Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S1:E9

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and this here is another viewer's broken  gaming pc now for those who are new to the   fixture flop playlist what we do here is reach  out to the local area typically somewhere in   and around orlando florida i meet with viewers  who have broken systems i pick up their systems   i bring them back to my house and i attempt to  fix them for free i don't charge them a dime as   long as they're okay with me filming the process  in the meantime now this particular computer was   only built maybe two weeks ago it's actually a  fairly young build and that is super unfortunate   the fact that the owner is already running into  pretty serious issues and i will tell you up   front that they sound more software related than  anything else which means this one's going to be   more than likely a p-i-t-a i'm not going to bother  translating that acronym i think most of you know   what that stands for pc related software issues  can send you down so many rabbit holes it's not   even funny you can find yourself spending a week  or more trying to troubleshoot a single issue   that is either causing your pc not to turn on or  maybe to turn on and then immediately turn off   or blue screen over and over and over and that was  actually what was happening with this build until   the system decided to just kick the can and  not work anymore so we're gonna figure out what   exactly is wrong and hopefully fix it in  this video stay with me to get rid of that   annoying activation watermark hop on over  to vip std key and purchase a windows 10   pro oem key for fractions of the price of  retail just use the secure payment method   like paypal receive your key in seconds and  activate your os here bye bye watermark and be   sure to use our new offer code skgs for a sweet  discount now one of the more obvious the issues   i would say this build has is lack of good cable  management i'm just going to be blunt um i mean   come on i'm not sure if he wasn't able to like  route these cables around the back side of the   motherboard tray or what we've got one eight pin  pci supplemental cable running through the cutout   for a front radiator and then the other one is  running through where it should be run that's the   cutout here at the rubber grommet cutout for pcie  power so um just kind of weird stuff we've got   you know a bunch of cables that are pretty loose  pretty slack here not routed uh in an ideal way so   uh that will definitely be taken care of another  glaring issue physically is the fact that he's got   this aio zip tied yeah it's zip tied to the top  of the case i'm not sure how well you're gonna be   able to see this on camera but he actually has  this radiator screwed in at two corners up top   and then zip tied around the other two corners and  this is actually a pretty clever solution because   his ram clearance was preventing him from mounting  the radiator where you would otherwise you know   properly mount it in this corsair case so what  i might end up doing is moving this red assembly   to the front and rotating these fans to be set  to intake so we'll have three intake fans and   now i'll move these black fans to the top and rear  those will be set to exhaust so three intake three   exhaust it will still be balanced on that side  of it uh the other two things i'm sure people are   probably thinking about by this point uh you know  having a front mounted radiator oh you're gonna   totally compromise your graphics card temperatures  that is totally not true i'm not sure why people   think that you're going to get like a 10 or 15  degrees celsius bump in gpu temperatures all   because you moved your radiator to the front as  long as you're evacuating air effectively and in   this case you can definitely do that temperatures  will be fine the other concern people have   when you are front-mounting your radiator is  that oh you're gonna you're gonna kill your pump   i don't know why all those people watch  one or two videos and totally take things   out of context they don't draw the same  conclusions as even the video creator himself   and they assume that because the barbs are  up top and the block is situated fairly high   that the block is just going to pull in tons of  air bubbles and the acetate pump is going to die   that is simply not true if the barbs are situated  higher than the pump itself i mean this is   a simple fluid dynamics here you're not  going to be able to push with a weak pump   air that is lighter than water downward into the  pump over and over most of the air will settle at   the top of the radiator and if the loop is filled  properly that shouldn't be a problem shouldn't   even cause any sound issues to be frank but anyway  with those disclaimers out of the way because i   feel like i have to address that every time i talk  about radiator positioning nowadays uh and the uh   mentioning of the cable management that definitely  needs to be addressed let's get into the email   that i received from the owner he was describing  in detail what he was experiencing and there's um   yeah quite a bit to go through the software side  is a bit of a mess so he says he just built his   first ever pc remember this is a fairly new rig  maybe a week or two old and went all out he got   an rtx 3090 in here i believe an r9 5900x either  16 or 32 gigs of ddr4 two dimms there uh he has an   rm850x power supply really nice corsair case aio  right the works you know a very um powerful gaming   pc the rtx 3090 is probably a bit overkill but  he said he bought this i think from best buy so   he probably didn't have much to choose from  and if he bought it at around msrp then it's   really not that terrible of a deal and seen in the  context of what people are willing to pay on ebay   anyway he says he loaded up wz and boom it  crashed wc's war zone by the way he said wc in   there but uh yeah cod warzone crashed his system  caused a blue screen of death and the blue screen   said the error code was w-h-e-a uncorrectable  error okay and i i've personally seen this   before it's not an error you want to see he  says that what he you know what he did was   what most people would do he restarted the  system uh but it kept popping up and i asked   him how frequently he was popping up i said  it was like every 10 or 15 seconds from there   on after so it wasn't like it was just gaming  that was bringing up the blue screen of death   it was just trying to boot into windows it would  cut straight to a blue screen and give him that   same whea error he searched for ways to fix it  tried a bunch of things and now he can't even   load up uh windows on his ssd says the ssd won't  even show up as a boot device in his bios that's   uh that's a big problem yeah so we're gonna work  our magic i hope and get this thing working again   first thing we do is plug it in and attempt to  replicate the things he's describing in the email   and with everything now connected got my little  mini display here let's see what we see power on okay everything lights up that looks good let's  see if we get a post okay we've got a post it says   usb devices detected zero no keyboard detected  16 gigs of ram detected all right so it'll either   kick us into the bios or into the boot device  okay yeah so it went straight to bios uh that   probably indicates that it doesn't detect a boot  device anymore so let's navigate over here to the   boot tab and nada i am not seeing yeah i'm not  seeing a boot drive at all there's literally no   option here like for for any drive to be booted  into um i can check some of his settings in here   just to see maybe he's got like you know  yeah sometimes it's like legacy mode only   but all of this looks okay wait my this  this might be something let's try uefi only   and i believe his only storage drive here is a  it's an nvme drive so that's pcie and we're going   to try uefi now and we'll save changes and reset  see if that does anything so i have tried a bunch   of different settings here i have enabled the  disabled csm usually just leave this enabled to be   fine i have also gone into secure boot here this  was set to other os and uh yeah you can see here   native nvme driver support enabled he does have  an nvme connected and and we're still not getting   yeah we're we're not booting into a uh into a  bootable volume which is interesting now we can   actually see the drive in the nvme configuration  tab it's very clearly a sabrin rocket 4.0 one   terabyte i'm assuming 4.0 stands for pcie 4.0 but  you can see right here where it says total size   0.0 gigabytes that's um that's a bit sus because  it says right above it that it's a one terabyte   drive so a couple other things we're going to try  first off i'm going to try enabling pcie 3.0 and   bypassing 4.0 which yeah it's it's rare that that  causes an issue especially with storage drives but   i'm going to try it nonetheless just to rule out  that being an issue and that could be associated   with the motherboard who knows or potentially the  bios revision that it is running the other thing   i'm going to try is the obvious resetting the  cmos if there is some setting in here that i am   not finding that is set to the wrong thing that  could prevent the drive from being detected in   the way that it needs to be detected i don't think  that would fix the issue but it's so simple and so   quick that it doesn't make sense to not do it and  neither of those things worked not that i am all   that surprised again so what i decided to do was  connect my bootable usb uh which has a windows   media creation tool loaded into it all we have to  do is connect it to the pc and when we turn it on   the system automatically boots into that  bootable media brings us to this page here   where we can install a windows operating system  onto any other connected drive the drive shows   up that's a good thing but what it shows next to  the drive is not a good thing so this is the drive   first off concerning that he said he already  had an operating system on here was literally   playing warzone on this drive and all it says  is unallocated space that's no good so something   happened to the volumes he created on here the  different partitions and then also total size 0.0   megabytes free space 0.0 again this is a one  terabyte severant uh pci 4.0 drive this right   here my friends is an indication that this drive  is almost certainly dead now to be clear and up   front a lot of nvmes i've worked with have been  fine over the years including some more recent   pci 4.0 drives it is very strange that only after  a week or two of owning the system and building it   himself the drive suddenly crapped its pants and  all he was doing was playing warzone it's not like   you're heavily stressing anything in this drive  you could do a lot more synthetically to put a   heavier load on these and you know it's not like  he's rewriting data over and over anything like   that the drive just kicked the can and um again  i can't speak to severan's track record but it is   definitely odd for it to die so quickly uh so the  next obvious step will be to swap his drive out   for one that works now i'm not sure if i have a  pci 4.0 drive in there the good thing though about   his system is that because it is so new and he  bought all these parts pretty much uh separately   on either amazon or in store like best buy he can  claim a warranty on these devices so i'm going to   take that cyber drive out and i'm going to tell  him to attempt to send it back for a refund if   he doesn't have the original box which is one of  the reasons why i always tell you guys to keep   your boxes especially if you uh you know expect  something to die within the first year or so   if you keep the box it's a very simple return  process assuming it is warrantied or assuming you   have a you know e-retail like amazon fulfilling  things um but if you don't have the box then   you might need to go through the manufacturer  directly and that could take a lot more time   now what i have here is a corsair mp600 this is  a one terabyte pcie 4.0 nvme uh very similar to   the cyber drive and his build i think that those  speeds in the seven are a bit faster than these   nonetheless it's going to be as close as we can  get at least with the parts that i have on hand   to a one-to-one trade here and i know this  one works because i've used it in previous   builds so what i'm going to do is reformat it  we're going to connect this to his motherboard   and then reinstall windows a fresh copy on this so  let's get this old drive out of here i believe it   is in the uppermost m.2 slot and there she is what  i believe to be a dead nvme drive so this one's uh   it's looking a bit yeah a bit jank this is like  a really thin copper sheet it looks like and i'm   not sure why it's like totally bent out of shape  it shouldn't be like that it should be flush but   we can take a look here at the drive itself and i  don't really see any obvious issues it just could   just come down to a dead controller or something  but uh i'm going to actually reconnect this into   the lower m.2 slot in his board once we get the  uh the new one i'm giving him installed and we're   gonna see if the if any software will detect this  drive and if so what it says is wrong with it they   might just say that you know the data is corrupt  etc but i just want to see if we can uh get any   kind of diagnosis via software with this thing now  we'll get the new drive connected i'm not going to   bother securing it just yet because again i would  i do want to run some tests with that cyber drive   just to see what is wrong so let that hang there  and then we'll reconnect the uh the old drive into   the lower slot now let's fire back up make sure  that she posts and that we boot into windows i   believe there is again an operating system on  this new drive from one of my old builds so uh   we'll confirm that i expect everything will work  though now i think that the drive was to blame   and we're still again the reason why i connected  this old saver drive is is i want to make sure   i want to confirm that it is a hardware issue  associated with the drive specifically and not   a software issue i've never really seen it where  you've told like you could totally brick a drive   by uh having a corrupt operating system there's  something associated with with the software side   of it but uh i do want to confirm that up front  because these type of drives are not cheap right   and uh if we can get by with with fixing whatever  is wrong with it and reinstalling it that would   be best so i think i think we're good now it  was like reconfiguring drivers from the old uh   from the uh the old drive that i put  in there yep looking much better now   and then we'll hop into disk manager see if we  can see any partitions on that old drive i don't   expect that we'll be able to and then we'll also  download a like disk integrity checker so you can   see here it's asking for us to initialize disk one  a disk zero you can see up here is the one that uh   that i gave him that's the mp600 again already  has an operating system on it but uh it says   for whatever reason his old disk that did have an  operating system on it needs to be initialized so   for whatever reason it's just uh it's not already  good to go we're gonna click ok here and see yeah   say that the parameter is incorrect something  something big is uh is wrong with this drive it's   it's i think it's hardware related and we're here  in passmark's disk checker and you can see that   yeah pretty much no activity on this drive  this geometry is pretty much null we don't   uh we actually do have an okay status here so  it's weird it's like part of the controller is   communicating properly to the computer but the  remainder of the drive is not and then you can   see this is our mp600 the one that i gave them  this is what a healthy drive should look like here   uh and we don't have any of this activity on the  seven part of it's because we can't initialize it   right we can't get it working in disk manager  but uh i mean there's nothing i can do here i   whenever i try to initialize it it says it's not  possible and that's why i believe this drive is   toast no matter what i try to do in software  i cannot get this thing configured properly   i can't get it to even detect that it previously  had partitions installed and i cannot initialize   it in an otherwise fully functional operating  system oddly enough when i took this thing out   right after powering the system down it was very  very hot to the touch it wasn't being used though   the mp600 in here that did have the operating  system on it that we were showing on screen   is nowhere near this hot it was i almost couldn't  pick it up it was so scalding i'm not sure if   that's part of the reason why it's not working but  uh yeah just odd all around to see a drive like   this a relatively new drive fail at least that's  what i think happened so what we're gonna do now   obviously we're gonna re-uh reconnect these  little covers for both drive bays and then   we're going to clean up cable management get this  thing looking nice and spiffy i'm going to re-run   several of these cables including this 8-pin eps  and this eight pin leading to the graphics card   gonna push this under here there's also yeah  there's a few cables just like running around   the side here we're gonna run these  behind the motherboard tray keep them   mostly out of sight we're also going to relocate  this uh rather sketchily mounted radiator   this should just wow yeah it was a really tight  fit with those corsair dom plats i'm surprised   he even got it in here let's remove this cpu block  i'll be sure to re-paste them as well let's swap   these fans around and now that everything's  been essentially stripped down we've got the   a-pin eps rerouted behind the motherboard tray so  no longer awkwardly kind of trailing in front of   the graphics card here i'm also going to upgrade  him to a 360 millimeter aio from corsair so still   the same brand still the same rgb capabilities  but this is a 360 mil white elite capelix aio   so a little different rgb in my my opinion looks  a little better in that aio and it's been sitting   in my closet so i'd like to upgrade him with  that and the stuff the white contrast for that   cooler everything else is pretty much black with  the exception of the cables i like that he went   with something that was a little less obvious you  know he could have gone with the plain white or   plain black sleeve cables here but the light blue  is actually a nice touch the smaller cables down   below are routed very cleanly this time around and  now it's time to install the aio and here we are   with the right side looking much cleaner than it  was before i don't think i have a shot of that i   just realized halfway through that i didn't even  show you guys what the back of this looked like i   mean it was okay but there are tons of little rgb  cables and things running from these these fans   remember there's six of them plus we've got this  large controller to include so whenever you have   things like that smaller peripherals to account  for it becomes a lot more difficult to cable   manage but this corsair case works out just fine  and we used a lot of the little zip tie or tie   strap points to keep things clean running mostly  along the edges and down this center channel here   so we're gonna get the right side panel back  on we'll turn it around attempt to power it on   make sure everything is plugged in correctly and  then we'll install windows to finish things off   so now that the strap i gave them is the only one  connected and it has been formatted we can install   windows on it click next and here we go and  while this is happening i'm gonna go ahead   and give it a quick dusting just to make it look  good as new i mean it is basically a new pc build looking good and we've activated this copy with an  oem pro key from vips cd key so he is now pretty   much ready to go take care of drivers take  care of any rgb software you want to install   and your system is as good as new unfortunately  he does need to reinstall his games he had   everything loaded on a single drive and what  that means is that if that drive fails and   you have no physical backup uh you're gonna have  to reinstall everything from scratch and we all   know that cod warzone is a fairly large game a  bit excessive if you ask me so that's probably   gonna take him a little bit but at least his  system is working again so i hope you enjoyed   watching this troubleshooting process play out  these are again always fun because they're more   like puzzles you know you never really know what  you're going to get when uh when one of these   comes in you have an idea of where to start based  on the uh the symptoms they describe but i i was   pretty shocked to find out that this was a  dead drive i was really just expecting it to   be a corrupt operating system something we could  easily fix with a fresh windows install which we   had to do anyway with our bootable media but i  didn't expect the nvme drive to be bricked at   least that's what i've concluded based on the  uh the symptoms i've seen it's it's very rare   it's not something you run into a lot especially  with newer drives or a drive that you just bought   it could be an older generation of drive but if  it's relatively new and hasn't been written over   many times those usually don't fail right out  of the box so it's good that we caught it early   at least it's within the warranty window the  return window more than likely so i'll be sure   to give it back to him so that he can try to  get his money back but we did nonetheless fix   the issue with uh swapping this out with another  drive an mp600 still very fast still gen 4 speeds   that he can rock with this 5900x other things we  addressed with this viewer's build we fixed the   cable management big time i mean again we had you  know cables running in front of the graphics card   uh the pcie cable is being split one going through  the radiator cutout and the other one going   through the rubber grommet here on top of the  basement i just looked a bit strange a lot of the   smaller cables being wrapped around in ways that i  really wasn't a fan of so we tried to keep this as   minimalistic as possible keep the smaller cables  especially out of the way nobody wants to see   those uh and then really bring an emphasis to uh  the the clean cut blue cables that he's got here   um kind of difficult to see the eight pin plus the  four pin up top uh being crunched a bit by these   120 mil fans the 24 pin though looking really  fresh and unfortunately thanks to this little   adapter that's included with the founders edition  30 series cards we can't see the two uh eight pin   blue custom cables uh but everything else yeah  looking mighty fine if you ask me with that if   you guys enjoyed this one be sure let me know by  giving this one a thumbs up i would appreciate   that you can also consider subscribing if you  have not already if that red button is unclicked   be sure to click that that would go a long way  thank you for that support also leave a comment   down below let me know what you want to see next  we are coming up at the uh we're coming up on the   end here of this first season of fixer flop and  i've got to say i am just i'm kind of shocked   by how many people are having issues in the  orlando florida area it is it's something that um   in a way i'm grateful for obviously i don't  want to wish ill will towards people's builds   but i'm thankful that people are giving me a  chance to fix their rigs especially you know   rigs like these that are just built maybe  a week or two after um you know a week or   two after they start using them they they break  that's no good i mean you don't want to find out   after spending several thousand dollars on a build  that potentially something you did resulted in it   no longer working at all like this owner said he  couldn't even get into windows it kept booting him   into the bios what's up with that it was working  just fine a day ago well that's what i'm here for   to alleviate your concerns and hopefully diagnose  the issue correctly i think we did so here that's   all for this one thank you for watching my name  is Greg, thanks for troubleshooting with me!
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 1,086,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc gaming, broken gaming pc, how to fix a pc, how to troubleshoot, computer, how to build a pc, gaming pc, fix or flop, fof, broken pc, fixing a viewer's gaming pc, fixing a pc, troubleshoot a pc with no post or no display, how to troubleshoot a dead pc, finance, credit, college, apple, tech, troubleshoot a dead computer pc no power, how to troubleshoot a pc, how to troubleshoot a pc that wont post, pc no post, pc black screen, pc won't boot into windows, How to
Id: LKHdm8K2do4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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