Justice League/Doom War: Full Story | Comics Explained

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okay so we are getting into justice Lee the Justice Doom ward and initially I thought doing this video like doing that this story arc is a singular story arc unto itself but for a lot of people who are reading either you're the villain or just the the Justice League events itself or at least getting caught up it can all be really confusing right in terms of like Perpetua and the multiverse and all these forces and everything that are going on I so the cool thing about this is that while other writers like Joshua Williamson is writing the flash and he's using like you know there's kind of the the induction of these other forces you know the still force and and sage force and so on and so forth we're gonna kind of ignore that not insofar is it's not in an continuity or not in existence I mean it is but we're gonna kind of ignore what's going on there and we're gonna focus strictly on what's happening here because what scott snyder really does is essentially explain it all and the reality of this is it's kind of the question why did DC wait so long and this really kind of reveals it in terms of the events going on here but the cool thing about it is that this really picks up with the idea between the Justice League and the the Legion of Doom going to war against each other and a reality that's how it is that the events of year the villain are set up right like you're the villain is interesting insofar as as like you know the offer of Lex Luthor right basically like he travels around from place to place to various villains essentially and offers them you know that makes the offer like do they want to join his Legion of Doom The Joker turned it down and in a lot of a lot of ammo turn it down but a lot of them have also accepted it too and so as a result of that it's basically you know the the the offer set of events are the offers storyline in DC is really more just like back up features like one page you know or two page parts at the end of a story where where Lex Luthor is basically building up his own Legion of Doom that's really all it is and in reality I wouldn't have called it like year of the villain I will just call it like the rise of the Legion of Doom or something like that you know and it just would have tied into and made a lot more sense in terms of like if only you know only because of its namesake but at the very least here with Lex Luthor forming his own Legion of Doom for the purpose of basically serving Perpetua and then the Justice League standing against him that's kind of where things are at the moment so what this does is it actually picks up seemingly like with the battle with the war seemingly over right like the the Legion of Doom having basically won and what's cool about this is we get this depiction of Lex Luthor who basically uses all these forces at his disposal right like the Silph force the ultraviolet lantern forces you guys who were unfamiliar remember the ultraviolet lanterns are basically lanterns who can bring out essentially the worst in people right like all the raw negative emotions are all kind of brought to the surface unlike most the other Lantern cores that really get their power from a central power battery the ultraviolet Lantern core is basically fed by Umbridge this beam that existed outside the source wall and then once the source wall was broken made its way into the main DC universe again we've got a video on like what the ultraviolet lanterns are so you'll find that down in the description if you want a more nuanced and a more detailed explanation there but the long and short of it is that everything that's going on right now that is to say Lex Luthor basically killing all the members of the Justice League basically destroying any opposition that he has is really more of a vision of sorts that's given to them by will paint by star man right and this is important because what it does is it basically shows the Justice League this is what you guys are gonna be dealing with this is what you guys are gonna be coming with at the moment this is how bad things are popping off and so what the way this plays out it's really interesting the way this plays out is will Payton basically says like like in order to essentially pull this off if we faced off against Lex Luthor as he stands now we'll lose just because of the fact that his his that the fraction of the totality the device that basically allowed him to essentially bring back Perpetua and in turn allows two seemingly channel some of his energy or at least most of his energy is much bigger than will Payton's basically so essentially like he can tap into more that power than will Payton camp and so the argument is we need to go to like two different points in time outside of the present day in order to access these various you know remainders of the of the totality remember this is an artifact that when it came flying through in and landed on earth in the main DC Universe it also breached the barriers of space and time just because of the fact that space and time are synonymous you can't have one without the other and so it basically left fractions of itself throughout the time stream and the two big fractions they need would equal a power or seem to rival the power of Lex Luthor and give them a fighting chance and so because of that what the Justice League ends up doing is basically bringing together the entirety of its team right like the whole totality of its team you've got Shazam here you've got like like Black Canary you've got Supergirl you've got all these various characters here um all of whom are are essentially like fighting on behalf of the Justice League and trying to see this mission come to its fruition now this is where the explanation begins to come into play and this is why it matters so much is because what we end up finding out here from will paint in the way this plays out is that at some point or another Perpetua was basically created by what was called this source right and the source it's one of these things that DC's never fully bothered to like go on and explain in its entirety if you go back and you read the old Jack Kirby comics right the old fourth world comics and things like that the source basically God but then you go into like the Vertigo line and then like God is there like like it's called the presence right so like God actually exists for the most part dc's kind of treated it insofar as the source is essentially God to a degree and then like God has different aspects right so like God's judgment comes in the form of the Specter different things like that DC really treats their kind of source of creation as a little more ambiguous the regardless of the circumstance the idea behind this was that the source essentially created Perpetua alongside of a host of other individuals that would go forward and essentially create like universes and multiverses right they would create life so very celestial esque from Marvel Comics in terms of their form and function the difference is that unlike unlike the the individuals that she fought beside or at least kind of existed beside perpetual wanted to bring down the various you know I guess parents for lack of a better word and this essentially led to her creating like what would eventually become humans and Martians right in the sense that as Lex Luthor existent exists now he's what perpetual originally created and then in turn they basically split off as time went on then you got humans and he got Martians as a result of that Lex Luthor has kind of the first step in a return to the the various kind of source of beings that Perpetua created ultimately this led to a kind of civil war sorts where you had Perpetua facing off against the monitor the anti-monitor and the forger of worlds and they in turn imprisoned her behind the source wall because that with the new multiverse basically being created as it exists now kind of wiping away what she did and then the the monitor anti-monitor in the the forger of worlds creating like a new multiverse this basically leads to things as they exist at the moments that's why you have the Speed Force you've got the emotional spectrum as it exists the various Lantern cores it exists out there everything outside of the ultraviolet lanterns basically you've got the sphere of gods and presumably the rock of eternity and all that kind of good stuff what what will Peyton basically says is on the other side of that coin are basically all the the seven hidden energies of creation as they were used by Perpetua basically what she created when she created her to her dark multiverse basically like her evil version of the multiverse more or less and that's when you start getting into into all the various forces that are kind of coming into fruition now Riley there's still force to Sage force all that kind of good stuff those are all the things that Lex Luthor can essentially tap into if he's able to harness like the full totality of what he can do and that's why when you looked at the beginning of the story the Justice League was utterly destroyed because they never really had a chance to face off against such a sheer level of power and so with that being the case what you basically got here is you have shored of the totality in the past which the Justice League has to get and then a shard of the totality in the future with the Justice League has to get and then bring them all together in the present day and then presumably they'll stand a fighting chance and so it's a cool little moment here like when you get this this explanation in terms of how it all works which in reality having like that condensed in a concise explanation this kind of long overdue right like having a whole one-shot comic that explains it but doesn't in a murky way is okay but at the end of the day like you know especially me I do much better when I have like a clear and concise short explanation on something so it'll have to like hunt all over the place you're trying to decipher clues or different things like that it's interesting it kind of depends on the story but the long and short of this is that with Lex Luthor's Legion of Doom fully assembled the other half of this is they also know what the Justice League is doing and the reason why is it really comes out of the issue before this which isn't super important I mean it is important in so far as like what you learned from it but basically djaro had kind of taken over the the Justice League to a degree nothing anything insane it was like nefarious or anything like that but djaro is a small piece of Starro and Starro had been destroyed at one point but is basically regrowing under the control of Lex Luthor and so because star au is regrowing he's able to reach out into his smaller little tidbits there here and there which comes in the form of djaro and because djaro had taken over the minds of the Justice League it means that djaro read their minds and in turn star ov now knows everything that Justice League is going to do so essentially this battles done before it's won and it's kind of a it's a cool little moment there because what it does is it creates a branch right it creates the ability for the the Legion of Doom to essentially use star au as a means to spy on his djaro counterpart and then watch the Justice League all the time so this whole discussion that they've had this whole plan that they've put together you know with the help of will Payton is all now known by the Legion of Doom and so it's basically like okay so like there is it seemingly screwed they're basically screwed like there's really not much they can do at the same time they've also got a saboteur in their ranks that when the portals are created that allow them to enter into the timestream is basically sabotage they don't end up exactly where they're supposed to or at least it doesn't seem to be the case right you end up picking up with Jon Stewart and you pick up with the flash both of whom are you know arrived in the past but they don't arrive in the past as it's supposed to exist right now they arrive in the past as it has already been conquered by Perpetua and Oliver of various forces right so it's one of these these weird little scenarios because Hypertime in DC is is really like an over complicated mess it was the attempt of DS see to basically keep what they did after crisis on Infinite Earths right before crisis on Infinite Earths you had a multiverse you had multiple realities each one having its own version of the Justice League or any number of combinations right having no Justice League at all having just like a series of heroes here and there and different things like that when crisis on Infinite Earths happened DC eliminated all of that by they said okay there's only one universe the issue is that it limited the heck out of their ability to write stories right like how do you write stories that are interesting where they go to a far-flung future they go to some scenario where things played out differently and and so on and so forth and so wounded up happening is with Mark Waid and a couple others DC invented hyper time and hyper time if you can imagine it in your head is one of these points where if you start from point A and you go to point B if you look at it as a single time line it's just point A to point B it's a straight line that's basically it with hyper time what you get is point a and then you curve up and come down to point B and that curve is like some alternate reality where the flash killed everybody and then you've got one where it curves down from point A to point B and that curve is an alternate reality where Superman killed everybody it's a way for DC to basically say there's alternate timelines and they all branch off from a singular point in time but they all coalesce and basically arrive in a guaranteed future they're there but it's like they're not there right I mean it's like one of those things work no matter what you do you can't change it essentially there's no way to undo that timeline it's I think it's kind of murky and I think it's a mess and I think it's unnecessary and I think it's complicated in reality I either pick alternate realities and just go with the Marvel formula or don't right it's just Marvel's formula for alternate realities is infinitely easy to understand right like branch universe theory if it exists there exists an alternate reality for it and then alternate reality exists because something in the main Marvel Universe happened that caused it but regardless of the situation you also end up picking up with Superman Wonder Woman and Batman who of course are sent into this future and in turn like when they arrived there this hotel he's conquered everything and of course they're rescued by kid command II now the character of command II uh I guess command e I mean command E I'm not really you know III call it command E maybe it's came and II I'm not a hundred percent sure how you pronounce it but he basically comes from an old-school comic that was actually self titled command e commanding the ongoing series which was lost in 1972 um technically it was called command e the last boy on earth and the way this played out was that in this alternate reality which I think was designated earth 86 I'm not gonna swear to that I want to say there's two different iterations there's earth 86 and earth 295 but basically that the long and short of it was that after this natural disaster especially when it came to like radiation the fallout of nuclear war this essentially permeated a handful of animals both being experimented on by a particular doctor as well as whatever animals were left around the environment and over the course of time it became anthropomorphic so think Planet of the Apes except more than just Apes and in turn these this basically led to Kamandi being the last boy who was left on earth the last human being of sorts what Scott Schneider really seems to be doing here which I'm not avidly against it is taking the concept of command E and then just rolling it in right now and just kind of saying okay here's a more updated depiction of the character he hails from a universe where the great Cataclysm the great you know disaster that was prophesized by the people who inhabited earth at the time before it all took place was actually the arrival of Perpetua and essentially the recreation of the multiverse why we can just kind of go with that and take it as an explanation it works commanding obscure enough where where Scott Steiner can really kind of do what he wants with him and then just sort of call it a day most people probably never heard of them or I'd never heard of the character or anything along those lines but the fact remains and that when it comes to this the arrival of the league here and basically being saved by these animal men essentially indicates that there is some measure of resistance against the forces of Perpetua and lex luthor and so on and so forth which kind of makes sense right I mean it'd be somewhat bleak and really hopeless if it turned out to be like a forever I'm sorry a future what was what was that um um I keep on to say future imperfect but that's not right it's not it's not called future imperfect what is it called oh my god Gordon do not delete this segment like people have to understand how my brain works and me trying to figure these things out because I feel like there's fans right now who are screaming the name into their monitors and or spewing the name into their phones or whatever and I'm just sitting here like struggling um it's not future's end I think it is features and I think that's what it's called I can't remember ah I got a little bit into it and I was like this is garbage and then closed it which I imagine most people won't disagree with littles gonna be like you were kind of right to make that call that story's pretty bad ah but it'd be it'd be different if it was something bleak like that right we're like everybody's screwed basically ah but to have a kind of resistance force basically means it like there's still remnants out there there's still factions out there and if it's commanding any animal men well then there could be various other individuals out there now it could also just be like Scott Schneider using this as a way to just kind of springboard okay a new command e-series you know just kinda like we're gonna talk about commanding now and and whether or not that that's popular kind of remains to be seen but here's the big takeaway from this right here's the big the big thing for all this and when I saw this it like I almost popped it was insane like I got I got to this and I was just like oh like holy cow right so like you pick up with with Jon Stewart and with the flash and with this this future they're looking at you know in this this landscape so obviously we're talking about two different futures but with this future that they're looking at in this landscape like everything seems to be just like totally you know kind of collapsed and what's left of civilization is living in like huts and these little makeshift buildings and different things like that and suddenly they're met by the arrival like they they have like this giant green ring that circles around them and it's just like okay so like what are the world is going on and my first thought when I saw this is all like okay cool like other guys who are gonna be against who are gonna be against like Perpetua and lex and all them and whatever this multiverse is or there's kind of existing in this universe whatever this universe happens to be I'm kind of curious who these guys are gonna be lets heard the page instead it was the Justice Society of America and I was like what in the hell like I was a dude man let me tell you something yeah I was do my mind was blown always like dude this is bonkers man who the JSA and here's the thing it's the whole JSA right like Sandman Johnny Thunder like Jay Garrick uh Alan Scott dr. fate I was dude Hawk man I was like what in the world is going on that guy who's like the Panther looking guy that I never cared enough to learn about like it's it's crazy to see that I was like dude this is this is nuts man so like the JSA is not really back in so far as they're back in the main DC Universe I think that's confined to Geoff Johns but we get to see the JSA man who cares how they appear man these dudes could all be wearing underpants and I would be like JSA son let's get to it did I be hyped okay so we are finally getting back into the Justice Doom war by Scott Snyder we are getting into part two part DOS and this is gonna be kind of a big one here right there's a lot going on but as a bit of a refresher for people who are unfamiliar right because it took us a little while to kind of get back into this what you basically have here the kind of big overarching thing is the return of Perpetua and the reason why we say the return is because Perpetua was the one who created the multiverse right this at least this particular multiverse in DC Comics and the idea was that she was essentially not really governed by so much as ruled over or assisted by these kind of apex predator soldiers now eventually she was defeated by the combined forces of the monitor the anti-monitor and the forger of worlds and so following her defeat and her imprisonment within the source wall it then turned to the monitor the you monitor in the forger of worlds to begin creating kind of like a new multiverse that basically you know ended up in its current form as it exists now and of course included things like you know Infinite Crisis Final Crisis crisis on Infinite Earths different things like that but the idea was that perpetuo has basically been released by by Lex Luthor and Lex Luthor is kind of reverted back into one of her apex predators right now the way this played out was originally these predators were ultimately split but when one part of them kind of became humans the other part became martians and so with lex luthor absorbing martian manhunter that's how we kind of reverted back into this sort of apex version of a character for these kind of soldiers that were used by Perpetua in order to rule the unit of rule the multiverse and her vision of the multiverse is a dark place right it's a very dark and very harsh environment and so in order to keep this this victory from happening by the Legion of Doom what is it up happening is that the Justice League was really split into two parts one part basically went into the past the other part went into the present and then another part basically stayed into a state in the present day but the idea is that they're essentially traveling throughout the entire time stream to find these these artifacts these pieces of the totality which can be assembled and be used which is their only real chance of defeating Perpetua because of the fact that it has so much incredible power and so the the version of the Justice League that went into the past include the flash Green Lantern the Jon Stewart and so on ended up running into the Justice Society of America and that's where this picks up now here's the important thing to understand here and here's kind of the interesting thing about this is a lot of this is being viewed by Brainiac quite being a brainiac basically kind of continuing on the path of bottling up cities different things like that but we don't really know exactly what his role is in all this and so far as you know outside of the part of the Legion of Doom and bottling of worlds and ensuring the Justice League can't find the the totality and the various aspects of the timestream it basically leads to like the JSA and in this version the Justice League encountering each other but they've never met and they don't know who the other is and this is kind of an important thing right because one part of this really kind of leads into the idea of Doomsday Clock which is to say the fact that ten years from these heroes Matan memories were basically missing but the other part of this is that technically the JSA doesn't exist in DC and the reason why is because if you guys remember from Doomsday Clock the JSA was formed by Green Lantern Alan Scott but because of the fact that dr. Manhattan had basically intervened and Alan Scott died before he could attain his Green Lantern the JSA was never formed and so there was no indication that characters like Jer or any of those guys ever existed now Doomsday Clock will likely rectify all of that when the final issue comes out but as it stands at the moment very does not know who Jay Garrick is and Jay Garrick does not know who variants and this is a particularly interesting continuity error considering the fact that very Allen during the events of the button knew who Jay Garrick was right so that's why things are kind of finicky here that's why things are kind of funny it's a little strange in terms of how it all comes together this is likely just a massive continuity error by DC but the cool thing about this is that for people who were fans of the JSA you get to see them in spectacular fashion y-you get to see Jay here you get to see Allen Scott really being the kind of heroes that they were now in terms of of why they're in this particular point in time either in this era we don't know explicitly when this time hearing takes place we simply just know that it's in the past but before we get into that what we're gonna do is we're gonna switch over to command II basically the the last human being alive on earth in this future where you have Batman Superman Wonder Woman and so on and animals are really kind of risen up now of course we covered how all this transpired in the first video so you want me to go check that out to kind of get the origin of how this future ended up the way that it was but of course they're immediately set upon by all these members of these Brainiac robots and so on and so forth these kind of police force or what-have-you but essentially what you end up getting here is basically them tracking down and trying to locate the Hall of Justice and it's kind of a cool little thing here because once they're able to locate that locate the Hall of Justice itself and once you're able to kind of initiate their plan ultimately it allows them actually leave this universe and start traveling to the other universes that Brainiac has at his disposal and the reason why is because the totality could be in any one of those and that's what really makes a situation so hairy is because what they're looking for is essentially a needle in a stack of needles right I mean they they literally have to go through every single one of these universes that that Brainiac has and try to find the totality in each one right so it's gonna be kind of a kind of a crazy thing because totality is only in one of them right and that's where things kind of get crazy and kind of get bonkers is because ultimately they have to use this kind of beacon of source to try to locate it would it be insanely difficult to find now of course at the same time you've got the present-day Justice League which is to say the forger of worlds and the monitor alongside a hot girl and so on who basically go into bleed space right because their idea is to locate the anti-monitor now those are guys who are familiar with bleed space the bleed itself in DC is essentially the space between universes right so it's like if I took a whole bunch of golf balls and I put them in a of water all that water represents the bleed right the space between the different universes and each one of those golf balls is a universe itself right so that's really all that is now normally you're talking about an extremely dangerous place to try to navigate through man I mean you can't take any any kind of technologically advanced vessel from from DC or from the main DC universe and just fly into bleep space and be fine it would probably tear it to pieces right that's the reason why you have the the multiversal Justice League for example which uses a specialized ship in order to do it and this particular vessel has been retrofitted by the forger of worlds and the monitor in order to try to try to maintain and sustain itself while they're traveling through the bleep but there's no guarantee but the cool thing about this this is kind of it kind of an interesting take away from this is that what you end up getting is basically this this kind of recollection or at least as this instance whereby when Superman and his forces travel from one of the universes of Brainiac into another they essentially end up encountering a group that that really refers to themselves as the Justice League in a now Justice Legion a also stands for Justice Legion Alpha and long time DC fans will immediately recognize this group because this is the version of the Justice League from DC 1 million and that's kind of the dangerous thing about this because what it shows is that as part of the Legion part of the Legion of Doom from Lex Luthor what Brainiac has been doing is running all throughout the timestream and basically capturing all these different universes or all these little portions of a universe from all throughout the time stream right from the very very distant past all the way up to the distant future and so that's what makes things so crazy and that's why they have to jump from one container basically to the next trying to find the totality where wherever it may be among all these different universes it's an insane kind of goal to have to achieve but the Justice League and alpha is an exceedingly powerful team right because in a DC 1 million landscape the Justice League really evolved beyond its role of being a protector of the world and instead it evolved out to become a protector of the galaxy and so justice Legion alpha had this base of operations on Jupiter and they're charged with protecting the solar system right so basically what you're getting here is the the DC 1 million team which is kind of cool to see them return here at the same time and I don't know how I really feel about this we basically end up finding out that the this this particular group of the Justice Society of America of course is operating in 1945 during World War two and the Legion of Doom forces who have made their way into the past really kind of try to cut off the superhero team are basically piloting Japanese planes in order to attack Pearl Harbor which is kind of a it's kind of a crappy thing to do I think kind of weird kind of strange but the reason why you had the JSA during 1945 is because when you had the JSA originally in DC they were basically like an earth 1 and alternate reality team I mean originally they were world war two characters but when DC created the multiverse they basically said okay so essentially like all the superheroes well I guess the version of the Justice League that Jay Garrick was a part of on earth too and this new Justice League is on earth one that's basically it when you got to crisis on Infinite Earths the entire multiverse was wiped away and the JSA went with it right because there was no alternate reality there would be no basis for the JSA to exist but it did have a huge fan base and so what DC did is they came back with the reintroduction of the JSA and what they said was that the JSA fought during World War two they were basically superheroes who existed during the 1940s and 1950s and so by the time Superman rose to promise while the time Clark Kent moved to Metropolis and became Superman by the time that Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered he went trained and then came back to Gotham became Batman by the time all these modern era superheroes rose to prominence the JSA had been retired and so when when you got to the events before the new 52 in 2011 the JSA was basically a bunch of retired superheroes who came out of retirement and back into active superheroing again and that's how you got those teams unified together it's why you see them here during World War two oh this was really kind of a kind of a bookend way I think for Scott Snyder to kind of bring the JSA back and say well this is probably how they're gonna return yes they were they were during World War Two and what's likely going on here during doomsday clock especially when we saw by Johnny Thunder and characters like that who were originally part of the JSA as their minds were white they don't know who they are characters like Jay Garrick were removed and filled into the Speed Force and all the other members of the JSA don't know who they are like Alan Scott's dead Johnny Thunder is stuck in an insane asylum everybody thinks he's crazy when he's saying that like he's got crazy powers and so on and so forth Jay Garrick see the Speed Force in any other members of the JSA had likely had their memories wiped by Manhattan which is why they're not active anymore right so I mean there's there's all kinds of little things that can go into it little tidbits here and there they can really kind of clear all this up but what it does is it basically shows us kind of going into this this tale a little bit here it shows us that essentially Aquaman is working on behalf of the anti-monitor that during the the story where Aquaman was supposed to have died the drowned earth event where Aquaman was supposed to have been removed in killed off the what the anti-monitor did was essentially save him and then turn him into a henchman for himself now the reason why that's the case actually becomes prominent here in a minute and the reason why and this is particularly important is because there's a common conversation that takes place between Wonder Woman in command II basically what is it going on here is that in this future this DC 1 million future that the Justice League temporarily faces off against the Justice League in a it's not a great big huge knock-down drag-out fight instead they're basically fighting these kind of year B's these other forces out there and ultimately end up defeating them but there's this conversation when a woman has in the sense that commanding comes from an age when war is all they really know I like war is what brought the downfall of society but the world that he lives in is harsh and it's really kind of nut early every man for himself so much is survived by whatever means you can and so as a results that we're commodity comes from is simply from is from a future where you do have little civilizations there in little pockets of groups and things like that where people do work together for the most part he's used to a very harsh environment and so when he looks back on the recollection or at least on these these stories of old right you know the world being funds into war and things like that his perception of the past is that all humanity did was engage in war and so when he met the Justice League and they basically showed him that hey it's not all just about warfare there's things like compassion things like hope and that's what warfare is predicated on we fight these fights because we want to ensure that people who are innocent don't really end up getting caught in these things but also because by defeating these bad guys there's hope for a better tomorrow it really kind of seems to instill in the idea of Kimani to simply not just run away this idea that he's really kind of the only hope they have insofar as he'll do what needs to be done in order to help try to save the day and so ultimately what is up happening is one of the members of the Justice League is housing their totality itself and so because of the fact that the intention once brainiac one-million reveals himself where the intention is to use this power to essentially take out the Justice League in as well as the Justice League of America incapacitate them most likely forced them into subservience by turning them into as his soldiers or what-have-you but there's no tality is taken by Wonder Woman and given to command II and then basically command II is sent out in order to ensure the survival of the totality that's exceedingly important what we end up doing just jumping back to the past and probably one of the coolest things because where this whole battle is raging during out during world war ii you know with regards to the attack on Pearl Harbert all these soldiers that when the USS Arizona is hit by a torpedo and and sunk were under normal circumstances and in real world history a litany of soldiers died during that that whole that whole scenario instead aquaman comes to the rescue with a Kraken and there's one of the coolest things right I see him just like pop up with this enormous Kraken but it's kind of a funny thing because what he does is he tells them like look I get you guys are here to get the totality and that's cool and everything but you can't succeed right you there's no way you guys can win here it's not really possible as it was kind of a funny thing here because when when you get this whole thing unfolding it's like okay so like all fingers in all scenarios according to the idea that what the Justice League is doing is that while they're trying their best there's nothing they really can do there's nothing they can do to win because the power of Perpetua is growing every second of every day and it's getting to the point where it's basically uncontainable right where it can't be stopped and so what you end up having is Perpetua who basically travels with like Lex Luthor directly to the very edge of all things in existence and ultimately meets with the anti-monitor and the question is which side does the anti-monitor choose and it's kind of a cool thing here because you would look at the anti-monitor as a character an you would say okay so it's always been a villain right the anti-monitor is led to the destruction of the multiverse and the first crisis on Infinite Earths event and then while it didn't really reappear in the traditional sense until Darkseid war and as far as it actually being a being that exists out there the events of Darkseid were the events that led up to it like forever evil saw the anti-monitor traveling from one universe to the next and continuing to wipe it out right so he's always kind of been this force of nature almost Galactus to a degree but with a little more hint of evil in it but when you have a scenario unfold ultimately the inti monitor in subsiding with the forger of worlds the monitor and Earth's superheroes and so what this shows is that essentially everybody has it out for perpetual right like everybody's against perpetuate here but it's kind of a pool scenario because the way that Scott Snyder plays this out is okay but like they can't really win anyway and it doesn't really even matter and this is really kind of what it kind of comes to a head when you end up having the forger of worlds who goes to attack Perpetua and nothing happens and it's kind of a cool little moment because what is up happening is of course they basically end up merging into the ultra monitor basically this gigantic monitor unto itself like the single ultra powerful beam that was one of the forces are really kind of the total force that ended up defeating Perpetua in the first place but all indications seem to point to the idea that perpetuates power is app or a little bit higher than it was when they originally fun and so she can't really be defeated in the traditional sense instead it's going to require more ability than what was originally had in order to see her defeated and so jumping back to the past with regards to the Justice League fighting alongside the JSA their journey to find the totality after essentially stopping the Legion of Doom to a degree with regard to the attack on Pearl Harbor is that what the Legion of Doom appears to be incapacitated their journey ends up taking them to Atlantis and of course this kind of coincides with the time in which Atlantis is king is basically missing and so ultimately the Legion of Doom makes their move only to reveal that they've captured for Simon and it's kind of a funny thing here because when that happens at the same time that takes place you end up getting Vandal Savage and as Legionnaires Club now Vandal Savage and Legionnaires Club is a group that we've seen in the early stories of Scott Snyder's run on Justice League there were after the totality and managed to capture a portion of it and so what this looks like and I'm not going to swear to this as an absolute truth but what this looks like is the absolute past of the DC Universe this is actually the past right so basically they've they've gone into 1945 in the past the main DC Universe meaning the Justice Society of America existed during that point in time which begs the question why don't they exist now again tying back into the events of Doomsday Clock it's a cool little bit of a revelation here but where you have the where you have Brainiac 1 million who's basically going off against the the Justice League the Justice League doesn't really seem to be able to defeat it just because of the fact that Brainiac 1 million is so incredibly powerful or you've got the Justice League in the present day who weren't really able to do anything to stop Perpetua and then you've got the Legionnaires Club basically showing up in the past it all really pointed the idea the caffeine totalities even if they can do it won't fix everything but it doesn't look like they can it is not looking they can actually capture the pieces of the totality and save everything so what it does is it all falls down on the shoulders of commanding and Kimani begins the dressing basically this this particular group out there this unseen you know group out there and says like we need more people here we're like we need more help the Justice League as it exists now is not powerful enough on their own we need more forces here and that's what we end up finding out the Kamandi is not just talking to anybody command he's actually talking to the Justice League Unlimited group talking to like Batman unlimited superman unlimited all these characters DC's taking the unlimited universe or at least Scott Snyder is and rolling it into the Justice League comics this is amazing okay so we are continuing on with our coverage of the Justice League and of course those guys remember what we've talked about in the last couple videos you basically have the the Justice League split into a couple different factions white one went into the future which under why called the called the Justice League beyond team the Justice League Unlimited team I was excited usually when I get excited I just say things you know and and they're like stuff comes out and the video goes out and then people who are like always looking through my videos trying to find mistakes or like the first ones to find it you also had a Justice League team that went into the past any count of the JSA now I want to clear the air on this on the Justice Society of America as it appears in Justice League and the de sá as it appears in Doomsday Clock right because until we got to the ending of Doomsday Clock we didn't really know how the JSA fit in anything and even then even now that we have an explanation you still run into a pretty big continuity error with regards to what happened in that story but the way this is the way this plays out given the way the Doomsday Clock number 12 ended the way that this played out and you're kind of making sense of all this is that dr. Manhattan is all of you guys know had moved the lantern out of the way of Alan Scott right so Alan Scott never discovered the Green Lantern pas the result was that he was killed the train crash and then never went on to become I never went on to become a Green Lantern that we know and then never formed the Justice Society of America and that was Geoff Johns explaining why the JSA never existed throughout all the new 52 you and the beginning of DC rebirth at the end of Doomsday Clock dr. Manhattan put the lantern back and so because the lantern went back to where it was supposed to be where Alan Scott went on to discover it and then became the Green Lantern he ended up saving the train from the crash and then you know became a superhero that we know and then ultimately went on to form the Justice Society of America and that's how the team appears at the end of in the at the end of Doomsday Clock because by altering the past essentially which is what dr. Manhattan did what it basically meant is that it kind of created this cascading effect right it altered the timeline in such a way to where the JSA had been there when they were supposed to be there right so essentially this is true what you're seeing here with issue number 31 and the Justice League that's how it is after dr. Manhattan went back and changed the timestream the issue that you run into here with this continuity err is that when you have that when you have that issue where you had Barry Allen and Jon Stewart talking to Alan Scott and and Jay Garrick of the JSA Barry Allen told Jay Garrick he's like tell us who you are and Jay Garrick's like well where are the superheroes of the 1940s were the Justice Society of America who were you guys and and Barry Allen's like were we're the Justice League you know so the fact that the two groups didn't know each other is it's kind of an issue but only on one side right the JSA Schneider establish you know where that particular segment took place in the past of the main DC Universe so it makes sense the JSA would not know who the Justice League are because the Justice League would own them if the JSA are there it means it takes place at the events of Doomsday Clock meaning the JSA had always been there and the JSA if the JSA had always been there then it means that the JSA you know that the memories of the Justice League haven't been wife were just to say the fact that they didn't know who the JSA was because a JSA was never there those memories should have been restored by the time I would have corrected itself the JSA was always there the Justice League would have remembered them because they would have you know read about their stories whatever the case was and the result was of the Justice League Barry Allen you know Jon Stewart those guys should have known who the JSA were the fact that they didn't is a continuity here it only means what or either that or it means that Doomsday Clock the conclusion of Doomsday Clock takes place sometime in the middle of scott Snyder's Justice League which is kind of a hard sell given how much happens in such a short amount of time it would mean that in the middle of all of Scott Snyder's Justice League the entirety of Doomsday Clock takes place and I'd have a hard time believing that I don't really believe that so again you kind of run into a continuity error there but hopefully this this wraps things up and this makes sense you know Scott Steiner did an interview with Newsarama where he said the JSA as it appears in his Justice League comic is when the team first forms right so again like maybe was a year or so after the team came together which explains why they don't they don't you know they're pretty new and and pretty fresh but I've seen a few of those questions floating around in terms of how everything gets reconciled and that's basically how all that works but nonetheless you know with this JSA team being there alongside the Justice League of course we talked about how Vandal Savage had shown up now Vandal Savage and the the Legionnaires Club as he had formed it was basically result of analyst average trying to track down the the the totality from now this goes all the way back to Justice League number one and I think number seven where he basically gave us like a new origin of Vandal Savage and all that kind of stuff and his efforts to give that get the Peace of the totality what ends up happening from what we've seen with regards to Vandal Savage is that ultimately his fraction of the totality if you guys when were all the way back in the early run of Schneider is that ultimately it's taken by by Lex Luthor and Lex Luthor kills Vandal Savage but that hasn't happened yet because they've gone back before that took place in the story but that's what Jon Stewart warns a mouth like hey what you're doing here is gonna get you killed eventually Lex Luthor's gonna kill you so basically you need to help us to keep yourself from being killed writing because Vandal Savage cherishes life over over death he basically ends up siding with the Justice League but what it does is it allows them a way to basically jump out you know to kind of open a portal it will let them get back to to their current time and so at the same time what you also have is in the future which is probably the coolest parts of the story in the future you have you know at least the future of Metropolis you have the Justice League that was said there right so Batman Superman Wonder Woman who were all of course captured by by Brainiac one-million and all for the most part they're gonna be destroyed and taken out right but as we saw in the previous video Kamandi had basically gone to like all these different universes or at least he'd only gone to the to the Justice League beyond universe and then like grab those superheroes only for us to find out he's gone through all the universes that are basically being held captive by Brainiac which includes like the Kingdom Come universe and the Superman red Sun universe and like all these different universes that are out there and all these superheroes from across the multiverse all band together it's pretty huge in scope and so at the same time that's going on of course then you have the fight between hot girl and Lex Luthor in the present day but essentially at the far edge of the universe we're all things are getting ready to break loose right all all havoc is getting ready to pop off now ultimately because of the fact that Hawkgirl is tied into the totality meaning her power is necessary for star man to achieve his goal which is to say opening portals across like all these different time streams so all these superheroes once they basically grab their charge of the totality can jump through and then all end up in this singular location to basically unite the totality and face off against Perpetua oh they can succeed and then ultimately end up defeating her and it's kind of crazy because like it looks like it's about to work right like like hot girl ends up intended to attack Lex Luthor and then like the portals seem to start opening up and like it's their chance to win right like it's literally a scene out of like Avengers in the game right works just like all the portals start opening and like one of the most epic scenes ever in like movie history like it's like one of the coolest things ever it looks like they're all going to win and that's literally yet like they grabbed a little shards of the totality people start getting through as fast as they can the problem with this is Hawkgirl because remember hot girls on a quest for vengeance and that's the problem because you had you basically had Martian Manhunter who was absorbed and then quote-unquote killed by Lex Luthor and that's how Lex Luthor is in his current his current form that's why he looks the way he does because he's basically the alpha predator he's what people were in the universe before Martians and human beings were split in half and then went off to go do their own things right Martians and human beings used to be singular organisms and so as a result of that she actually is upside tracking from the mission and then trying to destroy Lex Luthor's when she believes he's not paying any attention but then ultimately you know where she kinda says okay fine I'll stand off or go go play my role he basically stabs her and the moment when they need her power it's not there and so the result is that all these portals basically start closing off again and the ability for all these superheroes to unite in a singular location combined with basically all these humans and all these various forces across the multiverse really kind of siding with doom right basically kind of giving up on justice things like that and basically saying like we side with doom we side with the destruction of all things essentially leads to perpetual rising to her quote-unquote final form if that makes any sense one of the other things that she also does is we basically seen remember the the monitor brothers the forger of worlds the monitor and in the ant the anti-monitor merging into the ultra monitor this in turn basically allows Perpetua to transform the three of them allow the ante monitors personality to take hold and then restore him to his full totality essentially giving us the anti-monitor from crisis on Infinite Earths and this is a really really cool moment here right because we get the kind of a return of a classic character but the big takeaway from all this and the reason why this matters is because what this basically means is that with the death of will Peyton Starman who's killed by Perpetua and nobody really there to kind of open these portals in and bring everybody to this singular location essentially all hope is basically lost right and even among the various superheroes themselves this feeling of hopelessness almost kind of seems to resonate right like the sigil of Perpetual basically starts to emanate across all these different worlds across the main of the main DC universe not only that it's not just the main DC universe it's everywhere across all realities in the entirety of the multiverse so the ghost sector out there where you have like Darkseid and the Justice League Odyssey team where you basically have like the the Polaris system with the thanagarians you've got the the Owens right the guardians of the universe who are just coming okay so like we need to recall all the all the lanterns because we can't let Olaf fall in the dark multiverse where you still got Barbados chained up because he's still alive he sees the whole sigil unfold the crime syndicate of America and earth 3 the ori of worlds basically the the multiversal justice league team and then you've even got the Gotham by Gaslight universe which is which is actually one of the first universes to fall right Perpetua shows up and says like side with me right like side with doom or be destroyed and of course because it's led by that man and so on and so forth they sided with justice ever pet you up wipes out the universe she's just like done you guys are you guys are all gone you guys are all that that's basically it for all of you now the crazy thing about this is that with this universe essentially being destroyed there's really no hope for them right like again it's just the end that's really how it looks it's like there's no real chance for any of these people to come out on top for any of these guys to win and so with that in mind what you end up having is Hawkgirl out with her son Shane basically realizing the mistake they made that they essentially do or at least Hawkgirl doomed the multiverse so in turn trying to fly back through a portal trying to get back to everybody else being recalled by Batman and then of course Perpetua basically damages the ship just kind of leaves it derelict and floating in space with no real indication that Hawkgirl or her son are gonna be saved by anybody like it really is just kind of the fall of everything and that's what's so good about this right is because you feel the gravity of this situation like for this fleeting moment that the heroes of Earth had a chance to win but in this fleeting moment one of them makes a poor decision and it all comes crashing down by this house of cards all comes down and it all ends up collapsing so what is up happening is Batman Batman Wonder Woman and Superman basically end up trying to see where they can is sort of sort of spy on Perpetua and when they do what they end up seeing is a couple different things going on especially Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom are kind of brought before Perpetua and she tells each of them like you all have a purpose to serve right and so like they start making these demands you're these different things like that Brainiac for example requests like a repository of like all of history why he wants to know everything that's ever happened in the entirety of a multiverse not just the universe but like the entirety of the multiverse Gorilla Grodd wants basically like seven planets to control for himself you know and it's kind of crazy because what she does is she tells like she tells him all you all have a have a world of surf you know and we'll start with Brainiac and she turns Brainiac into a chair she turns him into furniture man they've just messed up she literally just turns them into a throne and and this is this is kind of the crazy thing is because as this is going down this kind of human side right you know Lex Luthor starts to feel this very human chill and it's just kind of like but this is not how it's supposed to go though like it feels like she's betraying all of us and in reality that's what was always going to happen and that's what was always warned of Lex Luthor do not side with Perpetua because she'll turn against you and show you use your for her own ends right like if you are surviving your endeavors with her it's because you're serving a purpose she wants you to serve but what happens when your purpose is done well then there's no need for you anymore and so as a result of that that's exactly what happens Sinestro Gorilla Grodd Cheeta is taken they're all basically confined to these kind of vessels of sorts and and literally Lex Luthor is watching all of this unfold and it is kind of what in the world is going on only for us to find out all the various powers they possess the life force bust still force all these various forces really the if you guys remove the flash stories the forces that escaped this escape the the breaking of the source wall they are all basically being channeled directly into Lex Luthor and so as result so that it does give him a huge amount of power and this human element this this feeling that he and his team are being betrayed immediately goes away and now it's just kind of like do this as a whole is the whole of the piece because he's basically been spared here and so in response to this the Justice League kind of seen this unfold actually changes their tune and one of the smartest ways what they end up doing is basically looking at this and saying okay given the power of Lex Luthor right now we can't really defeat him head-on right we can't really just like get into a knock-down drag-out fight with him and defeat him because he can basically incapacitate us in any number of ways the guy is a Swiss Army knife of powers right he's a one-man army so if we try to go against him he's going to crush us all instead we have to fight him in a way that he would normally never expect we can't fight Lex Luthor as if he's Lex Luthor in his battle armor facing off against Superman we have to fight lex luthor as he is now we have to reach that human side of him we have to reach that part of him that basically we can we can sort of pull to the forefront and get him to understand what's really going on here it's like a meta battle right like an emotional battle and it's kind of a cool thing because Batman basically gets on board as well as all the various other superheroes because it's the best plan they got who's gonna say no to this and so of course the anti-monitor is basically sent out to destroy to destroy Hawkgirl and the and the ship that they're on and then in turn the flash basically tells John Stewart hey here's this car get in this car like lying out there you know this the only thing that'll help you survive out there it'll get you out there as fast as possible almost immediately the way they are and then save them right because when you're talking about that far out in space it would take John Stewart days probably to get out there you know flying at full power and even then you'd have to stop at different places and reach hard as ring they need them like right now otherwise we're gonna die and they're their struggle against the anti-monitor and is it being one of the coolest things because of course Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom show up and like they're armed their doom base their doom Citadel or whatever it is and then Batman ISM enacting this contingency that he always had which was like the Hall of Justice rising up out of the ground and then like basically being its own variant so it's only kind of design a sort of like the the legion of Doom's ship and it's like dude how awesome is that like do this one of the coolest things ever right like it's djaro it's like it's an awesome measure and then Batman's like yeah a final awesome measure is though totally there's a totally awesome measure djaro it's gonna be lit I want to read a comic where Batman that like this is lit but what you basically end up getting here is like this massive battle between like the forces of Lex Luthor and the forces of like these Justice League superhero some like across the multiverse right because with what little portal what a little access they've had they've been able to kind of like hop in and create these little these little skiff portals that get them to where they need to go all come on you're all confined in the Hall of Justice but just take a look at this for a second man like look at this like full-page spread right like you got Shazam you've got Supergirl you've got like Superman 1 million all right and then you have like Jay Garrick you've got Damian Wayne who's a boss all these superheroes just like charging you got Guy Gardner running looking like a goofball I give that all these all these guys all these superheroes just like hightailing it into this battle and it's amazing right because like this is like Scott Schneider is like final final thing with Justice League right like there's nothing else after this when he finishes do more he's like I'm done now and he's gonna put down the pin and probably go work on JSA from what he said in the interviews but like this is ridiculously awesome right and so what you have are kind of like the iconic members of the Justice League you know each of one representing different aspects of the various forces trying to bond together and trying to unite this totality but the issue is that they're just not powerful enough right they don't really have the necessary forces in order to do this right it's like a person who's colorblind trying to trying to complete a Rubik's Cube it's just not gonna work right because they can't see all the colors and it's exactly the way this Justice League functions right I mean they're they're capable in and of their own right but ultimately they're not really able to assemble this totality the way they need to and so what it does is it switches out into space with with Hawkgirl and with her son Shane trying to withstand this assault of the anti-monitor and doing pretty well but then suddenly like a car horn comes out of nowhere right like the anti-monitor turns around he's like there's somebody here a car horn and what I have what I'm hoping with this car horn what I'm hoping is that like the esses portal opens and this car sounds like the swarm goes I was like I'm really hoping that's what it sounds like but while all this goes on the impact of Jon Stewart and the force that he wields basically ends up kind of creating force in the anti-monitor to disperse itself back into his three forms right to the anti-monitor the world forger and the and the monitor itself restoring them to their normal counterparts but also for the anti-monitor kind of call out for help and while you have Perpetua who's like destroying a world or at least in the process of destroying the world she grabs it and just throws it at everybody which is pretty boss right somebody that powerful just throwing a world across the cosmos you know and with the intention of smashing people but the cool thing about this is that Schneider uses it really really well right the idea is that with the world foragers hammer he'd be able to like you know essentially hit things hard enough to be able to create a portal and so she doesn't really have the power to do that what it would do at least this impact would be able to kind of create a space rupture or at least a rupture in the space-time continuum enough to work an open kind of a gateway that would allow them to pass through and so in essence the the world forger appears to sacrifice its life when this whole process goes down but it's kind of a cool moment right because John Stehr were coming in basically saving them and then risking everybody away is is a pretty solid moment right I mean literally the world foragers standing there like these get ready to batter up and just like smash this thing as it hits the world right so the result of this is it back on earth everything is basically going to pot right I mean again like all this is like almost all the superheroes are fawn they're fighting as best they can but they're not really capable of holding off against the various forces of the Legion of Doom and at the same time once hot girl arrived you know once she shows up there with her son Shane then they're able to harness the power of the totality and they're able to unify it and when that happens what it does is it basically allows them to kind of tap into and kind of create a counterbalance to perpetual herself and basically create this sort of metaphysical battle of like hope versus doom and so what this means is that the Justice League themselves are elevated so like a huge amount of power by being able to harness this fragment of the totality but at the same time it's a fight that's not just them right it's also the various inhabitants of Earth who are out there whether or not they're going to side with or give up on hope and so from there like you literally have Lex Luthor who just starts going through and dismantling all the various members of the Justice League by channeling all these various forces that are out there right so like the ultraviolet forced him and things like that so he takes out Jon Stewart the Green Lantern he takes out the flash Wonder Woman goes to cut him in half he heals himself and then he takes out Wonder Woman you know ultimately he ends up taking out djaro by basically slicing and which is kind of nuts like he literally like whips him and like slices him and then he goes to take out Batman he breaks his arms and legs Superman saves him you know but at the end of the day is just kind of like all these various heroes are falling before just Lex Luthor himself as well as like all the other powers that are out there and that's why it's kind of wild is because people are kind of fluctuating back and forth between being hopeful and being hopeless hints like the battle between like Justice and doom and that's why you kind of see it waxing and waning and fluctuating the way that it is and the sense of the heroes are winning than they're losing and they're winning and they're losing and they started to sort of overtake and kind of get to the point where they basically start continuing to win and then Perpetua shows up and when she does all hope basically fades here and that's kind of the crazy thing is because what you end up getting is basically shame by the son of Martian Manhunter and in Hawkgirl who steps in and says okay if we're gonna go in here and we're gonna fight lex luthor then we can't fight him head on he's dismantling all of us let's do what we were supposed to do let's fight the man right list happened to the man of Lex Luthor and that's how it seems to go down and so ultimately what is it going on here is Shane basically grabs the attention of Lex Luthor and then in turn enters his mind and as soon as he does he basically starts addressing not Lex Luthor but Martian Manhunter who's trapped inside the mind of Lex Luthor and it's one of the coolest things ever I think is member Lex Luthor absorbed a Martian Manhunter and he was believed to have been dead Hawkgirl has been operating under that assumption the entire time there was no real indication he'd be able to come back and so following that this conversation that takes place is absolutely amazing because Martian Manhunter inside Lex Luthor seems to have kind of given up now you did get these moments over the course of this of this bit of storytelling we're like he would chime in occasionally to Lex Luthor and try to get him to listen but they seemed like half-hearted measures and seeing Martian Manhunter as a child really kind of speaking with this this child version of himself Shane basically says like you're the greatest of them all right you're the greatest superhero of them all they need you you can unite the world in a way that nobody else can right would perpetual being here with her basically dominating and scaring the crap out of the world people kind of siding with do more or less being influenced in that way you're the only one of us who can go out there and unite the minds of all the world and get them to stand as one against Perpetua alongside all the superheroes and so what you get here is probably one of the greatest returns of a character in the history of comic books right so like the whole time hawkgirl's freaking out right like the whole time Hawkgirl freaking out she's like no Shane Shane don't do it don't do it don't do it he's like I have to it's the only way to make this work somebody has to replace Martian Manhunter you can't just yank him out right like somebody has to replace him so Shane goes in and basically takes the place of Martian Manhunter lex luthor starts to kind of almost sort of had this this like crisis here almost looks like he's breaking down and then like Martian Manhunter emerges and he says I am the Martian Manhunter and now is a time for justice okay so we are picking up with the conclusion of scott Snyder's Justice League and there's actually a character that's going to appear that I want to draw your attention to I think it'll give us some indication as to what's going on here because if I'm a betting man here I think this is how DC and marvels cross basically starts now what kind of get through that you know what kind of kind of talk about that as we go through this but what this does is it picks up in the the immediate aftermath of the last video that we did right the last issue issue number 38 where Martian Manhunter had basically returned now in and of himself Martian Manhunter wasn't really powerful enough to turn the tide of the battle right and we expected that I mean Martian Manhunter is a really really popular character a lot of people really really liked him but he himself is not capable of doing that right because they're facing off against Perpetua the creator of the multiverse and so March and Manhunters just like a stronger version of Superman it's really what he is right at the end of the day you compared him Khan for pound he's basically Superman except he has telepathy he can shape-shift and he's afraid of fire right that's basically yet between the you know the differ between the two characters now we know he's stronger than Superman because of the old Grant Morrison JLA Comics but at the end of the day he's not powerful enough to turn the tide of battle on his own what makes the Martian Manhunter important is that this war this this conflict against perpetual right the idea of doom versus Hope which is really what this whole thing has been about in terms of the the power of Doom overtaking the power of hope or vice versa is that it's a battle over the souls of men right that's that's really what it is that's one of these things were this isn't really a conflict that Justice League can win through sheer force it's a conflict of what side of people going to choose right if people decide to choose the side of the Justice League to choose the side of justice and to walk away from doom then ultimately perpetual will fall whereas of people side with justice of course the Justin your Justice League inand the heroes will essentially win and the Martian Manhunter pleads his case to humanity right and basically says it's one of these things where we are all greater than the sum of our parts as individuals we're not necessarily strong what we're capable we can do things but what makes us powerful what makes all of you guys powerful as a fact that working as a cohesive unit you can all achieve great things it's really one of these things were you know perpetual kind of gets the upper hand on it momentarily and it's one of the things worthy Schoology kind of you know reaches out to humanity at the same time and says like nothing enough doom is what matters doom is what will win right like you guys cannot possibly hope to defeat me and even tries to use Lex Luthor as a pawn right and says like tell them like tell them the truth you know and at the end of the day Lex Luthor is like you know I'm sorry and ultimately faith and justice we're winning out in this particular kind of mental conflict and so you have these this kind of you know debate this kind of discussion going back and forth not really debate but the Martian man continuing to kind of plead his case to people we are all capable of great things we as superheroes we fight because your people worth fighting for right like you are our heroes you know we look at you guys and we see you as our heroes do you guys see us as heroes but it's the opposite way it's the other way around and so where he pleases case he continues on over and over and over again at the end of the day doom wins that basically humanity turns its back on heroes and it's one of these interesting things right because leaving my own opinions out of this this really is kind of a critique on society right is it literally as a a social critique that humanity in you know chose individuality and it chose doom over the superheroes now the reality of this is this choice was long in coming it was something that that ultimately would have taken place and the reason why is because when your various members of humanity and you look at superheroes yes superheroes do good things that's true but what you see is conflict you see heroes fighting villains you see cities getting destroyed you see collateral damage you see people kind of asking the question why do we need heroes at all but the real big thing here is that people are basically reaching down and looking to their most base desires they're not really looking at what they can achieve they're looking at what they are in the here and now and that's one of the things that's kind of intriguing because it's easy to paint humanity as as villains right it's easy to look at the story and say okay the true villains of this story are people it's the average Joe right it's the average individual out there who if given the choice will always choose the worst version of themselves and people do that because it's easy to do it's much much easier to just give up than it is to keep trying is easy to say that but the reality is that when it comes to humanity that the overriding factor here the overriding thing is fear and that's ultimately what was being fed on by Perpetua as ultimately what was really being being fed on by her and the forces of doom is the fear of people that people were afraid but the funny thing about this is that when perpetuo really kind of chimes in what she says is that this is all going exactly the way that it was supposed to that everything is transpired has transpired exactly because she wanted it to she wanted the Martian Manhunter to plead his case to humanity she wanted all of this to take place everything that's happened has happened according to her design and she knew that ultimately humanity was going to choose the side of doom and the reason why she makes this argument release it seems like the reason why she makes this argument is because all of this exists partially because of Perpetual right Perpetua had her version of the multiverse that existed and it took the monitor in the anti-monitor in the forger of world to team up and basically imprison her inside the source wall and then recreate the multiverse as it exists right now but all the inhabitants of the multiverse all the humans that exist out there are basically branched off in some former fashion of humans or Martians right every single entity that exists out there is branched off of either humans or Martians because at one point in time in the the multiverse that Perpetua created is that you kind of had a pets predators right humans and Martians were a singular entity and so when when this was kind of wiped away when they ultimately split it was wiped away and then all new life was created in this multiverse the apex predators were basically split right so every iteration of a Martian you see is based off the original Martians and every single human that you see is of course based off humans as they were split as they were previously apex predators and so what this means and this kind of confuses you a little bit what this basically means is that in the eyes of perpetual or at least in the eyes of a you know the way it exists now that if humans and Martians were originally a singular being that when they split humans were basically the weaker side right and Martians were the more powerful side and so what this meant is that humanity as a race is inherently weak and the reason why that matters is because it shows us why it is humanity chose its baser lines in the first place because when confronted by fear what do people do people panic they usually give in to it right that's the social critique coming into play the idea that when bad things happen people just want to wait until it goes away you know really crazy political environments people are just like well I'll just wait until things get better right it just I'll stick my head in the sand and hopefully when I stick my head back up things will be okay it's the nature of people right it's a nature of human being so usually kind of take the easy way out the lazy way out and did not really confront their own ended with individual fears on a regular basis and so when given the option to either confront their fear and to push back and see what happens or to give up humanity chose to give up and it's not just humans that do that right is every single race across the cosmos that's done that and that's the exact point the repel will makes you never had a chance to win because what you're asking of humanity is too much you're asking humanity to be brave and that's something the humanities just not really capable of doing and so what is up happening is she basically cleanses all the superheroes of the earth right like they're all basically gone you know seemingly wipes out all of the earth superheroes takes all the very superheroes that we saw from the different timelines and back to their own individual timelines and so as a result of that it's it's really kind of left to believe the idea that the Justice League has been eradicated from all of existence only for us to kind of see these sort of green you know particles more or less coalescing and in the rebirth of the Martian Manhunter and when the Martian Manhunter arrives on the moon completely clad in black he reaches out with his telepathy to try to communicate with earth but he can't write he can't talk to earth anybody he's really just kind of an isolation and then he's met by the other members of the Justice League and they're like we don't really know exactly what's going on but they cannot hear us the indication seems to be that they've basically been without their powers the only person with that being the case is of course Hawkgirl because she has physical wings but Superman doesn't really seem to be able to fly Riaan Lantern Jon Stewart doesn't really have its ring anymore you know it seems like none of them really have their powers or abilities Superman actually tries to fly and just lands back down on the surface of the Moon right so he doesn't really have his powers anymore and it's one of these things where Jon Jones kind of internalizes that and says I saw all this coming I knew this was going to happen I knew we were going to lose only for the group to be met with the arrival of the quintessence now the quintessence is in a lot of ways a stand-in for the sky fathers from Marvel Comics right in Marvel Comics you've got the sky father as a council of godheads whatever you want to call them but it's like Odin Zeus and all the various earthly cosmic entities or I guess you know godly entities that exists out there in DC this is kind of a larger you know in terms of the role they play right like the Phantom Stranger is not a god people pray to write Shazam is not really a god that people pray to you my father isn't a god they pray to you or anything like that but Hera is right you know she's a God as the people pray to you so it's really more of just really powerful entity so it's not a direct it's not a not a lateral comparison but it's comparable but one of the things that I want you to kind of notice here is that you have the wizard Shazam and the wizard Shazam does not look like the new 52 version of his character he looks totally different look at the classic version that kind of begs the question if the quintessence is is universal meaning that every universe has its own version of the quintessence or Pierce - then why does Shazam appear differently here the difference and this is where things get a little murky is highfather for example is a multiversal character right in all the multiverse there's only one high father that's why things are kind of murky for DC because they're multiversal Oren and Universal organizational structure is not like Marvel's is right mom was I think there's a lot more clean-cut and a lot more organized and structured DC's is just all over the damn place so like we have no real clue who don't know what the Phantom Stranger is it's literally he lives up to his name say he's just like this phantom stranger that no one really knows anything about maybe he's the presence maybe he's not we don't really know it's just the Phantom Stranger and like he's really powerful and you can do some stuff The Phantom Stranger explained that's basically what that is right and so because of that the quintessence basically reveals to the Justice League that the intention of Perpetua wants to actually wipe them all out it was to destroy them and remove them but what they've done is essentially pluck them out of reality right so technically they're in the universe but they're out of phase with everything else right so if you were an astronaut looking at the moon you wouldn't really see them right now right because they're kind of out of phase with you oh they're not really in reality it just looks like they are and the reason why the quintessence did this is because there's kind of this hidden truth across the multiverse that nobody seems to be aware of and nobody seems to know about right this truth of the multiverse that is yet to be revealed to everyone and because that the Justice League are in a position to where they can go find that hidden truth and reveal it to everybody we don't know exactly what it'll be but we kind of get these small little things here in there the character of Leviathan the events of Doomsday Clock one of the funny things about Doomsday Clock isn't really look like we're given a definitive answer when Doomsday Clock takes place in relation to this the fact that we're shown a panel from Doomsday Clock seems to show that like it's already happened but like we don't really know if it's in the same universe or not that's the confusion behind all this we don't really know how all this kind of ties together but with regards to the wizard Shazam and looking at him I would argue that this probably takes place in a different reality like that's my that's my knee-jerk reaction is essentially Scott Steiners run takes place in a different universe I don't know right we're not really given a definitive answer we're left to believe it's in the main DC universe right I mean there's really been nothing to indicate that it's not in the main DC universe but essentially a kind of doors open up right and I kind of statements made by the spectre you guys can enter into this space and you can pursue this hidden truth but understand if you find the answer to it but it'll change everything right it'll completely alter and change everything now what you end up having is a Justice League racing into this kind of doorway and we kind of have to wait and see what happens next and Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder's metal but my perception here this is kind of my my thought process here we know that Marvel and DC are going to crossover we know that perpetual was sent by basically the judge of the worlds right the cosmic judges more or less to create you know the the cosmos to create a multiverse and then all the universes that exist within that multiverse that means there are multiple multiverses out right because one one of the things that was established here is that Perpetua was just one of many individuals who were sent out there into this massive chasm this massive void of whatever this space was and then was told to create multiverses right so she made her multiverse other beams made their multiverses and Perpetua seem to be the only one who wanted to use the the individual she created inner multiverse to destroy the cosmic judges my argument here my thought process here is the one above all in Marvel Comics is kind of an equal to Perpetua right like the one above all was sent by the cosmic judges to create the multiverse and so it's there now that's kind of how it oversees everything I mean that's kind of my thought process reconciling that with the knowledge of the one above all and how its role functions within the greater Marvel landscape is gonna be kind of tough to do because one above all is so ambiguous right to this day including jim Starlin infinity finale the one above all i think has made 18 or 19 appearances in Marvel Comics if that has been referenced more times but not not even not even 18 or 19 I think it's in in some form of fashion it's made 18 or 19 appearances in terms of actually showing up is showing up like three times right that's that's the only the only time I'm aware of there was a time in the Fantastic Four when it appeared to the Fantastic Four themselves and look like Jack Kirby the second time when it appeared to spider-man and then there was a third time when it told Adam warlock and infinity finale that it could be the New Living Tribunal and then it made Adam warlock and the New Living Tribunal those are the only three times I'm aware of it actually showing up right so the one above all is ambiguous as hell and what better way to kind of basically establish this secret truth this hidden truth is that there are a slew of multiverses out there and the Marvel multiverse is one of them then to basically say that what you have here is the one above all creating its multiverse around the same time that you are created in and basically having like all these different giant multiverse concepts crossing over with each other I don't know right I'm grasping at straws here folks don't really have any definitive answers I'm just kind of spitballing and theorizing as best I can but it's a cool idea right it's a cool concept but either way it's an interesting end right because what we do is we're gonna jump over or at least when when this ends you go into Robert VIN Diddy's run as far as I'm aware it's not going to pick up from this right as far as I'm aware this whole thing right here is going to pick up with like metal from Scott Snyder and and Greg Capullo I don't know what Robert VIN did his run is gonna look like right I'm kind of curious myself but would it be said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to come as explained to make sure you guys with the sub button to become part of the Rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace okay I want to give a shout out to Kyle be David Joseph been John h aj Matt in Jeff are John H lean and mean which is an awesome name Jason see Austin s Austin a Joey M Steven Z Austin be Adam K and Genesis 9:6 team you remember guys you can send me messages and I'll run off whatever your message is at the end of the video so long it is nothing crazy but if you want to put a message in there send me an email Rob at Robert Jefferson calm and if you're one of these people who get shoutouts then I will tack it in there and yeah they should watch you guys [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 324,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Wonder Woman, Justice League, Batman, Superman, Doom War, Lex Luthor, Perpetua, Martian Manhunter, Monitor, Anti-Monitor, Full Story, Compilation
Id: eU1Bb_nF7ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 46sec (3946 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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