Twinkcorers on Tiktok who don't like Venom their opinions are completely irrelevant

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up Devils Jay dog back to answer more goddamn questions yeah plenty plenty enough first two uh reviews they'll be quick and then a few other goddamn pys so pkys are coming in steady could always be better but steady acceptable amount I'll say that George RZ PE review hey I'm sending you some cast so you review one of my band's latest EPS I reviewed it all right rown we aren't really a metal band you got that right but we do come from metal backgrounds wondering what you think of the entire EP overall our heaviest darkest track would be Abyss dot dot dot doth here's our link to our band camp and a free download code if interested we may or may not add guitars in the future time will tell uh neck. band camp is send me the link so the band is neck I don't even know how to pronounce the goddamn thing another thing I'd get a new goddamn band name brra is NE c h e c gotta be honest with you bro town because again t 10 $10 reviews aren't $10 [ __ ] that dog keeps it down a dirty reel over here don't quit your day job that was a tough [ __ ] listen I must say so granted I could be completely wrong because the [ __ ] that popped my mind that reminded me of Grant I don't listen to this stuff but I I have heard it it reminded me of 9in nails and [ __ ] Marilyn Manson we was I not digging it God damn it so both those are super excess successful bands so who knows maybe maybe they'll do it for you then then there you know so what the [ __ ] do I know but just not my kind of music I must say so but C py goddamn it um yeah check it out if you like if you like 9 inch nails and Marilyn Manson give him a shout bra on they're on band cam so there you goddamn go Parker turn a p review hey Justin sup my devil my band just put out a new music video and I was hoping you could check it out sure did homeboy and let me know what you think even if you think it sucks look up icon of sin by Mal de so the band is malev m a l d e v r a put in parentheses made up word for evil of Truth what you made the goddamn word up is that what you're suggesting by the way you might recognize me in the video because I met you at hell's Heroes and I talked about in dark Purity and the Crea a kill demo love the channel and hopefully you dig the song music video I mean I don't completely remember but I mean it rings a [ __ ] Bell especially uh yeah I remember somebody mentioning that created a kill demo by cannibal uh there but like I said there were so many goddamn people that came up to me um and they always do it every show that to be honest unless it was an extensive conversation or something really stood out uh yeah just kind of all bln together um what if I met somebody several times you know you know multiple times at different shows and stuff like that then I I mean I don't got a complete Grandpa memory I remember then um yeah I listened to it h i mean I thought it was okay I thought some of the blast beat sounded kind of cool um got kind of like it's little too Tactical for the dog dog parts a little too goddamn uh [ __ ] winky ass guitar [ __ ] that I'm not generally a fan of there's exceptions to the goddamn rule for example like uh mortal Decay watch out for that goddamn First St coming on hell is on vinyl for the very first time with the goddamn original titty [ __ ] cover can't remember exactly when it's coming out the release schedule god damn it's it's a laid out [ __ ] coming out I know that goddamn it um like that's got some technical kind of wanky guitar [ __ ] but for whatever reason I like it so there's exceptions it's not always it's just generally when it gets technical Tech I thought that first necro fasia was pretty good too when that first came out the onset of pure faction yeah I didn't love it but I thought it was kind of it's generally that technical [ __ ] I do not like at all but for whatever reason that was so over the top that it kind of sounded cool when I heard that with I think I heard that before it was even out somebody gave me a CDR about this band hey this is coming out uh it either right when it came out or it was before it came out that's when I heard it and I did a second album [ __ ] I didn't care um be honest I didn't know if I officially went out and picked it up I think I just saw that CDR uh so it's not anything I'm jamming [ __ ] on a regular but surprisingly for something like that I actually enjoyed but yeah when it's all like real techical like [ __ ] you guys got going on a parts um yeah not really my goddamn thing um as far as the video I mean I mean it you know it was lowbudget music video I thought it was kind of cool um I mean nothing like my my socks were on it it wasn't no goddamn new attic video those music videos those are pro as [ __ ] um it wasn't anything like that so but you know whatever it's kind of cool um I will say this though as I was listening as I you know listening to it while and uh you know glancing and watching it while I was s some goddamn order SS and [ __ ] like that just haded up on the my laptop screen here and uh so I just went to the next goddamn track and it was the uh self-titled song off of uh just listen a little bit ago it was uh I pulled it off off one of your demos something you can't do it for Joey or some [ __ ] like that I called one of your goddamn demos it's like I like this better uh so demos are always best right uh uh so yeah I thought that was the best [ __ ] uh that I heard was it just sounded pretty heavy uh again I mean I was don't me wrong I wasn't like pulling out the wallet and like let me see if I can [ __ ] find a copy of this I'm buying it now God damn it I didn't I didn't like it to that goddamn degree but uh but I thought I enjoyed that more uh had a little bit more rawness a little more toughness defin a little more chunk and heaviness and catchy rout the oh should have sent me this track yeah oh know I mean it's smoke the goddamn guy above the neck hash that's for goddamn sure send that home [ __ ] home on a [ __ ] [Applause] stretcher Valentine corilo P question but it was a pleasure meeting you at hell's Heroes I was the weird guy with medium-sized hair with a leather jacket and B you described everybody in the [ __ ] building bra with Venom's welcome the hell as my backpatch uh oh you never see that I do I do not remember that I'll just say that no I mean that was literally yeah l i half the crowd there thank you for doing that video with me I'm on bashing that POS Uncle Grandpa down to the ground we do a video I mean sometimes people ask me I get they shoot a camera and tell me to say something on camera so I mean kind of ring the bell but I've done that handful of times uh now let's get to it recently I saw this video on the Tik Tock Tik Tok [ __ ] you doing on Tik Tok home boy only [ __ ] 12y old girls are on that goddamn [ __ ] we my where midnight was playing a show I go to the comments and I see these absolute jabronies thirsting on Theo thirsting on the homeboys at midnight like it's some twin core Queen core One Direction [ __ ] so he says I don't know what thirsting o you mean like hating on hating so he says there's people in the comments on Tik Tok um hating on uh midnight saying there this twe core [ __ ] which that's a little weird about that I'm looking at the ver their profile icons and I can immediately tell that they've never listened to venel mercel fate possessed running wild and the nun yep sounds about right so yeah midnight is the new heart throb heart throb band now whatever the [ __ ] that means now I wait AAR to cover Guns and Roses or poison in the near future yeah that's a little weird because I mean like midnight it's just again for a [ __ ] uh it's a more I guess well played elaborate professional version of early Venom best comparison I can compare it to so I mean I mean twinkle that's it's not even none of those idiots that listen to that [ __ ] like stuff like [ __ ] Venom or mercal fate they just they just don't um I I don't know man sounds like they're just [ __ ] confused and and again people that when it comes to I don't really give a [ __ ] what anybody what bands anybody likes even people that I like or that I that I value their opinion but I damn sure don't care what a stranger thinks or uh what somebody who is not even this realm of music what their opinion is on music I mean like like I would never like if I started a [ __ ] band and put perspective if I had a band I would never even give it to my mom or my dad or any of my um cousins or [ __ ] like that because they don't listen to this I I I don't care what their opinion is I'm like I just automatically expect they're not gonna like it um there's there's nothing to talk about their their opinion on the topic is completely irrelevant me again people in the music scene I don't even give a [ __ ] what their opinion is I damn [ __ ] calling this goddamn [ __ ] phone find a [ __ ] dick and [ __ ] suck it I'm in the middle of [ __ ] goddamn it always call it the worst times hung up good that's how you get him to hang up you know what I'm talking [ __ ] solicited piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] call the goddamn dog yeah so I mean dude what's what's a dude doing on Tik Tok anyways dude the Tik Tock they're in the goddamn twink core they never heard Venom fate running wilder than n what the [ __ ] do I care with this [ __ ] dude things I don't so yeah just just IR irrelevant [ __ ] insects that mean nothing to the goddamn Dog Allen P question hey Jay dog love the channel it has shown me some cool gems I've missed in my years of Medal sure does especially some great demo recommendations dog knows him some goddamn demos I've always been more of a black death metal guy but I've been digging a lot of Gore death grind you talk about there there there's gems in every goddamn uh in every pile of of of real metal godd damn it so thank you very much I didn't feel right potentially meeting Andor asking for a photo at MDF without one pidy dude I don't everyone comes up to me I I don't ask him like just sending a paidy I mean that that is a um people really think it's funny though uh they have like multiple people I bet yeah sending a paid ski or how the paid like they it's kind of an ongoing thing but and just randomly trying to think what's the most thing probably what's heavier than pan haa is the is the biggest line people say to me uh in person B might be second though uh so yeah but yeah by send a py get lost then bra BR I mean I don't even ask if they if they choose to tell me themselves and cool but so I had to send one over hey works for me sorry for a long one if you feel like it this ain't a long one homeboy if you feel like it send a shout out to my metal coworker Samm and Brandon sammon Brandon [ __ ] shout out to you goddamn it you godamn you watch the dog too goddamn it you coming to MDF you sending in some pkis get them on over goddamn it tell Brandon quit playing twink core poser [ __ ] and silencer so what's what's in silencer when it's when it's his turn on the speaker in the kitchen y that that TN cor God damn that is headache [ __ ] Central at least everything I goddamn heard Just Nails on a chalkboard rather listen to the goddamn pck have a great day thanks for all the hours of laughs and some great content that's what the goddamn Channel's for homeboy goddamn another [ __ ] name I can't pronounce sigard kevu question my [ __ ] faves goddamn it sent 60 USD 60.00 my faves [ __ ] yeah makes up for that goddamn drought hey Jay dog just a quick question for the channel why did you decide you don't want to do a channel collaboration with Jerry from the channel Rota thanks whatever I never turned anybody down I don't even know who the [ __ ] that is r a u that's his name of his channel Jerry to Jerry contact me I've never turned anybody down for a collab the only thing that I somewhat have done is um recently the kill the posers podcast hit me up again Seth and uh he asked me to come on on I just said I'm really [ __ ] you know busy at the moment because I am uh you gotta remember yeah doing the videos every day is like I got five videos in the oven there was a couple days there I was I I just I didn't feel like [ __ ] doing it while people most days I don't so it is becoming I don't want to say a chore but it is becoming a little bit more difficult to have it every single day but especially the py coming in you're getting them every goddamn day um it's just like for example there's days I don't feel like going to the gym but I don't even I don't think about it I just do it it's like I don't give myself the option I don't talk to myself uh give myself a reason why can or can't it's just like brushing my teeth or getting up coming to the warehouse the option is not even in place it's you're going nothing to talk about you're going so I treat this like that too having said that though when someone invites me on a podcast it's kind of Fu because to a degree because uh well it's another hour or two hours for now it's another video I gotta do on top mine but I see the value in it because of new audiences but with the kill the posers uh I was you know I got a lot of trips coming up struggling to keep up before get to Milwaukee and Maryland um all the extra work and it's just tons of extra [ __ ] right um I just told him yeah maybe in June but I might even push it more than that because I I don't want to go on a lot of uh other outlets so I don't want to like I want it to be more like oh this guy's coming on it's every two or three months it loses it value so maybe like once a year the only exception I'd make is maybe like jamming out all badass because that's kind of like I mean I I don't know if we're friends but we're kind of friends uh so it's kind of a mortal buddy buddy thing you know what I mean so um so he would get he gets that special treatment that that's the way goddamn goes right um and then there was one other dude I forget I met him in person that metal threat he was from Colombia he does a channel I guess and I was up for it he hit me up there and oh yeah we could do it and then he sent me a link to his channel about coming on and I was just on he was a guy he was putting on the Fest not a Fest a show out in U in uh California but I think La I think it was LA but definitely California he invited me out hey you guys can vend or whatever like not drive to California do a [ __ ] vent for a one day show and and and I was just honest with you I was like and for me to come out to fly out I really appreciate the [ __ ] you know the invite the free offer I was like I'm just GNA be honest with you dude and this is why part of the reason why didn't want to not necessarily go on his podcast but give him the heads up like dude I I don't think you want me on your podcast like I can tell by talking to you nice guy and like that I like I'm pretty sure you're just thinking oh this is an owner from hell's Headbangers in which case it might help either be a cool conversation or help with uh views on the channel because we can talk about blasphemy sarcophaga and Arch goat I strong out the vi you never rewatch my videos dude because I can kind of tell pretty good gauge of [ __ ] not reading people's minds but reading them I was like if you actually watched my videos and could be wrong I was like you'd be probably a this guy's a [ __ ] poser what the [ __ ] he likes Cannibal Corpse and deide and crappy dying fetus again could be wrong but I'm pretty [ __ ] certain I was like oh dude all this war medal and [ __ ] you're I don't even like any of this stuff man I like very little bit I do like sophal IR but like 95% of this war metal [ __ ] I don't buy I don't own I don't care about I don't like I'm honest about what I like I was like and he's like yeah we just we do a podcast or about three hours long yikes and God zooks and he's like we just sit there we get hammered great staying up late three hours long and getting hammered and talking about war medal everything I'm not into like kind of like once it's getting 25,000 views and it's going to really help bring new eyeballs and some attention which is wasn't the case kind of don't have any interest to do this man this is not and and again I I think you might even [ __ ] just sign me off in the middle like this [ __ ] poser what the [ __ ] which is fine um that's the only one I semi turned down and I didn't turn it down I just kind of like I don't think you want me dude I don't think I'm again almost like you're lying to me like you say you watch my [ __ ] I'm pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] certain you do you don't because the conversation you're having the band you're thrown at me if you did watch my stuff you'd at least insinuate the haha nudge nudge nud here check this out but you're probably not gonna like it dog it's that crappy ass war methal and that South American [ __ ] that sounds like literally everybody the [ __ ] else has been done a million times it's just all that crap I don't care about he didn't say that he was in yeah you're gonna love this one brother sounds like [ __ ] sarcophaga slash [ __ ] best devast ation slf angel of Doom yay I like not I'm not even listening to it dude don't I don't care that's the vibe I [ __ ] got but Ruda I don't know who the [ __ ] this is dude search him right now we'll get to the bottom of this right here right now goddamn it never heard this homeboy you're saying he hit me up and I and I told him to go suck a dick I don't recall that now there was another guy he contacted why the [ __ ] people do this too I have no idea our boy Nathan Burke who does our uh he just does the reviews for us I've met him literally once in my life super cool dude dude though and uh but he lives he lives very far from me I don't know if he lives in Ohio if he does he lives in Columbus or he lives in Kentucky I forget where the [ __ ] he lives um he does reviews for us every now even for customer service [ __ ] people email him and I even said him and I go back and forth like how the [ __ ] do they even have your email D he like I was like I barely have your email so laugh like dude no idea how these guys get my [ __ ] email um somebody sent those like that count aoleon guy or one of those guys another Channel I didn't hear of him but I checked it out I clicked on the link we sent him they sent him an email to do uh for me to clab out I'm like I'm not against it I was like you got a decent sized Channel seems like an okay guy I was like I think I searched him to I think he order some Hells um I was like tell him to email me though D I was like already I'm slightly turned off because it's going to be oh he's not going to pull through I we can't email the right goddamn email I was like literally my my email is in the [ __ ] description box you don't even have to look for it it's not like let me click on his profile and dig in there let's see if YouTube provides it no it's literally on every [ __ ] video it don't it don't get any more simple and on top of that even if you didn't know it just go to hell Headbangers I've said it a million [ __ ] times I'm the one that does the service emails it's not some Corporation it's me I reply to emails all the time service at I'm the easiest [ __ ] to get a hold of the metal scene easiest if you cannot get a hold of me I do not know how to get hold of dog that means you do not watch my videos it's physically impossible do or you're are straight up [ __ ] Sloth from The Goonies absolutely impossible there's not a third option it's one or the other don't watch my [ __ ] you're [ __ ] sloth who the [ __ ] this guy I've never heard of this guy dude uh he's contacting me Ruda interviews oh is this the guy that uh did the one with satanic warm the guy all the way over in Finland yeah he hit me up too he he he he said people uh or I think of somebody else but the Finnish guy that interviewed uh werewolf he um he did email me he's like yeah people said that we should collab he I watched some of your stuff he's like he's like I don't really know what we talk about he's probably thinking the exact same thing I was thinking for the other guy that invited me on but he was at least cool about it um dude I like a bunch of black met you like shitty Gore grind and Cannibal Corpse what are we going to talk about uh yeah fair enough I I kind of agree I was kind of like I know people said we should [ __ ] do an interview together uh I don't care if we do or no to be honest I I literally don't care but even say yeah I'm up for it he's like I just what were we talking about I like I don't know like this there's that I was like I don't know nothing about this guy watched one interview him he interviewed uh werewolf I that was it I mean so I was like come up with a stream of topics we can talk about something but I tell him yeah you're hosting I was like I was like I literally don't it's nothing against him or I was like don't know anything about the guy follow the guy I don't have any questions for the guy I don't I don't care but if he want to bring me on for a Q&A or hey uh fans are asking this yeah I'm up for it but this can't be the is this guy what the [ __ ] is uh he reviewing a lot of [ __ ] that uh I never [ __ ] like what does he want to collab looks like all he does is reviews oh he doesn't Okay interview Outlaw interview melanic black metel from Brazil he reviews a ton of [ __ ] I've never even heard of Terror machine a mountain of death review never heard of it sex trash interview what the [ __ ] is this the original goddamn guys looks like an older guy underground Trio bald guy I mean if he wants to do something hit me up but again let him know he's going to have to host it and ask the questions I I don't have any questions for him it doesn't like we like any of the same bands and again that's not a shot at I don't give a [ __ ] what bands he likes give a [ __ ] what any bands anybody likes um some of my best [ __ ] friends in the world fact I'd say pretty much all of them dude 90% of the [ __ ] I like they don't even like matter of fact I can I'm trying to think do any of who people I would who would just by definition by most people's definition be considered my best friends I can honestly say I don't think one of them likes Cannibal Corpse only one of them does so I don't care what people listen to dude that makes no difference as far as if I like you want to deal with you talk to you what you just said that for other guy's podcast no I said I don't think he wants to talk to me yeah um yeah tell I mean tell him to contact me again if he's got something to talk about I never turn it around like I said I never heard this guy so works for me um if he's if he's got questions for the dog he wants uh host something uh yeah I'm game I mean uh it's not GNA be in the month of May I can tell that right now I'm buried to the gills um the soonest probably by time once I get back from Maryland Milwaukee I'll be backed up for sure two to three weeks just to get up to that current day I mean that's talk I'm talking backed up grinding seven days a week seven days a week sunrise and sunset to get to that caught up after that maybe I can throw in some extracurricular activity go jump onto somebody else's channel so mid June at the soonest so yeah thr out there I mean hit him up I'm you know I got nothing against him so I never turn them down um yeah godam it
Channel: Justin Horval
Views: 2,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I0L7bPOFkbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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