-roll here 's my re-roll yeah I get greedy with it here's my review with it let's come on oh okay you got two safes so two AP million AP bajillion okay so two dead for sure yeah and then we have how many Mortal wins D6 plus two okay and I can't Auto any of this I have a CP to maybe re-roll right but here we go uh uh that's a squad it's just a character what yeah so they're dead uh that's that's how you do it look I knew I would pay a price I just didn't know I couldn't afford the price that was that was not how that was supposed to go this time [Laughter] how are you a blip as soon as they die yeah uh which is always fun uh the blip can come in anywhere on the battlefield more than nine inches away from John however if he moved with the nine he kills it if he doesn't then it brings in a unit uh later on that's the end of your moving phase so do you owe me a blood immediately I owe you or do you do oh no it's immediate um worse we're safe we've got you screened out here we got you screened out here you could potentially zip this guy later over here potentially uh you have the mo you have them you have more options to come to this corner than you have into this corner yeah and then keep in mind I still have my Phantasm yes yeah absolutely so you definitely have lots of movement I'll put it the effect to be all the way here oh OverWatch it's OverWatch or it's yeah or it's um you know I'm gonna spam one of them whatever you don't invest I'm spamming that's solid um and there's also like lightning fast but no no I've decided it's not gonna be lightning fast it's good but these other two are like next level against me level s tier no I'm Gonna Leave it yeah so I think Phantasm is stronger um at least OverWatch I can control where you OverWatch right I'm gonna like it but I can I can be like right now I said I don't want to get overwatched here I'll get overwatched here so I'll stick with that okay so they're dead onwards with the uh D tracking thing can you do within or outside of three with multiple units only if I use a nexo squad which I do have okay you can do it again I can do it again I can do it again no problem uh now I would have to do that to get uh the secondary it is a bit scary is it worth Five Points because they also can't do an action then um foreign you don't really have fallback and shoot anymore do you I do I do yeah there's a strat let's try Okay okay so I had to burn CP it's the same thing famed Retreat one CP they need Retreat classic Eldar Shenanigans fall back shoot and charge pretty nice pretty nice pretty nice um yeah these dice didn't mean anything right I'm just like moving them around no you're good still moving you're totally good just moving them everywhere absolutely okay um yeah let's go ahead and do it we're gonna bring a squad in and we're gonna deploy homers I probably should have just kept the I should have just put the reductor reductas here deployed homers and just taking the three instead of the five that's a safer thing it's like one of those things is like 50 or hindsight whatever they say that is what they say it's 12 mortal wounds right uh uh you know what yeah all right I'm gonna start putting the units down let's go yeah let's go we're going we're gone we're gone the time is like a thing you have to clock me hopefully you're having a good week um hopefully you're excited about 40K and like the tournament scene um in competitive I don't know Meadow watch type of stuff because that's what we're doing today but it's not always going to be our normal show it's just something we're practicing today absolutely um cool and Homer's is what's the center what's the center line for that is it six or is it three of the objective that's a it might be a Lindsay question I think it's what was that oh I think no you have to control the objective yeah so you have to be within three really so the centers the no for um I'm thinking of Clinton never mind how close do I have to be for homers in the center within six of the center oh okay yeah it's very forgiving or if that was within our opponent's deployment zone or within six of the center yes okay cool sounds good all right let's get going I'm gonna drop some things to do some shooting and some stuff let's get going to talk you to himself no problem you want to take a Super Chat while you're talking to yourself this is from that from that to bear hey guys what's up thank you that guy over there hey Titans getting into Eldar and wondering what I should get next I have combat Patrol 10 dire Avengers 10 wraith guard death Jester and five Rangers oh that is solid you have a lot of troops it's amazing I think you're gonna use a lot of what you already have already um if you're looking to build a let's say like Optimal list you probably want some more vehicles so you probably want some more fire prism some night Spinners maybe some vipers depending on which combat Patrol you have I think you have a wraith Lord currently but you if you have like an old old one you might have a walker already yeah um I think those are big uh warp spiders are amazing and fun to play so dwarf spiders is definitely on the aspect Warrior um roster for you you want them wraith guard are amazing right now and spirit Sears I think you have a farseer on foot already I'm saying like all the eldari Codex is very large so those are actually just a few believe it or not all very very good ravengers are really good if you're looking to dip into yanari a little bit try out the Avatar of Kane or the um incarn super fun talking about like the most fun type of eldari list the incarn is going to be like top three at least um if not like the most fun thing to play with the car is so cool yeah and it's it's more forgiving now than ever like you literally Leap Frog into Enemy Lines you kill something it pops up and then they can charge afterwards super super fun um hopefully that gives you some ideas uh it sounds like you're going for a lot of aspect Wars so dark reapers are really really good you might need a falcon to deliver those dark Reapers um that would be super fun definitely agree I will bring in unit 20 right here with the Primus those are going to have full re-rolls uh we'll bring in canvas down here and yeah I think it's not the objective uh we can just bring down the canvas and we'll just do him instead we'll just tow in within six and I don't think I I don't think I spend this here um we're looking for uh not uh ruler anything okay uh so we go there I don't know if I bring another one I think the five stays The Saboteur I'm not sure we wanted we want to potentially put some Firepower on your boy here I know you can Phantasm we've also set up so we can be within 24 of The Wraith guard it's not a great Target but it is better than no target yes so that gives us that there which I am a fan of and then in the other side we're gonna keep up the other clam of us the others have a tour I think we'll leave as is as well and then uh the 20 with nothing else equipped what's the range on your race guards nasty nasty boy only 12 inches oh it's very that's what I'm measuring right now is like okay if I fantastic can I get any kills mm-hmm yeah exactly makes sense make change to me uh cool sounds good I might actually get cheeky maybe I actually do try to take you down on primary frankly so I think we'll do it we'll go ahead and bring in this 20 man I will use the nexos with the free Strat to also come in three inches uh and we're just gonna land we're gonna go land here and we're gonna land here with lots of OC that's amazing yeah yeah yeah um someone lost a little stand so we'll do that um you don't have assassinate but you do have snipers so we'll tuck in the nexos here uh who are we actually trying to shoot I think we would love to get shots on this guy yeah a lot of ravengers probably yeah exactly um just the speed is nice you know you can turn off blips you can be in quarters all that good stuff uh you've got oc3 from the warp spiders and then what's the OC from the transport uh the ravenger oh sorry the ravager the gun platform not a reader it is oc3 so six total all right so we need to get three barbarinos here should be no problem we'll go like so three there we're just going to trail on over um see the flamers I have no idea a little tendon towards this side we're basically going to pick like one side like if one side lives which one do you want it to be I want it to be this way so John's gonna I'm gonna pluck my models this way um but that's the way it goes so we'll put three here I don't think you can Phantasm anything else onto that objective I'll put one else one more just in case there's something that I'm like not seeing here you feel and then and by this by a similar token I'll kind of just stack this point you could Phantasm these guys um but I just want to make sure that it's like not enough bodies yeah you have like uh this is one two three four five six seven uh 14 OC oh yeah it will be possible yeah so we'll do that that'll be free Strat drop down there uh so we have a 20 man 20 man uh 10 is dead you're just a character back there um we have one more 20 man which we could bring down to do some more shooting and at this point it's almost like we might as well so let's do it let's do it jeez right I'm gonna mark off 12 inches here and we'll bring these folks within 12 of this ravager here putting some pressure on Mr Jonathan yeah that's the idea I'm gonna put a flamers in front uh in case warp spiders or anything else wants to come play nine yeah that's the plan so we'll send them there no character in this one cool awesome and that'll that'll probably do it I think that'll be it what else do you have in deep strike currently I have a five man I have the claim of us and I have another Saboteur okay so two characters and a small Squad yeah so almost everything is on the board wow yeah and like it's gonna yeah it's gonna leave it's gonna be great that's it thank you for your patience yeah let's get so end of movement phase yeah I'm going to Phantasm and you're going to Vex I'll vect it so this will now cost one more CP yes every time he does it afterwards for now you're just gonna spend one command Point yep and so the only thing I'm avoiding is the 12 inch charge from the aberrance so I'm gonna just stay outside of that bubble and just move my seven inches I'm not trying to take any objectives or anything totally um but I'm just trying to get into like a better position I'm gonna do it oh my goodness my city it's beautiful okay just like trying to form a bubble here I like it you still got your character yeah watch out for that price he's rerolling everything my poor babies okay okay uh we can take a Super Chat yeah this one is from Nick M nickem says hi from Rhode Island's Titan from Rhode Island Titans hey thinking of giving brood Lords synaptic linchpin to give a nine inch synapse to an infiltrating group of Gene Gene Steelers and lickers is it worth the points or is it better placed on a tyrant I like it a lot because the the Tyrant already has synapse uh six inch synapse so when you put it on the Tyrant it's just it's just extending their synapse range when you put on a brood Lord you're going from zero synapse up to nine you can infiltrate as you mentioned it's gonna give you access to all the stratagems that require you to be in synapse range so I really like it personally um I think I think it gives you a lot more value than on the tyrants um yeah great question it's very insightful all right Jonathan okay all right how stressed as I am I have a phantasms I love it cool so we've scooched there's no there's no charge available from the aberrance uh let's get shooting see what we can do so we're gonna get our homework we need to see if we can get some kills and it's not gonna be The Wraith card that's for sure um we can get extra AP and ignore cover from The Ridge Runners but we need to be wary of where that actually does matter right uh do ravagers have a 5.7 bone save yes for a base for a base okay so AP one extra AP is nice we are not going to have our sorry six up info six up info six up in one four up save oh okay so AP an additional one or two AP actually is quite value there okay cool so that's uh that's that's good to know let's start with one there we're getting the reels there uh they'll take you to fives um I'm also wary that like the the mortars are great into your remaining warp spiders so I want to value that appropriately uh yeah let's start with the squad they only really have Bible shooting into uh this ravager so let's do this uh them into here it's going to be the seismics and then some auto guns obviously no flamers I'm not gonna pop anything I'm gonna lightning fast I like it one two three four so we're hitting on fives here very very scary uh rerolling everything from Primus and then sustained hits so let's go so five's here looking looking totally fine and then we'll re-roll all the fails that was a hit but not a six and oh it's good it's cute I like it uh then we've gone off just one sustained strength six toughness more than six more than six we're looking for fives here oh that's so good let's roll really well no problem uh just AP1 if you want so five yeah no problem okay so six damage uh oh they're D3 yeah so three damage horrible oh my gosh uh the ravenger goes from boom boom 11 wounds two eight sounds fantastic we've got the auto guns here this is on fives with the re-roll we've got one sustained thus far um boom boom and then one sustained uh toughness is more than six yeah so six is here it's a nine nice we've got two no AP this time though no AP four UPS no YP oh okay auto guns that's how you do it that's having six down to six okay um so you might just want to hit yes we're gonna need some tools then let's see we can give them plus one BS plus one AP uh that'll be nice do we want to leverage any more AP than that um they don't have the re-rolls they don't have the re-rolls uh we don't want to Stack that that's fine I think we're gonna just be greedy and see what we can do six wins left yeah so we'll activate this unit we'll pay one CP to give them plus one ballistic skill and plus one AP yeah fantastic uh we'll put the seismics and the flamers into here uh the auto guns will probably just foreign cuts off here one two three four five six seven eight nine um let's do this John if I may before we do that we'll shoot one more into here yeah we'll try to put some extra AP and we can split the rapid fire shots so it's good so we're looking for D6 plus three shots it's eight four five looking for a five I just need one yeah is that a feeling not a single one if it happens every once in a while um now with this one I think we will do the same thing um because killing the warp spider is non-guarantee whereas we have all the shooting that can go into here so we want to leverage our our strengths so one more mortar into here uh This plus three it's gonna be a six shots four five six looking for any fives there we go and strength six toughness higher than six yes so fives got one at no AP on the ravager nice four up all right three up because you get covered okay oh you're right thank you yeah because I didn't hit you yet perfect so we've got the AP here we'll come back here yeah and we'll split it as you mentioned rapid fire here everything else into here yeah ravenger ravenger ravager ravager exactly uh so the size mix uh we'll start with them they're gonna get six shots each because they are in Rapid Fire so it's gonna be 24 Shots uh we're plus one minus one against this ravager so we're hitting on fours sustained hits no re-rolls that was amazing looking for fours and then we've got one two three four sustained back on in there uh strength six so we still need fives oh yeah yeah that's good it's good this is just 82 now and these are D3 each gotcha five okay six six eight six I don't get cover no cover yeah okay so roll average and I'm dead oh don't say that to me John don't say that to me that's 10 damage I like it deadly demise totally demise okay Australian okay so you can kill things I certainly can you can yeah confirmed you you do have some killing time we just we're still figuring out how far we can stretch ours right our claws you know okay so over here we've got two four six eight uh sorry two four six eight nine auto guns into the ravager so it's gonna be 18 shots so here's uh eight ten and four more this is on threes because no minuses and sixes let's go threes first amazing one two three four back in 100 and we're looking for sixes sixes all day no problem oh it's good we got four oh you won sorry ap2 four yeah uh ap2 so sixes or am I getting cover or no uh no cover so when I come down I get ignore cover gotcha oh that's right three uh just three damage three damage down to eight sounds fantastic and then we've got this other Squad here everything into the ravager uh we're gonna start with the 24 mine lasers again sorry seismics one two three three four bubs this is on fours and sustained one let's see what we can do oh not so good oh okay a couple sixes yeah literally a couple yeah I haven't finished pupil out I do need fives here yeah okay D3 each yeah it could be two could be six yup we're going on this that's four okay okay down to four down to four all right we've got a bunch more shots still so we've got uh the flamers this is gonna be four D6 flamer shots uh five eleven oh let's go it's gonna be ten eleven uh so what is your toughness anyways nine nine so six is for the flamer still sixes just one one three plus one AP next nice uh five so that's 12. that's uh three four five and twelve all right so again four is exploding uh and then sixes so we got oh got some good sustain going on here nice all right one two three four five six yep we're going to court sustained sixes oh four AP ones four AP1 okay uh I could die here um so five's here five five for life one wound left you have anything else oh my God I don't think I do uh no no no could you switch that 201 for me I could yeah oh we could do no she danced curses oh curses so this is this is how we die huh I don't like there's so much in front of me and I know I can shoot it up but like just come back it's gonna come back that's what they do they're gonna come back that's what they do um interesting okay uh that's it for shooting do we want to to charge to try to bludgeon you to death we're not good at it uh get us on the point and you're not particularly good at melee I'm kind of into it actually yeah we're gonna do neophytes into the ravager yeah looking for a nine no problem here it is nine night on time um nah Let It Go um that I think is gonna be it then cool oh we have the Primus the Prime oh yeah the Primus does have a Needler pistol it's not a good need it's not like the Halo kneeler it's like a bad need alert uh scoped needle pistol we'll go into the farsier yeah we hit on a two sustained because we came in oh two hits what anti-infantry two oh wait that's me I'm an infantry with you what don't be a one um ignore cover zero AP damage D3 okay can't die so I'm not gonna spend a fake dice on this no it's not four up okay damage um sorry my brain D3 okay you know what I just thought um hold on come back to that one damage so I can just I I what can we pause teleported homers with him he's just in the back there's no reason not be dumb yeah no please I like I'm like excited about this pistol um so he'll just throw somewhere there yeah that's like the logical I'm gonna stick with this mistake though so he'll have landed for no reason uh there's only so much to walk back uh thank you cheers [Music] if I have at least two demo charges for sure shooting but if I don't then I'll just do the action yeah that's five points genius let's go and score it up real quick uh what are the what's the uh BS on neophytes uh force force yeah I think Chad's saying it's fives fives with or four you got plus one yeah yeah so uh uh fours oh seismics science mix yeah oh was I hitting on fours or something I'm not too sure it's okay I felt like I did on at least one we won't do it next time okay sounds good exactly move on that's my bad okay it's like it's you killed 90 points yeah definitely did it somewhere okay watch out for that sorry let's score you up uh let's take away um no prisoners just two points we killed one thing deployment teleport homers Five Points okay and that's gonna be it sweet excellent over to the eldari oh I don't okay yeah I don't know what to think uh I have two CP now yeah yes you have three for the GSC yeah yeah and before I do anything else let's draw some cards Let's Do It um move to the music okay and beautiful area denial and extend Beetle lines these are good cars I like these cars um it might be hard to get this character out it's very fragile and no low knob oh yeah you just wait this one yeah oh the one that does the bombs back here there's the eye back here yeah I got scared I see so kill him kill them yeah we're totally keeping these and just stay where you are stay where I am yeah I'm into it sounds good I'm gonna oh do some sidekick yes yes let's do it uh on a two up minus one to wound on The Wraith Guardians sick okay nice to see you I did a little patch up here I mean a mistake and then I fantastic I like it I like it now question is it is it a all it's an actual minus Wonder wound or is it the baby trans human it's a minus one to wound oh wait yeah minus one hand okay cool minus one so basically you can like wound on sixes don't attack them unless you have poison too yeah yeah that would be the way to do it yeah okay I think this is the turn where we pop off for sure I'm gonna have a lot of things to do hopefully I'm scared deep strikes are coming down things are happening [Laughter] um well then let's get to some super chats first before I get to Super Chat oh yeah I just want to thank um Richie Fernandez for gifting I think it's five memberships five memberships addicting memberships is an amazing way to support the channel lets people try out uh the membership Tuesdays we do an extra game uh so you can help support us you can help support other people and check out behind the scenes and all that good stuff uh so thank you Rich I really appreciate it and thank you to everyone who gifts and super chats we really appreciate it yeah thank you thank you so much thank you so much okay so this Super Chat is from cyrix thank you so much cyrix um hey Titans tweaking my list a bit and wanted some input uh let's do it yeah this is Magnus Kairos ariman disc two squads of rubrics two squads of Scarab terms two squads of flamers two mutilates changeling and one sorcerer I realize now that this is a list that's true it is which normally we do later on um that's okay we can do this one um sorry this is a t-sense list or a demon's list oh we should actually wait yeah let's let's okay cyrix we're gonna we're gonna wait for yours and instead we're gonna look at some pets yeah because that's cute it's time for pet pig so this is ARA oh Beth oh belt buckles I'll keep going on a little trip yes look at that anywhere no uh this is crumpet oh my this is a rescue lizard oh really oh sweet um someone played some Dungeons and jogos [Laughter] yes this pretty lady is 21 years old what yes oh my God 21. looking good for 20. I know right amazing this is good pretty good I love it ah this is Eric odinson's pup look at that face look at that eye oh my gosh right it's so cute and then this is Silky yeah look at this look at that face there you go pets I love it we have an amazing Discord Community it's totally free to join if you want to submit your pet pick of the week we just have a pet section where we just post pictures of our pets so come here there is a great um few in um photos of um pets with bodies like like with uh huh the portraits yeah the portraits are you not crazy I I I put some I had some in pet pic of The Pick of the week last week yeah all right and then it just kind of kept going and then ah I love those so much such good vibes right yes I'm into it thank you so much everyone really appreciate it on scheming I'm like can I shoot this guy oh shoot the guys you let me be close enough I don't think so no that was the question uh uh he's trying to check some line of sight using the dead model which is yeah you tell me if I can I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna definitely say yes oh my God I feel really bad about that I definitely fired seismics with the wrong BS so John you know you do your thing and you don't feel bad about it so it doesn't I mean this is what the time is this like time is for right it's practice right yeah I'm really excited Chad knows I've made mistakes in the past yeah it happens but um yeah so you're good so moving up the ravager that survived well I have area denial and uh kill everything in the middle yeah and basically area denial yeah exactly some good draws there I like it yeah yeah oh my goodness yeah you're really good at placing blips here thank you this is whose blip is this this is a that is the 10 uh bomberinos gotcha yeah yeah yeah um how does that work this blip belongs to those guys or can you like mix and match if you have smoking lips yeah if multiple died in in at the same time period yeah uh they're not directly correlated but like for example the average when they die on a four plus there's a blip and if I don't get the four plus I can't like use a different person's blip does that make sense nope that's fair enough like I wouldn't I wouldn't listen to me either Let's uh to chat it's not a list um this one is from Baker 98745. thank you Baker and Baker says played my first rtt ever last Saturday I played against Adrian yeah my face hurt from smiling and laughing my Orcs never had more fun getting tabled by GSC thanks again for the game what regular jobs would Orcs work in 2023 oh my God this is a great question also Baker's Army was amazing it was this beautifully painted orc Army um I was asking about the Commandos there's no Commandos there were just these mysterious mosses uh that there were like some Orcs underneath I think but I don't know just really really cool um and uh his War Boss was uh like Crash Bandicoot Styles it was awesome so really really cool that we got to play in the final round amazing game yeah that's awesome and uh actually I learned a lot about works like modern Orcs in that game was really cool so what job would Orcs have in real life I think it depends on the orc right like if you're a Big Mac you're gonna you're gonna it's not what you think they don't like working on auto shop they're like they're like work at a pawn shop or something they're like mad scientists would you would you go to go and Shop run by Orcs um if I had a lot of teeth I would yeah yeah because they really value teeth I don't know if everyone knows this but so teeth are Works currency oh really they are yeah or teeth and so the um what is it the bad moons or the richest of all the Orcs like all the thiefs and that's because they have the teeth that regrow the fastest [Music] how many teeth I was bringing in that day you know what I'm saying Good Times thanks maker appreciate it okay I think I'm done with moving units on the board you did great uh do I owe you any OverWatch let's see you can OverWatch me if you'd like some worries oh you have flamers here huh we're just here and I have here as well um that's okay yeah this is scary where's these are your flamers right here so one two three four yeah spooky respect me I don't care wow not like not to like oh man that's interesting right that's a lot of um it is why are you thinking on that yeah I'm gonna scooch these guys you move with a nine so they can move D6 gotcha prowling adjectives yep prowling we're prowling three inches I like it cool cool cheeky um Erie denial is I have to be within three of a objective three of the center six yes or three if you're just within three you get you get less points but you get something holy within six and there are no enemy units holy within six and then there's a there's an addendum down below that's like and then there's the three do I get four points if I'm within six and no one else's correct oh okay why am I why am I within three then gotcha I thought it was oh yeah half credit for Within six no there's like there's the the exception is enemy it's an enemy exception so you're okay you're good okay yeah so if you don't fully kill me out of something or something okay so I think you're fine cool so you'll be hidden there yes this OverWatch not particularly interesting but the ravagers this one's very interesting um I'm hitting on six and I don't have the rerolls but the flamers I do have things flamers only on sixes but still [Music] um yeah I'm gonna do it I'll spend a CP so we're gonna OverWatch here into here okay yeah uh let's do it let's uh let's just see if we get like the flamers first because they Auto hit okay that's the rule because I'm just full of bad looks today 17 5. there we go and then five and five you didn't have any decisions to okay no I know okay okay okay we got two maybe one more yeah so we'll start with three no AP now all the stuff has gone away four UPS fours can we get them I'm should be done here yeah we got him deadly demise I hope you're done deadly okay okay nice it's not gonna clip yeah we'd like to reduce the things that can go into here at least you're indirect that's good I was gonna pick up that uh that guy yeah for sure okay let me deep strike some stuff and then we can carry on sounds fantastic this is totally screened out yeah yeah this is screened out oh here I go winky taking questions all those armies are almost there yeah yeah so this one is from hamster dance Hey Titans I have my first 10th game with scars storm Speeders didn't do much want to switch them out thinking maybe Leviathan termies or Repulsor with the new flame dudes felt like I needed more output that's a lot to unpack one more time Mr Speeders didn't do much right one two but and I want to switch them out yeah and this is Scars by the way yeah uh thinking maybe Leviathan termies or a Repulsor with the new flame dudes felt like I needed more output okay I feel conflicted about some of the stuff Terminators are nice because they give you a bit of melee in an army that generally doesn't focus on me on melee ironically um and thinking of your list yeah you don't really have like an anvil I I like 10 Terminators a lot more than like five terminators but I am honestly starting to see the benefit of even just running five because it's a tool that can deal with certain problems that the rest of your list can't uh the Infernus in the Repulsor um I'm a little skeptical of because you're gonna have to get relatively close to make it work um so I think I would actually tend towards the Terminators rather than those in furnace if you're worried about output and punch and reach um so I would go with that personally and they work well into your oath Target so I think give that a try Amsterdam um try that tweaking and let us know how it goes I definitely I definitely feel you Marines are in such a weird place they oddly require a lot of finesse like every game I'm a little bit happier with them but there's a lot of clunkiness that's actually really difficult to play so you know be patient with yourself these guys goodbye yeah I'm hoping to kill quite a bit here yeah hopefully yeah cool everything can shoot at those guys and he's positioned himself so that um I don't know all right question for you you can move shoot move this this yeah oh yes yeah so um John and I aren't super fussed about this in this game but we're curious we believe as written there's nothing saying that you can't move after you deep strike again um however we might have missed something we're curious what tournaments are playing um right now I'm just gonna say that that it's fine John you can go ahead and do it so they'd be able to drop down shoot and then jump back but we are curious if you have a thought either for this or against it um we were just discussing before the game and it's one of the few things that we haven't heard a ton of opinions on frankly so we would love to hear your feedback and if you have any particular events that are running it ruling it one way or another as written it seems like it doesn't work all right thank you appreciate it lots of questions okay um while John is moving that I just want to thank Martin Gardner II for gifting five memberships Oh Martin what's up thank you thank you appreciate it uh look this is a great way to support the channel I assume you know this already because you did yeah and then just Jupiter gifted one membership they're classic one membership yes thanks y'all really appreciate it thank you all okay let's do this thing oh we everything is down that Flip's just gonna turn 10 guys yeah I'll get that at your leisure and um we're gonna we're good to go start shooting sounds great oh why did I put my cards over here I don't know okay uh where to go first literally everything is shooting this time um well while you're well at that chat uh did chime in on the the yeah so they're they're agreeing with you okay it looks like fact confirmed you can move after deep strike I can see them right yeah I can shoot at them okay sorry I just I was saying you if you want to put your cards here oh no you're yeah okay but they will be here sweet um yeah cool cool what does that mean was that was that mean what does that mean I don't know okay okay so remember one unit can become one operative just yes but I have to Target it first correct yeah that is correct I guess this is I don't like this John I don't like this game I feel much less in control okay I did not feel in control here all right we'll just pose the normal question of support platform into aberrance question mark cursive can I shoot at them curse yes um this guy's within 12 is the idea yeah uh he's as far as he could be ah no don't say that to me you you answer that I'm gonna say he's in and say okay it looks like he's especially if I buff him out so he's in they would be out so I keep them safe from that I don't care about dark lances um I care about the other night spinner I think these are dead back up back objective is is good is like important probably um I think I think go for it John how about it shoot your D cannon at my ass really yeah I think you are gonna do that you won't do it you're gonna do I ain't afraid no ghost okay are they within 12 no no I respect this is the 12 line yeah yeah yeah you're good um okay yeah Deacon let's go let's go I'm scared actually don't do it D3 plus two yep all right yeah okay only three okay hitting on threes yep plus one minus one yep uh threes or three roll Master artisans um this is where we Auto six yeah we'll use a one that's okay that's why I wanted to kill him boom six and then wounding on twos uh two minus one to moon so you're still good yeah yep good question nope yeah go ahead one safe AP MP4 four or three straight on through yeah uh so let's do the non-modal first D6 plus two fantastic oh three damage huh no go ahead four feeling pain yeah probably doesn't kill one looking for one four oh zero oh my gosh okay D6 plus two mortal wounds oh God a little scary now these can carry over so seven four UPS let's go oh we did one guy wow out of their minds interesting yeah um that's them oh let's um remember that you're going to be minus one to hit okay and minus two no no that's this is the nice one hit all right so here is night spinner we didn't get your primary yeah one for Five Five Points I'm so bad about this Edition so bad um nice spinner night spinner nice I'm just thinking am I chewing the far one right or am I shooting the close one let's shoot the far one into aberrance to aberrance main gun 48 into aberrance this is gonna slow you and then the Canon is going right in front into this block over here either one of those want to be untargetable John you're stressing me out I give you one option now you have two options I know here's a question here's a question and the fire prisms see each other can you link fire uh I can and if it's close I can I can link fire I wasn't planning to because I want the blast profile oh yeah I don't want to Lance anybody right makes sense I think I want to go into these big blobs the blast yeah exactly um this guy sees like literally everyone yeah exactly including these ones in the back including yeah um what what is that profile by the way it is 26 blast 2d6 blast hitting on threes wounding on twos AP one two damage two D6 blast I re-roll two hits and two moves okay go for it oh what what happened on you I'm now I'm confused I have no idea I found my plane night spinner D6 Plus four under aberrance because you lost a guy oh actually you're still ten huh still ten yeah uh D6 plus five eight shots okay [Laughter] on Floors yeah re-rolling one that's The Artisans ah why does it always work for you strength seven on six and then minus one minus one with the fours yeah sixes are dead though and you can re-roll okay that's pretty good I have regrets I think I reroll everything yeah unlinked oh my treachery yo that my normal people please you know the screens that I'm Gonna Roll like crap yeah you better you better so this is 10 Mortals okay yeah no problem Oh I take two three okay okay I'm glad we're matching each other uh you are slowed two inches and no more advancing yeah exactly [Music] [Laughter] do it again um here's the Canon into your new fights you got it hitting on threes with um exploding sixes sounds great uh I already use that sorry no worries you're good and the moon you got it okay excellent AP1 if you won these days you're looking for sixes takes two out yep and there we go uh uh I I don't know I don't know what's happening uh your brain into that Squad I just shot the Canada net the neophyte Squad yeah sounds good I don't know who you plan on I don't know what that okay yeah that that Squad D6 plus three D6 this is a this is devastating wounds anti-inventory two this is from your brain what yeah psychic so two it's twos and twos basically going straight twos and two is going to Mortals and tell me about the uh specters real quick specters are a little obviously Forge world's here um it's gonna be D6 shots blast oh that's a ravenger oh please hold just want to make sure okay uh this profile I would choose D6 blast video on threes winning on threes AP1 one damage so it's an it's a swarm killer wow so that is gonna be 20 plus five D6 shots oh my God yeah okay I gotta do it here then I gotta do it here yeah yeah okay yeah for her it's like it's like okay but this is that's a problem okay so we'll link them on target will be on 12 and stealth if you are within 12. okay um I am not you can see here okay oh yeah we'll go there yes you can go under the Falcon yeah yeah she's like D6 plus three sounds good into the big new fights in the middle yep love it yeah uh that is six shots getting on twos yeah moving on twos twos that's arsons and thus you got it oh whoa that stars so four Mortals sounds fantastic um where do care oh I don't know if this matters sure uh I don't I put the spiders up here oh up top yeah does that change because it's not too late to resolve just those Mortals on here The Mortals The Mortals because the ones I just did so it's not too late to take back oh instead of going here no I appreciate it I don't know if that changes your map no we are good Zone thank you thank you thank you we'll uh yeah we'll go here so four dead yep yep cool okay it's gonna fly them all down here we go we're dead uh so those inspectors aren't gonna have anything to shoot because you spent your CPU very wisely here thank you we're gonna go with the spiders I was just mentioning they're gonna get the stooping shots um uh swooping duping blooping bloop my above I know we're talking about I know we never use it because today's the day we're gonna get to it uh into your neophytes um I made sure I at least have this yeah um in my pocket um yeah Ford D6 sound fantastic oh oh it's good it's good 11 16. cool damn fantastic uh this is going to be wounding on twos new fights are the T3 yeah yeah you're good you got this uh twos wow oh boy uh Massachusetts jeez and this is one that's 15 AP and these are Dev right yeah you might you don't have an inform do you no it could be EP oh it's only oh sorry sorry I'm only on threes yeah I'm thinking of you can't really do so I'm thinking yeah I'm thinking of um scourges oh yeah yeah uh AP1 if you want okay so fives uh no cover realistically are you going from zero up to one not one two so six is huh all righty very good two four six eight ten eleven oh uh and the two Mortals so thirteen so nine to seven so basically it's a good thing we made ourselves untargetable otherwise we would for sure be dead uh down to seven it's gonna be one two three four five six seven uh we'll kill that kill that lunging fire was what you were looking for plunging yeah that's not even mean chat we're plunging are you oh but there's a toilet there yeah they've got to punch the toilet exactly look you were all clogged up Adrian and Beyond Beyond you're gonna unclog your orange spiders man yeah photographs right um now we're trying to keep in line so we don't forget what we shot the um Shadow specters into this middle Squad of neophyte sounds fantastic I love it five D6 with the dispersed shots moving a blast here as well yeah so this is 11 13. uh 15 18 plus what do you have 15 now uh 16. so yeah same thing yeah so 21. wait wait what did I say did I say 18 or 16. I don't know but it's going to be that plus three each oh my gosh that's why it's so nuts okay plus 15 plus 50 31 30 to 33. let's just say let's call it 33. okay 33. yeah yeah these guys are probably probably gonna die Maybe 20. [Music] this guy they these are wounding on what do they hit ones threes and threes yeah sorry sustainable lethal here's a reroll nope okay easy peasy boom there you are okay and then string five something on threes they're using to the neophytes let's go hmm all right and then six is doing anything sixes do nothing AP1 AP1 no problem sixes six should always have plunging fire on these guys they're literally flying yeah they're not six inch flying yeah they're in the five area right uh sorry I need sixes I don't know what I described there two four five ten thirteen Dead all right uh so it's gonna be 17 so we're down to four plus the character okay so I like this you're such a good player Adrian thank you oh my gosh so if you guys don't know what just happened um I have area denial the most optimal way to play against GSC is to tie them up now I have I don't have the option to tie them up right I have to kill him and that means he can bring back is deuteroni's next turn yeah um that's fine my deuteronis but not my leader Roni so that's at least something that's true that's true okay um specter's shot we're gonna go to race God because they're the most least range and then you can you can jump them in oh yeah now whatever that's just flat six [Laughter] oh thank God so we all know I got assaulted it was an attack on Titan oh that works on like three levels [Laughter] [Music] I feel I feel not confident really okay that's good yeah yeah I don't know my confidence is just judging off of your confidence exactly well vice versa too so um okay I just moved back with the spider or the specters he's actually on top he I don't know [Laughter] sorry just checking now because of the spiders I'll make sure I know we'll say yes for just continuity I like it all right cool um uh wraith guard yeah everything that can shoot here which is these three uh into your blob of neophytes three race guard and then seven will go into this thing into the middle which is the only thing that can I get um okay gosh okay four or three D6 D Scythe shots into these neophytes in the corner Yes sounds great nothing to say nothing to say nothing to say 12 shots oh my God I hate these guys oh my God 12 shots hitting on threes because we do have the spirit seer and then we have one master Artisans oh my God so we'll we'll only fail one we have lethal hits okay it's probably unneeded but we'll take it yeah what's your strength strength 10. so moving on what what are you looking for what are you looking for for hero Stratus gonna wipe this squad yeah no devastating so we have one master Artisans yep uh 84. okay so these dice two four six seven seven wait did you just like randomly is that how many yeah okay okay yeah yeah no that's that's that actually makes sense it looks like you were just picking up dice um do we care now you're not gonna charge me you're not gonna charge me so not this unit not this unit four five six seven all right there we go cool what's next Bob oh nice do you want me to roll uh I can it's it's yeah [Music] 76.71 pretty good all right now we'll pull I just needed do you have involved no okay you're not not even leader I just needed to see your tax forms that's all uh hey guess what you got a blip and you get a blip or no I I'm giving you the gift of a blip basically um where do I I think this back corner is gonna still be you know what we we didn't take the lip off and there's another blip perfect nailed it even though the rates are coming there pretty quick yeah we'll stick with it cool okay okay what's next we're gonna keep trying to go fast here we mean super super yeah you need to go fast so I can get more time on my turn yeah yeah yeah so we'll do these three lances into this character wow hitting on threes re-rolling ones and then I get a re-roll ing once and then I get a re-roll oh my God classic lances twos cool um okay that takes care of our area denial problem excellent excellence we're gonna uh yeah so fire prism into this neophyte Squad that just came back yeah totally or acolytes sounds good 2d6 plus two oh boy this is a dispersed shot 12. above the average again right the gays are wondering the squad I was trying to keep alive it was this squad threes oh my God and then two rerolls here got it oh okay and then toughest four yeah so three is here okay so strength six with two rerolls here amazing those are AP one oh my God two damage uh okay so we got cover on you can yeah you want to actually measure this out so you know yeah so because it's nice yeah now that we're doing tour so I need to place at least one here and then we can go like this so we go like so uh we'll have to make sure it's like the majority yeah exactly so we've got three without cover um actually but these are the ones we want to protect so it's this many if you want if you want so we'll take we're actually we're actually gonna go with reverse so three without cover sixes so these three are done and then now we get cover so we get fives um we could just get cover uh three more Okay cool so we go boom boom and one two three four we actually don't care about the leader cool we just care about the demos which is what we have left um Okay cool so yeah night Spinners at the demos plus three oh only four only four uh hitting on fours yeah oh sorry the do I see anything with the cannon I don't think I do not these dead guys uh and then one master Artisans so only two hit okay and then three is re-rolling that's two Mortals in it yeah I think I just fish no it's what's the armor or cover safe uh fourth cover if you want to kill the squad fully you need a six I know uh no I I will leave you on one because you don't have a banner here huh can you bring them back no well if they die fully okay perfect yeah exactly so this is two Mortals and one safe yeah oh yeah that's what you're doing okay one save huh okay so you'll have two two guys left okay yeah that's what you call a worst case scenario oh my God that's hard I think I said it that's it I'm not saying it I'm not gonna say it anymore I might have like a couple percentages on you yeah I think it's the kettle called in the other kettle black but it's the two percent more more cattle than the other okay uh last fire prism has to go here so 2d6 blast you have ten but not 15 here yeah 286 plus two okay only six okay threes because I see you two rerolls yeah nice okay with two Rebels but I'll use one AP one you get cover if you want it in here yeah we'll take it so we're back to five so three more dead uh so it'll be um man just not to take cover yeah this is actually uh there's one gun whatever cool we'll kill there okay um the cannon doesn't reach you the ravenger is there we have a bunch of charges declare so we have probably the most important one okay let's do race into this character and these neophytes it's gonna be a four to complete the charge but really I want something very higher much higher I'm looking at um the dice yeah totally can I still use two fade dice on a charge no one just one just one um I have no OverWatch to declare nothing weird there so up to you if you what do you want to do yeah wow am I I actually it's so hard to spend I'm complaining now as an eldari player it's actually hard to get through all the Fate dice I'm kind of glad that I kept a lot of sixes but like I don't know I'm Auto sixing one every turn I don't actually know where to spend the other one right um so I'm trying to justify the chat before I spend a six here on the charge oh my God which is like blasphemy that is blasphemy but like where do I spend it right this is important I want to be out of charge range of these aberrants I see I see you know so here it is six plus D6 on the charge here sounds fantastic let's do it ah 10 10 inch charge you gotta be careful here we go we gotta be careful it's very interesting okay so ten um keep me honest yeah yeah I mean he's gonna base when he can yeah base when I can yeah here he goes Basin again oh I think I here um this one I can't oh my gosh oh my God okay I want to start putting guys inside so I can measure correctly here yeah no worries you're good boom at least you're going backwards actually if you try to deal with The Wraith guard here yeah the wreath guard our problem definitely definitely I know it can't be in the wall so I'm just gonna be here yeah yeah makes sense makes sense and so then I have to like coherence is a thing too right okay so let me know if I've done anything wrong very good oops they are good okay interesting okay and then maybe equally impactful yeah ravenger into these neofins what's that charge it's not bad it was a six but I think you pulled uh no no I ended up putting player back so it's still six oh looking for a six huh oh I hate everything right what's happening oh excuse me brutal that's so insane okay that's not good we're what we fight now we fight yeah I'm gonna choose not to move um we're gonna Slap City yeah let's go into this guy yep as much as I can which is two guys or four guys and then two wraith into your new fights okay yeah sounds great oops sorry sounds great oh oh my goodness yeah okay okay yeah so yeah just um remember the tech of I can shoot you if you hurt me if you attack me but not if you've already oh I can I can triple shoot no way yeah this is this is the tech that I totally was hitting myself for during the tournament when I played against Paulie because you weren't using it I wasn't I wasn't even thinking of like the charge Tech I could make you hit me so you charge me I punch you and then you shoot me and then I shoot you yeah yeah you got it mm-hmm we'll use our re-roll here I like it okay and then there's three yeah sorry I'm looking at my lethal yeah my lethal is for all attacks so sixes yep I'll take those and thank you strength five on your T3 there's three plus threes with a master Artisans oh my God so those are for you no AP that's crazy she did okay way dead and then two guys into your neophytes you got it threes with two lethal yeah and then threes sounds great oh spicy dicey and Vibes here yep yeah so we take three uh we'll pluck doesn't super matter one two um um we're gonna get into special weapons it's like a flamer cool feels good and then did you want to charge my I've alone characters I don't know if you want anything with that oh my gosh you're a gentleman no problem um thank you I I did want to if you don't mind I have a farceer that needs to shoot oh yeah and then also a charge you're right go free so here's farseer I'm like oh I can move them out in the open or I can deal with this character frequently you also have the Cannons right they were out of range here oh I could go into the character I guess I I guess they were huh they were out of range okay yeah I appreciate the canons so here's the Primus that's in the building now yeah he's like totally hidden from my side threes here from the Canon with Master Artisans that I've used already and then T4 actually yeah nothing happens okay and then here is the farce here Eldritch storm oh right D6 plus nothing four okay sounds good see all on threes yeah interesting uh Mass artisans and wounding on tubes all right amazing that's not like devastating three ap2 no devastating but D3 damage ap2 that's enough okay let's go okay uh four wounds so you need two three obstacle two three of let's go oh oh no he's alive he's alive I'll charge him yeah sounds great got a little oh that actually might not make it no you're free you're free to go thank you you're on one before you go sir yeah we're gonna go oh no I'm sorry not two you did those one yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry sorry I hate it thanks thanks interesting cool that was dessert I I totally forgot Target um alrighty ravenger unless you want to interrupt nah we're good we're good three attacks with a blade veins hitting on fours yeah nothing okay sounds great all right thank you I have to pack you attempt right I think you have I think you have to chat let us know you can choose not to attack let us know all right um let's do the Primus first he kind of has a weapon so we've got the Colt bone sword getting on twos nice uh shrink five so six is and then I'm Gonna Roll the rest of them and then you shoot me yeah only five can see you but oh my God yeah they like the guns turn into pistols and they shoot whatever this is not okay it doesn't even have to be you I can shoot other things no that guy is that guy is dead right it's dead yeah like I'm out of range of it well you're also locked in combat five come on 10 13. okay uh 13. hitting on threes sounds good one master Artisans one lethal very nice and then winning on two sounds good sounds good [Applause] before why okay we're going 11. it's gonna matter because we're gonna kill the main unit and then get to characters gotcha so so boom boom sorry uh so this is one two three four five six seven eight so we have three more uh we'll go on the Primus who has a five plus in volume and he's done one [Music] uh like probably like one I had a ton excellent guess what I get a blip yeah they're everywhere I remember oh how does one deal with such records Reckless yeah this is really goodness that is finally my turn thank you for being being patient with me it's over we we can call it oh yeah I got a base suit here um basically here yeah I can't face you here it's not any way you can really swing out on the objective turn is so long I forgot my secondary what am I doing um I guess we'll go there we'll have the base and then slap slap slap nothing happens all right cool that's it excellent what were your secondaries uh so we can score it up for eldari turn two I will get area denial for the big five yep and extend battle lines for the big five [Music] that's what we call a good turn holy molies oh yeah late take it away to the GS of the Seas yes Pro three I have lots of dead they only pick up real quick craziness any shots you want to do before right yeah I could pick up they can't hear because I'm locked in combat I can't hear because I'm locked well yeah it's up to you I don't you could probably pull out if you want uh up to you all of that I'll tell you that you probably do want to stay in oh that's interesting that's the only way if you plan on charging them they can't fantastic yeah can't Phantasm can't OverWatch yeah but how far are we right now uh it's at a glance it looked like 15 and a minus two yeah so 15 within 16. uh so I need an 11 inch charge well you see it like that oh my goodness and I might just want to hit yeah so you definitely want to pull out then yeah [Music] yeah because I need to keep them there for primary because I could pick them up and then do a nine inch so I can make it a nine that's better but then I give it five primary yeah so that's not that's not good um yeah we will spend our CP pick up this squad with the Primus uh and we'll pick up these two they're battling as well uh and then we'll clear off the dead yep dead like I'm learning a lot from this game you and me both you yeah to to give people at home some notes like or um I don't know an FYI Adrian like told me a lot about his armies before this game so I was uh I was prepared with information it's good though like you're doing the things you need to do take out GSC right you tag them with things you don't kill them which is here in this case it was beneficial for you to kill them because you take the objective this is good um and you're also making it difficult for me to isolate parts of your army that's what I want to do I'm doing great job I'm trying it's like it's hard to be perfect about it yeah but like because there's I'm sure there's gaps somewhere yeah you found one with a support platform thanks um and then immediately I like I'm rolled super hot I um I went super wide I should have just taken this middle and then not like these two coming in to do damage maybe I was too focused on no prisoners that that was basically like the short term instead of the long it wasn't worth it wasn't worth the play so you know I'm I'm excited because I'm learning I'm learning uh anyways that's it so again CP poop uh no neo fights on objectives um lips don't do anything just yet uh I can move one during the command phase we don't do that just yet uh battle shock we have a Primus on one Moon so we need a bowel shock there first let's take a look a seven yeah and this squad definitely below so we'll see if they make battle shock seven they're good um I believe alkaline Nia fights yeah seven and everyone else is off the board so we're good um and the squad that do have banners uh icons will return due to them I wish I had one in the bombs now actually I haven't been doing it yeah because it's the big banner that you stick up and sometimes you want to hide oh and you also get one lesson oh you get one but I think I'm gonna do in the future because now I would have I would have my all my bones you would always have your bones yeah uh that's it I'm gonna get Primary in a moment first yes let your body go with the flow overwhelming Force kill things on objectives and investigate signals which is B in table quarters nice uh do actions cool uh that's cute we'll stick with it I'm gonna get five points on uh primary and we're gonna get going let's do this thing okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let's while you're thinking there Adrian we can take a Super Chat let's do it uh this is from Spanish shadow s shadow and they say I took my legs of votant to Tacoma I went two wins six losses I fought three Space Marine armies that I did not stand a chance in oath and Gladius are too strong how would you change legs of votan without changing the points oh great question and honestly like big shout out for you just playing through all eight of those games um despite obviously having really tough matchups in an army that's not as strong um I think that speaks volumes about your character that you stuck that through so 100 agree of votan is so so fun um I hope that you really had some fun playing at least in the latter half of that tournament where you're pairing against hopefully armies in your I don't know bracket or power level um but uh league is great I well I would do I would make Grudge tokens either more effective or more plentiful that'd be easier to get uh Grudge tokens judgment tokens um on units because so hard and all the uh output depends on going from your four to hit to three to hit going from you know you know wounding on threes to twos because you have no access to re-rolls almost right and you got nerfed into hitting on fours always right so you really need judgment tokens if you actually want to kill something um so I would really like to see an easier way to dish out judgment tokens it used to be like oh you're on an objective judgment token not just oh you killed something now I'm losing yeah units to just kill you faster I don't know to kill you at all so it's it's it's so weird it's a weird dynamic there it really is so yeah that's what I would do make their army rule way way cooler this is a 14 so I need a 10 is that we said uh 11 11 and 11. yeah that's good that's fine uh I'm gonna turn on the AC yeah sounds great is it getting hot in here John getting hot in here is it getting hot oh you know what I will scoot this blip uh during the command phase dude it's 80 in here right now yeah it's pretty it's a pretty spicy meatball oh I have a Primus back here he's gonna be like what's up with this signal I need to investigate uh you may OverWatch [Laughter] oh I'm in a bad spot so I moved him over I also scooted these uh neophytes on the objective so if you want to OverWatch in either place yeah I should really OverWatch here huh because you you uh oh man that's interesting yeah yeah wow you so I'm I am in combat here you are not in combat I am not in common for better or worse I did the I did I did no action which is not pile into you you know I feel about it but that's what I did so I think what you do here is if I OverWatch you I won't have enough CP to Phantasm yeah um because you vectored it yeah and then you bring your aberrance to try a charge an 11. it's certainly an option oh it's certainly an option it's 15 15 and you're moving four yeah eleven yeah yeah yup yup yup no I OverWatch here the 11 is is my safety net yeah so yeah I OverWatch with uh I moved I I lost a little movement so I can stay out of line of sight of these specters there's of course have spiders spiders um or the night spin this they're probably the best strikes the auto hit yeah I think I do spiders here so four D6 sounds great yeah that means I can't kill characters but that's fine 46. [Music] 12 14 shots sounds fantastic oh my I am uh this is this is interesting yeah um winning on threes with a re-roll fantastic uh two Mortals and AP one on seven of them sounds good looking for I get I get that in OverWatch huh not just shooting phase yeah I'm pretty sure so uh seven eight nine should be a squad oops they're gone wait wait what you saved these I saved those so this is one two three four five oh seven yeah one two three four five six five seven oh no [Laughter] uh what does that mean you can look you can count your saves as mortal wounds if you want dang it all right guess what it's another Blood Bank here all right I like it I like it okay so we're investing in over there you can't stop us you're not my real dad I'm gonna do so much damage Chad I don't mind I knew I did a lot of damage but like I do a lot of damage like I knew I did a lot of damage which was a lot of damage oh my God like I'm like I'm like standing over your grave like waiting for you to like come here don't move I don't know don't come back I'm So Pregnant oh it's a problem okay okay okay all right so we're investigating in that signal I think we'll probably bring in a reductus down here I really don't feel like trying for an 11 inch charge although to be honest I might just be out of the game if if I don't I think that's that's like a huge you kill a third of my Army if you make this 11. 11 John 11. I might do it I might do it um I have a five man coming in I have the two bombs where's two bombs um and I have the oh here they are I have the Primus with some heavy weapons left all the other big squads are currently dead currently Dade which is a problem to build a Phantasm they're relatively you vectored yeah so that feels satisfying at least terrify me okay let's take a question I'll be I'll be quick but I'm gonna have to play something okay I have to come down this turn Hey Oh weird okay sorry so this question is from Curtis jazowski thank you Curtis and Curtis asks had a game last weekend and we had a bit of a debate okay where does it say that you can bend secondaries all we could find was something that said that they were that that something that said they were discarded after they were completed right this is a great question um we because Yeah we actually debated this internally for a while too and we were like dude Chet where is this thing yeah and I think it's all it's on the pamphlet right it's on the pamphlet but when it talks it's not where you think it is it's not in like the secondaries or the drawing portion correct it's like literally on the other side I don't know if it's like a continuation of a paragraph on the other side or yeah you know more sorry no you're good you're good it's it it's at the it's on the flip side of it where it talks about uh yeah if you want to grab it Johnny but yeah if I can find do we uh yeah I'm floating around 10 footy oh man we have a little pathway there oh is it no it's not begin of battle so yeah are you on backside top left to back side top left oh back yeah top left up there what are those that's the right side John oh what begin battle no it's oh it really shouldn't but it is something that you can do every turn right shouldn't be in the beginning of battle uh section so it's in section 12. begin the battle second paragraph um and this is in that this came in the box with the mission cards correct yeah it's a little pamphlet that you get that tells you how to play the mission or the games I guess exactly yeah this is a good question because we debated it it's ourselves it's common common misconception here it's very weird good question all right let's go let's go all right I'm just looking for a potential three inch deep strike uh uh I would like to kill I have to kill things on objectives and I have to take objectives take you off objectives that would be nice that's like the only path to the game indubitably yeah precisely um we're spiders you can still you can still minus one to hit you can still Lightning Fast still lightning fast so fast still lightning so we want to put flamers here no this is a 20 man this is not 20 anymore wait do you reduce squat size as you die what no no uh these are the ones I picked up from home oh gotcha yeah yeah yeah uh I will get three back because these still resolve when they're off the fields oh gotcha that's not gonna be three plus G3 because I'm obviously not on an objective uh this is one two OC here yeah so I just need to plink one duter here one ten drill oh so good uh all right we're gonna if this is gonna be our end we'll make it such an end you know you'll ride out and meet them exactly uh actually you know what again we're gonna die we'll make it uh the icon and the Primus to fit the end of the bell end like so and then we have two scrubs scrubs we'll Trail them like so he ate no scrub exactly [Music] I'm glad you knew the words for that because I I really don't want to sing it oh yeah I was gonna make like the sound the words would make if I knew the words oh man I should have helped you out I wanted to hear that all right there we are so we've gone oh enough we see to take this we're trailing out we've got line of sight uh and range with uh with mining lasers and flamers onto this lone warp spider that's part of a squad yep and these warp spiders here So the plan is to shoot the warp spiders take this one off we zero you out on primary and then they die but you've already overwatched so that at least is a thing uh the two bombs the two bombs aren't going to be able to come in close uh frankly they're just gonna come in and investigate some signals for some secondaries and then then hopefully die um hopefully I don't think you're gonna kill them though unfortunately all are going to be here the nice tasty spot for you John nice tasty burger oh I hope somebody hope nobody kills me I don't know that they do anything frankly um it might just be something to shoot next turn right um we'll just scooch in front here yeah so you can't move can't move through them we'll try to slow you we're not holding the objective oh you're still gonna get five because you're holding my objective dang it um so we're there we're there um yeah we'll bring the reductus she's gonna go ahead and investigate that signal back there holy with a nine very good very good so we're getting three of the quarters which is a big six points it's a big yeah you got me nicely screened out here yeah it's good so we're gonna get some points yeah um that is all we can do for the turn oh sorry for the phase it's over that's it that's it oh we didn't decide if I want to try to take the 11. well I want to take this 11. it's pretty it's not really attempting at all if I don't you're just gonna run everywhere on the flip side yeah if you fail the charge you've given me the last all the race guard to shoot correct uh I'm just gonna stay the course we're staying we're staying you talked me out of it John you talked me out of it let's do some shooting shall we let's start with um oh that's interesting I can't I can't tag them up uh with sorry with the Ridge Runner because you'll kill the only guy I can see oh you need to not do that excellent it's not an ex Arc no it's not an X Arc I will instead spend a CP to my last CP to give them uh plus one BS and plus one AP and what we're going to do is we're going to put the flamers into the worst Fighters there and the auto guns into these warp spiders here and we'll put we need to make sure they die so xrx have two wounds so you've got four ones here and a good chunk here six six there yeah six there okay um okay so what we'll do is we'll put yeah the flamers here two of this seismic 12 shots and then two the size mix into here actually we'll go we'll go three seismics and just one into there because I still have the mortars and everything else all right Jonathan one seismic into the three mantle yeah one seismic and all the auto guns and then the flamers and three seismics into there I'm not going to get as many chances against that yet yeah I'm thinking about lightning fast I think I do yeah a lightning fast the Five band Squad fantastic that is all my CP eldari is down to zero CP I think oh boy oh I should be at zero because I overwatched an eye I like um okay gosh one two three four sets of seismics into here uh plus one minus one so back to five sustained hits oh sorry this is the big spot yeah this is the into the big squat yeah the one that is minus one amazing and they're gonna re-roll all this yeah yes yes okay I'm not gonna say anything I'm not gonna be like oh I overkilled them because then I won't kill them one two three four five once I caught a fish alive all those strength six two on twos twos oh there you go ap2 ignore cover yeah more spiders for life if you choose five yeah ignore cover yeah I've wasted my CP they're dead oh yeah for sure Dad yeah oh my gosh spicy meatable I like it yeah when you're not wounding on fives you you know I know right um we are gonna have the One auto gun is out of rapid fire then we have one [Music] [Laughter] we're keeping it interested it's been an interesting stream let me I'll tell you later I love it um all right so we've got auto guns in here or else I should have shot the first for the tag let's go so this is auto guns plus one to hit so and these ones start at fours so they go down to threes re-rolling everything nice and sustained so 100 strength three so fours you're just like us always bad so we got three AT AP one ignore cutter so force force wow oh so one day one day um what do you have after this flamers and uh no I shouldn't I shouldn't have split how I did uh I have six mining laser shots and then both the mortars seismic yeah yeah so this is going to be on a x Arc yeah it makes sense let's go what is this fives no fours three rolling oh my goodness oh these guys are dead too no regrets and twos oh I got a couple ones for you nice ap2 here uh five in boom dead oh yes oh yeah wow perfect just perfect I like it okay so I got two kills on objectives losing spiders I needed to kill them way before this um so they've shot there they've shot there um we have we do have the mortars and um you you've killed about almost 400 points so far of my Army I like it I'm into it uh oh yeah she's not shooting because she's investigating uh Shadow specters are probably our next biggest offender yeah so we're gonna put uh the first mortar into question no this is good just keep in mind I'm stealth stealth appreciate it uh I'll be on fives anyways because I'm out of line of sight so we'll take this mortar into these shadow specters uh D6 plus three plus four one so four oh so ten pounds five ten on fives feeling alive 3 fives uh because I'm minus oh yes sir I thought you're winning yeah yeah now winning on twos I believe yes once they have like T3 I like it four uh cover cover it unless I would get three UPS yeah either way yeah exactly three UPS okay nice I like it and then I'll go I'll do one more and then you can you can pull so the second one and to them uh ignore cover and wow uh not blessing not blast so six seven eight nine hitting on five we're gonna get extra 18 now though oh spicy meatable and then ones no ones no ones oh my well why do I do that maybe one but ignore cover ignore cover yeah so we killed one okay next one I don't know what to use my fake Ties on anymore that's a good question [Laughter] that's it that's my entire turn you can't charge right nope can't charge yeah you're scoring you're scoring no it's a good turn free and it's fastering let's score it on up okay overwhelming Force we are gonna get four points because we killed two things on objectives which is nice uh and investigate signals we're gonna get six points because we investigated in three table quarters yeah so great great a great turn for scoring uh we're gonna pass it over to the eldari yeah [Music] I would even be in a not horrible horrible um we're gonna do oh we're gonna do some cards real quick yeah cleanse and overwhelming course you can play that game dang it ah okay cool these are very doable it's like how much do I want to sacrifice for cleanse though because that's less things shooting you need two cleanse to Max it yeah so it's not too bad yes yes uh and then in your command phase I can move a blip uh I don't know that you can actually reach here with these not in the movement phase at least hmm you can't do a Phantasm you can't you could advance I guess they move how far uh they move six six like an auto advance 12 21. oh okay so I'm going to scooch one just outside of where it's possible for you to land with them okay the one also one I'm looking for is this one so 14 I do have to Pivot like a couple inches but okay and then you can go 14 and then 20 you could Auto you can Auto 20. then nine well let's say 18. yeah no worries okay so we'll we'll go this way yeah okay yeah yeah perfect cool cheers that's it over to you yes interesting [Laughter] farseer throwing uh fortune on a fire prism the one I'm probably gonna eat uh up forward two up what happened oh man what happened I'm just I'm just lamenting that first here so he's the fortune one as well yeah he's the source of all my problems basically he's the source of Auto sixes and Fortune oh that's yeah those are two big things pretty good but you haven't been letting me capitalize on the platform no that's true um I'm stuck with aberrance in front of me right twos cool Sportsman goes off and I will get moving nothing is in deep strike but uh I I don't know I'm just gonna move around yeah sounds great I'm cleansing and I am overwhelming Force I love it okay I just want to thank zelnasty for gifting five memberships thank you so much much appreciation much appreciate it's an amazing way to support the channel we'll try things out and obviously you're gonna support us thank you yeah uh I'm gonna take a Super Chat this is from Drew Lynch thank you drew uh Drew Drew says go GST got my first GSU win last night can't kill an endless horde no matter how much damage they do give them the gene stealer kiss oh we're gonna give him a big old smooch big old jeans what yeah I'm loving this Army it's so much fun to play I can't imagine why [Laughter] they're so friendly so friendly that's that's a good way of playing I just want to hug with their many arms yeah yeah exactly we'll give them a big forearm hug this clip is not actually here right correct yeah I just got major Deja Vu from that cool specters are doing cleanse and uh the death Jester doing cleanse you have a you have an interesting OverWatch here if you'd like to take it it's interesting but nah I gotta hang on to my CPU yeah one CP yes all of a sudden oh wow the Haves and have-nots oh man so that's that's my life right now uh like the classic measuring of the aberrance you know what time of turn it is oh gosh I remember I don't know if I can get an angle on these guys what am I trying to do okay yeah here I appreciate the the fear oh my gosh I don't think I can shoot them I think I can get like no I don't think I can shoot that ah because that's that's kind of been one of your side goals right is like pivot around avoid them but then also start shooting an angle like where do I where's the entryway here and you have yet to give me one even with two characters you are somehow screening me from killing these aberrants like yeah um excellent excellent oh primary oh yeah primary uh Five Points five okay thank you yeah I love it oh my goodness we tried to zero you out but you just took our home John are you confused I'm confused I've been confused you're confused I'm confused and there's the cat lady [Music] Chad appreciated the meow yeah so it's a great touch we don't often do sound effects here but there's a kitty involved I feel like yeah okay hopefully everyone's kitties are doing well at home oh yeah curses DJ anytime you can get a loan operative do it we do have some more Super chats okay this one is for from fyod or dangsterevsky thank you fyodor what's up your door for my next turn tourney what are some good shooting options for them besides desolation squads I don't care if they're meta they're ugly and boring thanks guys hey thank you thank you you know what that's entirely Fair uh I've got a couple good options um they have amazing Gladiators Lancer plus a multi melta uh I personally like the model I think it's cool so I would highly recommend a Lancer or two three Space Marines eradicators are also fantastic and they're cool because you can also pair them with things like land Raiders which are very very Templar like uh and you come up the board like a lane Raider uh redeemer is interesting for some sweet OverWatch lets you deliver those nasty nasty eradicators um so those are a couple some people are seeing success with uh don't forget his loan up here some people are seeing success with um redemptors but generally they're like going hard on redempters and they're like running three of them so it depends if that's your jam or not um so those would be the things that I go to for anti-tank that are that are not desolation Marines and I think they're all good I think they're all totally valid and interesting options so thanks so much for the support appreciate it thank you and I just want to thank jesterhead for gifting five memberships oh what's up Jester head gesture head that's an amazing name yeah right all right thanks so much just your head so we're having a lovely evening slash morning how did I put this fire prism here it's just stuck there forever um after measuring some things do you mind if I put the fortune on this no fire prism this guy's not doing anything yeah he's just hiding I was thinking of eating him through but that's just giving you a kill yeah and probably movement too probably movement yeah so I'm gonna stay outside of 18. race guard fire prism this fire prism yeah is definitely within 18 and you do have a charge if you want it but I'm trying to bank you into hey let me shoot you with wraith guard yeah makes sense makes sense um I get almost done almost done now you're good while you're finishing that John we can't take another Super Chat yeah this one's from Matt and Matt said hey guys I ran into this the other day if you can charge a room a unit in a ruin and tank shop can your opponent remove guys out of Engagement range and effectively cancel the combat yes they can you'd be very careful if you could just blow them out of the water away from the wall suddenly can't fight um which which is cool like it kind of makes sense like you just devastated their lines you can't quite reach your big monster trying to like reach through the wall can't quite get to it so definitely be careful with your tank shocks um that's that's always the thing when you're doing Mortals on impacts you got to be careful because it's good but sometimes it's too good yeah great question let's go we did it we moved everything and we're kind of like rotating potatoes we're doing like rotating things we're baiting you in some places we're lining up other things vehicles are being vehicles um love the durability they're eldari are weirdly durable with all the tanks they're playing with exactly exactly we do have to be careful of Shadow specters we have Shadow specters doing uh a cleanse behind cover I mean we also have a Jester doing it in the middle the bone operative um we're lined up to kill two characters and hopefully uh this squad of neophytes maybe even a Ridge Runner I love it um send your movement end of my movement got 60 neo fights in the backfield yeah dude um I'll just put the box for now and sort it out later um that works for you John yeah yeah this is cool play play in the corner stay there that's uh that's what we'll do yeah um I guess the only question is is my fire prism going to be able to shoot anything uh no no okay take a break 12 inch range here yeah yeah uh long range here um not cleansing not cleansing okay and then 48 obviously goes all the way to the corner 48 goes to here so I'm either getting hit by the night spinner or I'm getting hit by this indeed I can't avoid that um there or there um we can come in nine away from here but then we're definitely getting shot by them for example um yeah I'll take a quick question okay this one is from Brian Sterling thank you Brian hey Brian says Hey Titans hello from Bali no one is playing CSM intense thought Adrian was a fan and people sounded excited for them or are you maybe waiting for a potential Emperor's Children codex down the road love the channel hashtag dark pacts thank you yeah we honestly need to get more uh more of them on the channel a couple like models that I would like to get frankly um and yeah Emperor's Children are my favorite uh the legions and they're like not really in the book right now um but dude I wanted to play night Lords and we like just gave back our night Lord Army I know what's that about I I am interested in CSM it's just getting it on the table it has to fit in our schedule so um I also want to play CSM they're they're super good they are definitely like upper middle of the pack and I think they're super fun they have have something that isn't like the other factions so they have a good personality good options good bones good bones yeah uh okay so two of the squads are just gonna they're just gonna tuck in here so we don't really have to worry about them yeah I'm just gonna be picking them up at the end of the phase one of them is actually going to set up and that's the one that I've gotten out here um so well we'll get rid of two blips and they'll just they'll just be here and then the other one you have to start next to it and then you can you can basically infinite Trail it trail out um which gets a little wacky whack a doodle um so the question is do we want to do anything interesting with that we want to stay outside of 12 here um we could come all the way to here fire prism would see us you don't have linked fire so it'd be one fire prism um it comes maybe interesting to try to come in and take this point from you um oops sorry so we'll come in Beyond 12 so beyond shooting range of them yep shooting and charge range yep exactly so we'll come in here and that's gonna be it sick right done what I'm doing John okay okay cool we're sticking to the plan things come in we can't stop it at least you're in a corner exactly um that's like our best best hope 100 all right cool I do okay um what do we shoot with first we shoot with the oh the of rain has the least amount of range here into your big Squad D6 plus because you can easily pluck from that side yeah exactly so you bring into here mucho shots D6 plus three okay these are is this the character yep he's in the squad okay cool at least I know that wraith can shoot yeah D6 plus three four hitting on two you got it excellent moving on too yeah uh four more so we'll plug these four excellent um let's shoot the ravager three lances into the Ridge Runner yep are you stealth uh no okay threes re-rolling ones then I get one master Artisans wow wow that is so good right awesome so I'm re-rolling the ones because you're on full strength and then I get the free message right look we're showing off the rules here great conversion but still missing a little bit just t7 t7 so threes totally with one reroll what the best Artisans okay ap3 ap3 uh cover so two goes to five takes it D6 plus two you got it it was six would kill them oh it's a four I should probably use the page you wanna use fate dice um no I it that let me totally fine if you want to no no I I rolled it I'll live I was gonna like maybe CPE roll it but no yeah um okay okay we will go to the race we'll do oh there's a lot we'll do five because they have to go here yep probably allocated too many uh and then we'll do three here yep then we'll do two to the neophytes cool so five three two and you're dead no blips I said five three two two here so two you got it two D6 into your neophytes nice six hitting on threes leaf on sixes keep on sixes one master Artisans and then wounding on two got it you got five four left three and the character three in a character um before I have no targets Shadow specters what's this yeah Shadow specters into this squad of neophytes sounds good five D6 got it okay they're dead I know the characters um can we get a blip um can we just leave it here it's a good place it's a good place okay now we have a fire prism cool yeah fire prison fire prison into your newly acquired you know fight Squad 2d6 blast Bring It On uh four plus four yep eight shots like it I get shots hitting on threes with two re-rolls totally oh so good whoa calm down John oh my God twos got it with two rerolls oh take one yep one two damage okay so we're getting sixes here we like sixes I guess yeah that's fine six is uh because we're gonna kill these guys two four six seven two four you can take him 60. nah that's all right boom boom so they are dead uh-huh they're fine they're gonna go kill him again we have the box system works shut up we're gonna need we're getting faster here uh platform into um average good not gonna make them untargetable no D3 plus one um only two okay hitting on threes because we stood still Master artisans oh okay okay we Auto six here two becoming a six yeah yeah and it's gonna be D6 plus two Mortals love it six Mortals cool I love it and fours let's go average oh no kill one yeah it's so like consistent yeah they're amazing eventually uh turn five you'll have half a squad yeah yeah exactly um can't shoot with the fire prism I have only the Spinners left so one spinner into aberrance sounds great keeping keeping strong yeah yeah yeah D6 plus four five could you go on fours you got it ah oh sorry no worries Master artisans and then four is the three roll fours with a reroll oh good Mortals like the worst whoa he did it yeah uh one guy wounded okay he's broken the chain uh and then he we slowed them as well yep they're always load they're always being slowed you have no wounds on the Ridge Runner right I have four ones oh four wounds yeah that was the Sadler that's right that's right world's worst ravager what do we do here what dude do you have a charge what did I what did I measure here you don't have a because it's eight yeah six Beyond 17 yeah so it's not possible okay I can only go 16 at Max um so that means I should do night spinner into this squad of neophytes cool sounds great so 1d6 Plus 310 now D6 plus five thirteen yeah six mm-hmm anything on fours yeah oh artisan one master artisan and then tools if you see me rolling can I fish for it yeah definitely yep so I do wound yeah it's strength seven no AP yep so make it yeah and then two Mortals kills two guys cool beautiful uh that is my turn oh actually I should charge the ravenger into these two guys my totally twiddle them yes no OverWatch yep neophytes or sorry your acolytes are getting charged by my ravenger let me go again and then I'll do my three attacks sitting on fours oh choosing not to use my re-roll yeah winning on oh threes either way dang it one thing AP no AP ah man but not two dang it uh I'll hit you back uh nothing yeah that's my turn we can score it up okay yeah great overwhelming Force overwhelming Force I've killed at least one thing on an objective uh two things yeah so Five Points okay or is that four was it two each oh gosh and then cleanse will be five for doing two objectives oh oh my God there's nine points there oh yeah oh sweet it's a good game love it before they need to return I'll pick CP to pick up these two blocks of neophytes nice and we're off to the GSC this is scary it's um I don't know what I should have done here I might have I maybe should have burned started burning I forgot about the bird but I think I needed no I probably should have burned oh um we're gonna burn on turn five um let's see so we'll get a CP each yeah that's a shock I have one guy here does he make it he's not he is Battle shocked everyone else is fine they're fine they're fine um You Killed the Primus back there or is he still oh my goodness do you do your thing do you think I actually he has one Moon left I have turned out to return this fire person has nothing to shoot so he'll gladly yeah so he's dead now he's dead now which objective would you like to tell me with John oh emptying [Music] oh that is a good question good question I'm gonna make you go for oh man [Music] um I'm gonna make you go for the middle needle yeah so this one I have to take this one for five points and then uh what was the other one bring it down bring it down cool we'll keep both of them sounds good I don't like bringing things down but we're gonna have to do it so we'll get that uh we'll get three more models into this uh units they're gonna have to come back and cohere and see um like so so we get a little movement it's cute and oh you're not on an objective so you don't get the D3 exactly just a flat three just a casual flat three I guess I'll take every inch I can we'll go to here won't quite put us on the objective and I'm gonna get moving let's do this thing yeah there's no no advancing minus two move and then outbreaks as well new fights operates that's good cool uh this will be pretty quick but let's take a question still yeah we're getting faster real quick uh oh John just looking out for you overwhelming force is three each with a Max of five so you have five oh excellent then could I request five for mine as well then ah excellent yeah everyone's a winner yeah I like it oh okay okay um and then I want to thank Cody Bratton for gifting 10 memberships memberships wow thank you so much appreciate you absolutely that reminds me it's Thursday so we're trying to get votes out on Thursdays yes so if you are a member or just became a member make sure you go to our Discord vote on next Tuesday's game uh it's our members only game it's gonna be awesome It's Gonna be Me piloting one of the voted armies um we're hoping to get maybe just guard on the table who knows um because it's been a while since just like all the other CSM right we haven't it's been a while since we have we've had death guard especially in a real game yeah but that's not the vote right it's not the vote it's my Army who's playing against death guard exactly just so chat knows totally yeah who the matchup might be against yeah yeah uh so move you may OverWatch if you'd like oh no you may not how many CP do you have two I could oh so you could okay cool I Could you um I think I wait patient Hunter yeah exactly exactly so patient um so you're on this I can't land on it yeah I'm like slowly learning like I should have just been on I should just land on them I should just literally take off all the space right like I am the objective now my base is bigger than the objective I should just stand on it exactly I'm gonna go ahead and set up a preemptive three incher just uh you know how it goes at this point I just circled the whole time he's circling me I'm bottom of turn I'm hitting it on by a thread here [Laughter] I need water I need water Mom I need oranges orange spices oh my gosh just call the lemon man he'll get you set up oh god oh I can't sit there I love it I don't know if I can take them off I don't know if I can do it well we do have a super chat uh this one is from Miles tag thank you Miles and Miles says Hey folks went to my first rtt last week weekend went O3 learned a lot and had a great time during those desso squads looking forward to my first GT next month keeps up the great work love you all thank you that's what it's about honestly going having a good time setting your goals you know working towards them yeah that sounds amazing I love it having a good time be curious to know they didn't say what army they played right are you taking you take all this overall I don't know if I can um maybe maybe I might take OverWatch so this guy definitely blocks me off here this guy I'm not I'm it's the base yeah I think you got me blocked off there I don't think I can quite quite fit in there so you'll at least have that and that oh and I'm like that's like 10 whole points IDK yeah yeah I can't score full primary oh my I know how many primary does John have like 10. okay good let's keep it that way he's actually gonna double it this time did you get your primary uh [Laughter] there's no more flamers on the board correct yeah defying flamers Auto hitting weapons weapons with taurian no excellent that's what I like to hear a large amount of blasts I have 40 see if it matters on this point thank you and then more oh not that point talking about the middle point I don't think I can land on it I think you've done a good job of keeping me out yeah you figured it out John figured it out I'm just traveling with myself vultures [Laughter] and this is gosh Chad don't call your tournament opponent vultures it's just gonna Circle you like a vulture all right all right are these guys on the top or the bottom top top top okay that's good and bad right that's both good and bad I wanted to make sure wherever you pulled your neophyte side could see them yeah exactly line of sight is a Fickle thing nowadays thanks I hate it got a pile of pile of neophytes right I think what we do is we we circle the wagons here we go thing I don't know what that means where are the flamethrowers here they are oh no we go like this I'm gonna lose all my infantry we're gonna try even though that's not what I need to kill this turn so I don't know if I'm actually gonna try part of my mistakes this game has been from terms like this where I I don't actually have a plan I just start doing things and then I'm like Ah that's like all my turns yeah yeah we've been good to have a plan there turns out people do it hanging ahead yeah uh bring it down especially with Dynamic armies like yours it's hard not good enough Just Gonna Keep practicing um okay okay toughness on all your tanks like durability of your tanks I think these are all identical right yeah I think they're all nine bodies T9 bodies T9 bodies yeah T9 T9 and then three up save yeah and how many wounds let's say 12 12 and 12. yeah across the board T9 12. um this one is fortune in the middle okay so not that one so watch out for that oh man and then uh how many 12 wounds so they're worth three three one for draws one at the end yeah they start as two they go to three and then I get one at one overall not one per oh okay so I've killed one it's worth four if I kill two I'll get I get all basically Okay cool so that's that's helpful yep [Laughter] this is horrible why don't I play this Army because it's so cool it's gonna have to be a big Clump right here oh my goodness yeah oh Clump yeah yeah yeah and boom boom clumping up no character this is outside the jam outside of nine here gotcha and then yeah Pump Up the Jam they're gonna have to all be in the back here I'm still very confused on the vehicle thing we know Tacoma did weird stuff y'all oh yeah yeah interesting interesting yeah I'm just trying to play for the points yeah I'm saying apparently I'm not I don't you're trying to kill you're bloodthirsty I don't know how I hold primaries against this crazy right Army two units um crazy right this is worth two points um I'm not gonna be able to kill enough here this would have been like like a nine inch charge here that's 10 points if I make an Irish charge I just don't know that I can count on that to be honest that's the problem um we got that there do you mind I'm I'm waiting for a Phantasm yeah looking for looking for another I know I hate it or an OverWatch if I if I get to shoot with all the race if you do one you can't do the other though that's correct that's the constellation so right this is like three Wraith five race okay oh and then and then this right here now there's a lot of very interesting options oh my gosh I can shoot with all the wreaths just in three different units um yeah what does that exactly that's so much shots right let's go there let's go oh this guy has to fall back oh will he die on a one or two no no no I planned this all of them does he die come on you master mine give me a blip okay so he's gonna fall back that's just the way he goes that's just the way it goes um yeah I think this is the move now I'm not gonna go with the lineup I'd have to come in in an angle that's not really possible to deny the 10 points here so I think I'm gonna have to go for this that's that's basically it man's her well answer don't let me jump any burning happening I could start a burn I have to hold it and then it finishes a burn yeah um I don't know when that when I don't know what you need to declare that uh definitely instead of shooting okay so you don't have to declare it now correct so Phantasm how many primary do I have Lindsay um I think you have like no you have 20. overall overall well that's not very much at all this is actually one where you can't Max unless you burn yeah okay all right carry on um I will Phantasm for two CP sounds great and I think I put you in a position to where I can take out aberrant's next turn oh he's doing it so I will be outside of 12. okay okay but you know when I move I'll be inside will oh I like I hate it mm-hmm she's moving on up yeah you have no fire and fade type of rule yeah you're good you are totally good you have the subject OC is like too much right yeah that's like 12 OC there 12 OC okay yeah that's two each [Music] I'm going say I'm going second I'm going first I'm going first that was only [Laughter] interesting okay yeah that's the play I think I like it very interesting cool sounds great uh we're off the shooting phase let's do it as you have no CP no CV all right perfect yeah it's all you um shooting yeah um are you burning so that's shooting phase oh yeah I can do it later on gotcha in the shooting phase I'm gonna see where we land right um okay mortar into uh ravager nice so we've got five plus three looking for A5 we got several winning on fives here cool that's behind yep but we did hit you so now we can take uh this unit of neophytes into the ravager um can't lightning fast I think we're fine we're just gonna go for it so I don't get covered here yeah no cover yeah one two three four five I think on five sustained would love to kill this person whoa uh yeah we're just gonna go let's go so looking for fives oh my goodness sustained [Music] okay very good how many sixes do we have here two four six perfect four that's a lot right T9 looking for fives here so six is here yeah yeah success come on oh that's too much yikes 66 or 63 63 yeah I wish uh yeah yeah that'll do it explosion the deadly ocular Guy come on six times six ah Shucks that would have been amazing right all right so we got some points into it that's good right um I need a way to hold down primer here's here's hoping that's that's the goal right um that is one two three that's already four points only one more point I can get I'll bring it down so we don't do we don't do that we're gonna take the mortar into uh these folks here the shot inspectors one up to plus three plus one for blast uh hitting on fives we got one one's on a two nothing all right we've got the extra AP uh then this squad will go ahead and do we'll spend a CP for plus one AP plus one vs um Chad is asking chat thinks you're out of CP oh you know what I did because I got three-way thank you uh so no CP to spend there perfect timing and what we'll do is we'll put the slide the size mix in here uh these Auto can uh guns I can see here and the flamers and a lot of guns that are here into here so let's see this sorry all into the five-man squad or no the flamers into the three man or the four flamers and there's like two auto guns here okay into the smaller Squad yeah gotcha of Shadow specters yeah we'll just know them stealth your stealth oh I forgot I didn't know that two four six I like it so we're actually hitting on sixes with these ones Vector oh I don't like that one feel free to recalibrate your map no it's all good because it's because China's correct I have no CP so six is but sustained oh yeah let's go so we're gonna get four which turns into eight nice long hair don't care tools here if he two onto the squad two no cover yeah um so fives oh my goodness the guys on top right yeah exactly and then flamers in the Baylor Squad I'm losing all infantry right uh this is five ten it's a five and five uh this is on threes no AP unfortunately so you've got this they are ignore cover just on your saves three yeah oh oh these are multiple damage no just one okay so I have an exarch on one I love it and then just two other guns over there this is on fours uh no reals but we have sustained minus one here and then four fours no five five five yeah there's five okay we're good yeah and we did the Flames I did forget but we're fine one more no AP three up come on oh he's live hanging in there got one excellent um we don't shoot The Wraith guard because then they'll shoot us back and she Advanced that's it that's the turn no charges that's not true we'll charge you already got kill things on points yeah we'll charge with oh he fell back we're done okay the rest of my case okay yeah uh okay bring it down we're gonna get four points okay tempting Target Five Points wow that's all we got for us turn four yeah we're gonna get a CP come on c one one yeah and they will burn we'll burn okay I'm gonna draw some [Music] oh man come on no way yes okay we can count your enemy outposts if we really want to we would like to do it optimally though where like I'm making you hit me and then I'm shooting you type of thing um and then so we're keeping that one behind any lines oh wait that's the same basically the same same day oh my God that's so good uh primary oh primary Big Ten there's 10. [Music] I'm gonna start burning these um I have a battle shock for the first time oh uh Shadow Specter Shadow the lone eggs arches I fail oh I know him is good high is good I don't roll a lot of battle shots these days wow yeah he does have a wound so I'm gonna move as quickly as possible oh Chad is saying that you're the tempting Target was the middle objective that's right well it was the middle it was the middle oh yeah I didn't get it all oh sorry I was like totally I totally I had totally blanked out yeah no you're good so yeah hopefully you were there yeah there's nothing I can do about it okay excellent oh interesting I don't know what's going on oh man I think you I think you got me I don't know man I don't know what a game to be had well this is worth a lot of points and I'm I've been told I have the topic yes you have the shop damn laughs I don't know look I won't be able to kill everything on the table this turn again that's but that's the that's the wrong attitude you can get like all the points right now it's be a happy boy I know I know I know I want I want the points I've learned so much John after we tuck in the kids let's play again let's Go remix me bro rematch me no one beats me two times in a row how's Chad doing having a good time yeah they're doing great excellent they are doing great we are out of super chats so oh I am slow now it's party time well I'm I'm quite slow yeah I'm good three will not be able to shoot your aberrance and thus we'll have to shoot the new fights oh it's funny yeah um and I have a charge lined up yeah we that's weird okay um excellent we're moving we're moving fast fast good sees neophytes oh [Music] um fortune on that fire prism two up got it nice I think I start burning oh and standing on objectives locking it down um excellent if we can have the option to yeah um I think that's it we don't have much to work with Okay shooting anything you need to do at the end of this yeah so we've got a blip here oh blip so there'll be more coming in there 50 blap not anything too wild um oh you might be able to see him an inch yeah I think if you want you can see them and they'll come in there so I'll just I'll just set them up as you do your stuff yeah yeah go NEOS so I think the first thing that has to go is The Wraith guard so we'll we'll just roll these shots yeah um seven D6 into your aberrance and 3d6 into your neophytes yeah anything you need to do and I guess whatever the spirit suits Spirits here can do we'll go 100 I think I think um go ahead okay here's 76 into the average you got it Bob all right it's not perfect but it's can't complain 10 20 24. okay this is an aberrance yes I like it we're going for 20. 24. okay sitting on threes we got lethal hits threes and we got one reroll it's Mrs yeah uh minus one wound yeah uh cool it goes there these are lethal lethality but I would be wounding on shrink ten so three is going to four four yeah good a little bit uh Force oh oh I don't think I'll kill you here no no no what OverWatch or sorry one uh Master Artisans we're just breaking uh so it goes right through but you ever feel no pain exactly and these are forced oh it's so good as always well one's injured lose one oh there's two oh yes [Music] beautiful cool nice and then three D6 and two neophytes uh eight eleven go Google hitting on threes spent our rerolls already three lethal beautiful and juice [Applause] cool lethal what lethal and then wound oh sorry yeah six total like this is not devastating they're both breaking one two three four five six cool that's not enough to survive um I need to capture and so since it might come down to it here's the pistol sugar pistol from the spirits here totally two and three yeah right excellent and then interesting work here interesting work yeah we have my able to see this right here yes okay it's one Squad of guys you got it okay I gotta clear these neophytes so here is fire prism into these Neo Fighters bring it on let's go uh 2D six it's four plus sorry let me shoot the night spinner first all right since I can I can shoot the Catapult first or the cannon depending on threes this is night spinner into neophytes yeah in here threes we'll use our re-roll totally to Hitch nope and then twos check six one room it's AP one go six okay and then here's the night spinner D6 plus uh uh five no D6 plus four yeah so 10 sorry I'm I'm silly wait the ninth spinner seven D6 plus seven because your blast plus four is four to my yeah yeah you got this you got this oh no no not in the final but on stream here's the one oh my God that's crazy I need this on The Mortals oh yeah yeah that's true that's fine you better not do oh my God I'm just realizing the potential okay okay two Mortals and then those are saves no AP save noise you definitely have cover depending on how you pull that's okay let's take advice uh okay so this is two four six seven eight nine cool right indeed uh four five oh no it's icon six seven eight nine okay let's see if the fire prism can't clean this up 2d6 Plus two uh that's a four wow hitting on threes two re-rolls and uh tooth maybe if he won oh two damage oh and then the shuriken we got one reroll wound oh that was it three yeah twos oh that's all AP one sixes okay Boop down to three down to three oh no John [Music] uh night spinner yeah night spinner into aberrance yeah and uh cannons into the rest go up there let's do it uh Cannon threes three rule um I'll hit twos with a re-roll nice three AP one now we're rending unfortunately uh they did cool uh D6 Plus four on the aberrance for the main gun eight shots hitting on fours because I can't see you yeah one re-roll excellent nice and uh when you're on fours cool re-rolling wow that's pretty good oh sorry I should re-roll this too no worries you're good uh two Mortals and one safe at aberrance okay get a cover save on a four excellent and two Mortals on fours and then here's how you got here's platform into aberrance D6 plus one or sorry D3 plus one a number of shots platform two shots hitting on threes because I didn't move yet again do that again John uh we Auto six one looks at his bait tanks I'm really bad at using these okay and then I have the wound on A3 strength over 12. strength strength like 18. okay yeah yeah you're good um I'm re-rolling this because I'm gonna kill one guy yeah you want a six yeah oh so one save that could kill a guy wait this is a d Cannon yeah that's right that's the damage remember it's actually oh it's one guy no I mean it could be no you're right it's gonna be five damage yeah we're good we're good five four if I was at full health I'd roll it gotcha and uh D6 plus two Mortals oh six six more looking for fours no you don't even kill a guy okay so hopefully you're like not hitting me as hard with a unit of four yeah definitely true yeah that's definitely true we have one fire prism left we're gonna shoot at the neophytes here bring it on 2d6 plus this is a squad of ten thought of 20. oh [Music] you got threes two rerolls [Music] weird uh winning on two got it two e-rolls those are ep1 you get cover uh suffice to kill sport cool so we'll be down to 16 there like it uh I owe you a blip for this one that died yeah cause this is four this is turn four final four yeah yeah so it could it could be a thing um I think I'd just be cheeky in the very back yeah cool um anything else uh charges yeah so here is race guard into the neophytes you got it OverWatch this is going to have a girl I gotta kill these guys anyways okay yeah charge yeah here he comes charging back on the objective if I dare you to punch him shoot me in the face holy moly I have to base you yeah you must John I must thanks so strange yeah you're like could have put down your coffee and I'm just like step in front of it and you hit me and I OverWatch you right weird okay did I forget anything you don't have like a character back here oh I should I should say that I am trying to burn here so Jester is burning and then your brain is Burning uh I think you can just only only burn one the gesture is burning yeah gesture is burning here cool make sense yeah Chester is burning yeah yeah excellent your brain is much more killable yeah yeah I guess loan operative is like a thing yeah a little bit low and operative against a wall is pretty good yeah yeah [Music] okay here's a lot of attacks bring it on and see if you can beat up the neophytes back in the box back in the box back into storage oh we got some Moss this time oh nice take a nap taking it with us uh this is a souvenir exactly exactly four five six seven eight I'll pick them up did you punch me I'll punch you you'll shoot me over there thank you sorry that's a blip though that's a blip it's a blippin that's a blippin what am I gonna do with these blips and they can consolidate onto this point correct uh yeah that is correct Mundo and we're just gonna go back here okay so I'll consolidate in a way that you can't take this you can't suffer to stand on it dang it sounds fantastic this is impressive I like it um cool scoring it up I'm gonna get five points for capture enemy outposts and then I'm only gonna get three three points for Behind Enemy Lines because I just have the race guard totally okay oh boy smells good smells good okay oh I don't spend my CP to pick up unit at the end yeah uh so I'll be down to zero for a second uh what do we like likely or liable to have to do um Behind Enemy Lines I still haven't drawn no I didn't no I got homers [Music] um oh you're thinking now I'd love to take this from you but between your shooting and you're punching it's not really going to happen so we'll pick up this block and we'll pick up this block uh cool okay uh we'll get a CP each and this is for for some marbles let's see if it's enough marbles wonderful I love it wow oh yeah that's right I have to press a button there we go oh these are so doable dudes this is what the doctor ordered okay okay okay no problem yeah yeah um so we'll keep those okay uh primary we oh hold on so I have to do a battle shock on the aberrance oh but no problem we're just gonna roll High yeah seven oh it's the biology biophages leadership seven nice all right so this one is burned and we're gonna get ten primary thank you yeah you're gonna get 10 primary and then I can't take it anymore no more for you we only have six of those you got to be careful with your ex John capturing The Outpost is eight points yes eight VP what yeah I'm like five points away from maxing secondary which actually is a bad thing I really needed to focus on primary more right as far as like learning how to play better it's a signal but I mean you're six points away six points away that's even worse rookie rookie rookie numbers okay okay go go go go go go go uh so we still have a CP feels good yeah and stuff we need to kill characters and we need to capture your enemy Outpost yes so we can set up a couple nine inch charges and and and try for that yeah um so she's not loan operative she's not okay and this guy is Yes means we need to come in close which is totally doable yeah so that would be it's oh no it's just you just need to kill one character one character right okay so we just need to kill her we're not gonna I'm not gonna bother with us keep in mind Phantasm I've saved for it yeah to mess you up to mess you up inside I appreciate that you didn't have to do that for me um so maybe line up two I'll just walk through the walls I would just be done uh I'll get moving it'll be fast and then we'll we'll see what we can do [Music] okay well let's take a Super Chat because we need to have some come in this one is from Ryan King thank you Ryan what's a good color for cloth like on chaos nights to complement dark gray and light tan hmm dark gray Light tan dark gray light you would need something again on chaos nights yeah you would need something quite colorful right yeah because those are pretty like pop of color there yeah you need you need some color because those are very white-ish colors I'm assuming the gray is quite whitish yeah so I would dude I'm I'm a big I mean I'm playing Eldar I would love like some blue like some dark blue okay maybe like darker than royal blue yeah um like rubies little flippy floppies in the wind I'm into it um I think it's really good so I'm just saying like a dark red yes I think one of those too right like yeah because it depends on your chaos God ah oh yeah it could go bright pink oh hot pink I love it super fun fantastic uh but yeah good uh good question yeah and these are all great points [Laughter] if I so the burn would be 10 yeah and then you can get another 10. in the third yeah yeah between these three uh so you're burning this one that's really smart because it doesn't matter if I take this from you you're gonna get burnt these oh that's super tough to stop then I burn out the wait can I can I burn next turn well you started the burn here yes so if I take this from you yeah you don't finish the burn yes oh that's what I need to do take it so then you don't burn yeah but then you have oh I hold are you saying I'm holding I'm not burning I'm holding it then that's messed up okay so we have that do I have that wrong uh well I don't there's also burn like there there's conversation kind of about this like that's a sick Burn yeah um you may have to look at the card okay let's look at the card I got it right here um because I was already confused from the start of the game yeah so let me know do what let me know oh my goodness is where did you get your 10 points from I burned this thing okay and how much how many points does that get you I get you ten is it not ten chatting it gets you five because it's no man's land correct it's ten if it's uh it's tentative it's uh enemy deployment I just yeah I just read that part all right yeah what does that mean is that mean I mean it's less it's less it's less points yeah it means it was the same as if I just held it yeah oh sure okay and this one's gonna be five for him okay so now we're back you can you cannot burn it you can just like stop the action before it burns but I don't know if that's better no it doesn't make any difference um so tell us about the burn uh yes so from the second battle round each player's in each player's shooting phase the player whose turn it is can select one unit so you're right about that um in the Army that's not battle shock that can shoot until the end of the turn the unit is not eligible to shoot or declare charge at the start of the controlling players next command phase if the unit is within one inch of the objective um then that if that unit is within one inch of that objective uh and controls it that marker is burned right excellent yeah scoring five for each objective marker yeah so that's the problem if I stop you from burning it you don't get Five Points oh you know what it the only difference is it can be an additional Five Points yes yes that's all it is yeah it increases my cap instead of getting ten yeah yeah okay so it's uh it's a potentially it's almost impossible to score Max primary here yeah unless you like perfectly burn and then somehow still keep a holding 10. sick burn dude and you should also score at the end of your turn the players who try to score his victory points as described above the player who was second does so at the end of their next what oh instead of uh at the end of their next the end of their turn instead of the end of the command phase I don't think no I so I can't start an action no but just your regular scoring 10. you you still score at the end of the turn yes yes okay yeah so I will have quite an advantage on the last turn if I get eight on capture enemy Outpost and five on assassination that puts me at 60 5 yeah and then you can hold two by the end and they'll put you at 64. you want to just see what your card is and then sure if you draw a card that's remotely feasible I actually yeah we can we couldn't I think we can pretty much talk about that okay because of the going second yeah it's quite strong and I've lived so far so if I just get good secondaries just any secondary basically let's see it gives me one point what you just need yeah yeah so yeah oh oh so yeah sorry we're skipping ahead so we can see if it's possible bring it down you'll create a Ridge Runner yeah that's so that's it there's no there's no coming back from there um we can make a charge we could try to stop the burn but you're gonna be able to just back up shoot what you need to shoot stand on the objectives you're gonna hold that one hold that one because you can score at the end you can leverage your Firepower in the last turn yeah so so we don't have to go any farther I think oh it's a good game it's a really good game man amazing well played well played amazing game you're good you're good you worked so wild it was actually wild like I came into this like with no expectations yeah and I was astonished about the things that we can both do yeah frankly yeah like I had an amazing turn where I killed everything and then somehow you were still scoring more primary than me yeah and still scoring secondary right and I'm just like what like it's turned it's we're out past the halfway point and you've killed only like 400 points of my Army yeah and like but you're still scoring and like I'm not so it's just like at the Battle of attrition and I realize like oh I need to do the I need to put my hard to kill vehicles on objectives and like really just dominate one space exactly the objective space not I don't need to screen you off the whole board no I I I'm just dying because of that let me do that because you're gonna do your secondary as well you're also going to do well in the primary then and that just puts you off up by just enough that you're you're in a solid position yeah and I think you've played it really really well I learned a ton about what your army can do I learned about funny enough I think one of my biggest mistakes was not being not playing like Adrian and that was the turn in which I brought out so much stuff to come and shoot I went wide I went aggressive yeah and it gave me almost nothing one Squad just dropping in the middle and and denying and scoring would have been enough for that turn frankly so I forgot I forgot my roots and um you show I learned so much from this yeah this is probably one of my most educational games I've played in a while yeah it's a victory really really fun too yeah Wild uh amazing did we want to do MVPs at the good talk or do you want to do them here uh um yeah we can do some memories of the guitar yeah yeah um we are still going to do good talk we're gonna have a bit of a chat about the top armies in the game uh well we're gonna talk about the meta which is talking about the top armies of the game and frankly the bottom hours of the game so we're going to discuss that joins us for that it's going to happen just momentarily we're just gonna switch right on over get a restroom break and we will chat about that hopefully found this to be interesting uh we find that if you play the armies in the same tiers of 10th edition yes they're really really fun game there are obviously problems but if you play Within the same tier it's it's all good you need bad good middle of the road it's crazy how close this game was right yeah super interesting uh and hopefully maybe well I don't know hopefully maybe we'll play this weekend we'll see yeah we'll keep you all up to date I don't want the real I have like a uh you learned so much from like our first games like that like the second one the second game that we play is like much like it's a landslide the other direction I'm like oh no I've learned nothing and I've but I won last game and you've learned you've taken all the lessons right right I appreciate that comment yeah but I think I think you're gonna take away a lot from this and I think you're going to be able to play more aggressively because you can know you could you know what you can get away with sure sure yeah and I'm really scared I have no solution I don't know what I do if I respect the AdWords right yeah yeah you play that really well so super fun stuff uh again no no stream on Saturday just do the scheduling join us uh after this for the good talk join us tomorrow for a paint session yeah and of course all you new members and all the members join us Tuesday for a fun behind the scenes game boom with that we'll catch you all next time on the on the table top [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 57,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans, hail of doom, aeldari, comp, competitive, World Eaters, csm, lore
Id: WkNa5QbzJUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 24sec (12684 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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