Daz Beginners Tutorial : How To Use HDRI

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[Music] hi there welcome to my channel my name is Roco I hope you're doing well over here we do Daz 3D tutorial videos so that you can get the most out of your own renders over the last few videos we've we've had a look at spotlights uh which we did a video or two back uh showing you how to put them into scene and how to play around with them uh and also in the last video I think it was we also had a touch upon pointl uh if you haven't already and you want to check those videos out just have a look up at the top right of the screen there and you should be able to see a link to those videos as they are in this video what we're going to do is we're going to have a look at what is known as a hdri uh map or lighting or environment lighting or D lighting whichever way that you want to call it it's got a lot of uses and we're going to show not only how to use it and the technicalities of it but we're going to show a couple of the different little ways also that we can use them within our scenes so over here then in the viewport we have our model already ready for us to work with uh as you can see if I have a look around on the perspective screen that's a completely empty screen uh scene other than the model and the little camera that we've got over there and if we take a look at the camera we can see that we're just pointing straight at our model now if we come across to the render settings over here uh you can see if we come down to environment that I've got it set on the environment mode on dorm only what what that means is the only light that's going to be in this scene is what is coming from the hdri map that we are using uh alternatively we could go with dor and scene and what that allows us to do is not only use the hdri map but it also allows us to put Point lights and spotlights and various things in there in this example I'm just going to go with d map Dome only for to begin with because we're not going to put any point lights or spotlights in at this point so we don't need anything else now when you first load up da we get in this environment app a default hdri that's already loaded up and if I oper over that you can see it there uh and what's going to happen in fact what we'll do we'll take a quick look in Photoshop now this is the actual map uh that we've got within in Dazz that loads up as default it's very low resolution it's very blocky it's very I think it's a castle ruin of some sort but all of these light bits that we see this bit up here and the bits around here all of these are encoded with their light intensity setting so that when we go across to dome only and we go across to you know either the Nvidia IR setting or we go and do a full render all these lip bits that we can see are all going to provide the lighting in our scene and what's going to happen is this image is going to get spread around our our scene as if there's an invisible dorm and it's going to be projected onto that dorm giv us a 360° panoramic lighting that that's what we're going to look at so if we head back to Daz and then come back up to uh Nvidia IRA and you can see that our model is now been lit up with that default hdri uh map that we've got loaded in over here we can see something called Draw down because what we getting behind her at the moment is just a flat gray dullness that we can see over here when in the non rendered part just this flat gray dullness but if we come across to draw dorm you can see that it's set to off there if we were to click it to on we can now see in the background this the makings of that really low resolution image that we just had a look at in Photoshop maybe this is one of the walls or one of the towers and you can see the odd light splodge now most people most people aren't really you know don't really use this default scene very much personally I have used it for quite a few uh examples so don't dismiss it as a as a light an option uh but there are better options out there which we're going to have a look at at the moment now uh I'm not going to go through all of these details of what we can do with the hdri down here uh we'll have a look at different ones as we go through this video but one thing that the main thing that you're going to want to look at is this dorm rotation that you see here this allows us to rotate the dorm around our scene so for instance if we were to come up and just you know give the slider a big slide up to there you can see that the lighting changes in the scene and and if we were to come down this way again the lighting in the scene changes and so does uh the background that we can see behind our model one thing that I have liked about this one and I've come across it before if I go to this magic number 66 it gives a fairly okay lit scene that we can see however we don't really like this background so what we can do we can drop a background in the in the background of this you know this scene and we can see what it's like with something behind our model and I've got a very simple Studio background uh just what I've got here in my environment setting or my environment grouping that I've got here you might have seen me use this background before I've used it another time if I just turn that on just by using the default hdri environment map that that that comes with Daz we can kind of get an okay Studio setting now if you don't want to use the default hdri uh within Daz that's fine uh there are two ways that you can add another hdri or use another environment map within Daz uh one of the ways is that we can go into our Content Library and we can find a package that we downloaded maybe we bought it from Daz or render Roos or or wherever you maybe you bought a package from and you can use it from within da just by double clicking it like you would any asset or we can go out online we can find something you know one of the many free places where you can downlo load HD your eyes save it onto our system and then just point to it uh with within Explorer to to load it in if you're of course you're on the PC uh and what we're going to do we're going to have a look at both ways in doing so here so first thing we're going to do I'm just going to turn off that backdrop because we're not going to need it if we were then come up into our Content Library and then open up our Daz Studio formats I'm going to look in my Daz tutorial folder because it's easier for me to find things in here you look in your normal uh Daz uh folder where all your stuff is in your Content Library and you want to be looking for that folder called light presets because that's where mostly mostly anything that you you buy from the dad store and purchase a lightting setup that you buy from the dash store and purchase that's where you'll find them uh I've just got it in my Daz tutorial folder so I've got everything easy at hand for when I'm doing these videos and so if I was to open out light presets I would see in here that I've got something called orestas Ira hdri Skies okay it's something I bought off the D store you know back in the day sometime and as you can see we've got a whole load of options here of hdri maps that we can use uh within our scene and all we need to do is just come to it and just give it a double click and it will get applied to our scene as you can see if we come across the render settings you can see that the map up there has changed so that's something different what we've just double clicked on and there's various options in there that we can go through there's a nice sunny dear one there that we can do uh and various different options and all that we need to do is just double click on them you will possibly have to you know play around with the rotation settings that you see here uh because nothing not everything will be set up perfectly for your scene when it comes out the out of the box so all you need to do if I just come back to this one you know it's a fairly decent daylight scene come down to my render settings and if I was to then just come to rotation I can just flicker through again as usual looking for something that uh might appeal to to what I want to do that's okay we can do that and as you can see because we've got D dorm on we get and this nice cloudy sky behind it now the second way we can change the environment map if I just flip back to my original uh environment map click the actual image itself give it a click come up to browse and then what you'll be able to do is search on your system for any images hdri images that you managed to find on the internet and download to your system where you save them is up to you and but you'll have to look in that directory where you've chosen to save them and then you can just find it uh open the file or double click on it whichever you do and then it will just change the hdri map again now again perspective View and we have a look around we've got this great big honking white light in this particular hdri map that I've got uh which when we look through the camera it will light our model up as she we we want it to be lit up again if we were to drop that background in that we did previously again we've got lighting that we could use quite easily in a a a studio type setting if we wanted to do a promo picture or something like that uh it lights us seen up fine lights us SE up great again we could move it around with a rotation if you like uh albeit the light would soon go behind or an out of view uh but you know find a place that you like and then you can just use that HD map you know to provide the lighting for your scene you don't need anything else you don't need any d light or Point lights or spotlights or anything like that a hdri is a lighting pack all in one however if there's one criticism of hdri that I have is that sometimes the light that gets emitted from the from the environment map uh isn't really as bright as it what it should be sometimes you might see this in sunlight or daytime uh hdris that you use but there's a there's an easy way around this because if we come back up to the environment map where we selected which which hdri that we're going to use we can see this slider and it comes with a default value of two as you can see in there uh and what this does this this determines the brightness of the hdri and how much light it's pumping out so all you need to do is either move the slider or give the value a click and I'm just going to up it to a four and it brightens the scene to something which I find acceptable and that's great that's what we want a nice little image one of the other benefits that you can get from hdri which many people utilize and many people use is the ability to use the hdri image itself as the background to your image uh if we think back to the the the ruins the bloggy mess that the default hdri that we looked at earlier that was a really low resolution image but if we were to use a high resolution image we can end up with something similar to what we see here and all that it is it's just a hdri image which if I come over here and hover you can see the image that we've used uh and we've got draw door on as you can see right there uh and the beauty of it is the model is being lit by the same light that's lighten the image itself and so she fits in and blends into that background perfectly well the final thing that I want to touch on here is a little often used trick that you can do with hdris which is to use them in a way that the the hdri itself was not designed to be used for so for instance if we take a look at our scene now we've got our same model over here but this time she's all dressed up as a warrior looking for bad guys in this Forest environment that we've got set up uh and as you can see from the environment map over here we're using the same Beach settin that we used in the previous uh example where she was on the beach in a bikini and if we come across to our Nvidia IRA and we end up with this kind of okayish image the sun's coming through the trees obviously uh she's lit up quite brightly but there's these dark areas and these dark shadows all around her uh we're not that bothered about that in this instance because we're going to do something that's a little bit different uh if you remember we're back at the beginning of this video we at some point we raised the environment map intensity up this number that you can see here to brighten the image but what we're going to do in this example is we're going to do the opposite we're actually going to take the number and I'm going to reduce it down to 0.5 and as to be expected the brightness has dropped the light's lost its intensity the these Shadows have got darker and the sunlight itself got darker now why would I do that well what I'm going to do I'm going to come over to this little uh ex this little thing that we've got here called environmental tint or environment tint what this allows us to do is to put a filter in front of the light so that we can change its color and what I'm going to do in this example I'm going to give it a click and when the the color box opens up I'm going to change the red value to 156 I'm going to go the green value to 196 and then I'm going to click okay and what we end up with is the makings of a night time scene because of course what is Moonlight it's sunlight that reflects off the moon and so thereby by reducing the environment map value so that this bright sunny day becomes dark and then putting this little nighttime TI filter on it we can create this I can say the making of a nighttime Scene It could probably do with something more it is a little bit dark and dingy uh but if you remember we're back at the beginning of this video uh we mentioned the environment mode here where we're on dome mode only so the only light is coming from the hdri if we were to change that and change it to D and scene nothing would immediately change but up in my environment group that I have up here you can see that I've got a spotlight and a point light in this scene uh the turned off at the moment so they're not giving off any light and if we were to just come out of Ira mode for a moment and just come around to perspective mode and spin our camera around and turn on the spotlight right you can see that I've positioned it just over here in near this train if I give it a click and have a look at the the light tab down here uh we can see that once again we've got that same filter on that I placed on the HD map uh I've made it a little bit of a square so to get rid of some ugly shadows and I've turned the Luminous flux up to 10,000 lumens so again we come back around to our camera we turn on Nvidia Ira with the spotlight now turned on and she gets brightened up a little bit extra by that one Spotlight the point light over there that's all that I've done with this point light if I was to turn that on also what it does is it just creates a little orange light over on this side of the uh the image off scene just to mimic somewhat this torch in the background just to bether in a torch light or something that's just out of screen or on the viewport and we we've done this by setting up the bases of this nighttime scene by just reducing the environment map so it goes dark and dim and then putting this what I will call a nighttime filter on I play around with that nighttime filter if you want get a decent color a better color that's just the first one that I played around with and thought it looked okay so there you have it uh thanks for watching I hope you've got something out with this video if so give us a thumbs up down below it's say really appreciate it and it tells the algorithm that I'm a better YouTuber than what I actually am and if you haven't already please subscribe I would really appreciate that and it would make the channel grow even bigger thanks for watching bye-bye [Music] now
Channel: Rauko
Views: 3,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Use HDRI, Daz 3D HDRI, Daz HDRI, Daz Studio HDRI, Iray HDRI, daz 3d lighting tutorial, daz3d lighting tutorial, daz 3d lighting, daz3d lighting, daz 3d tutorial, daz studio lighting tutorial, daz studio lighting, daz 3d, daz3d, daz studio, daz 3d how to set up lighting, daz3d how to set up lighting, daz lighting, daz lighting tutorial, daz3d iray lighting tutorial, daz 3d iray lighting tutorial, daz3d tutorial, daz 3d Environment Light, daz3d how to
Id: hRUIJupI_qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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