Daz 3D dforce Tutorial : Surface Indentations

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey there welcome to my channel my name is raw core I hope you're doing well over here I do does 3D videos to help you to get the most out of your own renders now before I get into this video I just want to give a big shout out to everybody who subscribed to me since the start of this channel over 5 000 Subs now which is way more than what I expected from you know when I first started so big thank you to everybody who has much appreciated and to anybody who hasn't why don't you hit the Subscribe button down below and the little notification Bell so you don't miss out on other videos in the future uh so big thank you if you have and a big thank you if you're just about to so in this video we're going to be using defaults to have it that our model realistically interacts with the environment within which is in uh so that she sinks down into this duvet that she's actually kneeling on rather than intersecting it that you can see around the knees here uh so that all the surface indentations are in the right place so it looks as if her and the Doobie is really in the scene with each other now there are a number of ways within Daz that we can do this we can use the deformer uh to create the service indent indentations manually or we can use something like the service modify which will give some semi pseudo version of it uh we can even use an external plug-in like mesh Grabber to do the same thing but as I mentioned I'm going to use depos in this video because it's a lot simpler and it gives more natural results without too much hard work and without having to get too much practice into using those other methods to to get good at it so if we do take a look at our model here on the bed as mentioned she's she's kind of in you know intersecting with the Doobie itself other times you might have it where the the model is almost floating on top of the of a bed or a surface like this and it's not good but also as well if we were to just give a click on the blanket for a moment and it does catches up on the interface and just turn it off for a moment we can also see that she's floating about eight inches above the surface there because that's where the duvet in the scene is actually situated and positioned so what we're going to do we're going to use deforce and we're going to then apply this uh simulation over an animation over 30 frames and she's going to actually sink down into the duvet now the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to apply a surface model default surface modifier to the blanket The Doobie itself the width is selected in the scene I'm going to come over to the simulation tab give that a click and I right click on the tab and come to deforce add deforce modifier right there now the first thing we want to do is just make sure that this duvet settles on the bed correctly without any interference from the model so I'm just going to turn the model off just for now and now just making sure that we set up on current frame on our simulation tab we're just going to do a quick simulation on the Doobie and just see what happens to it with it all the base settings that are in place foreign so I've stopped this earlier because as you can see straight away it's just completely collapsed it's completely flattened out into just what appears to be a regular everyday uh bed sheet or something if we go back up the simulated settings right click and then default and then clear selected objects it will put the Dube back as it was and this is how we want to keep it we want to keep it all puffy and all fluffed up like this so our model can then sink down onto it and the way that we can achieve this is by coming across to again making sure that we're selected up here come down to the surface Tab and then select the item and then come down to the simulation tab down here and in here you see all the settings that we can change to affect and impact the the simulation on the bed sheet itself uh but we're going to ignore all this I mean it's all it's all Sounds Clever and it all sounds good stuff but I barely use it I don't think I've ever really used any of this the only thing that we're interested in in this example is this Dynamic strength which you can see here now what dynamic strength is is it defines how much of the default simul simulation is applied to our service or our object or our piece of clothing or in this case that the bed duvet when it's set to one It means that the full effect of deforce will will happen upon that that bed sheet if it was set down to zero up if we just slowed down we'll set down to zero none of the default simulation would apply and obviously then percentages therein on the slider so 50 only 50 of the simulation would impact upon the the surface that was simulating now this is a little bit of experimentation it's a little bit of trying different things we don't want to apply the full 100 D Force onto our bed cover because we've just seen what happens when we do that uh with a little bit of experimentation I found it in this example that I want it to be about 0.75 so we're only going to apply about three quarters of the D4 Sim on our blanket so if we now simulate it once more and I'll stop at that about halfway through you can see that it's still a bit fluffed up and it's still a bit uh fluffy and puffed up as as we want our duvet to be so that's about right we want it to be about then 75.75 Dynamic strength and so now when we turn the model back on we can now set about setting up an animation where what we do is we lower the model onto the duvet over 30 frames on on the timeline over 30 frames while we're simulating and then hopefully the two will come together and instead of a intersecting and if I just turn off that I'll just reset that default SIM on the blanket on the Doobie instead of sim intersecting like what she does here she will actually push down into the duvet and having only 75 percent of it of deforce being applied will get in real natural indentations in the blanket and everything will hopefully look good so let's set about setting this up then so the first thing that we need to do then is come down and open up the timeline down here and as you can see therefore it means we've got 30 frames or 31 frames to be accurate that we're going to run our simulation over and the first thing that we need to do is to come right the way down to frame zero and once they're ignore the night dress by the way I've simulated that separately already what we need to do at this point is we need to lift our model up so that she's actually start her starting position is going to be above the duvet if we run a simulation like this she's interfere with it straight away because she's already intersected and you're going to be ending up into the the Realms of explosions there so what we're going to do with our model we're just going to raise her up so we need to uh come up to where our model is open or click on the model and then just raise her up uh to maybe oops minus 35 try that that should be okay and then what we need to do is to come back to frame 30. our final frame do you remember earlier on when we hid the duvet and she was about eight inches above it uh well if we take the duvet off again by selecting it and then just switch it off for a moment and then just switch over to my perspective cramway which we can see here like we said mentioned earlier she's about eight inches or so of floating above you know the the do the the actual mattress and the actual bed if then on this three and 30 we we select her again and maybe I don't know let's say about 57 so she lowers down so now she's only about an inch or so above the mattress and that's important because obviously as she's going to push down into it the the mattress is going to get squeezed below her and she's going to be sitting as close to that mattress as we we possibly can be so if we now come back and switch the blanket back on and this user interface is unbelievably laggy at the moment uh can't wait for Dad's five and hopefully it all speeds everything up you can see now that she's really buried into the duvet now that we've lowered it down even further that's good don't worry about it that's good uh now what we need to do is just to tell deforce that we're going to be doing it as an animation and all we need to do is come up to the frames to simulate a section there the drop down there give it a click an animated use timeline player range and give that a click so what's going to happen now is the default SIM is going to start it's going to start at frame zero where we have our model floating above our deep our Dubai and then it's going to progress through all these individual frames simulating each frame as she gets lower and lower if I just check on frame 20 you can see that she's starting to get lower and then 25 lower still until finally at frame 30 she's going to be in the position where we want it to be so what I'm going to do I'm going to run this animation now it might take a little while to do it uh so what I'll do I'll speed everything up but what you want to watch now is you just want to watch the duvet and watch the model as she slowly drops into the Doobie and pushes into it and because we're only on 75 percent uh Dynamic strength she should sit naturally within the Doobie so what I'll do I'll set that off now as a Sim and I'll speak to you again once it's complete foreign now that the Sim has finished and completed we can see that our model is now sunken into the duvet rather than intersecting the dubit as she was earlier and in fact if we turn the model off for a moment and now come back to the perspective View and have a look we can see the indentations in the uh the Dube where a knees and a feet and a legs were uh and you can see as I said she's sunken into it now rather than intersecting it like she was earlier and so if we have a look now of the rendered image and so if we take a look at the scene then after it's been rendered uh we can see once again that she's seems to be actually sinking into the duvet uh rather than floating on top of it or cutting into it and intersecting it like it was before we applied the D4 Sim to it it's subtle but that's all it really needs to be it just needs to be there if somebody were to look uh and of course as I mentioned the key to use and deforce with these surfaces is that one modifier that we we changed earlier that the dynamic strength in the simulation tab of the surfaces of the with what it is that you're you're simming now it might need a little bit of trial and error and you might need to do a little bit of experimentation to get the correct amount that you need for the particular service that you're working with or for what you know you're trying to achieve in your scene but just changing that one slider can bring about big changes to to any default simulation not just these ones with surface indentations uh now the other mentioned the other methods that I mentioned earlier deformers smoother modifiers and plug-ins like mesh Grabber and the like they're also useful tools to do the same job uh you know exactly the same as what we've done here but they maybe need a little bit more fiddly work and and that you need to be practiced and well versed in the use of those tools to be able to to get the results with deforce it's quick it's simple it's easy and it produces natural realistic results uh when you do it it will defrost won't work with every surface and those other tools are useful then uh but that'll be a subject for another video in the future when we get around to doing them uh but yeah there we go service indention indentations uh using deforce it's that easy it's that simple and it's just about changing that one little modifier uh if you like this video and feel that you've got something out of it then please give me a like down below and share it about it'll be much appreciated also again if you haven't already would you please consider subscribing as that will help me out a real real big time of course any questions any comments just drop them down below and I will get back to you with also as soon as I possibly can thanks for watching thanks for sticking to the end and I'll see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Rauko
Views: 6,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daz dforce tutorial, daz 3d dforce tutorial, daz3d dforce tutorial, daz studio dforce tutorial, dforce tutorial, dforce, daz 3d tutorial, daz3d tutorial, daz tutorial, dforce beginners, daz 3d, daz3d, daz studio, dforce clothing tutorial, daz3d dforce clothing, daz dforce clothing, dforce clothing, daz dforce for beginners, daz cloth simulation, daz 3d cloth simulation, daz studio beginners tutorial - part 1
Id: 12d3-J2LHlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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