Dax Reacts to @LetsGameItOut I Built a Kingdom of Suffering Where Nobody Is Safe

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so we're going to do what we normally do and let's check out one of the the coolest gamers in the world let's game it out he's gonna go destroy some stuff obviously break the game that's just expected whenever you watch let's game out you expect two things he's gonna break the game somehow and secondly it's just gonna be funny why he does it so let's get straight into it oh wait we oh good hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out Dynasty today indicator we start out as a child no yeah I have seen this game where you grow up and then you you actually okay you die right but you can could you live through the family that you create I don't know and then turn into a shady young teenager then a full-blown adult and then a tree just like everything Oh and before we get into taking over that land we see I have merch now that's right a shirt a sweatshirt and then another shirt so if you want to check it out links are in the description is this still a thing I might actually no that's right a shirt a sweat a shirt and then another shirt I like the hoodie but it's too hot for hoodies I like the Moon shirt I think I'd have to go for the moon in the description and now it's time to get medieval on some dynasties okay so this is the first thing you see when you start the game up we appear to be in the middle of a beautiful Lush Forest starting to think we've made a beautiful Bender last night which would certainly explain why we're out here in the oh a sign looks like we can head to the right and go to govia or we can head to the left and go to hornika well actually this helps explain it this appears to be us and we appear to be 18. so I don't start at 18. to go to hornuka that's just like an 18 year old's mood at all times wait is that his name are we named Ray Samir did a bunch of Pharmacists name us I guess it really is our name look there's racy mirror's hose and his shirt and his shoes which speakers I don't think we're gonna need any of these things yeah see that's much better here's your prescription of 10 milligrams of no clothes and now onwards whatever the place was that was in hornuka looking pretty he's gonna be that guy we're going to gustavia if for no other reason than our Quest marker is taking us there come by mostly naked good friends it's time to go on an adventure ooh you okay there buddy well I guess there's no better time than now damage might have a health bar as well as stuff for stamina thirst and hunger I'm sure we'll do a great job keeping track of those well hello there creepy children can I speak to your questions please I'm going okay you know what actually I'll just go look myself ah I'm responsible looking adult hello there how are you doing this fine okay you got places to be I get it wait is that not your kid did she just leave you here unsupervised sir sir are you okay back there are you uh are you possessed are you just doing a little jig okay kid it's up to you to be the old it's a horny town I don't think that's gonna happen you and your 45 year old man face okay listen you know what I'm gonna get you out of here things are a little too crazy around here so can I like talk to you or escort you or anything okay that's a no oh wait wow okay cool hang tight kid I'm gonna save you from this mad house oh hello there sir fine morning isn't it yeah don't mind me okay we did it we're outside the town walls oh but we're not done yet I think I know where we need to take you drowned the kid okay let's go okay we're just gonna keep doing a little shimmying so far seems remarkably unconcerned about this whole breathing thing well you know what I think he's gonna be very happy in his new home besides he just he just kidnapped the kid and sent him to the depths and also broke the game by doing so this just tells us what we already knew about this Village is so very haunted wow that took so long it's already getting dark out do people get any more weird when the Sun goes down greetings to thee villagers might I join thine Fire Let's see what do we got here mezamir and Romulus or do we all sound like medication names mesomere I would like to have words with thee hello there let me burn you with my Steely gaze before I stare off and my eyes roll back in my head anyway we've got a few dialogue options here do you have a minute can you move a little bit and I'll go now and if you click do you have a minute you get to talk to them and try and get to know them which we're gonna do no no for now we actually never mind I can move a little bit okay and they just walk away from you okay off he goes he took this can you move around a little bit a little too seriously now it's just us guy that doesn't like to sit down we have a slightly different option from him I'm creating a new settlement I'm looking for good people willing to join me I've heard you are building your reputation up keep going and I might consider your profit position you've heard of me the rem deserveer or whatever well I think that tells us all we need to know which is that we get to build a settlement soon okay hey kid why are you just sitting out here like this but second of all do you mind if I just barge into your place and sleep okay thanks hello oh you a little bastard you found your way back what do you have to say to save for yourself uh you know what devil Charlie I'm just gonna go and by go I mean all the way out of this Village I think I've seen enough for one lifetime surely I could just camp out here somewhere right after all here's our build menu and we can make campfires oh dang it I don't have permission to build out here until I talk to the castle in oh you know what I'm pretty sure that's what that quest mark was for and according to the quest marker I believe this is his house hello there sir nice to see you sleeping in the child bed I Would by the way try to sleep in one of these beds but the game won't let me do that and I don't want to be rude so I'm not going to win I am however gonna stand on his bed and watch him sleep all night well look who's finally awake oh come back here hey get back here race Amir is my name and I came from the south looking for my uncle Jordan back in his old home they called him blah blah blah okay I'll just sum this up this guy gives you permission to build anywhere you want thank you very much hands on hips McGee and as my way of saying thanks can you move a little bit no like a little bit more no like a little bit more keep going yes perfect stand right over there and stare directly it's time to build a house first things first we're gonna have to build a stone ax so we can chop some trees but first we need to find some sticks and stones and just pull some sticks right out of the ground same with you rocks uh-huh and now it's time for a little crafting magic now the nice thing to do would be going to the forest there chop all those trees you know so we don't hurt the natural beauty of the town the natural beauty of the Town we're just gonna chop down all these trees so that they don't have any shade or Aesthetics what am I doing can I chop down the trees literally in the village only one way to find out oh yes oh my God I love this one I think they're having some kind of intense meeting you see there No One's Gonna wait what is this okay wow I don't think they noticed okay now that we've finished making this town a cesspool we're actually gonna use these trees for something first we're gonna give the tree take all the leaves off and give us seven beautiful sticks and then when we smack it again turns into logs I'll just take that not sure where I'm storing these but fine by me and now that we've wrecked the town even more let's go Scout at a place to build our first home so looking at the map that lovely arrow is me let's head over here and see if we can build in some nice wide open land okay onward to what I better stay in the valley this is my home now it would appear that this is the edge of the map but there's so much more over there and I want to see it I don't want to stay in the valley yeah it's a way to get over there let me think about this for a second 30 minutes later that's a short amount of time this works are you ready so if you run across you have all this time while it's fading out you can also quick save the game anytime you'd like so if I run across the boundary that makes me break the game finishes and the game loads back in they can't stop me now I've beaten all their Petty rules that said a couple of problems which is that not only is this not a good place to put a house stops right here all this space it's not even gonna let me try to put a house over there or whatever then let's go exploring can't wait to see where the path takes us it's just gonna I this sounds like I don't know if it's like it's yeah words I don't think it's is it a game stopping him from like continuing or is this where they haven't like finished building the game because if it's where they haven't finished building the game you're just gonna fall through the ground surely right what do you think's waiting for us riches Fame ah yes of course the end of one unfinished yeah do you think we can land on this below only one way to find out you died well I would certainly hope so seeing as how my body was torn asunder between Dimensions okay let's try this again go meet up with what's his face is that him why are you on that little stool buddy are you in a Timeout you know whatever just give me permission to the thing don't forget to strip these clothes off and this time let's put them on the ground grab some branches grab some rocks again oh watch out so we can turn this into this now it's time to figure out where to place watch out what did he do so we can turn this into this now where to place our first house unfortunately as much as I want to I can't just place it in the town or even directly outside the town because sadly we're not ready to build too close to another Village if we look on the map though I think I see the next best thing this little Island right here home sweet home out of the way and at long last let's figure out where we're gonna place this house bummer we can't place on water so I guess we'll just try to the next best thing the next thing we need to do is pull out our building Hammer which allows see where we need to do more construction we have walls windows we can build up and then we can also edit these walls also give them windows can I build something with no door at all just go around and fill these all out oh my God that worked there are now no doors on this whole house it's just all windows okay so we'll just go around and finish up the road this piece doesn't want to finish oh this building must have a door okay fine we'll put a door on it there you happy I certainly hope wait why can't I get in you know I think I see the problem I think the game expects you to put the door right there and not fly around so now I can't even get into the house because there's a cooking station in the way I mean that's okay who wants to use their house for cooking sleeping or living either way this seems like a really promising start to our kingdom the next step is we need to clear some space for more stuff so these things have to go and in order to do that looks like we're gonna have to get a shovel so there's a bunch of different things that we can craft by hand including of course the stone ax but then other stuff like another building Hammer a knife a spear but something I'm not seeing is a shovel let's head back I'm curious how much one costs to buy let's see who sells things around here hello is there a Shopkin that kid is creepy so I can't actually find anyone in town that sells shovels however I did notice one just sitting still wondering that's going to face her instincts and stuff yes um who's gonna watch you Griselda I wasn't doing anything whatever I'm just gonna take it anyway Dynasty reputation minus 25. what does that even mean Griselda because that's what happens when I steal pretty much anything oh that one's only negative five I'll take that wooden spoon I suspect that this could hurt me later because if he recall I would walk up to people and be like I'm creating a new settlement and then they were like reputation required 50. I'm going to assume negative 37 is not their liking oh my God everything is there a limit to how low this number can go and to determine that it looks like 12 hours later oh wow even opening it just gives me a negative 20 Dynasty reputation there wasn't even anything in it oh more good news by the way I can just keep opening and closing the chest and getting more reputation pulled off well this is gonna be easy in no time okay so far so good we have a reputation of negative nine thousand let us proceed shall we oh what's happening oh you've been cast out of the valley huh but there's got to be a way I can steal this thing the limit must be 9999 yards there yeah get out of here I have an idea for this one of the items that you can craft is a wooden spear one of the great things about the wooden Spears you can throw it so I kind of Wonder can I like throw the spear and like move the item oh my God yes maybe I can like move this item out of the view of prying eyes okay yeah that might work here goes nothing oh hey that worked the important part is that I got something for free one two three wow aren't I the strong one I can pull a tree trunk out in one go with a one shovel oh race a mirror Enigma okay with all the trunks removed I think we're gonna make this little island the place where everybody lives so for now let's go ahead and place this as close as we can to the other building and again and again let's keep in mind too that all these houses are expecting that we're gonna put the doorway right here we're not of course this is just gonna be a window and then we're gonna instead put the door like I don't know right here with the other their neighbor's door facing out right here not like it's gonna matter of course since no one's getting in and out of these homes like the only way for me to get out is to switch my hammer to destroy mode break a wall and then put it back up oh I made a mistake you can actually enter this house I better move the door let's put it right here in front of this bed okay oh it's even more perfect you can actually leave but then once you from getting back in okay fantastic and that's what I like to do for now because it looks like we've reached the current building limit well looks like it's about night time we should probably pack it in for the night oh yeah and by that I mean go around the side jump up and down until we can start a fire through the wall and then let's go around I can access the bed from outside nighty night oh where am I oh I see it's daytime now I must have had a nice restful sleeps the game was physically too easy for him so we have to make it harder for himself I'm bumped up against this fresh day fresh us let's go be a people person let's see who wants to join my Village hey Princess Leia what are you up to I like how when you talk to her she immediately starts nodding her head like uh-huh all right we need to get our reputation out and I believe the best way to do it is sweet sweet side quests as indicated by our Compass up here can I help you with something I need crafting materials blah blah blah sure give me the list and for doing a little fetch Quest I get some money and some reputation hey wait come back here I've got it all and then he would mostly Works off leaving me with my riches hello you you look like you have a quest for me hi he says while he faces completely away from me anyway then he proceeds to tell you his life story but it doesn't really matter because it's all to get him wait he was 19. he's 19. he's angsty he's gonna look me away from me anyway then he proceeds to tell you but it doesn't really matter because it's all to get him one stick ta-da another Quest completed and 8 billion side quests later here we are reputation 185 who wants to be a part of the magic now sounds like what I was looking for with pleasure great see you there and she gets up and off she goes hey do you know the way there okay try not to get killed okay who all the way around to talk to me please join my settlement okay thanks I don't actually know if that's the right way oh you know I've been standing here all day waiting for people to arrive I believe this is them right there are you too stuck did you get lost oh you know what it might be that the game thinks they're homeless I guess I need to assign my whole house let's see do I choose this simple small house the simple small house or the simple small house still don't want to move huh well that's okay I have ways of making this work look I didn't want to shove you either you made me do this oh don't give me the hands on hips wait a minute hold the phone new icons have arrived and I believe this means we need to give them food and firewood what do you guys think this is an Airbnb I have this rotten meat rotten meat chance to Poison 100 but look at that freshness it's weird but he didn't want food maybe I need to put it in my Village somewhere oh each hum has a chest I'll just put it in there here have three rotten meat what do you mean that didn't do it it's still technically edible okay technically they can't get in to see if there's something I can steal in town for you don't you people have some free food around here somewhere I'm going with Plan B then and I think we can probably guess is going so I could actually just talk to this guy who is willing to sell me meat for only six dollars so instead I'm gonna ask this guy if he can just move a little bit uh-huh no just keep moving yeah keep going keep going okay yeah just stare out there for a while just don't look in here okay I'm gonna be doing something real fast no wait where's everybody going yeah don't worry buddy everything is fine oh he's trying to kill the cow actually I guess this is probably for the better right hold still please get one letter and eight meat thank you for your patronage sir and while we're out running errands let's legally procure some firewood surely they'll use it even if it's good and stuff to take the basket everyone I'm back oh you both found your way inside great and I brought you some stuff let me just jump up and down until I can get in this crate what is this what'd you guys do like barf in this box a residue of rotten food oh I gotcha well I brush anymore let's go ahead and just put it right on top of the rod what raw meat's not gonna do it for you either why are you people so picky all right hold on it's gonna make a fire out here real quick don't say I didn't do anything for you here you happy oh okay good I'm glad you're happy at hotel Josh oh hey I didn't see you there just Blair witching in the corner here's your roasted meat a la rot there everyone's food needs are finally met oh yeah have some stolen firewood okay looks like everyone's happy now that's what we'll call this now rest up I'm expecting great things from you now right over here we're getting some time and build some other stuff because in addition to housing we need to give these people some jobs we're gonna start by building a wood shed which I believe means that their job will be deforestation okay with your mood of three percent time to assign you to a workplace see there we go profession Lumberjack now the real question is if she's gonna get any work done considering she can't even get out of her house although goodness helper she appears to be trying she sees where she's supposed to be working through those trees right there and just desperately wants to be out there and we'll put another wood shed right he's a lumberjack oh look at that she's almost making it outside I mean not quite but I appreciate the fighting Spirit here maybe I should help her out wait are you not trying to get out anymore wait where did she go did she make it out oh what are you doing up there you just floating and these two are just staring out their window horrified oh okay she's just just found herself in another corner of someone else's house now what I'm real Curious of is actually still gonna get chopped even if people can't make it to their jobs I don't think so much pile up but I'm not seeing any trees go away and just like magic if we go up to the chest they just have logs and sticks in them well that's just super I don't know how you all managed to do this while stuck in your home Color Me impressed and just like that it's Autumn outside are you guys seeing this beautiful thing um what the hell am I looking at am I watching interpretive dance well so far this is working out great whenever I need more food and fun someone else back into town see what the cows are up to wait to see more fresh firewood and there always is come back and see that my wood supplies are always full all right let's clear some space out of here and make sure they keep working and I'll just take all these logs and stuck them all on the ground yes perfect that's just what I meant that was beautifully unexpected I don't know why they go flying like that I'm assuming it's because I'm letting them all go at once and Back To Nature with you okay I'm gonna have to see how far we can take this madness Okay listen keep on working okay I'm gonna go recruit some more people you yes you the one that's like stay away from me would you like to join my Village and how about you with the dead-eyed stare you'd be a perfect addition a bajillion people later and just like that oh my God he's not joking just to go along with that we have even more housing the most defined cell blocks you can imagine everybody is busy keeping themselves entertained each room is its own fresh hell of hilarity oh not everyone I guess they're upset with each other wait a minute what do you got there oh my God you had a kid that can happen celebration first let's remove this wall cool and now deadbeat dad is just taking off and let's get you and the baby some freshers that's not quite what I meant but you're the parent thank goodness all kids in this game can breathe underwater and mom's face is to drift away from her eyebrows either way I'm glad you two were happy anyway let me give you the rest of the tour as you saw from the roster of people everybody's gainfully employed as a lumberjack where they work with all these brand new stations I made where I just glitched Phantom would pile up and then once the pile is complete I take all the available logs and then I cast them back into nature and boy am I excited to have so many stations where I can keep doing this because really below subscribed to the channel thank you for subscribing this is asking our favorite question again is there a limit to how many of these logs I can just hurl into nature I do believe there's only one way to find out 10 [Music] 000 plus well it turns out you can put quite a few down you're looking at about ten thousand logs that goes from the wood pile Oh my God onto the shoreline you might also notice that my frame rate is phenomenal now we also have a weird situation that's why my third person has shown up in this house which raises all kinds of questions like you know you're not holding your baby right wait is this your daughter is she all grown up already but you know these logs aren't just for making a beautiful slideshow because we can use these logs to craft some they go from one to 19 so fast these wooden hoes why a hoe you may ask because if we take them and head over to town we can sell hoes for 18 a piece that's not a bad amount to make per ho and that's how I turn this paltry some into a king's Ransom no big deal when I come swaggering through town everyone buddy knows me as the hoe guy oh did I mention the frame rate is still horrible and it's messing up oh my God you know what I come back to my village with my riches and just like this lady I can't help but feel like something's missing you're right deadbeat dad I should get married but before we do that let's go ahead and pick up some of these logs because after people you can't spell family without frame rate okay true welcome back frame rate how many did you have to pick up okay it's time to introduce the town to the most eligible bachelor well hello you're the first person I saw how are you doing so generally the way this works is we have someone like Berta age 21. that actually works out well because if you can believe it or not we're actually 21 at this point oh wow that makes sense and all but you know sometimes the heart just wants me please put someone else in mind Gustavo age 56 I want to tell you something beautiful lady sorry but I'm married to whom this guy but he's not gonna kill it times he's gonna die a year what I'm trying to say is I'm willing to wait until you are okay and then she'll be mine 39 years well I'm still around downtown 60 years old still not surely that woman is not around anymore I I reckon she went before the husband that's my suggestion and finally I'm here to ask for her hand in marriage what you're still alive how old are you now 97. oh you want to play this game do you okay you asked for it I'm gonna go stare for the space a little bit longer 15 more years okay another 15 years we're now 75 years old surely this guy is dead now right oh my God you look remarkably good for someone 112. wait does anybody die hello barkeep how are you keeping at age 97. in fact I think this is just a town of geriatrics now even this guy was like oh you look young by comparison nope 75. do you remember when I said this is haunted I think we have all the proof we need well I guess I need to pick a new partner then well hello there atelia age 78. I wanna tell you something beautiful Dynasty ends you died of old age without an air well this wouldn't have happened if I was away everybody else how come I die at 75 or whatever and they just live forever okay I've rolled [ __ ] 21 years old again I've reassessed my words and now that I see the two of you sitting here I guess I'm just gonna try to marry the young version of you instead yes yes I will marry you you've made me the happiest man alive oh my God which one of these houses is mine ah there you are looking as full of life as ever I see can you help me with something my love I think we're ready for a child I feel so too okay I guess that's all I needed thanks okay I guess just like that we have a baby on the way all that magic happens standing at the windowsill and there it is my little bundle of joy special appearance by this thousand yard stare and also say hello to my neighbors who exist only to freak us out ah they grow up so fast don't they don't you agree wife you know you're right we haven't been on a family outing in a while come on everybody we're going outside doesn't it don't to agree wife oh well I think my legacy is secured so I hope you had fun I know my Dynasty did I'm just gonna let the current take me away and I'll see you next time good video very cussed but good video as always okay everyone that's the end of the video If you enjoyed that video make sure you hit that like button subscribe make sure you check out the original in description down below I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Daxellz
Views: 11,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daxellz, Reaction, Gaming, REACTION CHANNEL, REACTION VIDEO, VIDEO, DAXELLZ REACTS, DAXELLZ REACTION, Dax Reacts to @Let's Game It Out I Built a Kingdom of Suffering Where Nobody Is Safe, dax reacts, daxellz lets game it out, lets game it out, I Built a Kingdom of Suffering Where Nobody Is Safe
Id: 1g-Xm-ZtBjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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