Return to K.I.D - Full HD Feature Documentary Film - Directed by Vanna Seang

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] so we've just arrived in flambe it's very hot out there I'm gonna go and try and find a place to print photos I've got them on a USB and these photos are the ones that I brought back from home which were taken here 35 years ago and I'm gonna try and use that as a reference when myself and my parents go and look for stuff and talk about things and we reflect back to the past I can then bring up these photos and see there's a few shots at the camp that I want to try and match up I'm gonna meet up with my parents tomorrow they are in Battambang we're in prompting so it's I think it's a 5-hour Drive and we're going to leave early tomorrow morning and they've already been here for two weeks they've come here as the result of my auntie who's just recently passed away and they're just sorting out where to put her and where to create the monument and the tombstone and yeah that's something I'm not sure what they've done I'm gonna find out tomorrow where they've decided to put my auntie's ashes oh man pledget of just imagine bang got to nitiram immolation Oh spike spike spike hello you dance this all right yeah flip so full so today Thursday you know um Tiffany yeah hopefully today I am going to try and find out more about my grandparents on my father's side they both were executed during the Khmer Rouge time and I've never met both of my grandparents on my dad's side from time attack on the lake I remove ecology laughs not bad I'm sandy no Lauren don't know macmaine 18 on my go haul blend outside your changes are minor some balloon bye-bye gentle Australian Tenenbaum Jack might wanna torture free you from snom young oh they oscillate chop-chop yeah a pizza Maya told me young man and she all right - Adrienne stopped at a band hotcha Botcha don't mind don't hurt my son let's go so today but something Plato alright on this one Oh Monty live Scylla not ollie muhuali [Music] No [Music] another 1/2 kilometers according to Google Maps denna I'm so sorry your Carson this your cousin-in-law you and your cousin and your real concern and the cousin-in-law this your cousin and this yo my my name up that he looks like you Carson and it's what you need some selfless stitch boat tops of my own and this one your cousin-in-law is a young daughter this your real you're really applaud okay all right that may be I have to draw yeah the family tree people I don't know the connection me [Music] when the luckily afternoon mum this is what I want to do I want to take a photo everyone including the little children yeah then I make a family tree one at a time on one end at that yes so maybe we have a lie yeah and then we taken in heavy your the John comes across a family dream becoming a family tree that will make them to you're not Kusaka any money Peter yes cameraman and Olsen Vincent yeah mrs. yeah well then I think you finish you and utter we continue again is all he wants neck the fish snacks night fish night yeah and it's one of what Inc Man O War I portray yeah right doctor I'm sorry I'm so sorry I tried to get is okay okay so chitchat can move be late one more time three two one taking photos of them and grouping them into their family group it's going to be very helpful for me to like at least map out my family members and work out their names and who they are because until now I don't think I've had that knowledge I don't know that side of the family so it was quite emotional for me when I was taking the photos I couldn't believe like what I was doing and each of these faces were related to me and I look now you are gone by the way yeah [Music] cool she'll kill your total optimal okay and then Pia time for my beloved baton he cheatin group these are lovicott no roof she's a black my food Hey oh my nano gonna draw poker what no come on I'm sorry I never got far away no I will be another colorful sadness proper job to bottling I got check her coat contest you can learn potato in subgroup on mine katakana but this work or [Music] and I look wonderful by tomorrow day but Uncle Ben I told my daughter line and I highly doubt young-ran Appa back I'm the goal seem to a high note of mine will stay go on [Music] now meet you my little Tommy you are I'm in the brain I think you know Krysia ankle you must've loved an elopement praise and Damon with traceroute limit don't mean muscle action team colonel fine oh my nose need not jump no mere no near the chimney the painting I have 800 my mom tamanna a call to go to fishing no God my Winkie I've got to plow plow the land in here it's 5 o'clock they callin me say Dakota meeting and attitude meeting defy us here you only said or send him to to unka and after the kill me to Brooklyn hi came a time bro yeah I'm your auntie and your castle to put money fortune are they are channel the mouse to control dog Lynam to take some of them put your cursor the political and the code jump and cook now good the lining re that would upset drama yeah take off cotton give way give way to alkaline now tell anyone yeah good jump jump down down Simone got jumping right now local channel Mount Olive deagle I think I saw my offload bears like from the meeting in the pony hello just rough satellite from I mean attack bong then put my turn off turn off in for what or why yeah no more free silence hello Kim so moving in the candle problem proverbs right no more say then that made couldn't you pour cold no pole no baby goat man YouTube lumi anaconda Barcelona man couldn't hang on until stumpy cornerstone hold on me above wouldn't eat gone loco poop me I'm a dyke i'm and i kundo sighs Stephanie Oh Nicole Tanaka so much to darvany anaconda long enemy in Kandahar kosoul no food or come they hide they put young Messiah not rock near it's being pretty emotional what's happened today as I was hearing my dad tell me about what happened to his parents and his brother they found my grandfather and killed him with my grandmother and then they were looking for my uncle who was still alive now to try and kill him as well but he managed to escape or run away and he went up to that mountain to put day where we just went it was during that time when the Vietnamese came in and I started to invade Cambodia which then stopped the Khmer Rouge Don and you know all minded Toki's and loved Nicolini who taught no sad no hitting good evening how she and Cara keep rioluna feel like dating how he keep waiting let alone until how do you know my mom taught you come Sadhna Cohen Klein and oh yeah where I'm looking man when you you can't at the paper yoga strap a doughnut corner chunky yoke of a white couch and generally wait they're gonna kill us young boy except the case a lot Minuten are you not poor body no oh my god Quinn come hajikko and kinda got a lawyer mayor toponym Callicoon such a tomboy you Joe my kid uncle how could my beep Rainey got to try the mochi I've got a few stray to plow another flower laning the page a mom with a dog is now called mocha Joe what I mean now we get your con you encourage the young boy that I'm throwing tomorrow my daughter longer I cannot beget and that woman got me a mythical a very humble appear oh good god Kirino colliding and pukani games with popcorn car we are we would have gone down drunk only her negated we tycoon the book noting song cooing Medina and throw went I said contain yet booked a low technical monkeys all upon American high Malacca liner geun-hye MacEwan alignment economy around young winners gentlemen wanna put up the corner type of lanthanum knockin poker [Music] [Music] the technology arts are ya disappear if jobs are chilled out blow me up do you think this adds a Mahmoud's our big statue day look at the marble unicorn that a longer new client establishing yeah get my monster on John yet time in pinna played for long form Antonia console unclear doctor I'll not come upon God how could you at the ball before none carbonium cut magnet technique of just did you know at the moment nanana she drove her gotta stand your bum boy vibrate then a link Okarche tape and a bond with Yoon young man get that hand tight McLemore with onion yellow button bong lost his mum Hannah's I explained yung yola Oh God admin the bomb I got Mincher if you had a lighter it would be but cat [Music] and what do you remember like when Khmer Rouge came to butterball Oh mommy remember child got my Ruby module but all but the bomb me what look look don't take away my Chianina hmm sorry Jake all those right okay Kajol my love you know this man I stopped you know suntan Monsanto how did you break up with your brothers and sisters jaian mom mommy got bounced right off by a gallon Mamina Khan okay I got my own cable oh I mean mom profit RP God mom on me I got none Mike Nathan teasing comb man garbage anime manga Mike no Mike clearing throat ah God yay cockney oh yeah Jeremy Martin oh you mean no moisture we me kami chen omnipotent aren t know but i chrono bahagia karma dr. cha cha cha cha me cha cha cha cha hwa-jung tohe climb in real trouble in Muay corner our China debater dr. Marilyn Oprah whinin opinion no Chi Minh Minh I growl H I've got an idea [Music] I'm lining like like hell but in the year Halton subdued guy has Martin born from the rear from the rear Runyan no need my prank item okay I'm internally I mean they're known got a lot more yeah yeah yeah they've got a little more Nathan only look awesome summative at all when that bomb on and so on I am learning we relax the corner man rah that's right I'll just shut up okay I need my mama look like mommy got my mommy oh my mom time for my minute toothpaste blind Anaya lightnin gotta leave man behind you but you care because picture while only got my local fire blazing on me thinking it though this is this land here mom honey Oh may God add carnitine II dreamt I got a you WA get out now they gotta know Qumran the hold of art manager from Portugal ah check my my the thirst of child then in my mother's maiden time what find a belt out put your Egyptian god in the turnout on Monday and that name way but for a boomtown um num upon upon German robbery yeah you gotta name upon upon jump ring I on tape a problem cutting job negative don't mind a hole hold up a mom mumfie I got my with her carry a super magnet there now but I got mean can Valley company Deepika tell gentle al masud on a jump a balance owner some market maharaj ki come to Chile to them to slam slam dunk I can't pop on some rocket Valley hold up a play badly my yogurt eat the chicken Arabic one and I work helena montana i before no broker oh my god jacket talk AutoCheck poem up to talk numbers up alibaug naam Joker the crowd got a couple salon cave say India about my winning tool I managed to find this fighter from our album when was this photo taken Oh Naomi Adam caught up in cart a pant I wrote me man we couldn't calm Amina your own godson oh yeah hmm like why did she send it why did she send it what did you ask for it or did she just said oh I'm a pawn from or ROI by it's up um one more time tonight Abram countdown I got nothing wrong knife and I know your room beside me look you showing cockney and all side me your room some back here no no but nope see I ain't gonna act as about man or me P and what that will meet young mula hired no got piano little Tottenham on me more okay so even though she didn't want to talk to you anymore she gave you a photo mm darkness about look TP band got got ha so what looked me more we got sending my mommy young mmm Hey look TP my miss or turn around Mike what time and then she cut you you look Mesa without rings a birthday I'm an omni medium to Succoth all Martin Martin and Moxie Oh God thank God good young man Mitra Mitra my god when I cut my finger trap know me I become God a no no no pardon me mum can I see you because you're your mum like abandoned you like how did that make you become when you had your own children what did that mean when you had your own children like how did that change your thinking yeah it changed me a lot you know like room before room I may be filled by capital mommy god no I mean my mentor women be a crack pipe around for another moment I jump on my bike on you my memory annoyed not be such a mammoth old chap people that I had a magic what y'all mummy I know you more pop know you woman I jump then how to change my but my may conclude I'm Tammy McMath I'm Lynn Lopes let me try the tour soon and we'll go to have me a night way and make an alley my miss up get laid tonight miming late going mommy subject Mercola hot not on me just love mommy attention baby bro God I admit my people your honor and we could get that mummy got my pop um we take you so yeah look at the camera we can go to together that talk calmly go to together Oh Mikey I'm glad that choice us at bum guitar - you're all got one okay mom I think you're a shot one two three yeah did they feed me Oh jump on board can ye get away what's up I'm alone all alone besides of Janaki and I'm of Mira news oh you wanna bone up and never be tired alright you save an inner Oh gotcha pal I would go and write the last one inside my cornea yeah yeah I need those are no no Matt Moore you see my kid over like no amen oh no you know another knife just for today but babe I'm okay I won't bite you me another big blanket I'm a me calm way Oh ain't no miracle time or be netbook mommy mommy Rock Jane take Jeff oh oh oh my knee yeah mommy wrote Jane Doe hit the thumbs up in a name a wing no but I am a wing ma this is where they made you marry to mom yeah I wonder why bill about not only don't get no you cannot she consider chicken said yeah okay turkey make room maybe told my wing micron wing look at Jacob young enough yeah don't go for walk just up there um so mum when they made you get married like how did it start like what what do they do how did that process oh hi yeah a modern oh sorry I saw what do you remember that this who you turning a low key ally but I mean cool side time what I tell my uncle time on cocky we're talking how you win an are you know that you but you and yoga you even jar you you run her game and I really like angular rotation okay they can relate humans alike any pangyo meconium right there a child wouldn't make a my window hey hmm did you choose my mole yeah I take your mom what why did you pick her you got no choice I don't know that someone is that all you might be married with this girl but that time I cooked among car no Martin line card a a rotten Rock Feeny put my rub the know and took it to chop my wing gulika but get more pickup and I might be Crowley mouth get up off me I can we cut it cut no meet y'all hey my wind okay our young chap night near and though we got our family and although they get to know mama janmani Fernando got a new job Mike near Canal chap night and couldn't go in gentleman be in Cochin captain take Akram yeah but I ain't banana but I pony I so dad was was mom good-looking yeah she was she beautiful yeah yeah what about now you're now still a sec I think you're a beautiful mom did you think did you think he was good-looking yeah oh I become a sad like that hmm but how come you didn't like him up none look at nice girl Kinnear mommy got nothing do it till the moon a boomerang cocky young units my soul and it doesn't laugh over Danny he not build my church at the buying they didn't go to model okay Reuven no cop be moving could be painted waiting to your toes to hold your tower no Pilar some crowing teach on your your mama okay I'm a carpet aha hi your mom sick we go to hospital another side arrival here take my honor like you the clue in shock mommy no no Martin oh man no Jamal connect a band to slow it can cope lose it I'm good thank the pudding with onion come on no pay the Lockean Troy I know Jenna I go to the twine comer made hunger only economy and unity but one night changing over know what Allah Allah will die Thank You Makka chairman William Palmer option to chop your man is a lockdown yeah hey Bob on your client no longer Sigma was in Duplin to your tower can you enter tonkoon than chairman time come on how you all this my saw like your mom here hey Pedro Taliban and knock I am I and the plan come here to top that boom y'all my casino my peak wrong I don't think tank my poor poor poor poor attention with time one bond which large all my cloaking auto belay boy mommy wrote know what mulatto I pay your blanket will are Yugi can make it happen I see the penalty baccarat Banque is a lot I'm a grown up anything wrong you and children I've it to her car but a pilot er did it happen before did you see it uh are they I'd see a panel a mitigator car no mana money intact and outcome wrong cake came from telling John but you managed to escape yeah because because Vietnam and plowed you're aware about horn check thick deal are you not real clue the higher may make a kit give me at yours up get our young man named okay what okay chief lambreaux art oh I can go but I have a phone call my oh do me a spoon crime Amira crap time flew dumped up your name I'm fine I not me captain poker up with my with my mouth check up weird about hard yeah what you didn't get knocked up by nope no minor whooping the water so look so different naamam science up to nomicon hey mommy mother look here Jim like like mom coffee munching I wish you not know me where no one threw in London go nine man Curtin lose the time I love my maracas lining prop kunayak oh nine to talk on thoughts out there lightning like line with that Sarah even my medium you're not poor poor mamimi next man time I meet mantle of my lightning wing later the member for you to bring me back share this with me it's really important for future generations especially my daughter [Music] this is all I know you're bringing I consult on the whole area and go clean but the bomb coming bit about how to keep the name Messiah you know I take the picked up by no no no wrong by my you know in with the Bayesian yes you can see here and then you can see up in the air too [Music] like your dad you're officially my camera drone assistant and the cow agrees no good our site there's someone in there yeah it might be pick up at the coordinate along the corner you've got a lot of this room come on [Music] that my mum and dad would tell me the moment of near-death experiences you know that's like where I could not have existed I could have just ended there so luck bravery whatever you want to call it [Music] I didn't want it to dressed in my mouth [Music] [Music] where are we mum and dad you have room tomorrow goal come to moon so but the more I thought the more if if I can be but the wrong by my name buddy yeah yeah I know like not gonna want that hi man mommy come to you though so I seized upon dear what are we planning to do today you are not going to alkaline dig out come out your calendar you know genuinely you gentle to do this poor can come to class of race of one-eyed mutton born I heard you're a good singer is there a song you can sing that maybe bring you back maybe I say it's being older he's been told that I am speak old the keys made all the guide of what we're cars right around seeing something that oh oh that guy I did but my dear amendments Mike [Applause] but the little witch [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Blanco night garden' ear drops raised upon hello mommy you can either move like a nightgown get on line turn it off or two mooks a lark I didn't eat food all wrong no no lunch wind I am crap no you get normal night man when did we live here 1984 1984 we're Denali no no me no I got that was why I'm sly yeah the mango Mountain only mango man cannot imagine queasy with them Queen is the Johnny no man our job now oh oh can we go for it make rajma what cold man I thought I caught an alicorn a magnum Conan oh oh one Mouse all collegia one nanak we junk don't like Olivia caught no girl I love on the problem Rafi nom nom nom nom gone from before thought make Romney on [Laughter] [Music] can you tell her explain to me what was I like when I was born this lady apparently was there when I was born she helped my mom give birth and looked after me as a young child and she just explained that during that time it was really really bad famine and lots of bombing and destruction so this is gonna show me the exact spot and it's gonna get check it out [Laughter] [Music] you won for you oh no come on so um we finally arrived in my birthplace somewhere around here according to the lady that I just spoke to and look it feels really good to come back to where it all began I've always questioned where I was born where I came from there wasn't sure you know the the address or the hospital you know it's it's a a Shack or a bamboo house and beside a mountain so it's yeah quite quite overwhelming to be in the spot where it all started and my existence in Tanana you can either behind what me your human younger gentle Jay Lionel I thought that my tongue the reception banner no no I kinda like type of warning kind of a company eyeing it what made you decide to leave Cambodia quite men scream long till turnin crop from joke room cream from Karachi Ola tongue say what a minute yeah then I want my mania 101-minute horn [Music] don't apply for the platypus now a subtlety the like that about come on make your cough guy [Music] one night look my dad at all you don't look good you're scared huh yeah you climb in Catholic like like you you like you can come i acknowledging ticket hate you all this remember you look like you're Indian soil upon the unilaterally done that now that I'm done eating I keep the sudden you've got a nap Loki from stepping the you quit you join me now I can't meet your honor but never you can permanently tube to heal my home the in para I mean you know he told you October got er some day and I saw yeah loading a target you aren't angry on me Barney you have to follow your follow the yeah jump on Gator hooker what porn Gator Joe Dupree I actual the brain and I mean how long did it take you to get from here to there oh ma yeah blue as the unicorn no not halfway : what did you do for food and water the food you have one we cook it in the mountain here the plug in general a time to chill out huh I can look at okay good okay look by unity look about everything how am I not change the moment you party yeah yeah my John Deere oh you jump the flume and thin but eyes yes him 40 min woo yay oh you lucky that you put my got aboard my suit on an IUI the journey time in Louisville mine change lugar in a porno we should hire you to face and YouTube on like upon Hankey macabre prime ROI gentle hot minute online at your taco chow I need the love Marco the purple night all of Toledo don't want a table there no Donny we change my way you know more good mom remember that photo we thought so yeah lien is this what we wore in before we left no no no no click oh I don't know that you Jane am changing room : how come I didn't have any clothes on I'm in Chloe's and gentlemen made me late dawn got a young something come out kick it I was reporting my me hey I'm late for my I don't get our yay give me a hug my own gym to go night mommy told me casaya get in there pick me up in Iowa but wait like cheek look a corner I'm in I was younger mmm Colin hey the land is like that that yes and I thought I can roll my near that I can problems young like in no woman you're brave I think mom I think you're really brave dad I think I don't think if you guys push we wouldn't be here today and I wouldn't be here today mom look smarter young men she would Punk all night dope song playing song playing it lasts only up y'all row your room in some Langley Arthur pot up to bang or knock up and I applaud thank you mom dad thank you so much you know it's good I know that you would poke the Michael Knight yeah I know I know that like this and share this it's really only I'm really grateful yeah I really grateful to be alive and I want to thank you mom and donut that you carry me my parents were survivors and they pushed through and didn't give up that's a really terrifying situation to be in and you know I feel somewhat kind of um blessed to be able to experience that because it just makes me feel like life is a lot more meaningful yes ma'am strong pub rescue unit long pod hello young men behind me Oh country [Music] [Music] we go now I come from going on when I say mmmm I corny you're pure nitro [Music] gonna come I'm sorry I know my best how you feeling about going to see [Music] [Music] yum-yum-yum you put my tongue in sock liner but don't don't [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yeah um Endicott game or um stop paying you for that are you going young man [Laughter] [Music] then you'll become a [Music] [Music] [Music] I applaud those tools they put some lanes up now the bag you look good gold about aren't mummies Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that there wasn't any road likely see before uh there was this tall forest you before no wonder my two brothers young people this is about this area yeah we're in Thailand and this road will take us to come back another Martin I mean hello junk and a mean flow junk long cathode or bravery I'm a ramen samsara nama alone mommy muscle of the kragle don't go away from me and got the time to come to my morning oh you got free songs a man whose love Doh doh-doh you by an elusive line not now mommy that time get out I'm gonna make you my young cycle I knew I'd fall to Axel champ there lots of a champ why are you crying that new car from Swapna from the new commander unity with my loss of 90 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so it looks like it's the map mom of the young entire camp what do you remember daddy where was this taken no I don't know no you've got to pay more yeah don't pay more yeah and what about this one don't I'm gonna get ya a bomb yeah next to the fence yeah I could see it and where would this be no choice you know what yeah yeah okay and this one know what else I know that's where we live here so mum I've got the gentleman outside this is he's happy to take us to this area laughter mmm and I want to go to the section 21 no no caladiums poor John that they don't transform the whole recognise any of this month oh stop Tommy a Yummie line near the nine former chairman I call Alina the moon American or my charm I love your prey armor incurring the net the nine young Kenyan one yeah why I mean one yeah yeah yeah oh come on a young you're either with tooth pain you yes but it's a lot more yeah no I like your papa I make sure that my so yeah it might be the program I will pong with I don't know oh wait mommy at number nine you win that bike near your lungs hey my beep a fake I'll be okay let me I hate not a pill what you're done nothing again making me a crumb yeah mikey shoutmon me Mouse King wins all night I wanna take a win all night my mouth and score nice general get all your long lines smiling getting up game you're not on me up didn't it look good night when you got captured what happened dad what happened to you I ran in here yeah you know you bong bong bong yeah I know but I have to right now Scott McCoy italicize the movie enter off the enemy original where to myself AM judicata sugita keep Romney on toboggan take you Tom Horner I mean on my mentality bring about the core job included an aim and each other you're my what what did you think that in the three days the three days that term we separated what what were you thinking bringing pasta cook time my god I love Greek epic you talk humble more include a like on to be when you came here what were we were illegals mmm Mitchum a people you know how were you supposed to come here probably how what do you do to get you properly prop little elaborate Crockett McMahon march of human so young man merely you know tiger balm Kajol I kill Kate all weekend poor Jane Namaskar flow yeah and then how do we become legal how do we end up in Australia mopey in college it's happening all later don't know what John think you know couldn't watch and wait though yeah Congress cross we could get nothing get awesome Jim up Union said no bead on I looked in were younger we look deep in with a told me notebook Jeanne dau turtle he same intent decade I know cheat Katie there are no generic like a chapter in que la Palin mom by replying to no problem with changing now but prop Mahina Maivia you can could a rib Johnny one cone a never mark of white pastrami attack it a Cassie but you know Penang flew in Quito good night I'm a golden cup don't eat all the pills nobody keep Agassi Bernie who now hot meal more subdued now you ain't all about a lacuna an irritable kid right could you bang Apanui my old costume from day June the Yukon all interpret no I'm going to talk we ban monkey TV man my good hire Gordon young man mommy which my some manga mmm jumpin Althea notch movie at on compete more compete with all taken an IQ bounce a kadai so we are good man mm-hmm which is so much McCoy unicorn tonight a young man going birthdays PA and Clapham Sutton groundhog lining a corn I could night Robert Lane famine and young you bring a nicely cow rot your country chomp your ping ping like mocha Josh up today you're a sloth um hope you like my food and oh do you have any happy memories oh wait not my crying oh hey Mike you umbria smell poop kappa trimmer mmm can't you women like on a road link i will you plan poop raccoon hind about knock on hydro yeah why kya be important mmm we know not paid one mouth listening and we lose time and click oh yeah okay I blew your bronzer my accordion on the moon we did talk along who about you we actually deal with point even one horse yeah I mean Nicky on one knee in the middle no thump the animal mm-hmm I remember um yeah winged me in the neck he wanted to eat the neck wanted to eat the debate hive uh-huh what do you call it mom dead larvae ah up against the the bond and being said oh I don't want to be a part of this and he ran away really far and me and Vern acqui got to stick that big and we're poking there yeah hi hmm and then the hive came down and we went to hide like really close and then like maybe 30 seconds 40 seconds we heard screaming and we came back to him again what happened this all the the bee stung me yeah yeah yeah we animal will not put your choke jam yeah I think there's a beehive a pistol yeah yeah Binaca disgusting I just wanted to help him Elena can win the world rooster by me young with a garland a junction to cry our calendar first gentle Chennai moon the boom that obviously oscillating from I mean the countdown online I love my mind my wing my Arthur McClintock the pyramid on speed moto by john crowley a matter : Jim Crow any young man mikuma don't be linear light oh hi when I'm a little mile below they didn't always like a failure Thomas Deirdre King are with Chinese through the jungle the technical side move in yoga corner [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Jimmy she took me to the ride she cook made it rhyme pretty girl every single day that's why I asked her father whether I could be his son but he's saying in the shower and I saw [Music] this from and I know my coffee got your I think I just realized how much I love this I can't I can't leave me [Music] you you
Channel: Roar Footage
Views: 525,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Khmer Rouge, Refugee, Refugee Story, Cambodia, Vanna Seang, Return to KID Documentary, Return to K.I.D, Vanna Seang Documentary
Id: 2NUeOvikEic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 54sec (5334 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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