Friday Night Shabbat Service! - Temple Beth Tikvah - 9/10/2021 - Live Stream

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] town [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kish [Music] is [Music] [Music] they're all [Music] hey [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] i [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Music] we have the joy of [Music] knowing that this is the the first shabbat of the jewish year shabbat and what an interesting thing the first chavez of the entire year starts by saying that we need to return but by saying that we go back to our foundations there's a story about a woman who was lost in the forest [Music] and spent the entire day trying to find her way out and couldn't manage and at some point she met someone and asked him like do you know how to how to live this impossible forest he said he didn't know and so she said have you been trying to find your way out to what he said yes so she said maybe by recognizing what were the things that didn't work for you and what were the paths that didn't work for me [Music] may we maybe we can get closer to the path that will lead us out of this forest the first shabbat of the year is shabbat to to recognize what were the paths that didn't work for us to acknowledge what are the things that we have tried in the past and maybe they need to be left behind as we try to find our path forward so i want to invite you to to reflect to think to please bonen to observe your path as we each of us individually and all of us together are trying to find our path forward we want to share something else in a moment we will light shabbos candles and um this uh this is the shabbat of 9 11. today of shabbat we as we acknowledge the beginning of chavez we are entering at 9 11 the evening of 9 11. [Music] we light two candles in shabbat one is chamorro [Music] to keep to observe and the other one is dedicated to memory and as we enter this shabbat of 9 11 we pray for that [Music] terrible event in the history of humanity and the united states [Music] for that event not to remain as a historical event but rather to be a part of our memories to be a part of our collective memory [Music] so we can hold the pain we can hold the morning we can hold in our generation and for the generations to come what's the terrible price of of senseless violence and and hatred [Music] and with that memory we advocate of peace and love as we enter this shabbat and we take the mitzvah of the score of remembering we acknowledge that carrying that legacy that transforming that legacy into a part of our collective memory is our is our duty it's our responsibility we turn our theorem to page 120 as we light shabbat candles [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] shabbat shalom we turn our serene to page 130 [Music] please [Music] no [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we sing a song of praise for the wonders that we recognize in our world each of us recognize different wonders in his or her life as we enter this shabbat we acknowledge that the world is a wonder that our lives are full of wonder and we take a moment to acknowledge those gifts as we walk in this to in this sanctuary in this same display space place that we try to create together we try to transform this friday night into an earth shavat into chavez night we we look around and we give special attention to things that sometimes we take for granted we count the many gifts that we have in our lives and we bless not only the creation but our creations we're on page 134 [Music] no [Music] each [Music] my [Music] i [Music] oh page 136 son 29 miss mole david [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] hi [Music] [Music] he [Music] with that peace we can welcome shabbat we come to welcome the queen the bride like we're on page 138 [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] [Music] we have welcomed shabbat so now let's take a moment to welcome each other to acknowledge each other shabbat shalom everyone it's good to see all those that are joining us in zoom we can see your faces and if you like to to open your camera for us to see your faces and to see you waving that will be fantastic and if if you don't feel comfortable doing so we understand that but we love seeing you hear your faces your names and of course we welcome those joining us through facebook and youtube we invite you to share where you are connecting from in the comment section we acknowledge those in the sanctuary fernando and zach working in the in the sound on the video and all these miracles that happen during the time that we do services and anna who has come all the way from the very very far away portland oregon for the high hollis what a gift and heaven and gabriel [Music] such a nice thing to to welcome shamath together pitch 140 miss murshir lyon shabbat [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we turn our theory into page 146 please rise if you can forgo as we [Music] say the first blessing toward the shema in which we will acknowledge the unity of god and as we walk toward the shema we acknowledge and we recognize that the unity of god is founded in the diversity of humanity in the diversity of our community [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] me i [Music] [Music] rolling light away from darkness and darkness from light transforming day into night and distinguishing one from the other and i said what is your name every god may you reign continually over us into eternity blessed are you adonai who brings on evening foreign [Music] loss and precepts [Music] the father and i [Music] guide us help us find our path our way through as we recognize the many challenges that we have in our lives we also recognize that we are supported sustained by everlasting love invite all of us [Music] to take a moment and think about [Music] but that everlasting love that unconditional love is for you in your life as you picture that love let the light of that love surround you [Music] as if it was [Music] a huge blanket covering you what it's called reminding you reminding us that our tradition is there to help us remember that our lives [Music] have a purpose and that we make our way through this world trying to find purpose [Music] trying to be present in the different moments in the different situations of our lives and what helped us to be nitsarim to stand in those moments is the knowledge that we are loved let that love surround you and as you breathe in [Music] bring that love in recognize those things that you don't need to carry in these chavez [Music] and as you exhale let them go within love exhale the things that you don't need to bring with you into this shabbat [Music] once again take a deep breath so we say dear god please never never remove your love from us israel your people israel within our city into page 152 for the shema [Music] we continue on page 154 with the chanting of vera i would like anna i would like to invite anna to chant behave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] your children witness your presence they praise your name in gratitude and they accepted your sovereignty moshe miriam and all israel sang to you together lifting their voices with joy [Music] your children witness that presence the wonders that you made for them and recognize the joy of breaking through the joy of moving forward with faith even when we do know that the way the path might be uncertain we find joy in starting the is [Music] i it [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] is [Music] i is i [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we recognize [Music] that as we move forward as we try to find [Music] our way through there are many struggles and many obstacles that we will encounter in our way and as we face those struggles we try to find internal peace we believe that peace brings peace so we we try to open that space in our hearts that place within [Music] from which peace comes we're on page 160 [Music] [Music] know [Music] live [Music] foreign [Music] the happy days [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] israel whose shelter of peace is spread over us over all your people israel and over jerusalem israel [Music] it is a covenant this is a sign that we have carried from generation to generation and that has kept us alive it's not that the people of israel kept chavez but rather that shabbat kept the people of israel so in this millennial interaction as we keep shabbat as we remember shabbat we recognize that we are remembered and we allow shabbat to protect us to help us find center we're on page 164 for philadelphia [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] wow foreign foreign company [Music] on page 178 in shabbat shiva [Music] we ask to be written in the book of life [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] maker of peace with 10 hours you're into page 371 as we acknowledge those that are dealing with illness we invite you to share the names of those you're thinking about in this uh shabbat in the comment section soon facebook youtube [Music] we pray for those dealing with illness in their bodies we pray for those dealing with illness in their souls we pray for those dealing with addictions pitch 371 [Music] oh [Music] may the source of strength [Music] to make our lives [Music] [Applause] [Music] the renewal of [Music] say [Music] amen good evening and good travis everyone my friend rabbi art levine he he likes always to remind that brothers used to preach twice a year and that was for shabbat gadol the shabbat before passover it's called shabbat agador the great so so art says that we do our work when we preach just only once a year or twice a year so all the rest of the times is a bonus track so i want to see your faces there in in zoom good good so we are going to open three different windows and we are going to open them quickly zach i see that my my face is on the side so i like to be looking at them directly um yeah but they're going to be looking at them anyway so please help me with that thank you so i will we are going to open three different windows and i need you to follow me to the best of your ability not too complicated the first thing the sidra that comes the torah portion that we read before rosh hashanah is sometimes is a double sidra and sometimes nitzavin and then baelec this year we separate them and so we read last week nitzavim and this week bye just want to stand on the terminology for one moment nitsavim means to stand and means to to move to walk you know that we're from parashat right which is the third portion of the entire torah we will soon be there is go to yourself it has to do with the word walk means to walk so that's first thing the second thing has to do with rosh hashanah now rosh hashanah we said is not the first month of the year it is rather there the seventh month of the year the month of tishrei is the seventh month of the year the first month of the year is the month of nissan which is the month in which we celebrate passover okay means stan bayelech means move work and rosh hashanah happens on the seventh month of the year and first i want to explore this idea of rosh hashanah happening on the seventh month of the year the year for us doesn't start from zero starts from seven now seven is a very symbolic number in jewish tradition they're really saying seven days of creation right seven years for for schmitta to let go right from to let the land rest this is a year of schmitta the seventh year also is the sabbatical year seven cycles of seventh years what happens on the 50th year jubilee so the first concept is that in order to celebrate or to or to acknowledge or to embrace a first sorry the beginning of the year in jewish tradition you need to have some mileage you need to have some experiences why because our beginning of the year is a reflective one you need to have already some experiences that you can reflect upon them as you are trying to move forward now after seven cycles of seven years we have the jubilee year like 50. now interestingly enough what's the numerical value of the word leg lamid is 30 l is 30 and half is 20. so the numerical value the gematria value of the word leg is 50. now 50 is the symbol of freedom juvenile but not only the symbol of freedom there's another thing that the number 50 symbolizes what's what's the letter that has the numerical value of 50 in the hebrew alphabet medium rare medium say noon and she is right noon is 50. and noon symbolizes understanding let me put all these numbers together once again jubilee seven cycles of seven years the 50th year is the year of freedom number 50 means understanding and i will i will share one more thing is that the talmud says that there are 49 gates of understanding and once you walk through the 50th means that you pretty much understand everything there is there is a level of achievement and wisdom that happens once you cross through the 50th gate now the interesting thing about all these things is that the word we started with was was that in order to perceive experience gain that freedom that we are discussing in order to gain that understanding that happens in the number 50. in order to break through in order to create the future you can't stand forever you can't be paralyzed you need to move forward you need to walk everything starts by the word you shall move you should move and this is the idea the final idea that they wanted to share and is that we sometimes think that we need to stop the world in order to figure out what to do we sometimes are so fearful that we prefer not to move because we are we're afraid to to touch or to break and i think that what our tradition is trying to teach us is that we learn by try and error and that we learn throughout the way and that when we are mindful of that way when we have the ability to reflect on our way we can create a more sustainable future seven seven days the number seven reminds us the cycle of creation when we start in the number eight when we when we cross a and the the the fifth the 49th gate and we enter the 50th we become partners in the creation we will sing before kidus the world that god created for us in order to do in order to become partners in the creation so the hope is that we will try to work even when we are uncertain regarding the path and bonus track idea what's the holiday that comes immediately after yom kippur sukkot right we celebrate sukkot and one of the things that we always mention about sukkot or two of the things that we always mention about sukkot is that the sukkah is fragile and is a temporary structure i would like to say that the sukkah is a dynamic structure to emphasize this idea that we need to be able to move and actually i don't think that the sukkah is fragile i think that the sukkah is what we call in is called in business a low fidelity prototype a low fidelity prototype is when you come up with a creative idea and instead of thinking about that forever you try it out you just try it and then you do some reflection on that and then you try again and then you try again the biggest ideas of the world the most important ideas of the world they started written in a napkin or drawing napkin they started by someone that was willing to move they started by you and me hearing this very simple commandment by just try to move try to try and we will figure it out throughout our way good jobs we continue our service on page 586 [Music] [Music] she [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] we'll now turn our citrine to page 598 for mourner scottish we would like to invite you to share the names of those that you are remembering whether you are during the cycle of the first seven days of mourning shiva during the cycle of the first 30 days of mourning sloshim during the cycle of the first year of morning and so if you have your side this week first year of morning for joan giano let's see harvey so-called i will acknowledge that prieta passed away mark's mom and we will start saying a caddysha for her after a sunday we will bring her to her last physical destination from that moment on she will become the living and loving memory of mark's mom i can't read lynette names on the phone and of course we remember all those that are mourning our family members that were lost during 9 11 and the years that follow 9 11 or the different illnesses that emerge as a consequence of that tragedy page 598 morning scottish foreign [Music] is may the memories of your beloved ones be always a blessing in your life [Music] to one announcement i will take a the kirish cup one sec just one announcement tomorrow 9 am a torah study 10 am we will have a shakharichu shabbat at 6 pm you will start seeing people coming together for touchless activities starting at 6 30 but if you want to join us at 6 p.m we will be there by then so i would like to comment on toshley we will not be using bread to cast our sins we will be using homemade leaffetti as i like to call it i made homemade leaf confetti from leaves from the trees in my backyard and it is beautiful and i've punched so many holes in so many leaves please come and throw my lefetti please that's fantastic thank you and uh so we will be uh nurturing uh ducks with good stuff this time biodegradable good for the environment socially conscious i and because gabriel opened that i just want to mention something regarding tashlich and this idea of casting away our sins and they say there's a normal misconception when we say the word sin in english it doesn't mean the same thing in hebrew the word seen in hebrew is correct means to miss the target is to means the target so sorry to to to miss the target so when we do touch leak is not that if you have wrong a fellow human being or you have done something terribly wrong then we cast it away and you know relax everything is fine that's not the idea behind the idea behind tashley is that in this context of prayer we try to find some physical and tangible expression for the things that we have in our hearts and our minds and this time of the year is the time in which we are trying to align ourselves in which we are trying to bring ourselves to target in which we are trying to uh to find some direction in our lives and in that context we use the word head and sing so invite when you say when we say the word sin to think about places in which you might have we might have missed the mark now page 122 we're going to do kedus [Music] because [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and as we conclude this cavalla chabad discover fame of shabbat 9 11 we try to to find our blessings in the world to find those places those moments those situations in which we feel that our actions matter that we are building our world we try to find the courage to move forward to experiment to embrace curiosity understanding that if we refrain from moving very little will happen in our lives as we we ask for the courage the strength and the hope to move forward we bless our creations and we recognize the blessings in our lives we tell to our children as we bring also the blessings from our grandparents that go all the way back to what we once knew how to build together the mishkan to the tabernacle we have been sharing those words of construction constructive love from generation to generation may go inspire you to be like the first and the mayors of israel who say to them elohim [Music] may god's light shine upon you and may god be gracious to you may you find god's presence within you always and may god bless you with the courage the wholeness to bring peace to your life and to the world us [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] a [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so much for joining us and we hope to see you tomorrow morning are we streaming tosh leaf i don't know we don't know if we're streaming tash leaf we haven't thought about that we haven't thought about that it's going to be really hard sorry but it's
Channel: Temple Beth Tikvah
Views: 128
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TOBpHMv0Wxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 38sec (5438 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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