Deadly Cambodian Slums | Beyond Human Boundaries | TRACKS

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to Cambodia this is one of the world's poorest countries I'm on my way to prompt air the capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh has a population of 2.5 million people of which tens of thousands are Street children who survive merely on begging stealing and working twenty hours shifts collecting garbage off the streets today I will give up all my earthly possessions except for the clothes that I'm wearing and I will spend the next 10 days on the streets of phnom penh with children who have absolutely nothing and are abandoned even by their own government the bass is hard it's unforgiving it's like this every day of the week 6000 what about this one reverse them 20 hours each day harass Bologna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a bit heavy this is all I've got a key to my safety-deposit box and from here I'm gonna go meet one of Robins infamous garbage dealers who's going to tell me what I have to collect off the streets in order to get any money and survive ah cries of garbage dealer who buys collected garbage from poor people to survive I will have to bring him at least one large bag full of valuable plastic each day from now on my life will be in his hands I thought of your epic I donated a big money given to a new alone pawn if I understood correctly I'm completely screwed I have to collect plastic bottles for the dealer and I have to collect a lot of them the locos collect the bottles and carts like these which I do not have because I can't afford to buy one then I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how I'm gonna carry the needed amounts of bottles to the dealer in order to get some food this is the garbage dump of the slum area all the garbage that comes from those shacks comes here and you can see the area's animals the goats and dogs and cats they all come here to feed they eat the garbage they shouldn't piss everywhere and you can still see the kids coming here digging into the garbage in order to find something anything that they could sell or eat I don't even have to tell you guys what dangerous life I touch this stuff cuz even the smell will knock you out but just try to imagine what kind of immune system these kids must have [Music] you don't always find these plastic bottles in the garbage dump because this is the most valuable stuff people are working day and night through town digging into garbage bags to collect these before the bags get here I have no other choice to start walking the streets of town band like everybody else [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] the city's filled with little barbecues and that smells so good I'm having thoughts about stealing some food I've worked all evening so far [Music] these guys go with their cards gotcha lots of plastic I can't even find ten bottles there's got to be a systematic way either I'm here too late I'm here too early it's almost morning and I haven't slept a minute time to find a way back to the dealer last night was probably one of the scariest nights I've been through in a long long time I haven't slept at all I've been walking the streets like a zombie he's everywhere I go I'm afraid for my life upon this park which seems to be like a family park there are lots of kids here with their parents playing so this is the first place we'll have even the slightest feeling of safety [Music] hello they're weighing and trying to let you the price for the bottles collected this business is so exact that they even deduct the weight of the bag from the total I got a thousand reals for 17 hours of work that's 25 cents even in Cambodia that's how much are these 1000 i only have 500 no 1000 looks like I'm not eating 6006 what about this one mm here okay I only have 500 years the small wing is 2,000 and they're laughing it's gonna get dressed with 500 years one bag of rice okay that was pretty much my days earning so I'm gonna have to live with this they're so pissed right now not because of me because I feel for the people who live here I have to go through this every day this is over I'm gonna go back home I'm gonna stay here and they're stuck with this [Music] for the first time I'm beginning to doubt whether us 510 days of these streets by myself I've been walking around the streets of prom pen for almost two days now I'm completely beat I'm hungry I'm thirsty I've got no idea of what to do I've been following this family for a couple of hours now and even throwing a couple of plastic bottles into that card if they don't seem to mine I have no other choice but to stick with those guys and help them carry these bottles and maybe I'll learn something shantia walks the streets of phnom penh every day long with her daughter's rape i sant blanc very poor work at least 14 hours a day just a few dogs these are young kids that's the mother I can't even begin to describe how wrong this is but this is all about surviving [Music] I'm so lucky to found this family they just bought some rice that they want to share with me because they know I'm hungry these are people have absolutely nothing and they want to share that with me [Music] [Music] I finally found a home the family I've been following lives in that Shack right behind me I've been sleeping right outside the home but it feels really safe here these are good people shondrea and her two children live in a shack with 10 other people the mother can't afford for her children to go to school but going to school is both long Hayes and Sree pies biggest dream this little girl is straight by she loves to study she wants nothing more in life than to be able to go to school every day but it's not possible even though 3pi and London he can't afford to go to school anymore Sree pie still spends all her free time with her old DeSoto mine so much I'm a little tired and like something [Music] first dad : October is a global bank erosion you don't think motolinia color on my purse at that level that we've got hot loin [Music] let's do it cheap money to do it but at all I have no idea if that dream is ever going to come true but what we can do is hope [Music] these people is already hard enough there is an even greater shadow hanging over them chantrelle is hiv-positive and she will die in a few years someday her children will have to survive the streets by themselves [Music] my life is now in the hands of this the amount of pollution and dust that's in the air is unbearable you breathe it and it goes into your eyes goes under your skin it scratches and itches and as if that's not enough you have to be constantly aware of all these motorcycles and cars that are coming towards you at full speed because you don't want to be hit if you're hit nobody's gonna give a damn [Music] every single time you put your hands in a garbage bag one of these could be in there just waiting to stick you these bags and this whole city is filled with drug needles it's it's heartwarming to see that even under these conditions there are people who have a heart that uses person is not a wealthy woman but you gave bread to this family here she knows the during survival mode and they're doing everything they can [Music] in one place that they belong to somebody else I just took somebody else Spyros came at me started yelling there's just no end to this so finished [Music] so this is all the plastic and all the bottles we collected yesterday and last night we've packed everything we're taking this to the garbage dealer I have absolutely no idea what this is worth compared to what I collected on my own this full cart of plastic should be worth a lot of money all the dangers we have to face last night running around town digging in the garbage that gave us four dollars worth of money and that should just give you an idea of how hard it is to survive here straight by and long a dream of getting enough money to go to school like normal kids I will now visit one Cambodian elementary school founded for local children by a woman who herself rubbing the slobs but you kissing is very important for your life even you cool but you educate you can live in better lives and I never give up if I'm not listen to my mom like give up my dream I will be on the sleep and maybe maybe worse the children the kids speak good English and no computer they can get a job so that's why we focus more on English and I hate the computer every child here dreams are coming to school every morning to study but they can't come here every day as the school is not funded by the community it's not funded by the government it's not fun an antibody UNICEF is funded by private sponsors like you and me and the fact that these kids dig in carpet every night to collect photos to provide for that family and pay for their own education [Music] the hardest part of doing this everyday is knowing the fact that the contrast of where I come from and what these have to go through every day and still keeping my [ __ ] together and not breaking in pieces cos showing my feelings you just remind them of how [ __ ] hard life is [Music] it's amazing how children can always find joy in little things cry here now my family my car stinky [Music] was a moment of utter happiness and such a huge contrast to what goes on in these kids lives during the night time I mean this is what kids should be doing this should be out there having fun playing with their friends studying and not digging in garbage [Music] we're back to square one we start from scratch to go around town collecting more and more bottles in order to get money to get food to survive this is our daily routine I've never felt so tiny it's so humble in my entire life and to think that they're kids twelve year olds ten year olds some even younger through this every day of the week every day of the because it's all too smooth find out what happens to the street children who have no families to take care of a lot of street children come from families that cannot provide for them some of them are orphans and some just ran away from the countryside home because their parents make them work 20-hour shift in order to make money for the family 35 okay I'm 41 Oh the worst case scenario is that the parents sell the child and the buyer could be any scumbag who will use these kids as his own personal slaves to do his dirty work they might survive the streets without his mother by doing small time coolers but young girls like Sree pie were often forced into prostitution after they lose their family [Music] girls don't last very long on the streets because there are so-called recruiters seller to a brothel for $300 the girl is then put in a room there will be about 10 customers per night and after one week of abuse the value of a ten to twelve year old girl will drop to about two dollars per session this little girl will never go free because her new owner hold her in debt for food accommodation clothes and continuous abortions the value of a six-year-old virgin girl on the streets of phnom penh is $300 [Music] the pace is hard it's unforgiving it's like this every day of the week we can't just take our time walking down the streets with less than 20 hours each day to fill two of these cars with hard plastic or else we don't eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] my time in Cambodia is over I have seen the kind of life the homeless children and plantain live and I will not let the same thing happen too long a mystery by their family took care of me and helped me survive the streets it is now time for me to help them back before I leave I have one last and very important thing I want to take care of [Music] I think you both are truly amazing kids you're you're so young and you're one of the toughest kids I've ever seen anywhere but watching you work on the streets is something that that was really difficult for me because I know how much you love school and and how much you both both love school and how much you really want to learn so so I don't want you to work on the streets anymore [Music] and this is why I've decided to be both of your sponsor for going to school and do you promise me to stay off the streets thank you [Music] ten days later and I'm still here but I survived only because I was gone by who themselves [Music] this trip has proved that it doesn't matter how much people have even the poorest of people to those in need [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TRACKS
Views: 871,142
Rating: 4.8338265 out of 5
Keywords: survival videos, beyond human boundaries, human interest, cambodia, cambodian slums, poverty documentary, survival skills, arman alizad, TRACKS, tracks travel channel, tracks travel
Id: O_TzAEH1rv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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