Boys have a penis girls have a vagina, whats the problem with just accepting that?

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J Dan more godamn questions first up is reviewski p review from Nolan Harold Su Jay dog this is Nolan from the Massachusetts black metal band necroa everybody's heard of them we have a new single out and we would love if you'd review it on your channel yep yep yep put it on the [ __ ] tube Bruh Bruh we are all AV a dog watchers and we reference quote your lingo our daily conversations yeah homeboy the dogs got to become seems like weirdly enough it's kind of entering that on a small scale to where just the metal scene it's this own little community of people saying the [ __ ] I do and referencing and making memes um I mean it's kind of cool I I guess I maybe I don't think a whole lot of it because I I'm not on all over social media you know I don't have Instagram and [ __ ] which I might be getting that set up got a homeboy uh [ __ ] hit me up uh [ __ ] his goddamn name know want to shout it's in my goddamn email he wants to run my Instagram for me he said he'd set it up and monitor like that the only I think I'm a little skeptical of is not skeptical is it becomes to the point where because like you can monetize uh Instagram right eventually when it gets to a certain size how would you link that with me want the homeboy have my bank account I mean he seems like a cool dude but I don't trust him that watch every about [ __ ] um that would be my only goddamn conern he said he'd be the one that do the posts manage it everything um like yeah I kind of kind of works for me but nevertheless in the meantime I'm not on any that [ __ ] so I don't see any it's the only stuff I'm aware of is when people sent it to me and the only reason I'm becoming more like a yeah I guess a small scale people are using me in the scene for [ __ ] because even that shows and stuff just walking around people just randomly say quotes like like people complet strangers like walking by um so you know I guess it's kind of cool uh you met our old drummer who played on this song at the airport after hell's Heroes he was the one with all the page two and he was the one with all the Pates who doesn't like the tough [ __ ] as you said in your video yeah I remember him I forget his goddamn name um there was three guys that came up to me at the air airport when I was flying back from hell's Heroes and uh yeah all the people that came up to me at uh hell's Heroes there at the actual show and uh the airport he was one that uh that I remember and I probably would always remember because he seemed like a cool dude young guy very enthusiastic I like his energy uh not a [ __ ] weirdo and we're officially uh clicked with me I'm like this dude gets the goddamn uh two paws up he gets the goddamn Jay dog approval is he's just randomly saying [ __ ] he was talking about he was talking about somebody and he's like uh yeah the guy didn't like let's just say wasad I don't remember what bny said and the guy didn't even like [ __ ] Sodom he's like you're out of your G braah bra dude I started just [ __ ] rolling and right then immediately I was like okay this guy not only is watching everything he he he gets he he gets my humor he gets my mentality I didn't make that up again there's Easter eggs on every [ __ ] video Try to find them a lot of the [ __ ] I say is some people like oh my God this or that just like gayem for Mayhem I didn't make that up it was on the [ __ ] goddamn sign outside when they when they cancelled back I don't know if it was baxer that put it but his crew and Sh like that was right outside of extreme music like a lot of things I referenced it's it's it's goddamn Easter eggs so try to find them the AUD of your Gord that came from the movie groundhog me I just thought it was so [ __ ] funny that dorky guy he's out of his Gore It's like who the [ __ ] says Gore I've been using that since I was like 13 years old because it's [ __ ] funny it's a lot of what this [ __ ] is and he the fact that he picked up on it I'm like yeah see here's a homeboy that knows what's up most most the people watching I think they think they can they're just they think they know what's up they don't know what's up especially the guys that get that get their all they get the [ __ ] or not that's why I really just Jim D it those [ __ ] get them stick them in that kidney with the [ __ ] shake this [ __ ] hilarious I'm like dude you didn't even get the you you missed completely checked out the [ __ ] plane went right over your head you didn't get any of it it's complete [ __ ] goddamn box of chocolate boy hope you enjoy the song Stay brutal later goddamn it sent me to YouTube like yeah I thought it was a pretty damn decent black metal uh I listened to two songs you sent me that link and then it went to another one um yeah I thought it was pretty good um I listened to it because you got this this is like two days ago I'm finally getting it to it uh but I listened to the day of I remember there being if I mistaken like early Emperor uh riffs and um who else is popping my mind bukley was uh not more along the lines of I I'm not gonna say sadistic intent but in the L where it's not the screechy black metal it's not death metal it is black metal vocal but they're kind of more along you know the raspy like not like typical pure black model I'm not going to sit there and say original vocals because like I said it's closer you know something like a CIS time or Toxic Holocaust that type of deal you up goddamn metal archives says these home boy formed to 2020 so when they goddamn when the wimp vid was going on but he was [ __ ] uh shaking in their drawers the dog wasn't of course [ __ ] masking up and oh my God world's coming to an end dogs just rolling his eyes one of these [ __ ] boys you know open My Gym everything's going be back to normal in a few months of like they're only drag this [ __ ] out for so long it's obvious what they're doing dude they're using this as a cover up so whatever they're doing behind the scenes it's a distraction I knew day one dude the week when it got announced oh my God things are closing down and things officially Clos down and people are buying all the toilet paper I was literally laughing that I'm know not going to mention any names people in my immediate around me [ __ ] freaking out and [ __ ] I'm like dude I'm not even the least bit don't [ __ ] care I was like the society so pussified what are they going to do and we're all in this together anyways like it's whatever happens we're all going through it so what the [ __ ] difference of bro figure the [ __ ] out everybody's shaking like a goddamn leaf justoh and then what was a most annoying part about it all was a lot of the guys that were shaking shaking behind Mama's skirt they were the tough ones that look at this guy wearing a mask look at this guy getting the I'm like you were the first one to mask up braah braah you were the first one freaking out you were the first one I can't get this I get sick I'm like braah braah if this [ __ ] is [ __ ] fatal of what they're saying then that means you're the weak and the meek and the [ __ ] Only the Strong Survive goddamn it hit the gym take your vitamins take your fish o eat a healthy diet do your cardio you're good to go if that don't work then you you got some dog [ __ ] genetics I don't know what to tell you braah just what the [ __ ] what are you talking about you'd be fine and dog was didn't get it once totally fine had no problems just do the five things I just said and put on the goddamn deide and you'll be just [ __ ] fine people worrying about bit [ __ ] that's the year the goddamn started they're right in fck full like they're self-title goddamn full like 2020 band photo looking uh pretty rough and Guff fit in the bill is that a goddamn chick in the band oh yeah there's some goddamn bun in the band what does she do oh you said the uh catch guy out of his gourd guy he's not the ban no more huh I forget his [ __ ] name members we got uh got Nolan he's the one that sent it in he does all God damn sounds like you're pulling the but wagon over there bra braah all instruments 2020 to 2021 guitars Le 2021 vocals 2023 present hell H base violin I don't recall hear in a [ __ ] violin must be sprinklin on tracks vocals 2020 how many [ __ ] vocals you have br br is there two of you you maybe got a goddamn exom Duo going on you got Ross suwage you got the Harvesters I get it I get it that's probably what's going on I only call hear one style vocals and he got Logan he's on drums 2024 present kicked out the airport guy no o Logan and see how well he fits the [ __ ] bill yeah dropped the goddamn shorts that too home booy but a craer pleas pleasure to kill Shir is a completely acceptable pick you guys are young as [ __ ] this guy's born April 30th 2000 holy [ __ ] ski that was a goddamn weekend I was at at Ohio death Fest BR bruh 23 Jesus [ __ ] figured everybody was there oh no one here God damn 19 years old September 19th 2004 who the [ __ ] was born then dog dog was already graduated from high school Jesus [ __ ] let see what hell's about hell's gotta be the chick right yeah that's the goddamn 20 2003 May 7 [ __ ] boy godamn 20 years old holy [ __ ] [ __ ] grony turn the big 21 this year can drink uh can drink oh jeez here [ __ ] gender non-binary [ __ ] another one of those guys huh go watch Kindergarten Cop boys have a penis girls have a vagina it's not a insult or I don't like that word it's just facts what do you mean if you're born with a [ __ ] you're a chick if you're born with a dude a dick you're a dude one's not better than the other there's nothing wrong with it it's just it's just [ __ ] bi biology science facts I always one or two with these people you put it on there maybe you're too goddamn young probably don't go to the doctor 20 years old but you will my words as you get older it's GNA be inevitable when you go to the doctor and it says gender what do you put they don't give you an option they don't give you a third option it's either dick and balls or [ __ ] buns what you put on there and and why I got to ask them too what what I'm just confused like what what's the problem like why do you care to say one or the other like you you're almost saying it like it's a negative thing that's like saying that four-legged animal over there that cat no no no can't call A cat can't call a dog can't call it a rat can't call it a horse can't call it a zebra that four-legged animal there's different species it's not one's better than the other just tell me what it is so I know the [ __ ] it is hey that person over there go go go and talk to the two the two people which one we talking about the dude of the girl that that this person dude all right well there's a dude and there's a chick over there you want me to go up and say something to one of them which [ __ ] one of you referring to talking about the person man the person whatever dude if that gets your feathers ruffled holy [ __ ] Sky you got some goddamn [ __ ] uh a life of disappoint coming from you shees as [ __ ] I sure hope you don't get cancer man when doc gives you that goddamn news how how you going to respond to that you don't even like the [ __ ] goddamn uh the word of AG gender that you're just naturally Bor that that offends you that day comes and you got [ __ ] fatal colon cancer you [ __ ] br br Jonathan Sherman P question readings from across the pond J Dog old Bean yeah we put that in there as a firm defender of all things Glen Betton I just want to get your on the AI generated artwork for the new dside album dude I yeah I we get everybody's got their [ __ ] up in a not I didn't think it was that goddamn big of a deal personally I think album artwork is one of the cornerstones of heavy music it definitely it's definitely important with such a rich Heritage of incredible artists and designers in the genre over the years it feels like a bit of a kick in the nuts to an industry that places a lot of importance on its imagery it literally looks like he typed Glen Benton angry reptile alien into a shitty generator the thing is thing isn't even high was he thinking if we cut cost on artwork I can buy that new garden furniture I'd like to think this is a temporary blip and not the start of a trend in band's cutting cost to the detriment of actual human talent and creativity we want paid artists every a jolly spiffing day Johnny SARS so honestly dude I didn't think anything of it until and I said this way before this whole whole AI Community came out of there it was I think it was wood dog that sent me just an image to text here's a new deide cover first goty else I'm like yeah AI none of that popped my mind I'm just like I was hoping for something like because he said and the uh first time I think he said it was either the Jamie Jos interview or the Chris gar interview they were both what a year or two ago now he said now all his kids are all grown up he doesn't have to worry about any legal [ __ ] as his ex-wife and stuff like that that he's just he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's going ham and just he's not going to somewhat even censor it's going to be just all out extremity I was hoping for something like kind of once upon the cross something with some whoa this again you know I mean like that that that stirred that was again make met metal offensive again because DSi were at the time a very offensive band especially the nasses they just flat out work um and shocking especially to crossing over to a little bit more of a mainstream audience don't want to say mainstream but getting into stores and stuff like that as opposed to [ __ ] chorophobia or something obviously no one's [ __ ] seeing that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so I was kind of hoping for something like that I'm just like eh I was like I liked the idea I was like it represents the first album Medallion Glenn Benton's face it had the tongue like Serpent of light it had a lot of charact characteristics of Pride so I did like that about it yeah I was hoping for something more offensive that that was it but the whole the piece of art finally totally fine I didn't think that big of a deal of it and Glenn even said in a recent interview supposedly it's not even full-blown AI said there was used AI used to like touch up now I don't know if they if he's lying if he's talking his ass and he kind of said I I kind of with them too like he's like let's just say even it was AI who the [ __ ] cares a good piece of art is a good piece of art I kind of agree with them because here's the thing is too is like I do agree with you on the artist and stuff like that but some of it's all looking the same for example um Mark rck he's great Matt pure he's [ __ ] great um uh what the [ __ ] is uh uh that guy did all the goddamn beer covers uh Chris Mo it's a SP like for example if I was to have a band would I use Chris Mo no would I use M Mark rck no would I use Matt putri no and the only reason I wouldn't use him on my piece of art is because it's going to look like multiple multiple multiple other bands you know you get a map future to Mark gtic piece of art which the artwork's always really cool I always like it I'm like okay this is more than likely going to be a death metal album or G grind album because that's mostly what it's on and it's all you know chopped up dead bod stuff like that cool art but I'm like I don't want to just fit in so who else is kind of out there to separate yourself and in case you haven't noticed listen to Glenn interviews and it was just obvious without even listen the side always try to separate themselves from the past you know from all the guys from the cannibals The Morbid Angels they TR whether they you feel they succeed it or not Glen try to stand out and do his own [ __ ] thing not just fit in so I I kind of I can see where he's coming from um now a lot of the stuff is what I wouldn't like the AI but it's like thing is too dude what people are bitching about is how is that any different than and nobody it seems like I was the only one saying it granted I mean I know Sea Dog and [ __ ] knows that too is all these these Gore grind bands and gutur roll bands even a lot of metal blame bands whether it been a later Christian cover Vader cover or a lot of the central media [ __ ] it's just an Adobe Photoshop [ __ ] cover that literally looks like a PlayStation game that's what it [ __ ] looks like like this this looks like the next Mortal Kombat [ __ ] uh game nobody was ever saying anything about that [ __ ] but they're saying stuff about thei I was like as long as the artwork's actually good and it doesn't look like it looks like the metal cover at least I mean at least look like a goddamn [ __ ] metal cover a lot of the stuff like I said you uh it seem like Central media was the biggest [ __ ] effect especially like the 2000 manand again some of the records I thought were actually they're good albums um who's a perfect [ __ ] example um like trying to think of an album that I like one's pop my my kind of chrisstian assassination you just look at the cover and you're like is this yeah like like what PlayStation game is this you take off the Christian logo I would think yeah what game is this for PlayStation 10 that's what it looks like as far as I recall I don't care I I don't recall anyone bitching about that cover the new DSi is better that's for sure so that's kind of my stance on it uh it seems like since with all the backlash or whatever the next deide album was assuming they put out another [ __ ] album because you know then that's going to be my goddamn question the GB interview granted it seems like uh question why would you ask that again it's how much longer I'm going to word it just like yeah feel good bro goes as long as I can I'm going to word it differently he already somewhat answered an interview how much longer you realistically think you can do this and will do this uh I'm assuming they have at least another one album in there seem they do an album about every five years do the math five years he's going be 16 years old not that that's super [ __ ] old but you know I mean he it's getting up there it depends on how what your lifestyle was and how you live lived how beat up are you not then you go a little longer than others came from high Rax God damn [ __ ] looks like he's 40 Dan beer of Exciter I mean he he looked about 60 but he looked like he looked like a healthy good in shape 60 year old he looked like he's holding up pretty good like oh yeah I could see him doing this for another five ten years even though yeah I could look at this guy I'm not like hey looks like he's 40 he looks about his age but not falling apart oh my back oh [ __ ] let me get the Cade oh oh man we be in oh [ __ ] look like he's getting around just fine you know doing do okay well the G be there in 5 years I don't know I don't know what his uh current state of health is or whatnot but some guys completely fall apart having said that assuming they do another goddamn album I have a feeling with this backlash they probably it'll probably be something drawn up this time just for just to shut [ __ ] people up or who knows maybe he'll be like the dog you know uh which kind of it's funny because that's why I really like uh seems like that's why why just jive with all in all the band the lyrics um this whole mentality a lot of it's exactly the way I've always thought is that whole [ __ ] you attitude I don't give a [ __ ] what you think dude I'm going to do what I like if others like it that's a bonus [ __ ] yeah that's the way I do for these [ __ ] videos too that's why I just say whatever the [ __ ] I say there's gonna be people gonna make fun of me there's going to be people think I'm a complete idiots that's fine I I don't care um but there's gonna be people that like you you know I just put it out there these are my thoughts whoever doesn't like it that's fine whoever does like it that's just a bonus that it's literally just a bonus it doesn't make any goddamn difference to me either way Clen he didn't say those exact words but that's along those lines when he said to how he's doing with theide and having said that if he's very similar minded like me just the fact that it pissed people off the next time he might just do full-blown AI just a sack of two them because like I said to stick that knife in extra hard it's like kind of like the dog does [ __ ] him man if that piss people off and and the thing is dude there that old saying dude Greg Valentino there's no such there's no such thing as bad publicity once your own obituary look how much many more people got talking about dite dude because a new cover cover CU how many people you think oh man you look at this covered sucks look sayi yeah I haven't listened to a dside album since [ __ ] scars of the crucifix let's toss this shitty thing on supposedly actually it's supposed to arrive in the mail my tracking number late as [ __ ] two two days um uh it say supposed to arrive today lpcd and t-shirt goddamn it pre-ordered it um spinning that to my goddamn ears bleed uh but I did listen to two other songs on YouTube the opening song from Unown unkknown Heights you shall fall specifically listen that because the first song and if there's a music video dude I gotta say so far that's my [ __ ] favorite song that song was [ __ ] Banger um even some of the lyed vocals and like the first uh opening line like the first uh paragraph i' say of lyrics and when lay some of his highs in the way how it just it rhymed it was catchy I thought the song was fan [ __ ] tastic because so far and then I listened to think it was the last song of the album that was it the only two then I heard s the tongue and be the cross so far my least favorite song I've heard four songs off the album uh my least favorite song so far was seven of the tong it's a good song Don't wrong but it's it's not their best and it somebody's gonna be first somebody's gonna be [ __ ] last uh so out of the songs that I have heard um that was my least favorite uh but make no mistake I'll be listening to them two dayses track I'm here at the goddamn office said the tracking say Al for delivery so let's post man [ __ ] me like the goddamn guy did Sodom cruelty record guy that's SL all the goddamn Place talking about these post meags unless they [ __ ] me and someone steals it off my goddamn porch it's possible um the new godddamn de side should be goddamn waiting me will we do a review dog I mean I'll discuss it when I thought of it I might GNA do a full revieww I dude I emailed the goddamn label I was like I sent on my bear the cross which got the most views by of any other YouTuber that reviewed at the time day it went up here's my review I bought the album CDL P that even asking for a freebie can you just send my pack let's say two weeks in advance I will do a special video reviewing it I want nothing pay me nothing just [ __ ] my pack too early my my pack early and I will review it and post it you tell me when do you want it like two days up before do you want the week before do you want the day of you tell me kind of like I know why I want to help these ham aners out I'm doing a free [ __ ] service that's only going to benefit then 100% will benefit and mad way no reply that type of [ __ ] I'm just kind of [ __ ] these guys dude com out the V side I talk about the [ __ ] I like I'm not going on my way to do something especially now I got a late goddamn path when it's like why would you just delete I'm not replying to this guy it's no extra hassle you still had to send the [ __ ] pack out see how much longer that labels in business because I gota be completly [ __ ] honest with you man prior to the new de side I never these [ __ ] guys so will they last will they will the will the next DSi be coming out on this label doll's prediction is no it's not and probably for bad decision mov like thater godam it
Channel: Justin Horval
Views: 3,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Um4TBaMqbZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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