Dead of Mayhem vocals were not that unique, just cause he killed himself people consider KVLT

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Jad more goddamn questions off as always we got two pain skis that arrived in today and then the rest goddamn order questions should take up the whole goddamn vid first one's froming Tommy Becker P question sent 25 USD as he's always known for doing send it he sends 20 or better God damn it hey big fella just making sure you got that delivery I sent out the first first time sent out it's all one ongoing running sentence I sent it out period the first time it was returned to Sender so I sent it again and and it's been a while and it never came back no yeah I got it the one with the six feet under picture disc the haunted picture disc which yeah thanks for that homeboy so it definitely does exist you you sent it to me I got it thought I said that in a video though the day I got it uh maybe I didn't show it on camera you sent that in some shirts I just don't show everything on camera that people me because it become literally a showand tell of uh every video I'm doing and I don't want to turn into a boring ass [ __ ] channel to where I'm just showing literally every goddamn band out there that uh people hand me stuff because think about just think about like this here's exactly what it would turn into more often than it already happens people are like check my band out bro here's a disc here's a disc because they're going to want me showed it on camera right so it's be like that's all the [ __ ] Channel's about and of course frankly that's boring as [ __ ] and and a lot of it's like either [ __ ] I don't care about same old same old or didn't like it right or yeah it's pretty good that type of thing I've got a couple things where people had to me I'm like oh this is [ __ ] great but that's that's not the norm give you an example too like for examp I I met at uh hell's Heroes seven to 10 people handed me a CD herey here's my band uh yeah I'll check it out listen to it but I mean imagine that if I just just show it all people sending packages uh randomly uh that happens it's not every day but it's I would say it's every single week so I don't show everything that just sense but uh for yourself because specifically because I six feet under haunted that that was a record I actually wanted uh went to go buy it on eBay and the guy sent the goddamn black vinyl which I already [ __ ] know yetti listed this picture this so yeah I did get that and along with you sent patches I mean uh shirts and stickers and [ __ ] so yeah hell yeah man thanks thanks I definitely did get it but I don't know why the [ __ ] if you return this sat did you did you put the goddamn address like write up these goddamn uh messages it's probably misspelled somewhere because yeah you're in the US and you're what are you in Cincinnati or Kentucky I know you're you're not far so fact I got returned that was that was a little goddamn weird um but yeah assuming they were're talking about the same package six feet under haunted box yep I I got that should a little bit of going now maybe like two weeks ago three weeks ago and I thought I said something on the day of uh I've been working seven days a week and pretty much eat sleep [ __ ] and work so I haven't been keeping up with your YouTube po posts oh there you go yeah I thought I said it yes you you just missed it homeboy and I thought maybe you mentioned that I that it got there in one piece sure did homie but anywh who I'm glad to see you've been getting more and more exposure for Hells in yourself keep killing it braa your old pal drunkle Tommy that's right braa definitely goddamn Pals next goddamn [ __ ] P question is from [ __ ] Melanie Johnson bu back in the house about goddamn time sick of this pure sausage vest over here what's a second shooter chick here thanks so much for the review you asked about the original vocalist who's impr prisoned for murder oh yeah that's a video that went up what today or yesterday I think it was today or yesterday's video as I'm reading this off that would be uh so yeah you want to vocalist who's in prison for murder so what was the band uh [ __ ] goddamn b i foret the goddamn name of band but the video that went up a week ago or so as you're watching this it was a it's female fronted U metal band and I brought up on metal archives and the singer the original singer says it's a murder for a prison I do remember that that stood out goddamn it she puts uh so I wanted to give you some more details sadly it wasn't a chick that would be pretty dope it was this middle-aged weirdo know a lot of those who just married married a woman half his age which is totally fine on its own but hence at its at his immaturity apparently they they were a hella toxic and explosive he got really drunk one night shortly after the wedding and their neighbors testified that they heard them fighting so he killed his goddamn the girl on his [ __ ] wedding night Jesus [ __ ] that didn't last long at all then heard the thk of her head hitting the coffee table his defense was that he was blacked out and doesn't know what happened you probably so goddamn [ __ ] drunk doesn't remember what happened he smash her [ __ ] head in the goddamn coffee table I don't think I think forensic science and the way they investigate [ __ ] is pretty conclusive she didn't fall and bang her head we could conclude her head was smashing in this goddamn table 12 [ __ ] times you don't fall 12 times get back up and keep banging your head to your [ __ ] dead now do you clearly someone did it you're the only one in the room you're smashed you're a [ __ ] a-hole what are the odds you didn't do it pretty goddamn [ __ ] like me right just like for example you guys all hear Grant kind of old news now I heard they off too people brought up did you hear the [ __ ] juice kick the bucket OJ Simpson Jesus [ __ ] only took pretty much what was it wasn't it 93 when he uh committed that uh 93 or 94 I remember what happened [ __ ] I remember when that trial was going down I was in uh [ __ ] elementary school if it was 93 I would have been eight years old but I remember when that crap was going on they're watching in school in shantin especially when the uh verdict came out I remember that I remember that day for sure um I remember my teacher had it on oh he totally did it I mean it's time didn't know much I I've watched some of those documentaries and those uh remade movies with goddamn OJ it's like anyone that thinks that guy's completely innocent is a complete [ __ ] idiot it's one of two things you War glove didn't fit [ __ ] like that it's like here's the deal dude it's one of two scenarios and only one of two scenarios either a he kill he killed her himself or it killed with a partner but he he killed her or he hired someone to do it hence he was involved and he damn sure knows who did it there's no way it was just some random Breakin just as flat out impossible anybody that thinks that is a complete delusional [ __ ] dummy so that guy got away with goddamn herur for 30 years finally kicks the bucket 30 years later they say there's karma that's why I don't believe in that goddamn [ __ ] well comes around goes around not [ __ ] really how that POS [ __ ] get get off of that [ __ ] makes no godamn sense now does it but he did yeah I heard the goddamn juice [ __ ] finally kicked the bucket Jesus [ __ ] [ __ ] live forever now don't they it is offense that he was blacked out and doesn't know what happened I'm glad he's riding in jail I'd wear pieces of his skulls a necklace when he dies that's that sounds like a pretty cool piece of ass jewelry there I agree but I don't want to give him the attention yeah they would know who it is wearing it like a goddamn uh back in the old goddamn days you know you're uh person he killed in battle or whatever or universal Soldier do L wearing people's ears um which is probably I wouldn't do it but kind of cool right I guess you know uronis pieces of [ __ ] uh Dead skull which I don't know if that's 100% true or not you know it's what it says in War of chaos guess if I ever got to email uh interview those homeboys hellhammer or uh was necro butcher around the time was he the one that got hand I know hellhammer was the one that kind of pussed out at least according the story the only one I met out of that group was hellhammer um which I was 14 or 15 I think it was 99 young as [ __ ] I know that um I didn't ask him about that [ __ ] um but if I got to interview him that's kind of a stuff I would I would bring that crap up um kind of like what's true what's not true how exaggerated was it was I mean because I mean yeah he wasn't exactly there there but he's one of the living guys to uh know confirm what's [ __ ] what's not um was ranous a push over a [ __ ] [ __ ] like the dog suspects look like one Lords of C sure as help at least the goddamn movie sure as hell painting about to be one um whether it's sure or not I don't know do dog wasn't there goddamn it so I can't confirm or deny it but you know you hear the whole goddamn story of um either he did or was going to make yeah I think they did make necklaces out of uh uh Dead skull piece of his skull which is not completely out of the ROM [ __ ] uh yeah he definitely didn't do that I mean he took photos of the goddamn crime I mean of the uh I mean the suicide clearly those exist so he he did that so he was in the room he he thought it was Grim enough or good enough of an idea to take a picture so um but you know that'll go down in history and always stamp in time and people find that that that that's disrespectful or gross or not really man how do you figure he lives on for [ __ ] ever that's part of the reason again I think the stuff like The Morbid December Moon demo my favorite stuff with Mayhem is dead especially live and life Zig the N the 89 demo which is just two songs freezing Moon and Carnage um the live and Zees which was originally just bootlegs would come out officially live en jooy don't know if I'm pronouncing his goddamn cies correct but you know the stuff with Dead s the ones that don't sound like ass da to the black hearts that's Don of the black hearts is you know it's a relatively good sounding recording live and life is is the best sounding but Don of the black hearts sounds good too he is the best and his and his voice is you know it's dark and you know represents black metel and but it was nothing like this completely different outlandish like holy [ __ ] this guy's got a voice like no tomorrow of why people like him they like him because the whole Mystique the suicide photo he killed himself because he was just so goddamn evil which is not even [ __ ] goddamn case that that's why so I mean technically like if it was his family or friends or just a wimps that just don't have to take it's like what do you mean that you his memory was com commemorated better than it could possibly ever be by uranous doing that by it being on LPS and CDs and shirts because think about it if that never took place you just heard the story yeah you'd get a little bit oh this is cool but not as much look at a band like [ __ ] enthone the almighty in Throne I say the first two albums um and the promo 94 the original drum or what is it cerrus or however the [ __ ] you pronounce his tough guy name he killed himself a lot of people don't know that isn't Throne [ __ ] as popular and get the uh darkness and stuff because the guy committ suicide no I bet you had any [ __ ] money though mark my words on this dude if if en Thrones let's say their second album towards a skull Throne of Satan was a suicide photo of their of their drummer that played on that c he plays on Prophecies of pagan fire and I believe that right whatever the [ __ ] it was let's just say that or say didn't play it they just put on memory like they put him as the cover on something I bet you any money in thrown would be calt now they're not now they are the true black which is totally true black how the [ __ ] is it [ __ ] not it would be more popular just telling you it would be because that's how these [ __ ] [ __ ] boys work dude it's just all half these idiots aren't even in the goddamn M just about what the buzs are talking about what's cool it's what it is so dead you couldn't have preserved his mem any [ __ ] better that's that's the way I goddamn see it so yes it's his voice it's it's not like for example let's say king diam or somebody he let's say nothing controversial happened or what whatever and he stopped in 80s and there's like two records maybe a demo just forget the known mercal King Diamond catalog as you know just let's say a couple pieces came out that's it and he left in obscurity no idea what happened this guy if people were worshiping that still out the ass like this guy's the greatest vocalist everything that would make sense because nobody sounded like him when you go back and listen to the stuff with uh dead singing again hence the [ __ ] I really like it's not that much different than like Sodom and the sign of evil it's it's similar to that you could tell that that's what it's influenced by a little bit more raspy blackm it's not like whoa this guy's got a voice like nobody but people worship it like this is dude this is the real [ __ ] and I do think it is the real [ __ ] it's not the [ __ ] point but it has nothing to do with because the reason why you [ __ ] idiots think it is but you got that attention thanks to goddamn ous right so I see it goddamn order questions these some oldies Mario Diaz yo Jada me and my girlfriend met you at hell's Heroes she was the one wearing in a cob shirt in case you happen to give a [ __ ] I mean it sounds kind of familiar uh thanks for taking the time to briefly chat take a photo it made our day dude nothing cracks me up and definitely probably well it definitely does crack elcat up and my brothers I'm sure too and d and the Deads or makes some laugh or just you know maybe poke fun a little bit or you know just definitely laugh [ __ ] like that made my day the [ __ ] me that buffoon made your goddamn day but I mean it's cool I but again I get it because like I've been there with the YouTube guys and [ __ ] like that that I met but it all in the body world so who on the same level as me as far as sizewise and who they are in the real world they go to Walmart there are nobody's like I mean do you honestly think when I step foot in my gym I'm there every day and I see you know mostly the same people there's always the newbies com and goers every day I see they don't they don't come up to me they don't say anything they don't know my first name they don't think anything of me they don't think oh this guy a celebrity because I'm not but I'm just saying they don't like holy [ __ ] this is this is somebody he's doing something people in the world know he is let cross the [ __ ] mind you know they they would have piss on me if I was on fire just some random [ __ ] I don't know what the whatever normies think of a [ __ ] you know medalist walking in black clothes darkness and evil sure they're thinking something [ __ ] pussified thanks for taking are there any plans for the lurking corpses albums to get LP or cassette releases a cassette box set would be awesome PS not sure if you still have any HHR eating Back to Life stickers left with a rule if you toss one my in my way cheers uh yeah I think I already shipped your order hopefully I put that in there the rest oh yeah we do have the back we have most of the hell's uh the hell's character [ __ ] uh devil guy designs like show no mercy back to life Black Sabbath ones The Morbid Visions show no mercy as we were printed those like few weeks ago so we got a big batch because we were we're not all the stickers for a while so it's told easy to get on that goddamn it so yeah hopefully I toss one in there yeah we got them um as far as plans of suppressing l ver vinyl CDs I mean there's nothing uh planned yet at the moment the only 12 in we ever did was 23 Tales of Terror I would love to do lust I mean I'd love to do all of them but especially lust for blood or second on which is my favorite the thing is is dude there's nothing I'd rather do more um than those on vinyl and [ __ ] uh that's the kind of release I would prefer to do uh hopefully as you know I I try to help bring them attention on the channel and [ __ ] like that uh because I'm a super fan and I think they [ __ ] great I think anybody that's into you know that's an actual music fan and not just going by stupid [ __ ] again if there's a suicide photo guy BL his brains out this is what I listen to or what other [ __ ] dumbass [ __ ] people are talking about on uh instag girl and [ __ ] uh Facebook and all this other stupid [ __ ] right exactly what it is um I think they should be way more popular than they are again I've said it a million times why why do I think that okay well for for starters you could cover easily multifold a metal crowd so you can cover thrash metal crowds heavy metal crowds death metal crowds and punk crowds that's four crowds right there as opposed if you're just the Misfits if you don't like Punk you're not gonna like him right this you have a more of a chance so it already hits four crowds hence on paper you would think popularity be able to uh get up there more image wise cool image if you care about image I know a lot of you [ __ ] buffoons don't no I got a cool image if you like it I mean hell ghost blew up and you think do you honestly think the band Ghost would have blew up to the size that they are if they went on there with blue jeans and a black shirt I can guarantee not so image definitely helps that's what help blow their popularity up there's zero [ __ ] doubt in my mind on that so don't come over here say anything [ __ ] stupid so that helps uh cck they got that as well it's a combination of all those genres work who the [ __ ] is else is doing that there may be guys doing it now and Sh like that I'm sure there's somebody else I haven't heard but 23 Tales of teror what year is that I think it's like 2003 20 years ago I doubt there was anyone doing that then the original band as far as taking genres that yeah of course it's not original the genres are Tak but combining all four of them sure as [ __ ] is no doubt about it heavy metal thrash death metal and and horor punk who who else was doing that before 2003 if there's somebody please send it the [ __ ] over I've never heard it so original in that sense their songs are very easy to get into catchy memorable everybody I know that's ever listened to like this is [ __ ] great it's only idiots I didn't like the vocals I don't like that again unless you don't like Misfits or anything at all then okay I'll give you a pass I can see why you w like it if you like extreme metal music you like thrash metal and you like The Misfits there is zero [ __ ] reason you shouldn't be like this is at least okay that make I'm not even I'm not even taking that as an acceptable answer for you to be like uh this completely suckss [ __ ] that makes no goddamn sense that is that is as [ __ ] stupid is you be like dude favorite band in the world is mercel fate and King Diamond listen to that adct it was terrible gave me a headache I shut it off I'd rather listen to [ __ ] goddamn tool that is as stupid as [ __ ] saying that so it should be more popular it should sell better than it does uh cool thing is a lot of people have picked it up because the channel I me talking about them then learning about them hell few people bought them because they played my show like I heard that was the [ __ ] greatest thing I ever heard damn straight bra br dog only recommends the good [ __ ] over here he's not recommending no dumbass boring [ __ ] twink ball again this is coming from a death metal guy you telling me twinfold is [ __ ] better than goddamn the almighty [ __ ] corpses no way Jose they rock those bozos off to the [ __ ] Mor twink Mo twink mold's more popular though why who the [ __ ] knows so having said that as time goes by if it picks up and people get their heads out of their dumb [ __ ] asses it'll be a little bit more incentive to press uh the [ __ ] on vinyl uh because yeah I I would love to own personally all those n vinyl myself would love to put them out you know there's luster blood left uh 23 I mean uh I mean [ __ ] third album uh tring goddamn like what it's [ __ ] called uh one after l blood forget the goddamn name and then uh working for the devil the new album am I forgetting something as far as full lengths no and then a cassette box that's also a tall it'd be in the same category uh but I mean I'm not a big cassette guy so I don't have as much uh desire for myself but I do certainly like uh selling [ __ ] and pulling stuff off the goddamn cards for orders of stuff I like rather than seeing some dumbass [ __ ] Russian black metal [ __ ] that I'm like what the [ __ ] even is this like it's a logo I can't read I can't [ __ ] pronounce it half the times it's not even goddamn English characters like it can't be [ __ ] good once in a blue moon you'll just throw it on the player I just gotta see how dog [ __ ] [ __ ] unlistenable this is and it is you put it on you're like dude there's no way [ __ ] somebody likes this I'd rather goddamn listen to ice blending in a goddamn blender than listen to this [ __ ] dog [ __ ] they're buying it though so yeah I would much rather pull a goddamn lurking corpses cassette [ __ ] box set of course so people get their heads out of their asses the stats uh show that it's a doable because vinyl cost bra it ain't cheap by no means especially when it's got to be a double LP which Lust For Blood definitely to be a double LP that's like a 55 minute this bra brah so yeah uh hopefully times will change people will wake up figure out the goddamn good [ __ ] and then vinyl's coming on along goddamn it come SCH you do the the morning later godamn it
Channel: Justin Horval
Views: 3,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: beNpkGaB3dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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