Shroud Plays Escape From Tarkov (Full Stream) 2019! part 1

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oh that's a return right there that's good a charity thing you it's a hold of you sometimes what the lag what was that I looked weird my alert is like lagging did you guys see that what's happening hey I'm still have 44 Cowboys let's go home Road 250k Oh Oh joking it's the title oh I see what the [ __ ] shots like one of my best friends oh yeah we went back to all the old school alerts we went back to all the old school alerts no more Christmasy alerts the only thing we kept is the bundles cuz it's like you know it's still cool it's not like really Christmassy is just like opening a [ __ ] box or whatever so we kept the ten gifted subs alerts but we got rid of the the Christmas like $10 no no's $20 notice whatever we just went back to the the norms I think we did didn't we I'm pretty sure we did right yeah yeah that's still there though which is cool I like it thank you brass monkey thank you guys for the gifts [ __ ] you guys oh man in live for [ __ ] 20 minutes and just just [ __ ] pop it off [ __ ] just your shroud gift from me here no more blackout I'll play blackout are you not wearing why is my okay we got to fix the head they like opens up top hella high what's the time on this [ __ ] 40 minutes all right we're about to find some about to find some scraps what you got in your pockets dude some scraps for me kippa kippa scraps nobody I want to get the kibbeh kee Nang are you gonna keep a key I'm sure the cost this [ __ ] right here I feel like you guys are we saying that for a while that's all right here or two boys at who you flashing this hassle right here [ __ ] anything good know was kind of uh oh man I got excited I thought it was a player it wasn't a black what you got oh are you huh I'm stuck I'm stuck oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god my god I'm stuck I'm stuck hold on I'm stuck okay [ __ ] [ __ ] was that a bot yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] laughs hello [ __ ] I don't know where that voice came from never man whatever man all right are these the same they are huh right there yeah they're the same size I've never actually used this gun it looks cool I wonder how you can mod it welcome is this again the a dar 215 five five six oh my goodness you potato oh man the a dar is a beast you can mod it just the same as them for blue I kind of wanna learn the modding on this thing it looks cool I like it I like it cuz it looks like a service rifle from from Fallout New Vegas and that's about my favorite weapon I'm lonely and walked around the block and all I could think about was shrouds fat [ __ ] you fan this a place yet thank you lonely no madam this game is dope perfect for streaming love your life breath hm did you love my life I love my life sometimes most the time thank you I was a player scout I feel so bad I thought it was an AI I wouldn't never kill the players Dev I want to try it using this gun today I've never used it I have a couple of them I've like four or something and I want to model you guys are saying I could mod it just like an m4 so actually can you take this off mid raid the front part would be right which one would it be I don't think I could take I'd be this but I can't take it off where my god I really care about extracting this weapon just kill myself south east north west which ways which south east right no northwest southeast northwest I think I don't know I don't know my directions in this [ __ ] monkey I know my directions in this [ __ ] correct yeah I got it let's go looking hog hell yeah more EFT noise yeah okay so I really want to play the game I just don't want to play as much as I did yesterday and the day before cuz I've played two days of this game 11 hours back-to-back the game is fun don't get me wrong I could do it again but I feel like I feel like I should it you know I feel like I should stop littering syringes everywhere some kid could stab themselves gas is Russia a little norm or wait I gotta go I didn't say that is this Russia where does this game take place I think it's Russia piccolo that's a name I haven't seen before piccolo 20 gifts lo piccolo thank you for the first 20 gifts you start off with a [ __ ] banger thank you man that's awesome hundred buckaroos yeah hunter buckaroos thank you look piccolo I'm assuming to mod this gun better you probably need to take off this this hand like the brown looking hand guard at the front all right and then replace it with something else they can get better or go and recoil and [ __ ] I'm assuming that's what you need to do maybe get a longer barrel what's the barrel on this [ __ ] I don't know we'll see balsa may add thank you for the five gifts we're going crazy I appreciate it Brown looking you mean would ya I mean would I mean would your average or count compared to subs are the same I know I don't understand I never thought I'd be in a position like this to have double the sub count of my viewer count you know I mean [ __ ] crazy my inventory is full fully back I don't wanna just you add armor do I want this nope you where you can replace it with an l vo AC handguard you need a gas block melt first a 310 barrel and NT suppressor a hair arms drip and a hair arm stock you need a cold buffer tube a one with the stock and then you could change the pistol grip as well to inoa arms holy [ __ ] can I write that down can I write that down or holy [ __ ] we're okay whoops get out of here bandages no what was i fact where's the bandage get out of here take my [ __ ] man have all these [ __ ] have all these things and I just don't want that what I don't want all this [ __ ] to me okay all right let's slow down for a second okay so what can I do here and the inspector for so long damn I don't know any of these parts I've never seen them alright so walk out of there 406 barrel Colts buffer - so I'd have to get rid of this what's the difference between an LV OSS and an LV oh I see I have two of them I don't know the difference between an S and a see this one looks a little different holy [ __ ] that was long as [ __ ] this one's shorter this one's longer so NASA sorter do you need the you need the the six-inch right what do you need to put a grip on is it a six or a four I don't have a gas block can I just whip like a [ __ ] MK 12 on this [ __ ] ly [ __ ] why's it so expensive does an MK 12 go in this I need a six inch a six inch six don't mind me just [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] around right now oh my god this recoil is terrible [ __ ] it about a bullet sir in here where the [ __ ] I am change the stock okay that's probably gonna help with that huh oh I like the stock because then it just it's just [ __ ] because then you change the stock right so you change the stock and then it just looks like a [ __ ] it isn't this [ __ ] right here look you change the stock now it just doesn't even look like the gun that I originally wanted it to look like hello see I'm saying how goes it the main reason I was [ __ ] body this gun out is cuz I wanted it to still look like the base gun the service rifle part with the wooden buttstock with the wooden handguard because they look cool but that sucks to throw a little bit more on it makes it a little bit better but still I mean it's still kind of suck so it was [ __ ] thing 68 164 Omega [ __ ] law where there are better stocks I know there's better stocks man I just kind of threw the stock that I had on which was like over here actually the stock better know what I have what do I have what did I put on it let me remember so annoying why can't I modify it when it's in my hands how would I change the other stock if I even wanted to also what's the difference we have four oh four oh six a tatoo 370 was slightly more accurate do you hear me clean I'm muted god [ __ ] damn it I didn't know was muted I was trying to talk to you the hell no for real yeah I'll talk to you that's because you're still mad at your [ __ ] I suck it was my bad are you good it's going I mean I was I'm thinking I wanted to play a little bit today and just focus on just getting in there just full sweat running at people okay that's what I wanted to do no like no no stealth and no creep and I want to just try to get as close to people as possible and [ __ ] you're right in the face and fight you find him that's a good way to get over gear for your to get you comfortable yeah I mean I got way too much gear so yeah of course you just want to throw it away yeah but it's more so like I feel like you've learned very very slow if you keep playing slow if you keep throwing yourself in uncomfortable situations you'll you'll thrive faster you know no no that's a very good way to look at it I totally agree with that because I usually recommend players when they're starting out like be a little bit more aggressive like don't always like just creep everywhere because you'll just be creep walking and somebody's gonna be like hey there's an [ __ ] slow walk and he's gonna shoot you in the head and you're just an easy shot yeah like I wanna I want to like run some like I love smg's getting this game they're so fun and I want to [ __ ] it get the right hand have you used the mp7 yet no actually I do rent ask ask for some people to send you some and some of the APM oh [ __ ] that thing is oh my god bro it's so awesome it burns through ammo so quick cuz it's like a nine hundred and fifty rpm but oh my god that thing's a beast mp7 HK mp7 a1 yeah mp7a1 and what are what are the good rounds ap STX it's 4.6 X 25 I think it's not a PSX right that's the one at the ABS X data this is AP something hey no hey no no no no it was so hard I got like four hours of sleep I know didn't sleep last night they just did another like six hour stream last night man tonight's you just get that insomnia Oh where the [ __ ] I am he's so afraid I feel like he was not raised gently that's my guess I mean being raised in a slaughterhouse probably is it the best place to be raised but yeah sorry very good I'm just eminence cavern right now I'm just waiting to synchronize with players for a Skyrim where you scalping you know changes always I'm just stuck it synchronizing the players right now sick mr. keating for the seven months tear [ __ ] three money came in it was just I woke up and I pulled you up on my phone you're like all right no let's talk about today I put it in my title I was like yeah let's talk up let's talk up and then I went to twitch and I I always like look and see what people are streaming I just saw everyone streamer gov and I was watching for a little bit and I was like [ __ ] it dude I'm playing more thanks to me fty holy crap this is the longest synchronizing really got I got an interchange immediately that was so fast and I'm not that foreign dude I've been stuck at this for like four minutes no [ __ ] any bugs or something yeah this game has that just that hold on you when you play it just tell me man is happy for two years dog it's I don't know gives you because I think it's all all the elements together because there's like elements from like on showdown I'm looting me it's like sick playing you know I feel like it's just like the whole formula necessarily like any one given stop stealing [ __ ] I'm gonna have to close behind there's nothing about like gritty Russian theatres that I just I love America just like the environments are always so fun big mess relevant Ness and like stalker and stuff where the [ __ ] I am where the [ __ ] I am sorry I was chasing a dog thief stole my manual literally walks in here cuz I have some [ __ ] on the floor cuz I was setting up my wireless just walks in here grab something in run school hey dude my dog does that all the time like I'll be like streaming or something and he'll be like try to get my attention and I won't give him the attention he wants and he'll take something of mine and like run away there's smart the dogs a little crafty they're crafty man well I fine you won't talk to me I'm taking this hide it my now you're also a bad idea I'm not walking up like that so I get [ __ ] smoke to a scab I can't go out this way Wow I'd go into a [ __ ] interchange reading somebody just dumping a foul holy crap I don't know what if foul sounds like yeah I'm sick I'm starting to get like the aks and m4s and the suppressed sorry I understand that a little bit more I feel like it's it you understand it more once you use the weapon definitely now okay so he's gonna play less tarkov place tarkoff immediately that doesn't mean i can't play less starkov you know think about what if I start with tarkov right okay and I just play less of it you know I cut it I cut it in half I've been playing 11 to 12 hours Darkrai of every day what if I just do 6 and then 6 hours of something else or what if I do 3 hours right now and then 3 hours of another game and then 3 hours back to tarkov and then three hours to another game and then that's it turn off the stream I didn't specify how much less starkov there's gonna be if instead of at 11 hours 10 hours so people are thinking or it's gonna happen today hey you haven't Sherman that's for like 10 plus hours for the past like three days yeah I need to stop car heads definitely Everidge I feel like I'm about to die too it's gonna hit a [ __ ] slapper on me first shot just owned me so quick can't see him so dark I mean aids no I can feel a one tap I feel like covered what you're in here what happened the guy that shot me it's the weird room holy [ __ ] you mention hiding here gotta be pinned in here holy [ __ ] over terrifying son sounds cool again eight ADR whatever yes I was trying to find a way to make it pimped out but still keeping the wooden parts of it but it's just not good with the wooden parts yeah yeah the wooden parts is like you can't really make it with that but then again I mean if it's a single shot it doesn't really have to be that good yeah I guess okay I mean I've seen people [ __ ] models things to follow teeth because they're pretty much the same is like an informed yeah what you can do them they just sound way cooler in my opinion especially suppress sounds really cool to suppress sounds really chunky I don't hurt it try it I'll do it I do have any money for it so mmm pretty much geared ready to go yeah I'm just running around hoping that [ __ ] it get murdered here or something I don't know running around so loud an interchange is just nothing I took out the man that shot me that's about it I don't there's no vertical audio pisses me off yeah it's it's okay I've been dealing with it's so bad dude like somebody will be walking towards you like oh it's right in front on [ __ ] under me is your Buffy it's like you don't want to be asking I wanna give up there's one more I'm dealing with [ __ ] it Oh bro I love it I'm done using a e thing in here I [ __ ] put that guy down real quick hey looked him another one stir dude that the timing was perfect got a scabbard right now no I got this from mice camera then i modded it to make it like a little mini m4 kind of awkward weird word what is this PMC's play here does he know my play I wonder am I about to get [ __ ] smoked unless he's a wizard so you can't pend the glass cuz I just [ __ ] murder that guy no okay that's good to know cuz I was having some trouble if it the other day and I wasn't sure I was like am I just bad or is it the glass night he's dead you need where's his friend though now they made the ADR cheaper - it's only 35 K now what's that I'm Fort Worth uh I think they actually lowered them the price of the m4 is now - which i think is good - they're 600 bucks we're just like a stocking for about to die chat I'm getting so [ __ ] a grow those PMC's dad I think he's right here this is where I think the other PMC is he probably just went to this store no not in here where did he run off to this guy's dead I'm [ __ ] hunting this man where'd he go I think he peaced out when I killed his buddy like I'm just Agra running around here where he was and just nothing there's nothing maybe he did the same thing I did I went down to him but he went up to me and we just passed each other or something yeah he's gone should I try to loot his buddy cuz [ __ ] it I don't know where he went off to well he could be in here hello he's got I'm just gonna go for the loop see it see if I'm just gonna try to go for this guy's loop then I killed probably gonna get me killed but hey that happened to me yesterday it's like I own this guy just one shot perfectly from like 200 meters away knows Lena grab the bucket and then as soon as it touches Lonnie just get one tapped look is this I had some [ __ ] here today was preheat where the [ __ ] I am because this Mayo he had male what's male for now let's devil the you know devil dog gamer no that's that's his item in a long long time youtuber I say okay grab his helmet so what does it mean when my when my extract is power station with a bunch of he's back holy [ __ ] pretty bad huh I got a solemn up there I'm not sure though yeah okay try something hard as hell to see people man especially the interchange especially if it's like really foggy and like you they get back in a dark corner that's literally the shadows on this map is what but saves people it's like I think I saw but I'm looking in [ __ ] darkness to try to see where I'm gonna shot for him wall saw you Adam hey yeah gun sounds [ __ ] deadly loud it's [ __ ] deadly bro I just got in his face and just spam [ __ ] it left click you know I've honestly been relying more on the semi-auto taps than the full auto recently I don't know it's just been going better for me because I was just trying to go for the head shot cuz if you get a head shot man you're always gonna kill him first no yeah get out of here hey do you think I'm just gonna scam ready if you get out early I'll just [ __ ] kill myself okay I need your assistance I'm bad at the southeast exfil is backward yeah right now I'm a main top man top main look towards Goshen we're like the tents are playin like the trucks and the generator and stuff you know that it's yeah just go out that way just the back side of Goshen okay back right see if I make it yep you're learning the [ __ ] is that noise in your background sirens or something yard workers oh that was not sirens then oh that's true you got your fight in kitchens remember when we were walking past those kitchens like the the McDonald's and I'm over there yeah yeah that's exactly I was I was inside and he was outside and I was [ __ ] all the glass was popping and everything I got my fight dude and then I jumped over the counter and [ __ ] popped them I think this is where you're telling me to go I don't know with a burning fire in the building right yeah I try to do attack reload [ __ ] quick one or whatever just failed miserably I don't know how I don't know how I [ __ ] it up but it just reloaded normally right yeah yeah still I switch minded press are for once to do the fast reload so it's like actually fast and then DoubleTap Barford uh like retain the magazine so that way like I kind of have to think about holding onto my mag that would probably make more sense because they're like in a panic situation here's gonna hit R and reload yeah not kinetically and if you spam it it might not work I don't work just fine but you know sometimes it might not you know maybe if you just like out time if you don't that better say yeah the sensitivity of it am I come in the right way I am NOT going the right way I think once you kind of go out you see like a loading bay bunch of storage containers and you know like cart like a row that kind of leads to like the blue wall and stuff like you you're going the right spot I go in the right way oh I am okay I see Oh God dead man am i dead feel like I'm next oh [ __ ] I never really see dead people next to extract TMC's anyway let's see I might get laid out right here [ __ ] remington to the face does it tell you what kills you when you die like what weapon let's say again does it tell you what weapon kills you when you die oh I think so it does no yeah get rekt PMC oh yes we gun oh yeah the tactical sword you say that like it's actually like a sword but it's really just like this little [ __ ] knife it no no no this is legit like a tactical short sword no [ __ ] no I know but whenever you say that I feel I always feel like it's a [ __ ] long sword like a claymore you just shot people's heads off but it's really just a little dagger looking thing things are go is [ __ ] ass hey shouts I don't know what to do it's like eh give it to your beavers enjoy thank you what if they miss it though they have to go back in the bond and catch it it's a good run oh yeah I just wiped down three PMC's when they try to [ __ ] meme on me as I was looting their buddy's body turn and kill both of them get rekt oh my heart's beating real faster than the coffee's not helping either holy crap but that doesn't happen to me in this game cuz I just have like it's not really my year you know that stuff yeah yeah it's just like I'm scared because I don't I decided I'm scared to die in this game [ __ ] I think I don't know this game still gets my heart going I got one of those mp7 somebody gave it to me nice since we hazed profit thank you good dude oh you had a Santa beard I have too much [ __ ] in my inventory Oh whatever will you do [Music] stop saying I have so many em fours 1 2 3 4 five six seven eight nine I think ten I think I ten or something I don't [ __ ] know this is hurting me please play something else thank you cryptic I will eventually one day I'm ready for for something all right I'm running the extract saying looks like three dudes by the way I'm always gonna rock a blue blue band okay you want to wear boring bits I'm always gonna what I've always gonna wear it I don't think that's gonna I don't think that really actually helps 40 K is it more so helps like from the distance and you're like is that you you see the arm battery don't know like if you're right like for example when you TK to me like that are bad wouldn't have mattered like you would have killed me regardless yeah I mean the thing is at the end of the day good good communication and like knowing your call-outs and positioning of each other is what is gonna make it so you don't TK each other so no like hot or anything in this game so but once they add in character customization and you can actually like legit put on like the same clothes and [ __ ] like that's gonna help out a ton true shroud the tarkov streamer apparently slow alright we need to [ __ ] [ __ ] off for a second here okay so we need to we need to get rid of all these [ __ ] thirty rounders they're just taking up way too much space and I'm never actually gonna use them so what we're gonna do is lose the rest l2 oh crap alright wrapper like a gift I come bearing gifts 60 60 60 I guess I could keep my Stan eggs since I use that for so much know that get rid of that you're that that or that that hey Moses no [ __ ] is this ammo what I had five PS are these the good one I don't remember no beep he's the good one I think PS is ass right [ __ ] it get out of here what is this Oh experimental is this any good is the big ego big old Nick five four five ammo good like it's got like a motive yeah that's the that's the new sea routes the experimental one yeah that's that's the new like Opie AP round for a cage in this camp nice it's pretty nasty I think it has like 60 something pen which will go through for it like no problem it's like a tungsten core or tungsten tip and like a some some kind of by metal core some [ __ ] some crazy-ass ammo I don't know flashbang kill yesterday like a perfect [ __ ] popper those are always I literally just got one of the last radios on to like it's funny because I killed this guy and thanks to mechanically no really then I hear spring by the way oh [ __ ] it turn around and these PMC's are literally just running straight at me in like he could have shot me like already but they decided to just keep him running at me for some reason I turn and just whip this guy in the mouth with my Saiga and his bunny like pops around a corner and luckily I spawn with a [ __ ] flashbang on me he [ __ ] I throw the flash Lily he just walks right on it and then I just shoot him that's great cuz like they just they just can't do anything they can't see anything they can't do anything like this probably [ __ ] up for like I don't know three four seconds yeah that's that's when I mouse one bulb Lions and definitely flashbang kills are very satisfying all right I'm pretty much ready you go and send me the mapping down for whatever I want to go to and they the only thing you sell the proper score nades oh oops what do you think the game is it worth it it's fun shaquita this morning was picked up on the Shroud style this chat was having to put up splints giving him some good stuff lot of guns armor helmet cases it's nice man it's nice because you could just [ __ ] it Yolo in yellows fun what are you what guns EO m4 got an ACOG on it and red not some kind of versatile cool yeah I got a nice insurance today and all that so I always love getting insurance back you have four armored [ __ ] rig element it's pretty much a full kit yeah that's always nice it's always it's always nice when like you know like you got killed by like some scout somewhere and [ __ ] you know like it's kind of the middle of nowhere and then you get that same kit back it's good feeling what's the best gun overall in your opinion I personally think it's the 416 I think it's insane but a lot of these a lot of these guns it's starting to feel like it a lot of this game is just preference to what like what's your style what kind of weapon do you like you know they're all good with the right ammo with the right player but you know the 416 is pretty crazy it's just a crazy weapon you just hold Mouse one and there's no recoil at all but like this gun I kind of like this gun I just like it cuz it's loud as weird as that is like I [ __ ] click it and I feel good I feel powerful when I click it but yeah a lot of it just it's crazy how important ammo is in this game and then adapting to like the situation in the sense that like if you know you have armor-piercing rounds and you know you know where you know what they have and you know where to aim with your armor-piercing rounds or if you have [ __ ] high flesh and youth they don't and they have armor you know where to aim with your high flesh you know in the [ __ ] limbs and [ __ ] the legs it's weird to think about that way you know you think you always want to aim chest head but depending on what the Hat what you have you sometimes have to go legs or arms aka 74m fully modded as a beast right now 1:32 recoil oh I like the 74 what you put you put on it to have that which finger to use Prezi my pinky oh [ __ ] up while astark up cuz I've played two days in a row for 11 hours don't get me wrong I [ __ ] love it it's awesome it's awesome but I feel like I the people want to see something else at this point you know I feel bad for for I feel bad for some of my subs cuz I feel like I have 20k subs out there who do not want to watch this the other 20k are hella down you know so I feel bad for the 20k subs that don't want to watch you know I mean you press Z with your pinky if you get so three-and-a-half minutes that's back on try again yeah it really depends on like you got to realize when you press a button you don't always press that button with the same finger okay you got to realize what your other fingers are doing right so if your other fingers are preoccupied and it's gonna take longer you're gonna use a different finger right like by default I just use my pinky but if for whatever reason my pinky's a little preoccupied and my ring finger is it I'm gonna use my ring finger or if my thumb isn't preoccupied and my ring and my pinky are occupied then I'm gonna hit it with my thumb that's how that's how it works when you're [ __ ] controlling a keyboard count like that that's how it works when you're controlling a keyboard you just try to do whatever whatever fingers free is the finger that you normally press the button you know obviously you're not gonna use your pinky to press [ __ ] like five right you're only gonna have two fingers that do that but still you always change the fingers that you press you don't always use the same finger for the same key that's not how that works you have five fingers okay change it up maybe more how Oh oh yeah did they give you more doubt keys please say yes [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] them [ __ ] board now everyone flame up so you don't use your first three fingers for WASD my first three fingers by default yes you use by default you always have [ __ ] your your middle finger on W your ring finger on a and your pointer on D by default yes but sometimes when you're [ __ ] when you're you know when you're jiggling when you're [ __ ] it poppin you're moving sometimes your fingers change and maybe you're not holding W with your middle finger anymore actually that one always stays that'd be weird actually no doesn't always it doesn't always change it doesn't always stay because if you're leaning so let's say you want to move forward lean left okay and by default you're holding W with your [ __ ] boy you're [ __ ] you're [ __ ] you you know by default that's what you do you hold W with your [ __ ] you finger all right let's say you want to lean last look and hold W you're gonna swap your [ __ ] you finger to lean left and then you're gonna use your pointer finger to go straight I want to know how you Crouch lean and move at the same time on hold I find it so hard to do that's what I'm saying you just it's just muscle memory and realizing what finger is available and what finger isn't that's all it is it's really [ __ ] hard when you think about it they're like what I just think about what fingers I have to use when you put it that way it sounds difficult but I've just been gaming on a [ __ ] mouse of keyboard for so long that I just changed my fingers on every button all the time you know adapting to the situation that I'm in and if I need to use it every finger I will use that different finger you know I mean because like there's times there's also times where you have to use three fingers to move forward lean and move sideways okay so think about holding a W and Q all right so you by default you're like this w a D and then you got a swap right and now you want to go forward you want to move left and lean left now you've got to change all your [ __ ] fingers and then you swap over and now you're pointing on W your middle on Q and your ring on a and then you swap in your [ __ ] your fingers swap and now you're holding it like this and then really quickly you want to swap to the other side then you really quickly swap those fingers and then you [ __ ] go pointer on D ring on W middle on E and now you're swapping going right and going forward and leaning at the same time it's really weird to think about it explain it's just muscle memory that's it you could just use a and key with one finger sometimes you could yeah I don't play like that but yeah that's exactly it you look however you [ __ ] however you move your fingers best some people [ __ ] press two keys with one one finger you could do that I've never done that I always I always make sure I have one finger for one key I think it's weird pressing too I think it's weird pressing two keys with one finger because of that [ __ ] with your muscle memory when you just want to press one you know I mean I feel like that's extra work man what I'm Iron Man don't shoot me oh the [ __ ] are we nursing the spawn northwest I just literally just explained I don't know why did that I just explained to my chat how to how to like lean move left and go forward at the same time and then swap over to doing it on the right side lean right move forward move right and I was explaining how I swap my fingers and they're like please stop this is too good music just like over there trying to take notes and I can you say that again yeah it's weird you know about the stance system this game right what where you can like whole if you hold Crouch and mouse wheel up and down you can yeah up your character but I don't I don't ever do that [ __ ] I'd be like it never ever is gonna come Andy unless like you're in Crouch position and you need to go one tick lower because like a metal brain is blocking you then that'll be like right only time I usually looking for when I like need to like just I just want to peek my eyes over something not necessarily my gun so I can see expose are very small amount of my body mice damage was so [ __ ] compared to you crazy yeah hey [ __ ] you level 47 what it loves your endurance oh I think it's that nineteen - hi oh ho then you know / they need to redo the the [ __ ] skill level in this game anyway that the Skyrim [ __ ] that they have in here I don't like it's like you are what you do the more you do stuff the more you level up I prefer it if like I actually leveled up my character I could allocate skill points I'm just a bit more of a traditional RPG lover I need to bind blind-fire I want to get that into my gameplay a little bit no that's fine do the right side blind-fire can be really useful the overhead sometimes but the right side guide definitely is that all the time I'll show you how I bind it I basically put on CNB so that way I can like walk around philosophy still and only use my thumb to blind fire yeah I changed recently to control the Crouch so it's better now I've see available yeah I do the same thing I did I do the same thing with control that's kind of a normal thing for me most games I think I would make it C and B because my talk button is V no really I use caps my talk button I don't like to do that because of caps you want one caps and two takes away from shifts in control that's fair so I have it on V and by default like my thumb is always like I could talk and hit spacebar at the same time you know okay I got you I just kind of pressed my thumb a little bit more and then I used to use Mouse v but then I realized that like I kind of flux with my aim sometimes so I just like yeah he's just Opie as a talk but yeah honestly would break my mouse button putting that on there using a mouse button v his push-to-talk like over time I just wear that button down so much it doesn't fall off okay I'd have had to buy like two Corsair Mouse's in the past before the button just like it just falls off I'm like aw sweet yeah I have a very specific grip when I aim he do III or clapper yeah more of a more of a claw but I holds the the reason I don't like mouse buttons is cuz I hold my mouse tight but I hold it tight down low the lowest part of the mouse so for me to talk and aim I'd have to reposition my thumb and that'd just be weird yeah that makes sense you don't want too much excess move with the fingers yeah I wanted to just be steady on my grip always so my aim could be as nice as it can be always yeah I'm the same way I always want to maintain lanzi and all my mouse controls also got this DPI button too oh it could be under let's see you there up top up top right behind a caster justice clap the one I'm gonna go left edge to dad got him nice shot I don't know if this more get a [ __ ] cool pack on now one of the cash registers I'm getting [ __ ] yeah and then I'm on the left side here I got you this might have been the culprit over here just get some gear oh man this guy's juiced actually holy [ __ ] don't rise up yes okay I thought this got a cool factor he's actually [ __ ] geared what's a Kolpak it's like the shittiest helmet the game it's like I did level two or more level one wiser alright let's go let's go top here yeah I want to search safely I don't think there's anything in the bag oh I didn't search his pockets or as Vesta Oh condos evening uh uh he had a ak-104 suppressed that's with Forex all right Rosa case kind of own 105 oh yeah 76039 aks are really nasty because they have like really high blunt damage and use the BP rounds like those things just [ __ ] move they they whip on people pretty good well I tell you guys already empty yes I wanted to not play here see bro and I just like I was thinking about what to play and the only thing that was on my mind was modding more weapons and fragging and start moving over go go check it I got the keys yeah where do I keep the keys now I don't [ __ ] how about the [ __ ] Cuba I'm always forgetting my keys man I need like a super key bar so like I don't have to keep like switching between a bunch of different key bars I don't you have a key bar I had like two of them but I mean like a super one that you can just hold all of the keys I want like a big ass like janitor keyring you know the ones in like elementary school that the janitor have it like you can honestly like beat somebody with it it's the default 4x4 not enough yeah no I mean not for all the maps now cuz there's like but you can just keep our shoreline keys yeah but I'm saying like you could just get a key with all like my rear well yeah right like the rarely swings actually no problem I'll probably end up just doing that after this you're right so don't keep forgetting yeah like I want to I want to get Cuba put it in so I have Arsenal I have I have the locker or whatever on labs I'm gonna have Cuba and then I'd want the shoreline what's that one called a good one 23 room yeah yeah there's actually like three keys that blow up in those doors you cannot find any of the three I think yeah so that I'd have that I'd probably keep my two to six just to have like a couple on shore line right just goes just like the key that like the best ones I guess no check I don't get my keys what I do want to loot this I wait I can't open it so far so good though I've been [ __ ] slaying mm-hmm no no I looked weird it like rendered in strange and check this container are we gonna left maybe find some good in here I'll cover what container it's right in the back oh [ __ ] a nose was here yeah there's a bunch of little secret containers around this map I've like a red little grad I'd love to take battle grip for battle for a battle can you move red dots closer yeah that's gonna be a feature coming this year actually cuz I'll be super cool cuz then you instead of getting like a super close red dot you have it kind of far away anymore yeah hey we got some dead bodies over there yeah you want to go up top and then right or no I think I think we just push around generic here got one goodnight she says okay I don't know where the [ __ ] that came from are you good yeah I'm all right hello come on you I don't know but I don't know who the [ __ ] threw that or from where that well maybe is that skin i don't know i didn't i didn't seen i heard grenade in russian so I'm just kidding I don't know he said that'd be kind of cool Rove they yelled it out yeah remember that [ __ ] from Cod force shows memes going in generic yeah Manya that noise pistol pistol sounds are bugged I swear sounds like they're right next to you yeah how do you positioning is not the best was where i sassanid give a up top over here did i did this [ __ ] stupidest thing yesterday I was like walking and I interchange like fresh map one fully geared and [ __ ] I killed a scab and then around the corner I hear another scab he's throwing a grenade on me like oh this piece of [ __ ] I turned the corner [ __ ] Killa I shoot him in the visor like six times it does nothing and he died just [ __ ] blow up it's [ __ ] awesome he literally threw a grenade yeah yeah you're gonna like right at my [ __ ] feet top looks clear yeah but kill oh dude this is scary that's where kill him go for his [ __ ] toes like yellow don't know whose [ __ ] players oh yeah yeah oh I just got clap for my right that was terrible timing we're dead huh oh no I'm still up [ __ ] up though I just got [ __ ] one shot I was I knew I saw players dude [ __ ] cheesy I shot I got shot for my right some were [ __ ] down there I'm [ __ ] hurting Baylin there's one up on your level no that guy was down low I think why it's no way that I can kill me down low I'm pretty sure he shot me from either generic side or across the other way there's just no way I died from down there almost he's the best player on the game I think he was in the addiction shop okay damn dude I knew I had assassinated right there I was like is that a person I had to like do a double-take dude who double takes man get you down I'm just gonna get out of here okay so how do you pimp out a 74 to make it [ __ ] insane I like the 74 I want to use it I can use this gun on the next raid cuz everything like this I'm poor number six don't a chance we have done with shadow Lee brother 5 I will okay I was just in a raid all right I had to keep my eyes peeled any tips for new players to this game shroud yeah Yolo a couple tips actually one play really Yolo aggressive with the best loot that you have and then when you lose it all because you probably will because you don't know what you're doing and maybe you won't lose it'll offer know you could be insane but anyway Yolo hard with all the loot that you have if you lose it all reset your account on the web website you can do that once every two weeks and then the next time around you hopefully should have more knowledge cuz you're gonna get a couple raids in or bring your fully geared [ __ ] kits go [ __ ] click PMC go lab go here check offline mode and just play offline you kidding me not kill him that's what out these guys I think we're stream snipers because they like ran directly to where I was going I don't know how the [ __ ] they didn't die from that nade but I I still feel like I got shot from the side then there's pretty obvious streams times two when I was running away they knew exactly where the [ __ ] I was going on my flank so hard at [ __ ] no though like I didn't like I know in [ __ ] in pub G or [ __ ] like that like I know but maybe I will in the future of this game because I don't know it that works for me it's like if I see you contact and I [ __ ] break contact they have no idea they have that only a relevant direction where I'm doing and somehow they're actually literally flanking me on like a perfect position like exactly where I'm coming out like it's just kind of obvious to me like there's no way they would have known that I'm going directly there how would they known that I was at the South extract unless they're just a lucky guess not just me I say I mean I'm not really salty about the fact of that it's just that I threw a perfect grenade on them and the dude did not [ __ ] die I don't know how there's two of them I don't know how scab no I don't really want to run around scab so I'm gonna get ya you can't wear armor with this thing right yeah try to think what gun to bring what the [ __ ] shots like one of my best friends we're gonna bring where the [ __ ] is this man called mp7 40 probably probably buy a couple of these wears a helmet you I'll surround cold again what was the the MP round cold again and I got it a PS yes yeah yeah it's just [ __ ] good seriously you're gonna use that gun and like you're you'll see people close range and you'll you will melt them to pieces I think that gun is the fastest fire in the game yeah it does I want to try it it's super fun I bet you I'm not even gonna get a chance to actually try it though HM let's get home I'm ready whenever I'll be ready in a sec you choose a nap I'm gonna bring my armband it's important major key where the [ __ ] I am I don't want to do this actually we're gonna change what I just said go come our band I'm sorry okay is that good I'll go with it left or right right okay yeah me let me organize one of my key bars real quick Bob stuffs always have the greatest tips for some reason was that okay what I mean it kind of makes sense because there's more of them by the way you saw that one guy to the right of the guy you were shooting I did oh wait are you talking about down low it's hard to see down there you need more mags for it it's not like the Mosin yes it is Julian it is like the Mosin all right ready you don't need more mags for the the Romanian there you sit right side right yeah unless you think that's a bad call no no that's cool it's totally fine someone's bathing people onto a scamming site they're posting a link with description on their pro players profile is one other years to watch out guys they'll fall for it yep welcome to steam 101 that's been happening on steam accounts forever why is there 50 euros was chilling there man stop looking at my euros okay I want more coffee waitwhat scam is happening it's just [ __ ] it's not steam profiles man you look at my steam profile and then someone posts with the same name in the same picture on my steam profile and they're like yeah look at this website use this code happens all the time you fall for it well alright B I guess I mean what kind of person would actually promote on their steam profile let's be real here when anyone could comments over it where the [ __ ] I am where the [ __ ] I am Happy New Year mr. $3 don't oh man thank you 50 euro giveaway kids fall for it remember how dumb you were at 14 no I would never fall for that are you kidding me I honestly think it's you can you kind of need to fall for it to learn you know what I mean so there's nothing wrong with getting scammed once there is something wrong with getting scammed Wiese like they need to fall for something like that like if you're 12 years old you need to fall for it cuz then you won't learn now if you fall for something super serious that sucks but like fall for a [ __ ] you lose a [ __ ] $10 team skin like okay that needs to happen you lose you lose currency and again what's tempi sevens yeah I never again for seven I brought it I brought this [ __ ] thing titty pistol it's still my favorite map yeah it's it's the most versatile for sure and it's like it's not too big you know what I mean I just wish the loot was better mm-hmm like I want to see dorms just become like a scab fortress full of goodies oh yeah plus the fights instant arms is super cool with all the doors and [ __ ] I've gotten some crazy close quarters fights and it looks kind like the dorms two dorms fights yeah and two so hard to look in the windows though I need a Tyler to shine that light to see anything at the other dorm yeah I'm here for you but not there you know try to scope out the bridge for a little bit here yeah sure who actually crosses the bridge though you know people do it's fast I mean I guess we do gots calves right over here hey he's got a helmet on only [ __ ] that gun is loud oh my god yes it's a chunker Jesus where do I aim with these rounds by the way once we're happy 737 sorry shoot him everywhere okay it's literally hold Center master just don't full-on oh and you'll kill them it's a laser beam there's no that you're gonna you're gonna run out of ammo quick on that thing you get the 40 renders for it mm-hmm nice all right let's move from here we're yet okay I guess right here doesn't really help you I just thought you were looking in my direction so you know you good I'm over here by the thing but the nice thing with the mp7 is it's a face it box machine because the first couple shots have like a little bit of recoil and then hey I'm gonna find inside customs it seems who I'm for back this way you know no I don't hear that you hear that oh here now okay then for clapping off an old gas OCFS [ __ ] bad news jump over this thing right here ketchup that is that the m4 mm-hmm let's go set up for him I know just the spot oh is that isn't that a warehouses like factory right I think sounds like to me oh oh okay I see yeah oh you're right you're antsy yeah that's a spot now yeah uh I don't think so no not anymore but people can swallow right next to it they started like that warehouse to just be on the bridge to my steam it's just so much worse than yours holy [ __ ] shout back here I see you I waited for must damn yeah I'm just walking waiting for you we're trying to get on that hill where we got [ __ ] and that crazy battle on mm-hmm cuz that's gonna be the good overlook on the industrial yard we're gonna be able to see exactly where this guy's gonna be moving might be a guys up here though be careful yeah we good yeah this spot right here this Lane is pretty good gonna clear up top for a sec okay I'm gonna be looking out in the industry yard waiting for this guy I think he's probably gonna come out to shortcut you bring extra ammo through the sniper rifle did totally forgot I got like 20 now hold onto him for now then oh they got closer I'll come back yeah they're at the [ __ ] bus station and they move quick one on these rocks for a sec bye [ __ ] I'm gonna push all the way down to the train tracks oh [ __ ] on my left oh okay wait what well I was gonna throw nothing on computer yeah yeah that's not the same people that's very close to me okay I'm on the train tracks right now on the bridge and these guys are finding construction site where we just were want to wait for these guys but I also want to go push those guys what do I do here I don't come back to you I think we stay on the high ground and utilize our snipers to their best advantage where the gunshots sound like millage it checkpoint mm-hmm was a little bit past it though like in the the three silos that's where I think it was cuz I've been looking at military checkpoint this whole time and I thought nothing I don't think I should be around you right now yeah I'm looking towards military check alright next yeah the m4 is moving quick yeah he's already on the other side of the [ __ ] map I'm pissed cause if this guy doesn't come towards this way he could just like go around the back side of the factory on the tracks and just will never will literally never see him what is the play mmm okay I want to go back and construction site see what's going on over there how many people are on the server at the time like 9 - I really like to see dynamic events this game like I like you know crash military convoys of loot let me catch my spam here and I want to not run us I don't want to run us stay him in this spot yeah no you see if I don't like spending all the time even with high stamina yeah he's having to manage that so it's kind of a [ __ ] I mean how do you build endurance you just you keep spreading hey hold on I think we're better but I'm not totally sure but I saw a construction site builds dam just keep playing just keep running around really it just kind of builds up over time but like I said earlier I really don't like the leveling system in this game because it's just like Skyrim like the more that you use stuff like the better you get at it which I think makes sense but I I think it would make a lot more sense you know where this game kind of revolves around leveling up your character to level up and you know get skill points to allocate whatever you choose oh yeah they'll just be it like your style yeah exactly cuz I mean like granted like they could say like well what you play is your son you know what I mean it's like yeah but you know it takes a long time to level up the skills and it doesn't really feel like you're really progressing so much cuz you'll get like level 40 or 50 and your skill levels would be like level 10 stone yeah levels are completely different do quests and it's not gonna give you any skills right exam skills is like being in the game hmm oh I thought he said the question Western question okay right side right behind it now look he's behind you in truck right yeah yeah he's behind it wait un truc the one where you get the key in the you know oh no I just saw he's behind this wooden shed here I'm sorry the gray shed okay the sniper need to have is gonna shoot him just look at anything right now yeah there goes some dude thing TV jumps over the wall do you happens if you have hides in the wall mmm you know move or he'll jump I got eyes right on it right now okay cuz I have eyes on left he wasn't geared by the way you like they're scattered there's some dude with an m4 somewhere though he had a gun but he just didn't have armor yeah yeah he's just beyond he's just right I saw his tracer he's missing everything should I help him no no no yellow bro poor guy you learn you learn you got up for the [ __ ] pp19 of that view jeez where's this cavity in forehead maybe he killed him I maybe I mean I doubt it but it that kind of on this gaff probably not but I jump over dude I don't you want to I got a shot I'm gonna take it okay yeah by all means I think this guy might have came from the right side the map so he's gonna be going our exit I think where are you going oh no I wish this Hill was a little higher dude I know cuz I haven't seen it move move left but obviously you could keep with the wall right mm-hmm and they say you don't really have a good angle here now see in yeah let's go this way cool get a little closer because I think what he's doing is he's looting right now don't shoot the scabs where'd you go since that whole meal oh come in here yeah oh yeah yeah he's in he's inside the little triangles right Brad right ahead the little concrete triangle things with the red red bit on top one down nice waiting for the other one nating wait yeah go for it goodnight and getting up this slap I push you're gonna be right on the right I don't know if he's gonna be inside or on the other side not in think you blew him up hey perfect they did this huh huh check the maybe find it there's another one yeah my arms black I'm so sorry alright it's okay you got another guy down that way oh I think I saw your arm band mid mid shot and I was like woah that's not I didn't know you went through the grade yeah no you're good you got some of the Jackass over here hey welcome I raised me lit up yeah yeah nice shredded that [ __ ] so where's mr. m4 guy dude that still kind of making me nervous here how would have been so mad if I killed you bro I just didn't realize where you were and then you just have to call me an [ __ ] it would be even and don't skew this guy right here I'm just in trash Luther you could have a helmet not know my heart Baxter you check that body it's a scab okay yep I don't want to put my visor up dude I'm afraid I don't blame you man I can't [ __ ] see anything Oh running at us from [ __ ] this side I'll shoot him two of them two of them I think those are the import guys ones on the left ones that's great yeah I'm scoped it on the the other once it was right got one right or left left okay he's still went up he's in this like bush right here this big big bush next to this pipe really close to us I don't know how to explain it yeah he's in there for sure he's in there Yemen aid nope he's prone in there is something that no he is nice I dropped so many of my mags dude I'm still wearing with all this noise we're making the guy with the m4 is gonna come around here I didn't you guys are kind of low geared yeah I think I think we should just I think we should just start moving get out of here got some frags in my bag no no good loot though yeah do that we will stop up here and let you back does that thing like I said his shoes so fast you're gonna just pop yourself right here impac glad they didn't have nails yeah yeah the guns a lot of fun it's very expensive to feed nice move filling one more mag and then we're good do you think yeah next time you bring that out bring a minimum of six magazine I brought four it felt like you know bring some spare spare mags in your bag so you just swap them out real quick so you have to sit there and pack it'll be nice once the add like the enemy you see where you can just like pack you not I mean I'm gonna forgot about the barbed wire bro no I'd be deaf it would be nice to see it pack like right now you're looking at you're looking good like at least Walker yeah yeah yeah yeah right now you're just looking at your [ __ ] menu and if you close it it just stops packing yeah the one feature I want the most from Daisy in this game though is the [ __ ] injured State animations like when you shoot somebody like they're like all [ __ ] like you can see they just got shot you know they can't just sprint away and I love that man I mean it really makes it a feeling it feels really rewarding like landing shots on people how does it get punished and know how to explain this way I didn't know what the [ __ ] that direction was so what when those two guys this is worth know those two guys that I was trying to call out I was trying to tell you which way they were pushing us from but like I'd know I didn't know well I mean you see left to right I mean if we're like in the same situation and we're looking and traveling in the same direction you can use just left or right or even a clock my 3 o'clock 9 o'clock whatever left to right you know that that kind of stuffs all good I mean honestly that was a good place right there it's good communication yeah a lot of fights you think we're gonna see anything from up here or should we just [ __ ] call it yeah we we could I mean we'll just keep moving and going to the next raid it's time we're gonna join us I don't know yeah I can I can often good when are you guys ready Charlie that will be at a radius of 5 okay I'm not another I fax I thought I mean I only have 20 instead of 40 honestly if farming I fax is the best on labs you just I know kill the readers I just have like two always they always have like all the med seance I also have like before they it's every time oh my god yeah dude they're they're legends somebody clap that guy right there holy [ __ ] I hope to see more gore in this game too when they'd like to see people's arms fall off and [ __ ] Jason how psycho probably not that's right next to the spawn yeah like super close yeah there's nut [ __ ] here oh it's still alive yeah this is awkward ain't it I didn't get it I didn't get it oh I'm healing it's all you ah a lot a lot the healing stopped we're good you an armor if you want this oh yeah Dan ADR dude sweet Oh taking it actually I can't take it not a thing I'll totally take this thing these things are cool how do i like-like-like cheeky yes I guess I'm level 3 armor if you want that ok girl on armor I like personally it's all fours and fives sounds fun yeah I just I'm not I'm not used to it it just it's spit spit spit spit you have a lot of lot of bullets to feed that thing voltar Betsy well yeah the AP runs especially I mean right there dude if you had hollow points or the FMV you'd have been fine because all the guys were fighting really kind of low gear yeah if you get the AP runs against a fully sweaty guy did you'll kill melt them no problem I think you so much [ __ ] X so much more XP from labs than you do in customs like that was good I killed to you say I feel like five scabs but I got the three point like eight if that was landscape that would have been like leather considered like high level and level enemies so they're gonna give you a lot of experience yield low level players that we killed in like a level 20 or so unless you got a headshot on them they don't really give you that much experience I'm ready for the next one nine US dollars per is that worth on the a PSX nine dollars no oh my gosh I mean well it's a Kanak max level I'll tell you how much it is per round for mechanic's its 421 rubles per round so you want to look around I don't know I got five six five five five six dollars or something would be good five 65 is the cheapest for rubles so I'm just gonna buy it okay yeah I mean still a little marked out whatever where the I mean I got 14 mil rubles so I'm gonna Barrett baby alright alright ready for another one I'm gonna bring out the sniffer again I think it's fun yeah a spot I didn't get that I didn't shoot it customs is kind of a hard Baptist - yeah because like there's only so many spots where you can really take advantage of it I feel like the reap I are with the rumensin 700 would be pretty good I used it didn't get a chance to actually use it really I'll use it again [ __ ] it I'll go buy it again what's the amount that you need for it for which every scope Oh is called the U n the D lock a tired the amount I'm not kidding if they plan to keep this examine system they should [ __ ] it should carry over for wipes like when the game wipes again like it should carry over and like you should only have to examine like something that's like really really new that you've never seen before that they came in a new update or something yeah that or hover over your mouse press EEE yeah we're just double click even and you should be able to examine multiple things at a time so like you see like three and you're like EEE EEE and it just kind of goes 1 2 3 yeah yeah ok I got a yeah I'm good yeah ready for whatever to come out the bathroom real quick come back okay time map yeah I love dying Tyler loves the hi - it's the best Patrick Adam don't bother about people paying me to my beach play what you like we could enjoy it well actually can see you enjoy using now and it's good to watch thank you I swore a siren oh man trout your Maps man I get the m67 hand grenades cuz you can throw those further so you can really like using like mortar the [ __ ] out of people oh really I could throw that ones yeah they had a little bit of a longer fuse time and they have a bigger blast radius but actually it's actually the better gonna aid but the only downside is they just have a very long piece time I wish they'd have grenade put cooking in this game yeah you can't hotkey the grenades if you didn't notice you like if you hockey it and you press like safe or won't work if you yeah if you hover over you press for on the grenade it'll hockey it automatically you can do that for Mets too you didn't know but you can on if you go right click with the grenade in your hand you can underhand through it so you can't hold on to it then you just can't cook it in your hands no okay just can't cook it sadly so basically you press for and then you have it in your hands and you left-click far right click under yep cool tamp that would be really cool for [ __ ] poppers flashbangs I know right well the flash grenades though you don't want to cook those because even in IRL they naturally have a two second fuse time where the fuses on them are usually like a five or $10 part on the explosive now so you don't really under head oh yeah for sure I mean yeah I cook that [ __ ] and then just like throw it on them and then it blows up they have no time we react No [ __ ] yet holding the same I don't know how I need more coffee that's what I was yeah Dwight I'm yeah I got time I'll be back I got a Keurig I gotta [ __ ] go brew that [ __ ] I mean it's not like gonna take some much time at all though where the [ __ ] I am where's the book I am ready to go ready to go and my visors on we got thermal we got a reading boys you got I forgot my urn man [ __ ] Oh No kill him I think we should all have a different color here here for me that's what I was thinking too cuz you still don't know the leg Oh fire hey guys hold around the base of the tower here around these bushes I'm gonna go the top and soon I can't see thermal up top - so you got a thermal - you put that [ __ ] on the rivets and 700 yeah I've done it before but I think a chance to use it because I died I'm immediately [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that's always pretty shitty that's I like I don't care if I die in a fight I just hate dying and not seeing anything [ __ ] one tap by Moses Sebastian I still think audios bad in this game is to like when you're getting shot like obviously verticals bad but I still think horizontals a little [ __ ] when you're getting sprayed at it's like all over the [ __ ] place yeah honestly one of my favorite things about pub G is their audio sound image it's so it's so good thermals cool because you can see through it like through the trees you'll see you'll catch like their leg glistens yeah that's like their leg or some [ __ ] inter cheap video [ __ ] ban wave soon dude I think it's only a couple more days until these trial keys are over we're leaving who's down low I believe just securing ground level yeah my throat my thermal cut nothing sorry yeah let's go I'll usually wait up here if I'm playing alone for like five or ten minutes yeah we're in a group so fuel place well who flagon people are smart and in that's why you wait he'll be gonna see people straight ahead I'm down to stay outside for a little extra longer just because of the thermal okay I could stay out here for like so there's one right instead for like 10 man we're miss okay brownie bit and I definitely don't want to walk through main was that's how I died last time thermal image that this is where I'm gonna get [ __ ] shot by the subsonic bullet yeah that Tyler was running through the forest and just like got hit there was no noise or anything he just got hit and then his armor was zero and zero my guest was just zero as well like blacked out and everything oh [ __ ] cute idea maybe have a visor then I only I talk of that [ __ ] on and off all the time because I can't stand looking through that thing all the time just makes me feel like I'm blind this makes me feel like now I walk around IRL when I have the spider front all blurry and [ __ ] can't see [ __ ] yeah I'd like it if they made it because there's like this Clinton wiper fluid in the game [ __ ] that's like it's like a wind it's like wind plug Windex I just heard a noise come over here is good scabs spawn to the left yeah yeah oh yeah okay cuz I'm pretty sure it's a good one over there okay we're lagging so bad right now feel like we're about to get hectic on did ya players scav to our left here right past this concrete I just got probably player I got a reading he sprinted a second I scoped at him literally right this bit this road right here right right past this brick [ __ ] concrete wall the middle one okay he's behind it it was really close yeah yeah yeah second I [ __ ] looked at him he just started sprinting so I think he's is a player he's either behind this tank or he oh it's right in front of us tank by tank yeah I can't tell because you know your kills pop them both what they have man these guys are such luck sure dude he'll never were these guys oh they're looking for man they're new to the game kills there's just trials get get rekt noobs oh that's killer bro that's gotta be killer bro sure you don't wanna go in the main entrance yeah man we can I just died before I was ever feeling uh that's probably killing with his [ __ ] big a CK I'm gonna clear the stands room click I don't see anything there right now you wanna go in through the garage instead now wait what the rent okay let's go up this [ __ ] down I don't see anything up top and mid I got a visor at this time so maybe I won't die in one shot walking through this yeah you guys just want to go straight up top yeah this makes it really hard to snipe with this ten [ __ ] to the right running up here we got plays the top up top bring it close yeah yeah play your scab okay lots of DPS down here lots of DB's down there gotta kill the hallway the [ __ ] ODB Oh dead bodies dead body yeah dad they're right at brutal shop right under one's right up brutal right under okay thermally my life away in there go ahead and just hide back here to refill my clip magazine I'm sorry the clipazine I'm sorry that's all right I'm busting your balls it's all good okay so yeah we got a guy in brutal shop right there at the corner just across from kippah I can I get our generic I can't get over there at the very end the South End see yeah yeah I said I got that green laser that just that was me dude I was testing out my skills on this gun my attachments there's a guy under me I think different steps and no one's to my right so I think it's guys look at me and there's a guy in brutal though looking unto you yeah I'm pretty sure I heard one so it hasn't gotten out of brutal I'm gonna go to mid okay I'm gonna look under you where's Tyler he's right next yeah you are yeah it's hard to see in this visor but yeah I don't see anything at Goshen right now peeking me a brutal still there which corner is in our my corner south corner I see him dead [ __ ] dead worst going down hmm I don't know yet I'm gonna go just I'm gonna go I don't know what's or the food across from Burger King John's but I'm going across there and I'm gonna peek this whole Lane look I'm just gonna stay with Mike alright yeah I'm just a mid right now guys I'm gonna be watching unto you by go [ __ ] speaking of slain my thermal I thought about thought about [ __ ] throwing a grenade anybody then he started healing cuz he shot him yeah it was nobody right next to me I'm dead [ __ ] him he's right mid second level right now first see I got a good say I should favor me and listen to bad I see nothing I Sam neither where'd you get me I see him on the right two on the right are you getting close with your plan where I'm strong I have a nice go trying to look down it was on the right but he just ends to prune when I shot at him so not sure where he is I might get closer I'm behind you my Sam shut up [ __ ] and it's hard tell me oh no I'm out of em - that's it that's no more ammo for me on my him 707 I know I got close to you dude though stood up and he stood up and ran you can lay prone and shared with that thing even from a distance I might have ran Mike yeah if they're in the wrong way Tyler come here so I'm gonna get my stand mo once you take the hot time and aim for a quick sec because he's [ __ ] looking at me bro also I'm using a [ __ ] 10 hurt a 10 hurts [ __ ] thermal you know how hard it is the aim with 10 FPS on a thermal scope you're literally it's the most input lag you've ever [ __ ] felt in your life using a thermal is not easy I'm just using my thermal I don't have ammo but I'm just using my thermal scope to see if s am sure well the dude came in my stream as soon as you ripped my tags I wouldn't be surprised if he's watching y'all that's good that's real sick you know my uncle works at EFT I'm gonna get him banned - what's his name [ __ ] that I don't know what to do either that's cleans body or I think that might be cleans body yeah I was in the mid and OH I just got hit my chest what like ricocheted I don't [ __ ] he's going up I don't know where I discuss not from it wasn't on the left I was holding left the whole time it was probably right in front how I think that was his I think that you think you picked up your Remington and shot me shot me in my chest it's possible to me you every 10 have thermal mine no no it's just a normal what's your durability on your chest 40 40 okay stasis I saw a bullet like ricochet off your chest somehow I'm not as possible but [ __ ] Iron Man I don't want to fight him to be honest if I had if I I had [ __ ] I had Remy fineö maybe [ __ ] I don't know I don't know because he knows where we are clearly like he sees our route right now so I don't know how the [ __ ] we're gonna get past him we gotta outrun him my ass any drugs adrenaline it's crazy super annoying yeah you know whenever I get [ __ ] killed in a game and then I go on ask a braid and then I kill a super geared guy next time I'm not as mad Hey feels good man yeah feels full gear man definitely helped I don't know I didn't see him when I have heat with my thermal and he saw me I'll never understand how that happens happens a lot I'm wondering if it's because of the [ __ ] frames that the thermal gets I'm having trouble looking down my own scope it's hot it's hard to see in this game man I don't know how people [ __ ] do it just wear those game to get a tune your eyes to I don't know like it yeah but it just seems harder than most games oh yeah I agree like I feel like this is the type of game actually I know this is the type of game that you need to have optimal settings I guarantee you there's like clunker Pro settings for sure there is to help you see better you we're clean what's the what's the frames and hurts on the [ __ ] thermal that's like ten or something it's like really well thank you honey my life is in your hands I know [ __ ] exploring know what when I was exploring out hit the chest [ __ ] I don't remember where's South which one's southeast oh yeah southeast is left or right I don't know now be sure to left did we past it I think was that better my someone more educated yeah I think it's vinegar I think it's done this way and I bet you where this guy's about to own us by the way in the stream sniper a hundred percent feel like he's about to lay us out and it's gonna be all I know him on me well I don't have range oh I have an MP will actually lay prone get it burst in there bro you can you can lay people away well itit dopes cavern almost killed three beard guys and I ghetto was just camping yeah I'm about to get out but uh [ __ ] I killed one guy just once Hampton and some other guys was around the corner spray the first student face almost killed another Gabby he falls back and he's like camping in the storm like you know it [ __ ] this there's go loot his buddies money and run away walking all the stuff now all right you tell behind the Imps happier than you are feels loot man see you know that last guy in the raid never shot me in the face I would have never gotten to em fours and level-5 armor and [ __ ] whatever happened that's one way thinking about it I had a bad feeling in this next cross here by Ed let me get with you a little far ahead oh you already have or anything mm-hmm you already in front your Eddy past you're good no not the scrub I don't like passing these crumbs I'm not the stress that crosses fine this cross is where it gets scary we just cut through the back I'm really praying that if he does shoot me in my head my visor stops the 700 round the cross of Destiny Tyler what will happen here I went a little wide my ex checks all right well [ __ ] I'm good oh yeah you guys get out I think so no nice I got a pretty good same rerun of the past three days yeah yeah rerun yeah yeah run through I love getting run through yeah it's so fun how well were they able to translate realism in the game I don't know but it's let's go I know I know the scope itself is 60 Hertz I'm saying in the game hello I'm saying in the game it's it's ten and anything goes I think that's I think it's like that for balance reasons to be honest for people in that game Mike you killed four players yeah four players damn son the two ones the two at the beginning and I don't member three and four yeah wait what's a mystery dude that is pretty weird honestly I'm telling you I think I capped one what are the two purpose but also an accident yeah the guy on the right when I shot him he drop prone you know I think died instead of knowing to ran away yeah I think died I'm coming up to five five six 8k this time okay who are you flashing this [ __ ] right here that's good please post that it cleans chat please please do that I'm gonna going to chat right now just so I can see you post it please do it add new split clean that's [ __ ] funny okay my ammo cases are not organized at all I don't even want to think about them yeah have you guys tried playing with max graphics yeah play max graphics to do because it's gonna utilize more of your GPU oh we can't clean I could should've told me they have to start here doc I'm Rudy put texture quality hi shadow quality oh you doc senility oh wait you really say overall visibility Hawk 3000 or a shadow visibility 150 ssao off high context SSAO on high SSR over your play this yeah I know you would hate it but anti-aliasing FXAA and then you can tweak around with sharpness and all that other stuff and disable z blur crown the noise okay ownage [Music] looking with secretion said in your chat clean Oh what about Jen right now let's take a peek who are you flashing this [ __ ] yeah but he boasts made it so much better that's funny bro so sick we should good to see you man I was watching him earlier laughing yeah yeah [ __ ] always going on with the shotguns and [ __ ] just [ __ ] people out of blood yeah you want to call it Matt I don't like this gap here I'm down for whatever man I don't care good knowing I want to fill it with something but I can't there's nothing to you know there's like you can't is like what do you what do you fill this with [ __ ] here you know it's annoying a [ __ ] gap [Music] escape from tarkov oh here we go hey Doc have you ever tried to escape from tarkov uh huh I'm never gonna play that game have you ever tried to escape from tarkov ha ha I'm never gonna play that game yes let's go ok sorry I just watch the dunk that I just watch please doc clip of him saying he's never gonna play this game oh yeah he said that forever dude he's always he's never I mean it's not his game it's not his style no no it might be so like it might be his style but it's not his stream style you know what I mean yeah not feel that 100% it's also doc doc Doc's really into the fast-paced stuff yeah so bye but like I also like this [ __ ] to my stream might not but I do yeah I mean I feel like yeah I mean you're gamer and you appreciate games that are a bit different and yet innovative you might like labs maybe yeah some close-quarter i think what's the competitive mode comes out he probably probably enjoy that just the arena mode or it's like 1v1 2v2 3v3 i should be crazy yeah I honestly I if I could I would totally do for viewers on factory all day if like I didn't have to lose gear or anything you know just one it's two squads by each other Factory bro mmm they should do wagers so basically like 3v3 wager and everyone puts up like both teams the good of it like I think that's the plan I think that's like what they they want to do and they want to make it so you can like place bets and [ __ ] so like you don't lose the gear that you're going in in with right you put you you bet something like I bet a Bitcoin yeah I'll bet you this Bitcoin I'll beat you yeah and you'll be like nah three bitcoins and you like raise the stakes even higher yeah yeah that'd be [ __ ] cool tell ya but before we'll ever get anything like that they want the netcode and all that other [ __ ] to be like running real good is then people will just [ __ ] and complain about performance yeah I don't know if it'll ever be well we're in the [ __ ] late I don't what we're not it I'm gonna late yeah we're I'm in the radio right now I'm swinging on you guys it's two minutes late I guess that's kind of a good thing though wait all right Mikey's still letting am i bugged you guys like synchronizing with players or something I was just matching what yeah no no I'll just wait I guess I don't really know what's going on here did you sell your head gear out that mil yeah what is your say Tyler matching yeah I don't know how the [ __ ] you got in I don't [ __ ] I don't know I guess I'll run of the extract why should did the whole like loading the players and everything did we back out yeah but going back out I'll come I'm gonna run to the exit you guys can go like right next to a factory or something or whatever that's weird weird some people are telling me I guess the they've had that happened before super weird Tyler you're gonna run scab real quick yeah let's do it scab factory left side [ __ ] it doubt we're gonna get anything but just to kill some time you say factory yeah last night let's go spawn like next up [ __ ] team and I got owned you died yeah dude I was literally just running I was like alright I'm through the exit and I [ __ ] just get lit up by a team that was the sweet spot brain just thing all the food I just got from my scabbard is now gone sick why is that I don't understand why that alert Oh Tyler act as your friend that's the problem that's why don't see you [ __ ] hold on I'll get reviewed I sent you a friend request okay got it you guys about to join ready yeah all just wait alright I'm just gonna buy another rooming ttyn wonder what lighthouse is gonna be in town I've been looking forward to town for a hot minute now most like I'm hoping it's gonna be like that house to house back here to backyard kind of deal so it's like there their goal is just like to have all these maps town lighthouse suburbs streets dark out in terminal and once they have all that maybe then they'll start I don't know push it for together there's actually gonna be more maps that are actually currently listed there there's gonna be one called military base and a couple ones they have an announced yet like that they're gonna be like more endgame locations that count labs is kind of like an endgame location because once the game is actually fully released you're not going to be able to just go to labs you'll have to find like certain documents and you'll have to like progress far enough in the personal story missions and then you can go there so that's kind of like an endgame type of map this games never gonna be done now happens literally I just don't think it's ever gonna be done unless they [ __ ] expand on their team like crazy hmm maybe but if they just keep at the same pace that's never gonna finish you know the update I mean this is the this last update that came out was the largest content update we've had in like six months like I love this game but there's just been some poor choices behind its development mr. knee you guys choose a map oh here why are you sitting here okay probably choose a Newland there okay I'm about it there isn't enough money to support the game they envisioned I mean I don't know I don't know what that man maybe my they've probably made a [ __ ] ton of money from this game he must be real like a lot of people own this game it's just not a lot play actively like it has like what 3,000 players clean how many players you think play this game on average yeah good day yeah three to four thousand a day that's what I thought Kobe globally I kind of like what a new update comes out I'll probably hit 10k but they have it trickles the back down I mean once they like I think once they finally get a hold of the games like balancing they rebalance the skills the economy the traders the leveling like the loopholes the maps and they totally like flush their current game out that they have I think it'll maintain a larger player base because people won't get some porn out because you can level up so fast and you can just get all the endgame equipment pretty quickly and then it gets to the point where you just like I already have all this gear and you're just like alright I'm just gonna go and kill people and that's the only fun for so long and once they actually make the progression a little bit more meaningful and more like have more longevity I guess I think it'll retain a bit more people don't have way more players as fellows team yeah they probably would but yeah they wouldn't I don't know if they can handle lawyers I think yeah obviously you know think that steam reviews to be would be good yeah let's steam reviews cable break a [ __ ] game oh yeah for sure I mean I feel like there'd be you know good about positives because there's a lot of people who would love this game because it's very niche game but you know without optimization and the scabs and all the inconsistency that can happen it could definitely get you some bad reviews I think it's better it's not on Steam honestly yeah me too I agree why do the devs make more money yeah - it kind of keeps like the toxicity away a little bit which is nice where the [ __ ] I am why hasn't my sub badge updated to five years cuz I don't have a five year badge I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm gonna do for a five year badge I don't even know man I'd like to see [ __ ] insurgency devs try something like this dude I've been dude I know the lead game designer I talked to him often and I've been telling him I've been telling him all the time like dude your guys's gunplay as a platform would be amazing for like an open world survival game yeah have to be tarkov like hardcore but just like just try it you know hey Z with that gun play please dude like that would be the best open-world shooter out like the gun mechanics in that game is great like I just think sandstorm is like a platform shooter is a really really really good platform because you could like make any kind of game with and it would be fun now trust me dude I know the developers for sandstorm at new world pretty well and like I talked to the lead game designer all the time about like dude you guys got to make a survival game look like this gunplay it'd be [ __ ] fun I'm gonna peek at this Ridge and just thermal or a little bit they got really like insurgency I just said I just something about the game modes man I just don't really like him but I do like the firefight game they like their bread and butter one that one's pretty fun it's real competitive and there's like a lot of clutch moments yeah unfortunately games to me that are just dead or like I don't know like arena type games where you just run around and frag I don't really care for those yeah I carefully I care more for survival and I care about BR and 5v5 competitive everything else shooting-wise is just dead to me dude um I'm kind of the same dude like I like you know the CS game though just disarm the bomb you know Search and Destroy I don't love those kind of game modes they're a good time I wonder if honestly if they'd do something like that more now like a search-and-destroy more I audition did five three five well like could be for example more how that's 66 or whatever where it's just like the scrim is straight yeah that's that's [ __ ] great like I love that yet yeah cuz you get those clutch moments and like everybody's spectating you and stuff it's good fun I get bored of all the other games where you just run around the DM all day and frag like yeah oh god like it's fun but I guess Orson's yeah I get bored very fast yeah games need more substance now I mean I've always been a big fan of like survival games and you know like I remember like when caught four was out world of war you know those were the times where those games were just really really fun and that was that was the game to play or like Halo dude like Halo was a blast man I miss halo 3 so much and I'm honestly really looking forward to handle infinite I hope it's good the rumor is it's gonna be open the world it's the rumour Rumour open a world halo game where I'm not getting a single reading this is crazy yeah I feel like I don't know how this [ __ ] thing works I which which version are using using black on the lighter white on black black on white yeah and that's all's Betty does do it just astrophotos yeah I agree this just wait until you see the wine signatures and that's in I'm just shocked I haven't seen anything but I don't know yeah it's the start of the raid yeah I brought my keys I didn't forget I made my ultra key bar with only good keys take up the sniperscope boop it's a scab that I'm saying over there that's a check down this way nice to sit down here at the gas station gotten sounds almost can't get there hangman mm-hmm it's like the sound samples are great but the sound positioning is just so ass yeah it's like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich except instead of like putting the two peanut butter and jelly side together it's like usually white on black doesn't make any goddamn sense no I'm using black on white no white on black with any reason doing yeah actually I just saw something deep in the [ __ ] forest for one second through those trees okay that's weird I just caught a glimpse of a man okay no I don't see anything I don't see him anymore is weird it's like he got out of my radius like my range I don't know how far that thermal can read yeah scabs all over the plant leave them up yeah let some other people come there and fight em and then we'll snipe them nothing down this way and let's start heading north how the [ __ ] did I leave you guys on this help [ __ ] scatter players those are players where look look look straight towards till the right power plant that big hill two players oh they're just yeah they're on top of that hill they're rock now that's the reading I [ __ ] saw there on the rock now I see him yeah I'm gonna try and get a shot on one hold us he's got a [ __ ] suppressed Saiga what a meme er anyone's got an EPS this is so hard with thermal totally yeah it's not it's not like I have the eyes I just don't have the aim yeah yeah let's uh let's reposition cuz they know we're shooting them from over here just a little counter maneuver Frank what we're gonna do is we're gonna go straight up this way when we're gonna on the platform and just look down I'll not stand across this [ __ ] maybe I do actually yeah it's hard I could see I could help you guys come I give gob everything [ __ ] yeah the only downside of that [ __ ] thing it's so hard to shoot with cuz like you don't wanna see I feel like that thing with an mp7 will be pretty solid because you see the thermal reading you just spray maybe it's also hard cuz you don't see what you're looking at you just see thermal readings you don't know where the trees are or anything but you go oh my god haze in there and we'll go to death a little light there's a guy on the right roof I swear unless that's a light I don't know it might be a light I don't know what's up there hmm look like a [ __ ] dude though let's move to the platform up here nothing light that's a life not a minute in it it's a light it's hard to tell what I'm looking at let's cool though opposite side opposite side they're running up this way right now yeah close oh yeah holy [ __ ] you were here I'm nading over yeah go for it I'm gonna run back over on you guys what's up dude nice Mike you didn't have an armband just on my rifle in a bush hey it's for this frickin [ __ ] right here that's payback [ __ ] bro we're even weird either it's alright why you bringing our band so my I want to explain my thought process here because I thought we were all on this wall and you said on the other side of it I was like alright I saw with my thermal oh [ __ ] I was like I'm like I'm running back down it's it's all good whatever can you take his Remington Tyler yeah I got that drop it like in a bush somewhere like yeah [ __ ] in here I bet you got oh that's right yeah did you you only with that empty 72 GG man you're a god I just I look for the arm bed before a shot and I didn't see it I was like alright now you're gonna bring it in next time I forgot this is not a good place Tyler what the no one's gonna find it okay oh hey find it I want to shoot and kill something to have a [ __ ] hands I don't even know what clean I don't even know what you meant clean anymore what do you mean like where you saw oh they're just so like the platform they're literally just on the other side of that they're like running up on the other side of the river so it makes perfect sense why I thought you were the enemy yeah you should have you should have seen you shouldn't see Matt because like I peeked I saw a thermal took out my mp7 and then I was getting pushed and I thought the hood push was yeah we're here it's all good dude all right Latham oh I like that I'm tired of [ __ ] living I want to die great I'm going with you armband for life our bed for life and hate these lights mannequin thing their players are banned for life I like it I'm sure realize I'm not using my visor dude I can't see anything thermal is getting me nothing all right can I get some anti thermal gear actually I think there is like a chest we're gonna gain the de santé thermal I'm gonna need that Scout when her left pop it it's just going you just ran away yeah you just sprint it out mrs. scope odd yeah look I feel so bad that decayed how do you think I felt yesterday man who I said how do you think I felt yesterday Oh when you killed me yeah you guys remember when I teach aid Patrick remember with the Patrick she gave me yes okay but cleanest TK ever seen it's like you asked for it you just sat there hey buck trolls are poor a proud nothing no one's in this in eastery lands patrols are poor AF perfect wait what alright you trying to go into either you're trying to climb these rocks I don't know that's how that works maybe I'll strive to change the [ __ ] meta right now oh yeah my new meta well it's time to [ __ ] whip out my mp7 I guess that's inside this is about to get [ __ ] scary Tyler he's close as a hell yeah I'm gonna go in loud and proud I'm gonna go popping off I just want to swing on someone I pop on the drum I don't want to be swell I don't wanna be swung on I want to do the swinging popped adrenaline well here I'm on our left for sure he's on these stairs now he's above these stairs as a little bow tolls are here come this way huh this is so scary holy [ __ ] do we want to run up [ __ ] it I mean Aiden I think he's dead cover me I got a heal bro [ __ ] scared the hell out of me I want third floor if you see anyone on your floor shoot him yeah I'm just going to see here ah let me know if you stop moving ah going down to you okay I was holding Jesus there made me jump man this is me I still that's not I don't think that's the guy I heard ok [ __ ] from the hallways you're right ok hold on ok move ok just give back on 3rd scab down sorry bro I was like he was speaking I thought about to get one tapped Collider old I'm leading up real quick go for it it's me it's guy had a visor taking that can't leave I want him that fast holy [ __ ] mp7 ownage are you moving no I'm looting I'm hearing you loot okay I didn't know there was sound for that Tyler I'm gonna clear a little bit in hey guys so I just feel like there's one more maybe not coming back I mean I guess he could be adding a room or something okay give me a sec I gotta do some shot him in the visor once I think that was the bullet that killed them Claire third floor okay [ __ ] this is awkward I try something damn third floor third floor okay you have to serious I'm at the top of the stairs okay aside stairs yeah see ya okay I'm here he's on it right yeah hard see [ __ ] yeah dude peeking that stuff um it's printing or something okay post is that oh I was wondering why you looked there your game froze is a big guy just like froze for to say about of times my game freezes when I swing on a guy because fired in December peace out my man and enjoy your life greetings from Croatia ha I saw your character look right and then you never looked back left and I was like this is very unlike Tyler the game [ __ ] fries man and for Mosin what is this [ __ ] helmet that he had this guy was [ __ ] stacked it's bro even know what these items are you're bartering goods what is this [ __ ] [Music] you are not taking my top dollar easy want this ring Walsh I'm gonna try to get out I guess are you the only one up yeah that's right Ella's game Rosie a shot at me sad dude yeah the timing was terrible man like I just saw him around the corner how's Tyler he's about to peak you and then Tyler looked at the stairs and then just kind of froze stops yeah and then did it shoot him nothing that [ __ ] sucks I don't know how killing people so fast this [ __ ] gun mp7 it's only swingman w7d thing owens man I've seen your swingin skills and your flying out there flying down now to try to get out I'm just playing factory right now it's how have you tried the offline mode yet now go on factory just turn on the AI to horde mode okay and well thank me later weirdest Cavor no no just go so bring it like a kit got a factory check up offline and then like turn off turn on forward and all that other [ __ ] and also put on tagged and cursed okay what if I die don't lose my [ __ ] no not an offline Oh nope you can just so you can just go DM like it's a good way to learn how to like swing on people and [ __ ] yeah especially where the [ __ ] I am don't know hello Gigi's dude it was honor that's all top tier look besides my crash gun house you Gigi's I guess then that was unfortunate the way you killed Tyler Tyler's game froze as he peaked him I've died like that before buckets it sucks it sucks what are you swinging on a guy and your game freezes not that one the other $30 you're not taking my top don't know you don't know hello that one thank you by the way said Gigi's is another take my god dear Luke nice good loot it's gone just so apparently just that's two people how I just I don't even know as I say 97 they died so fast like someone shot me from the locker the the key room on the second floor and I was had babe actors then I turned on him and I just thought could put like a 10 round burst and to him and he died yeah I mean if you just aim for the shoulders you'll spray their head off [ __ ] crazy and on the other guys was there anything I swung on him yet a visor and everything just both of them I'd advisors just straight [ __ ] through really well yeah those AP rounds to go through even port where 60 43 crazy this is like the [ __ ] meta I guess yeah this country like when I first came out is actually kind of controversial cuz people are like you know this guns way to good and the AP rounds are too good and they actually had to nerf the AP rounds a bit but they're still very good crazy it's a fun gun though when you were shooting at those guys clean when I first spotted him with my thermal did you zero - honored or did you just click no no no I just I stand 59 I really [ __ ] with a zero too much it was like three on it's like the ziering is just like very [ __ ] up in this rename it doesn't make sense to me how it might not ever yelling this yeah it could be bugged like you could be right bro what the what is happening am I about to die what's the end let me a shitty time to die Brubeck that was so weird oh I killed killed clean I forgot forgot I killed clean it's like wait what is this armor 10600 I'm out to the sky proper duck in tier 6 heavy armor oh what's it called the bazooka 6a yeah yeah that's just the mobile and that's like the best armor in the game right now and any broad covers zs h 1 2 m I don't helmet is the visor that's just uh it's just a good armored helmet or a decent one yeah so what he brought frizzy there's no number II for the next raid I'm already kitted bringing in m4 or ADR actually you guys ready yeah let's do it where's those hex read that he brought for an ache a little school just some fancy-ass handguard they're pretty cool trying to figure out what to do with all my bitcoins because that was a bunch of them kind of want to sell them for dollars so I can buy more Remington's I'm good we're two captains I don't even know fall to rock this thermal anymore it's [ __ ] hard man I can't hit a shot it's it's it's it's kind of an awkward gun to use I would recommend maybe throwing it on the mp7 honestly how much gonna use it till I die okay here that map you bring in a are you bringing [ __ ] in our band yeah did you see clean get shot what would you kill me yeah you just think it's have any of that fun this is dead give me XP though yeah left side mm-hmm do you not want to do it no no no I was just asking just confirming is all I know why skies at the back he doesn't get T kid it's not that it's just um usually if your front guy doesn't know what they're doing your front guy probably gonna tat for her like a dialer LED I feel like you just die immediately I'm so I'm too hesitant to just shoot people I'm not afraid I'm gonna have one of you guys look for the armband that's day I mean I can it's life or death man it can't be looking for armbands I see someone they got to die immediately well next update they're adding character customization and we'll just be able to like put on the same [ __ ] clothes and then I'll make it a lot easier yeah I'm tired of Roldan having green arms and legs [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah I'm ready for the [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna be you suck still and there's like you can get a hoodie like a black and gray hoodie and like tack like jeans look like a [ __ ] knee pad on it so I'm gonna go for that with the the animations would be [ __ ] sweet yeah who knows they could get the animations in for version 12 let me know because those animations are gonna come with a lot of optimizations and it just they they look so much better because the characters are so stiff in this [ __ ] game yeah all that all the first-person animations are immaculate but everything else is very subpar yeah it looks ugly as hell does our tech yeah that's true we could just wear beards that's not a bad idea yeah those stand out more than bands or like a certain like beard glass comm glasses comba or something morning checkers from post mates for the first time Oh with the shroud code ie checkers what's checkers Tyler did you say checkers yesterday yeah I did what's checkers someone said they're ordering it burger like fast food yeah burger fast food Iowa thanks Midwest probably not necessarily it's around it's just not around very well I don't know if that makes sense it's just not around a lot but low-key towns like Iowa budget early as hell learning respondent yet feel like responding so far wait did you guys spawn it am I alone okay offices I see armband I see clean hello where the [ __ ] I am you guys seen wires let me know I need them wires sure yeah let me cut off I got some of this monitor right here DVI cord y'all see I'd be kind of cool if you could like take a tool and like break [ __ ] down and read I think it just makes like some noise or something just throw a DVI cord across the room do you see anything trapped no okay just a lot of black you want to move in yeah show the bottom misters yeah that'd be seven ohms yes great my new favorite just rock it [ __ ] like six mags I'll just run around spraying people down yeah so shoot those AP rounds straight until they had like a [ __ ] p90 or something I hate that too whenever eyes like started playing just [ __ ] it walking behind you guys I [ __ ] hate being behind everybody cuz I'm like it's cool like kind of if your homies die and then you could kill them but then if your homies dying you don't really know what you're doing look I can do this what's your problem man man any laser on this boy I'm a dog just about blew my eardrums out so loud your dog just come in and just bark say yeah well do dodge behind me and like he will just [ __ ] him to start howling so loud dude what is up with my ping right now you guys get that to where do you think I'm like switching to everything going home right I have to put it is one huh no no it'll show up on its own look it's just me or something no I didn't ask you see if it's my internet taking a [ __ ] she's got the little green army helmet I know yeah I'm meeting now I'm the captain now the idea of this map and its lighting is so cool just so poorly executed like the constant fought that constant haze like who the [ __ ] is vaping in here dude damn kids and the graffiti goddamn in the them teenagers and their nicotine addictions and Jules Jules go up now you're just leading that I guess the top I'm damn dying too much not enough action yours we hear action actually hears you think you heard him up here yeah I gotta sex let's keep eyes forward how's your left mm-hmm thermal and around I'm pushing up still yeah darn I wish you went left I'm most pleased that flashlight right ahead that's your flashlight okay do not shoot me I'm right here I got you and Justin flash that spooked me I know readings in there is Darnell tours Papa flashlight let's go to min so people starting to find them in here lying all right all right got one thrown a nade go running back corner in the right corner nating oh my game rating yeah backed up yeah yeah they're just right around that right corner how to push for it he's got a flush if you like that watch me was there one or two just - I think - yeah they're they're just like hugging that right corner right now yeah you're prone oh I don't know if it's a dead body ones down for sure yeah ones dead huh Fran I see you're there at the table at the right plane yeah I'm just I'm just behind you guys some behind you guys right now I'm pretty confident they're dead I'm gonna move on it I'm gonna just check yeah I'm buzzing right behind you it's pretty sure you got a flash no I'm just pretty sure the natives killed them or he's in this deep corner on the right time oh my gosh he's dead now holy [ __ ] gonna make sure you [ __ ] with the second guy hey down down the way down the way down the way okay in a store or person I know I know nevermind I'm [ __ ] seeing [ __ ] is that straight ahead okay oh that was one of you guys yes I saw I was like dude those clean where's the second dead guy um I was right here get him with a nade no this was rambo ducky so maybe you needed him I don't know mu tots either killed bills no pop today sent [ __ ] good job they weren't afraid anymore Oh black geez man in that fight my game froze for like five full seconds maybe I love that so bad you have to just kind of guess like am I gonna die yeah take this tricep dude that's cool with you yeah is any extra backpack I don't have one uh scab bag off over here so you under me under me for sure I don't know if that's aI don't know if it's a scab but a hundred percent if he went a brutal it's a player heard your ass [ __ ] yeah but this guy have you [ __ ] taking a while be packin my mags okay this guy that a k1 apply do you want this thing I have two of them now I got I picked one up I will take it then you know um this guy's clean he has a black rock and a scab backpack if you guys want and in a k105 it's a two mags 30 rounds I'll be good it's got BS rounds in his a K my left arm took it but I'm alright you gonna live soldier I'm gonna live alright that's Pete kippa yeah it's step i swears you're still a guy honduras man I heard it and then he stopped when I started moving sounded like he went into this national shop where the [ __ ] called a dead body's right here to front yeah make sure you guys his mags are good full this is a PMC right here at PMC that's racist cool this guy owned by a scab it's hard to [ __ ] go bin and kill somebody with thermal man yeah it's it's better the thermal is better with automatics to be honest did stuffy you can just spray saying I got left see anything down kiddo Scout and I missed a get broke come on I haven't had a single shot with this [ __ ] thermal not one came to the [ __ ] scab so hard of his name of his [ __ ] thing oh he went into I said generic on the right hand side behind the truck what sort of huh that's the addiction shop yeah and you're about to form right yeah holy [ __ ] I'm almost why is FPS so low because it's dark off maybe time to swap scopes maybe there's a scab boss that he's around okay [ __ ] maybe [ __ ] Mike shout out the scab bus no wasn't just a bus lag indeed come on I'm peeking this you guys go down I'll lead first yeah come back let me peeks my first you gonna just take that checking the top opening over there yeah all right wait over here for you then I like to check this first good call makes me feel safe I really like this [ __ ] you'e tech magnifiers set up since freakin cool what you got player yeah [ __ ] man he's to the right of the [ __ ] dick boy shop [ __ ] can't hit a shot this thing so annoying it's impossible like I can't imagine [ __ ] playing a game at 10fps because that's what the scope is yeah it's literally playing that's me oh you mic yeah uh-huh oh you lucky son good let's go behind the escalators pistol I'm going in I'm peeking I got him that piece tour say your pistol no I'm not shooting all right cover me yes eventually this is gonna set off a [ __ ] alarm be cool right managed to lose you guys how the [ __ ] did I do all right so we got an a K here on the wall pretty dope there's an empty X over there on the wall yes that's me man Peron how did you guys lose me we're in give-up armored glass store are you okay it sounds upset my flashlights are boys who wants to get tagged that's your boy who's opening crates I hear us no dude the Cabbage Patch helmet sweet there's somebody laying prone hey I just heard somebody going from hey what's your right time I can grab the son Nicky over here dude just rubber padding hey this cuba more you know yeah so skipper you found it hey that is the first time of it in this story really yeah that's pretty cool I think that loots a little lackluster to be honest though you're gonna drop dropping this aching yeah I already have one [ __ ] I gotta tell me twice anybody want to nip the ex suppress and all but I can't hold it I got loot some leads all right I'm pretty full let's go tally we got we got south why do I have a feeling I'm missing all the easy shots but if we're gonna somehow get into [ __ ] scary situation and just I'm gonna flick to the man's head or something I don't know possible man this is where the players gap was just off to the right he was creeping around dude he was trying to find something good he hit it's [ __ ] killer bro no no no he's gonna start heading to the XML doesn't it this way no this way we can go faster this one I'm about over this thermal [ __ ] too hard Gavin the left clearing gab is somehow still alive don't know right in front of us people are above us yeah multiple above us what's above us yeah no like one time weird actually sounded like it was above us not like what what's above us you know players something like layers layers camps what is the store they're so holy okay so that way they can get out this way so let me team of scabs big Selena maybe man are using the r-tx funny guy yes way my foods here I heard the dogs freaking out yeah it didn't get here man Midway dude time flies in this game is [ __ ] for Ivan plans for four hours already that's the problem the problem isn't the it's you know yeah I was one coming down the renter left two players got three three that was all we heard we heard [ __ ] pop got one guys hitting me I need you guys I got to lag and you go the peak room is dead baby those guys would have been dead those are PMC's running away they're scared I'm scared I'm running hey there pretty geared over here taking Shawn really wish I didn't have a [ __ ] thermal with this [ __ ] [ __ ] don't know if you're alive but I'm shooting I'm getting good know that one guy on the ramp is dead whoo he's dead well there's this two more top I [ __ ] dude out shooting at one bro and my game was lagging on I couldn't [ __ ] hit him they ran away by the way I'm just a [ __ ] in that they're [ __ ] terrified weeks extracting yeah we could I mean I'm looking at the one guy we killed he doesn't really have [ __ ] you know he's like a pp19 nothing really good it's just at the exit yeah they immediately [ __ ] the second we started firing they're like Nana I mean right away I would have been able to kill two guaranteed if I had a real scope hmm put that voodoo on there next time I was crazy me and Tyler when we were in such a good position yeah man I did I would have gotten that other guy he was actually pretty juiced up but my [ __ ] game froze up that's a good rig yeah yeah let me see I got a run-through probably cuz he didn't hit [ __ ] oh wow I didn't get a run-through I'm taking this thermal off and it shoot by MPX at all our mp7 yeah [Music] [Music] I'm over you ready shelling some stuff that was a solid Oh sod little get up I'll tell you that I like I like that I loved it you like what I loved just going in it feels good to swing at those guys ran at him yeah we didn't see the body when we jumped over and I was like yep he's on the right corner all right that's a dude up invite me I'm gonna go get my food okay I'm actually gonna order some food Nora don't some Thai food oh I got a Japanese curry I think is what I have no nice right yeah do you think [Music] [Music] ready to go or waiting on Tyler no [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm boys ever did ever do my panky mouth ready mom spaghetti you guys just wanna bum rush the resort yeah man so just get me in there okay just tell me to lead dude that's when I lead you know we should do we should [ __ ] in we should take we should all take a floor what do we get in that could be fun cuz we know like the second we see anybody on that floor someone goes first shoots anyone first on the second shoes they know second third Japanese curry Japanese Korean Japanese curry Jabba curry yeah Japanese curry is really good by the way try it how's that we've food slow is that Patrick it is tired me grinding last night I was up you late okay well [ __ ] was bought in here no no thank you yeah where's our third oh hello iron band bro arm band respective go up you little rifle no work ain't gonna make up noise I'm still probably gonna miss but hey yeah also also do you remember when you fire hold down fire so you can see where the tracer gonna readjust cuz your guy won't bolt back them up until you let go what if he beats round and his breath is just terrible I mean what's wrong with that I usually I feel like the only time I have bad breath is that home like in the middle of the day because you know you wake up brush your teeth you plow a bunch of food and then I only brush my teeth twice right I don't like brush my teeth after every meal and that I don't care that much so in the morning fine afternoon dinner starts to progressively get worse and the night time fine I'm gonna be some I better see some hot action but uh I brought three rounds of 60s let's go when I go to events and stuff I usually make sure I always buy like Altoids I always have a pack of all boys on me all toys Altoids how's it pronounced all words no Altoids actually it's output was it two L's or 1l that's it out output doesn't matter no matter how you pass thing yeah he's a [ __ ] 20:19 [ __ ] hey I got players on the rock he's got a sniper Roger that clear to take shot over got one I was on behind the tree look for my tracers here's what I believe I know my traces you see him yeah you me get closer so I'm down [ __ ] it he's running left you guys stay up here I'm going in like I got out with that thermal right there like this is when it's actually useful I'm going in yeah it looks like that dude over [ __ ] rimy right next to the rock yeah thank god damn sniper yeah [ __ ] charging yeah okay I got eyes on you be careful they probably had Mosin Xin Jie I see him that's the left left right sir that's right Trent I'm pruned left we're gonna be popping up just across the way he's gonna be popping up from the trees there pretty soon I don't there's so many trees bro I don't know it oh wait um traces oh you think I can start sprinting at him now yeah start pushing up there like parallel with us yeah they're like stuck find some definite lead right now they're kind of stuck dude you're on a flank just keep going yeah how do that I see I'm peeking on their roof I kind of seem to just look for my traces dude you'll see where they're at about the guy in front of the big rock all right keep pushing up there little higher than that more towards the power plant hey was that you just written just now no I'm okay turn somebody sprint okay I just look for the armband I'm on the field yeah again they're gonna be a left side left side he's like prone right [ __ ] there summit races keep shooting how do I not see your tracers oh I see it's just easy so prone I don't know if I killed anybody were Prague only shooting Bank watch out Moses OOP oh [ __ ] I'm behind the boys I'm a big [ __ ] flank yeah I get their asses bro he's got a left up here I know em I was a big boy playing big boy think we're just gonna pull back yeah go on handling cuz there he's there they're gonna have television on us right now yeah they're hella tunneled how they all by the rocks I know a little closer up stair yeah the closer towards like the power plant dude jackets and eggs funny voice are you good yeah I'm good someone just got hit Saudis are so bad I think we got some up by the power pylons trod across the way oh I've got me a tagging [ __ ] bum one done maybe got in the rocks don't want to put the power pylons supply by the rocks okay let's say that let's move down there and back him up all right we're gonna come from the way you came okay how about more well go get more finally yeah I think is just a gang of Mosley's cities in the power plant no no I think of other rocks like by the power pylons I wish I could move in pack bags at the same time play a little circus of them yeah there's a lot of them like three right or four yeah three or four something I got four holy [ __ ] a little gaggle of them I think we I think we might have killed a couple as they're running up wonder if I clipped one feel like you did cuz like there's two running up and then there's only one running I know that's all the two and I shot at one just as they got out of range all right by tonight all right I'm back I reach get down my steps I'm coming back this guy will slob his [ __ ] he had a TT he had a [ __ ] Mosin and then yeah and the [ __ ] Soviet helmet did Soviet warfighter right here I got what passed a plan yeah yeah you didn't come behind you I want to see if I killed this guy so I'm trying to see when confirm the kill I don't think I did but never know I'm behind you yeah they were like right over here bond like this defilade or something why God did I or Skylar you see you I see you that's the guy you killed by niko alva clean trickle trickle this guy oh did I well get rekt how do you check if who killed just check the tag they inspect their tag oh you okay I feel dangerous I feel like somebody's watching this guy's body I think there's somebody up there okay I feel dangerous I just don't feel like stop I don't want to move like that's that well position ourselves or else and I'm really liking the CEATEC with the magnifier I did this is pretty bitchin when her own was my mp7 here and I'm going to throw this top rock fragment top oh [ __ ] okay I was about to push nice nade I'll SiC another one no further swing right [ __ ] where did he shoot from I don't know I could have been across the way to across the way I don't know if that of course that was its let's reposition here oh he's running straight this way boys this way that's me that way that way that way yeah you were running out of I see I see you were running yeah you're running around I'm running away I don't see him he's speaking he's dead yeah then we get shot up back out this press condo I don't know I'm running at him huh so yeah go back down this way go back to the tank go to the tank dead you died you're dead we're dead [ __ ] yeah I don't see I don't see me either weird [ __ ] that way by the power pylons I think the [ __ ] scab sniper [ __ ] way mmm I don't like this yeah I don't either they used to our left he's got a beat on us um [ __ ] let's go this way fall back yeah it's Holly I think you've exposed yourself you have more to him as you keep going forward rather than back and then go dude my visor on I'm too [ __ ] scared dude his guns gonna get his guns gonna go through that visor so doesn't matter really because if I see if he has a [ __ ] rifle it's gonna go straight through that [ __ ] never mind eyes are back Oh visor is only good for like pistols and shotguns and [ __ ] and like really bad air rifle rounds but I doubt he has those so we just keep pushing for the extract cuz I don't I don't like fighting people I don't know where they are I don't know I like fighting you for I don't know where they are so I feel like he was makes feel like he's gonna move and then we're it's gonna were like we're gonna catch him moving or he's gonna catch us moving I don't think he's in the same spot let's just swing right and we'll come up on top of like the hell lid overlooks the power station in reason a lot ya gotta love it I didn't used to happen I used to run like [ __ ] yeah he's just run out like 40 frames that never [ __ ] bit the hat I don't know if this runs really badly every once in a while bro what dead dude oh my he's a head I don't know I don't think so I got a Mosin I don't think so I don't know what his other gun was his suppressed dupe your kill what tough to suppress knows him there's no way that would I don't know no way that was I am now the other guy didn't automatic for sure it could have been I don't [ __ ] do you don't know is that I really just I feel like the other guy had an automatic I think so yeah good killed are you gonna take that Mosin no you need a backpack hey I don't need loot I'm just here for frags let's get up on the flats out here and see what you can see who killed oh [ __ ] me oh yeah he was so close to you he heard you too he was looking straight and then he heard you step you look left and died I definitely feel like other guys did great well actually let's check the tag what was the name of the guy that killed you bro Tyler do you Murr the name of him mm crap I think it sorted with an H start with an H maybe chat and members started with an H that's all I know [ __ ] where's his body again got a bush this guy's name was Delta Delta something something something that's his extract I guess for ty they did anyway okay I want to find out but like yeah I mean I'd like to kill this guy too but I denied you were the [ __ ] he might be what's going to do the next one is so funny man I thought you'd like multiplied my god where we were okay okay random little Breen aid interesting Holly is the cow yeah holiest or Holly Asst hi Holland Brit columnist I guess holiest I like it matters but yeah I why would he just need that just the random guess maybe cells running want to watch for him yeah I'm kind of periodically checking my six it's kind of know gonna head ran off a little bit further than makes I've been checking our ass yeah just keep moving this way will see me I'm walking now I want to [ __ ] catch it bro this hill hey somebody's popping up over here yeah read the extract I don't know where you are I just oh there you are I'm so far behind you yeah I'm going on this big hill am i right this little [ __ ] paralyzer okay whatever the antenna thing alright look at the extract oh my gosh you're not close to me yet no not at all there's lots of people find out the [ __ ] checkpoint and I heard one house weirdest [ __ ] I was so confident I heard one I see oh thank you yeah that is you yeah that tries look right yeah jumpin no Suzie for sure I was really hoping I was really hoping it wasn't I'm in the extract I'm still like 15 seconds behind so you don't want to maybe not an extract right away I don't know your call I guess it's not letting me extract for some reason oh no not like this okay now it just got me out okay but that was [ __ ] weird okay is just mere distraught look like what is exactly like what your jackets running weird what I'll let me out yeah I was doing the same thing to me just wait there I'm out yeah yeah right weird that would suck for a new player they're just like what's happening don't know every attractor doesn't work they're stuck there forever what I killed to you sex he did don't know how hmm maybe i killed the you sec on the rock did you check that guy's tag they know the person I think I did I didn't know cuz that's the only other guy that I could have shot at so I'm probably killed I might I had shot him because I put it on his head so I'm not be able to check the tag here actually yeah check it real quick I'm curious it's sucking profile downloaded come on where the [ __ ] I am I forgot to ask for extra chicken and I'm sad about [Music] yeah you got it yeah yeah you got em yeah you also got this other guy too yeah well I loaded that one dude in the bedbug yeah yeah I have your chat open and someone to trust rats hitting all this game so much I don't understand yeah people will be saying some weird [ __ ] as long as it I just ignore him yeah like you maybe get into a fight a game and each games like 30 minutes long sometimes oh yeah so like you could go a whole hour and not see somebody you know that's why people don't like it yeah okay you can just be that kind of game it's just like Daisy like you can get some really dope encounters and sometimes you just don't get anything I'm ready for the next one oh are you doing time student up y'all ready yeah let's do it he's all ready for this yeah already Haley and brother
Channel: CrackedTV
Views: 1,350,203
Rating: 3.7173967 out of 5
Keywords: eft, escape from tarkov, eft shroud, shroud escape from tarkov, shroud 0.11, eft 0.11, eft update, Shroud Plays Escape From Tarkov (Full Stream) 1/1/2019, Shroud Plays Escape From Tarkov, Shroud Plays Escape From Tarkov (Full Stream), shroud plays escape from tarkov new, shroud plays escape from tarkov 2019, shroud plays eft, shroud plays eft 2019, shroud plays escape from tarkov for the first time, shroud plays escape from tarkov new map, escape from tarkov lab, shroud, pubg
Id: XEyQ5Wwwn3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 0sec (14100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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