Daz 3d Tutorial : How To Use dForce Hair

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[Music] hey there welcome to my channel my name is rocco i hope you're having a great day uh over here i do dance 3d videos to help you to get the most out of your own renders d force no we're not talking about a new superhero gang that's ready to save the world but instead the tool within daz that allows us to simulate the fall and the floor of various materials uh within our scene so that things like cloth and hair for example can fall naturally and accurately to improve the realism of our creations now i've made a few videos uh using d force on the channel but using deforest with clothing on the channel you'll be able to find a link up in the top right there too uh just a playlist of other videos that i've done on defaults but the one thing that keeps cropping up when i talk to people in regards of d force is with d force hair and so in this video we're going to have a quick look at that and see how it differs if it does from where using d force on normal everyday clothing firstly though before we get to that i just want to give a big shout out at this moment to give a big big thanks to everybody who's become a member of this channel over the last couple of months or so since he introduced memberships i don't really have the words to express my thanks to you all but you are really really helping out the channel by being a member uh so a big big thanks if you haven't already it would be great if you could consider doing so just hit the join button down below uh this video for all the details that you might need also while i'm at it and a big thanks also for those who've dropped a few super thanks my way as well over the last couple of months uh that's just a way if you see a video that you like and you think hey that's really helped me out that just your wish thrown a few little rocks my way just to say thanks to me and i really really appreciate those people who've already doing that and finally subscribers i think we're around about four and a half thousand now at this point without you lot there wouldn't be a channel so big big thank you to everybody also as well uh you've also probably no doubt heard other sub youtubers say this the vast majority of people who watch videos don't subscribe to the channel that they are watching the videos on so if you haven't already please hit the subscribe button and the little notification button down below and if nothing else it just tells me that there's people out there who want to watch videos like this and the others that i do but a big thanks if you already have and a big thanks if you're just clicking this button right now as i'm saying that right deforest hair but here we are then we have our model uh set up in this little temporary studio that i've got all ready for the action that we got planned for her uh however for a video that's about default hair she's got one thing missing of course she's got no hair on her head now there are two types of d-force hair there in existence there's the strand-based hair which is probably the most predominant one that you'll come across and use a data's own little stan strand based hair tool that's that's uh within dazz the other type of hair is just normal everyday hair that you got that you've got which just been you know adapted so that it works well with uh you know deforest in this example i'm just going to use the strand base hair because it's more likely the hair that you're going to come across so what we've got i've got over here in my tutorial folder what i need to do is i need to select our model first of all and then just come down to the default air that i'm going to use which is this deforest room your hair here incidentally the links for all the assets in this video are down below uh in the description that's for the model and the clothing and of course the hair if you want to follow along step by step exactly what i do so what i'm going to do i'm just going to double click the hair and apply it to the model and there is the hair now loaded onto the model itself if i just come across to a camera that i have set up just so we can oops take a look at her from in front uh you might look at this and you think hold on a second this hair the way that it's all shaped in doesn't look anything like it does on this little icon up here what's going on well with deforest hair the creators set up the the hair and position it and style it in such a way that they want it to land and to fall after the d4 simulation has been placed upon it that doesn't look obviously like it does up there and if we just go across and have a quick look at ira preview and it looks like a hair is all over the place almost as if she just got out of bed but of course what really needs to happen is that the hair itself needs to be simulated and that is what we're going to do right now so we're going to come across to the simulation settings page just there i'm going to turn off start bones from memorize pause i don't want to do that and we're going to make sure that it's on frames to simulate just the current frame that's all we're going to do on once we're happy with that we come up to the simulate button and we press simulate now as usual uh depending on what it is that you the complexity of what it is that you're simulating that will determine how long it takes this was fairly quick uh just doing a single frame on that but as you can see the the hair is simulating it's dropped down uh probably in a way that you know it was wanted and designed by the creator so if we have a look at that uh as a render you can see that the hair is dropped as such and it looks okay it's straight off straight out the back just hit simulate on current frame and it does a decent job of simulating the hair if we're now back in das and we take a look into this perspective view and we have a spin around we can see that everything has just fallen down okay and everything looks fine apologies if the viewport is lagging a little bit but hey it does what you expect uh so yeah everything looks fine there everything looks good uh the vast majority of cases that you'll ever use deforest uh pair with that will be it you won't have to do anything else in the vast majority of cases but what we're going to have a look at at the moment is what if you want certain things or if you want to do certain things and you have to use a few little tricks to get exactly what it is that you want well let's take a look and see what we can do if we now come back up to the simulation settings for a moment uh give it a right click and do clear simulated data it will remove all the effects of the simulation that we've just done uh so what we've done we we've taken the base default setup of the hair we've run a simulation and we've ended up with the result that we got now most of these deforest hair that we get have other little settings with them and if i just expand my window a little bit if i can just do this so we can see everything uh we've got down here a little folder called initial hair shapes it's called uh without taking up an obscure anatomy screen we can't see initial hair shapes and a lot of deforest hair comes with these things included this one up here is the default pause which is the hair that you see on our models head up here but all of these different ones are different initial setups of the hair that the creator has created that will allow us to get a different effect after simulation has been run uh all different things again it's just the initial setup but they give no real clue or indication about the hair will look uh come the end of the simulation uh for instance if we were to come to this one here romeo hair pause making sure we've got the hair selected up in our environment and give it a click it will put in board it will put in place this initial set of pause that the creator has created and if we were to come up and simulate this one and if we were to do a side-by-side comparison with the newly simulated hair on the right here with the original default that we did you can see the difference you can see how it's fallen and simulated differently uh between the two so don't be afraid to have a play around with these initial set of pauses that you've got available to you with you know narrowing every single piece of the every little product of deep horse hair that you'll get that may help you and get the look and the final look that you want uh however what we've got here isn't something that i'm quite 100 happy with i'm okay with it but what i would really want to do and incidentally i'm in the initial default pause here and i've simmed it back down like we had earlier on in the video what i would want to do is i'd want to take all of this area that's over to you know the back of the neck and the back of the head and what i would like to do is just bring it in a little bit so it's a little bit tighter and a little bit more compact hanging down straight behind the shoulders and behind the back uh none of these initial pull setups you will allow me to do it so i need to use other tools to do that and one of the tools that you have available to you like with normal defaults is if we come across the simulation settings we can come to the environment tab and we can play around with gravity and with air resistance obviously gravity determines just how much pull and how much force there is pulling the hair down towards the ground and air resistance is the opposite of that is how much resistance there is to any fallen object or any object that's fallen uh as a default we set up one which is one earth's gravity on on gravity but we could go all the way up to two however i'm got an influence that's not going to be strong enough so if we come across this little cog give it a click come to parameter sentence and do use turn off use limits and click accept i'm going to actually put it up to five a gravity of five that's five times earth gravity and what i'm going to do with air resistance is i'm going to knock it down to zero so there's no resistance at all against the air as it falls again what we'll do we'll simulate it and see what happens right click simulation settings clear all the data out even though you don't need to do that technically and then it's simulate now again if we compare side by side the original default on the left and then the the gravity 5 simulation on the right we can see it is a little bit tighter it's tighter on the top and it has pulled the sides in a little bit but one thing that it's done is that it's pulled the the hair in front of the shoulders somewhat uh and the reason for that is because the pull has been so strong that the hairs got caught up on the shoulders and it's not felt exactly as i wanted which would be behind the model's head so what i'm going to do we're going to introduce another little thing we can do and if you've looked at some of the other d force videos in the past what we're going to do is we're going to move across to the animation timeline and we're going to do a little trick just to make sure that that hair goes behind the shoulders so here we are then backing downs with the simulation reset and what we're going to do we're going to use the timeline and we're going to use a little bit of an animation to try and get this hair falling behind the shoulders of our model uh one thing i have done by the way i've changed the gravity down from five to three because i've done a little bit of experiment and three tends to work best with what it is i'm trying to do here now even though i mentioned animation and i mentioned the timeline don't worry about it if you've never used that before uh you don't need to be a you know somebody who works at pixar or anything like that for what we're about to do uh so what we are going to do though is we're going to open the timeline down here we've got the timeline and we can see over here that we're set up at frame 30 and what i'm going to do is i'm going to come all the way down to frame zero down here and i'm gonna do that by just clicking these two little buttons right there all the two little arrows right there so it takes all the way down to frame zero now if i come out to the perspective camera so we can see what's going on here our model then is now stood in an air pause down at frame zero and what we're going to do is we're going to come across to the genesis 8 model give her a click and i'm going to rotate her so she's leaning backwards on frame zero and i'm going to rotate her at a 35 degree angle the idea being that at this angle the gravity the force of the gravity pulling the hair should pull it clear of the shoulders so that in the final pause when we get back up to pause 30 uh the hair will be behind the shoulders and we'll be somewhere in the region of what i actually want it to be so what we're going to do now is we're going to come across back over to the simulation tab and click simulate and i'm going to turn frames to simulate over to animated timeline player range and we're going to run the simulation through these 30 frames we're using defaults and hopefully we get the results at the end that we're looking for so i'll run this now this is going to take about 15 minutes i'll run this now i'll speed it up for you and then we'll have a look see what we've got once everything is done and the simulation is finished i'll see you in a bit so once more now the simulation's complete we can do this quick side-by-side comparison with the original render that we did earlier uh now we can easily see that there again is a lot tighter around the head and it falls behind us the shoulders in the way that i wanted to do and i've achieved this by using a combination of strong gravity reducing the air resistance down to zero and then just animating her over over the timeline from a position where she was leaning backwards now by using these methods and a combination of them you should be able to have the air falling roughly the way that you want it no matter what image that you're doing i say roughly you're not going to get exact because you can't predict how every little strand of hair is going to collide with each other but you should be able to get somewhat close to the things that you want to do uh the only downsides being that it can take a little time to get there simulating over the timeline is always going to be time consuming and if you're having to experiment with different settings and ways of doing things then you might end up having to run the a number of simulations before you're happy with the results and unfortunately that just takes time uh so that's a basic rundown then of deforestation now we hope this video has actually demystified little things somewhat for those who've been struggling with it and it's giving you a few ideas of your own to do your own scenes uh if so then give the video a like and as always if you have any comments then drop them down below and i'll get back to you as soon as i possibly can so that's it for now deforest hair bye-bye and i'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rauko
Views: 22,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dforce hair, how to use dforce hair, daz 3d dforce hair, daz studio dforce hair, how to use dforce in daz 3d, how to use dforce, how to use dforce in daz studio, Daz3d, daz 3d, daz studio, daz dforce tutorial, daz dforce, dforce, daz tutorial, daz 3d tutorial, daz studio tutorial, daz3d tutorial, daz3d genesis 8, daz 3d genesis 8, genesis 8 female, how to use daz 3d, dforce tutorial, dforce hair tutorial, dforce simulation
Id: 0rLHw_uEylI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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