Yom Kippur | September 16, 2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] um me hello [Music] [Applause] first [Music] and welcome to you uh and and and we would say yom tov too meaning a good day and and because yom kippur is a shabbat i can also say to you shabbat shalom thank you so much i tell you what last night's service was unreal wow it was so good last night if for some reason you missed last night's service i really think that today's service builds on last night and i know my message kind of builds on last night last night we talked a lot about the the real meaning of yom kippur and how it relates to us uh as as people living today and then and then also especially for us his mama name is believers in messiah yeshua uh and of course the cantorial chorale was just amazing with the with all their wow they were just so spot on last night it was just amazing i sure enjoyed it it was a real blessing we're going to hear them again today i am so glad you've chosen to join us welcome to all of you who are watching all over the world on the on the internet uh we welcome you we had well over a thousand viewers already of last night's service uh and so what a blessing that is um for sure already and there are many people who are watching now or who will be watching this and so in any case we welcome you and and uh and what a blessing it is to connect into really the part of the core of the faith here yom kippur uh and so i hope you're having a meaningful fast and that it will continue to to be so we've got a lot of things planned for you today it's going to be a very special service i believe today very deep beautiful about halfway through the service we'll be dismissing our our four to eight-year-olds to a special class that they have and of course we have the nursery up there through the portal through ages 0-3 all right leading us our service today and to open us up in a word of prayer is going to be mark you enjoy yourself shalom well thank you rabbi and welcome again to all you guys this is a warm yom kippur welcome and shabbat shalom as well yes let's go to the lord in prayer uh let's just dedicate this time to him and raise up any prayer requests that we have let's go to the lord and start this off right avenue can you our father our king on this morning of yom kippur we solemnly come before you bringing our petitions for forgiveness and the confession of sin unto you o lord we thank you for the atoning blood of the messiah yeshua and the covering he gives to each of us who have accepted him as our messiah let us not take for granted the forgiveness of sin your forgiveness of sin may you accept our prayers of repentance and may our worship bring praise and glory to your holy name in your holy name we pray amen as rabbi mentioned i am assisted today by our kentora corral who just did a wonderful and beautiful job last night we'll begin with the mottovum [Music] is is is [Music] how lovely are your tents so jacob you're dwelling places of israel o lord through your abundant lovingkindness i will enter your house and all i will bow down towards your holy sanctuary oh lord i love the house where you dwell and the place where your glory resides i shall prostrate myself and bow bend the knee before the lord my maker as for me my may my prayers to you o lord be at the right time o god and your abundant loving kindness answer me with the truth of your salvation who abides forever exalted and holy is his name and it is written sing joyfully you righteous to the lord it is befitting for the upright to praise him by the mouth of the upright you shall be lauded by the words of the righteous you shall be blessed by the tongue of the devout you shall be exalted and in the midst of the holy you shall be sanctified may your name may your name be worshipped forever our king unto you we offer blessings and thanksgivings from this time and forever blessed are you o lord our god king exalted through praises god of thanksgivings lord of wonders who chooses musical songs of praise king god giver of life to the world but on the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonements it shall be for you a day of holy convocation and you shall humble yourself and bring a fire offering to the lord and no manner of work shall you do on this same day for is a day of atonement to make atonement for you before the lord your god we read in leviticus 23 but if we confess our sin but if we confess their iniquity and that of their fathers in the treachery that they committed against me and how they walked contrary to me in return i walked contrary to them and brought them in the land of their enemies and if at that time their uncircumcised heart becomes humbled so that they accept the punishment for their iniquity then i will remember my covenant with jacob and also my covenant with isaac and my covenant with abraham and i will remember the land leviticus 26. we'll continue with a responsive reading please join me wherever it says congregation i am he who blots out your trespasses for my sake and i will not remember your sins cause me to remember let us into judgment together declare yourself that you may be justified for the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a red heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled sanctifies to the purity of the flesh so how much more than the blood of messiah who through the eternal spear offered himself without spot to god with pure will purify your conscience from dead works for the serving of the living god if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness please rise the king sitting on a throne high and lifted up hamelik [Music] my bless the lord the blessed one blessed is the lord the blessed one for all eternity the lord is king the lord was king and the lord shall be king forever and ever amen [Music] for the kingdom is the lord's he is the ruler among the nations thus says the lord the king and redeemer of israel i am the first and i am the last there is no god but me who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord triumphant in battle lift up your heads o gates and lift up o everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of the armies he is the king of glory king of the universe let your kingdom be established in us we acknowledge your rulership not only with our lips but also with our lives may we bend our will to conform to yours and may our hearts find delight in serving you may our every act proclaim the lord god of israel is king and his kingdom rules over all amen in exodus 34 the lord descended in the cloud on mount sinai and passed by the face of moses saying the lord the lord a merciful and gracious god slow to anger and mighty in goodness and truth keeping mercy unto the thousandth generation forgiving iniquity transgression and sin the pardon for our sins has been provided for us by the atoning work of the shed blood of our messiah yeshua and now the watchword of israel the shema [Music] [Music] [Applause] why yes [Music] [Music] hear o israel the lord is our god the lord is one blessed be his glorious sovereign name forever and ever yeshua is the messiah he is lord of all i'll continue in hebrew with the via and then we'll read the english together via and the english let's read this together and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might and let these words which i command you this day be upon your heart and you shall teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you retire and when you arise and you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and let them be as frontlets between your eyes and you shall write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates and from leviticus 19 18 and you shall love your neighbor as yourself please be seated as our continual corral chance me hamoka [Music] oh [Music] who is like thee oh lord among the gods who is like thee glorified in holiness you are awesome in praise working wonders oh lord who is like thee oh lord oh oh [Music] give thanks to the lord he is good his mercy forever endures amen lift up your heads o gates and be lifted up o everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads o gates even lift up o everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of the armies he is the king of glory please rise and let's continue with the amidah which is the standing prayer and as uh and it's all turned towards the east as ever as every synagogue is built facing the holy city for in ezekiel 43 it states that the glory of the lord will come over the eastern skies of jerusalem the contorial coral will chant the hebrew first and then i'll return for the english [Music] hello [Music] [Music] yo [Music] um [Music] [Music] she [Music] blessed are you lord our god and god of our fathers god of abraham god of isaac and god of jacob the great mighty and awesome god the most high god who bestows grace and creates all and remembers the devotion of the fathers and brings a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake with love let's read this next part together the sakhar and the sahara tanu you have remembered us unto life o king who delights in life and you have written us into the book of life for your sake o god of life we rejoice that our names are written in the lamb's book of life o king helper savior and shield blessed are you o lord shield of abraham i'll now read the gabor adonai the might of god you o lord are mighty forever you raise the dead you are mighty to save you sustain the living with grace resurrect the dead with abundant mercy uphold the falling heal the sick set free those in bondage and keep faith with those that sleep in the dust who is like you master of mighty deeds and who can compare to you a king who causes death and restores life and makes salvation sprout and you are faithful to resurrect the dead blessed are you o lord who resurrects the dead please face forward and remain standing we will now read the kedusa the sanctification prayer together please join me where it says congregation we will sanctify your name in this world even as it is sanctified in the heavens above and as it is written by your prophet and they call to each other saying holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is filled with his glory them those facing them say blessed blessed is the glory of the lord from his abiding place from your heavenly abode you will appear o our king and reign over us for are we wait for you when will you reign in zion soon even in our days may you dwell there forever and ever may you be exalted and sanctified within jerusalem your city from generation to generation and for all eternity may our eyes see your kingdom as it is expressed in the songs of your might by the hand of david your righteous anointed the lord shall reign forever your god o zion from generation to generation hallelujah please be seated as i recite the kadoshata that you are holy you are holy and awesome is your name and there is no god beside you as it is written the lord of hosts is exalted through justice and the holy god is sanctified through righteousness blessed are you oh lord the holy king we will now enter a time of worshiping if this is your first time with us at congregation bethel join us either online or in person you're going to see things that we're going to do you're going to see raising holy hands clapping we want you to know this is all scriptural all jewish as we read in psalm 63 i will praise you as long as i live and in your name i will lift up my hands let's do that i invite you to either stand or sit during this song whatever you're comfortable with there won't be a lot of clapping today as it is a solemn assembly but he is holy and his name yeshua means salvation let's sing this together there is a [Music] there is a name by which i'm sick [Music] salvation is your name [Music] salvation is [Music] there is a [Music] man i've seen [Music] he bled and died [Music] so we could live [Music] is [Music] your name salvation [Music] [Music] we'll confess that he is [Music] your name [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are the name above all names [Music] there's no other name by which we are saved [Music] you should [Music] let my life be a sacrifice of worship to you but my steps [Music] i surrender now so come take all of me [Music] take control [Music] [Applause] [Music] transferred [Music] my steps [Music] is [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] through my life [Music] [Music] oh [Music] take it off take it off [Music] fire so set our hearts a place [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] let my life be a sacrifice of worship to you god my steps may they follow you wherever you may [Music] [Music] me [Music] please remain standing for the al-qaed prayer we are now entering into the most important and solemn parts of yom kippur the reciting of the al-qaid means for the sin while we who accepted yeshua as our messiah have forgiveness for our sins we must constantly confess our sins and turn from them reciting the al-qaeda also takes responsibility for our sins let's read this slowly and carefully for the sin we have committed against you willingly or under compulsion and for the sin we have committed against you by hardening our hearts for the sin we have committed against you by acting without thinking and for the sin we have commanded against you by speaking perversely for the sin we have committed against you through sexual impurity and for the sin we have committed against you secretly and openly for the sin we have commanded against you knowingly and deceitfully and for the sin we have committed against you by offensive speech for the sin we have committed against you by wronging our neighbor and for the sin we have committed against you by sinful meditation of the heart for the sin we have committed against you by lewd association and for the sin we have committed against you by insincere confession for the sin we have committed against you by spurning parents and teachers and for the sin we have committed against you in presumption or in error for the sin we have committed against you by violence and for the sin we have committed against you by profaning your name for the sin we have committed against you by unclean speech and for the sin we have committed against you by foolish talk for the sin we have committed against you through the evil inclination and for the same we have committed against you knowingly and unknowingly for all these sins o god of forgiveness forgive us and pardon us in yeshua's name for the sin we have committed against you by denying and lying and for the sin we have committed against you by bribery for the sin we have committed against you by scoffing and for the sin we have committed against you by slander for the sin we have committed against you in our business dealings and for the sin we have committed against you in eating and drinking for the sin we have committed against you by demanding users interest and for the sin we have committed against you by arrogance and pride for the sin we have committed against you by speaking gossip and for the sin we have committed against you by wanton glances for the sin we have committed against you with haughty eyes and for the sin we have committed against you by insolence for the sin or for all these sins o god of forgiveness forgive us and pardon us in yeshua's name for the sin we have committed against you by rejecting responsibility and for the sin we have committed against you by contentiousness for the sin we have committed against you by ensnaring our neighbor and for the sin we have committed against you by envy for the sin we have committed against you by levity and for the sin we have committed against you by being stiff-necked for the sin we have committed against you by running to do evil and for the sin we have committed against you by tale bearing for the sin we have committed against you by vain oaths and for the sin we have committed against you by hatred without a cause for the same we have committed against you by breach of trust and for the sin we have committed against you with confusion of the mind for all these sins o god of forgiveness forgive us and pardon us in yeshua's name you may be seated foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] see [Music] our father our king be merciful and answer us though we have no worthy deeds treat us terribly with lovingkindness for you have saved us i'll now recite the moab prayer a prayer for the appointed season our god and god of our fathers you have given us this day as a time to examine and judge ourselves and to look forward to messiah's return we remember yeshua our great high priest who brought us he brought us his own precious blood the blood of atonement into your most holy place through his blood which cleanses us from sin we now have our conscience purified from guilt and condemnation and can serve you in love with pure devotion you will bring this age to a close with a shofar call heralding a new age then nations shall learn war no more the lion and the lamb shall lie down together in peace and your name shall be won over all the earth in that day israel shall be delivered and dwell in peace and all the nations shall come to your light the new jerusalem and the new temple will be established with priests and levites from among all peoples and from one new moon to another from one shabbat to another and on the appointed season of sukkot all flesh shall come to worship before you we dedicate ourselves here to you today for your purposes as living sacrifices we consecrate ourselves to you and we seek your will wherever you want us to go we will go whatever you want us to do we will do and whatever you want us to say we will say if there is anything you want us to change show us and we will do it we seek you and desire your anointing your manifest presence that breaks every yoke let it rest upon us and we will be victorious amen next i will read the yadid nephesh prayer and then the contour coral will chant it for us lover of my soul compassionate father draw your servant to your will then your servant shall run like a deer to bow before your majesty to him your friendship shall be sweeter than the drippings of the honeycomb and any taste reveal yourself and spread upon me my beloved the shelter of your peace illuminate the earth with your glory that we may rejoice and be glad with you come quickly show love for the appointed season has come and show us grace as in days of old [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i died [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] [Music] hey is [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] they is [Music] may his great name grow exalted and sanctified in the world that he created as he will may his kingdom reign and his salvation sprout and may his anointed messiah draw near during your lifetime and in your days and during the life of the whole house of israel even speedily and soon and say amen may his great name be blessed forever into all eternity blessed praised and glorified extolted exalted extolled and honored raised high and lifted up be the name of the holy one blessed be he exceedingly high beyond all the blessings and praises and songs and consolations that are uttered in the world and say amen may who he may he who creates peace in his heights make peace upon us and upon all israel and say amen well if this is your first time here at congregation bethlehem we sincerely welcome you if you didn't receive a visitor's packet when you first arrived during our offering please make your way up on either side of the stage there are some boxes and also the visitors packets there's a blue visitor's card and some information about our synagogue a name tag and a pen please fill out the card and drop it in one of the boxes in the front also please place your name on the name tag so we can greet you after the service by name and the pen is yours as a gift for those of you who are joining us online and this is your first time running across beth halal or messianic judaism or yom kippur service and you have questions visit our website bethhalel.org we would also love to hear from you send us an email and info bethlehem.org with your name and address so we can keep you in the loop as to all the events that are going on here at the congregation whether you're joining us online or in person you are now part of our mishpah which is our family welcome to the family shabbat will be welcoming and a guest speaker rabbi dr bruce tucker from florida so make sure not to miss the highest of the holy days the shabbat college age join us for a lunch this shabbat at 1 30 pm it will be a relaxing time to fellowship and of course eat see claire orlad for more details temple teens come to the cbh parking lot this saturday from 1 30 to 5 pm for a sukkot party we know it isn't quite sukkot yet but we will have an afternoon of fun that will get us ready for this awesome holiday please bring five dollars for lunch and an outdoor chair if you have one the vids can't wait to see y'all there we need some help this friday morning any time after 9 00 a.m to assist in building our congregational sukkah we'd also be working on this monday after 9am if you can come for an hour or three we'd welcome you please let our facilities director jesus know that you're coming it's always a beautiful sight our congregational sukkah very beautiful our annual sukkot family picnic will be on sunday september 26th from 2 p.m until 6 p.m at wills park in alpharetta bring your own picnic lunch for your family this will be fun for all ages bring your mint come ready to cheer on friends and family in our congregational softball game enjoy games contests face painting free concessions and more it's outdoors so let's all have fun together simcat torah will be on monday september 27th at 7 30 pm there will be a special treat for the kids so make sure you bring your whole family please put this date on your calendar rabbi all right shalom thank you so much mark wow this service has been just as amazing as last night oh boy i am really enjoying myself uh boy hi holy days man i just for me it's one of those eye closers where you're just kind of soaking it all in and hearing the beautiful melodies i just love the yadi nephesh and uh and and i love some of the other chansey avinu malcano it's like it's like a laundry list of favorites that you don't necessarily get to hear every day that are just such a treat uh and it just delights me and wow boy these guys really have have gotten it down quite well thank you so much a real blessing uh and so uh yeah absolutely so i want to remind everybody what we have going on this afternoon today is an all-day uh holiday of course yom kippur all the way to sundown tonight which is i believe around 7 39 is sundown just so you know but this afternoon we will be having a number of things this afternoon after the service ends we'll kind of schmooze a little bit and then around maybe around two o'clock they'll start some uh just a little uh kind of music in the in the synagogue building and by 2 30 we'll have started our ysker service and that's going to be absolutely beautiful of course bruce is going to be leading that for us and and that's where we remember our loved ones and friends and dear ones that have gone on to be with the lord and we give praise to god in in their memory and remembering them and and lifting up the lord's name you know right match it's really a beautiful service and then all afternoon uh the moment the yisker service ends like from three to around 6 30 we'll have just a whole afternoon of praise worship and prayer from 3 to 6 30 today in our synagogue building it's just going to be amazing they're going to be just worshiping lifting up the lord spending time in prayer spending time in praise reading scripture we'll be reading the book of jonah of course and and it's such a beautiful beautiful afternoon of worship and and honestly what do you what else do you have to do today you shouldn't be doing any work of course we're commanded not to you you shouldn't be going to applebee's uh we're commanded not to uh and so uh and so listen why not spend time with the lord uh in worship of him that's from 3 to 6 30. just and if you can come for an hour or two come for an hour or two pop in whenever you want we welcome you we'll be next door and then finally our neil service is at 6 30 that's the closing of the gates it's the final service of yom kippur and that's going to be really really meaningful and beautiful i believe joel is going to be leading that at 6 30 next door in the synagogue building and and that is uh in some ways one of the most poignant services because it reaches its finality of of of repentance and uh and we have our our ark open often and and the torah scrolls and the accountability of the word of god but yet it's also it's tinged with the joy that we have in our salvation uh and and and in the conclusion of this beautiful special holy day so that's our neti law service which is going to be 6 30 uh next door to 7 30. now that service all of our afternoon activities today sadly i love you all all over the world we've got people literally all over the world watching sorry our afternoon services are not going to be streamed and that's primarily logistically our cameras we had to get set up and and bolted in all over here uh and and so we had to take them out of the synagogue building so we don't have cameras over there right now but uh but in any case so it needs to be in person so all of you are welcome to to head over there this afternoon or anybody who's watching online who can make it over we certainly welcome you to all afternoon i think it's going to be really beautiful spend some time with god soak in him man there's just nothing like it i absolutely love that it's beautiful also the last thing i wanted to mention is our code service you know this is the season where we have just a lot of services a lot of remembrances a lot of great things that are happening it is that time of the year uh as as decided by not rabbi kevin thank you very much by decided by the guy upstairs because you read about all these things right in the bible right in the torah and so sukkot is this coming monday night wow very excited man if you've not experienced this a code service this one is going to be really beautiful and it's a symbolic of us dwelling with the lord forever after the the shofar is blown and then the judgments yom kippur and then the dwelling with the lord forever represented and symbolized by sukkot it's absolutely beautiful it's going to be this coming monday at 7 30 it is a biblically commanded shabbat so so monday night to tuesday night but for sure we want you to come gather as it says in the scripture it'll be in here masks will be required but we will be live streaming the service and it's a joyous service and we're going to have a lot of fun so don't forget to come and bring your friends to this sukkot service this monday night i'm really looking forward to it it's a real treat and especially after kind of the intensity of the yomim no rain the days of awe and yom kippur it's it's kind of a breakout celebration and praise of god and of great joy so i hope you join us that's this monday night thank you all so much for coming today we have such a wonderful crowd and uh and a real blessing to be in the house of hashem on yom kippur mark well thank you rabbi and did you know that in leviticus 16 god commands that a number of special offerings are made on yom kippur while the days of bringing livestock grain and oil to the temple have passed the commandment to bring a special offering to the lord on yom kippur is both scriptural and a sign of obedience we'd like to ask for you to consider being a blessing and doing a mitzvah on this holy day by making an extra contribution to our synagogue if you are a member please consider a special gift for this holiday if you are our guest we welcome your giving so if you would like to bless us with a love offering we pray that you are blessed in return for your generosity for those of you who are watching online you can have your bank send a check through your online bill pay or you can mail your check to bethlehem 950 pine grove road roswell georgia three zero zero seven five finally you can also click the link below the screen in the description box to give it via credit card or simply hold your smartphone up uh the camera up to the qr code and you can give that way as well thank you for your faithfulness in just a moment our musicians will share a song to give us time to click the links and to to make our way up if the lord leads you and uh let's go to the lord and pray for these tithes and offerings our father our king we thank you for this special shabbat and holiday let our lives bring you glory and let us be good stewards of all you've given us and blessed us with you have truly blessed us as even this holiday signifies for we have atonement in you lord bless the gift and the giver we pray all this in your mighty name yeshua amen [Music] [Music] wow [Music] he had no formal beauty that we should even look at him rejected and despised our faces turned away [Music] but by his bruises we were healed [Music] he was dead because of our sins he never deserved it by his priests as we were healed [Music] surely for our grief and carrying all our suffering [Music] taking our punishment and bringing us shalom and by his bruise as [Music] [Music] because of our sin he never deserved it by his ribs we were healed [Music] and by his bruises we were healed taken away to die but silent as in there would be it pleased the heart of god to crush the righteous one [Music] the will of idol night to crush his only son [Music] and he was wounded because of our sin the suffering servant he was worthy because of our sin he never deserved as we were [Music] as we were here [Music] as we were here [Music] we will now enter into the morning taurus service so please rise as i call to walk the torah reckless ben shimon as the torah is processed today we'd ask that you just raise your hand towards it but don't touch it so we can keep everyone well for sukkot coming up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh and you may you may walk the chore tote there is none like you all lower than the gods there is nothing like your works your king is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion is throughout all generations the lord reigns the lord has reigned the lord will reign forever and ever the lord will give strength unto his people the lord will bless his people with peace when the ark would travel moses would say arise o lord and let your enemies be scattered and let them who hate you flee from before you for from zion shall go forth the torah and the word of the lord from jerusalem blessed be he who in his holiness gave the torah to his people israel [Music] they are fortunate [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] is loon god foreign [Music] so [Music] he who blessed our father abraham isaac and jacob may he bless mordechai lazarus bin model shama who has come up to honor god and the torah may the holy one bless him and his family and send blessing and much much prosperity and lots of blessing all kinds of blessing on all the work of his hands amen thank you for [Music] [Music] [Music] bless the lord the blessed one blesses the lord the blessed one for all eternity blessed is the lord the blessed one for all eternity blessed are you o lord our god king of the world who has chosen us from all peoples and given us his torah blessed are you o lord giver of the torah amen today is the tenth day of tishrei in the year 5782 the torah reading can be found in the book of leviticus chapter 17 verses 10 through 11. any israelite or any alien living among you and them who eats any blood i will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people for the life of a creature is in the blood and i have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life amen the half torah reading can be found in the book of isaiah chapter 58 verses 6 through 9 a this is not the kind of fasting i have chosen to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke to set the oppressed free and break every yoke is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter when you see the naked clothe him and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood then your light will break forth like the dawn and your healing will quickly appear then your righteousness will go before you and the glory of the lord will be your rear guard then you will call and the lord will answer you will cry for help and he will say here am i amen or a new covenant reading can be found in the book of hebrews chapter 7 verses 22 to 28. because of this oath yeshua has become the guarantee of a better covenant now there have been many of these priests of those priests since death prevented them from continuing in office but because yeshua lives forever he has a permanent priesthood therefore he is able to save completely those who come to good to god through him because he always lives to intercede for them such a high priest meets our need one who is holy blameless pure set apart from sinners exalted above the heavens unlike the other high priests he does not need to offer sacrifices day by day first for his own sins and then for the sins of the people he sacrificed for their sins once and for all when he offered himself for the lord appoints as high priests men who are weak but the oath which came after the law appointed the son who has been made perfect forever amen blessed are you o lord our god king of the world who has given us the torah of truth and has planted eternal life in our midst blessed are you o lord giver of the torah amen [Music] and this is the torah that moses placed before the children of israel at the command of the lord through moses [Music] oh [Music] blessed are you lord our god king of the world who has given us the word of truth and has planted life everlasting in our midst blessed are you oh lord giver of the new covenant [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] a so it is a tree of life for those who grasp hold of it and those who support it are praiseworthy its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace bring us back lord to you unto you return to you we shall return renew renew our days renew our days as of old gentlemen you may return the torah tote and please remain standing until the torah totes are no longer in view oh what a blessing i sure appreciate these wonderful guys who are who walk the torah scrolls how beautiful that is and when the scrolls you can no longer be seen you may be seated oh it's overwhelming isn't it just how beautiful the alphets wow once you experienced that a while it just uh boy it almost brought tears to my eyes today as we went through one thing after the other thing after the other thing and oh my gosh so intense so intense okay in just a moment i want to dismiss our yellow deen will be dismissing ages four to eight they'll be going up the stairs and two back to the teen room area they have a class in just a moment we'll dismiss them and of course still the nursery up there as well is available and just want to ask the lord to bless all of our yellow team i'm real excited about sukkot and especially simclatora for all the kids make sure you bring your kids simplified tour i've got candy for them and that's going to be a real blessing so let's ask the lord to bless these yellow dem and also anyone who's infirmed please keep the pickers in prayer avenue shabbat shaman father in heaven humbly we come before you god we thank you lord for our misbehave lord we ask your touch and your hand your healing touch on those who are infirmed in any way god particular prayers lord for all those who were afflicted either within the congregation or just in the general populace with the covenant 19 virus lord god please heal them lord bring them up restore them god and and preserve life is our humble prayer lord thank you lord for our yellow deen we we ask your blessings on all of our children what a delight it is to have our children in the house of hashem thank you lord for all of these god bless them and the teachers and the parents bashem yeshua amen okay four to eight-year-olds you're dismissed right up the stairs and then down the hallway to the classroom there always a blessing to have to have our mishpacha here what a delight it is oh no question [Music] all right entering the next phase of our worship service and then we'll be hearing a word from the lord you let it bless you today [Music] but the word of the lord shall stand nations and kings will rise and fall [Music] [Music] authority [Music] [Music] oh the glory of god [Music] let your enemies [Music] is [Music] [Music] authority's [Music] for the kingdoms [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's all stand [Music] [Music] to [Music] yeshua [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you all [Music] authority the word of the lord [Music] revive us this day lord as we repent [Music] give us hope we remember you as in days of all turn to us as we turn to you come quickly [Music] rebuild us we are calling out to you we are calling [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you [Music] you're the tree of life [Music] quickly [Music] turn to us as we turn to you renew our days as a whole turn to us as we tend [Music] turn to us as we turn to [Music] turn to us as well is [Music] [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] yes [Music] we are calling out to you [Music] i [Music] [Music] a [Music] yes lord avinu malkenu our father our king renew us lord yes thank you lord for this high holiday lord this solemn day for us to come boldly before you lord let everyone's lives be changed by the miracles of your hand lord we come boldly we come solemnly we come with thanksgiving to you on this day lord we thank you for what we have already and those who know you lord we praise you lord and we let our minds and our spirits let us be open to hear what you have for us through your word today lord lord bless and anoint our rabbi and let us just be open to hear your word what you have for us in this high holiday on this yom kippur day of atonement sorry god we praise you and thank you lord in your name yeshua amen you may be seated oh thank you so much team thank you mark wonderful what a blessing that was that is that is to come it's actually one of the things i really enjoy speaking of what's to come that's one of the things i really enjoy about our neil service which is coming up because it's the final shofar calls of the of yom kippur of the days of awe uh and boy we're going to have some real good shofar calls at our neil service today i'm really looking forward to that as well and uh and it's just uh it's so good to see everybody here today it's for sure to see everybody i know many are watching online as well last night it's always a treat when we have uh certain folks as well in particular last night we were blessed to have rabbi emeritus uh solomon here to uh last night and that was a real blessing to have him here anytime you have a another messianic rabbi it's always a blessing and today we have a messianic rabbi mark greenberg and i sure do love the greenberg family and rabbi mark greenberg god bless you welcome brother welcome donya welcome welcome to the whole greenberg plant i tell you what rabbi mark greenberg powerful as has the words the the the the his wife reverend sandanya uses them that's a man of god right there you know and she likes to use that expression and that's for sure because rabbi mark powerfully used by the lord and continues to to to be used by the lord it's such a blessing to have him here today and their family and donya of course and of course i'll be everything i'll be sharing today is from the the tree of life uh bible which of course their their family the lord used them in a very powerful way to be able to bring to us uh okay so in fact you can turn to bereshit genesis chapter 19 please genesis chapter 19. we're going to be looking at something interesting you know of course always yom kippur is yom kippur is is i have to really refocus on yom kippur for me because i think that many of you who listen to me on a regular basis know that i really like to have fun i like to laugh a lot i like to you know crack jokes some of them occasionally are a decent a lot of them are dad jokes you know and so i'm so sorry for that uh and so it's it's challenging though because on yom kippur it's just a different tone it really is and it's it's a more uh and that's okay you know there there are seasons for everything we read in ecclesiastes and and yom kippur although we have great joy because of our salvation nonetheless it's a real time for introspection we're going to be talking about that today we're going to dig really deep oh boy we're going to we're going to go there here today okay genesis chapter 19 we're going to be talking about a lot of things okay that was a bad dad joke there we're talking about lot and his family they were in sodom of course and sodom was about to get judged you know the whole story when when uh the angels or if it was a theophany uh came to abraham and uh and and said i'm gonna destroy sodom and gomorrah you know the whole story there and the negotiation that took place but sodom was about to be judged and destroyed and the angels then came to lot and they they told lot and we read in verse 17 what happened the angels there when they brought them outside one said flee for your life the angel sits a lot and his family flee for your life do not look behind you and do not stop anywhere in the surrounding area escape to the hills or else you'll be swept away while bruce it's intense message given to lot and his family get out of here get going now do not look back get going up into the hills otherwise you'll be swept away because judgment was coming upon sodom boy that's intense you know please god you know i i think about how much longer does our world have before god says this have you you know you think about that and and god is incredibly merciful but god is also the judge and what happened here what happened we know we'll skip ahead a little bit to the story verse 23 and it says the moment the sun arose upon the land lot entered zohar that was a neighboring community as his family had had ventured to escape and adonai reigned sulfur and fire upon sodom and gomorrah from adonai out of the sky wow so he demolished these cities and the whole surrounding area all the inhabitants of the cities and the vegetation of the ground 26 but his being lot's wife looked behind him and she turned into a pillar of salts man well lot's wife did exactly what the angel said not to do lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salts not go ahead as a side note sodom is by the present day dead sea the saltiest body of water in the world no coincidence there but lot's wife looked back she looked back but how does this story comport with this holy day that we're on right now yom kippur how does this story connect and how does it jive with it i want to go somewhere very deeply today on yom kippur we're supposed to look back at our lives right i mean yes that's what we're supposed to do is we're supposed to look back at our lives at the last year but how does this work if if if lot's wife looked back and was punished for it how how does that where is the dissonance how's that dissonance resolved in that question i want to talk some today about grief and regret about grief and regret now we know the word grief primarily from people who've suffered the loss of a loved one that's the most by far and away the most common usage of the word today when you say someone's in grief someone's grieving the most common usage of that word is is when somebody loses somebody very dear to them and they're grieving they miss them it hurts and this is grief revits and candace heisler spoke at bethel a few months ago about the benefits of grieving which is the opposite of trauma and it can be very healing to grieve but there is also another dimension of grief that can be very healing it's related but it's different if you look for a definition even definition.com defines grief as in part keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss sharp sorrow painful regret painful regret so grieving can also mean mental distress with painful regret i want to with that in mind and that's really key and important to understand as we examine these scriptures i want to go now to a key portion of text that includes rabbi sha'oul paul the shaliah as he speaks to the congregation in corinth and you have to understand to kind of set the context here and understanding it is that his previous letter paul's previous letter to the to the congregation in corinth was in part a rebuke toward them for tolerating sin he gave it to him man and in in a previous letter man he just gave it to the congregation in corinth for tolerating sin he got on him pretty bad but something happened because of this so i want to dig deeply into this as i think it really very much relates to yom kippur so let's take a look second corinthians please chapter seven that's where we'll be for a little for most of the message today here's what rabbi shaul told the corinthian congregation regarding this whole thing in his previous letter and then how that affected them when he really rebuked them for tolerating sin wow there's great insight for us on yom kippur because of this second corinthians chapter 7 verse 8. paul writes to the corinthian congregation something very interesting he says for even if i grieved you with my letter i do not regret it though i did regret it for i see that my letter grieved you but just for a while okay so let's let's unpack this psalm here so paul is telling the congregation this congregation in corinth he's he's he's sharing with him that his previous letter and rebuke grieved the corinthian congregation it grieved them it caused keen mental distress with painful regret and initially paul tells us that he himself regretted sending the letter when he saw how much his letter hurt them and initially he was like oh boy man oh boy maybe i shouldn't have sent that letter they are really messed up by this and he had some initial regret but now he says he does not regret sending them this call to moral accountability it was a it was a a clarion call that they needed to get their moral and spiritual act together because they were tolerating a lot of stuff that did not belong now why did he kind of change his mind about how he felt about his first letter which was the strong rebuke well he says in the next verse verse nine second corinthians chapter seven verse nine now paul says i rejoice now why is he rejoicing not that you were grieved but that you were grieved to the point of repentance for you were grieved according to god's will so that you might in no way suffer loss from us okay so rabbi shaol now is saying that he is now rejoicing now he's not happy because they were grieved with this painful regret that's not why he's happy but he is happy that this grief this painful regret this mental distress led to their repenting he's happy about this do you understand so even as painful as it was to them and man it's it sure sounds like it was very painful he was happy because there was something wonderful that came out of the sorrow the grief of it the regret of it i remember robertson candace said that grief is holy work and indeed it is and rabbi continues in verse 10 what does he say for the grief that god wills um this is profound y'all it relates to yom kippur for the grief that god wills brings a repentance that leads to salvation leaving no regret but the world's grief brings death wow profoundly deep wait for it rabbi sha'oul is teaching us here that if we have deep grief over our sins deep grief over our sins that's painful regret if we have painful regret over our sins it leads to salvation which leaves no regret wow did you catch that if we sincerely look back on this yom kippur and deeply regret our sins it will lead to a repentance that leads to salvation and my friends if we do this we will not regret it so in other words the healing for our sins is available to us the healing for your sins all these things that you can think of here on yom kippur we we read the arch right all these things and and and whereas most of them hopefully you were like wow well boy maybe not this year not this year but then inevitably perhaps there was one of these that you were like ooh maybe a little oh maybe that one oh maybe that one i hope so because we need to sincerely grieve over our sins this is what yom kippur in part is about to sincerely look back with painful regrets at times i'm going to tell you that's not a particularly popular message that's not something that you hear taught on the tv with the tv clergy right talking you know you don't hear them talk about that you hear about them talking oh it's all great and and and things are just wonderful and and it's only mountaintop to mountaintop and just uh you know send in your your check and and you'll receive a special cloth from me or something you don't hear them talking about what the scriptures really also teach us about the fact that there needs to be at times a grieving over our sins a painful regret over what it is that we've done that doesn't honor god it's visceral paul knew that it hurt the congregation to face up to their sin he didn't like that it hurt but as painful as it was it led to life it led to life because when they took responsibility for it and repented for it it led to salvation and forgiveness and now we rejoice he says he says i rejoice because of the freedom that it brings he's rejoicing wow this is very deep here it's not that we don't regret the sin we do and we should it should hurt us that we did it it's that we are happy that we took responsibility for it and repented for it because within this is the only answer for freedom from the penalty of the sin and it's interesting here because he talks about what godly grief brings but notice here that shall also says that the world's grief brings death it's so interesting the contrast beloved when lot's wife looked back it wasn't out of grieving what they had done being a part of sodom no lot's wife was grieving her old life vlot's wife was pained by the loss of her old life but that was a sinful worldly grief which leads to death see there's a real godly grief but there's a real difference between a godly grief and a worldly grief or regret there are a number of other examples in scripture of this worldly grief this worldly grief which leads to death in addition to what's wife you have people like mel shaol king saul with this worldly grief even people like judas who demonstrated some worldly grief and then rabbi shaol continues and he talks about what good fruit is brought forth with this godly grief this godly regret he talks more about if you're going to truly regret and grieve in a godly way which leads to repentance which leads to salvation which leads to rejoicing here's a lot of the good stuff that's going to come because of it verse 11. for we see what this very thing this grieving that god wills has brought you what diligence what defense what indignation what fear of the lord what longing was zeal what rendering of justice in everything you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter wow man he's just like as the as my kids said he was popping off with these things man godly grieving is hugely beneficial he was encouraging them y'all he was encouraging them he was saying wow yes you had this godly grief this painful regret over that which you had done and allowed that i held you accountable to and rebuked you for but because you have done this what fruits what amazing fruit has come out because of it this repentance that leads to salvation it's it brings so much good stuff he starts listing things man you can just tell when he's writing he's just continuously well this that this that all these good things happen out of this painful regret so very interesting and powerful good things happen good things happen when we regret bad things we've done it's a pattern we see over and over and over and over in the scriptures good things happen when we have that painful regret of bad things that we've done this totally relates to yom kippur y'all psalm chapter 51 just a a perfect example of this it's so interesting because as i was seeking the lord for this message and it was like wow there's so many examples in scripture of this of this principle and and and immediately just came into my head psalm 51 and king david and i kind of resisted it at first i thought well you know listen there's so many examples that one's kind of obvious let me pick a different one and i've and i found some it was like no that's the one okay lord yes psalm 51 few knew god's heart more than king david we all know this king david i mean legend but king david sinned mightily before the lord wow he sinned bad he sinned worse than anybody here the great and mighty king david however his repentance is one of the most beautiful things that we read in the scripture and it totally illustrates it illustrates rabbi shaol's point as well with crystal clarity listen to his prayer we'll read a couple segments of it from psalm 51 he's talking to the lord and he's talking specifically about his sins that which he's done against the will of god that which he's blown he's messed up does he have painful regret is he grieving over his sins will you be the judge verse 5 david says this to god for i know my transgressions and my sin is ever before me against you you only have i sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you are just when you speak and blameless when you judge friends king david clearly had regret for his sin he was grieving over his sin by the way king david owned it he took responsibility for it he didn't shut the blame he didn't make excuses he didn't blame somebody else he didn't say well always just had the way you took it it wasn't the way i intended it or he didn't say well hold on it depends on what the meaning of the word is is no my friends he owned it see friends that's what we need to do this is yom kippur we can't be an attorney with god we need to have a humble heart before god y'all this yom kippur don't try to play a game with god own what you've done that is displeasing to god he was painfully regretting it he was grieving over it verse 12. and then he says to god create in me a clean heart o god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me from your presence take not your rule khakodesh your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit friends out of this regret out of this painful regret david asks for a clean heart a steadfast spirit and joy joy wow hear me on this shema out of this heartfelt painful regrets comes even joy [Music] and you know that doesn't make logical sense but it is a biblical spiritual principle do you hear this on yom kippur this is part of the fruit of repentance but honestly all too often we're too proud to grieve over our sins a little bit too proud to painfully regret our sins but this is one of the most important purposes of yom kippur we recite the ishamnu we recite the al-qaeda when we confess but honestly friends it can't be merely a right or a show sadly there are millions of my jewish brothers or sisters today on yom kippur and what are they doing they're here on yom kippur they're they're at their synagogue yom kippur because they feel like they're supposed to be it may be the one service they come to in a year they feel like they come to it a little bit out of obligation perhaps they even beat their chest but it's but it's insincere there's a lot of insincerity and sincerity it can't just be a right or a tradition or something rotes it can't be a check box you don't get poor it's not a check box it's yom kippur you would be remiss my friends if you didn't sincerely search your heart to see what does not belong it's part of the purpose of this day and then when you realize what's in your heart that shouldn't be there or what's not there that should be there after you recognize it for you then to sincerely deeply sometimes painfully regret it not some simple regret but to grieve over it with a godly grief oh my god i'm so sorry a recognition of the pain that it causes when we do things not as god desires we've lost that we've certainly lost that in this country we've lost that painful regret because if we truly have this godly grief this painful regret if we truly have this godly grief this painful regret then we will never regret it we will never be upset that it upset us why because the repentance leads to salvation friends it's like the secret combination needed to unlock something it's like a secret spiritual combination on the safe that if you know the combination it unlocks something absolutely amazing it is a biblical spiritual principle that if you really get wow it's powerful because here's the truth most people most people rarely have godly grief over their sins and and furthermore many believers have not grieved over their sins and asked for forgiveness in such a way that it's led to true healing and what does that lead to well that leads to ironically too many people carrying around regret all the time they they carry around almost a shame upon themselves but but but true godly repentance and grief brings freedom it brings freedom so i really believe that there are two people who are here today and who are watching today online two types of people first are people who tend to regret very little yom kippur is that check box it's about doing this or that prayer and the maksur what what a shallow yom kippur it is to merely check the box read prayers in the maksura that you don't even understand and merely to check the box okay i did my penance i did my shtick on yom kippur this prayer hold on no it's page 416 not 418. okay well then let's go to that prayer and and that's that's the extent of your yom kippur are you serious that's the depth of it the idea of grieving over your sin seems foreign to you it's it's it's not even in your lexicon to to to consider grieving over your sin it you've never done that i mean yeah maybe you say oh god forgive me after you do what you want to do and it's like okay we'll ask for god's forgiveness i'm going to move on and that's that where is that grief where is the painful regret because that's what what brings true salvation and joy we see in second corinthians that there's a great danger in this if you're not sensitive to the correction of the ruach then you will not achieve true victory you will plow on your own path that leads to destruction you you will you will as frank sinatra said you will do it my way oh boy i tell you what frank has breathed his last on this earth i in the end i hope he did it god's way oh man otherwise he's in trouble if that is you beloved consider grieving over your sins consider that painful regret this is very much what yom kippur is supposed to be all about keen mental distress with painful regret see this can only come about if you see how your actions have this is get ready this is good this is gonna you can really only have this true painful regret this grieving over your sins if you see how your actions have in your own way created the necessity from the messiah to die on a tree of sacrifice for you it's just so easy to say god forgive me and move along but when we realize that that which we did or did not do is directly attributable and causal for yeshua having to to suffer what he suffered on the tree of sacrifice i talked about it last night the wages of sin is death if we understand that that which we did that sin whatever that sin was put him on that tree beloved it ought change our perspective on these sins if we think about it in that context sincerely and truly it should allow us easier to have painful regret sincere godly grief over our sins in doing so we'd be more conformed to the image of yeshua to see how what you've done or not done has been grievous even if the sin seems small a few lies pride selfishness greed misplaced priorities if you sincerely regret these things in your life then repent for them today repent for them today it's yom kippur because my friends as you repent god will set you free and if there is fruit born out of this repentance you will never regret your regret the other person that might be here is one who knows your sins well perhaps you felt overwhelming shame you feel as though god can't fully love you fully forgive you or that you can't do much for him or be very successful because of what it is that you did lovingly i tell you brother sister that too is worldly grief it doesn't help if you truly regret what you've done and repented before the living god then accept and receive god's salvation his forgiveness i'm going to say something here get ready this is this is may hurt because not doing so is saying that yeshua's sacrifice is not sufficient for your sin if you accept the forgiveness you will never regret your regret because in the end it will lead to joy and so in conclusion i regret to inform you that this is the end of the message but i leave you with the only way the only way to have no regrets is to sincerely regret the title of my message is regret let's bow our heads abba father i humbly come before you and i want to ask first if there's anybody who's here today who's never said a prayer to receive yeshua into your heart if you are here and you've never said a prayer to receive yeshua as your atonement as your sacrifice as your messiah but you'd like to today just raise and wave your hand and we'll have a simple prayer is there anyone who's never said a prayer to receive yeshua into your heart it's yom kippur what could be better if that's you just wave your hand at me if that's you and you want to change your life god bless you or maybe you're watching online also and and if you've never said that prayer before to receive yeshua into your heart repeat this prayer after me and god will touch you and that atonement that we talked about last night will come upon you say dear god i humble myself before you i accept yeshua into my heart as my kapoor as my atonement please forgive me of my sins oh god i'm sorry i'll live the rest of my days for you thank you lord in yeshua's name do you see even in that prayer how true regret leads to salvation and joy true repentance leads to salvation and joy if you said that prayer for the first time please see me after the service if you're here and please send us an email if you're watching online and for the rest of us i want you to consider we're going to take the gear it's just going to play on the guitar for just a second we're just going to take just a minute and i want you to open your heart and you ask the lord lord is there something in my life that should not be there or is there something that's not there that should be there have i not done something that i know i should be doing or should i not do something that i know i should not be doing if there's something in your life i want you to think about allow the lord to speak to you it's a moment of introspection i don't want you to say it out loud it doesn't matter if i know all that matters is that god knows and between you and god he already knows what's all important is that you confess but not just confess it to him but to understand what that sin does and to have true godly grief over that sin because godly grief leads to salvation godly grief leads to joy because as you get that out of you there's a cleansing there's a freshness there's a restoration like king david said restore unto me the joy of your salvation [Music] oh he understands that joy comes when there is the healing of forgiveness which comes about when there is sincere godly grieving over sin so take a moment really think about this don't just check a box it's it's yom kippur y'all and then we'll close our service in just a moment so let's take just a minute between you and god silently [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you couldn't think of anything i'll give you one it's pride lord turn to us as we turn to you renew our days as of old touch us lord we need your touch lord thank you for your atonement thank you for the sacrifice of your son yeshua on that tree lord taking the place of that animal sacrifice lord which takes our place really for taking our place thank you for the forgiveness god and we don't live in a in a state of condemnation we live in a state of rejoicing in salvation just like rabbi scholes said now i rejoice [Music] not because of the grief itself but because of what the grief produced what that regret produced it produced forgiveness repentance and salvation yeah that's deep thank you lord for this thank you god thank you for the joy of your salvation lord let us continue to be introspective here the rest of this yom kippur as we transition lord soon into the yitzker service into afternoon praise prayer and worship and reading of your word and then finally the neil service lord let the rest of this day be a day where we are thinking and where you're when we are looking to you thank you lord for all these things we bless you yeshua in the name of our messiah shall we pray amen and amen mark will come and finish this in our service god bless you amen and thank you rabbi well please rise as we continue with the elenu and the nmr minimal shall [Music] [Music] um [Music] who um oh [Music] oh [Music] who shall god it is incumbent on us to praise the master of all to ascribe greatness to the one who formed creation for he made us unlike the nations of the lands and has not emplaced us like the families of the earth he has not made our portion like theirs or a lot like all the multitudes and we bend the knee bow then rise before the king who reigns over kings the holy one and blessed be he he stretches out heaven and forms earth's foundations and his seat of homage is in the heavens above and the domain of his might is in the most exalted heights he is our god there is no other true is our king there is none besides him as it is written in his torah and you shall know this day and take to your heart that the lord alone he is god in the heavens above and on the earth below there is known other than amar and as it is said the lord shall be king over all the world and on that day the lord will be one and his name one in the book of numbers chapter 6 verse 22 the lord said to moses speak to aaron and his sons and tell them this is how you are to bless the people of israel in this way they are to put my name on the people of israel so that i will bless them please bow your head to prepare to receive the aaronic benediction [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace please join us for our eusker service which will begin at 2 30 p.m next door beginning at 3 p.m until 6 30 we will have worship prayer and scripture reading you are welcome to come to anything during this period to pray and worship finally at 6 30 pm we will have our final illah closing service and hope you will join us we're sorry but our afternoon observances are not available online although we will not have a we will not be having a break the fast this year sunset tonight is at 7 42. a reminder to feel free to schmooze but please maintain social distance here without a physical greeting and continue to wear your masks over your mouth and nose until you're outside please invite a jewish friend to an upcoming service invite all your friends to attend or watch services on youtube it's as easy as sharing a link we'll end our conclude our yom kippur service please join us with the singing of the aim kalahenu there is none like our god and thank you for each and every one of you who has joined us on this yom kippur here in person and via live stream wishing you a safe and easy and meaningful fast bashing me [Music] you
Channel: Beth Hallel
Views: 1,183
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: messianicjudaism, bethhallel, synagogue, congregation, messianic, roswell, atlanta, shabbat, yomkippur, highholidays
Id: gB8LfIauVVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 40sec (8860 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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