ABANDONED Harry Potters MANSION Hidden In The Jungle - Everything Left Behind Hidden For 40 years

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so today we're filming a shattuck completely buried in the woods now this place is nicknamed the harry potter chateau but it also reminds me of something out of the film jumanji look at this guys how incredible is this completely being taken over by mother nature herself no way hello explorers welcome back to a brand new video if you're new to my channel please hit that like and subscribe so now let's travel together back in time to the 1970s as that's when this chateau was last ever recorded to have anyone living in her so now this place sits like a complete ghost house in the middle of like a forest where nature takes her back every day but now let's rewind when this place was built around the 19 uh sorry around about 1800s when the ladies in their ball gowns the big frilly dresses and the guys in their top hats riding horseback through the woodlands to their beautiful home with no tvs no distraction whatsoever only probably the families having long chats together musical instruments learnt and played [Music] this place is absolutely beautiful now i want you to come with me and walk the steps with me around this beautiful mansion and let's step into the family that last lived here if only walls could speak the stories they could actually tell me in this harry potter style mansion nicknamed by the french the harry potter mansion [Music] love you all guys please as i said hit that like and subscribe enjoy the video lovely loads it's heading up which would have been the main driveway to this property and there's a quite a fresh tyre track there and it's still wet [Applause] guys the house is literally here so we'll talk about a bit of the history once we hopefully get into this place it just shows you all the barns going away around my foot is actually the chateau there the chateau is literally on the looks of things completely buried in the woods now i have an official date on this place yet of how long it's been abandoned but we do know some of the history so we will talk when we get in there later yeah charts tripwire so so so we made it guys we made it to the chateau and yet another chateau guys completely taken by mother nature herself literally there was the old front door to this place this has been empty for over 40 years and it was a very famous family as well that made a very historic discovery i cannot wait to get inside and show you this place so directly behind me is the original front door to the chateau we can't go through this way because it's too overgrown it's well can't go in this way because it's locked but we have seen many entrances walking around this place to the weigh-in so we're going to walk around and try and find another way as you can see that you can't even get around this side you kind of have to work your way through through all this around the chateau it's mad isn't it my mother nature wants back she just takes coming through the woods the chateau is literally right there and no you wouldn't even notice this guys you could literally just walk straight past it as i nearly did i was so busy talking i mean there's loads of signs up as well it's dangerous i'm guessing that's like no entrance for public this place is so cool guys look at the old um shadows they're completely taken it's like the real jumanji house in france wow staircases guys i'm standing on which would have been the porch area of this place loving this building so so much just see how she's just so overgrown and the big doors so something was your main entrance into this place loving the two little chairs out here and the little it's a kind of like gardening gnome sizes doorway hello explorers and welcome to the jumanji house i've called it this because it's so overgrown a lot of film jumanji it's reminded me of it straight away uh so i'm going to sit down and step i'm going to talk about a bit of history on this place and i'm going to take you around this chateau this is the just the exterior shot of this place is already probably one of my favorite chateaus in france just the way it looks the way it's so overgrown in the woods let's get on with it let's start now this place has been dated there's no recorded history right back from the 70s so i cannot wait to take you around on the tour here the family here is a couple that had six children the two sons were very very successful sons took a very important historic discovery in 1950s so this is an absolutely very very wealthy family would have owned one of these chateaus the castle of france and this is a very well known family as well that own this place um i'm going to keep a lot of their names like separate um there's a very famous family that lived here um but yeah i want to keep the names completely out of the video so it's not easily found this place this is absolutely crazy just a beautiful book cabinet just as you come through the front door the wood paneling the portrait on the wall of the people loving the little french bikes she's got a famous persia eraser oh my gosh you won't even get to the front door anymore wow [Applause] so this one was a little bit disappointing but again just look at the beautiful high ceilings the vibrant blues and reds look at the wallpaper around here it just proves how beautiful this place would have been i mean look the balcony out there nature's just taking over this place every day it's another set of doors there which take you up through the back the library room is incredible the fireplace is absolutely beautiful this is probably my favorite so far see this is my favorite even up to little lights hanging down the statue sitting on top of the fireplace crumbling away a little clock stopped to 25 to 7. loving all this wood looking at all this wood paneling little drawers okay so this probably would have been like a writing desk to pull out right down there this is incredible this place has got a massive like harry potter feel to it i mean i'm actually i'm actually um leaving the floor now with josh's step and you can first dip so much you can imagine the family living here dragging a little lad around to the book rack and choosing what book to read next just looking around the table but we'll still say so we just found out that this place has been empty since 1970s 1970s so it did state that between 19s and 60s this place was full thriving like full occupied [Applause] wow look at the colors in here guys that blue the organ you can hear that silent this place is now like a ghost house and you can imagine the noise of the family living in a crackling of the fire the piano look at the way the books have just fallen in there that's really weird is that through to the other side because there's a panel here the glass has just broke inside and the books have just fallen that's how they've left sin and it probably explains why the two chairs are sat by the fire because you can imagine how cold it was sitting with a little blanket around you with a fire going i mean this part of france now has needed 40 degrees so it's it's a definite and the wallpaper's just hanging down like sheets there's a lot of mold in this place as well a lot of mold it's like a treasure chest sitting in this room as well massive old wooden chest look at some of the old pictures as well this looks like a very napoleonic sort of maybe a the father obviously would we were war with the french during the napoleonic time or a threat an invasion should i say his papers like date to 1946 it's just old letters as well that suffered a bit of fire damage this is covered here would have been used for the documents of the family letters probably a world war ii letters in here as well oh wow dan did you recognize this little puppet shot yeah so that was an original punch in judy like well it wouldn't have been punished well this is a puppet show originated from france i don't know so believe it or not the front the puppet shows originated first in greece oh really yeah so it's definitely um wow i mean look at her old days guys imagine the families entertainment of their entertaining children growing up doing a little puppet show see nowadays we rely on tvs and notepads and stuff oh wow guys having a proper look in this hallway the little bikes the rug there's a little chess set as well so on this beautiful marble table guys look at this there's a really old part of the dolly as well and you can tell how old is because of the old wooden arms and legs oh wow even all the umbrellas are still there this is absolutely crazy and the flooring is incredible too all the different patterns just turning around we're gonna have a proper look at the staircase in a minute we're gonna spin around this is the room next door do you know who's looking through the glass to the books wow guys this is absolutely beautiful and you can imagine where those shutters open the beautiful violet light shining through the stained glass windows oh wow this is so beautiful look at the old doorbell it's a very really religious family as well you can see you see all the colors you can see there's like little fleas everywhere on the books oh this is so beautiful loving the higher voltage ceilings look at the colors you could literally just sit in one of these rooms and just just chill out [Applause] this fireplace is incredible what is that it's like a secret hole since we obviously love utensils because obviously places like this that date right back to the early 1900s to the 1800s obviously they would have all had servants as well that you could a family could not upkeep this place on their own but it's absolutely huge and that's why a lot of chateaus today are sitting completely abandoned because the upkeep on them is so expensive that's a bit freaky so even though this room is a little bit of a mess it's still storing beautiful items i mean look at this this looks like maybe not part of a fireplace around that they're preserving or a picture should i say and as we've got upstairs as well it's like peaches all the way out and again you can see like the red banded stained glass window so obviously a lot of these carpets they've got the carpet hooks on them as well so [Applause] i mean guys i could pretty much fit my whole house in this hallway i mean actually seth lives in the place as big as this in the states this is straight into the first room look at the metal crib i'm just shocked of how much stuff is left behind in this place none of the family there's a lot of fossils down here and stuff and there's children's hands in the boxes as well probably the kids growing up here this was probably a little box where they went outside collect little rocks maybe put them in there use a little spoon to dig them up and that's what it's about doing this exploring it's about trying to visualize and tell the story of how the people lived here every room you walk into it's like wow i mean look at that guys i mean this is this is obviously an old family toy that you would walk walk your child along or maybe even attach to a little pony or something i don't know i mean who wants to give a date on that you can tell it's it's so old with the old straw lining as well guys this room's quite empty but the two things that stand straight up is the bed and this but you don't really need nothing else as soon as you're walking it's like wow i'm going to take you to the window i said because look at this all the birds so it's basically like bringing nature into your room because you imagine the sunlight coming through those windows vibrate all the old branches and the plants this place is absolutely incredible so obviously we came up the top of the stairs i've just come out of that room the children and we're gonna head here we're going this one this door here is actually where we walked around and we found the little old car so we're going to go into this room i just want to show you as well you can see now how high these old doorways are but i believe it was about power and stuff having a like if you had a big property it was classed as power and stuff this one's pretty mess the chamber oh am i guys literally as soon as i walk in this room i'm like so excited look at that the tiny little dolls pram i mean this has got to date back to the victorian time surely i mean you you nowadays people would moan or i wouldn't give my child that because of the knowledge and stuff all tapped in [Applause] when was the last time that was pushed there's some stuff inside as well extra rapids i have no idea what that is that's so incredible guys look the little shoes are still sucked by the bed [Applause] no way i just want you to think about something right now the stains on the bedding no one's slept in this bed for nearly over 40 years guys 52 years to be exact well that's if we go with 1970 but it's around about the 1970s so even if we said between 45 and 50 years no one slept in that bed no child's push this prom it's sat like a ghost house it really has i look at the keys comes last time they turned turned a little lock in the house [Music] wow in the fireplaces in every room so guys honestly these are the two little children one of the two obviously there were six children here so you think they're looking at the chateau window here but we don't know how like the parents before them so it could have been their family that lived here as well yeah like their great their grandmother or their you know or their grandad that grew up in this house with his family that's so cool so this would have been up in the corner of the room to get changed behind it's a little basket and you can't even see outside anymore this is obviously the porch part that was standing under at the beginning with the little white chairs as you can imagine here bonjour how far the little french children playing with their little toys and stuff and that's some of the real life drawings they were doing it's really sad when you start looking back at you know places and look at this and you see all this stuff just completely left abandoned [Applause] so i'm guessing this would have been an old clock or something it's locked no it's not oh just a little locker box it's probably falling off the water at some point so yeah this has got to be one of my favorite rooms so far on the plate well yeah it's between this and the staircase seth welcome to the room what do you think of this room was your first time in france so what do you think of the chateau's well this is like the first real i think chateau that i've seen ah yeah okay true like i don't i never get to see stuff like this especially in america no way is there not much less in places or are they just more it's hit or miss sometimes there is sometimes there's not you know but this this is something else man this is beautiful i'm just gonna quickly adventure in this door and i'm gonna leave you too okay so this will straight through to here so here we've got actually i'm going to go through so here you've got a baby changing bit and guys what i love about the old stuff they fought with everything you pull the bottom section out you've got a little tub there to wash your baby in then you put them on top here i don't know what the color is maybe it's like party training i don't know maybe i feel like i've made it up when it's not that if it's not that put in the links below what it is just smelling it though honestly it's like something it's you know not with us anymore oh wow see how old are these box here so obviously nowadays we'll rely on lights and stuff but this would have been your candle light to your bedroom just walk up to your bed and the way the beautiful box of parries it's a very different artistic family as well things are drawn everywhere and the size of this safe as well so someone's uh work their way into this safe but hopefully there's nothing in there for them to take i don't really see a lot of that in france but things get robbed and damaged it just shows you how big this place locks and we're is on the same floor i'm gonna take this one no where's that get out of here what's your name to the third floor i'm going up right now if you're not back in 10 minutes we'll come and look for you you may not find me straight out the hallway straight into oh wow another room look at the stuff in this room i mean i could be wrong this could be a bedpan but it's also reminds me of like a baby another baby kind of changing table the old sewing machine the little singer sewing machine still here oh that's incredible it's just everything's there a little bed still imagine taking little slippers off earth's shoes stepping onto her bed still went into her bed okay so the bath pan would go there hopefully no one minds if i reunite this back to its so i believe this i think was to shut the lights off so that would go in there and there's a lid that would go on top that's incredible so every room you come into is a very religious family holla do you think this little baby's grown up and lived its life the statue with a missing head that's why this painting as well staring at me incredible detail in there as well the little glass is flame with a sort of blue tint there the glass and he's got his phantom pen in his hand i mean this family is very very important loving the old tire backs there which would have been the curtains hanging up so i'm guessing the bed's been turned around at some point because i believe the bed would have gone in line with the uh i don't know what they call these it's up to everything you need a bamboo furniture to the old i mean look how old this chair is it's absolutely gorgeous that's incredible another beautiful room in this place and as well what we don't want to miss as well because the floors are so dusty over nearly 45 years 50 years of dust and you can see like how much debris on the floor but you imagine these is completely polished up this reminds me over as an evil game so this is incredible i see this so many times in france these beautiful places left and it's just the amount of money of furniture in these places oh wow look at the little old doll's house i need to get down on my knees and see this look at this little french furniture miniature size oh this place wow there so is it obviously been one of the child's rooms i mean this picture is quite her see it looks like henry heath there the way he's dressed but yeah obviously like so this is the loss of someone in the french family this here is actually some of the old doors of the road look little room plants do you think whoever wants to buy this place one day needs these these little blueprints this would have been your drawings over drawed up to make probably parts of the banisters and stuff i mean wow every room's got character in it some room is better than others [Applause] some of the old french postcards and again look at some water colorings fishes and landscapes do you think the hands that drew these would be very very old now or no longer with us there's a tv there looks like it's either out of four or something's decided to break it you can imagine many of these kids when you flick them on your head and then i would touch the screen when it switched off and then use the other hand to touch my brother or someone to give an electric shock that was mean guys it is literally buried in like a jungle this place you need to deforestation it to actually probably see it again so so obviously coming down to this end of the house it's definitely been like some rooms there may be like using the storerooms so coming out of the bathroom area obviously it's not the nicest room so it's obviously i'm thinking this part of the chateau must have suffered quite a lot damp more than the rest because it's very empty this side like i wasn't using this part of the house but again the size of these bedrooms i would do anything to have a huge bedroom like this my house is tiny compared to these again more photos in here i thought that was like an old scroll then i swear both those windows are open okay ignore it oh wow look at this this little old jacket completely deteriorated i mean some of these dates on there that's 1941. that is so cool that covered the old bottles it's not all of those pans i mean this is guys can you tell me i know you've probably already said it are these baby changing things loving these beautiful book racks absolutely incredible so just coming up to the top of these stairs a review from the top guys well that's just free these beautiful beds just sat here little children's t-shirts of room little car on it but it's crazy to think that we're walking around this is basically like time travel this is why i love exploring so much it's stepping back into the time and life of someone else how these last lived how they last had that house you know what sorry dude it's the biggest trunk in the house it's the biggest trunk oh this is like an old um writing oh the music box writing box so you would get that when you were letter writing you'd have your pens in a little inkwell and then you write your letters oh you're right oh for a minute i thought it was a music box yeah yeah well no i get that as well but yeah so you've had all you you'd add your nibs in there and all your different ink bits do you think this is the service quarters or maybe just old rooms that they lived in but nicely i don't really know with these places i don't know if on the top floor it would have been servants or they would have been put outside into the yeah but then i don't know yet but it's true sometimes the servants are on like just one side of the house yeah which i think if i would have said maybe that side that's not yeah all right no because it's in the other set of stairs like maybe the servants have yeah most likely that's it but they wouldn't be allowed to use these yeah i think yeah you're right on that yeah this is incredible so coming out there into here all the little fitting bits and stuff this hall is upstairs hallway is amazing you can imagine when the greenery wasn't outside the window the light that would have been pounding through it yeah so it's kind of could be kind of a servant's bit up here so they may have been staying up to the top parts of the room and then use the other set of staircases where they wouldn't be allowed to use the big set of staircase look at this but then not all servants were treated like that either so you know some families were really i mean this is straight up as well if i lived in the day of the times and i did have people helping i don't like calling them servants but people helping me i would let them use the whole entire house you know they could eat dinner with me and you know we'd all cook it together and stuff but that's me i just see this here i was trying to work out what it was i didn't know if it was an old stamp so it would have had like a bit of press on it or something so we've done that and it would have pressed down probably the spring mechanism there for it look at the whole toilet bit so this through the little side door you'd have opened the door and you've had a bucket that you slide under you do your doodle and then you shut the door you open the door and then you empty it look how they made things just out of lights and stuff so it was kind of weird like this bit later on was maybe added on because the way it's kind of on the side here just notice as well the coat hooks are made out of like old looks like horns or something remember these as kids the little figurines so cool so these type of houses this would have been obviously i would imagine this is the servant's way down and up to remove the house look at the loft there yeah so this definitely would have been a servant staircase obviously the servants would have probably been in some of these rooms maybe up on this second floor but this probably would have been their staircase they probably wouldn't have been able to use the main beautiful staircase through there it's just covered [Applause] oh my god whips i'm about to go through this is spider central guys so right now if you're scared of spiders oh i just went around as well guys if you want yourself a awe t-shirt grab yourself one links are in the description now but if not it's www.awe but the e obviously is part of explorer so it's aw explorer.com anyway we're up in the attic guys you can see the old staircase there's completely rotted away there's something running along the floor there it was a little lizard in the loft so yeah this is like an arachnophobia's nightmare up here there's literally everything up here from spiders as you just see the little lizard over there oh look at this such gorgeous buildings though what i've built here look at the staircase there it's about to collapse so it's another kind of little room there that's how it dropped a lot of paperwork here yeah it sounded like something like that dropped no way how weird is that it sounded like the key drop like it wanted me to open this cupboard i think we should do a paranormal investigation in this place come back beautiful bowls there's a lot in here to kind of tell a story but i don't know maybe there was meant to be something in there but i have no idea what it could be whoa guys i'm done with that going to shut the door in there or where it went that's where that little ball just rolled i'm getting out of here yeah i'm done up here the staircase is rotten oh i feel the spiders like web's hitting on me [Music] give me the creeps wow look at that made of bamboo it's another servant's belt there as well so look at all the curtains all bagged up let's have a little children's tips maybe that it's obviously a certain sort of like children as well their little doll's house there's a little dolly here very old dolly i'll be there it's the last room in the attic okay this is probably my favorite room in the attic do you know these i was gonna say that probably would have been his servants but obviously has to ring the bell the chest of drawers have literally just both sides just falling out all right so little cotton wheel i'm in love with this place it's so beautiful like really really beautiful [Applause] this is one of the freakiest spots where i find always in basements because i always thought they kept the uh servants in the basement so down here obviously a lot of the people that would have looked after this chateau would have started down here cooking all the food preparing everything and taking it up to the top you can imagine a little radio busting some tunes down there and that massive fire there cooking probably pots huge pots of soup and stuff i mean look at this it's standing at the back of this place it's so overgrown finally probably going to shut so yeah i want to see if you get freaked whoa that door literally just freaking show like really just properly shut on me freeze again this is where you get deeper onto the house now guys it's bad for her look at the old toilet i'm gonna show you this because look how old it is damn and bars down there because obviously i'm so creepy danny terrified down here right now this place is huge or underneath the house so many ways into this place it's such a shame so top of the stairs straight away this beautiful rack in here would have been filled with loads and loads of books dating right back to napoleon just everything here little french band loving this old little cup as well you think this was the entertainment years ago you should just sit probably in the gardens reading your books not sure what this is either guys i see this i think it's like an old game senior ladies uh and then this i guess you would make that in contact somehow or maybe this i mean this is all about like battles of probably napoleonic war and stuff and i'm guessing if you did something wrong it probably would like that that's so cool it's probably so old as well i'm gonna put this somewhere hopefully it can stay a bit safer so just as i was going to leave dan told me about the secret room now yes there wasn't a door anywhere you wouldn't even know [Applause] this little room existed how cool is that little downstairs toilet oh wow completely miss this room look at this as well a little string light that is incredible that i actually need he missed this little room it's coming back out of the chateau i mean today's gonna be about 38 39 and even though it's shady in it it's so hot in there it's like really humid just as i come back outside and all i notice there's a lot here i believe these are actually backings of the old fireplaces and there's a lady and guy there and here looks like a maybe like to me it looks like two servants so maybe serving up a dinner there and there's this one here's looks like an adult two kids playing yeah these beautiful doors you can see this chateau is completely being taken by nature every day now this is one that i'd actually love to renovate bro this is like a maze i'm going all the way back this is like a maze we've been walking around this world for like 5-10 minutes yeah and we've literally come back to the chateau right it's this way are you sure yeah now it's this way right here this is it how do we not see the path nothing's going to let us leave bro well i can see it getting dark and we're still ending up back at the chateau let's get out of here so we're not sure if this bit now is occupied by someone else so i'm not going to go up there because there was a car earlier that went up that way so sorry explorers another chateau completed what an amazing chateau honestly it's so hidden in there you can't even see it hopefully i'm going to be able to get some driving shots because i haven't flown the drone yet so obviously if you see the drone at the beginning then you know i was successful if you don't then obviously there was no drone shots but guys trying to say a massive thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who watches awe supports me in every way you can even just by watching the video hitting that like and subscribe it's a massive support for me and absolutely means the absolute world to me so yeah it means the absolute world to me um so yeah if you're new to the channel please hit that like and subscribe yeah love every one of you today's 38 degrees so another chateau we leave behind sitting to mother nature [Music] unfortunately this place will just be taken and taken so over 40 years left abandoned then we'll become 50 years 60 years and probably to an empty shell love you all guys and girls thank you so much for all your support take care god bless and see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 438,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places, Abandoned places France, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned mansion in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in world, abandoned places France scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, abandoned world explorer, Europe, France
Id: IofuL9w8wBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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