Daz 3D Beginners Tutorial : Light A Scene With Point Lights

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[Music] hey there welcome to my channel my name is Roco I hope you're doing well uh what we're going to do in this video is we're going to be taking a look at Point lights and we're going to you know how we put Point lights in a scene what we use them for and how they can light up the scene in comparison to a spotlight which we did a video on a few a few videos back top right there if you've not seen that one uh and how Point lights therefore compare to spotlights and and the way that we use them uh and what we're also going to do later on is we're going to build up a scene with Point lights just to show that you know what we can do with them uh which might explain somewhat the character that we've got here in our scene you know all dress up a little blooded Warrior somewhat old in a torch doesn't make much sense at the moment certainly if we we take a look at her and we have a look around the scene there's nothing here at all but bear with me and it will all start to make sense as we go deeper into the video and so what is a point light a point light is a light that we can place in a scene and it shoots out light in all directions 360° all around and it will light up a large area the size of that area that it can light up is dependent on how strong and intense the light is now if we compare that to a spotlight a spotlight will shine a light in a corn in an area that we're pointing that light at and it'll ignore the rest of the ignore the rest of the scene now we can demonstrate that if we were to put our character that we've got here on screen into an enclosed area put a spotlight in the scene and put a point light in the scene and see what the differences and the way that we're going to do that is we're going to come up to the create menu we're going to come down to primitive and we're going to create a cube that's 50t in diameter or in in uh size and we're going to hit the accept button now if we now come back to our P perspective View and have a look around you can see that we're in a great big box all enclosed four walls there's a ceiling up there even though we can't see it because we're not seeing through the ground completely enclosed area and if we were then to come to Nvidia irate and have a look everything is black everything is dark because if we look at the render settings all that we doing is be using the scene only environment mode so only lights in the scene will light our model up there's nothing in the scene cuz she's inside this Cube and so therefore everything is dark and black okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to place both a spotlight and a and a point light into the scene and just compare the difference in how they light up the scene so we're going to do this by coming up to create and then we're going to come down to Spotlight to begin with and give it a click go apply viewport transport camera what that will do it'll place the spotlight at the position of our camera that we are looking into the view scene through so if we give that an accept and then come back out to our perspective view we can see therefore that we placed a spotlight in the scene and what I'm going to do is I'm going to change the lumens on that Spotlight if we come down below to the lights Tab and come down to lumens and I'm going to make it 100,000 lumens now if we come back to wrong one Nvidia iay and take a look at what that does to our scene we can see that the spotlight is just lighten up that area that it's pointing at and if we were just to scroll around a little bit the light in the background although it's it's not Pitch Black that's because light is bouncing around the scene it's not really lit up by the spotlights as the spotlight is only lighting up that area that it's pointing at and that it's being lit up at so what we're going to do now we're going to come back into texture mode and we're going to come back into camera and then this time we're going to add a point light into a scene so again come up to create down to point light new Point light give it a click and again we're going to place it at the position of our camera and click accept uh once more if we come out we can now see the point light is being overlaid on the spotlight and I'm going to turn off in the scene tab the spotlight so that we can only see what happens with the point light again we'll have a look at our model and once more we'll come down and we'll do it 100,000 lumens and again come across to Ira now as you can see the point light is lighting up the entire area so not just lighting up the area that we're pointing at even though there's nothing to point at it's lighting up the entire scene uniformally with the light that it's putting out and just spinning around see everything's lit up as exactly the same whichever direction that we look at and obviously our model is lit up there again if we look through our camera we can see that she's lit up there now what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn off point light and turn on the spotlight as you can see the spotlights a little bit more intense and bright but again if we come out and I look around we're only lighting up the area that the spotlight is being pointed at as opposed to the point light which is lien up the entire scene uniformally so this means then that we can use Point lights to light up areas of our scene and give off a uniform light and that's what we're going to do next we're going to use a couple of Point lights to light up a scene uh with our model and just see what we can do with them okay so what I'm going to do I'm going to reset the scene load in an environment and then we'll take it from there right then what we've done is I've loaded in this environment that you can see I've got rid of the cube I've got rid of the point light and the spotlight that we had and we've loaded in this Temple type environment that you can see uh with our model right smack in the center of it uh if we go through the camera we've still got the same camera view and if we come across to Nvidia Ira everything is Pitch Black because we're still on uh the environment being the mode being the same Maps only lights in the scene are going to light things up there's nothing in the scene and so everything is dark so what we're going to do then we're going to just add a couple of Point lights into this scene and from there we're going to light the scene up and hopefully come up with a fairly decent you know well lit image come the end of it now of course the first thing that we can look at where we can provide some light in the scene is with the torch that how a model is carrying obviously you got the flame at the top there now ordinarily I'd do this with an emissive where I turn the flame into an emissive that gives off light but we'll touch upon em missives in a later video but for now we can we can easily use a Point light to do the same trick so what I want to do is I want to select the torch so that it's selected in the the model's hand and I want to come up to create come up to point light give with a click now previously we did it with the camera that we're looking through but because we've selected the torch we can use copy selected item which is the torch that is in a hand and we can click accept and it will create the point light roughly in the in the direction or the area of where the torch is and now what I can do is I can position this light I can just come up the torch now when I'm positioning this I want to go actually above where the flame is and the reason for that is because the flame itself is geometry and if we were to put the light for instance directly inside the flame because it's Geometry The Flame itself would cast Shadow so we want to actually place the point light above where the torch is uh get it roughly where we want if we come out and we have a play around it's obviously it's a bit further back roughly get it where we want it to be uh and with these type of things I tend to be fiddling and a mess around for a long time uh it's roughly where I'd like it to be if we come in and now come across to our Nvidia ey rear we can see that we've got a smidgen of Lights being put into our scene so obviously we need to brighten that light up a little bit so again with a point light selected if we come down to our liting Tab and we come down to our luminous flux here and what I'll do just for the circular argument is just add a couple of zeros onto that to see what we get so as we can see we've lit our model up now uh the problem that we've got though here she's lit up but the problem that we've got is it's not really Tor light that we've got so what we want to do is change the color of this liting so we'll come down to the temperature setting here that the lower the temperature the redder the color is going to be the higher the temperature the Bluer like a blue white light so we want to go down to take it more to the reddish color uh we could of course use the color setting up e but this is a better way to do it when you use them with flame uh and a torch light will burn at about 3,000 Kelvin we'll say 3 300 uh roughly in in that 3,000 to 3,500 range so when we change the color of the light we get a bit now of torch light illuminate our scene and our model as you can see there now one of the things that you will actually notice in this image is uh this really dark ugly Shadow that's that's behind our model and the reason for that is because we've got our light here and whenever you've got a light source in scene the smaller the point of light that you've got the more intense that light is going to be and therefore it's going to create big ugly Shadows either over your model or in the environment and you want to get away from doing that now in this instance it might be okay cuz she is only being lit up by a torch light and you could maybe get away with it but I'm not Oly that Keen when I when I see these big ugly Shadows so what I'm going to do is I'm going to soften the light somewhat and I'll do that by making sure the point lights selected come down to lights again and what I'm going to do is instead of having a point of light emanating from that point right up there I'm going to turn turn the light itself into a sphere and in doing so I'm then going to change it to a a height of 50 now as you can see we've now turned this point light into a big round sphere as you can see up there which isn't very good looking uh so what I'll need to do at this point now is also then this render emitter down here turn that to off and it will do that spere but it won't show it now in SC and what I'm going to do actually because that's it's just tucking into the top of the flame there again I'm just going to lift that up a little bit just a few little notches so that it's not really interfering too much with the flame itself one thing you'll also notice is everything's gone dark because now that light is has got a larger surface area that it's emanating from rather than that single point and so it's Lo lost a little bit of its intensity so what we then need to do is increase our luminous flux just to compensate for that lack of intensity now this is guess work you just have to play around until you get something you like I'll just add another 100,000 onto it and see what we end up with uh I'm okay with that I could go brighter but I'm okay with that as it stands so what we've got now we've got our model lit up by a single torch light uh by just putting one point light in the scene but there is more that we can do with this and we're going to do that right now and the first thing that we're going to do is we're just going to light up the background a little bit uh not majorly so uh to begin with but I've got an idea that I'd like to be able to do and see how it works uh but on a simple thing that we can do we can add more torch light into the scene so what we can do if we just come out of irrate mode at the moment and come to perspective mode what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take that Light Select it I'm going to come up to edits duplicate and then duplicate node hierarchies and what that will do is create a second Point light with exactly the same properties as that one and what I'm going to do I'm just going to take that second light and I'm just going to move it over into the background just to kind of give an idea that there's other torch light in this place let's say she just pull this off the wall uh and have a look at what we're doing just I don't want it on screen so we'll just move it into the background somewhere like this now this will only to be subtle I think but if we now come across back to Nvidia IRA you know we've just created a little bit more illumination over here in the background uh again just check where it is is it a bit oh I've actually put it in front of it look at that no wonder thought she was a bit light up at the front we need to push it into the background uh and I'm doing this in Nvidia R I think it'll be a bit slowish just bring it down behind it like so uh and then come back into our our view and again we just want to move it off to the side so I don't really want it too close I just want it a little bit subtle so as you can see now just by putting another Point light in the background we've added an extra Dimension to the image we put a little depth into the image now just by putting that light in the background but there's more we can do and I'm just going to put one more Point light in uh to really I think make the image come alive and to do that what I'm going to do I'm going to come back into texture mode so things aren't clunky I'm going to come up to create again create another Point light uh it doesn't really matter where I put it I'll just put it a default settings for now uh and what default settings will do if we come out to perspective it will place it right in the center of our scene which just sort of happens to be at our characters feet and what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring this light up I'm going to change it into a sphere again because I want the soft the light to be quite soft and diffuse and this time I'm going to make it 100 because I want it very soft and diffuse and where I'm going to place it is I'm going to place oops too much back in the the back ends of our scene right up uh in the rafters just over here somewhere just in the backround you won't be able to see it when we look through our camera but it will be there in the back end and what I'm going to do is I'm going to really crank this up a little bit uh I want this to be a nice white white light and you'll see why in a moment so I'm going to go up to uh 10,000 which is the maximum it'll go up to and I'm really going to add some Luminosity into this one one two three make it really nice and bright as you can see and now if we come up to Nvidia iate and hopefully this will work just off the top of my head if we come up to Nvidia I again give it a click as you can see we've now simulated some outdoor light just flooding down the stairs behind her and she's lit up just by this torch we didn't really need that torch over there but you know we've left it in there uh and there we go we've just lit up a scene uh looks okay with three point lights only really needed two uh kept it simple and with a little bit of color grading done in Photoshop we can see we have a final image which is perfectly fine I'm happy with that kept it simple just two lights three technically but really two lights that are impacting upon it and so that's Point lights then uh that's how we put them into the scene that's how we can light up a scene in an environment with Point lights uh I hope you've got something out with this video if so give us a thumbs up down below as it tells the YouTube algorithm that I'm a better YouTuber than what I actually am uh also if you've not yet subscribed give it a click down below and the little notification Bell and I really really appreciate that and finally if you have any comments or questions about this video about Point lights or about anything dadz related just pop them down below in the comments box and I will get back to you as soon soon as I possibly can that's Point lights I hope you've enjoyed it thanks for watching bye-bye [Applause] [Music] now
Channel: Rauko
Views: 1,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz 3D Point Lights, Daz Studio Point Lights, Daz Point Lights, Daz 3D Linear Point Lights, Daz Studio Linear Point Lights, daz 3d lighting tutorial, daz3d lighting tutorial, daz 3d lighting, daz3d lighting, daz 3d tutorial, daz studio lighting tutorial, daz studio lighting, daz 3d, daz3d, daz studio, daz 3d how to set up lighting, daz3d how to set up lighting, daz lighting, daz lighting tutorial, daz3d iray lighting tutorial, daz 3d iray lighting tutorial, daz3d how to
Id: jVPJB2VhzG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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