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i'm sorry what's up you dirty email sumps and welcome back to the channel today's video is going to be episode 1 of our first 10 days in tarkov for the brand new white in this video you're going to be watching all the raids and all my explanations for most of the place but this isn't going to be the most sweaty playthrough that's going to be safe for a standard edition playthrough which we'll be resuming very shortly here but with this episode by the way just a couple disclaimers number one i'm not the best at this game this is just how i play my play style and all the decisions that are going on in my brain at the time we don't do things necessarily as efficiently or the best way possible but this is how i have fun and talk of and how i hit the ground running with a fresh new wipe so i do hope you guys enjoyed today's episode but as always guys if you are looking for the full unedited vod of the entire episode and series make sure you check out that blue join button down below as five dollar members and up get access to every second of the live streams immediately and if you want to support me even a little bit more head over to where your purchase on any merch or game including our new milsim hat supports the channel directly but that's all i've got for you guys today i do hope you enjoyed today's episode and now we're going into our first raid with an m4 from our starter gear going into customs to try to bang out our first quests i mean i guess we can go rush intel i'm gonna check my right because of the spawn that's close here and he's there right these two dudes run into each other all right so he killed this guy i was gonna flank him i'm gonna check to make sure no one's coming in behind us okay yeah you gotta be real careful off this spawn right this is a really dangerous body to grab god to bless this i don't want to sit here any longer and grab the rest of his stuff just because he's on the edge there god these contacts are so loud i usually don't use contact so my sound's all like messed up that's really concerning so someone beat us here because we got stopped by that fight could have sworn i just heard him jump on metal but it's raining it's loud so i'm gonna assume there's gonna be someone in it an intel because uh there's dead scabs here which means someone came through i don't really want to be chanting my uh luck at until this early when every extract is so important so we're probably just gonna bypass it for now i want to make sure i get my uh the magazine out of this oh he's emptied it okay never mind early wipe is poppin voice so we're gonna look for more scav kills because that's what we're here for someone right here you are blazing through these holy [ __ ] i tagged him up he dropped me like two shots oh well unlucky we made a good first play off those initial two guys on the slope uh this guy just i couldn't hear because of the the rain i knew it was somewhere around i just didn't think it was that close so oh well early wipe is always the most difficult but also the most fun there's a decent spawn to get a skepticals god it is just so loud do i always keep my guns on full auto no only certain guns so i know i'm pretty safe if i push the center of the map just because i have the uh most forward spawn here on our side of the map god i can't even think with this rain so we're just kind of getting money now anything that we can get is good see i love the early raid or early white fields where everything is useful scav so that's one scab i need to make sure i pack this after every fight ooh the rain's getting quiet nice that's really good because uh loud rain is not fun at all we do need this shotty all right we're gonna get out of the center before we get caught check for sniper scav as we leave probably going to go through construction area to see if we can get a few more scuffs it's gotten quieter now which is good i hear scabs over here i'm just gonna go around the flat side i'm not gonna try to jump over all that i see him the players on the left the ais on the right so i want to take care of the player first it's like somewhere down this it's sniper scav shooting at [ __ ] did he shoot after i oh no he's i was like did he pull the trigger after i dropped him so this play is around the left corner here sniper scab's the one cracking those big ass rounds above us i heard him chirp so i'm not sure if i want to push out here for these bodies or if i just want to loop around i need to know right now what i'm waiting for is sniper skeff to make another sound because i don't know if he played if he shot the sniper scav or if uh the sniper scav shot him so we're just gonna chill here and listen with an mp5 i don't really want to challenge this at this range and take the corner on him so what's more most likely gonna happen is i'm gonna 180 and go back the way we came because i definitely don't want to change it for these bodies right now that's fine get progress on our quest start to head out maybe get one more scaf kill to complete it when i look back i want to see if there's sniper scav alive i don't see him on this side so i'm pretty sure that player went around the elbow and killed the sniper scuff i wasn't doing the best job of paying attention to what gun was shooting what or who is shooting what so i don't necessarily want to run it into a player with a rifle when all i've got is an mp5 we're gonna look for one more scat kill near the uh intersection we also have a 133 which is useful for our quest so i'm not really looking to die right now i'm just looking to get out i saw that body but then i gotta remember that that's just a static body one thing is like i haven't played targave in a while and every time i come back to takeoff what i notice is i play really really fast just because i'm used to like squad or other shooters no shooter is as slow as tarkov oh that's that's a good noise to hear okay cool got our five scav kills there's a scav here which means that there shouldn't really be a player here because it's scavenged aggro to him but there's always the chance you know so always checking the lower lip there i'm not going to loot this guy in the middle of the road really bad idea that's just how i play there's many other different ways to play talk off and that's one of the best things about it but we're just going to take the free win here the free w i guess started off uh well today all right so first raid definitely played it a little too call of duty like uh second raid getting our scav kills really nice so did it all in one raid essentially which is what i was going in there for right that's that's when you go in early wipe go in with one single goal like hey i want to make sure i get my scat kills hey i want to make sure i hit this room and and stick to that and then just get out and accomplish things because like you have this massive quest line ahead of you and you have to have the money to do it just the best way to do it is just little bites at a time little bites out of the quest line little bites out of the the the tasks you have to do don't try to do too much all at once uh because you've seen me do that in previous seasons and like i get cocky or i get greedy and i try to do like two quests at once and then i die and i lose the folder it's like oh god i have to do it all over again it's it's time it's time and money wasted so we're actually going to hit intel because uh intel's got all the solutions and stuff is that a foul someone's got a foul all right so i'm totally expecting there to be a fight once we get closer to uh intel so i want to go out this way because i want to get blasted from the windows we're going to go out the south here and hug the wall just to try to not get seen on the way in so i'm using like all this stuff to block me from the windows just in case there is someone in the in the cracks so that's sniper scab's still alive which is good right we've talked about this a lot means that no one is in the barrels area yet it's also bad because it means they most likely came around elbow so i'm not gonna kill him i'm very wary of the windows right now don't want to make too much noise here we're really listening because there's been way too much time i totally expect someone to be in here i like how the rain stopped though that's really nice so we're just listening i'll probably give it till i get to the end here if i don't hear anything then i'll assume it's clear sounds okay so generally when i come up to buildings i plan on entering i i get real quiet before i hit the building because the last thing i want is this person inside to know that i'm coming because then he just picks a door and he he camps it so when coming up to a building that i want to breach i usually try to get to it up to it really really quietly so that he's not prepared if i do plan on preaching all right i haven't heard anything on the whole walk through i'm going to assume it's clear by getting up and walking normal speed but i'm still ready for a fight because there's a good chance that there is still someone camping in here i check this door is open it's good it means that no one's been in the building yet i get inside and i hold just so i can listen because the sound changes once your interior this door is supposed to be closed which is good i'm going to leave this door open so that people coming in behind me think that it's clear and now i'm going to start clearing the building this box should be closed with jiu jit which it is which is good that's at the crossroads so i do need to step it up it sounds like he is coming this way the next thing we check is to see if intel doors open and it's not don't go straight for the door clear right because people can camp it sounds like an m9 out there so it looks like we're good in here we're checking the med spots for sales and [ __ ] looks like we're getting unlucky right now we're gonna check the side door i walk when i'm in here just because it's loud really no meds well very very very very unlucky close this gonna check intel i close this door behind me and i walk in here so if i hear someone rush the building while i'm in here i've left the building pretty much except for that one med box in the first floor completely clean which means that i can sit in here if someone comes running up after me this is just a playstyle thing some people just come through and try to blaze through fast but this is generally how i i will do it and we are really unlucky this is a really bad intel run unless i'm blind and i missed an intel but yeah and it looks like work looks like it's just paper i don't stop to loot the cabinets in here it takes way too long we're just going to look to extract now people can sneak in here while you're in that building or in that room so i am careful coming out i'm ready for a fight i'm not going to spend any more time in here just the exposure in this building no one's been here yet it's a high value loot area i i assume people are going to start running in here so we'll look to start getting out watching that corner i fully expect that i might run it yeah what i was gonna say was i fully expect to run into someone here just the worst [ __ ] timing um yeah looking at that fight they saw me first so we didn't really have any choice except for trying to drop one right off the cut there because we're pinned against the wall if if i want to get back inside a building i have to go back to intel you've seen me do it too sometimes i'll catch some dudes walk in the middle of the open and it's just bad timing um so gotta be okay with it that's just how tarkov rolls so we're gonna load up again get into the next one but hey it's part of the game we're gonna rush intel uh just because we are looking for that stuff having problems with hackers i've only run into address maybe like i'd say three-ish times in my whole tarkov like playing career that's it so i'm going to watch the opposite land bridge as i come across here sometimes you can catch people yup yup like that dude you see that dude right the question is if he saw me if i had a rifle i would have stopped and try to drop him but i don't so what we can do is if he's coming across that land bridge he's going to do one of three things he's either going to go for the stash loot here he's going to go up to the uh road and run into players or not players scavs or he's going to rush intel so right now what we're doing is seeing if he goes for the stash loot sounds like he went up yeah he's pissing the scabs off i could try a third party this actually you know what that's what we'll do we'll try a third party this guy he's got an sks so you can find this sks guy oh yeah there he is it's a [ __ ] two stack everyone's running with their buddies alright so we know there's a two second this building [Music] how do we do this i don't have nades we can do our really cheeky [ __ ] and see if it works so we're kind of memeing here if i was really going for them in max play i'd probably just camp outside but i want to see if we can do something fun so hey we play video games for fun i keep hunting these guys i'll try cut them off wow they're going all the way for extract already all right we're going for the real big brain cut off they're going for gas station it looks like so unless they get caught here should be able to get in front of them shout out me god damn it they just [ __ ] barely got out oh well tried to catch him we knew exactly where they were going to i was hoping that this extract wasn't open but as soon as i saw the smoke i knew i had to get over here so what the play was was i was gonna go over here jump that wall and then touch him right here but this extract was open so i couldn't get the cut off in time because the alternate was up which is really unfortunate they snuck out but so the play was which is why i went all the way over here i'm sorry i know i i was really focused trying to listen and stuff but as soon as i got over here and i saw the green smoke i was like oh [ __ ] they're gonna try to extract but the play i was originally gonna go for was i was gonna hop and i'll still do this we're gonna hop this wall come over here and catch him like this this is this was the original play because if they if extract isn't open there i get the complete cut shortcut right here and i'm able to head him off right here and ambush him but uh the ultimate the alternate was up so that that's really unfortunate but that was the thinking there so you could kind of see like why we went for that positional play but we just got a we didn't get the luck that we needed no what messed with me was uh the alternate extract if i didn't have to rush the alternate extra if if they were going to normal standard uh east side extract i wouldn't we would have been able to catch them fine i think it's a player it could be a scav [Music] oh it's our other 133 perfect okay how big is the security vest that's not big at all okay well now i'm happy to get out because uh we'll finish our first quest i did make a couple shots here looting this box is really really risky it's not worth it at all we're just gonna head for extract now that we have our quest adam so baby steps right all right take the w almost caught those two guys almost but uh yeah we were trying to go for the cut off that's what was going on in my head the whole time all right so we're gonna switch it up with a scav run here on customs now we're headed to 205 to try and get our key for our quest from the room and just make it out with a very short extract just so we can get that quest at them and avoid going into dorms on our main pmc so let's see how this one goes hopefully we can get that key and get out quick so not really speed running or anything like that oh and we spawned in dorms look at that boys on the first floor which one's 205 am i blind is it this one what's this one look at this new backpack there we go it's my 2020 game of the year probably squad still honestly what do you have i'm sorry akm with 762ps is gonna be leaps and bounds better than what i had all right cool we get our machinery key now we can do it on our main account without having to go into dorms on our main account because i really um i really don't like going into dorms solo especially early because you guys know i hate those 50 50 situations coming around a corner left or right and uh sometimes you just die because you picked wrong all right and we actually managed to get that key pretty cleanly on our scav we're gonna head in now on our pmc with an mp5 on customs go to that vehicle in the construction zone and grab our pocket watch let's see how this one goes so we have to get our pocket watch uh there's two philosophies that i use when it comes to doing quest items number one i get a close spawn i rush it number two if i don't get a close spawn and i can't rush it i just wait i take my time around the map i loot other things i just explore and then i try to hit the quest item late late into the end of the raid so that's what we're going to do right now is just going to take our time loot around the map and then when we get to it we get to it uh just to get all those rushers out of the way garbage i'm looking for bodies i'm looking for anything that tells me about this area blood loot on the ground anything door is already open good news for us we don't have to stand there in the open and do it do it so you know we're just gonna go ahead and yep while they're shooting on the on the other side of the map we're gonna do this yup best time to go grab it while people are shooting don't get scared right use that to your advantage a lot of new players though here shooting i'm scared it's in the corner right sometimes other gunfire other explosions are the best time for you to move because people are going to be looking over there people can't hear the bushes that you're hitting because the nades are going off or the gunfire is going off you gotta learn to use everything to your advantage right so that's like really good for us because it means we can get out fine i'm looking to see if this extracts open i don't think it is it's a really dangerous way for me to check it is okay so we're gonna go scav yes cavs try not to get killed by scabs at extract look at this two here i'm not gonna loot him right we're too close to gunfire a second one over there somewhere it's good news that the scabs are here right stay focused don't get baited by rinky dink [ __ ] yeah sure you might have a lab ski card on him but i would much rather just get the [ __ ] out of this map right now especially with all that gunfire kicking off right next to us so know what you should get and what you shouldn't and we get out fine got our quest done small games guys small games small victories so like that's a very like small concept right using sound to mask movement or to distract right it's a really really easy thing when you think about it but newer players you'll freeze you'll see them freeze up a lot when they're playing um they'll they'll just hear gunfire and they'll just sit still when hey that gunfire is happening it's not at you it's some it's somewhat close to you but hey that's like the best time for you to move because people are fighting it's distracting people people who are looking to go for fights are starting to run over there the third party of the fights people are distracted and that's the best time you want to take advantage of that so that's uh no i wouldn't even say an advanced concept that's like an intermediate concept um but you see a lot of newer players just freeze they'll just freeze up when gunfire starts happening even if it's not even near them all right so what's new here i actually have no idea i haven't watched any guys or anything so this will be a journey chat it'll be a journey so we're looking for scat kills i probably should have brought food too because we might be here a fat minute are there scabs in here oh i love exploring so nice getting like new stuff you know i mean very nice sounds like sherman's here thanks ah i kind of want to get out now honestly got both of our salehoos this is the spot to go for soleil's now we got level four helmet all right we're probably just gonna head to extract because uh we load it up real easy all right well let's get out of here that's cool all right so i think i heard sherman pretty sure i heard sherman yeah i'm honestly just okay with getting out with our loot here he's like right up here we might be able to get behind this dude [Applause] how we may take some of these fights we'll see start walking to this third party don't need a sprint to it sherman's still up i think that was at me that is that me okay and i just died out of nowhere all right and it's nice to see that even with the new expansion the typical woods experience has not changed one single bit getting one tap from god knows where but hey we're gonna roll back into woods now with an m700 loaded with some m80 rounds and a scope that is actually locked to 14 times so that's gonna be a lot of fun we'll try to make this one work this is locked at 14x it is all right we'll make it work there's a ton of doubters but hey make it work i'm not gonna worry about going in there because we have a 14x scope so we're gonna just snipe people for scavs here uh near lumber all right scavy scabs where are you god damn it god damn it why is he moving so fast that's a shotgun coming from the that's got to be over my head right there's no way that's at me what is that holy see anything moving oh jk and dear lord all right good good thing we're wearing the armor boys i i think that's another player covering him there's right there on that corner christ i don't know if we bring him right there shot look good i [ __ ] hate this map oh [ __ ] woods dude damn we hit all three shots and just did not manage to kill that guy i don't know how because those last two looked like uh looked like headshots oh well that's woods okay scab kills here we go now we need our 10 scav kills on woods i don't know if i want to explore or if i just want to get these 10 scav kills and be done with it nice so we're not going that way and see if he chases i mean i doubt he does keep rotating see i don't know if that's a player spawner if it's a scav i can't tell if this was a player scav either he's looks like a u-sec okay go up that cool i need this oh flash drives can be on scavs now i'm hoping this guy that was up here has uh given up on trying to find me and is [ __ ] off god that feeling when you hit a new map and it's completely unknown god i want to kill him so bad but i don't have the gear for it i mean i guess we just go exploring now because uh i'm not going to lumber for my scaf kills another compound up ahead we'll check out for sure don't necessarily have the right gun for this but sure very interesting hey it's pestile's plague mask this for whatever reason it doesn't seem like a smart idea to have a barrel fire going on underground and i like how they added all the effects to the texturing around very nice is there anything important down here it's too shank it's a relay i realized selling like crazy right now usually early on in the wipe they are but they do bitcoin spawn on the table doesn't look like it spawned all right let's go explore over here [Applause] oh yay scav kill i don't think he's loaded with good stuff though i'd rather keep my 760 ups and pick up five five or five four five i don't know how i feel about this like lake area it's kind of sketch not gonna lie okay so i'm completely [ __ ] turned around now but if i to guess i i think this is east i think this is where i need to go this is definitely to the new stuff so we'll keep heading over here but it's moments like these where it's like i i forget tarkov is a game and it feels like i'm really just adventuring trying to survive which is really really cool because i think that's a part of tarkov that gets lost after you play it enough that whole idea of like yeah you're surviving this wasteland and you're scavenging things because once you start to learn the maps the meta the peak spots it just turns into like your standard competitive esque style shooter with tactical elements when you have unknown when you're forced with like this complete unknowing of like the map or where to go or where things are you get that real hardcore adventuring and i guess i guess honestly that's what the majority of you guys feel right [ __ ] i think that's a player that's a scav all right cool get closer so i can get these shots on there's a second scout that ran back that hurt dude my thorax fixed up first and popped the pain not worried about the splint right now looking for that second scaff where are you shooting in sks gonna run across the street here get behind cover but that was a player but now that i know it's scabs i'm kind of chilling let's get in here fix ourselves up real fast like these survival vibes i think the last time i got survival vibes like this was uh daisy standalone yeah there's not much i can teach you guys here because i don't know what the [ __ ] is happening i don't know where we are or what we're actually walking into and so i guess this is a great way to see like how i approach new things in tarkov and how i learn a lot of it as you can see right now is just [ __ ] wandering around let that other scab go scary he went eating much faster than i was i was hoping i could get a shot off before he turned around but uh he spun around before i could get that shot off he still dropped him all right so cool we're getting some scav stuff done we're exploring oh what was that oh it's just a tree rendering in very oddly see i'm not going to loot that scab that's on the shoreline just because it's like completely unopen this guy's a little bit in a safer spot i just checked the bag and the pockets i don't check the the vest unless it's a gun i want to use let's get off this right here making some noise um i think we just moved for extract now we've got a full bag we'll come explore this next time we come in the woods this is really cool you'd find a few more scabs on our way out that'd be great i'm hoping we find a couple here what that first shot was right on his head oh we can't even go over there okay never mind only one scav in this i feel like they need to up the scav spawns on this map though because i what i feel like is you're gonna all right nevermind i take that back i'm sorry targoff give enough scavs i'm sorry forgive me i didn't mean to talk [ __ ] is that mgs striker that's great dank forgive me tarkov you have plenty of scabs you have the biggest scabs you have so many scavs give the prettiest scabs please don't hurt me all right i think there's one more shooting at me from the town oh yup i don't know where that one is sounds like a sniper scab so we're just gonna loot these two and skip skip diddly dip could take the ak now we're just out we're done we're gone what a what a long raid but that was a lot of fun like even though it wasn't like tense i think exploring the new woods expansions are always the new expansions to maps are always a lot of fun because of the exploring all right a safe extract down and now we're gonna rock back in the woods with another trusty sks the sks mp5 and pb19 are probably my go-to starter weapons in a fresh wipe and the sks on woods is just you know those two go together like peanut butter and jelly so we're gonna head back in and try to get some more scav kills before moving on to our next quest okay where am i whoa new spawn uh very lost no idea where the [ __ ] i am am i all the way up north i think i'm all the way up north um i think i'm going the right way i'm i think i'm northwest we need little like three more scav kills so now we know there's a scout spawn over here so you know how like last raid we just kind of wandered around like you need as you're wandering around like it's completely fine to do that on a new map but you do need to memorize like okay this gas spawn here i got shot from here whether this this area had loot etc right immutable meet while i personally have no passion for talk of your game playing comedy is fun to watch and very informative keep it up thanks for the 15. meet me oh it's a computer spawn spot i imagine people have already gone through here but this is useful to know it's a tech spawn spot very cool okay gonna have to remember this building is this not the mine i thought this is the mine where's the mine i totally thought this was the mine more sherpa episodes maybe they're just a lot of work to organize [ __ ] if i had a different gun i was gonna [ __ ] blast him i was hoping to do the the spin trick but he was getting suspicious dude that dude with the helmet was getting real suspicious you saw that right i was gonna try to stick with him but then i saw him back away from me i was like i'm about to get blasted i was gonna try to do the the stay in the the group kind of meme oh [ __ ] but then he backed up and i was like i'm about to get blasted oh i tried i wanted to do it for the memes i wanted to do it for the meme so bad dude you had no idea you have no idea how bad i wanted to do it for the memes oh we almost got in there they almost didn't notice right so they were walking around but then that dude with the helmet started checking me out and i was like oh [ __ ] he sussed me out and then he backs away i was like he's about to 180 and blast me because they all started to look at me oh [ __ ] we almost did it too oh [ __ ] i was hoping that i could get in behind him without them noticing and then toss the nade oh [ __ ] i want to do it so bad um we would we would have just left if we wanted to if i really cared that much but damn i wanted it for the meme all right let's see uh see if we can get some more scav kills uh what the [ __ ] lag hello what all right doesn't want me opening that bag very weird someone's here man has been executed like seeing that i kind of want to get out now so many goodies all right let's get up [ __ ] i can't grab it i might cut across and go through the woods just to see if we can get a couple scout pills [ __ ] that [ __ ] sounded like a far ricochet round but i'm not gonna chance that holy [ __ ] maybe we can run into a couple scavs on our way out along the wall so i'm hoping for there we go damn i'm a dead shot right now if only i could do this when i'm actually trying to shoot players if only i could hit those shots when trying to shoot players i didn't even check to see what this is loaded with ah yikes probably would have been better to take uh the adar or the uh other sks but i'm probably gonna vendor anyways because we need cash money the [ __ ] were you shooting at why do i feel like that was a player because it was all right might die doing this honestly i'm not checking these pockets in the field i'm sorry sure drop my gun for his gun but it's whatever i i i don't want to spend any more time in that field than i have to we could have probably min matched that little bit a little bit better but i was wigging out being uh in that field for so long all right i mean i guess i'll take it one tap one tap on tap and we're finally getting a good feel for woods now we're gonna head back in once again i know we're using the same kit a lot today but another woods sks run and this time we're running to get jaeger's letter so hopefully we can grab this and get a clean extract all right where are we going uh we need to get our jager stuff so we're going for the that thing that deer stand i get real daisy vibes from this new expansion i don't think we've been to this town yet unless this is the same town oh it is oh we have been to this town there should be a couple scabs here oh god the sks is just my gun today huh chat just my gun god damn chat where's our accuracy the last two raids shots to my front so you see how i do the head wiggle thing right so i can get an exact bearing on where that sounds coming from what's in here are the magazines garbage yeah garbage uh i kinda wanna i don't think we take it positions gonna be better than an ak with crap ammo okay it's a marked circle around me well unless you can tell me exactly where it is i'm not gonna run around in the woods looking for it on my own so that will have to wait until i know where it is oh i do have the convoy quest i just don't know where the convoy is spooky there's a [ __ ] body there's two [ __ ] bodies the [ __ ] i got hit from the other side too what the [ __ ] was that something walked up behind me and i got clapped in the head i felt that one what was that yeah there's a there's a scav and a player oh i got baited by that scav in front of me i don't know where this guy was i should have known better i saw the bodies too i was playing roll uh nonchalant there all right so we're gonna go intel am i trying to do i'm trying to go for unknown so i do that same thing i'm gonna get across and look across should be the first one across i didn't see anyone on the bridge when we crossed i'm gonna look through the this building and center building really quickly i'm sorry that's why i keep the door open is because people think it's completely clear when they walk in i'm pretty [ __ ] sorry about that but that's exactly why i leave the door open these people they'll think it's okay to stick their big head in the door and then they catch nine mil straight to the dome can the mp5 actually kill a pmc yeah i just killed the pmc right at the dome we gotta go for headshots with the thing body shots are last resort mp5 is headshots right 100. we killed glue card dude fresh wipe you're insane if you think i've gotten there already it's 214 the water room no it's 206. bag's pretty full don't really need car kits not worth that much all right we're gonna push for the unknown is that car battery no the dark i look like a car battery though we're just gonna hit our quest and get out we got some good stuff on us [ __ ] hit a bush what why is this why does this look different wait chat where is the [ __ ] document now oh my god oh it's still here where am i am i just dumb am i dumb chat am i just a dumb dumb am i just a big dummy dumb the [ __ ] did my brain just like absolutely stop working there why did i feel like they changed the inside of that bunk house i feel like they changed the interior there maybe i'm just a big dumb quite possible actually probably the more likely scenario there like for whatever reason i feel like they i don't know it looked different in there i don't know i could be just going insane nods nods you say not snods nods nods nods nods it's the door okay let's get out of here let's get it get the stash in the hall which stash which hole take the free dub taking it three w small gains [Music] small gains not every single one of your raids needs to be some crazy highlight reel guys sometimes we go in we got a dude we take his stuff we get a quest item and we're out and that's how you level up fast and that is going to wrap up episode one of our first 10 days in tarkov on our eod account now we ended up with a 50 survival rating and we hit level 8 on one day so i'm pretty happy with that we almost hit our level 10 which is going to be the first kind of milestone so you can unlock the flea market but hey i gotta be happy with what we accomplished today and you know i'm hoping that tomorrow's raid is going to be even better but that's wrapping it up here guys i hope you did enjoy today's video and as always if you are looking for the full unedited vods of every single live stream for every single episode of all the playthroughs make sure you check out that blue join button down below as five dollar members isn't up get access to all that content also guys if you are looking to support the channel even a little bit more head over to where you purchase there on any game or merch supports the channel directly that's all i've got for you guys today as always don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more content remember to catch our live streams every monday wednesday friday starting at 11 a.m thanks so much for watching guys i love you all very much be safe be happy and we'll catch you in the next one good hunting
Channel: Karmakut
Views: 88,260
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Keywords: karmakut, escape from tarkov, escapefromtarkov, escape, from, tarkov, tutorial, tips, how to, HOW TO START A NEW WIPE - FIRST 10 DAYS IN TARKOV (DAY 1), how to tarkov, tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov gameplay, eft, playthrough, eft playthrough, raid
Id: pnA41lqA-x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 27sec (4527 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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