Daxellz Reacts to Lets Game It Out I Built an Unethical Zoo ON THE MOON - Planet Zoo

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how's it going everyone dark souls here and toy today we're gonna be reacting to let's game it out again he's built on the ethical zoo again but this time it's on the moon let's get straight into it by the way hey there it's josh welcome back to let's get hey josh we're back with more planet zoo let me catch you up on what we've done in this game so far first we made a zoo full of giraffe hydras tossed a bunch of animal corpses on top of it oh yes before sending them down this rift into hell never to be seen again then we built another zoo with the finer things in life like mascots with googly eyes and pizza stands that blast dust into your face while you're trying to get your food oh yeah you would have been crazy with that one prison for animals and then we kicked it up a notch and we built an actual zoo city complete with the theater our very own bar and two frames per second i remember my suburbs i got some new ideas so let's get started ah here we are again a fresh canvas for new insanity before even passing through these turnstiles our patrons materialize on these convenient teleporters look at this awesome mural back here this is just the default thing that shows up with every zoo you make and you know i feel like it really sets the stage appropriately if you're running this happy so i feel like it's probably our civic duty to change this up a little bit oh that's better that's right run while you can i feel like this accurately describes what to expect when you get to the park like non-stop googly eyes because that's the look when you've just seen too much you know what they're probably looking at though this wall over here we're going to display with pride how many days wow died and yes we're counting today with this zoo with nothing in it and just for so trying to make sure on this side something's going on this poor bear right here inexplicably into this wall oh you know what this scene could use a little more realism so let's go to my favorite tools special effects looking for one of these little nozzles that'll get me smoked here we go and we'll put it right in the engine yeah there we go it's really selling the scene and don't worry little bear friend we know you're appalled and sad but i bet there's something in here we can use to really accentuate your sadness ooh like these water jets um that might be a little bit forceful but let's give it a shot okay well that's absolutely terrifying all right buddy hold still we're going in for more this is if like the terminator figured out how to cry oh wow and you also may have noticed in the background we have a sunshine looking appropriately confused but it might be that the sun is just looking at this it's the moon dreaming about googly eyes don't worry buddy one day you'll have some of your own okay let's get started on the actual zoo people really come here for one simple reason to see animals you can see the car out here for the to believe if we put enough of these things down it'll somehow get less creepy than more creepy i don't think it's happening uh yes here we go a truly royal dystopian welcome it seems like something's missing oh right your ocular implants oh excuse me oh no yes that's going to be drenched oh maybe not that looks impressive oh and i also gave one and only one of them the ability to breathe oh that's the one to watch out for what was i making again a zoo i always forget that's what we're supposed to do in planet zoo so first i added something that's really good that we're gonna put to good use and of course by that i mean nothing but water stands yes you think they'll go here for water when they can just drink all those bear tears for free in fact i feel like that's what i'm going to call water from now on these are water stations let's put that right there i'll hang in there buddy don't make those eyes at me here turn there we go deep into their eyes and we'll just aim the tears downwards oh my god oh are there other signs i can do this to oh thank god there are oh yeah there we go what do you think guy bathing in tears no you're just going to leave okay i understand look at this we've got our bear friend crying and he just said no one left yeah he did him without crying wolf's looking kind of sad an orangutan and lastly cheetah friend just over here constantly shocked okay refreshments are handled now let's focus on the next big thing all that water you're gonna need some restrooms there we go a nice big line of them except all these restrooms closed for cleaning sorry so i guess you're just gonna have to hold it unless you're feeling brave in which case go ahead and take this secret path over here that's going to take you to the one restroom that's still open don't see him oh my god just something weird about this bathroom but when you gotta go right even if it says it's haunted i mean how haunted can haunted be really well the option is there if you want it now that we've got all the basic comments taken care of i think it's time for the main attraction you said it my terrified friend it's time to invite some animals into our zoo and i'm thinking right there is a great spot so let's go ahead and set up a barrier i'm thinking brick this time i mean look at all these beautiful traits opaque not climbable watertight okay in you go go ahead and make this a little taller now we're gonna add a window there we go what a curiosity that is here we go our first animal of the zoo well hello there it's always interesting are you comfortable in there yeah we're done though we got to make it a little more shall we say magical hey bear friend can you help me out that's the spirits have you just turned this way yeah good good hey do you want to adjust your eyeballs a little bit yeah look to the sky is he drowning the girl oh my refreshment to our friend there how do you feel about this friend you'll be [ __ ] it's not like it's going to fill up with water or something [Music] no no well admit i don't know what i was expecting i guess it turns out this thing can hold water oh i know what we need to do oh my god day since last animal death he just drowned this would happen just even i didn't expect it quite so soon oh your bones all ready i'm sorry was this your doing i see that you're out of place yeah that's great don't ever move from your spot again so let's try that again i have another idea okay same deal we're gonna put a little window in it this time it's a cute little window so that we don't make the mistakes of our ancestors by that i mean of course we're still going to spray water into it oh there we go that's what happiness is jacuzzi do you like being version 2.0 forced forever to stare at your predecessor well i think this is enough zoo to open the park at least protesters have arrived at my zoo but why is it the part where we just had an animal death because i assure you this number can only go up from here people seem to be enjoying how confusing this whole situation is you know i didn't think about this before but now i feel like they're buying the actual tears of whatever animal these are so i guess orangutan tears are just real popular and it looks like we have some takers that need to go to the bathroom look how long it takes them to get there well i call this a general success and while this is all a good start i think i have another idea so everyone enjoy your fresh animal tears i'm gonna make something new for you okay so the park's been open for a little while and in that time oh my god you patrons really seem to appreciate the world's most comprehensive animal slides we're talking six amazing shoots each with corresponding animals and of course each one has a giant hole leading to their individual slide you'll know which animals are in which pen based on these handy dandy signs and of course you may recognize these signs as they have a corresponding tier vendor so here's why these people are fighting tooth and nail to get in line to buy their very own animal tears every time someone buys a bottle of tears of the animal of their choice that corresponding animal has volunteered to hop down the super fun happy slide of joy see doesn't that look fun look at that that's not how this chart works i mean if nothing else those animal deaths were donated at least someone's happy being forced to stare at the bones of all their friends into an educational moment by utilizing these educational boards here here we go we'll just put this amazing little screen just right over here where the most people can enjoy it i don't understand why can't i tell them to display a bunch of information about bones that's fine we'll just make our own display see can i just put a sign on top of this screen not even in a way that makes sense context bone pile circa 20 minutes ago there we go all the information you need actually i put another sign down below placed at a height where only children can see it consider yourself everybody dies this seems like it was a big success so let's move on to something even more riveting like this giraffe friend just hanging out right here now you might be wondering what this guy is doing up here you see when they're ready to make a plunge they're going to go down this chute which is going to bounce them anywhere to the left center or right we don't know where he's gonna go but there's a couple of times you can hit if they're like they're gonna end up in this habitat right here i understand no falling to the left they're gonna be dropped into this beautiful child daycare or if they end up going too far to the right they're gonna be deposited into this beautiful build your own stuffed animal emporium very popular with the kids right now so let's do this and see where we land okay giraffe friend you're ready to go too late no okay going down the ship yes there you go buddy okay where's this thing gonna take you looks like we're dropping to the left then probably to the right oh nope looks like he's getting sucked to the left again well i think i know where this is going hey i warned you let's give you one giraffe so far you're in the lead round two let's go got a strong entrance leading to a beautiful drop oh you know i think i know what this is going left again oh my god giraffe friend what's happening to your neck well i know where you're going anyway ah come on kids i'm sure you saw it coming this time that's two giraffes for you final round let's see how this one goes not gonna lie if every single time ended up in the daycare that's a win for us hey kids you get enough yet first of all that was fun oh what now why is everyone running uh bear friend why are you standing out here and what happened to your eyes ah crap i've seen terminator that doesn't seem good well at least the rest of you were in standby mode what is happening to the exits i'm sure nothing bad's gonna happen oh no you're still okay right okay i will admit that's not a great sign maybe they just became self-aware to love us right i don't get it are you telling me there was terrifying well luckily it seems to be like five nights at freddy's where stuff doesn't move unless you're not looking at it isn't that right fellas okay that's a little too close sweeping angels i've got just the contingency plan to deal with this a little something i've been keeping under wraps for emergencies only yep it's what you think it is modeled after the saturn v rocket that took us to the moon oh hell yeah brother uh-oh something tells me it's time to move all we need now is our pilot everybody say hello to commander grace hey graceland time is not exactly on our side okay grace did you hear me commander does this thing work now grace i don't want to tell you what to do i really do want to tell you what to do because there's like a thing happening out here oh how much longer you've got how long must have taken to put all that out there oh my no way he's actually going to be on the moon [Music] several days later well grace i think you've really done it this time if my calculations are correct this appears to be the moon and i don't know if we get to leave this plenty of fresh ground no bear terminators in sight i think this might have real zoo potential because you know what they always say when you accidentally land on the moon go ahead and make moon pies so obviously for our moon zoo we're going to need a place to put the animals so first let's establish some moon hallways there we go these ones go right to the show is this like dlc beautiful moon domes i've made oh and from here we're just gonna have so much moon fun see now we're talking give me a second to put some stuff down and then i'll give you the grand tour five moon hours later time for a moon tour first off kudos to grace who somehow managed to uplift this entire rocket upon leaving the rocket you're good moon is longer or shorter than normal there's an array of options to decide what we want to do next toilets question mark i will see the question mark this is actually i just thought putting one of these signs would be funny not like it matters grace spends most of her time on the ship so i guess what i'm trying to say is this is the bathroom next up we have this cruel joke that i've labeled fun i mean i'm sure it's fun for someone but really it's just a giant maze mostly i just want to give grace something to get lost in and really what kind of zoo would it be if there wasn't a moon maze on the other hand it does serve a purpose because as you see as the sun goes down and we get to enjoy these beautiful negative 200 degree nights here on the moon and as pretty as our moon bases i just can't help but wonder are we alone on the moon or are there moon goblins you don't know there might be all i'm saying is it's good to have a backup plan which is why if you manage to get through the maze over here there's actually a way back onto the ship but you know i'm sure it won't come to that i mean moon goblins aren't real right anyway after you've had your fun head on over to this mystery we discovered on the moon nothing all that exciting i'm sure it's your basic moon mystery just this weird bottomless pit that i can't convince grace to go into yet i mean i'm not going down there if there's moon goblins that's where they live and for the final leg on our journey the zoo we've spared no expense as we built this beautiful moon menagerie complete with high ceilings pressurized atmosphere just like on earth and a lot of space for our animals to roam around in and as you can see we haven't placed the animals yet i figured we could do that together as far as i know this is all the animals we had on the ship to my knowledge they're also all giraffes because of course they are can't wait to try out our moon zoo this is so exciting behold oh no what's happening you guys okay i mean you're inside the dome what happened hey grace you let oxygen in here right you're supposed to push the big green button that says oxygen all right well i guess we got to deal with this mess now so i'm pretty sure these aren't going to decompose here on the moon so we're going to do the next best thing dump them in a giant crater all right come on everybody let's take a little trip outside oh see that's the spirit you're all covered in moon dust already and in you go a nice neat little pile this is going to be a real treasure for future generations to find good night you guys beautiful beasts well let's go ahead and call that a successful failure do we have any more animals we can try this on now oh we got one left hey that was so nice of you to bring it down for us thanks for the special moon delivery good to see her out and about anyway where were we return to sender oh i'm gonna assume that's a no yep get going grace initiate operation run for fun and by fun so i don't want to play the blame game or anything but this is totally your fault well grace looks like we're two for two i guess the moon belongs to the bears now well that was a trip and a half i guess we have no choice but to keep going for more crazy space adventures from what i can tell at least this time we don't have any stowaways speaking of stowaways you might be wondering where did grace go well i made a little pit stop and dropped her off i'm sure she'll be fine so i think we're gonna leave it there for where did he leave poor went out for grace who's gonna die on the surface of mars and i'll see you next time at least he left to the toilet tent yeah that's nice [Laughter] okay well that is the end of the video if you enjoyed that video make sure you check out the original description down below enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up comment would you like to react to next subscribe if you're new to having it i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Daxellz
Views: 95,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daxellz, Reaction, Gaming, REACTION CHANNEL, REACTION VIDEO, VIDEO, DAXELLZ REACTS, DAXELLZ REACTION, daxellz reacts, gaming, planet zoo, Daxellz Reacts to Lets Game It Out I Built an Unethical Zoo ON THE MOON - Planet Zoo, daxellz Lets Game It Out, Lets Game It Out, I Built an Unethical Zoo ON THE MOON - Planet Zoo
Id: Ffvm4kq6kBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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