"A Commission of Prayer" with Rebbetzin Debbie Chernoff @ Beth Yeshua Philly

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shalom and welcome everyone to congregation beth yeshua this is the live stream broadcast if you will of our services and you can find us here every saturday morning at 10 30 and we are so glad you can join us so we welcome you and this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it amen we have people here of course live and we have all of you out there and as i said i'm so glad that you could join us and as i said we will rejoice however we would be remiss if we did not at least acknowledge the tragic events that happened 20 years ago the awful terrorist attacks the four planes that went down and the almost 3 000 people that passed away there might be some of you out there or some in this room who actually knew a few of those people or knew people who knew those people so i'd like to take a moment just a few moments of silence to remember this event and remember the people and honor the people who passed away on that day and then we'll do a little bit of prayer afterwards as well all right so just for a few moments let's have this time of silence you know it says in scriptures if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land so lord we pray for protection for this land we also thank you so much for this country we pray for the people that were related to or knew all of those people that so tragically passed away on that terrorist attack 20 years ago we pray for them to be comforted even on this day as they remember their loved ones the first responders as well as the people who worked in government and those that were simply going about their daily uh work routines and lord we agree that this country would be protected from terrorist attacks moving forward we agree lord that this country which has been such a fantastic supporter of israel over all these years that this country would be blessed by you that your favor would be upon her that your blessings will be poured out upon this country and we're going to have an adjacent prayer too that your blessings would be poured out upon israel lord god we pray lord for your spirit to move we pray for revival in this country and it's incumbent upon us as believers in the messiah yeshua even jesus to pray for this country and we agree in prayer for your favor and your blessings and for your revival and all god's people said amen hashem so let's move into a time of praise and worship and continue on in the service if everyone would rise for the bahu in the shema baruch [Music] [Music] blessed be the lord who is blessed blessed be the lord who is blessed forever and ever is [Music] o israel the lord our god the lord is one praise be his name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever amen hallelujah let us praise let us enter into his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise and give thanks to god today for his goodness and his mercies [Music] we must praise the lord of all let us him [Music] [Music] [Music] let us [Music] [Music] we [Music] we must breathe we must call upon our god and [Music] we must praise the lord let us [Music] him [Music] [Music] [Music] my foreign [Music] i will talk to my brothers about god my father together will sing praises [Music] together we will think god's praising hallelujah i will talk to my brothers about god my father together [Music] i will talk to my brothers about god my father together together we will think god's praising will see hallelujah praise is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you god remembering 911 we serve a god who does war for us and he's promised that no weapon formed [Music] [Music] again you shall prosper but saith the lord rise up are you sons of jacob rise up are you cities of judah rise up for the lord your god he's riding for you come on and stand up for the god of israel stand up for the son of david stand up for the king of kings [Music] against you shall prosper no weapon formed against you shall prosper nowhere have been formed against you shall prosper thus saith the lord rise up are you sons of jacob rise up are you cities of judah rise up for the lord your god he's fighting for you come on and stand up for the god of israel stand up for the son of david stand up for the king of kings he's standing with do warfare man [Music] [Music] praising the day with symbols and flutes and loud clanging symbols let everything that had breath today praise god please [Music] here we go no weapon the weapons formed against you shall prosper no weapon formed against you shall prosper no effort against you shall prosper you shall prosper thus saith the lord rise up are you sons of jacob rise up are you cities that do not rise up before the lord your god he's fighting for you come on and stand up for the god of israel stand up for the son of david stand up for the king of kings he's fighting for you come on and stand up for the god of israel stand up for the son of david stand up for the king of kings he's standing down [Music] no weapon formed against you shall prosper he's not only our protector and our provider but he's our healer and what he's promised he brings to pass this coming a great day [Music] when all of israel and one day [Music] will see him whom we have pierced and thou mourned for gather around me children and i'll sing to you a song and tell you of the glories that once were really ours when king david and king solomon were following the law our people lived in peace and israel was strong but then there came a day when we turned to gods of stone turning from our god on high who sits on heaven's throne and so the lord he scattered us to turn us from our wrong from our wrong [Music] when the lord brought [Music] we were like those who dreamed singing [Music] so it has been 2 000 years wandering in pain and we have been like scattered sheep who've gone astray but don't despair my children do not be afraid the word of god has promised our shame will pass away for there will come a day when god will gather us again from north and south east to jerusalem [Music] who cleanses us from sin from my sins lord revive us [Music] lord save your people lord revive us those who go forth the weeping will come again with joy yes lord revive us [Music] save your people lord revive us those who go forth the weeping will come again with joy so it has been 2 000 years of wandering in pain but we have been like scattered sheep who went astray but don't despair people don't be afraid the word of god's promised us that our shame will soon pass away for there's coming a day when god is gathering even now once again from the north and the south and the east and the west back to the land back to jerusalem to worship the messiah who cleanses us from sin let's sing that part so it has been 2 000 years of wandering and pain and we have been like scattered sheep who've gone astray but don't despair my children do not be afraid the word of god is promised our shame will pass away for there will come a day when god will gather us again from north and south and east and west to jerusalem to worship our messiah who cleanses us from sin from our sin lift your hands worship and revive us [Music] revive us [Music] those who go for the weeping will come again with joy yes lord revive us [Music] lord save your people the lord revive us those who go forth [Music] is [Music] and [Music] praise the lord you may be seated move into another portion of our service and transition into another form of worship which has to do with the tithes and the offerings barak hashem you know the practice of tithing provides a regular reminder of your dependence on god of my dependence on god we are dependent totally dependent on god he gives us the ability to make wealth in good times tithing helps you remember that god is the source of all blessings and it allows you to demonstrate your gratitude for his care in hard times tithing motivates you to remember god's faithfulness and it enables you to demonstrate trust in god to provide for all of your needs god wants us to draw close to him he wants to draw close to him in every area of our lives including financially and as we draw close to him we lean into the lord we learn to hear his voice we learn to walk in his ways he will pour out his blessings upon us amen in deuteronomy 14 22-23 god instructed the israelites thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed of thy corn of thy wine and of thine oil and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks that thou mayest learn to fear the lord thy god always we are to revere him to fear him in a good way to respect him and honor him in all of our ways so father i pray that you would pour out your spirit upon those who give whether you're giving as uh if you're in the audience in live stream whether you're giving in the various ways or whether you're here live with us in person we pray lord that you would bless those who are giving and that you would pour out your spirit upon them and that your work of the ministry through congregation beth yeshua would be supported in a wonderful way and we would move forward in you amen and the ushers please go forth and there are many ways to give one can give by going to cby.org and click tithe and offerings you can use the cby philly app you can mail directly snail mail directly to po box 1717 media pa 19063 you can text to give by texting the words give and the amount to 610-9812340 and of course last but not least you can always call us at the office 215-477-2706 we want to thank you so much for giving we have been blessed even during this time of kova the lord has blessed and met our needs and uh we look forward to hearing from you as you write in whether it's giving a gift but if you just call in for a prayer request or what have you and we want to invite you to begin to come out to services we are wearing our masks on friday nights and on saturdays so if you'd like to come you are more than welcome to come and shall we move into the tour service would everyone rise as we bring out the torah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] today's reading is from deuteronomy 31 26 and 27. severe take this book of the law and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the lord your god that it may be there a witness against you for i know your rebellion and your stiff neck if today while i'm yet alive with you you have been rebellious against the lord then how much more after my death this is uh moses was saying this [Music] this is the torah which moses is placed before the children of israel at the command of the lord through moses's hands it's a shalom everybody that last song mark was a a whopper a classic a joel churnoff lamb classic it's so beautiful i think we might have to do it again one more time at the end of the service i'm just giving you warning there is a teen talk today so teenagers and children children's program also yay so go on back and get blessed and have fun and grow in the lord together so rabbi david is traveling this weekend he actually in between all of these holidays has a wedding to officiate tomorrow and so he has to travel up for the rehearsal dinner and all of that you know how it goes it's like a weekend event so he says shabbat shalom and the shanatova and here i am he got me so once again you get to hear what i what's on my mind and on my heart so father we just thank you and praise you lord god for this day this is uh the day that you have made and as we are here together god we just want to grow in you and know you more and we do stand lord god for our country today to be so comforted i know that john already had a moment of silence and an honoring those who were lost in 9 11 and all of those first responders who really gave themselves and sacrificed themselves god it's just almost too much to bear and yet you have enabled us as a country to get up and to go on maybe not perfectly lord god but there is blessing ahead for america there's blessing ahead for this country and and god as i give this message today that i believe you have put on my heart i believe it's a key for the blessing of our nation and really of all nations and something that you want to give us that you want us to practice as we go into this new year so help us to take hold of everything that you have taken hold of us for in the messiah yeshua and for this specific word in yeshua's name amen amen so this is a new year the jewish new year rosh hashanah rabbi david i believe it was last week it always feels funny to me to call him rabbi david it's david never dave but it is david to me but so um he was really whoops that's not good work he was talking about um commissioning it was like a commissioning i felt that he gave to us to enter into a deeper life into a deeper and more committed prayer life as we go into this new year and he was talking about how we would do that congregationally and maybe individually also so i want to talk about that if you look at the state of the world surely there is like so much we could like spend be on our knees 24 7. it's so crazy out there um the country our country troubles in the world troubles in the environment you know even splits in the body of messiah and we wonder sometimes like how do we pray for all of this and it's really daunting i mean last week the vine street expressway was a canal i mean who's ever seen something like that before it was unbelievable and these kind of things they kind of wake you up and you go what is happening here with the wildfires out west if you watch the news which i do i don't know if i should all the time but i do because i like to know what's going on and the wildfires last year the greece and turkey the terrible ones in australia and so there's these fires everywhere that they're really having trouble containing even around my beloved tahoe which is one of my favorite places in the world to be and so they managed to stop that one but it was close and then of course this virus you know that's like plaguing the whole world and who would have thought you know even a couple years ago so there's a lot of sorrow and a lot of loss right now that people are dealing with from cova deaths to that terrible tragedy of our young soldiers being lost in afghanistan you know violence in our city every day i know you guys depressed yet every day you wake up and it's not only you know adults that are right adults that are being you know taken out by this gun violence but children and and now this 911 remembrance which was really heartbreaking i was watching it's a lot of amazing specials uh spike lee did a hbo series on 911 and uh i was watching it because i kind of felt like i should and it's kind of like one of those horrible tragedies where you can't look away but as i started watching it i just started getting more and more just overwhelmed and and it was so it was like worse than the worst disaster movie that you can imagine and i think we forget sometimes maybe because it is 20 years you know how horrible it was and what an affront and just this personal attack on our country and the lord just said to me you need to set your mind reset your mind on things that are good and pure and holy and and true and uplifting because this is like too much but it you want to pray you know you want to pray let this never happen again there's so here's that list how do we you know pray for all these things all the time like when it comes to prayer where do we even begin well in addition to and here's what i heard the lord say to me recently in addition to or after starting with thanking god for every possible thing that you can think of to thank him for because he says to enter his courts with thanksgiving and with praise and in the midst of all this there is a lot to be thankful for and we need to remember those things and to thank him to be thankful to god but in addition to that all those prayers we pray lord let the whole earth be filled with the with the knowledge of the glory of the lord send healing from your throne to those who need healing comfort those who mourn lord god both here and in zion arise god let your enemies be scattered in judgment remember mercy all of these ways that we pray and these are all great requests and they're great prayer focuses but i believe that there's a prayer focus that the lord is giving us for this new year as we enter this new year that is a key to the answer to all of those other things not just to us as jewish believers and we forget this sometimes but to really to the body as a whole so i want you if you have your bibles turn to psalm 122 and this is it this is the word i was talking to the lord recently about how uh you know i think i said this a couple weeks ago in a message like how people in the bible have these amazing conversations with god you know the lord to ananias you know go to paul he's in the city you know go pray for him and he's blind and he's gonna see again as you pray for him and ananias says to him you know lord this is the one who's like persecuting all of your people how could you possibly want me to go and the lord just said to him go you know and then he said something i'm going to show him how much he has to suffer for me which is another interesting discussion but um those kind of conversations the conversation he had with peter you know on on the roof you know like letting down the the unclean animals and telling him to rise and to eat and peter's saying lord i've never eaten anything unclean and the lord answering them and saying you know don't call things impure that i have made pure like these conversations you know and i'm like god i want that kind of conversation with you don't you want to like be like in that kind of conversation with god actually i think he's having them with us all the time and he spoke to me and he said i don't know what you're talking about which is funny when god says something like that to us i don't know what you're talking about because we just had a conversation and our conversation was debbie you need to start praying first and foremost for the peace of jerusalem all these things that you're overwhelmed about if you start praying for the peace of jerusalem i'm going to bring prosperity and blessing and peace to the world that you are so hungry for and i said huh so anyway that was our conversation but that was a it was a conversation with god so here's what i wrote a couple places i ran into recently psalm 122 verse 6 pray for the peace of jerusalem may those who love you be at peace may there be shalom within your walls and may there be shalom within your borders and in your palaces for the sake of my brothers and my friends i now say peace be within you jerusalem for the sake of the house of adonai our god i will seek your good i visited israel i've been there a couple of times and i have to say and this is like a confession that jerusalem was not my favorite city in the world i it felt oppressive to me it felt hard for me to be there i thought it was miraculous i thought it was beautiful but in my spirit and around me it felt like oppressive to me and so people would say how did you love israel i said yeah great you know i didn't la i mean it sounds terrible i'd say i didn't love jerusalem but i loved going around i loved israel and i loved being there and here's what the lord said because i when i saw this verse i was like i can't believe i said that because it's not like jerusalem is like any other city it's not like just any other city in the world it's not like you know barcelona or paris or these places that you visit where you go oh you can say oh i loved it or i didn't love it or it was okay loving jerusalem is not a choice it's really a command from the lord to love her and to pray and to pray for her it's not like any other city turn to isaiah 62 and here's another call to us on your walls this is verse 6 o jerusalem i have set watchmen all day and all night and they will never hold their peace for you who remind the lord take no rest for yourselves and give him no rest until he establishes and makes jerusalem a praise in the earth we see from that psalm 122 that in praying for the peace of jerusalem there is prosperity i'm going to talk about that prosperity there is blessing upon our friends our brothers our sisters but really i think on the whole world this city of jerusalem has god's heart and it should have our heart he said love her pray for her peace be a prayer prayer and a watchman on her walls it even says in psalm 137 and it was interesting because i started went on this rabbit trail of who wrote psalm 137 clearly wasn't king david it was someone i believe had been in the babylonian captivity maybe jeremiah but i don't know this psalmist but he was like if i forget you jerusalem you know let my right hand lose its skill and let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth and this is a word for all of us the lord is saying going into this new year don't forget jerusalem don't forget to pray for her because praying for jerusalem and her peace is a key to all of these other things that are on your heart to pray for the peace the prosperity i know this is like a big you know like really but i think yes i think he's giving it to us and if we as messianic jews don't pray this and it's really a word to the whole body of messiah i believe that he would give you need to start praying for israel you need to start praying for jerusalem you need to start really loving the jewish people this is a key for all of this craziness that we see out there prosperity as nations even as individuals and for governments depends on us praying for jerusalem's peace in the same way that paul writes in romans that our jewish people's salvation will be life from the dead for the whole world it's kind of like that so we as a whole body should be praying for that also daily for revival among our jewish people because there will be a huge shift in the spiritual atmosphere and people of all nations and persuasions are going to begin to call on the name of the lord as our jewish people begin to really come into the kingdom of god so it is with jerusalem when this city is at peace the whole world will experience and be able to experience a peace beyond i believe what the world has really known up until this point and so the lord said to me pray this pray this jeremiah 29 says pray for the peace of the city that you are in and i believe this was in the captivity but it says pray for the peace of the city you are in for its peace will be your peace and i think even more so he says pray for the i mean this should help us in our devotions everybody sometimes don't you just sit down you don't know where to even begin to pray start here start with giving thanks for anything you can see around you and then pray first for the peace of jerusalem i feel like it's going to be like a launching pad into the spirit of god like praying through us and accomplishing things that we've been waiting for and hoping to see and have felt like almost powerless sometimes to like overcome so pray for the peace of jerusalem to come into all that she is meant to be that this city will become the place where all nations come up to worship the lord that's her future that's the future of this city and the world needs jerusalem to be at peace because the world needs peace and it's connected to jerusalem so here's the definition of peace this is what this word in psalm 122 means freedom from disturbance quiet and tranquility a state or period in which there is no war or warfare has ended uh how we hunger for that not just for israel and jerusalem but for our country and for the world and then he says pray this prayer pray for her peace and expect to prosper and a lot of times i go okay lord i'm praying for the peace of jerusalem i hope my motives aren't wrong i hope it's not just because i want to prosper so i'm going to pray for the peace of jerusalem whatever that looks like but the the um definition of prosperity is not the way we typically think of it it's not like financial prosperity it's not physical prosperity even though the lord does care about those things but the definition here of prosperity is it literally means in hebrew to push forward to pass through to get on like to get on with it so he's saying you pray for the peace of jerusalem you're going to prosper you're going to be able to push forward you're going to be able to pass through the things that you feel you can't pass through right now you're going to get on with what god has for you you're going to lay hold of that for that which messiah yeshua has laid hold of you for it's a powerful thing it's um so jerusalem's peace our prosperity is accomplished by our prayers by us taking on god's cry to be watchman on her walls like it says in isaiah 62 to not forget her as it says in uh psalm 137 the world clearly needs salvation saving and hope and comfort especially today in america um a lot of people need deliverance from things that are oppressing and just hanging on and uh god's mercy we pray for god's mercy to triumph over judgment all these things start with praying for the peace of jerusalem for her peace and for god by the way to as for god to bring her peace and for god to bring peace in the middle east and for god to establish her as a praise in the earth he's the only one who can do it by the way it's not any government we've seen them try many of them especially ours no government or any nation is going to successfully broker peace in the middle east it's going to be a god thing it's going to be that type of god thing where you know let's say i don't know decades maybe a decade before israel became a nation again nobody believed it would happen nobody believed that israel could ever be a nation again back in her own land i mean you see writings it was desolate it was a mess who would even want to be there but there was a prayer movement going on for our people to have our own homeland and to return and then in 1948 it was like it happened nobody thought it was going to happen maybe a few who got it in prayer but it seemed impossible it kind of reminds me which you've heard me say this before like when people talk about uh when people talk about the lord's return and people were saying when i was a new believer you know like 40 years ago the lord that jerusalem as a nation the lord is going to come back and when i came to start believing in yeshua i was expecting him like to touch down on the mount of olives like tomorrow everything seemed to be in place which by the way everything is not quite in place yet and read like zechariah 13 14 you'll see it nothing everything isn't in place yet but incredibly key to his return was the jewish people being back in the land so there were people who were praying for that but it seemed impossible and so when i was a new believer and everybody was talking about the lord coming back and then it didn't happen and then we would say to the next generation you know the lord's coming back and it can happen any time and after a while you kind of like feel this kind of eye roll thing you know like yeah every generation said he's going to come back but here's the thing i really believe that the spirit of god puts in every generation's heart this expectation of his coming that is from him but one day he will one day he will he will come but he puts that in us and i think that part of it is this quote that i read somewhere once upon a time that in our lives if we don't have this expectation of his imminent return we are destined to live carnal lives like knowing that he can show up any day keeps us close to him because we don't want to be off doing this that and the other and he comes and we go oops you know there's a whole thing about shepard separating the sheep and the goats and i'm not going to say worse we know the lord we've asked him to forgive us we're born again we're saved but we can still you know miss the purposes that he has for us he's going to come and we should live like you know he's gonna show up uh if not today tomorrow and it will affect the way we live our lives so he will bring peace in the middle east he will do it the glory and the honor will be god's alone that everybody trips over her everybody trips over jerusalem and trips over israel and trips she's like a it says a burdensome stone because everybody's trying to accomplish i believe what only god can accomplish but what we accomplish in prayer jerusalem again it's where yeshua will return and she needs to become a praise in the earth and we need to be praying for it we need to commit to become those watchmen on her walls prayer warriors on her walls and on her be who cry out on her behalf to god day and night whatever that looks like whatever however god says to you do that and you can ask him about it i believe jerusalem is the center of the world its peace is our hope and we will prosper if we love her and i believe we can really love her because god loves her and that we can develop an intense love and passion and prayer burden for this city and intense burden for her as we as we begin to pray for her and i was thinking about this this works with people also by the way if there's someone in your life that you're having trouble loving and someone you know you need to love and you're struggling with it begin to pray for them and see what god does maybe to them but most definitely in our own hearts as we pray for people god's heart for that object of our prayer is imparted to us and we can begin to love in ways that we that we didn't know so start praying for the peace of jerusalem and i believe that we're praying for the whole world there's intense spiritual warfare going around and over that city and i think that's why it's hard to be there sometimes it's like wonderful and hard at the same time and i guess we shouldn't be surprised once again it's the place that yeshua is going to return but this is exactly why god has called us to pray and to remember that our warfare is not with governments or religious extremists or whatever is bothering us that's going on there but it's spiritual warfare they're principalities and powers there's a war going on up there everyone there's a war going on up there that affects everything down here so it's not that well all i can do is pray that's not what it is the most we can do the greatest thing we can do the most powerful the most impactful thing we can do is to pray and god would like to make her a praise in the earth and that day is coming and we can tear down satan's strongholds there by praying praying praying for her peace and asking god to establish her as a praise in the earth so we're all wishing one another this week a happy new year with shanatova this is the key to that one of the keys i believe at least he gave me so i'm sharing it with you so this is one of those things where i would say like god is saying put me to the test you know and see kind of like tithing see if i won't open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you that you can't even contain if you do this so i thought we could make a commitment as part of this new commitment to to prayer as a congregation to pray every day for the peace of jerusalem you may pray for a minute or you you may launch into praying for her for an hour use the word of god use daniel's prayer i believe it's at daniel 9 i think daniel's prayer for the return of the jewish people to jerusalem pray the psalms just google jerusalem in the bible and you'll have so much pray you know matthew 24. i mean there's so much that you can use so you won't be lost and thinking okay lord i pray for the peace of jerusalem today okay what do i do now open the word and you will find a lot of ammunition and love her and he promises to bless and to prosper us who love her again maybe not how we typically view prosperity but in ways that we that we really need maybe more love maybe the gift of faith we're looking for maybe more sensitivity to the voice of the lord a closer walk in relationship with god or healing in relationships destructive habits and addictions destroyed our nation at peace because we all fear the lord together and on and on it goes i think that as we pray for her peace that we should expect prosperity in our souls the joy of the lord as as rabbi david was talking about last week how important that is it's our strength the ability to go as this psalm 84 says from strength to strength even passing through the valley of weeping he says will regarded a place of springs and that strength to strength i believe the definition of it really what the lord is saying there is you need to be strong in me when things are hard and you feel driven to me but you also need to remain strong when things are quiet and good and that's sometimes as you've heard rabbi david say a little a little harder so we pray for the peace of jerusalem it's the key yeshua wept over jerusalem he was crucified there he rose again there salvation came to the world from there it's jerusalem it's all over the word of god all over the books of kings and chronicles jerusalem the city that god has chosen to put his name there it says and a lot of sin and rebellion occurred there also the world is lost and kind of a mess right now as we know but yeshua is the answer and i believe that praying for the peace of jerusalem is a key that the lord is giving us that will enable scales to fall from our people's eyes like they did from paul's like they did from ours when we came to know him you know i think of paul getting knocked off his feet you know he was on this murderous rampage against the people of god and the lord just knocked him off his feet and and he was blind and and went into the city and when ananias came to pray for him it says that scales fell from his eyes and i just don't think that was a physical thing although i kind of wonder like what did that look like but they were it was a spiritual blindness that came off of him and the lord would have us believe that as we pray for the peace of jerusalem and the salvation of the jewish people not just as messianic jews but i believe the whole body of messiah once again needs to get a hold of this that there is going to be life from the dead and peace that is greater than we can imagine i believe it will come i'm going to give you this last word i i talked a few weeks ago on taking hold of that for which messiah yeshua has taken hold of us as a calling you know we all have this calling here in beth yeshua to our jewish people to pray for israel but we all have specific purposes and callings and things that the lord has called us to individually and different strengths weaknesses personalities they're all from god but i think sometimes we get really tripped up when we look at what the person next to us is doing and it seems like more and the lord is saying keep your eyes on me you know some people are so energetic and outgoing and others are more meek and quiet and gracious but both are strong and gifts from the lord and just different some have the gifts of giving and some have the gifts of hospitality and evangelism and miracles some have administrative gifts and some not so much that would be me and different talents and natures and operations of god's spirit through us all but the lord is saying if you seek me if you search for me with your whole heart i'm going to reveal to you what it is that i have laid hold of you for talk to the lord pray daily be in his word daily listen for his voice but give him your whole heart and if we do that and i believe that a lot of us kind of linger we play around in the world and he's saying that this is a really important time in history and you need to be you need to be all in and this praying for the peace of jerusalem is part of that and if we do that he'll show us how to live a life that serves his purpose and that makes us a real blessing to those around us he has stuff for us to do like he has stuff for us to do specific things and we want to know what that is everyone is every so we're all called to some kind of specific work from the lord but every one of us is called to pray for the peace of jerusalem that's something that all of us are called to and i believe as we take up that call as a congregation and in the body that things are going to change and again even those things that seem to be weaknesses in our lives or hindrances that keep us from getting a hold of the things that god has wants us to walk in god said that isn't really a problem for him he said in your weakness i am strong so even those areas paul said when i am weak then i am strong why because he said god's power is made perfect in weakness so don't be afraid of those areas that don't seem to be all together just ask god to get in there and turn them to a place that he can use to comfort to serve to pray whatever he wants to do there's a lot he's calling us to different gifts and callings but i believe this call to pray for jerusalem's peace is one that he has is one that he has given to us all it says in isaiah 53 6 and this is not just for people who have not yet accepted the lord i believe but i think it's for for all of us often even those who are have committed our lives or asked him in he says we've turned everyone to our own way and this was a problem but it was and we can do that as believers we can be turning to our own way and forgetting that god has called us for a purpose and that we need to ask him you know what that is in addition to praying for the peace of jerusalem but it was yeshua who did something extraordinary it was in jerusalem that yeshua solved that problem of us going our own way at least the penalty resulting from going our own way interesting we can ask him to forgive our sin we can ask him to you know accept and we can accept that he's taken the punishment for our sin but still somehow we can continue to be sheep that go astray it's an odd thing just determined to live our life and be caught up in the world and we can miss out again on living this life of purpose and to being vessels of prayer for him and the world does the world won't satisfy it just won't so let's pray for this city and know that somehow her peace accomplished through our prayers somehow in that lies the peace of the nations in the world and let's pray for our country to be a country that blesses israel and prays for jerusalem i believe our future depends on this also as a nation i believe god watches and he judges nations often depending on our attitude toward israel and the jewish people it's like jenny yesner's song says the lord of heaven's army is watching i always think that verse goes over my head a lot the lord of heaven's army is watching he's not looking away and he's watching us and he's watching our country and he wants us to press in prophetically jerusalem is still the place to watch and it is i believe the center of god's heart so i'd like to ask the worship team to come back up and we're going to sing that last song again which i just think is was so perfect as a lead-in for this message and i thought it would be a great ending also and lord we just why don't we all stand we've been sitting for a while and we're going to stand and close the service father we praise you and thank you lord god that you see us and you know us and you have put your spirit in us lord god you've put in us lord god a call and part of our purpose and coming to know you when you brought us to know you was that we would be watchmen lord that we would be those watchmen on your walls lord god praying for israel's peace lord can we put that isaiah 62 verse up again graham so i just pray lord god as this new year begins that you would enable us to be to make this commitment to pray for the peace of jerusalem that you would set us lord as watchmen on your walls who would not hold our peace day or night that we would make mention of the lord we who make mention of you that's us lord that we would not keep silent and that we would give you no rest till you establish until you make jerusalem a praise in the earth god make jerusalem a praise in the earth lord god for there is blessing for the world in her peace so we pray for it god we pray for peace in the middle east we pray for protection against our enemies we pray for the knowledge of yeshua the son of god who is her peace to come forth to be revealed that the scales would fall from our people's eyes who live in jerusalem and that we would look as a people upon him whom we have pierced and mourned for him as for and only son let there be revival in the land o god and we thank you god that as we pray for jerusalem's peace for her warfare to end for the knowledge of the son of god who is our peace to be established there that you will also bring prosperity lord to our lives and to our country into our congregation and to our families lord to the lives of those that we love we pray lord god right now for any one lord who has not asked you into their hearts or even if there are those among us lord who have asked you to come in to forgive us and cleanse us of our sin if we've recognized you as our messiah god if we remember that all of sin that i have sinned i've fallen short of your glory and the only way to the father is through you if i know all that lord god but i am still living like a sheep that has strayed forgive me and fill me now with your holy spirit and power that i might run after you in the way that you have called me to with intentionality and with purpose and with joy that comes from knowing that we are in the center of god's will and filled with the spirit and that you are making us a blessing in our place in the earth god so put this in our hearts and let us in a sense put you to the test oh god and i believe that great blessing we're going to see things shift as we begin to take our place as watchmen on the walls of jerusalem and for those who have never prayed we pray with them now and say yeshua come into my heart wash me clean i need a new beginning i need old things to pass away and all things to become new i need you to make me a new creation i need to be forgiven i thank you that you gave yourself that you died for this purpose you took the punishment of my sin on the cross lord and you died and then you rose again praise you lord that you rose again for all of us and for this world for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son the whole world that he gave his only begotten son that those who believed in him would not perish but would have eternal life and also live a life of joy and abundance and hope and comfort and peace in this life thank you lord hallelujah thank you so much for that message roberts and debbie we must seek him and search for him he's put hidden treasures in each and every one of us [Music] [Music] gather on me children and i'll sing to you a song and tell you of the glories that once were really ours when king david and king solomon were following the law our people lived in peace and israel was strong but then there came a day when we turned to gods of stone turning from our god on high who sits on heaven's throne and so the lord he scattered us to turn us from our wrong from our wrong [Music] is [Music] we were like those who dream and dream for our hearts were filled with gladness our mouths with singing [Music] [Music] so it has been 2 000 years of wandering and pain and we have been like scattered sheep who've gone astray but don't despair my children do not be afraid the word of god is promised our shame will pass away for there will come a day when god will gather us again from north and south and east and west to jerusalem to worship our messiah who cleanses us from sin from isis save your [Music] yes revive us [Music] lord save your people lord revive us those who go forth the weeping will come again with joy yes oh god so many times we forget we forget and that's why you tell us throughout the psalms to remember remember remember remember remember what you did so it has been 2 000 years of wandering and pain and we have been like sheep who've gone astray but don't despair my children do not be afraid the word of god is promised our shame will pass away for there will come a day when god will gather us again from north and south [Music] god revive us lords [Music] we're back at the land god lord revive us and those go past the weeping will come again with joy yes lord revive us lord save your pray for the peace of jerusalem they will prosper lord bring great revival in this new year lord god we thank you for giving us this key lord to revival to the outpouring of your spirit to blessing and prosperity to a ceasing of warfare to healing and deliverance in the year ahead lord god so we will pray for the peace of jerusalem and we thank you [Music] for your return and for the great revival that is to come and for the prosperity for the nations and even in our own lives i thank you lord hallelujah and everybody said you
Channel: Beth Yeshua Philly with Rabbi David Chernoff
Views: 263
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cZ7mkblrdyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 45sec (4485 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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