D&D 5e Optimizers talk about their Builds in Baldur's Gate 3!

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Evelyn I I need to throw up oh my god I've made a playlist for the series Link in the description welcome to back tactics I'm Cobalt and here are my friends from tabletop builds Link in the description for their site all of us normally make DND 5e optimization contents but for fun we thought we should at least beat act 1 together in this video we're gonna explain our builds and why we picked the things we did anyways let the fun begin so you guys asked a bit more about our build so let's get into it um for my build uh right now we just leveled up to level five and I've got four levels into it and one level in sorcerer starting off with sorcerer because uh Constitution saving throws are pretty powerful as a spellcaster and then four other levels into Druid itself Landry to be specific um lender it's pretty nice uh in uh normal 5V as well because of natural recovery and the additional spouses you get natural recovery is similar to Arcane recovery from Wizard so you uh get more spells in a day currently I'm mostly focused on while shaping using web a lot but uh for my latest land root option I picked up the darkness spell because that seems really good in this game um you'll probably find out more uh in other parts of the video or have already found it out it's a pretty nice spell um so far I've got the alert feet um we haven't really gotten that many Feats just yet but with Constitution saving throws and alert I'm pretty sad for now my turn I went straight for Beast Master to level five for extra attack sharp shooter uh Spike growth webs and that's basically it oh an archery fighting style um from now on I'm gonna level into different things like I'm currently I'm thinking about going into Thief Rogue because they get like a kind of like a pseudo extra attack at level three maybe I'll grab light cleric I don't know that's a very good option for your next level yeah for level six and then seven just the light cleric and then uh at level eight respect the wording flare gives this advantage to an attack and uh unlike in 5e happens as often as you want there's no resource cost to it so it's like it's like War magic uh that they're well into a feature except better because it doesn't stop you from casting old spells and disadvantages statistically more value than plus two AC and it can like actually turn uh the crits into not crits I'm like in 5V hello Evelyn hello so uh I am playing a conjuration wizard with a one level dip into light cleric which gives me the Bliss spell or Sanctuary or create water and infinite warning flare so it's one level of that four levels of conjugation wizard right now Wizards are very very good in this game because you get just a few just like 5V you get the biggest spell list and because of the nature of this game you get a lot of spells and we just spent a couple minutes resetting vendor inventories to get a lot of Scrolls but the game gives them a lot to you anyway so my spell list is very large right now I don't know if Brian is showing that right now but um I have access to very powerful things like Darkness gust of winds uh Tasha City's laughter and multiple rituals like uh jump and long straighter feather fall and conjuration wizard gets one for short wrist great water which is very good even at our current level because it makes a water surface things sweats for extra cold and slightening damage uh and the the Frozen surface is like basically web because people like it's a difficult terrain and they have to make a save against prone in my race is drow so that I can do wields hand crossbows uh which I can shoot with an offhand per bonus action don't even ask attack because they just give that to you in this game oh and uh drow also gets a free cast of Darkness every day very very good because of the way that it functions in this game it blocks range attacks in and outs functions as like mobile cover when you walk in and out of it yourself and uh ranged enemies basically just turn off because they no longer have an option against you look even volo's taking notes for his builds okay hello narc what are you playing today I am currently now playing five levels of Swords Bard with the plans of uh continuing on because more so swords bar six is very nice you're just you're just a better martial period five is fine I got uh because uh the thing with swords bar that's nice is your little your little slash and flurry which lets you target two people you can Target the same ones so you just kind of get more attacks other than that you you got spells which guess what uh Marshalls don't have spells generally so you got both we like both I'm also I'm also a half uh a half drows or I still get to hold a shield because you want the shield and I got spells like darkness and fairy Fire for free which also nice especially Darkness I like to not be targeted it's nice I love the pose you make you look so angry I look like I'm motorboating when I do this you look at you look like you're going to go um maybe all right long rest end today it's party time party time oh Kaka is apparently here oh that's weird what the heck she's not invited to my party I'm going nowhere your daughter oh right um their daughter was murdered oh snap she got poisoned huh she's gonna die a name picture yeah oh my God a kid died yeah the mom is killing her now because the kid died yeah ordered the Viper to kill her kid yeah we found the Precision check all right um I'm just gonna watch quietly yeah three good party oh come on he could at least deal with the body yourselves good bearing yay [Laughter] amazing she trucks that's amazing so she just died okay oh yeah yeah you guys should see how she died on my screen let me turn on live stream she's she's slumped over right she's like in the ball yeah I'm gonna talk to vampire no we could always make our own entertainment darling get a little closer so to speak what the vampire wants what yeah that happened sure you come for the magic I get an option that says I'd rather better Goblin darling oh that's the option I was gonna ask Horsley so I would ride we killed her say please persuasion I want to succeed this yay natural 20. wait what happens good boy let's get together tonight oh okay can can you can someone summarize what just happened I was talking to Google uh he was dumbing uh a staring oh that's something you can do I guess yeah I guess I made him say please oh yeah there we go now you guys can watch big day thank you foreign [Laughter] [Music] only [Laughter] relax enjoy yourself trust him not to bite you uh for me to do nothing offer him your neck role playfully oh I can role play no do not offer him your neck don't be no role play oh no big kobold ass what the heck he left me oh cuddle I want to know about you sleep light I thought you'd be exhausted after last night [Laughter] I'm surprised I got that scene because I've only interacted with him once are you gonna talk to duggle hey I look so menacing with my teeth out he can't do there we go spider turn based mode uh turn base mode I would like more distance because you know they're literally already on the hill but okay yeah we can we can just go up to the to the hack uh we can either go up to the monster hunter or we can go to the hack house and have a better position yeah and if you go to the hack they all teleport to her I'd prefer to kill him before that fight you see where the teleport thing is yes going up there that's low ground or we or we just like fight with the the Monster Hunter like he's just right over there yeah that's a high ground yeah I think that would be better combat okay no no oh no oh no this blew his back out he's gonna hunt my boyfriend no don't tell him anything or else I'm gonna be mad say one yeah we've met I suppose you'll tell me where he is he is no don't tell him tell him tell him no no don't do it this is my playthrough this is my save D this is my YouTube channel we have to be professional about this it's a very good question why is Justin the face and not not Brian uh I don't wanna can you just go over there and pull one of them and then come back up here yeah would you like me to do that yeah one of you uh and then I'll just play safe okay so what oh and then I'll just place a bunch of webs like right behind you sure okay I missed uh are they surprised they are okay we surprised them no no you all can join combat okay we shouldn't really need to need to use false thoughts on this at all if we just you know walk backwards damn it stupid Hunter what he busted me and now I'm into the fight I'm sorry he walked wasn't last night enough for you oh my God so I'm gonna place the web here then seems fine be careful of the that Lantern there which will burn the web if you put it on top not enough range I need the dash foreign getting to us anyway so oh sweet the water also counts as this difficult Terrain and they're also wet yeah they are no uh but now I am the only person that's uh doing anything without anyone so I can finish off the six HP one oh do you wanna yeah I have a sure yeah he's wet there we go I had a higher chance of doing it you can just attack the other guy crit go ahead oh my God so many Arrow I'm such a pro I mean two Crossroads sharpshader builds those kind of speed up combat yeah okay there's just a sage left alone he's not that big of a deal um he can give others triple attack or something like that so it's good to get rid of anyone he could put it on yep he's dashing into melee nice good work awesome firing squad I want to jump to get the high grounds okay what jump to get the high grounds on there's still traffic though for this this encounter sure I clicked at the same time you did it did okay I'm pressing oh nope okay Mary did it okay everybody is acting let me just I have a functions in my uh POV right now yeah we can just attack that one yeah let's attack her I can also hit her just don't oh yeah we don't have a warlock anymore okay I'll shoot first okay simple gaming all right target two I guess the one that we can see is mask of regret I guess goodness okay for regrets that's fine just finish her off though yeah finish off wherever you think you can finish off it's fine I just that was the only one that I had right I had in range they're surprised any or they're not surprised for some reason I don't know why what the heck I was in the middle of my turn it just added it to the to the same like group of turns it's fine let's see that was moving me I kind of hate that of course you could just like lock your movement this one's blinded y'all I've advantage on this one nice it sounds like uh the hacks voice it sure does oh great he's going into our line of sight ha ha indeed oh I lull at you oh crit one simple gaming darn good I was frightened which is just kind of annoying wow that was easy so we're gonna we're gonna jump everyone I'm gonna feather fill everyone we'll go turn base to jump here and then the next turn jump uh down to the ends oh there you go simple gaming yeah look forward Center here just trying to get my Crow over there we go I'm probably gonna chill here so can we use that doorway to our advantage probably not that much not really it is a Spock I mean all right so let's see guys this turn we're in turn base so it's not gonna run down or anything all right so and that didn't start combat so uh I don't know I guess I can run down there see what happens whoever yeah someone just jumped just jump over here and come back oh okay there we go okay now you guys can take your turns I'm gonna Rook I'm gonna hit the control word oh she's taking a bunch of turns how do we know which one is real I think she's the first one initiative right I don't see I'm not an initiative do I just need to shoot the controller I already clicked it it's gonna go down next turn okay how do I know which one to shoot oh I'm an initiative excuse me yeah don't know what got a click means you need to attack them oh there's no way to find out otherwise I'm pretty sure she's the very first one initiative she was for me at least but uh [Laughter] but these guys kind of suck anyway so it's so good for killing them right it's only one left so that that's through the real one yeah apparently all the others also had an effect of you know them being illusions on them uh I think they might have all had eggs no no she didn't the real one um make sure you don't miss click on Marina okay so there's one with level five and one at level one so I think we're gonna attack the one at level five okay yeah make sure you only click once a level one one have more health yeah only click once just in case you mean yes okay I'll attack level five Marina once with a bonus action attack I'll wait for you because I do more damage per you're right oh clogs you wear clogs you can really I don't wear clogs not all Dutch people work blocks ah that sounds fake okay okay remember not from why not the killer too good so you stay here at yhp Daniel you're a clever clog or be good to save before uh I can't hit her from there I should probably jump down you have two attacks right yes um okay we need to hit her like one more time I believe she's this one yeah the most invisible dialogue coming from this position yeah like dialogue from an invisible person uh Justin do you wanna attack I got her oh okay and now you go Justin don't don't attack the main one anymore just clear out the okay just clear out the um the the bonus that well if you ideally the two that are um that our first initiative okay which are kind of far away I'm gonna shoot that one on top here is that because the real one is lower HP you see and she's 13. I can't go for the ones far away they're too far do you want me to you want me to hit the main one no no do not have the main one you might kill her I'm just going to clear out the Charizard it's fine the two of the Illusions will just attack before she begs for her life uh yeah Daniel's on the actions okay so I'm gonna oh you're gonna shoot him okay I got one of them no it pointed nice what do you mean no you did the thing you meant to do I ran into webs and I didn't mean to do that and turn okay ends turn wait I don't see that uh yes I have share private moments on yeah that's fine I finally to return I'll always have always win but it's split so give us the power let me leave with the girl and I'll give you power you want to be stronger to smarter done anything is possible ability score plus one can we kill her after saying yes no okay so if we succeed if we succeed on an intimidation to check we can get her to give us the girl and the hair let's try it out and if there's someone not in combat you can shoot her after she does so oh didn't know that it's a BC 30. so you can't do it uh it's a Rowan at 20. oh that's Auto success I'm lucky um I mean do we care if maybe we're gonna gets taken nah okay so we want the hair right oh yeah sure yes it actually helps us too much plus one ability score but it just it just gives Brian uh plus four decks not yourself syntax yes 17 decks yes okay here oh I see over there now I don't know deals on girl and you're not leaving my side till you till never she's not happy either way best of luck bye bye bye bye better um she's gone okay eat the hair with lice oh yummy oh okay thank you again there we go 18 dexterity optimal guys look at me I have the mask on I could take it off oh Ryan take it off okay it actually has a negative downside like yeah it makes it so that the head can control you well the heck is gone but no she isn't she's alive well she didn't do anything to me because I I'm cool end the video if you want this series to continue past act one please like share and subscribe thank you for watching bye bye
Channel: Pack Tactics
Views: 29,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cjrJcr3MUiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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