Daxellz Reacts to Lets Game It Out I Made $1 Billion in 5 Seconds and It Changed Reality - Hydroneer

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okay everyone axel's here until today we're gonna be checking out the final hydroneer video from let's gamer out he made a million in five seconds and it changed reality hydronium let's get straight into it in a way we josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing some hydroneer today my favorite game about mining where i've spent several videos not doing any mining at all unless you count mining for fish or whatever is left behind by explosions like this or this or nuclear fallout who knows maybe we'll do some actual mining today oh and also this video is sponsored by opera gx but we'll talk about that in a little bit for now it's new game time so if you're new to hydroneer let me break it down for you here's a shovel there's a river take the shovel walk it over to this bridge drop it off the side and make a wish well looks like we've done all we need to do today time to head to the local pub nah i'm kidding go back to the river regretfully pick up your shovel throw it in a wet sad pile and then grab these other tools over here no don't explain what they do brush bucket oh there's so much to pick up here what am i gonna do well they wouldn't put it here if they didn't want us to use it right you go in here also go in here bring you along for the ride and what the hell let's bring this map we're never gonna use okay and now let's pull this thing all the way over here great we did it so here's how this is supposed to work we dig put the dirt in the tiny bucket let it go our shovel which after much collision finally comes to our resting point yeah yeah that's what i meant and then we take that bucket dump it in the other bucket go get some water al all right quench big buckets thirst take your brush scrubby scrub that time you didn't mention the water in the water thing just as we intended now grab your card and huh huh how about that huh you know what can we cut out some of the work here can i just take this card and just bring it all the way into the ocean and then back it out will that fill my buckets with water cart come on what are you doing flip over okay let's go ahead and try this put it in the water i mean this seems promising let's hedge our bets and put it under this waterfall and while that's happening let's take a moment to talk about our sponsor opera gx the first browser built specifically for gamers and since us gamers demand a lot of our browsers for funsies i decided to do a little performance test let's over tax the browser and see what happens i'm gonna open up the twitch front page which has an auto playing video and i'm gonna do this in 80 tabs okay here's how much cpu and ram it's taking up now and now we're gonna do the same thing in a different browser and compare the results you know we were getting some really exciting data here when chrome crashed i'm not drawing any conclusions but either way if managing those resources your browser is using is important to you opera gx has you covered with a feature called gx control where you can use hot tabs killer to see and close the most resource greedy tabs you've also got a network limiter to manage how much bandwidth your browser is using as well as a ram and cpu limiter so that your browser won't stop your computer from running smoothly and who doesn't love customization you can change your browser's look from a whole bunch of preset options or even select color by color you can also have custom wallpapers like this sweet free let's game it out one or you can even do animated backgrounds looks great it's also super easy to import your settings from other browsers you just click a thing then the thing and ta-da you're done now i want to show you my favorite thing in the browser which is gxcorner it shows you upcoming game releases stuff on sale game news and you can customize how you want to see it honestly i love it and i use it to keep track of a lot of random game info oh and also opera gx is on mobile too and no matter where you're using it opera gx is totally free so if the price of free sounds exciting to you check out opera gx by using my link in the description below thanks again to opera gx for sponsoring yep still here bad news though no if the pans are on the cart they don't fill with water we still gotta do it the old-fashioned way fine so be it i'll do your hard work see if i care now you might be wondering to yourself what do we need these for well i'm sure this will come as no surprise but gold nuggets can be melted into bars or sold to the jeweler which means we go up here to the jeweler hoist our little card up here sell for a few coins yeah i'm ready anyway what we really need to be doing is getting more money here's why welcome to the shop there are many like it but this one is closest that's it what it not any of his available lakes or shores only costs 52 coins i already forgot how many coins do we have again 26 that isn't enough to buy the fishing rod there we go that's better so i uh might have gone a little out of control seeing as how i dug out this big hole right here but that's okay i'm sure we'll find a use for it anyway allyou let's see how much we make 828 coins all over us that's definitely enough for us to buy this fishing pole oh boy can't wait to make the real money wait for it wait for it wait for it we did it fishing caught in nature's tin can and what kind of fine price can i get for this five coins that's so much work though how do i even get baby's second fishing pole well follow me i think we know what we're gonna do next which is we're gonna follow this year's sign looks like we found the place okay let's see what do we got here there's another fashion bulletproof glass and then i guess we got this thing where we're supposed to pay with something i can't just like i don't know take this can i what if i duck and shove my face underneath oh nope still can't take it it was worth a shot though maybe cash is what this needs here you go huh nope not cash well the sign does show a fish okay here you go enjoy what the hell do you want you want more fish because if that's what you're after i can do that wait a minute why am i fishing here when i could be fishing over here no not at this dock right here i mean over at this little pond right here there is that better here have all these fish huh that's weird it's not letting me overturn the bucket what about from the back yeah there we go i'm sure that's fine oh yeah we did great fine hey look at this one it's a cod and this one a mackerel whatever get in there okay are we good is that better i sure hope so what do you want from me what else could i possibly pull from the ocean that you want oh oh oh you want this thing well okay then let's just dump you right on top what about now are we good finally oh i see how this works you give it whatever fish it wants and god of fishing poles bequeathes upon thee a new fishing pole in this case wonky fishing pole rank two probably a step up from the previous poll i'll be the judge of that thank you time to fish all night thirty seconds later oh it's so boring i don't have all this time to do all this fishing oh but you know what i do have time for using these things fishing pot constructing water and catch fish really tell me more it doesn't seem to want to work here fine not out here either huh what do i need like a permit what is this a cabela's game you can't use that water okay here we go back on our own land we can finally do it well it's there not sure what happens now i assume we just wait well that was easy enough i think we know what happens next right yeah there we go i may have added just a couple of these things essentially as many as the game would allow up to the point where it doesn't let you build anymore and you're probably like probably expensive right how did you afford this look i don't owe you any explanation except that i might have done some mining by hand but don't judge me you were about solutions here okay oh she's online right no thank you what about you what do you have ah herring that looks nothing like the picture the thing i need kind of a lot of work to go to each and every one of these things position your mouse cursor so you're on the fish pull it out be disappointed throw it down like it doesn't matter but i think i figured out how to speed it up come here let me demonstrate so when you put these things down when it highlights blue that means it's good to go and if you try to put it where something already is it turns red but if you start the placement process right on this square you can just keep placing it over and over and over on this one spot and then once there's a fish in there it turns out there's actually several fish okay well i think we know where this is going okay it's been a little while here everything looks the same there's actually like 400 of these in one little space i collected all the ones in the river and did a little mining for some quick cash okay let's see how picking up fish goes now oh my god there's so many fish oh my god it's still going so i think what i'm learning i don't think i can pick these things up fast enough before at least one of these nets catches another fish you hear that noise that's the nets constantly refilling hang on now sit right there there we go picking up from the pot dropping right into the bucket you suppose there's a limit to how many fish you can put in it many many hours later oh so funny story i sat here and put fish in the bucket for a little while if we go under water see it's right there and as you can see a lot of them escape just got to move some fish out of the way so we can access the bucket ah see there it is i just want you to know i have absolutely no idea how many fish are in here i think like ten thousand so let's pick it up and the game froze oh wait no it didn't oh my god the rate is so bad this is how many frames i get while i'm walking and walking and walking thank god we don't need to go very far oh boy we're getting there here's how buckets work in this game by the way you drop something in and it settles it loses all collision and for that reason you can fill these buckets with a whole lot of stuff which is why i have no idea how many items are in here i tried counting but once you get into the thousands it's impossible come on almost there good god this took forever this is it put it down i swear one day it's gonna get there slowly but surely okay let's see how we did that's looking promising oh my god oh my god amazing well before we sell that we should probably at least dump it i know fishing is beneficial of course we should there goes nothing oh there we go now there goes the fish cube and impact what a splatter and as everything separates out all you see are eyeballs eyeballs and eyeballs well we've been stuck on this screen for a really really long time i'm gonna guess every single one of these little fishies is trying to have its physics calculated as we speak but it hasn't crashed yet so he's thinking no way there goes yeah maybe let's not do that after all i'll just take my money thank you well now that we got cash in hand and an easy way to replenish it it's probably time to do some shopping but we can think bigger than this after all we can find more items in bridgeport let's go so all we need to do is run down a road over a bridge and here we are in lovely bridgeport okay let's see where's the first place we want to spend our money now normally i like to swing by this place fabric's fancy furniture because i have a fun history of stealing from this place oh you know what we should be taking these thrones 14 500 can i just load these into the truck you sure can come on boys load them up leave no thrown unturned no consequences all cash hey wait a minute do you see what i see what the hell is this sign right here wanted let's game it out reward one billion coins to make money looks like we know the first thing we're doing welcome welcome to hobson's power works always open all the best items always in stock hey there mini new come with me you know what they always say a few eggs that sound my eardrums that's the mario kart when you need to cut this out right a cube de la let's game it out come here you and down you go now be careful shut up me you're worth too much to care now where were we huh that's a funny way to say billion but whatever [Music] what happened josh cube talked to me oh fiddlesticks it's gone well everything feels the same kinda all my work here is gone and over here in the shop there's an extra table actually shoved in front of the other tables full of mysterious curiosities creative wand oh my god i must be in creative mode now i remember the devs talking about this and if it's true i can just steal anything so let's find out the legends are true we are in creative mode finally we can do anything we want let's start by trashing the place oh yeah now that's what i'm talking about this is what victory feels like climbing on top of a pile of crap and looking down at a bunch of beds that i'm going to crack you know what i did forget to do though is grab those specialty items before they got buried forever that's okay i grabbed a couple just in case now this hourglass does something very special you can adjust the time of day and then also pause it and next up we got the flight cap put it on look to the skies and gravity is a thing of the past and you feel fashionable looks like i'm up as high as i can go quickly to the borders of the map let us have it sick oh we hit an invisible wall still being able to fly to the boundaries of everything is going to come in mighty handy and the best part is you can take it off mid-flight and no consequences oh my god that picture perfect landing and this thing ah it's like the gravity gun and well that's lovely and lastly we have this magic wand the creative wand duplicates items and can destroy them i'll be the judge of that oh no not duplicating oh very nice now be gone do you know what's another great creative mode prawns be damned i want that fishing rod now why thank you how about another one and another and another oh yeah if you just keep pushing this button magical things happen isn't it great fishing rod oh there's just so many i don't know which one to choose i don't know maybe one will choose us ah perfect i choose you fishing rod so now we're gonna head back to bridgeport because i need you to see probably the best thing about creative mode now here's the things if this were not creative mode you can only build in designated areas everywhere else like the city you're not just allowed to build but here in creative mode besides shoplifting we can play stuff anywhere we want so i guess that means we literally own the place now okay so let's get into the store and what a relief to only have to grab one of each thing since our magic wand will take care of the rest and then let's back up here and let's get the things that matter most beautiful beautiful conveyor belts and my personal favorite satisfactory flush explosives i like the idea that we can just take dynamite just kind of willy-nilly drop it in here with all the other stuff and now it's time to take all this stuff to our first destination here we are at beautiful south hope i sure hope not speaking of south we should probably do a little starter digging and sure we could use a shovel but i'm pretty sure we're above that now isn't that right dynamite i'm sure you're up to the task right and a whole bunch of your closest friends okay there we go just gonna make a nice little space ah i see for when we want that surface of another planet look well so be it sure beats digging by hand hopefully this will do the trick i sure south hope it will ah that's more like it yeah i think i can work with this and you go truck okay i go there and you go there and as you can tell i have no order for anything just like i like it and of course we're gonna need a way out and nothing says expensive operation like a dirt ladder leading out you can laugh all you want but it totally works so as a reminder we're still gonna see if we can find this onyx material because apparently it's really really rare okay so we got a couple different types of drills we can use this one here is called the ram drill so we'll just build a handful and you see these ports in the back that's because they take water to use so before we get too involved in those let's go ahead and hook up our pipes first things first we take this that dreadful noise is how you know i'll be disappointed okay thankfully this thing will take care of it and we'll just keep running these pipes and over to let's crater it out okay there we go but since when if we cared about that let's turn the water back on and let's see how this works all right let's give this a shot ah perfect little crappy pieces of dirt awesome let's make a couple more there we go even better got a bunch of drills and they're all working except they have nowhere to go quite yet so it's just piling up so we're going to use these little vertical guys to really get the dirt moving we're going to set up a different area for processing compliments of our lord and savior being able to build anywhere we want oh please will i build some stuff it's a tour i know i do our journey begins as you'd expect with these little rocks heading away from our facility and finding new life hopping over the south hope sign so after our little rock friends fall off this little cliff it's time to head to town and it's at this point that we have a series of zigzagging back and forth conveyor belts that take us all the way into bridgeport where they take a little deviation from main street to cut through where the cards are at which point we have a small leap of faith there you go fellas trust in the system before heading on over to hobson's power works don't forget to stop at the gift shops it's time for another jump before cutting through these buildings and onward to main street after that it's back down to ground level where you'll cut through the giant skull back out of town and then it's time for a painfully long chant all the way out of town until we get to lovely direct quarry which feels even better because i didn't pay to use this land and eventually we come to this the grinder this cuts the rocks into smaller rocks so that they can more easily drop into this funnel which takes us to the next part of our place where rocks fall down in order to become kill goblins don't mind all this stuff it's all for show all the magic really happens right here rocks fall in and out come various minerals now it's time to head back to the surface where our little mineral friends get to take a little climb a very little climb that's right they gotta go up in the sky again and for that they gotta go up the spiral and once they've reached the top it's time for another journey which takes your gems to this little guy now it's time to head back down all the way down oopsie daisy watch yourself and for the blessed few that make it it's time for a washing compliments of our beautiful sprinkler system and now that the materials are nice and polished it's time for their decisions where they started on the ground back at the original campsite where i can come over and crawl on my hands and knees pick them up by hand and see if there's any onyx in here no no no i guess i'll just have to stare up at the sun and wait for more stuff to hit me in the face thank you it's probably gonna take a while for this thing to start processing tons of materials so i'm just gonna let this run for a little while and then we'll check back in see you shortly eight hours later okay it's been eight hours or so let's see how we did ah i see no gems at all that's the process working let's see if we can figure out what happened you might notice that the frame rate's doing really well which makes me feel very optimistic as we head along the thoroughfare we can see that even though we have some casualties a lot of the rocks are still making it down the conveyor belt and as we get closer to the part where it makes the gems i couldn't help but notice we have very few rocks that made it this far and also due to the uh sluggish frame rate it couldn't help but notice how long it's taking these in fact i sat here and watched this one rock to see how long it would take and while i sped it up for you it took 30 minutes for a rock to go this distance and then once it got down into the facility it took another 30 minutes and then the trip up from here took 45 more minutes and do you want to know where it's journey ended two hours later they got stuck on these little ramps that was their triumphant journey they didn't even make it to the rest of the stuff well i'm gonna call that a huge success we didn't find any onyx but we found something even better about the friends we made along the way nah i'm kidding we ruined the frame rate and that's enough for me thanks again to opera gx for sponsoring link in the description and i'll see you next time good video good video unbelievable okay one that's the end of the video if you enjoyed that video make sure you check out the original description down below if you want to check out more videos uh there's youtube recommended ones there and also the newest ones up there if you want to subscribe hit this over here and you know you might enjoy more reactions so i will see you in the next video later
Channel: Daxellz
Views: 53,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daxellz, Reaction, Gaming, REACTION CHANNEL, REACTION VIDEO, VIDEO, DAXELLZ REACTS, DAXELLZ REACTION, letsgameitout, lets game it out, Daxellz Reacts to Lets Game It Out I Made $1 Billion in 5 Seconds and It Changed Reality - Hydroneer, Hydroneer
Id: viJiN7VWTJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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