Daz 3D Beginner Tutorial : The Viewport

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey there and welcome to my channel my name is Rocco and I do Daz 3D tutorial videos to help you to get the most out of your own renders uh this is the next part in buying beginner to Advanced does 3D Series in the last video I gave a quick look at the custom customization options within the Daz 3D user interface to get everything looking how you might maybe want to look it make sure you follow that link up in the top right of the screen to check that video out if you haven't already in this video we're going to start taking a look at the many areas of the user interface itself and look at the various options that we have within them starting in this video with the viewport which is this great big Hong Kong window which we can see in the center of the interface on the screen right now now the view part is where all the action happens within Dash 3D as it is the graphical representation of our scene or the project that we're working on when we add models and environments and whatnot they'll show up in this window and allow us to move them around and manipulate and edit them and do our various things that we have to do now at the moment as you can see it's pretty empty uh but with a little bit of movie Magic we can add something into the scene now don't worry for the moment on how we've done that uh we'll get around to that in a later video when the time's right uh all we need to know is that what we have now is the model of a young woman striking a pause and ready for us to do something with her and one of the first things that we can do is we can take a look around up here in the top right of the screen that we can see up here we can see a number of controls uh first of all we'll have a look at these items down the side this little twisty top one and these four arrows and the the magnifying glass if we hover over the the Twisty The Twist you want hold our left Mouse button round down and then move our Mouse around we can see that the camera that we're looking through we can rotate it around and look at our model from all a lot of different angles likewise if we come down to the the icon below that with the four arrows pointing in different directions we can give that a click and we can Pan the camera around left and right down up uh left and right now with a combination of these two controls we can look at our model from any angle and from from any position that we we choose to do so the next icon down the little magnifying glass again we hold the left Mouse button down and then move our Mouse backwards and forwards we can zoom in and out of our scene likewise we can have the same effect if we use the middle Mouse button on our Mouse pull it back we can come zoom in Push It Forward we can zoom out the two little controls below this that the square with a little Plus in what that allows us to do is to focus on a particular item that we've got selected in the scene so for instance if we were to click on her arm there uh what we can do is we can use this uh control just to give it a click and it will focus in the center of our screen at that particular object that we've got selected and the control below that the the circle with the arrow if we give that a click it will reset our view back to where we were now I've turned off Mark cursor highlight for this little next section just so you can see what's going on and that's here kind of look at this little Gizmo this funky little thing that we can see up here this allows us to do many of the same actions that we've just done with those icons so for instance if we click on this this square and we wrote it it around you can see that we wrote it in the camera around like we were using this uh spinny rorty tirty thing up here in the top right but you'll also notice as well though there's there's writing on this Square for instance we can see front there if we hover over where it says front you can see that it highlights in yellow now if we give that a click we can see that the camera will now spin around and give it as a front front on view of our model if we just move it again we can see there it says left give that a click and the camera will flip around to the side of our model and likewise we can go up top if we wish give it a click or on all the other different directions we've got back there and we'll have bottom and right and various other things that's great so that's a great way we can flip around to a particular view that we want to be able to view our model as you'll also note that on this uh where we've got the the front highlighted in between front and top for instance you can see there's another little highlight just there give that a click and it'll spin to a 45 degree view looking down in our character and likewise if we went over to one of the sides it would flip the camera around to a 45 degree view of our model now it's up to you whether you use these controls down the side or you start using this to view your model But whichever you comfortable with those are the way we can manipulate the particular camera that we're actually looking through at this time and talking about what we're looking through uh if you see this up here where it is perspective view what we've got here is a little drop down menu if we click on it we can see that we can see things like perspective view front view left view etc etc now your perspective view which is the default the way it will be set is a bit much like your work ask view that you'll you'll be manipulating things in your scene with it's a nice fast smooth camera that we can rotate around as we've just seen the other views allow us to to set fixed views on uh what we want to be able to to look at so for instance if we come down to front view and give it a click we immediately flip around to a front view of our model however what's different is is that we are unable to rotate this camera around so if we come up to our little Gizmo here nothing's happening likewise if we come up to the the spinny top uh icon there nothing happens this is a fixed front view of our model we can still pan and we can still zoom in and out but we're not able to rotate uh the camera around or the view around when we're working with this fixed view likewise if you come to left it's the same or if we come to right exactly the same we can pan but we can't water these are fixed views that exist within Daz now one of the things that we're able to do with these views is to set up a number of different viewports if we saw a wish and in each viewport look through a different view so for instance if we come up to the menu bar up at the top and we click on window and we come down to viewports we can see a number of templates in the way that we can set up our viewport itself you can see highlighted at the top is single view that's the view that we're currently looking at now but if we were to come down the side by side view and give it a click we can see that the viewport's now being split into two separate viewports that's what we've got and in each viewport we've got a series of camera controls on both of them and a series of uh places where we can select what view that we've got so if we're over in this left window we want to select perspective view we get the normal controls that we would be able to to use to control our model but let's say that over here we chose front view and we moved it around we can now see our model in two different views uh that way we can still use the perspective View and over here we're stuck in this fruit view where we're only able to pan around likewise if we really wanted to make things busy we could come down and we could go with four views if you wanted and you could have a different view in each of those viewports for now we're just going to continue to work in just the single view uh just so that it gives a nice big clearer picture now for the Keen eyed amongst you on this menu that we've just been looking at you can see that there's also something in there called camera now what this is this is a camera that I placed into the same for me on purposes so that we can view the scene from any place that we want and fix that camera in place again don't worry at this moment about how we put cameras in we'll get to that when the time is right but if I was to come down and select this camera you can see that I've got it set up to create a little head and shoulders portrait type of view of our model and it's through this these cameras that we place in the scene that we're able to to set things up how we want to view them how we want our you know final renders to look now just like the perspective camera we can still move this camera around although it's not as responsive as what the perspective camera is it's a little bit clunky it's a little bit slower the reason for that is because the cameras I'm going to do quite a few little calculations in the back end while we're moving it around and you know it's not as smooth as the the perspective camera as we've just seen now up here next to the the drop down where we select our cameras is this little icon that you can see there this little sphere with an arrow next to it a downward Arrow next to it if we give that a click what we can see is a whole bunch of different ways that we are able to view our scene uh what we're on at the moment as default is this texture shade of view that you can see there well there's a variety of other different ways that we could uh view our model for instance we could click it into a wireframe if we wanted I don't know how helpful that'll be some of the money uh I have no understanding as to why we would be used in truth so for instance we've got one here called wire bound and box for reasons if anybody does know why somebody would want to use this then please drop it down below in the comments because I'd be really interested to learn so myself but yeah most of these you might not use some are interesting to look at I mean we can go with why a texture shaded so that's looking at the the way that we've been looking at it so far just uh also with a wireframe around it but as I mentioned the default that we're going to be using or most of the time is going to be texture shaded what other interests and one down here is this Nvidia Ira if you've got an Nvidia graphics card which ideally you probably do need one with with using dascus then you'll be able to use Ira render engine this Nvidia area allows us to view a preview of what our final render will look like when we send it off to render it uses a few little tricks to make everything a lot a lot faster than what it would be in real life if we were sending it up to a render but it allows us to view a preview of how our render is going to look so if I give that a click we can see that we get a nice clear rendered preview of what our image will look like when we send it off to render now if you don't have an Nvidia graphics card this might be a bit slow uh because ideally as I mentioned you need an Nvidia graphics card to work with Ira but if not we do have other options which we'll get to in a later video uh but for now those are the the means and the ways of being able to to view our scene like I said though most of them you probably will never use but the basic default will be the texture shaded one and possibly the Nvidia Ira also that you will use and likewise you've got your camera controls and you've got your camera selector box up here now the final thing that we need to have a look at is just this little menu option that you can see above the spinny rotatory bit that we can use in our camera and next to where we select our cameras this little symbol with the four lines and the little arrow next to it these just allow us to organize our viewport or add things into our viewport that we're able to to do to help us out so for instance if we give it a click uh we can see that there's this is an option at the top we've got the cube view controls or we've got doc view controls the default is the cube view controls but if we go docked view controls you can see that our camera and controls that we had up here in the top right have now been positioned on this bar along the top personally I think it's better that way but I'm so used to to doing it with the the controls over here I never really put it on here uh so yeah you've got an option you can either have them docked along the top of the window or if we uh where's the options got an area come back to the options or we can have the default setting that we get over there likewise on this menu we've got an option to show the floor which if I was to come out I'll tell you what I'll just turn this uh display off if I was to come out to the perspective view again uh and just select we could show the floor or we could remove the floor it's one of the options that we've got uh it's just that floor is just there to help you position things again and you may or may not want it on the screen the next option is this sensual Center access we can give that a click and it what that access does it just shows you where the center of your project is going to be when you're looking out at this big scene this big area where you can put things in it might be nice to know just where the center of the environment is and that option on the menu just allows you to either turn that on or off this show aspect frame uh if you give that a click you can see it removes this white box that's around our model however if you do come back into the camera and we look back across to Nvidia IRA you will copy that you're still rendering or previewing and you will still render when you go to render that area of the Box all that you're doing is you're just taking off the the rectangle that defines where that is uh when we come down to this next option this sure third screw this is a handy little thing that I often tend to use quite a bit when you put it on uh you get this nine square grid appear on your viewport and it's great for helping you align things and and Center things that you that you've got in your in your viewport that you've got great little uh useful little tool which is very useful and I'm often used in using that it does get in the way a little bit of time so I do turn it off when I'm not using it uh finally we've got the show pause tool now what this is if we again select something in our scene you can see up here there's this little Gizmo that that turns up again don't worry about what it is at the moment and how it works but all that option in the menu does is it turns that on and off you can have it on the screen or you can have it turned off which is what I've done isn't it yeah yeah and it will only show up when you've got something selected anywhere the final three options that we've got down here Hide camera Cube hide an auto-eyed view options uh that hide camera Cube it just hides that little Gizmo up there that we've been using earlier on it took me a while to work out what that was actually I've never used it so yeah I was trying to work out what was Vanishing and it turned out it was that likewise the two options below that you've got Auto Hide view options if we give that a click you can see our camera stuff at the top disappears but when we hover up near it they come back on and likewise Auto High View controls our little gizmos and icons on the side there also only sure when you hover over them why you'd want to do that I don't know but it could be a nice little option that you've got if you saw wish and so there we have it then uh that is the viewport within Daz and it's one of the main areas where you're going to be doing a lot of your work when you're building scenes and you're creating your works of Masterpiece that you will no doubt be doing very shortly after watching all these videos uh so hopefully you found something in this video helpful uh and if so please give it a like down below as it will let YouTube know that it's a decent video and we'll give it a boost in in the rankings which get more people able to see it uh and if you haven't already please consider subscribing and hitting the notification Bell down below uh because then you'll get informed when the next video in this series or any of my normal everyday does videos that I do drop and you get a little notification that that has happened really really appreciate it obviously if you do that and again it helps the channel big time if you do that and finally if you've got any comments or questions whether it's on this video or about Daz in general then pop them down in the comment section below and I'll get back to you as soon as I possibly can again thanks for watching and I'll see you next time bye bye now [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rauko
Views: 14,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daz 3d beginner tutorial, daz3d beginner tutorial, daz 3d tutorial, daz3d tutorial, daz 3d, daz3d, daz user interface, daz tutorial, daz studio, daz 3d tutorial for beginners, daz 3d UI tutorial, daz 3d ui settings, daz 3d settings, daz 3d tutorial settings, daz 3d tutorial user interface, daz 3d beginners user interface, daz tutorial settings, daz tutorial user interface, daz beginner user interface, daz 3d viewport, daz3d tutorial for beginners
Id: Af_53fR1x6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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