Davinci Resolve Speed Editor Masterclass - YOU NEED THIS FOR YOUR EDITS!

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right so here we have the DaVinci Resolve speed editor I'm not necessarily going to go through each of the keys in order or in the same section I'll try to do that as much as possible I won't go too extensive into what everything does this way the video is not extremely long but I will cover mostly what everything does and how you can use this to add Clips to your timeline and move the process quickly along so so you'll see how Clips on the left hand side what I'll go ahead and do is now is hit source and this brings up our source tape on the right hand side with our preview window right now I have it set to jog so if I go ahead and scroll my wheel here we can jog through our footage and we can adjust the speed the quicker we do this the quicker it goes through all our footage now if we want to go a little bit quicker we can hit on scroll and then if I do that now it Scrolls through a lot quicker the other option we have over here is shuttle so if I move this to the right it'll start playing our footage and add it moving pretty quick there so let me go ahead and move it back in the other direction so basically what you can do is change the speed at which it plays to the footage the way you can tell how quick it's playing is next to the loop button underneath the preview window it will indicate that for you so right now it looks like it's at six times the speed or three right now it's at three times the speed so I'm going to move it back in the other direction right now looks like it's at half speed and of course if we needed to stop it we could just turn the wheel up to the point where it's back to normal time we're going to change that back to jog now let's say we wanted to put something into the timeline we like this clip right here in particular so I'll jog this back a little bit and maybe right winner hands touch the food there so let's go ahead and click in that will be our end point and then I'll scroll a little bit forward here I'm going to jug maybe right where she pulls away I'll hit the out button and then up here I will hit append and what that is is a pen to end that basically puts it at the end of your timeline of course we didn't have a timeline this is the first clip so it just obviously goes and throws that on a timeline but you'll notice that we can just quickly go through that with all the footage so let's say right here we wanted to do this and then I'll move forward maybe when she starts walking away she looks at us again we go ahead and we stop right there I'll add a pen moves it to that part of the timeline I'll scroll back a little bit here of course I'm using Jog and I probably could use the other option to get it through quickly but I'm already on this clip here so let's go ahead and put an out Point here move back a little bit maybe when he gets yeah when he gets ready to get up I'll hit n same thing append so you'll notice that this way we can just go through all our clips set the in and out points and then drop them quickly onto our timeline of course I probably would have done it quicker if I wasn't showing you guys but you can see how this would really speed up your process okay so I'm going to move from The Source up top to the bottom to the timeline so I'm going to click on timeline and now we can scroll back on our footage across the bottom now just to be clear the bottom portion where you can actually see the clips is a zoomed in portion of the timeline now the next thing I want to show you is place on top so let's go ahead and come back to the source because I want to choose one of those clips I just wanted to move that to that portion on the timeline as a location where I want it to go so let's go ahead I don't think we've added this yet so let me go ahead and choose some in and out points for this let me quickly show you something too if I click on Source if I double click on source it will show a different clip and that's because we have in and out points on a different clip so I'll hit the escape button over here to get to the previous screen so that's this button what I can do now is hit an end point here and then and I'll Point here we can double click on source and that's what we're looking at that's the clip that we're going to place on the bottom so now I'll go ahead and hit place on top and it places the clip on the next line down on our timeline now if I come back the timeline I'm going to scroll back here a little bit foreign now let's say we didn't like this clip in particular we changed our mind we didn't want to use this any longer we have the option here for ripple delete and ripple delete does exactly as it says what it will do is delete that clip and then Ripple the timeline back the way that the cut page works is that it doesn't leave any gaps so by doing this it will push everything back and then it will be one continuous timeline so let me go ahead and click on that and you'll notice that's exactly what happened one thing I would also like to point out is that now if you look at the section above it doesn't cover the entire length and that's just because it's there's not that many Clips on the timeline once it reaches a certain length no matter how long you go everything is going to fit but just because we have these three clips and they're not that long that's why those blue bars aren't reaching off to the right hand side but let's go ahead and continue to add some more Clips here I'm going to come back to source we're going to escape out of here so we can see all our clips I'm going to let me go ahead and scroll ahead now all right we changed our mind again so now we want to add this back in so let me go ahead and hit an endpoint and then we'll scroll forward and we'll hit an out point and then append which will append to the end there just so we have more footage to work with I'm going to do the same thing here so we're going to hit in and then uh let's go ahead and make the out right there so that and append if I come back to timeline let's go ahead and scroll back a little bit then I'm going to hit jog what you'll notice is that the nearest edit Point has that white arrow that points down I'll indicate this on the screen so you can see it now because we don't have the snapping feature on that magnet it will once I move the wheel it will move right past it you'll see what I mean in a second here so I can continue to scroll the wheel and everything is fine now if I turn on snapping even if I move the wheel it stops there for just a second and then it will continue to move now this is good if you actually do want to get to an edit point and you want to insert footage on your timeline so it depends on what you want to do as far as the snapping function goes now if I double tap it and hold it it has a different function on the side of a lot of these keys there is an additional function and this one does this so let me double click and then scroll and it adjusts our preview window and our timeline size and the same thing with this Escape function so let's go ahead and maybe do a place on top and that placed it on top of all our footage this particular clip right here but we changed our mind we don't want to do that we double press on this button and that just undoes our last function so the next option I'm going to show you is transition now even though we're not on the edit point where that white arrow is it will still know to put the transition there so let me show you what I mean if I press on transition it will go ahead and place a transition right in that area Now the default one is cross dissolve let's say we didn't want that one in particular so if I press and hold transition I can actually scroll to the different options so let's say I wanted to do dips of color instead choose that option let go and now that is our transition now we do have these options down here let's say now that I've changed it to tip to color let's say we want to change it back to dissolve so I can go ahead and do that now it's back to a dissolve let's say we changed our mind and we don't want any transition there I can hit cut that gets rid of the dissolve and then makes it a straight cut smooth cut that's not something I'm going to address in this video basically if you're doing an interview setup and the subject isn't moving too much you can make a hard cut between two different clips but it will make it a smooth transition so it won't be obvious that there was a cut there there's a certain case for that again I won't cover it in this video but that's what that transition is about now if we want to make a cut in this timeline we can go ahead and hit the split button here and let's say that I didn't want that clip right next to itself obviously I went and cut up the same clip let's say I wanted to move that somewhere else so I can hold down the button for split which is actually move and then I'll use the wheel and now I've moved it to the other side again remember there are other options there are secondary options on the side of these buttons now this one says Audio Level we won't address that right now we'll come back to that so the other option is if I double tap it adds a marker you can see that right there if I triple tap it adds a marker and it brings up the screen where obviously you have all these options where you can type in exactly what this marker is for what's going on in the footage and choose the color there's actually an option for that too so let's go ahead and move this back here I'm going to escape out of that window so if I double press and hold on that button it doesn't have to be that blue marker so let's say I wanted it to be uh maybe yellow instead so I leave it there I let go and now we have a yellow marker on our timeline so we have this footage right here and let's say we didn't want to sit through this we wanted to break it up a little bit so that it wasn't just one continuous clip we have the option for close-up so I'll click on close up and that is the same clip just on top of itself but punched in a little bit so let me go ahead and scroll so right now I'm after that clip and here's our close-up now you'll see here that it's zoomed in on a portion of the footage that's not ideal if we press down on that option and then scroll the wheel it's our y positioning so we can come in here and we can actually move the location of the footage there isn't an option to adjust the X position at least not that I'm aware of but you can go ahead and do that on the right hand side in the inspector so let me bring this back over here a little bit and then we have this stop and play button at the bottom so let me go ahead and play through this footage punches in and then we're on the other side of that punching now this goes without saying but just to be clear when you place anything on top anything that's at the top on the timeline will obstruct anything beneath it so if you wanted to do something like that with a punch in with a close-up it will go above anything else in the timeline the other option we have up here is smart insert so let me show you what that does let me come back to source and let's say we wanted to use uh different footage here so let me go scroll back all right let's go ahead and use that so I'm going to place an end point here and then an out Point here let's go ahead and click on Smart insert so even though our timeline indicator the red bar that you see at the bottom there wasn't at the point where the cut was between those two clips DaVinci Resolve knew that is where the next clip was going to go again based on those white arrows so we've taken care of these four Clips up here we've taken care of most of these here we've discussed the source and timeline we've discussed these three keys over here we can talk about the ones in the middle section over here and then we'll finally discuss the ones in the middle okay and I've made some adjustments to the timeline and this is just so we can see the changes that we're going to make a lot easier you'll notice where I have the timeline indicator right over that clip there so if we choose the trim in I'm going to press that down and then scroll this back and that will choose the endpoint of that particular clip to be clear the reason is choosing the endpoint of that particular clip is where those white arrows are up top if I press and hold trim out and move the wheel now it's going to change the out point of the previous clip so let me go ahead and show you that and if you're using jog you can really dial in the exact portion of the footage that you want to have that previous clip end at one thing I will mention about these particular options is that you'll notice in the blue area in the middle section that the length of our timeline is in fact changing now this isn't necessarily a bad thing but if that's something that you want to avoid it's just something that you want to keep in mind now because of the length of these clips that area is going to fill out so let's say I wanted to leave it there I Let Go and now that blue area covers the entire length again if I hold down roll this will roll the edit point and again this is nice because it shows you the clip on either side you can choose where the trailing clip comes in and the last clip before it stops now let me go ahead and do that again and I just want to point out that this particular one doesn't adjust the length of the timeline now it's adjusting a different portion and this is just because that is where the arrows are pointing once again you don't have to have the timeline indicator over one of the edit points if it gets close to one it will show those arrows so just be aware of where those are now let's say I didn't want to roll the edit Point let's say I wanted to slide the clip so if I double click and then slide our wheel here and then move our wheel here now the clip is remaining the same size the timelines remaining the same size but now we get to control where this clip comes in so we'll see the last part of the clip before it and the first part of the clip that follows it we have an option here for slip source so if I press that and roll the wheel again this is not adjusting our timeline length or our clip length and this is just moving the in and out point of the clip that our timeline indicator is over the other option is to slip the destination so if I hold that down it's the one that follows it so we can see up top where the beginning and end points are and we can make our decision there once again not adjusting the length of the timeline one thing I didn't cover over here is if we enter a transition and put that onto our timeline we have this option here for transition duration so I can press that down and we can move this to whatever size we want our transition to be there is an option that says set on the side and that's just so that you can set the size of the transition and that will be the one that it uses each time another thing I didn't mention is on the side of these two keys up here smart insert and append it says clip on the side what that means is that it will ignore the in and out points and it will just put the entire clip on the timeline and the way you do that for all of them is a double press so if you wanted to just put the entire clip on the timeline double press smart insert double press that and again if you wanted to set the length of the transition duration then you can double press that key there the one other key that we really didn't discuss that is somewhat self-explanatory before we get into multicam is this full view so if I go ahead and press this obviously it brings that screen full View if I double press it plays our footage so this way we can review our timeline I can hit stop and then I can hit Escape to get back to our timeline okay so now I've created a new timeline and I'll quickly show you how to set this up even though it's not tutorial on multicam and then I'll show you what how we can use the speed Editor to go through these clips so let me go ahead and come up to this option right here and this is the sync Clips option and then because all these clips have audio on them including the audio clip itself I'm going to choose this option right here which says audio so I'll click on that I'll click on sync and now it's lined up our clips now just to verify if we go ahead and re-scroll the timeline here just based on her actions there it looks like it's lined up pretty well so let's go ahead and choose save sync so from here let's go ahead and hit the sync pin button up top now you'll notice in this case there's actually 13 different clips there's actually 12 clips and then the audio file there isn't 13 options here and as far as I know there isn't a way to initiate a 13 option it's still great that they have nine different camera angles because on a lot of sets that's pretty rare that you'll actually have more than nine to be fair that's not impossible I'm just saying despite the fact that it doesn't include any more than nine nine is still a pretty good amount so let me go ahead and scroll this wheel forward a little bit and you'll start to see how everything fills in so let's say I like that camera angle six now we do have an audio track so I'm going to click on video only because I don't want to hear the camera audio along with the audio that was recorded professionally so I'm choosing video only holding down cam 6 and then scrolling the wheel we're sort of just painting it on and it shows us that clip by itself so let's say maybe when she takes off her jacket that's all we want from that then maybe we like the angle 7 where it has a close-up of her face so let's go ahead and do that all right now she's pretty much turned away there let's cut to another band member maybe a camera two I'll press and hold that all right she's about to move out of frame and you can see how we can quickly go through each of these number nine we can head over to the drummer the whole band on camera five now we have the audio clip down here so what I'll do is double click on that it brings up our entire audio it only has a small portion selected let me go ahead and hit smart insert you'll notice that in this case it's only put that selected portion down on our timeline but because all these clips are synced up and because this is our main audio what I'm going to do is actually go ahead and drag it back to the beginning so let's go ahead and do that let me actually go ahead and mute this bring it back to the beginning over here now that music seems pretty loud so let's go ahead and click on Audio Level once and we can adjust the waveform at the bottom there so something like that maybe just a little bit smaller all right let me unmute the sound let me switch back to timeline and let's watch through our clips [Music] foreign [Music] that I want to discuss is this over life over right button right here you can see that it's off if I press it once you'll see that it illuminates with that red LED if I press it twice on the side of the key there this is random so it just inserts a random clip from our timeline at a random length I'll go ahead and do it again and it's added that one to our timeline so let's go ahead and watch through that and that's nice if you don't want to make the executive decisions and you just want to throw out some random options and see if the system does a good job of putting those clips onto the timeline so let's again let's watch through that and it appears in this case it's actually chosen the same clip but but of course if you don't like one of those you can highlight that option and go ahead and delete it and the very last thing I wanted to discuss is that live override option now with that selected it does change the function of each of these I won't go into that again I don't want to make this video too long so I'll choose live override I'll choose cam 2 and if I scroll through the timeline I can just paint on that particular clip same thing let's say I wanted to change it to cam 3 instead let's do that of course I've neglected to say video only so it's adding the video there but you can see in this case you can go ahead and go through the clips choose which one that you want to use and then paint them on that way without needing to hold those keys down if you like post-production as much as I clearly do or color grading or playing with gear testing gear out go ahead and subscribe to the channel I'd love to have you be a part of this community thanks for watching the video go ahead and give this video a like if you have any questions or obviously if you have any comments go ahead and leave those in the comment section below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Post. Color. Gear.
Views: 12,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, resolve 17, speed editor, cut page, edit page
Id: uhL5naXtLYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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