Valve Set Pipe Welding Fabrication Tips & Tricks

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hello all and welcome back to ar1 welding my name is Calvin and you join me on the same yep back back to my roots where I'm showing you lot my pipe welding fabrication techniques and on the chopping blocks today is some seamless 3in shed 4y pipe work that is a mouthful yes I'm doing I believe these are some valve sets some 3in valve sets shed 40 pipe so it's annoying to weld I don't like these types of pipes I'm normally doing shed 20 pipe which is red pipe way easier to weld take so much less heat so much lighter so much more thinner and um yeah I don't have to clean it in this case here all of the prep that you see is done by me so let's quickly get into the video what you've just seen me do is you use my bench for the purposes of tacking a lot of people waste time putting things in thece you spend so long putting a tea in the Vise leveling it off only to tack one pipe to it I don't waste that time I'm I'm I'm a mass production type of guy this pipe work is usually classed as medium temp hot water so it's going to have an operating pressure of of no more than six bar I believe any anywhere around that range so the welding CL specifications is class 2 and that is a very relaxed specification so I'm going to weld it on my turning stuff this here is the one I use for elbows I do not need that so I'll take it out store it on the side and then grab this one [Music] here there we go now I have a rotatable surface that it doesn't it doesn't Arc burn through here and I've also done my x-ray weld test on this and it doesn't affect the pulse capabilities of the fronia I'm going to be welding with okay some EAP okay wire copper free with universal Aron 12% CO2 my route setting this will be my rote setting the wire I don't particularly like the wire too much so I have to have quite a high arc L to stop it from um dipping too much if that makes sense it's like I like a nice wide root art and then for my cap here will be my cap 166 apps quite low quite mild welding on pulse so yeah anytime you see me do these WS what I do I grind down my um start stops because they're the only parts that really and truly need touching up if you can see the sidew wall there's nice Fusion on the sides so I tend not to grind it only because it's a Class 2 world if it's a class one or x-ray or anything that's a different story but if you look at this one here this is one that's been ground down and you can see how clean the sides are and there's nothing to really worry about when it comes down to what you're leaving in the world um if you don't grind it so this is this is not gr grout down and this one here is gr down and you can see just grinding down the edges you can see how good the edges are and that's the only reason why youd really grind it down to make sure the edges are good so I trust my edges are good here so in the aspect of saving time I don't grind and it also when you grind too much material we it affect your cap but what I will do is grind down the start stop just because obviously why not from my understanding of Class 2 welding I learned this in college you can basically Miss 25 mil of root penetration per 100 Mil of weld now I don't know if that's one of them rumors that go around but it's it's a low spec basically although I definitely wed above that spec this here isn't welded to x-ray specifications cuz the pipe work isn't needed for that it's it's it's only going to go I don't know in a data center in a plant room anywhere where just it needs to transport cold water which is why MIG welding is used on it even though you can mig weld on all kind of quality work you know MIG welding definitely is is the way of the future when it comes to mass production in factories take this 3in cap for example it's welded at I believe 177 amps and I weld the cap in 1 minute and the root won't have taken more than a minute so you can bang through tens of pipe tens of butt welds a day very easily um on this like when I when I've got a bunch of jobs I'm doing two of these in the morning there's times when I could be doing eight of them in the day you know 12 of them in the day if if need be 12 is a rush probably could do 12 but eight more than more than likely could just bang them out in a day it's a ton of welding so I've got my first two te pieces welded out the way they're still on the captain's wheel now calling down as I'm tacking these next pieces I'm on price work so I only get paid once this job is done each one of these size welds and type of weld has its own fee and it's plused up together at the end to create the the price of the drawing so I'm trying to work as fast as and as efficient as I possibly can that's why some of the some of the techniques I do such as this which is going to be tacking on the inside of the pipe I've been told you can do it and when I do tack on the inside of the pipe I'm able to melt the tack away and I find it easier because then I can obviously do the inside here and the outside the reason why I do the inside cuz it's naturally going to um shrink and then I can counter react the shrinkage with this Hammer right now to um keep everything level if I was to attack on the top which I'll do in on the next te if I attack on the top then it's just going to shrink and pull the the pipe upwards and making it pissed which you know it's undesirable it's just going to waste time trying to straighten it off after you can see the how much penetration I get from the tax from welding the inside to the outside you can see it penetrated nicely so this method of fabrication on the table does come with drawbacks and that is if your pipe isn't exactly the same size as your fittings you have gaps the te is perfectly on the table and the pipe is ever so slightly floating 1 mil in the air for me that is not an issue but there are cases where the Gap is bigger and sometimes you split the difference I put down maybe a little shim or something just to split the difference cuz yeah I I hate using the vice I really don't like using the vice here's a little quick tip and a toour that I've got two bits of angle little small pieces I think like 20x 20 angle and it just sets over things and um you don't have to put it on bolts so you can you know go over the weld you want you want to take an average across a longer length rather than taking the measurement of just the T or the fitting cuz things naturally become pissed as you're rushing to fabricate it or just it happens here you can see bubbles well out because I need to weld the backside it's going to shrink so that's a bit of preventative shrinking measures taken there this was one way of making it with the elbow up in the air and on the other one I'm going to do it a different technique I'll show you that where I have the te in the air now if I had more than two of these to do out of that quick little test I would know which one I prefer to do and moving forward I would continue continuously use that method I'm forever trying to test my skills and learn the fastest way to fabricate things cuz the faster you fabricate the more money you make in this place here where I work there there are no caps on how much money you can make it's all down to your speed so efficiency and obviously quality because your work comes back to you if it's you know not good is is key and you pick up little things such as this this little piece to to you know lift your pipe up so the vice teeth bite it nicely so it clamps in a lot easier things like that it's just yeah you learn you learn these things over the years so I've made enough of these to know that I can pull out the flange in 16 mil and that's enough to get the measurements I should as I was on my previous one get a straight edge of measuring to get the right measurements but there's a free meal Tolerance on left and and uh yeah I've made enough of them I know not to worry 16 mil and it's going to save me about 10 minutes 10 15 minutes over R making the two of these cuz so far since starting this has taken around 30 minutes from first initially W welding and fabricating and getting to this stage it's only been like 30 minutes this is definitely one that's going to trigger some of ulot tacking flanges onto pipe that needs to be welded yep I've seen the comments you absolutely hate it I refer back to what I've been saying throughout the whole video speed and efficiency I know I've got good taxs my taxs aren't going to pull I know where to weld to try to compensate any pulling that would happen and I know the limits how many butt welds I can get away with without having to worry about things pulling pissed in this case here everything really and truly is going to shrink on the inside of the elbow so on the small radius of the elbow will shrink and pull everything in I don't compensate for it on this I just make sure that I start with everything as bang on on the mark as possible so um if it does pull it still pulls within level I Crush my finger right about now it doesn't look like much but I lean my weight on the on the handle to you know close it and it caught right on the nail that had like no defense you know the soft part at the top it caught right there and I um yeah my body I I didn't see it happen so my body was reacting the same way how it would react if if I was to got my my finger caught in in a um a wood chipper it just sent a shock right through my body I know it weren't too bad because two days later it doesn't throb and it and it weren't no blood blisters but that was absolutely painful so I put on the flange then I used the hammer to level off the other two flanges so obviously I don't have to relevel it to put the flange on again if I was to do it the opposite way around hit the hit the flanges now the paint level now I need to relevel it to put the last flange on it's all these little things even the way how it was put into the vice was put in a vice where i' done minimal turns no wasted turns and um I was able to you know hang all three flages on with free flips if you're able to tack onto the pipe pack onto the pipe if you're not able to tack onto the pipe go but I don't want to hear in the comments criticize this anything that I've done because I tack the pipe here this pipe here right now it can be cacked CL it so I don't want to hear nothing [Music] and then just like that because of this the pipe is counterbalanced you see that the pipe is counterbalanced I can use one finger to rotate the pipe so now I can fully weld this up nice and easy all the way around and then what I'm going to have to do there's a socket that's 120 mil so I have to put a socket here but I'll do that after you may ask how does the world come out with TS on it pretty nice I would say pretty damn nice same with this one it's not as good you can see obviously there but that's still you still fused both sides of the attack I do promise one day I will make a high quality detailed video of how to mig World pipe I've got I've got an old one down in my um old videos but it's it's outdated now but I try to avoid doing um I try to avoid doing welding videos and I stick to the fabrication because there's plenty of welding videos out there and there's a minimal amount of fabrication especially the UK style of fabrication cuz no offense to a lot of you guys in America you don't need six people to tax stuff together man and I don't want to hear nothing about unions we don't have unions in the UK like that at least I don't think we do so yeah I'm not trying to save the fabrication job for another block to come in and do it in the UK welding fabricating is pretty standard for at least the circle that I roll in everyone really and truly fabricates and welds and the guys that don't fabricate and weld times move on and they get stuck in a situation where they can't fabricate they can only weld so I'm glad I can do it all yes so now that's cleared up I'm going to preemptively answer a question so the welding mask that I'm using is a speed glass g501 it's an air-fed respirator keeps my lungs nice and healthy the thing on my hip is the respirator that you know pumps filtered air into my mask um the extractor I'm using the extractor fan as well because UK law or european law you you need respirator you need respirators for the welders and you need um local extractors for obviously the rest of the work workers in the workplace there's that quick socket going on these are weldable sockets boys I know a lot you lot think they're Fred protectors no these can hold up to 40 bar of pressure so um yeah another thing that you may not know about up to 40 bar pressure on these and you can see how I'm absolutely nuking this which is why obviously I'm not cleaning it the way I probably should but do you really really need to when look at the color look at that glow there is some serious heat in that everything's fused together nicely so they are finished nothing special just sorted the welding I weren't trying to do anything good all Class 2 everything the time it took the time now is is uh where I think I started at 1919 around 2 hours but I wasted time obviously with cameras and getting distracted by other stuff so this is this if I was if this if there was a lorry waiting for this outside probably an hour and a half worth of work right here uh I'm going to move on to the next the next job a bit of bonus footage I finished the next pipe a bit of 12in shed 40 with a 3in branch nothing special 3in branch and a socket and the next drawing's done and the time is what time is it the time is 12:00 so these are the final pip of the day it's been a bit of a busy one no it hasn't really this is about average this is about an average day of the amount of work that I produce obviously everything welded and fabricated I'm going to spend the final hours of the day welding up all of this crap but yeah now was working on some shed 20 this time which I like a lot I like a lot more than the shed 40 seamless 6in hockey stick 6in hockey stick and a dome capat tea hockey stick piece
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Id: NocE8XuKgQI
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Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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