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Devils J back to answer some more godamn questions got a few pys in today so days looking pretty decent pretty [ __ ] decent the pkis might take up the whole goddamn video too so uh this one's actually from yesterday actually the first two might be from yesterday I think next two are from today leftovers goddamn it first one's from goddamn Jason kinel P question good afternoon Mr dog first time paid sky here make sure it's not the goddamn last time paid ski paid skis are what keep the goddamn dog [ __ ] doing goddamn videos when he doesn't feel like doing videos and I gotta be completely the [ __ ] honest with you I had to pull myself by the Dumbo ears and to get today's video one day don't feel like doing it at all there a lot of those goddamn days but that's the beauty of it too like I said I guarantee a video every day which it's not like I have to do that but if I got paid questions they're coming in every day sales getting let's say I was average four to five a day I wouldn't be able to knock those out every [ __ ] day I'd have to [ __ ] rapid fire some of them to get them done but I would be forced to do a video every single [ __ ] day like I got no choice now these guys actually [ __ ] paid it's not a matter of whether you feel like doing it or not they paid I gotta get them done goddamn it so uh that's the good news for the guys that I've noticed they lightened up in the inbox uh pissing and whin about the goddamn paid questions uh you still got your video for the day it's not like you have to do it just so the benefit to you is that yeah guarantees goddamn a video which I your ass is clearly watching you're clicking on every morning which you keep on doing that by the way but uh day after my birthday oh yeah birthday boy in the house you young buck you old Buck godd damn it decided to reach out recently got me listening to adct great [ __ ] suggestion yeah dude I again I don't know how anyone could not like them the only way I could see you not liking them is if you don't like mercil fake King Diamond whatsoever and in that case your goddamn opinion on on metal music is completely invalid as far as I'm concerned anyways so doesn't even matter at that point what other the new releases or bands have you been listening to lately you mentioned them before but shout out but shout out to El electrocutioner they got a new album coming out soon sincerely your fellow devil I mean if you're a daily Watcher I mean it's going to be kind of uh redundant here what I have to say because I I only pretty much talk about the [ __ ] that I I like or if I find a new band and again just because I don't mention somebody doesn't mean I don't like it it's just a lot of it is again it's would I physically buy this myself that is the only [ __ ] that I talk on camera and um and show and not only is it would I buy it myself I physically did buy it myself so new bands again let me Define what I clarify as a new band a new band in my book is not 202 3 or 2024 well yeah obviously they are but what I'm saying is to me new is 10 years or less so if you're in the year if you started in [ __ ] 201 13 14 2012 like to me addict's a new band man they are a new band um they bet they have some time on their belts now they got a few Elms they're they're an established new ban not new band like costic fem they just got a demo and that's it they're not that [ __ ] new no but they're not an old band Hemorrhage is an old band exom is an old band eide's an old band emulation an old [ __ ] band Suffocation an old band addict's not a new band they're an established band at this point with three albums under their bullet belts and a [ __ ] demo but not an old band So by that criteria like I said uh showed you CTIC fem that's a new new ban desus that's definitely new because it's the very first release ever and that just came out so by everybody's criteria that'd be a new ban desus they didn't do a demo or anything if they did they didn't release it I and I wouldn't know it's not they don't got their [ __ ] up on metal archives desist what the [ __ ] dogs coming for you too when you come to Cleveland you bet your ass fing we better be doing a goddamn video and uh if we do [ __ ] uh bring that [ __ ] up on goddamn camera just just trying to help give you goddamn business advice dogs hooking you up like no goddamn are talking about you more than anybody online um just to my knowledge it's the very first [ __ ] recording ever just that fo I th that we did came out I don't know three weeks ago so cic FM desis you knew about adic Moulder melting rot M Back to crosis vargrav Black metal band on know werewolf records that's a new band in my opinion again established new band I don't know what exact year they [ __ ] started but probably around antic time maybe slightly less um I thought their newest album on the N hold uh I thought that was the best one they did first two I liked them but I didn't love them I'm like yeah you know it's Emperor worship uh good stuff uh I liked more so the atmosphere and the feel of it then the songs didn't Jam as hard as opposed to this third one I thought it had the most I thought the J songs jammed the hardest on this new album kind of like uh with acid witch like which tanic hallucinations which is most people's favorite that is the most unique it has the most charisma I like the atmosphere of it the most but my favorite is Stone just because the songs they jamed to me better I like I just they're the ones that get the head [ __ ] banging the hardest goddamn it so what I prefer to listen to the most is Stone but for uniqueness and [ __ ] and originality it is wi tanic vrav new album uh White death also that black metal band both album they just do two albums again yeah they've been around a handful full years now uh but they're an established newer band in my goddamn book they ain't around as long as goddamn obituary obituary is an old band white death is not a [ __ ] old band white death I liked both albums their second album just came out was it this year the LP's not even out yet it's my God yeah LPS haven't come out yet goddamn it watch out for one of the [ __ ] werewolf record drops those goddamn LPS dog pick one up of course goddamn it those were two good black metal albums for sure two good black metal new bands you know what that nobody [ __ ] uh mentions uh and I was listen the other day uh I have an LPC let me see if I have it up here it might be still downstairs godamn it got newer goddamn ban but established [ __ ] ban um black metal ban also happen to be on that goddamn werewolf records no one ever talks about this goddamn one I thought this record was [ __ ] great it's got keys out the [ __ ] woo but I I like it very very much so fosty imp pack this album was [ __ ] great cool ass [ __ ] image by guys too are they the goddamn slip out of black metal too for all you [ __ ] dorks out there El has some in stock too I think we have LPS left CDs for sure which I do have a CD as well I know it's got a post I'm not pulling the goddamn thing out color vinyl dog has we know he puts his color vinyl in picture toep uh this is a great new newer band but I mean like when they St me this album came out a few years ago now say the year on here all this [ __ ] [ __ ] blurs together I mean when remember this came out I was two three years ago something like that was recording during the whispering Blackness uh 27 to 2018 C probably came out 2019 you know so when they start probably didn't probably run that 2012 Mark could be [ __ ] wrong didn't goddamn uh do an entire background search on but again I don't give a [ __ ] what they say you didn't started [ __ ] 1992 like ints or some [ __ ] bullshit's gonna say you're around 2010 2012 you're an established new man another good new band so yeah I mean there's all kinds of [ __ ] um new bands I'm sure I'm forgetting [ __ ] too uh 100% I'm definitely forgetting [ __ ] no doubt about it but uh yeah top my head that's I like I like those goddamn bands and those are all those are all new bands looking around in case I'm completely forget somebody that popped right up oh pharmacist God you can't leave out the almighty pharmacist God damn it that's that's a new goddamn ban as far as I'm concerned not even far as that's a new goddamn ban first time was 2020 like [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah 2020 you mean last week hell yeah I was goddamn new band um so them I I re those are all bands that I like I bought their physical format I listen to I am a fan of so when yeah people all he does is rip off on new bands and he likes old [ __ ] no I'm just way more selective with new bands because again oh this again and again it doesn't have to be the most original thing do you think pharmacist by any stretch of the [ __ ] definition is original [ __ ] no it's a complete goddamn carus right where carus picked up I mean left off of Symphonies of sickness that's pharmacist picked right up songs are just [ __ ] great they just captured the goddamn magic so there's there's band or it's just oh man it sounds like maybe you get another ifications be hard to pull that off because there's a fuckload of those but if they had just the most jamming of jamming songs like dude this is just so catchy so memorable I'm singing along tapping the foot along banging the head along [ __ ] ready to put my fist to the goddamn windshield driving and you just kind of want to keep replaying it then yeah that is a new good band playing a very you know band a clone of a clone of a clone they just so happen to be very good catchy songwriters hence in that case yes I would buy that band it's just that's usually not the case it's oh okay it's the same sound again the songs don't stand out I mean I I forgot it after the first listen that's majority [ __ ] but it's always a pretty good background lesson so yeah dog does like new goddamn [ __ ] I don't bu of new [ __ ] all the time so [ __ ] you goddamn dummies are talking about uh John Roseman P question yo Jay dog first py for me another goddamn first py make sure you keep coming back goddamn it sorry in advance for the short essay hey pky like kind of with [ __ ] reason uh you can say what the [ __ ] you want but I'm not sure if someone else has done this I'm sending one of my best friends ban for review yeah I think somebody's done some people send me Ram so it's all all the same to me uh pure scene oh yeah I did listen to this uh this is a new band too and I thought it was good I don't know if I'm PR I don't know if I'm pronouncing it correctly it's p u t r i c i NE e Gore grind [ __ ] so in case you [ __ ] C Vault guys don't bother you're not going to like it future scene is the B they're from Baltimore and I attached a YouTube link M I listen the goddamn entire thing to their first EP that came out this past fall I find myself listening to this a lot and not just because it's my friends ban I think this is good grimy ignorant and catchy Gore grind that gets stuck in my head too easily I mean it was I it stood out for to me too I was like this is definitely good and the fact that it's a short 7even 7even minute EP leaves me wanting more each time I figured it's right up the alley and you you will be hyped by our friends link you will talk [ __ ] I'm not going to talk [ __ ] because I actually like this one either the way uh like you always say uh it'll get them some publicity and or some good laughs yeah got that right godd damn it at least 3,000 [ __ ] views so it's definitely worth goddamn 10 bucks I would I would have to say so how the [ __ ] it not I recommend listening to the whole thing but but I think you'll be hooked anyways thanks goddamn it I did listen to the whole thing which is very [ __ ] rare when someone says me AEV things I'm like yeah I got the Goddamn point for for 10 bucks I'm not listening like one guy asked me hey can you review the entire new metallic albums I'm not doing that for 10 bucks man honestly to review the entire metallic album or something of that review my entire album that I have no [ __ ] interest in [ __ ] listening to whatsoever that that's a $100 bill so there you go that's a $100 py if you want me to do that um because it's like I I don't need to I already got the gist I was like I know I don't like this there's if I'm going to give any type of review or if I'm going to completely rip on it I was like okay by the by 10 minutes in I already know where this is going I could already do the same thing as opposed to listening to beginning end uh so I'm not going to suffer through 60 goddamn minutes or something when I could listen to stuff that a I need to listen to for business reasons checking [ __ ] out or um B I want to listen to so so that that's listening time is a value to me uh what I thought of it uh yeah I thought it was I thought it was good stuff uh the thing is is again like I said before definitely nothing original by any [ __ ] stretch of the definition it's a gor grind short songs catchy um dirty nasty looking but yeah it's for so to break it down anybody's listening if you like last days Humanity early regurgitate [ __ ] regurgitate from Sweden kind of before regurgitate when they're a Gore grind band you notice after like was like by the yeah pretty much definitely after K Resurrection they kind of went just more straight grind core as opposed to you listen to effortless regurgitation of bright red blood that's it's just nasty [ __ ] disgusting Gore grind that's M asmatic necrosis melting rot it's in that style of uh Gore grind so if you like that stuff check them out and yeah I what I think is is the only thing in my complaint too this isn't a dumbass [ __ ] digital only I hate that [ __ ] man that crap is making my dick in my opinion if you got digital only your [ __ ] does not exist it's not officially out there the world you should be able to hold a hard copy that is the true goddamn metal Spirits telling you dude this whole digital [ __ ] is for is for two things it's for convenience if you do want it you know because you're listening at the gym or whatever you're listening to your Bluetooth on the godamn car whatever I I I understand it has some value to it but people that's all is I got my big digital folder and I just listened on my laptop dude that that that is for that is total [ __ ] mainstream music nonm music fans and the only thing that Creeps in the metal World metal World whatsoever is twink cors think about it go to any that goddamn twink cor [ __ ] again I was at that Suicide Silence show do you honestly think at that Suicide Silence show granted you weren't there but use your imagination just picture what what it's like and trust me you're spot [ __ ] on there was not one [ __ ] in there this is a goddamn apion do you honestly think that anyone in there buys vinyl records and I'm not talking about the guy that actually does listen to repulsion he was only there because he was dragged by his girlfriend because she likes the [ __ ] you know the vad metal talk about the guy the guy that every every person that was there that wanted to be there they were a paid ticket and could not wait to watch the bands how many of those guys do you think buy Vinyl Records very very very [ __ ] few and then maybe a couple more than that buy CDs and that thing was packed to the gills what are you getting at dog one getting at is his whole [ __ ] digital mentality that that's poser ass twin cor [ __ ] mentality when it came into the metal music that's what it is dude people buying that dumbass [ __ ] off [ __ ] band camp I mean you're into underground metal dude you like [ __ ] like sadistic intent Deni God nunslaughter you wanted to buy that seven in you wanted to buy that 12inch L that malignant spirits that had two new songs the album came out you wanted to own a physical copy that's the metal godamn Spirits back like in the 80s you drove up to the [ __ ] store you bought don't break the oath you didn't have some dumbass digital it's goddamn dude it's your [ __ ] it's sword and shield what are you talking about like that's that's part of the lifestyle so let me [ __ ] this so pure scene don't even know how I pronounce this Baltimore Maryland Gore grind it was definitely Gore Grind All Right bra Bros uh EP has 2023 so new books yeah yeah yeah I thought I thought that's why I thought it that format digital get your [ __ ] together bra BR get this on seven inch wax the dog would buy one too [ __ ] you know what this this it's exactly 7even minutes and 16 seconds I don't give a with these dumbass plants too some were [ __ ] full of [ __ ] you could fit right around seven minutes you should be able to fit this all on one side and what I would do personally just [ __ ] dog dude I would do a um put it all on one side uh the audio and either repeat it on side B so the audio is on uh both sides or put it all on one side and like do a cool silk screen uh you know piece of art logo something how cool is the goddamn logo it's a scribbly logo May mean better than nothing uh uh scribble some type of s Sten on the BS side though was my proba would do it uh or if you want it yeah want to spin at 45 RPM you could do like torso freak did F another there's another goddamn new new goddamn release right there torso freak told you about that goddamn 10 inch that was some nasty [ __ ] Gore grind um all they did was that goddamn 12 inch um no that did have two sides didn't it who am I thinking of I played somebody recently where it was an EP was like this like nine minutes long or something yeah Toro freak they put music they split on two sides but it's short but anyways yeah something around this it's probably longer than seven minutes but they put it on at 12 inch they spun it at 45 RP and the they put it on um so screen bside lots of bands have done that no I know lots of bands have done that dum dum I'm just saying there's somebody gor grind that did it recently that that I recently listened to I thought it was forget who the [ __ ] it is we did that with the uh incantation Enchantment of evil uh 7 inch my favorite goddamn incantation recording incantation Enchantment of evil is the goddamn greatest incantation release that ever come out in case you didn't happen to [ __ ] give a [ __ ] or unaware or sh of Loops or one of these goddamn Young Bucks is uh the recording that was before onward of gula came out on seven inch and with big Willy on goddamn vocals um we did 12in Maxis years ago and uh maybe not that years ago I think it was like 2014 so about 10 years ago uh long sold out so don't come over and ask me anything goddamn stupid I did tell easy and C dog that we should probably refresh that said that about a year ago I'm sure that went in one out the goddamn other um just hit up goddamn Mac te I don't see uh maybe I can even ask him my goddamn interview that he better come over to me and gu about walkal milwauke Metal Fest goddamn it m you play Friday and that's all you're [ __ ] doing come up to the goddamn hell stand we'll shoot a goddamn video um yeah repress that I'm sure there's demand but that's what we did we put the the B side we did a so screen but yeah this is is this good [ __ ] bra very short songs um I'll say this uh it's kind of cool if this band stays it's a cult classic I mean have a little bit more than seven minutes of Music out there but if they just did one or two things one or two additional things and like hung it up I'm cool with that man dude it's a Cult Underground classic and again call like the [ __ ] is this kind of music you don't need like I don't need it like they're like cannibal Cor are on their 15th album you don't need that for this kind of gorr music man it's not that digestible it's like Jesus [ __ ] I don't need that many songs keep it just uh limited amounts and and if you want to be a band that wants to tour and [ __ ] do it like citis intent or repulsion man just Tour on that just you can play pretty much all your songs live you pretty much you hit everybody up at this point you definitely can hell you you don't have enough goddamn songs to [ __ ] play Live you're gonna have to throw some goddamn covers in there um because who the [ __ ] only plays for seven minutes but just like if the the Torso freak if they never put anything else out I'm totally cool with that man it's an underground twink core free metal Masterpiece on wax that'll you know 20 years from now it's just it's a Hidden Gem dude and that's you know there's nothing to get burn out out they didn't they didn't [ __ ] it up it's not you know here's your no love lost album or anything [ __ ] stupid oh that's a [ __ ] I like that's what represents goddamn underground and I don't know this this cool collectible [ __ ] so yeah good recommendation bro toown tell your homies to get that goddamn thing out on seven in not so much CD to me I'm not a big fan of getting CDs that are only seven minutes long it almost feels a waste of a [ __ ] time because if I'm gonna be if I'm gonna be unloading something in and out of a chamber it's just as much work I'd rather be at a vinyl that's just me personally now that's all they put that out on with CD I would recommend um me throw a few I guess that's how it came out just do I guess that's better than nothing it's better than goddamn digital 7 in or 12in Max be what I prefer hit the dog up if you ever put it out too dog will actually buy one too godamn it yes I did think it was good [ __ ] uh Dominic KERO first off let's see much goddamn time we got left ah [ __ ] we're over the 20 minute Mark we'll squeeze this one I think it might be quick if he send me a [ __ ] ass R oh no this is no this other guy's got [ __ ] review Domico greetings a couple of things first of all could you give a shout out to my website ring incorporated. so here's spelled at least how he spelled it uh r r i n c o r p o r a. it's where I write about metal and horror if you click now playing across the top that's where I list some of the stuff I've been listening to lately so in case you're curious what dominic carero has been listening to lately hit that website up and click [ __ ] now playing uh second thing I'm physically handicapped and I've always w wonder if there are any bands with disabled members aside from Jeff possessed I mean I'm sure there is but as far as bands that I physically listen to that I'm aware of all top of my head no not that I can think of I mean I know siki from [ __ ] black death he uh sits down in a chair when he plays I think he has a bad low back or bad knees or something like that I me the guy's well into his 60 he like 65 66 um he's a little heavy on his feet he can afford to lose a few lbs but he's an old guy goddamn it plays guitar and he sings it works though he's got the whole cool [ __ ] get up off but he's like the metal kind of like almost like the similar like the like the uh tough guy country Johnny Cash type [ __ ] where you sing them guy's not singing about Balon hay and shuck and corn he's like the metal version of that and a very cool Metalized get up I don't know if you ever seen Black Death Or Not um watch out for their goddamn new album whatever too I heard the demo for it I'm like oh God comeback [ __ ] this is gonna suck the drummer uh Chris gave me a copy of the demo I like holy [ __ ] this is actually [ __ ] good sound 70s as [ __ ] straight up Black Sabbath style it's all because he wants Hells to put out their album because we reissued their uh first album um sold out on Hells of course which I do like that [ __ ] you know if you like priest very Maiden um uh Sabbath that type of [ __ ] then black out's going to be for you if if you're listening to Pure scene and you don't like anything anything lighter than Suffocation don't waste your time you're not gonna like it but if you like the [ __ ] the ezers they know what's up but it's definitely good stuff but anyways because that's the [ __ ] black death Dave that album Jesus [ __ ] what year is that 81 it's very very very old I mean they started in the 70s got there there's that other recording disc I think they have a I think they have a recording they came out their demo whatever 78 79 old as [ __ ] right so yeah we're back type of thing and sicki is because he was the original senior guitar player they recorded something Chris handed me all right y'all listen to it I was like [ __ ] this is it's even got a ballot on there I thought that was good I was like I was like I do like it dude I was like the only thing is man here's my thing don't go to some goddamn Studio polish it up we got to sound like today's Times like I want it to sound like this I want it to sound like it came out of the 70s for this style of music this band that started in the 70s this is what it needs to sound like this sounds great he's like okay we could do that we'll just record the same thing I was like great if it does that then yes interesting and putting out the full length and he told me said yeah that's what we're gonna do um and they're working on his speak so yeah it was a four song demo and then they're going to record I think he said four more songs total like eight tracks I was shocked because I thought for sure I was like this this is not going to be good um I oh [ __ ] this is and I even get the Sea Dog SE dog's like surprisingly this is really good I yeah that's what I thought oh [ __ ] okay so but yeah siki he uh he sits down but again he's not he's not handicapped he walks around like that supposed to shoot an interview with them and we sat down my [ __ ] goddamn there's a day when I just got new microphones and couldn't figure it out on the [ __ ] fly EAS was there couldn't figure it out and siki had to go was at the end of the night I was [ __ ] pissed uh but I'll still hit him up uh he lives 40 45 minutes or an hour away from me I just got to set it up and he doesn't live in the just say he doesn't live in the most convenient part of town for me to go out to but I'm thinking about I gotta set up a date where maybe I'll pick him up even drive him up back to the hell's Warehouse shoot in front of some banners and [ __ ] but he's a cool dude uh old old guy these guys [ __ ] he'd be the old yeah he'd be the oldest goddamn guy oh well no yeah he's got corporate death beat corporate death so far as the holdest guy I've talked in interview said he's 60 almost positive s siki is either 65 or 66 um but as far as full B disabled like the Sarah yeah again I'm sure there is bands but far bands that I listen to that I'm aware of not that I can think of Al also is your Warehouse handicap accessible I doubt I'll ever be in the area but you never know yeah uh to the uh the there's a few entrances into the goddamn Warehouse like obviously a dock for the loading dock uh for trucks but the first door that you walk against it's a little tiny so yeah yeah you could because we wield carts and [ __ ] like that from packages sometimes the pul lady just Wheels a cart on there I'm not walking these packs back and forth got one of these carts she just loads it up and so yeah no it's totally uh it's totally handicap accessible so yeah you're in the goddamn area come the [ __ ] on out just set up a time don't show up at 7 p.m and where's the dog dog dog ain't got a caught up of that [ __ ] he ain't there all goddamn day uh so just make sure someone's got like schedule email me or something make sure someone's there so you're not come from out of town completely waste your goddamn [ __ ] time so just keep that in mind the the morning leader God damn it
Channel: Justin Horval
Views: 3,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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