Daz Studio Strand Based Hair Tutorial

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in today's video we will look into a very free powerful feature inside our studio course drag based here now a strand base here allows you to create very realistic here for your figures inside that studio without any 3d modeling experience you will also learn in this video how to create any type of hairstyle you wish to do so and create any color combinations of the hair using the strand based editor inside - studio hi I'm ami welcome back to my channel where i help you to master bath jr. now if you're new here don't forget hit that subscribe button and that notification bar so you don't miss out on any cool videos gonna help you on your journey have you said that let's get back to toriel right now welcome to this tutorial regarding strand base a now fair warning this tutorial will be quite long and the reason why this tutorial will be quite long is because there are a lot of options to go through to make the best use of strand base here so I'm going to cover as many of the options I can so you can make the most of this free feature inside the studio this isn't happy to create very unique characters because hair is a very visual aspect of creating unique characters so having said that before we have to be a tutorial there will be time stamps on below so if in the description box so if you want to go check out the time stamps and skip to specific parts you can do that I highly recommend you go through the whole tutorial this is going to help you to create very unique characters because here's like I said very visual and unique part of creating characters so having said that let's get to tutorial right now so the first thing we need to do is we need to select our character inside the scene tab so collecting those already selecting my character ref here I'm gonna go through created here and I'm going to do new strand based here now we get our very familiar our dialog box here strand base so you can actually label this I'm gonna leave it as is that's fine so I'm gonna do accept and now we're giving this option here this window pops up so the first first thing we need to do is we need to select the surfaces where we want to apply the hair so because I want to apply the hair the strand base hair to a head I need to select the face so take that and then I need to select the head over here as well so the head here which is the torso this is the torso yet there we go so these this is where I'm telling the strand base to editor this is where I'm gonna apply the hair so I'm gonna go to the next section here which is paint okay so here we've got like a wireframe of our model with our face here and the torso and I'm just gonna zoom in now on the actual face because that's what I want so this is where you would paint where you want the actual strand hair to be so the way you would do that is you just left click here and then you would start painting you're literally painting where you want to try and hair to be if you want to remove something to keep the Alt key pressed on the keyboard and then you can keep the left mouse button press on you can remove it so I'm gonna do right now if we go through the options here the settings here the brush options these are quite straightforward so you got a value so basically as you go down here and you change you can get different tones basically as you go down you get less tones here so you're going from like black-ish grayish to gray to white and you're gonna get different shades so to speak of how much of the hair that will be there that will be applied to the strand based here on your character so we can get rid of that'll be the Alt key as well opacity basically is the opacity so that will just make you very lighter again very light rapacity so that's a great way to like blend hair together so if you had like for example white like this the blending of the hair so it's kind of like you've got a lot of hair here and then you got slightly less here density of hair here that's all is so we could read that again radius is just faking how big these option is so you can see the radius ignore the actual yellow circle that is the my my soft edge is telling you in the masses but you can see there's like another circle inside there and I the radius we just made it very smaller so we could be more specific on which areas you want to cover return some where you want this trend based here so that's what radius does there move that okay the fall-off is this kind of section here the outside here so it's kind of like lighter section that's the fall-off here so if I please to fall off you'll see the fall up is a lot more bigger you can see as I do it the fall-off is a lot more so that's something you'll play around with again that's to do into blending up the hair away you want the hair to be and then you got spacing here so if I increase the spacing and I keep them the left mouse button pressed you will see that I will just randomly start placing I'll just keep that Massimo presence just randomly every you know so many centimeters it will start just kind of like plotting the way you want the hair okay generally I leave spacing alone re touch that I leave it at default 15 okay so the first thing you probably know is where do I do it on the head where do I actually paints on the head the best way I found is to use this symmetry section here so if you use symmetry and you do texture you whatever I do on this side it will be on the other side so want to start painting here if I go to the other side you'll see that it's the exact same copy on the other side okay so you can do like you don't have to worry about painting one side and then going to the other side of our painting the other side you can just paint one side I will just copy it so I can do this so I'll show you exactly what it looks like turning turning right so exciting this there you go so I'm doing one side is doing is that copy on this side which is a great time-saver ignore this here this here this is where the seam is but you won't see that when you do the actual hair so don't worry about that a quick tip here is obviously you can let me just turn this up you can do the Alt key here and then you can really hear around the ear what I suggest did you leave a space so don't do it like here right in the edge of the ear what I would suggest if you do it run about here somewhere so you kind of let me see if I can do the radius a bit less there you go so I'm so leave this here this is where the actual here is so the kind of like ear lobes I would suggest you need like spacing here so you want to kind of do it around that section there that's what you want to do as far as the head how far back in the head he should go that's a tidy up to you I would say something ran about he here is fine you don't want to go any lower you could go low what's that about here if you want to go further on the back of the neck and in terms of the frontier that's entirely up to you I would go something around about here probably like this section here something like that depending away what the hair like to start so something natural hair line probably be around about here some way so somewhere right about there you'd want to go too far otherwise he won't look like how much more for it but that's up to you how you want to paint away you want the hair to be so what I'm going to do right now is show you how you can use one of the freebies that I've got actually link in description to all the freebies in this in this tutorial one of the freebies is I've already got like preset actual density hair density Texas already done for you so you need to worry about all this so the way you do that is when you want to apply that you go to import here and then you would go to the download IDs which is strapped based here now because this is a genesis eight mail you to choose genesis a mail from the actual freebie list i've got you the free be free be texture sets I've got for you sojourn this is a mail you go to the density texture sets and then you choose where you want got two different types of beards but in this case I want the hair and then I would select the first part torso or face it other matter cuz will import both so you do open honeydew accept it's gonna overwrite this original one here and do you replace there it is okay so already pre-done for you you can use that one so that's or II don't for you so you don't you worry about how to do so as you can see I left that space here around the earlobe this is the hairline that I've done but that is something accused of the base to begin with if you don't want to really go around painting you're not too sure this is a great way to start off do that okay so now you know that that's awesome so it's all set paintings there let's go to distribute so here we go in the distribute tab this shows you roughly what the hair will look like very very rough showing basically show you display on where the hair is gonna be so you can see the earlobes here you've got the hair these are all the actual hair these aren't the strands by the way these over here so let's go through the options here you got distribution density so density basically means the higher the number the more thickness of the hair is so if I go something like 50 you'll see the thickness of the hair goes crazy so generally density you can go up to a hundred if you want to if you want very thick hair or you've got the 200-300 very thick hair very dense hair I would suggest you're probably going to run between 50 and 100 is fine depending on the type of hair you're trying to create the density the thickness of the hair next thing without a seed setting so seed is like the randomness of the hair so as I tried to move this you'll see that the hair will start moving if we actually less density you'll see the difference so it's like basically it's moving be where the original position of the hair is like very very few centimeters just to give that randomness of the hair that's all it's doing this is getting like a randomness of the hair next option is the width so you can change the base of the show here here or you can change the tip so if we increase it here you can see I don't think you were to see it actually what we need to do is take this here show hairs with widths otherwise you can't see the width here so take that so as I increase this base you'll see it increasing so you can see the Chris or the basis increases the thickness in terms of millimeters and then the tip as well I can creased that and you can see it's increasing the thickness of the tip of the hair so remember to tick this this bottom option here to show hairs with widths okay so that's all that is I would general I generally now along to what it is you can really play around with the thickness if you wish to do so by just Germany camp the density quite high so I doesn't like 100 so I don't fiddle around with this wig setting here too much but that's entirely up to you how you want to do it right the next option is the color option now you think this color option is the actual color of the hair no so this section here is the coloring with inside the pre this viewport here this actual viewport that we got for the flambé set this is not where we actually choose the color of the hair we do that in the surfaces tab which I'll show later on so this setting really I wouldn't even bother touching it's a waste of time it doesn't really do anything all it does is if I take this option in show hair color it just shows you what the what the hair color is inside this preview port this isn't the actual hair color that you would wait this is not actually where you would choose a hair color so I would leave this alone but if you really want to go through the settings I can do that so this is quite self-explanatory you've got a base color here you can choose from the palette what color you want we've got a tip color here you can choose what color you want it doesn't really matter and then you've got here you got root darkening so you can choose the amount of root darkening you want so I can make the root darker and then the bias is basically you've got the base here so the more left this biases it will make the route darker and the more right you go it'll start making more of the hairline darker you'll see as I do there you go so it's kind of advancing towards the tip of the hair the more bias you do so the salting is better to giving white hair so you have the minimum and maximum settings kind of like your values here your your range basically and you just increase the amount you can see the as I crease it I'll get more whitey peppering is the opposite which is going to give you more darker hair so hidden but the minimum and the maximum again and our range values I let me just increase the amount and he sought yet more dark here that's all it is again like I said this doesn't really change the Kerr color in the actual in the for the hair color for the actual strands you need to do that the surface tab which I'll show you later this just change the hair color inside the viewport so this is this not really this doesn't really do anything so again I'm going to turn that off with I don't really do anything let's go to style so I wanted a style tab okay so this is where the magic happens so to speak so these are the actual hair strands which we can manipulate here so these blue lines are the actual hair strands what we need to do first if we go down here in the pre section I highly recommend you take this here show here with width so we can see our actual here and then I would put the amount up to a hundred so I can see the whole amount of hair if your machine is not that powerful meaning you must have at least have a Nvidia graphics card I highly recommend you don't do 100% because you might end up crushing the strand base here okay you might need to do something like 50% or something of that so if you have an Nvidia graphics card you can back it up 200 you'll be fine so let's go through some of these options what can we do let me just zoom a bit here so the top four here are like selection tools so these four here are the selection tool you can select these strands these blue areas these are the strands so ignore the actual hair here this is just showing me what it looks like when we select the strands here so here if I select the first one I'm doing a selection so if I left click on it reading a selection here and it's gonna make it go green now what that means are when I use these other tools here I will only affect these hair strands I won't be affecting these other hair strands here so especially a selection tool so we can select specific areas of the hair that we want to manipulate and not affect the others so that's all we're doing we can create curved selection sets so I can give this a name curve selection right your son Damien to the manner and that's my that's my selection there so when I click on the - if I want you to select a specific set of hair I can just click on the Add button here and now selectively my hair set here we could create another hair set if I wanted to so I can again drag another selection here and do new and curve selection click accept so now I've got two okay so if I do the add there and I'll do the add day of selecting both of these and I'm going to only have to manipulate these pretty straightforward so far so again here you these better selection tools so again this is the tips sorry the base selection so if I click here you we would be selecting the base here so in this case I would just be dragging here selecting these specific bases and I would have to manipulate these from the base this is the tip so I would select the tip here and then I would be able to select the tip here and what this do you get this certain the translation tool and again we can start manipulating things so if I move these around you can see what happens I can drag the hair here I could move it up and I can bring it back and forth okay we're just many plain the tip here if I did that with the base so with the base we would have to use these tools here which I'll get to very shortly and then you've got the points here the different points here on natural strands so here we've got the different points and again I can manipulate them like this I can see the hair moving with the translation tool okay that is that is what those for you have a top pick cool okay so the next section is we've got the cornea which is literally your brushing the hair and your brushing the hair using these these options here so strength is the strength of how much it's gonna call me by so if I do it here you'll see it's selected at the moment of its deselect this there we go go back to calm deselect it first go go get the calm now calming the hair as you can see this is a strength of 50 and you can see the hair movie and I'm basically creating the design of my hair here that's all I'm doing I'm call me I'm creating the design again very similar setting strength of sniffing order hundred it will really affect it you can see a really going to work here and it's thick you know it's finished you really really making a lot of difference to how much you affecting the hair the hair strands radius again is just basically making that size smaller so we can affect it less and then the fall-off is basically how much of it is the fall-off is affected with that so there you go so you get very very you get very very detailed in how much you want to affect the hair okay if you turn around we can see that's the front part and then we can affect the back part the hair as well okay so that is what we can do with that the cut tool is basically it will cut the strands so for example if I didn't like these hair strands I would left-click here and a line would come here and it will start cutting the hair basically that's all that does the cut tool there that's all the cut tool is there so he just cuts off the hair that I don't like of the blue strands so it's always the blue strands I call this off here and then we're getting like a strange effect here but that's what you can do with you can create layers almost here with the cutting tool so the next one is a reset tool I will do that very shortly because I want to show you the bottom four so the bump for are the actual manipulation of the hair strands so here we've got four click on here we've got the scales scale curves so the more I do this the more increases the bigger the hair will get the more scale it will just scale curves so we're getting the longer curves there I can see the hair growing we've got to be extend curves which will just extend the curves as they are so we'll just extend the curves if you use a slider here to extend the curves it was just literally whatever direction the curves are going it will just extend it to that direction so we can obviously increase a decrease these you can see here the next one is the curl curves this will curl the hair so curl it outwards I will curly inward so if you want to like spiky hair going on or something that's what you could do the next one is the surface of track so this one attracts it to the surface so this will attract the hair to the surface so it will just kind of move it towards the surface and you'll get that kind of spiky kind of hair going on so that attracts to the surface of the actual figure here and the offset of 0.10 that's like I think in millimeters so it won't attract it basically you won't intersect and go inside the face here it'll stay 0.1 millimeters or 0.1 centimeter thick is away from the face and you can change the offset if you wish to do so so we can go the other way as well and go crazy let's cover these other section and these are the options there at the bottom now so interpolation I love these words the phrases they use inside this strata base a two really strange words but I'll do them are best to explain so segmentation end so what you want is segmentation then if you want a lower value so the higher body go the less realistic it is and the lower value can go the more realistic the Herbie's so you can see it kind of changing here it's especially the segmentation length the realization the realism of the hair auto parting is how to do your parting of the hair so it's always that set to 180 degrees so this is in degrees and as I bring it down you'll see the hair start party somewhere there we go start apart I'm trying up here maybe you can see a bit more so the hair will start parting as you can see it's party here in the middle generally you can play around with this setting generally I don't play around this when I calm the hair I just do my own parting and then you've got the single guide here so the single guide basically follows the shape of the nearest curve so you've got the base here the tip if I just increase a tip so the nearest curve meaning these blue lines here whatever the nearest curve is it will follow the shape of that curve so as we increase the base you can see it start to attract here these ones trying to attract to this nearest one here as I increase the base see they're subtracting to that to that curve and the bias is we can choose how much of the bias I don't think it makes much difference maybe because the we haven't got enough difference between here actually let me just do that so the bias there we go you can see how much of it will attract to the nearest curve here we did the blue lines here so these hairs are trapped into near skill that's what the signal light is okay so this option here this one resets the curve so if I click on there it gives me curve options segmentation and I believe that was one off see if you increase it more the curves get bigger and the segmentation life gets bigger hit reset curves and there you go you've got the lines or reset so to show the reset I just need to uncheck this and then put it back on and there we go now what happened was before I had to do this was something because this is like the actual strand base here editor is kind of flaky as a probably what a quarter is sometimes you'll do option and it doesn't work what I need to do is you'll need to accept the actual settings and then go back in so you need to go to edit and then the strand base here and to make sure I select obviously the seat up edit strand better to make some changes stick so it is kind of like you know I want to say beta stage there are some issues with this so yeah just be very wary of that if for example something doesn't work in here just accept or accept the option and or cancel here then go back into the strand best hair editor and it'll start working again so let's actually create the hairstyle that is in the actual thumbnail so what we need to do first is I'm going to use this tool here and I'm going to select these hairs here I'm sort of Gore the other side make sure that's selected now if I want to select more hairs at the moment they're green green we selected I can keep the ctrl key kept pressed and then I can select additional strands here so I can select additional strands without affecting anything else cool ok so what I'm gonna do now I'm going to put the hair in so I'm gonna use the curves tool here scale I'm gonna scale it down something like that I think I might give you a bit more actually less there we go cool so 0.1 scale excellent so now I'm gonna do the same on the left hand side unfortunately there's no like mirroring option which could be kind of which will be really cool where you can mirror one side and then the other side would mirror that would be kind of cool unfortunate thats not available so you'll have to do the best guest estimate on how to create identical sides of the hair so i'm gonna select this side again go to the back because we're 3d remembers need to make sure if he selected to the back control key and then I want to select these blue strands over here here that is cool okay happy with that selection I'm gonna do the same here and I clicked my scale tool I'm gonna go down to 0.1 I think he was to keep it and say cool I've got my Mohawk here which is what I was looking for and I can see there's a bit of an issue here I've got more of a more up here than there so let us resolve that issue right now so what you can do actually I didn't say is if you left click here while using these tools he's bottle 4 tools if you left click in the actual viewport yeah and you're right you can scale it in scale it up and then if you go left you can scale it down so there's two different ways to do that I like to use I like to use the actual slightest or push this it but that's up to you what you want to do so let me just sort this out because this will eventually turn up turn out to be the thumbnail image the exact thumbnail image that you clicked on to get to this video okay I think that looks good enough very brushy broomy effect going on here cool okay one thing I want to do now here is out the front and I'm happy about this have been very picky today I don't know why I just wanted to select all actually right if I selected something I didn't want select Alt key and then select those and I will remove the selection so ctrl and alt are your friends use them wisely ctrl Alt key if you're on the Mac I think it's the command key and and I know why the other key man a Mac user so let's just try and get this as symmetrical as possible that looks good to me okay I'm happy with that brush head there excellent now what I want to do is actually increase the size here so I'm going to select this yeah well actually what you need to do is you don't just go to the base and select you can just select the top end here so as you can see and I will like the whole strand so I really need to select select the whole base so to speak I'd sneeze like the top section and soft a nose that hey I want to select that strand and you know it's basically so I can just do that just make sure those strands are selected and all other strands are selected go there I think that's about right back so I selected some strands here that they don't want so I can see the section tool is kind of fiddly I think it will be better if you add some sort like a brush tool or something to select the strands but hopefully - 2d are working on this to make this a bit more effective as a tool to create hair especially since you don't need any 3d modeling experience now to pray here we can use what we've got here so what I what I'm doing this is I want to extend it so extend the curves give it a bit more height there took my five we'll do two more five cooled it like that and I'm going to do is do a bit of curling up the actual of the Mohawk here so I'm going to go how to be give it a bit about brushy kind of effect there we go that looks kind of cool happy with that okay very happy with that so let's go to the next section which is the clump so this is where we start to actually design the hair and give it a unique look realism so let's fit on the club settings so these clumping settings are basically D formers that deform the hair so that's all they doing is the default they're giving a very unique effect so clumping is when you have hair hair actually does some of the hair clumps together so example of this for example is I can give you is when you use like gel on your hair and you kind of clump your hair together it's basically like that that kind of that kind of effect and you can choose the effect of the strength of the effect so when you clump your hair together to bring it together and when you have gel obviously I wouldn't know anything about that since I've haven't got much hair left but I'll do that do you have hair left and you use hair gel or some kind of mousse and you can't be here together that's kind of the effect we're doing with this clumpy so clumping the lawn company number one or two exactly the same thing they're just basically you're enhancing what clumping one is doing when you when you use clumping two so they're the same thing really so here we but strength so these are strength amok as you can see the hair is clumping together like if you were using like the gel like I said for you here enough see the moss went in you eat the more you get this kind of like spiky look going on the clumping of hair obviously this effects everything I believe it's because I never because I never created different densities different density Maps so if I created a different map for this and a different map for this we can affect the clumping differently on the maps these actual texture sets that we created so we can remove that I don't like too much actually so something like there looks pretty good and then the bias basically is actually I'll put 200 so you can see the full effect the bias is basically the base and the tips so if you go to the left you would affect more of the base it'll make the clumping of the base more and then if you go to the right it will start making the clumping of the tips more as you can see that's all the biases so I'm gonna bring that down I don't want to which clumping actually is one a little bit density is basically this it will just increase the density so we increase the density of the clumpy so I could have a hundred percent I could have that kind of very kind of like a very fine kind of thin hair going here with the bias and I think Risa density here that increase the density of the hair so instead of being like you know very like that where you've got hay like that you increase the dead say they're making it thicker basically so thickness of hair all right clumping to does the same thing we're just enhancing what we did in crumb big one so again I can increase the clumping here maybe the bias a lot more on the bare base so increase the clumping off the base here of the base David girl and I want the density of the base to be a bit more there we go okay I'm the seed basically again he's just a randomness of it so he can create the randomness succeed ahead maybe give that random kind of generator Sammy the Bob the random generator you can increase the decreases that's all there is if I wanted to see what the actual here's a little platen do show here's with widths here take that and that's going to show me what it looks like so go around you see roughly why it's going to look like so that's clothing is quite straightforward so really cool company is really cool as well so definitely around this you get some really unique effects you can have that spiky effect a lot of the Japanese South Korean kind of people have they have that really spiky here you can go crazy with this play around with it really good okay so the next thing we can do go to tweak section tweak up here and again this is deformers again to give that realism up here so let's click on the tweak section let's go with that right so the tweak section is about got a lot more options I'll go through them right now so reduced length is quite straightforward you're reducing the length of water you've got here so if I reduce that the length will reduce sorry increase that oh there we go so you can see it reducing you're reducing the length of the existing here that's all you're doing probably not much use unless you've made the hair too long there forever reason so random length is going to change the way the hair is so it turns up in real life our hair grows in different lengths so this is what this is gonna do this is a crate random length of heads so it makes you look more natural basically so as I increase this you can see like the hair is kind of receding some of it and you can see that the length is decreasing again you've got Syria to give the kind of randomness of the hair that's all that's doing so here I can only go so much and then you start to affect the randomness of the hair so that's up to you if you wanna play with that that just gives you a different lengths of hair so you can see here we've got different lengths of hair got shorter hair media and we got a number here you could create different styles using that random root angle so this is where you can change the angle of the root of the air which gives you a very unique effects so you've got here pitch roll on y'all and this is this is what you would for example I don't know those flight simulator games you have these options you have pitch roll and yaw it's very simple to very simple similar to that so as I increase the pitch you can see the hair kind of changes the pitch over here you can see what happens it gives a very very unique effects and then you've gotta turn that back to zero actually because I don't want that the the roll so if we're just get rid of that you see the roll it's awesome roll the hair okay so scroll to here and then you've got the yaw a hopper send is correctly that you're they are you can see the way the angle effects stuff as well you see as you can see it's kind of moving inwards so you can get you can create very unique effects for this so I'm gonna choose somebody just to give every unique hairstyle something that looks kind of cool as you can see here it's actually the hair other can see from here it's not going to be identical that's fine that's called the mat so you can see we give in our hair very unique effect now with this top bit here just by using these random root angle again the seed it's a random generator will try to randomly move the hair around to give you a unique effect so what's kragle one ascribe all to do is they apply noise to the hair making it more look more realistic because hair actually has noise to it it's not actually straight let's use the only reason here would be straight as if you would like a hair straightener or if you've got very short hair and you use some sort of gel or something here can make it spiky or whatever but generally here is always like messy scraggly especially long hair so here a scrabble one you can choose the different effects so what I'm gonna do is whack this up 200 just to show you what it looks like so this is struggle one and Scrabble one's going to apply clumping Club clumping one curve so whatever you did here in clumping one it's going to apply Scrabble to the clumping one curves now we've got options here and these unique options these options here will give you unique hairstyle so this is like a limited potential with this so if I did it too clumpy curves to it will only affect clumping curves to what we did in clumpy curves to here as you can see because it's differently where all the effect that section of the hair here we've got apply before clumping one so before clumping one takes effect you apply the Scrabble effect and it looks very different again apply before clumping too so it's gonna apply clumping one and then before clumping to is applied it will apply this kragle one effect and I think you see the hair changing a lot here and then you've got applied before applying the phrase so this is what it will look like before we apply the fries so I'm gonna go back to cut off the curves one that's fine the strength I'm gonna have it has one points I think now the frequency is how much of the noise of the hair changes so as I increase the frequency the noise of the hair changes I think the best way to show this is actually show here with widths you can actually see what it looks like so let's go back up to here the noise so you can see the noise of the hair is changing if especially if I go to before fries you'll see the noise change here there we go it's kind of almost like a randomly it's almost like the seed option is randomly creating that seed option there to give you that random here they say a frequency advanced you can change the amount of frequency so you can make it more the higher peaks so you can get more depths of the hair or you crease them how much of them the multiplication of the depths and things so it's very like you can really increase how much of the hair you want to change the amount of the amount of you might have noise you apply to the hair okay so you can really weekend reading on a town with this and really do that as well again Scrabble to is the same struggle one so we're gonna apply whatever you want to apply afterwards so here I'm applying it to before clumping one what I'm going to do is apply it to cover the curves to you and see what that does so you've got like unlimited potential here what you want to do with your hairstyle you can really you know going through some very very a lot of detail depending on what you want to do so let's move on to the free section so this is where you can freeze the hair which you can get that kind of a stroke on I'm here with afro heads very frizzy if you got frizzy here told you that have frizzy hair real-life you'll know how a pain is to get the frizz out but this is what we could do here so we can add freeze so here we can add freeze to the base of the hair which you probably can't see cuz we got very thick hair or we can add it to the tip once I start adding this you'll see it get very frizzy there we go so you see it's like very frizzy here this is done in millimeters so the more you do it the more frizzy frizzy the more frizzy the hair will be at the tip and then you got seed here and then you can again make the random generator of the seed cool okay so that is all the settings inside the strong base hair too I'm gonna go with this this looks okay let's see what it looks like so I'm click accept and now you can see nothing's happened so in our actual viewport oh you've got a strand here and you can't really see anything so how can we see it in our report what we need to do is make sure our strand base hair is selected we go to the parameter section we click on strand based here we expand the option it's done the general option here where it says line tessellation we races preview P our heads we take the on and there's all hey and then I can go to the IRI preview now and actually see it in my IRA preview so wait for that to kick in and let's see what this looks like now the colors are going to be very weird and when I saw the colors are don't worry about so this is the general this is the default color of the hair whenever you do it this is the difficult of the hair we're gonna sort that right now so let me just see what it looks like in terms of its kind of cool I like it looks really good okay so let's change the color of the hair this is where the fun is actually actually change the color here so with my strand based hair selected in my scene tab I go to surfaces here I click on my surface in editor tab I click on my strand based here this is where the magic happens so as you can see the root transmission color we've got the order different colors and how we can affect it so this is very similar to when you are changing colors of skin tone for our figures it's very similar to that I'll go through some of the settings and how we can really make create unique oh okay so the first part is route transmission colors so this is the color that's going to be transmitted back out so if I change this to white the route color is white now as you can see it's more white here let me see if I can remove this option here we go so the route color here you can see is more white and if I change the tip color now the transmission color to white as well the whole hair would get white okay so the transmission meaning the color coming back from the light is going to be that color so you have to be very careful what you want to choose with this color because this one overwrites the hair root color here and the highlight color as well sometimes so I want the root color to be darker so I went to black okay that's gonna give you my black and I want the actual tip color I'm going to change to some sort of reddish color so we'll try this color here see what that looks like nope didn't work let's do it again oh okay okay so that's what my base color is I'm gonna go here now into my hair root color so this is the actual color other hair the color of the root hair I would like slightly browner there we go and C's changing here we and the hair tip color I wanted to be red so I'm gonna go with that red color maybe before okay so now you see changing really cool and here's a highlight so the highlight on the hair what do you want the highlight of the hair to be so hair root highlight I would like it to be I don't want to be that bright really so I would probably do that color there just wait for that to update and then the hair tip highlight what do I want the tip on my highlight to be so probably a bit more reddish a tip here not too bright there we go right so that's all done actually the tip transmission on might change let's change it to something else that change to this blue color here and see what that does there we go okay so again this kind of like bluey ready effect we've got like different colors of hair so let's go through some of these options here now so glossy layered weight very similar to what you would see in a skin it's the same thing when I had lost in their weight to our hair so the more I added the more glossing the hairs gonna be as he gets very brighter it's very glossy the less I do the less glossy is okay meaning that this the glossiness here the actual the root color here is gonna be less so I'm manipulating things yeah I'm only about a point Phi Beta roughness so this is a roughness of the hair base hair so the base roughness of this color here so if I crease the roughness you're going to get less shine the hair goes to water offer so let's shine and the highlight wait we can increase the highlight wait so the root highlight here if I crease this you're gonna get more highlights so it's gonna be more intense or highlight here up here the bottom here so I don't want that to intense actually what a pretty low cool okay and highlight roughness so we could change again the roughness of the highlight how much of the hair should be rough of that highlight I don't my shiny but I won't be rough and then we got highlights separation so separation of the highlights the more increase that and the more highlight separation here so there we go we got more highlight to the top here now so we're really affecting the whole here it's really cool what you can do so actually I'm not liking this blue at the moment we'll go with a red and red and green red and yellow destroy yeah that's okay so the more separation I do the more highlight to get the red and if I decrease that we're going to get more here already or eg got really cool okay so the next section here is the next option I would think is root to tip bias so this is where you select how much of the root you want and how much of the tip you want so if I go to the left you'll see that we're gonna get more root yeah I'm going to get more root color which is the sorry our tip color which is our yellow here and I never go to the right more we're gonna get more root so crease that more we only get more here and then again we did root you to gain so if I wanted to gain more more of that we could choose that as well so that's the way to kind of choose how much of the root to tip you want to ratio so to speak of the hairs tip transmission needs to be a lot less there we go so if I turn this around you can see you know how much of the effect we're getting of the hair here we can really play around with what colors we want so if I wanted a hair tip color to be different the highlight for example if I wanted a highlight to be green I could have green highlights in my hair so I can have a very varied here whatever I wanted to do so you can really go to town with this hair coloring it's not as difficult as it looks and you can really get some very unique hairstyles so here I would probably bring the the root to tip bias up a bit more and bring them down a bit more actually cool okay so that is it basically a scrum based here that is how you create strong base here you can always go back into a strong base here go to edit edit strum editor that edit strum they said we keep going always go back and change the settings say I didn't like I didn't like this setting here the phrase I can get rid of frizz I could get rid of a change all these settings and then you can go back and say hey I want a clumpy curves line and they don't want much transfer that I'm gonna go back to the clumpy really bring up that clumping here and do you accept and then it will obviously change the settings accordingly so you can always go back into that to change the settings that get different kind of here and then the I read preview port will look will show the preview of the hair there so I'll see that doesn't look very good what I'm gonna do is turn this around for the for the actual thumbnail and I'm gonna turn the lighting obviously hot lighting effects what the hair looks like as well so if you have rubbish lighting in your see don't expect your hair to look great so really work on I liking all I'm here is I'm just using a environment HDRI map just to change that ran so I need to swing this around I think 275 might do it so that is strength-based here so you probably asked you now how do I save it so to save strand based here you're gonna have to save it using file save as as a seed subset which is what I've done in the free beats so freebies I think tool the freebies are in the description box you'll save it as a scene subset and then you will just import that in using the scene so I say that now actually file save as scene subset I'll put it in the freebies for Jin Jin 8 male scene subsets I'll just call it more for what and I just want to select the strong Basya that's all I want to use selector strong based here and do accept okay so unfortunately you can't send some wearable preset because you need to create a hair cap I don't know how to create hair caps at the moment yet so if we did create a haircut then we would be able to save the other wearable preset and then you can obviously use this on any Genesis 8 male character and then you could say there's a wearable preset and then he couldn't apply to any distance a male character so some of you know I had to create a hair cap you're fine just create the hair cap apply the hair cup and then apply the hair strand to that hair cap and then you can save you as a wearable preset and then apply to any chance a male character or female character I'm not too sure it will work for a female character so yeah that's the only reason we can't save it as a wearable preset so regarding d-force the thing I wanna say by default you can make this hair d-force if you want to using the method that I've done before which is put the card here at the top right for that tutorial I highly recommend you don't do it because it just takes so long to do it and the reason why it takes so long is because the polygons in this hair there's a so many polygons this hair it just takes forever to do the simulation I've done it before I've left it for an hour and it will still do the simulation and it was absolutely awful so I highly recommend you don't do it if you're a published artist for that's 3d you've got the actual tools the actual extra plugins to create D for strand based it so unless you're a PA you won't have the the actual software I'm a PA so I don't have the actual plugins that will create the strand base here and allow you to do that so I recommend you don't do it it's just a waste of time but the positive is you can create unique hairstyle which is really cool like this and we didn't need to have any 3d modeling excuse to create I'm here like this so it's really realistic here you create and especially from afar if you move away the hair looks amazing looks way you know way cool as well so I'd recommend give it a go have a girlfriend base a it's not as difficult as you think and I hope this tutorial has helped you so there you have it that is how you create strap based hair inside - Tunip or your fingers definitely have a guard doing this it's not as difficult as it looks and once again used to the process because very intuitive now I don't forget to download all the freebies as well and inking description box down below for you as well so check out the freebies as well once you get stylish trying basically I think it's very powerful feature inside destiny oh now having said that what I've done I've also created a patreon account some of you have said that you would like to support me and if you want to support me I've got my patreon account down below as well you can choose between the different tier option if you want to support me so tier 1 is kind of like your basic support and then as free before tier 2 is if you sign up continue to you will get my whole - when you're on the poly set for free as part of our PTA - so thank you for your support if you want to support me check out the patreon account link in description box down below for that as well and for those of you we've also reached 2k subscribers so thank you very much for subscribing we've massively - kids perhaps oh I've got some comments up here I'll put for reaching - kids thank you much for comments positive comments and if you want your comment feature for next week's video then leave a comment down below as well all feature your comment having said that I'll see you in next week's video
Channel: Parmy Baddhan
Views: 32,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DjH1BnKzLmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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