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okay shred you really lost weight thanks man oh I'm glad she'd notice oh why is everybody obsessed with those but ash I don't know dude nothing like bringing a 1.4 mil box into a ray and rent mean this scatter this scab junk boxes gonna take a whole lot to fill when you shuffle players gut for parts after you kill them do they get their gun back if they insured it yeah but they'll be missing the parts so if you strip somebody's gun and they insured it they'll get the gun back it'll just be missing whatever the whatever I took in case you're wondering I brought a scab drunk bucks that's why I was excited my name in that dark might relate really we got people we got people literally on the right okay dead nice just [ __ ] loading it loaded in bro that sucks why is there a light on there oh the spotlight dang your any thermal yeah that's how you saw right away goods like that can't see them welcome to night raids I think the barter thing has to happen like the no barter items in gamma I just feel like there needs to be a little bit it should be it should be just as risky to bring nothing as it is to bring something you know you should value you should value your life not your loot if that makes sense yes yes that's how I play dude I prefer to survive like I will avoid fights if it means I can get out of life and come back to you I just don't want to go off alone with a scab bucks cuz like somebody would just like Oh snake it and there's from dip if I died you know yeah I think just tarkov battle state needs to look at it and be like okay what's the main point here the main point is to not die let's balance that for everybody you know yep I'm basement and come check marks I'm actually I feel like I should just leave everything bro like duffles everything good just once I'm gonna clear just see if marks open first I don't want to start looting they're here marked is close I flash yeah flash yeah I heard a flash pop I'm on those gunshots maybe Scott boss this players I mean like players will use flash bangs but like not that much as radios and players or bosses do I'm coming through the gym there's nothing there's nothing pretty much a horse and yes ah 58 or whatever I guess I'll probably I shouldn't worry about what has value and what doesn't I should just eat up everything I mean yeah grab all this all the things yeah but I would never want to take away how people should play it should still be their choice to run a hatchet like that's fine for me dude I would prefer basically go like this remove the ability to put barter items inside of the container while you're in a raid or basically anything anything at all and then reduce scab cooldowns to five minutes but you're intelligent section instead of affecting your scab cooldown affects the gear that your scab can spawn with so if you have like level zero you know [ __ ] intelligence you just get like shitty scabs like Mac Rob's tts cause I'm good ass idea looks like random little stuff so that way like people like okay if you want to go and get loot you're just gonna have to use your scab and you can just keep going in and scabbing as much as you want with [ __ ] yes yeah that's a great idea cuz then you could just have scabs rockin like [ __ ] Mac arrives and [ __ ] and as you know the hideout it doesn't remove those load outs but it opens the ability for you to spawn to think where keys yeah goods better guns and armor you know what I mean know that that is that is that is the move right there you do that with the barter or with the gamma change oh my god I like that idea man because that means like once you start getting more set in stone with money you have your intelligence up and now like how the nor how this normally works when you place CAV when you have money you don't place calves to lose you place calves to kill so that intelligence center giving you the guns to kill will now benefit your play style and at the beginning when you don't have money you place calves to loot and I think that is [ __ ] awesome that is a perfect idea good good thinking clean I mean I told that to Nikita but he's like you know what that sounds too fun yeah just play scab he goes in they would be too fun you know people just go scab and I'm like so what let him go scab man run around and populate the game of scavs you know what I mean let them be cheeky breeky you know feel like since I brought those junk box I'm not finding [ __ ] but before that I searched a tool box and there's like eight items in it you know how much does a scab box worth 1.4 mil that's like m1a or maybe sr-25 one of these bad boys here what's your oh I got the 100k transponder thing whatever it is this is a long room ma'am I didn't even have this key filing cabinet yeah oh there's a case here bro I didn't even know this was all those right other tents that was scary dude I didn't even know I what key is this i don't even know i had this one i didn't know was even of room there's a lot to lose I'm sorry there's a lot let's go you're good you're good I'm just [ __ ] observing right now alright and scams about to walk in though I'm gonna go over to a Scout checkpoint and see if I can see more Scout boss try and come out and I'm thinking I don't know how many more are alive I'm grabbing literally everything in here USBs everything should I get up in this tower you think I'll see anything you could yeah I see literally nothing so that's good oh my god I just heard so many is that you Nick Nick you [ __ ] murdering them all right now I'm gonna peek and see what the [ __ ] happens I'm pretty sure Oh once pushing you I just thought one walk up to you yeah yeah thanks it's a regular regular Africa look I'm black my mouth oh not Raiders Shh oh [ __ ] I'm getting kind of pushed by Raiders I get the get defensive if you can't I'll try back yep you're not moving right here no okay I'll shoot them yeah nice kilt I'm gonna peek a little bit more aggressively all right I'm coming back to you I'm coming to where you killed that guy yeah wandering Oh someone's in grass above me I'll please don't be a Raider I don't see him it's coming up to me hating just wanted to throw a nade to bait him out fans are usually the strat against the Raiders just because when you throw them they'll usually move and run away vocalize a lot of the times too oh wait someone's walking in train I hear inside train like not not sorry not trained in the K building the closest one to us I'm gonna okay you know what maybe you work up top I work down low I'm gonna loot these build please uh oh it is downstairs I just see I see their flashlights okay what if those are [ __ ] Raiders oh my god they're for money oh my god I think we're gonna shoot I just hear them getting here another one seriously thanks fine I was just scared they're gonna shoot me through the rates are we gonna have to take train here with how much time no no trains already gone bro we're gonna have to do Mountain the only way we're a nap I'm gonna I don't even think we have that much time that run is pretty far we could do it run from here to there without any stops only takes about a minute I'm scam tower I know where are you just gonna blast you I got a mime in front of train station right now oh wait you're on the left by train you're not even K buildings ok warehouse no yeah I'm oh all the way by the train station arena ok all the way all the reasons why I like this map so much as well I'd always do feel like I can spend up there like 40 minutes all the way up to the mountain with like two minutes left extract like [ __ ] I forgot to check blue cars pockets dude I ran all the way back down the train station we're just looting bro we've got the lab card and gone out with like 30 seconds left oh my god so that's how you know it only takes a minute yeah I like the balls you know I killed them all so low in the [ __ ] I'm digging the night raids that we're gonna do more of these are fun Porter for the maps we could potentially get in I like night and have it not oh yeah look she's filing cabinets doc I just look out letting room in this [ __ ] junk box this box is impossible to fill impossible please [ __ ] it you need so much [ __ ] to fill this Madrid any PvP you just [ __ ] looted and killed scab off sorry sorry yeah I brought this gaff case dude why not and we got 23 K experience for that we I didn't experience though yeah sure you get a ton of experience for looting [ __ ] yeah hold on lemme uh sell here sell the junk box dude that's nice I was like over what Miller on someone's a bring to scavenge off boxes next time yeah for sure couldn't even fill one not even close bring to house nice I brought a scab dude I might do that more often I might bring scab junk boxes more often it's really not that hard you know you go to reserve and you just loot everything and you get out and it's an easy mill and then the pacing is is what's important obviously the faster you play the higher risk but also the faster you play the faster you live should be coming out soon for Sean show it wasn't like anything crazy but for a scab junk box only being one point one point four mil you just fill it up as much as you can in one raid and you could come over you can come way over a milieu no yeah but if you die you lose one mil yeah but one run pretty much pays for it you know I mean 1 1 mil isn't that much right so if you could potentially get 1 mil or more just in the box itself then that is super worth because you'll grab some value of other stuff along the way and who knows how long you'll live with it you know like what if that what if that scab junk box is with you for like three raids you know I don't mind losing it I might else I mind someone else taking it well the beauty of someone else taking it is that some people might not be as fortunate as you when it comes to playing the game right now magic how good it would feel to find a body and find a scab junk box would be like holy [ __ ] I've always wanted one of these you know that'd be pretty cool feeling imagine not having a scab junk box and you're playing and you know your level 20 or whatever and you you want it you want a scab junk box real bad so you can store your [ __ ] but you just can't afford it or you don't want to pay for it whatever and you find one you're like whoa hell yeah have a great feeling [Music]
Channel: Shroudy Rowdy
Views: 649,419
Rating: 4.8627744 out of 5
Keywords: shroud, shroudy, shroudyrowdy, shroud tarkov, shroud tarkov raid, tarkov raid, shroud tarkov kills, tarkov gameplay, new tarkov gameplay, new tarkov, tarkov patch, tarkov .12, tarkov 0.12, shroud fps, shroud irl, shroud mixer, shroud highlights, shroud clips, shroud funny, shroud moments, shroud compilation, scav container, scav container raid, tarkov loot, most loot tarkov, best loot tarkov, container in raid, funny tarkov, escape from tarkov loot
Id: -OC_-nUC4GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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