Days Of Awe Worship | September 10-11, 2021

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me [Music] [Applause] [Music] um you hey [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and shabbat shalom well it is during the 10 days of all right now the yamim noor yo meme duraim and and that means that means quite a bit of course as we are between rosh hashanah yom kippur shabbat shiva and and we are returning unto the lord but also today is something a little bit different because it is the weekend that is the 20th anniversary of 9 11. i can't even believe that i can't i cannot even believe that garrett i remember when i when uh when 9 11 happened i was uh for those of you don't know previous to being in ministry uh i worked in the corporate world coca-cola t i was working at att at the time and and i'll never forget that day of course and everybody in the whole office just gathered around the television and everybody just stunned everybody walking around stunned i know that many of you were stunned those 20 years ago and and listen we we have a we have an amazing service for you today this service is going to be a combination message slash really worship it's kind of a worship days of all worship experience the musicians are going to be up here an awful lot they're doing i don't know triple quadruple whatever the music that they typically do we're just going to have a good time worshiping the lord but i really wanted to start off just by by honoring the memory of those lost in september 11 2001 uh and and i i brought my bible that i always uh i've of course different bibles uh but the one this particular bible is one that's very special to me uh given to me by the zuckermans many years ago and and within it i always keep this which was which i cut out from the newspaper in september of 2001 and for those of you gen z a newspaper is how you used to get news it was a piece of paper okay that you actually read news on a piece of paper it's it's a i know it's a novel thought uh in any case though this was a this was a small ad taken out by the american bible society from september of 2001 and i keep it in this bible to remind me of of the the tragedy of of september the 11th and and and it quotes 2 corinthians chapter 4 verses 8 and 9 it says we often suffer but we are never crushed even when we don't know what to do we never give up in times of trouble god is with us and when we are knocked down we get up again and uh and it has a number of different scriptures that were particularly comforting in the week of september 11th uh in including psalm 46 verses 1 to 2. god is our mighty fortress always ready to help in times of trouble and so we won't be afraid from psalm 91 they put live under the protection of god most high and stay in the shadow of god all powerful then you will say to the lord you are my fortress my place of safety you are my god and i trust you these are some scriptures that really spoke to me when i read this i mean uh it's it's it's hard to believe for me that it's been 20 years uh since that happened and that fateful day uh and it was so interesting to see and and looking back it's it's in some ways a double sad and as much as wow some of you of a certain age will remember how after september 11 2001 our country was united like i've never seen it before i've never seen our country as united like ever um and uh and wow what what a stark contrast that is to today isn't it what a stark contrast that is today where i've probably never seen it so divided and um and so i think about september the 11th and and also this relates to us all even more so because listen as you know i've been to israel many times lived there for a while and and uh and we as a people know uh about terrorism for sure uh and and whereas in america we've thanked god not had a horrific terrorist attack in in 20 years like was on 9 11 we we recognized that in other countries in the world in israel for example this is this is a regular part of life uh to be under potential terrorist action uh and so on one level we need to be thankful for sure uh thankful for for god's great and mighty protection but also to pray for for countries out there that are not living as safely as we are and and to pray against the adversary that would do things like we saw on september 11 2001 and also for that matter i've seen some interesting documentaries this week about september the 11th and and some of the children of september the 11th uh there's a very interesting documentary on the children in the kindergarten room that was with president bush when he was told and where they are today fascinating and then some of the children of those who lost their lives on september 11th and some of the recordings that they found 20 years later of telephone calls on september 11th been very interesting documentaries i've been watching recently but we certainly need to pray for and not to forget the victims and and their uh loved ones especially their children uh who who had to grow up uh many of them without parents uh and so uh it it seems like the further you go from september 11th the more distant the memory is uh and the more i think we sometimes can lose touch of the danger of of this of this kind of pure evil and uh and we need not forget um and because then we let our guard down and and shamefully i think our guard is a good bit down right now relative to to where it was back then for sure uh and so i i'm greatly concerned about that but it's something that we can be in prayer for pray for our country pray for others so if you would uh i'll just i'll just open in prayer myself mark if if it's okay and and i will lift up our our country and all of these things even shabbat shaman father in heaven lord we first thank you god for this service and and even though we're going to just spend some time loving and worshiping on you today lord we do want to take a moment and remember the lord the victims of that horrible day in this in the united states on september the 11th 2001 lord when the the tragedy of that horrific and evil cowardly terrorist attack on our country uh lord i i pray for in particular for those who are affected by 911 personally it was just maybe about two and a half years ago my family went to the 911 memorial and museum at ground zero there and uh and lord i think about all the people who who who are fighting ailments today uh a lot of first responders who are fighting who did a lot of the cleanup work god lord please heal them be merciful these people were just trying to help please god touch them and heal them and be with them lord god for the for the children and loved ones husbands wives that lost family members and dear friends on 9 11 lord god god i ask humbly for you to continue to please be merciful to their souls lord god help them help them give them extra grace and mercy uh lord give them give them a provision provide for them lord uh and and and and be with them and then comfort them still uh in a loss that never completely goes away i i thank you god for for our heroes and and as we're now out of afghanistan lord i thank you for the heroes of the last 20 years that have protected our freedom uh overseas in particular in afghanistan and iraq and lord thank you god for our military and and protect them be with them uh uh lord and and and and i pray that you move in their lives as well i thank you god lord for them for the memory of those who perished and the reminder god that there is evil in this world and all the more reason that we need to turn to you so with that thank you god for the opportunity and the blessings and the freedom to live in this country and and to serve you in a congregation like this so lord we bless you for it we dedicate this service to you we dedicate the shabbat to you we dedicate our congregation to you and we dedicate our personal selves to you thank you lord for these things bashem yeshua amen well thank you rabbi and welcome again to all of our first-time guests and visitors and members everyone joining us online it's just a extra special blessing and sharing the shabbat and especially the shabbat shava with you all this evening today we're going to just enter right into the liturgy of this worship service the words will be on the screen above and just join me wherever you wherever it says congregations [Music] [Music] bless the lord who is blessed bless the lord who is blessed forever and ever blessed praised glorified honored and exalted be the name of the king of kings the holy one blessed be he who is the first and the last and besides him there is no god extol him in the heavens lord is his name rejoice before his face his name is lifted up beyond all blessing and praise blessed be his name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever let the name the lord be blessed forever and ever amen we'll continue with the visham ru the vishwamu is from the torah where god gave moses his commandment to keep the sabbath day today holy when we do this we're also acknowledging he did create heaven and earth [Music] amen the children of israel shall keep the sabbath observing the sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever that in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he ceased from his work and rested amen we'll begin a responsive reading i'll read the first paragraph and just join me on the second blessed are you o lord our god ruler of the universe who by your word brings on the evening twilight and by your wisdom opens the gates of heaven with understanding you order the cycles of time and bury the seasons setting the stars in their courses in the sky according to your will you create the day and night causing the light to pass away before the darkness and the darkness before the light by your will the day turns into night the lord of heavenly hosts is your name whoever living god rule over us forever blessed are you o lord who brings on the evening twilight with everlasting love you have loved the house of israel teaching us your torah and precepts your statutes and judgments therefore o lord our god when we lie down and when we get up we'll meditate upon your instructions and rejoice forever in the words of your torah and in its teachings for they are our life ancestors we will meditate upon them day and night may your love never leave us blessed are you o lord who loves your people israel on the second shabbat of the month we at congregation bethel recite the mortis kaddish i'd like to call up our cantor to lead us if you're remembering a loved one who's passed this year or in the month this month i would ask you to please rise to honor the our loved ones and also if you would being that 9 11 is tomorrow i'd ask the rest of the congregation please to rise as we honor those who perished 20 years ago i'll begin with the hebrew followed by the english will everyone please join me where it says congregation of your own is glorified and sanctified be his great name in the world which is created according to his will he caused his reign of it may cause the reign of his kingdom in your lifetime and in your days and in the life of all the house of israel speedily yes soon and say amen may his great name be blessed forever and forever eternally blessed and praised glorified and exalted extolled and honored adored and lauded be the name of the holy one blessed be he who is high above far above all blessings and hymns and praises and consolations which are spoken in the world and say all main may there be great peace from heaven and life for us and for all israel and say amen he who makes peace in the heavenly realms may make peace for us and for all israel and let us all say amen may the memories be for a blessing thank you baruch and as everyone is already uh standing um and if wherever you are just join us uh stand up wherever you are and we're gonna recite the watchword of israel the shema shema [Music] [Music] [Music] israel the lord is our god the lord is one blessed be his glorious name whose kingdom is forever and ever amen we'll continue with the continuation of the shaman because with the english let's read this together love the lord your god with all your heart with all your life and with all your strength these commandments that i give you today are to be on your hearts impress them on your children talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road when you lie down and when you get up tie them as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates amen i'll read the standing prayer as the word amidah means standing we are also facing towards jerusalem as the synagogues everywhere a bill facing the holy city for in ezekiel we read that the glory of the lord will break over the eastern skies of jerusalem something we're looking forward to expectingly amen amen blessed are you o lord our god and god of our fathers god of abraham god of isaac and god of jacob the great mighty and revered god the most high god master of heaven and earth he with his word was a shield to our forefathers and by his voice will raise the dead the holy god like whom there is none who gives rest to his people on his holy sabbath day because he delights in them to grant them rest before his presence we will serve with fear and all daily and constantly we will thank him with the appropriate praises he is the god whom thanksgiving is due the lord of peace who hallows the sabbath and blesses the seventh day and in holiness gives rest to a people filled with delights in remembrance of the creation our god and god of our fathers accept our rest hallow us by your commandments and grant our portion in your torah satisfies with your goodness and gladness with your salvation purify our hearts to serve you truthfully and in your love and favor o lord our god let us inherit your holy sabbath and may israel who sanctify your name rest thereon blessed are you o lord who hallows the sabbath amen as our worship team makes its way up for those of you who are here in person while remaining socially distant go ahead and wish each other a shabbat shalom and for those of you who are joining via live stream we would like you to take just a moment just reach out to a member of your family or your friend your mishpacha member of the congregation wish them a shabbat shalom as well it's so important for us to be intentional in these times if you've never participated in a bethlehem service either here or online you're going to see that we do things a little differently than maybe what you're used to what you're what you've seen before we want you to know that everything you're seeing is completely scriptural straight from your bible everything like clapping shouting to the lord raising holy hands straight from your bible as it says in psalms 47 clap your hands all you nations shout to god with cries of joy and in psalm 63 king david said i will praise you as long as i live and in your name i will lift up my hands let's do that today amen let's do that let's stand together and rejoice that the lord is with us all the time in all things in good times and hard times he's our refuge and our strength one two three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] us he is with us [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the beginning [Music] my salvation [Music] is [Music] with the lord of heavens [Music] you announce the end [Music] my salvation will not be delayed my salvation [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] my salvation [Music] my is [Music] who can contain [Music] this is my prayer in the desert when all that's within me feels [Applause] this is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will [Music] god is my victory and he is here [Music] and this is my prayer in the battle [Music] is [Music] is [Music] we shall remain i will rejoice [Music] to see [Music] i have a reason to see [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] god is my victory and i will bring god is my victory [Music] hallelujah we give you praise god for you are worthy all the time amen amen amen thank you psalmist and you may be seated we'll have more of that later on in the service i'd now like to take some special time to welcome our very special guests our visitors if you are if this is your first time here at congregation beth hallel welcome if you didn't receive a visitor's packet when you first arrived during the offering in just a little bit please come up and take one from either side of the stage inside there's a blue visitors card some information about our synagogue and about messianic judaism a name tag and a pen for you to keep please fill out the card and drop it in the offering boxes the brown boxes on either side and put your name on the name tag so we can greet you after the service by name the pen is like i said is yours as a gift for those of you who are joining online and this is your first time seeing congregation bethlehem or missing judaism again welcome to you there's information about our synagogue and about messianic judaism on we would also love to hear from y'all uh for anything just send us an email at info with your name and address so we can keep you informed of all the events that are going on here at the congregation whether you're joining us here in person or online welcome you're a part of our mishpochah which is our family welcome to the family and here are some announcements of what the family is doing the gift shop is offering sales of lulav and egg trog sets you can find the sign up sheet on the office door please drop the forms in the offering box as you give them to fran or give them to friend all orders needed to be need to be placed by this shabbat our annual sukkot family picnic will be on sunday september 26th from 2 to 6 p.m at wills park in alpharetta bring your own picnic lunch for your family this will be a this will be fun for all ages bring your mint come ready to cheer our friends and family in our congregational softball game enjoy games contests face painting free concessions and more it's outdoors so let's get together due to the holidays we will not have any scripture studies on tuesdays this month we'll resume in october college age join us for lunch on saturday september 18th at 1 30 pm it will be a relaxing time for fellowship and of course food see claire or a lot for more details our sukkot service will be on monday september 20th starting at 7 30 p.m make sure you put this date on your calendar rabbi all right ta-da shabbat shalom yes the code already wow boy we're talking to code now but first uh is obviously yum kippur that is coming up this coming week and wow that is going to be amazing i'm looking forward to that our col mid-race service is this coming wednesday evening that's september 15th 7 30 p.m 7 30. no tickets are required services will be in the mjcc uh masks will be required there come an invited jewish friend but uh but if you if you can't make it there or otherwise would prefer the services will also be streamed so you can watch it you know i was so thankful we streamed our rosh hashanah services first time we've ever streamed from the community center before and it went off i think very well and so i'm just so thankful for that yes [Applause] listen on cole nidra y'all there's nothing like our cantorial corral yeah you know it i mean it is gonna it is just amazing it is worth just just sitting and listening to uh and letting that just kind of pour over you with all that liturgy it's it's one of my favorite services both of them because also our yom kippur service is the next day it's this coming thursday at 11 o'clock a.m on the 16th again these services will be held in the community center but will be live streamed please come and and be moved by this appointed time the chorale will be back on thursday morning of course this is a biblically commanded shabbat so obviously everyone should take off work on on thursday and also it's a fast and so if you don't forget to fast starting wednesday night until uh sundown on thursday night and uh and it's a time of great introspection uh and and really repentance and to shiva um as we return and turn toward the lord very moving very powerful wow i'm getting ready getting ready for it just this week i've been doing an awful lot of reading about some very interesting things even some stuff that i'm i'm not going to be sharing on yom kippur but just some stuff from my own edification into in my own study for yom kippur that i just uh wow the lord's been speaking to me in a lot of different ways i'm looking forward to that also on thursday on yom kippur it's it's a day of full observances because i know after this after the service you're not going to owe charlie's you know because it's your fasting so what did you have to do and you're not going to charlie's you're not going to work so so what are you going to do after after the service on thursday then we will after a few minutes at 2 30 come over here uh for our yiskar service which bruce tayna was does such a great job leading every year our yisker service is at 2 30 then starting at 3 all the way to 6 30. it's going to be three and a half hours of praise worship and prayer wow three and a half hours come on y'all uh of praise worship and prayer and it's just going to be amazing we're also as part of that going to be reading of the book of jonah which is traditional in yom kippur as well and and it's going to be very powerful all concluding with the neil that's the technically the fifth prayer event and service that's traditional on yom kippur the neil service is 6 30 on thursday which will be here in the synagogue building the the afternoon yisker afternoon and nailad is not going to be streamed so if you uh would like to participate in you're going to have to come in person for the afternoon activities the morning service over the community center will be streamed and that will be a completely different service difference message than wednesday night so hope to see you at any and all of these or watching online because they're just going to be uh very stirring i think especially this year honestly last year and this year uh just boy uh we you know it's here here is the really interesting we've always needed god but it just seems like it's a little more obvious now [Music] shabbat shalom well thank you rabbi and we are going to be enter having a another time of uh blessing um if you as it says in uh psalm as it says in scripture honor the lord with your wealth with the first fruits of all your crops especially in times like this your financial giving is of utmost importance visitors we don't solicit your tithes here but if you'd like to bless us with a love offering we pray that you are blessed in your generosity for those of you who are watching over the internet yeah you can have your bank send us a check through your online bill pay or you can mail your check to beth hillel at 950 pine grove road roswell georgia three zero zero seven five finally you can also click the link below the video in the description box to give via credit card or even hold up your mobile phone and scan the qr code on your screen as well for those of you who are here in person you can bring your tithes to the brown boxes on either side when our musicians start the music we're gonna give you some time to do all those things um and as it says in leviticus 27 and 30 and every tithe of the land whether from the sea to the land or from the fruit of the tree for the lord it is a holy portion for the lord let me go to the lord and we're going to dedicate these tithes and the gift and to give her to him our father our king we thank you for this shabbat and the rest that it brings in you lord lord let us let our lives bring you glory and let us be good stewards of all you've given us lord god and we i just pray blessings over the gift and the giver and all of this in your will and in your name we pray yeshua amen [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] we will now enter into the torah portion of this worship service please rise when the ark behind me is open and out of respect for the torah please remain in the sanctuary while the ark is open i'd like to call up our cantor baruch benzvi and it came to pass whenever the ark went forward moses would say arise o lord and let your enemies be scattered may those who hate you flee from before you for from zion shall go forth the torah and the word of the lord out of jerusalem bless it be he who in holiness gave the torah to his people israel amen shalom we're going to sing in hebrew what mark just read for us in english if this is your first tourist service you're going to your blessings that are thousands of years old some that yeshua heard and probably sang in his synagogue over 2 000 years ago and if you know these melodies please join along with me if not close your eyes and enjoy the timelessness and sweetness of this part of your jewish roots [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] israel the lord is our god the lord is one unique is our god great is our lord holy and reveres his name exalt the lord with me and let's extol his name together with the shema [Music] [Music] who can be compared to your lord among the gods who can be compared to you glorious in holiness awesome and praises doing wonders from the song of praise moses and the children of israel saying to the lord from exodus 15 11. [Music] come on [Music] is who has come up to honor god in the torah may the holy one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity on all the works of his hands and let us all say amen [Music] [Music] bless the lord who is blessed bless the lord who is blessed forever and ever bless the lord who is blessed forever and ever blessed are you o lord our god ruler of the universe who chose us from all peoples and gave to us the torah blessed are you o lord giver of the torah today is the fifth day of tea tree in the year 5782 today's portion is called bailech and he went out the torah reading can be found in the book of deuteronomy chapter 31 verses 1 through 6 then moses went out and spoke these words to all israel i am now 120 years old and i am no longer able to lead you the lord has said to me you shall not cross the jordan the lord your god himself will cross over ahead of you he will destroy these nations before you and you will take possession of their land joshua also will cross over ahead of you as the lord said and lord will do to them what he did to see hon and og the kings of the amorites who he destroyed along with their land the lord will deliver them to you and you must do to them all that i have commanded you be strong and courageous do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the lord your god goes with you and he will never leave you nor forsake you amen the half torah reading can be found in the book of isaiah chapter 55 verses 8 through 12. for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without water in the earth and making it bud and flourish so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater so is my word that goes out from my mouth it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which i sent it you will go out in joy and be led forth in peace the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands amen the brit or new covenant reading can be found in the book of romans chapter 7 verses 7 through 12. what shall we say then is the law sinful certainly not nevertheless i would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law for i would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said you shall not covet but sin seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment produced in me every kind of coveting for apart from the law sin was dead once i was alive apart from the law but when the commandment came sin sprang to life and die and i died i found the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death for sin seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment deceived me and through the commandment put me to death so then the law is holy and the commandment is holy righteous and good amen and continuing with the torah blessings m blessed are you lord our god ruler of the universe who gave us the torah of truth and life everlasting planted in our midst blessed are you o lord giver of the torah amen thank you mark and let us continue with the blessing over the new covenant scriptures blessed are you o lord our god ruler of the universe who gave us the word of truth and planted among us life eternal blessed are you o lord giver of the new covenant amen [Music] [Music] join through the congregational response this is the torah which moses placed before the children of israel it is in accord with the lord's command by the hand of moses a tree of life it is for those who take hold of it and blessed are the ones who support it its way is a ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace long life is in its right hand in its left are riches and honor the lord was pleased for the sake of his righteousness to render the torah great and glorious amen and now please join me with the beautiful eight's hayim and hashivenu it's [Music] [Music] a [Music] turn us lord to you and let us return renew renew our days alba as of old amen and when the ark rested moses would say return o lord to the mirrors of israel's families our eyes o lord to your resting place you and your mighty ark clothe your priests with righteousness may those who have experienced your faithful love shout for joy baruch hashem for the sake of your servant david do not delay the return of your messiah i give you good instruction do not forsake my torah and now let us bless god for giving us the living word in messiah yeshua [Music] yeshua blessed are you o lord our god ruler of the universe who has given us the living word in messiah yeshua amen you may be seated all right thank you so much and a real blessing it is wow to hear from the word of god sharper than any two-edged sword amen okay in just a moment we're gonna be dismissing our four five six seven eight-year-olds of course there's a nursery also next door age zero to three we'll ask the lord to bless these uh yeladin and and also of course at the beginning of our service we spent a good bit of time praying uh and remembering the victims of of 9 11 uh as this is the 20th anniversary but we'll lift that up again uh briefly here also venus shabbat shaman father in heaven humbly we come before you and again come to you lord and thank you for protecting our country these last 20 years uh for the most part from kind of a major terrorist attack but lord god i pray for your protection for the next 20 years lord god and beyond so lord please touch your children touch uh lord touch even our children that are here and are watching online please bless them minister to them blessed appearance for bringing them here and the teachers for teaching bashem yeshua amen okay four five six seven eight-year-olds you are dismissed at this time for kids congregation you enjoy yourself you got richard and ines oh boy you're in store for some good stuff kids okay great listen uh today is something a little bit different as you all know it is a days of awe worship shabbat and so we're going to do things a little bit differently today because we are in the noraem we are in these days of awe and these are the days between rosh hashanah yom kippur inclusive of them the the days of all that we are in you and these are days where we must seek god's face where we must make amends we're on the cusp we're on the the threshold of yom kippur itself whatever that thing is in your life seek to make a course correction defeat that demon that is plaguing you in your life forgive ask for forgiveness these are the things that we should be doing on yom kippur that's the purpose of these days to really do some serious introspection to look within and say lord what does not belong and i want to remove it and lord what do i need more of put it in amen i've asked the musicians to help me do the ministering this week and i want you to let the lord touch you as you participate in this worship service in just a few moments i'm just i'm going to ask you to stand later if you feel like sitting you don't have to to wait for me you can just sit if you feel like kneeling right there in your pew then do so i would encourage you for that matter you who are watching at home or wherever it is that you are watching or listening to listen wherever you're at uh is is can be in the presence of god just invite his presence in there wherever you're at it could be a bedroom it could be a living room it could be an office it doesn't matter where it is you just invite the lord into wherever you are i would encourage you to attempt to establish a connection between you and your creator worship god clap when appropriate raise holy hands to the lord like king david did you know mel david king david the psalm says raised holy hands in worship to the lord it's a very jewish and biblical thing to do in services like this it is always easy to get excited and that is good and i'd ask you to get excited and sin not no and get excited and keep your neighbor in mind so that your expression no matter how genuine does not become a distraction to them that can mean i've seen it over the years volume or movements of people sometimes people are in a this this wonderful worship moment and then a guy behind yells hallelujah and the person jumps it's always a little bit entertaining but i'd ask you to please uh resist the temptation to uh startle your neighbor during a worship experience if you will and uh and certainly shouting hallelujah has its place but not if it's gonna startle all those around you that being said get ready i believe that you're going to feel the presence of the almighty here today hear me on this i really believe we have a very very uh good crowd here today it's like every other row is is chock full of people and and during these yamiyam we're here to worship our creator it's one of our purposes in life i want you to feel to sense the presence of god if you've never been in a place where you can kind of feel god's presence i believe you will be able to feel god's presence here today if you are sensitive to him i'll be sharing some scriptures today with you i've got actually got a lot of scripture i'm going to be sharing with you today but the scriptures i'm going to be i love doing this i look forward to this shabbat every year the scriptures i'm going to be sharing with you today are directly related to the music that we're going to be singing and worshiping god uh with and uh and most of our worship of course comes straight from the word of god anyway or leads us directly to it and so i really really want for you to think of the words today of the songs even if you normally don't you know sometimes when we sing and praise and worship and what can happen is that we'll sing because we know the words we know the lyrics right and we'll sing and then we could finish a verse and a chorus and if somebody said okay what did you just sing about you'll say uh um hold on let me think about what i just sang see that anybody that can happen anybody if you know a song okay but i i want for us to really focus on the words and one of the ways we're going to help do that is i'm going to read you some scriptures that directly relate to the songs that we'll be seeing so you can know the genesis of where some of these things came from uh and so when and and so i want us to focus on on just tuning into the rural khakodesh the holy spirit when entering into the presence of the lord we always need to exalt the greatness of the lord first samuel chapter 2 if you'd like to turn there to start whenever you go into prayer y'all whenever you first go into prayer the first thing i don't want you i do not want you to do is say dear god give me this that that that and give me this that that don't do that listen i'm not saying in an emergency that you can't just cry out to god for help and something you can but but on a regular basis when you first go to the lord don't start with your list of what you want okay start off with exalting him start off with worshiping him start off with praising him the greatness of the lord in first samuel chapter 2 we know that hannah had been had born a prophesied child that would become a great prophet of course who was it it was shmuel it was samuel soon after she would pray a prayer praise to god for what he had done for her so so this woman who could not have a child the lord brought and and was able for her to conceive and have a child and brought forth shmuel samuel and uh and so she wrote a beautiful uh really psalm of of praise and prayer to god for what god had done for her and part of it says in verse 2 there is none holy as adonai for there is none beside you nor is there any rock like our god again i want you to think of some of these words because they're going to be in the music that we're going to sing the worship we're going to sing if you understand a little bit of where they came from i think it can make your worship experience more significant she is exalting god as holy she is praising god and saying that there is no one beside him you see because of what he had done for her he's she is exalting him as number one there's nobody even beside you see my friends we should be exalting god for his goodness also this should be our prayer and our worship also lord you are great you are good you are holy there is none beside you hannah further says what there is no rock like our god this is for her and this is for you she is saying what we should also say that we should build our lives around the rock which is a firm foundation you see the rock of our god is a firm foundation it's not building your life on shifting sand it is the rock the rock of god which is a firm foundation friends have you seen the world have you turned on the news in the last i don't know year or two okay there's a lot of of quicksand out there we have to have our life built on the rock on that firm foundation and as we draw closer to yeshua we should show god's love to those around us also james chapter 4 please james chapter 4. the other thing that we should do my friends is we should have the right attitude when we go before god especially in worship our attitude should be right before the lord james chapter 4 verse 10 says this humble yourselves in the sight of adonai and he shall lift you up what what a beautiful sentiment that we should do our attitude should be one of humility when we go to god and that also should color how we approach god and that also should uh influence the fact that we don't go to god with the laundry list of just of just once no no no have some humility if you have humility you don't go to god and demand anything you go to god and request humbly before him yes you can certainly remind him of his word uh in in in in faith but still our attitude should be one of humility before god humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he will lift you up joel turn off my very good friend wrote a beautiful song that expresses that which should be within us i gave a message about jochen on the immerser a few weeks ago john said that yeshua must increase and he must decrease remember that that was from a month or two ago john knew that this attitude would glorify god the most but you see one has to be very humble to say that to say more of you less of me you've got to be a humble person to say that more of you less of me this is what yochanan john the immerser said and if it is your urgent prayer to draw closer to god then this should be our attitude and and we should sing this song with our and from our heart humbling ourselves to god sets us apart as holy unto god you see when we are humbling ourselves before god asking for his forgiveness which is part of the days of all right then what that does is it's setting ourselves apart from the world uh kadosh the word holy really at its core means set apart different holy different is what holy means and so if you are humbling yourself repenting before god then you are setting yourself as holy unto him holy unto god that is exactly what you're doing musicians why don't you come on up now as we start and we're gonna have some music then we're gonna stop i'll let you sit and then we'll have some more scripture then we'll have more music then i'll have you sit and we'll have some more scripture we're just gonna have a good time here today y'all it's gonna be fun so you can remain seated for the first song but i want for you to really let these words go deeply into your spirit and and i've given you scriptures from the first couple songs that we're going to be singing right now that directly relate to us and this first song by joel trump is called holy unto you and so let's go ahead and start the tone rightly as we start by by saying holy unto you lord make my life holy unto you as we come to him with that humble heart that we read about in scripture so let's take some time and worship the lord [Music] seeking more of your [Music] out of mercy [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let [Music] is [Music] unto you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] let's all stand worthy of all the praise [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever [Music] [Applause] is [Music] we [Applause] [Music] there is no one like [Music] show me who you are and fill me with your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the is one i could ever say worthy of every breath we could ever [Music] there is [Music] show me who you are [Music] and i will build my [Music] and i will put my [Music] my [Music] [Music] and i will put my trust in [Music] upon [Music] [Music] there is no one like you there is none beside [Music] show me who you are [Music] [Music] open [Music] show me who you are me [Music] let all the earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] is [Music] [Music] h2h [Music] beginning and then [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is hello oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh yes lord you are great if you believe that say amen oh we worship a great god lord we lift your name up we exalt you above all else in this world lord nothing in this world can take your place god you are greater than all the rest how great is our god lord and we want to build our lives on your firm foundation thank you o lord oh in yeshua's name amen and amen thank you lord we're just getting started y'all you may be seated but we're just getting going we're going to be continuing to worship the lord thank you so much musicians whoo boy psalm chapter 46 psalm chapter 46 i hope you're ready we're worshiping god today i don't know if you've noticed our world is in an uproar it's like there's one thing after the other after the other after the other the psalmist knew of these kinds of times and you need to know that the scripture is applicable for today the the bible was written although thousands of years ago it's just as applicable for today as the day it was written psalm chapter 46 verse 3 says therefore we do not fear though the earth change though the mountains topple into the heart of the seas though its waters roar and foam though the mountains quake at their swelling skipping to verse seven nations are in uproar kingdoms totter he utters his voice the earth melts adonaid savvo oats of oat is with us the god of jacob is our stronghold salah wow wow wow that just to me speaks of right now that speaks of right now of everything that's going on in in a little bit we're going to be singing a song that is taken from psalm chapter 46. do you hear what god is saying here adonai the lord of hosts is with us he is with us you have to understand that when all the calamity is going on around you calamity pandemic political upheaval iran afghanistan it doesn't matter what's going on in the world otto night savvy oats is with us our god is with us no matter what it is that's going on the earth changes i love the the words on on this are so profound the earth changes the mountains topple the war waters roam the earth melts the pandemic comes it doesn't matter you see the lord of hosts is with us he is with you you need to hear that and let it minister to you some of you have been going through things in your lives some of you have been discouraged down depressed some of you have felt like the world's closing in on you some of you felt like it's one thing after another and to a certain extent it has been but it doesn't matter why because the lord god adonai sava oath the lord of hosts is with us he is our stronghold but but my friends first we remember that when we truly surrender to the lord our lives change our lives change if we're gonna if you're gonna surrender to the lord your life is going to change so that you will be in a position to better handle when the storms come doesn't this just make sense i mean if you did any of you serve in the navy wave your hand to me if you served in the navy any navy folks here okay i know we have some other military uh okay well if you served in the navy you know that you you want a ship that is sturdy in a storm and the worse the storm the more sturdy you need your ship to be well my friends as the world has turned into a tempest we my friends i mean gosh we even saw a hurricane just come through and and the hurricane the hillary louisiana devastated new york and new jersey that's crazy the hurricane to hit louisiana devastated new york and new jersey also what is going on i mean that that's just when there is a a real storm wow we have to have our our ship uh uh shored up if you will my friends and and we need our lives changed we need to truly surrender to god it reminds me a little bit of when yeshua was on the boat with the disciples and the storm came and they all freaked out right they all freaked out but yeshua was like oh come on guys couldn't you just let me sleep i never get any good sleep i'm always doing miracles i need to get a little bit of rest all of a sudden hello hey listen even god rested on the seventh day disciples he didn't say all that okay i'm i'm i'm just totally but romans chapter 12 feel free to turn to romans chapter 12. because if we understand this and i talked about this a little bit last shabbat it really is going to help us in understanding what our responsibility is because we have a responsibility in this too to trust in him and to offer our lives to god verse 1 says i urge you therefore brothers and sisters by the mercies of god to present your bodies as a living sacrifice hello holy acceptable to god which is your spiritual service don't be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may be able to discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect see my friends the more we truly give ourselves to him the more that he can do with us let me say that again the more we truly give ourselves to him the more he can do with us and also the better life goes for us and if you know and if you really feel that way if you really feel like the more you give yourself up to him the more you sacrifice to him the more he gives it back to you right then if again follow me on this this equation okay i gotta i gotta my my son took a chemistry last year and i got a chemistry equation for you okay the the more that you sacrifice yourself to him and the more you trust in him and give it up to him give it all to him the more you give it all and you give it all and you give it all to him right the the more he will give back to you and then as he gives it back to you you will even more so be able to say take it all take it all o god take it all take my whole life see the more you trust it see but most people don't do that most people say lord take most of me [Laughter] lord i give you most of myself oh god you know that's why that's why most people are even i'm talking about mom and eve people in the family of faith okay is that is that we're just like yeah okay lord take that which which doesn't belong for the most part lord god i just really we have our disclaimers it's almost like the small print of our prayer wow that would make a good sermon title don't have small print in your prayers no no friends what we need to say is take all of me take it all take it all take all of me that's what we need to say take all of me god i give it all to you i want my life to be a living sacrifice i want my life to be a a sacrifice unto you o lord it's saying not my will but your will be done oh god this is about the condition of your heart we're going deep here music i'll ask the musicians to come on back up again and and examine the condition of your heart and perhaps today you have not fully given yourself over to the lord i'm talking to those of you who are watching online as well wherever you are it doesn't matter well i'm not there i can't really no no god can god's speaking to you also wherever you are have you given it all to god we need to give it all to god as a living sacrifice unto him so let's do that even today let's all stand if we can and let's just lift up our lives unto him as a sacrifice of worship let my life be a sacrifice of worship to you god my steps may they follow you wherever you may go but my love be the love he showed dying on that tree oh lord i surrender now so come take all of me [Music] come lord come take control my mind again [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] come lord come [Music] [Music] my shelter let my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] dying on a [Music] take it off take it all take it off take it off [Music] set our [Music] showered in your [Music] our hearts [Music] your grace take let my life be a worship to you god my stress [Music] come take all of me [Music] oh come behold the works of god the nation's at his feet he breaks the bone and bends the spear and tells the wars to cease oh mighty one of israel you are on our side we walk by faith in god who burns the chariots with fire [Music] [Applause] lord of hosts [Applause] with us in the fire with us as a shelter with us in the storm you will lead us through the fiercest battle [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] with us as a shelter [Music] oh [Music] though the home roar you are the lord of all the one who comes the wind and waves and makes my heart be still [Music] though the earth gives way the mountains move into the sea the nations rage i know my god is in control though the ocean's roar you are [Music] though the earth gives way the mountains move into the [Music] lord of hosts you're with us with us in the fire with us as a [Music] oh where else would we go with us as a shelter with us in the [Music] oh [Music] oh lord lead us lord that is our prayer god lead us through the battles lead us through the pandemic lead us through the trials lead us through the tribulations lead us lord through our own insecurities god lead us through the craziness that's in the world lead us lord god through all the ungodliness that we have to navigate lord lead us into battle lord for truth god that is our prayer lord that is why we depend on you and we lean on you god thank you so much for this in yeshua's name in yeshua's name in yeshua's name in yeshua's name thank you thank you lord be seated for another few minutes no we're not we're not close to done yet psalm chapter 24 please psalm 24 in your word oh my goodness wow i told you it was going to be good service i told you it's going to be good shabbat [Laughter] psalm 24 verse 9 says lift up your heads o gates and lift them up you everlasting doors that the king of glory may come in who is this king of glory adam knights of odd he is the king of glory salah see we have to understand the lord of hosts is the king of glory we don't think about truly worshiping very often but we have to worship the king and we read further in philippians please chapter 2. you can just listen to it if you don't want to turn to it chapter 2 verse 10 at the name of yeshua every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue profess that yeshua the messiah is lord to the glory of god the father you see you see what we say here is that lift them up you everlasting doors the king of glory will come in we have to proclaim the truth that god is the king of glory see that is the absolute straight up honest truth and at the name of yeshua every knee will bow and every tongue confess he's lord we have to proclaim it we got to proclaim it my friends in a moment we're going to sing a song based on these scriptures written by a messianic worship leader from up in maryland and it relates to the to the first song that we're going to do because how can there be a king without a kingdom how can there be a king without a kingdom and there's got to be a kingdom if there's a king if he is the king of glory and indeed he is the king of glory then then he's got to have a kingdom my friends and we are part of his kingdom and we want to pray for his kingdom to come you know the elenu sometimes we do the elenu it's one of the concluding prayers of many of our services for rosh hashanah and yom kippur we always conclude with the elenu and it is traditional in many uh even shabbat services and the end of the elenu is so poignant what do we say at the end of the elenu we say the ne amar the adonai la melech this literally comes right from scripture when we do the vinayamar as part of the elenu it's zechariah chapter 14 if you'd like to turn to it it's known prophetically as the messianic kingdom it's talking about the messianic kingdom of god a time that we all look forward to zechariah chapter 14 verse 9 says exactly what i just said everything hebrew adonai this is going to happen y'all this is the future this is a future kingdom that is going to come adonai will then be king over all the earth and that's out and that day adonai will be echad will be one in his name one see that is the vinaymar this this special song we're going to share next is taken from the prayer of yeshua you know it's it's a beautiful it's an amazing song that just that just kind of combines everything that's happening what does friends i want you to see the connection between what's commonly referred to as the lord's prayer and the vane and mar from zechariah chapter 14. what do what did yeshua pray yeshua prayed what he prayed when he said this is how you pray thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven what kingdom is he referring to thy kingdom come he's praying he's saying to the father even right then in the most famous prayer probably in the new covenant for sure is is he saying thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven he's asking it's clearly a future tense thy kingdom come he's praying to the father let your kingdom come what kingdom is he talking about he's talking about the messianic kingdom read in zechariah chapter 14. adonai will be king over all the earth in that day adonai will be one and his name one this is something that's going to be happening i'll ask the musicians to come back up again we give them enough of a break and it will be forever and forever amen it will be forever and ever when when the when the kingdom of god comes y'all it's a forever thing forever and ever amen this is what god prays whenever we pray as part of even what's known as the lord's prayer that's what we're praying we're praying for zechariah chapter 14. this is what yeshua prayed thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven when god's kingdom comes it is the venemar adonai will be king over all the earth on that day the lord will be one and his name one let's worship the lord here as we celebrate what is to come in its good stuff and exalt him as that king [Music] you are worthy to receive all glory forever and ever [Music] father in heaven holy is your name [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] forever and every [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] are is to receive all glory forever and ever amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's sing it again oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] open up your ancient doors fling wide you case and let the king of glory come in and take [Music] [Music] we want to see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] kingdom [Music] [Music] your ancient torches [Music] king of glory [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] lifting [Music] glory for you [Music] king of glory so [Music] is [Music] foreign the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turns his face toward you [Music] i [Music] me [Music] [Music] lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm in [Music] makes presence go before you and behind you and beside you all around [Music] and your family and your children and their children and their children [Music] [Music] your children [Music] [Music] he's with you in the [Music] he's for you he's for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and your family [Music] [Music] all around you and within [Music] is [Music] he's [Music] again [Applause] me [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh lord thank you god thank you lord that your presence is all around us and you are for us and you are with us lord god lord my prayer is that we all go out this day knowing and feeling your presence with us and around us and in us i want to ask if there's anybody who's never said a prayer to receive yeshua into your heart if you've never committed your life to god but you'd like to today just raise your hand and we'll have a simple prayer is there anybody who's never said a prayer to receive yeshua into your heart just wave your hand perhaps you're watching online and you've never experienced a worship experience like this before and you've never accepted yeshua into your heart repeat this prayer after me say dear god i accept yeshua into my heart i believe he's risen again and sitting at your right hand thank you lord god thank you lord god please forgive me my sins if you've said that prayer for the first time please send us an email we want to celebrate with you we want to celebrate with you [Music] it's interesting before i call mark back up to close us in our service we actually have one more song prepared should we go ahead and do it i know we're a little bit late should we go and do one more song y'all one last song yeah okay i kind of thought you'd say so i don't usually like to go late but you listen when the ruach moves the ruach moves everybody just remain here revelation chapter 5 very briefly john's vision of the end days reveals more of the nature of yeshua john 5 says he just keep playing perfect says then i looked and i heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders their number was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands they were chanting with the loud voice worthy is the lamb who is slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing you see my friends yeshua was slain for us all his blood was shed on the altar much like our sacrifices at the temple his blood was shed for the sins of the world and it breaks our chains the imagery here is so powerful that this innocent lamb was slain however john's vision also reveals yeshua's being the one worthy to execute god's plan verse 5 says then one of the elders tells me stop weeping behold the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david has triumphed he is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals friends this conveys yeshua as the lion of the tribe of judah what a profound image that conveys powerful fighting our battles roaring with power and this truly is yeshua friends it's unbelievable but yeshua is both the lion and the lamb he is the lamb for whom sinners who is slain for the sinners of the world but he is the lion of the tribe of judah and he can't be stopped we'll conclude this special time by worshiping him because he is the lion and the lamb this is the amim nouriem [Music] [Applause] he's coming on the clouds kings and kingdoms will bow down [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his blood breaks [Music] [Applause] [Music] for him yes he is our conquering [Music] king of games [Music] [Applause] [Music] our god is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] who can stop the lord almighty [Music] no one on earth [Applause] [Music] who can shop the lord almighty [Music] our god is [Music] our god is [Music] and every [Music] him [Music] hallelujah we worship the lion the lamb the king of all kings the name above all names you god of israel yeshua the messiah there is none but you praise jesus in the name of yeshua our king amen amen no one can stop the lord almighty amen i'd like to call up our cantor for the aaronic benediction again in numbers 622 the lord said to moses speak to aaron and his sons and tell them this is how you have to bless the children of israel in this way that put my name on the children of israel so that i will bless them please bow your heads and prepare to receive our nice blessing the aaronic benediction [Music] [Music] [Music] lord bless you and keep you lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace yeshua shalom name of messiah the prince of peace amen well thank you to each and every one of you who join us either in person or online uh for this truly special and blessed uh shabbat service we're going to end our service here with a another song a closing song but remind just to send you out with a reminder to maintain this uh this spirit wherever you go the lord is with us wherever we go amen amen the joy the lord for you for the shabbat and also as a quick reminder for those who who are here in person and you feel you know if you want to schmooze you know you can schmooze just remain you're socially distant um and uh as you make your way out make your out make your way out with joy and those of you who are here uh over the live stream um you know share this so with a show share the shabbat service and invite your friends and invite your family it's as easy as sharing a link y'all and uh we'll see you guys for yom kippur and um have a wrestle rest of your shabbat shabbat shalom we believe the joy of the lord is here so we're going to go out rejoicing [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] everybody you
Channel: Beth Hallel
Views: 705
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: messianicjudaism, bethhallel, synagogue, congregation, messianic, roswell, atlanta, shabbat
Id: h3ZtiE_4c8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 55sec (8155 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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