BRAND NEW 3D Keyer In Davinci Resolve 17

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what's going on guys it's been a while so today's video we're going to be looking at the new 3d keyer within the avengers of 17. we're going to be going over how to use it if it's any good and my opinion i mean if you don't watch the whole video i want to know my opinion do i think it's good yes also no also yes also no let's get into the video so here we are in adventure resolve 17 yes welcome welcome and i'm going to be showing you how exactly we're going to be using the 3d keyer first and foremost why is this such a big deal this is a huge deal enables you to green screen and key of footage right within the edit page now this is very important because before if you wanted to key green screen footage you could do either within the color page or the fusion page when i have a video out very soon about which method of keying out green screen footage is the best so look out for that but that is not this video this video is all about the new 3d keyer within davinci resolve 17. so now we got that the way how do we find it well it's in the effects tabs if you go to right here top left corner click onto effects library if you scroll down you'll be able to find resolve fx key and all we need to do is drag this onto our footage bang now i'm going to drag this into all four of our clips i have four clips at the moment for most common green screen scenarios when you're going to be edited using this method so you've got a clip here we've got kind of like a stylized clip here where it's coming onto the screen we've got the weather reporter here so again this is a common use for green screen and also memes because memes so let's get started we're going to start with the doggo footage because who doesn't love dogs unless you're a cat person to which case you may be a serial killer but i digress let's get started so how do we start keying out our green screen footage very simple click onto our clips make sure your inspector is open and then navigate to effects straight away you can see we're presented with this menu here which says 3d keyer and he'll be presented with the controls to get started now essentially to get started you're going to need to start drawing onto your clips it's kind of like using the magic mask you're going to draw a small line and enable the system to use a giant brain to start keying out to footage as you can see when i start to draw nothing's happening why is that well it's very simple now with certain individual resolve 17 effects in order to start using some of them you may need to go to the bottom here navigate to open effects overlay and now if i start drawing a line you can see it working now essentially right here we have three different controls we have the pick tool which once selected enables you to do your first color stroke so once you do that you're able to isolate an initial key generally highlight the areas with the most type of grid because normally with green screens depending on how it's lit you may have different hues of green ideally you want one giant hue of green and one tone so it's easier to key but that's not always the case so if that's the case you'll use this initial pick tool to select the most common or the biggest hue of grid after that you're able to continue to draw lines onto the other hues or different tones of the group and that's done with this tool which is the add tool now essentially automatically after you've drawn your first line of the pick it will swap to the add tool you're unable to use the pick a second time because if you click onto the pick once more it will reset all of these lines and start again with an initial color so once that's done again it will automatically swap to the addition pick and you can just draw lines you can just draw lines the parts where you believe have room that you can key out again you're not going to get this perfect every single time speaking of which you should see we have a subtract pick now this doesn't work how you think it doesn't allow you to get rid of any of the lands how it essentially works is it will put back in the green or the key into your footage so if i draw a line you can see that it's putting back in some of the green key so again this might be what you want this might not be what you want but as far as i can tell there is no way to get rid of any of these lines individually you're going to have to do the whole key again so to do that you can either press the reset tool here or you can press the pick tool again and just draw a new line that's what i'm going to do and i'm just going to draw a little line across areas where i think i can get a decent key okay straight away we've got this now you can see here that we have key and options i'm not going to go over the color spaces for another video but you can see we have d spill the hover over d sport says it corrects for greenness and blue screen color leakage now what does this mean essentially what it means is imagine you have a person in fact imagine we have this person here right and we are keying out this green screen footage you might see that there may be a little bit of green on her face or reflections as such d spell will essentially try to adjust for these colors so there isn't much color leakage onto the subject or the background so that's what dsport does so if we go to here you can see that if i press it it probably won't do anything because there isn't too much spill on our subject or around our subjects but it may color correct the background and change it from green to say yellow or red so if i press this that's exactly what it's done so again there are certain situations where this is going to work perfectly and you might be able to just press these building keys done but for this instance it's not the case we're going to find an example very soon within the next four which this is going to work but essentially that's how this fill should work you actually have a lot more parameters with despawn normally since this is just an effect that you can do within the edit tab you don't have as many customizations as you would have within the fusion tab which is part of the reason why i think this may not be the best or most effective key but i'll hold my reservations and my judgment into the end but i'll tell you my conclusion let's continue to get on so right here we have the matte finesse controls and here's where you'd really tweak your controls to get your key right and looking really good before we do that however if i scroll all the way down you can see you have an output by default it's showing me the final result so this is what the key will look like as a final result so if for example i grabbed some footage i grabbed this footage in a cloud now you can see that this is what the footage looks like because the output is the final output right go back to the effects which by standard this looks not bad but you can see from before that it's not a perfect key at all if i were to put other footage in there you'll be able to see here it's not the perfect key we've got some artifacts here some splashing it does not look good so back to what i'm saying here at the bottom it says output final composite there's an alpha highlight and it's an alpha black and white now i personally like the alpha black and white very much so because this is an important feature which is also kind of similar to the status feature within the delta gear again the delta key is the most powerful key individual 17 i'm gonna have a video dedicated just for that keying method but essentially how the status and this alpha highlight black and white actually works is everything which is black is being keyed out so if i go back to final composite you can see everything which is in the black region is being keyed out everything which is in the gray region is actually transparent so it's almost keyed up but not quite i'll go to final composite as you can see and everything which is white is being shown so that's basically effectively being shown within the key so if i go to find a composite you can see the dog is completely solid he's being shown he's not see through he's not keyed out it's completely being shown so this tool is essentially very very powerful in getting the perfect key because straight away you can see whereabouts your key may need some work so right now we're going to leave an alpha highlight black and white and i highly suggest you do this whilst you're adjusting the mat finesse controls of your key so right here you can see we have deniers essentially people tend to denounce the image before and after their key in order to get a much cleaner result it's much easier to pick a color out of the key if there isn't as much noise also sometimes after you do your green screen footage it may introduce noise into your image again i'm not going to get into the very specifics because that's for the delta key in video but generally speaking people tend to denounce the image just a little bit so i'm going to go off to final composite i'm going to denote the image just a little bit and we have that okay great next we have clean black clean white blur radius and in and out so if i clean black straight away you can see we have an amazing key but i'm going to go back from final composite into alpha highlight black and white so we can see this in more detail if i click clean black you can see that the black regions are absorbing any gray or white noise so if i clean black you can see bang we have a much cleaner key if i go too much however you can see it's eating into our image which is not what we want it's actually spilling into the white parts of our image so if i go to final composite you can see that we have this effect so the edges seem to be fairly transparent if i drag footage over it you can see that's correct the edges seem to be fairly transparent which is not what we want we want it to be fairly defined so i'm going to go back click onto our footage go down to effects go back to alpha black and white and i'm going to make sure that this is not blurred go back to effects map fairness controls i'm going to go back to clean black i'm going to do it just enough so that it gets rid of some of these splotches and that looks okay to me now clean white does the inverse say for example we have parts of our image which may be a little bit transparent essentially it will take any gray areas and transform it into white to get you a better key this will be much easier shown when i do the green screen of this footage here but for now we're not going to play with that now black and white clip and this effect respectively raises the level in which gray becomes black and white so say for example we have this part of the image here you can quite clearly see that this is grey so if i adjust the black clip and i move this up you can see that it's turning this gray into black and this is very nice if you have a key which isn't necessarily perfect and you still have any gray areas respectively white clip does the exact same thing so we're going to move this up we have the operation in shape modes and essentially this enables you to grow shrink or open your key using these parameters here so say for example i wanted to cut into my key i'd use the shrink and i'd increase the radius and as you can see we are cutting into our key these operation modes are fairly simple next you can see we have the garbage map but before i show you that i'm going to change the output back into final composite we're going to have our dagger flying through some water and as you can see we have this and it's actually not bad right now you can see actually we have a little bit of green spill within our image and this will be perfect for the d spill method that we showed earlier so if i press this you can see that it's actually corrected our image and we don't necessarily have any green spill onto our subjects which is perfect so i'm going to press d split this is the perfect time to use this fill bang and as you can see we have a decent a fairly decent key really fairly decent anyway we're speaking about the garbage mat essentially what garbage mat is is a mask that can be used when keying in order to isolate specific areas of the key so say for example i wanted to show the dog and up to here of the chair but not necessarily the legs of the chair that's fine what i could use is a garbage mat in order to isolate these areas only that will be shown into the key so if i open the garbage mat you can see that we're presented with a few options we're presented with a rectangle and we're presented with an ellipse if you can't see that make sure that your open effects overlay is on make sure it's on and you'll be presented with this also if you want to get rid of these online blue lines scroll up and click off show paths and not disappear as i was saying you'll be presented with two different options rectangle and ellipse which in contrast if you're using the delta keyer by the way you have way more control so you can actually draw a mask but the 3d keyer we're only presented with a rectangle and ellipse which is fine still gets the job done and essentially what you can see is happening is everything which is outside of the mask is being shown everything which is currently in the mask is being hidden so if i wanted to hide the chair i can actually draw the mask right here i can zoom out i can draw the mask right here and everything that's basically outside of the mask is being shown but typically i don't tend to use a garbage mat this way i tend to do it the other way around because i'd much rather have whatever is in the garbage mat to be shown and everything which is outside to be hidden therefore i'm going to press invert and now as you can see everything which is outside of the mask is being masked out and everything which is inside of the mask is being shown so if i wanted to show just the legs i can do that i wanted to show just the dog i can do that wanted to show the dog on a chair i can do that right here i can adjust the mask because it is literally just a mask any which way i want and as it being a mask i have these controls right here if i wanted to soften the edges a little bit as you can see it's softening the edges and we have a blurred effect around the edge of the border which may be what you want may not be what you want depends on your desired effect we also have the bordering width and height so if you wanted to adjust the mask without necessarily using these parameters here you can do that with these scroll regions you can also adjust the center of the box it's the exact same thing if we click on ellipse literally the exact same thing i tend to use rectangle because the majority of the time i'm probably going to be using it in this way if you want to negate all of these effects and take the garbage mat off all you need to do is press none but again i want the dog floating which kind of looks cool so i'm going to go to rectangle make sure invert is on now everything which is shown with inside the garbage mat is being shown everything which is outside is being hidden so now if i turn off effects overlay and i played this back i mean we have this which is uh it's not bad it's actually not bad it's not the greatest it's not terrible or bad and i think this highlights really what the 3d key is all about enables you to quickly make keys i say quickly we'll get into that later but make adjustments and kill greensky footage directly within the edit page and have fairly decent performance if i was to put this in fusion and use the delta keyer i could actually do this much faster but i won't be able to play it back in real time absolutely no chance okay so we have two other footage right here i'm going to do the exact same thing i'm not going to walk through every parameter i'm just going to do it so you can see my method of doing it so we have this footage here i'm going to click onto it make sure effects overlay is on i'm gonna draw here straight away you can see we have a decent key it's not the greatest if i go down to output and i click alpha black and white you can see this you can still see that we don't have a solid color ideally we want a solid black and a solid white we don't want any gray areas unless we want transparency so sort of like hair and stuff but there's no hair in this image so i want it to be solid black and white so essentially what we're going to do is we're going to go to the mac finish controls we're going to go down i'm going to denoise this image just a little bit doesn't need it too much i'm going to clean the black and straight away we have this which looks great i'm going to clean the white a little bit so we have way more of a solid color great in and out ratio that looks fine to me i don't necessarily need to mess with any black or white clips it looks great and i don't necessarily need a garbage map i'm going to go back to final composite okay and this seems to look not bad it's not bad it's playing back 24 frames per second the key looks okay it actually looks pretty good if we click onto our clip we go to effects and we go to and we go to alpha black and white we can see we've got a solid black and a solid white so it's a quite a good key and yeah it looks great next we have this we have the reporter and this is going to be very very interesting so we're going to process the exact same way make sure open effects is on i've got my 3d key already on use the picker tool draw a part of green and straight away it's done a decent job but if i get rid of this you can see that it's all lies the job is horrendous so we're going to use this we're not going to have anything underneath it because our eyes will actually be lying to us and um this looks like a decent key but we have quite a bit of spill so let me try adding some d spill yep d spill works great for this it's literally picked up the edges and any color leakage and it's done a very clean key very quickly so if i now put this underneath and i play it it's actually not bad at all it looks like a lid it looks pretty good if i use this time-lapse footage it looks looks very good in fact i'm very impressed and it's fairly quick but i personally think that this may not be as accurate or as clean as we think so in order to check this i'm going to click onto our clip we're going to go back to effects i'm going to scroll down to output and click alpha highlight black and white and now we can see we want it to be a solid black and a solid white and right now this is not the case therefore our key is not as great as we thought now hair is normally a tricky one when dealing with keen as well but first and foremost let's get the background to be a solid black color because we want that to be perfect so in order to do that what we're going to do is going to open up our matte finesse controls we're going to denoise the image just a little bit not too much probably 0.2 that looks good enough for me and i'm gonna clean the black and this looks great this actually looks much better but as you can see when i'm doing that we're losing a little bit of the hair which is not what we want i'm going to try and do it to the best of my ability keying out the black making sure there's no gray parts because again gray is transparent we don't want any transparency we want it to be solid colors i mean you might want it to be transparent but i don't i want to be a solid color so clean black that seems to be good i'm gonna clean white a bit just so we can bring back any parts that we may have lost once doing a clean black not bad blur radius i'm not gonna mess with that in and out ratio i'm gonna play with that that seems to do much better you can see in the corner right here without the in and out ratio without the in and out ratio we have like a little white spot here and i could easily adjust this by using a garbage map but i'm feeling kind of lazy so i'm going to use the in and out ratio just to adjust that i adjust that we get rid of that and we also pull in some of detail of the hair back we have this it's not bad straight away i don't think i need to shrink or grow any of the matte so now that i've adjusted some parameters actually if i click the spill it actually brings and introduces green into the image so again what you need to remember is this isn't necessarily the complete keying suite of tools you have within davinci resolve 17. if you use the delta key you have much better parameters and customization as to what is being de-spilled and you can also adjust holo which is introduced to your image and also how much of the effect has happened right now we literally just have this and it's not necessarily working so i've had to take off the spill so try to problem solve when you can it's not going to be perfect every time but now if i drag the time-lapse underneath her see we have a fairly decent key it's not perfect it's fairly decent it's i oh i can't play back my computer is too slow but you can see it's not bad i can change this i can add footage underneath it we can add some clouds yeah the weather is great in fact we can slide this up i can go to my effects library go to a title i'm just going to add basic text you can put basic text behind her you can put snow even though it's not snowing i mean yeah sure in fact in fact look at that look at that that's not bad again my confusion is chugging it off but again you get the point this is a decent key the hair seems to be quite good as well we don't necessarily have any craziness going wrong with the hair it is quite blurred but for an effect which is down right within the edit page it's not bad i was gonna do this one here showing you how to key out memes but you get the point this video is going to be way way too long way way way too low in fact i'm going to do it real quick and get back to you the video's done ah actually one thing you might note is when you're getting mean sometimes you might be getting them off youtube sometimes you might get them on the internet if they aren't necessarily of a high quality you'll start to get this which is a crazy amount of artifacts as such you might not be able to get a clean key a lot of the time so even if i use my final composite i go to alpha black or white i go to my finesse controls and i try to clean up this image as best as i can if i go to my final output [Music] this is terrible this is actually terrible shrink radius in okay so this this is probably the best i'm going to be able to get it without having to go to the fusion page so yeah just be careful when getting memes or footage that has a footage that's not necessarily a high quality from the internet because you might not actually be able to key out as well because as you can see the quality isn't as high so the key isn't its best but we've actually got a decent key i mean that's not bad at all okay so now let's talk about my conclusion do i think this key is actually good yes also no now i can properly explain now you've seen my process of going through it in my personal opinion if i have to spend more than 15 to 20 seconds no not even 20 seconds if i have to spend 15 seconds tweaking a key in any sort of way i am going to not use this effect reason being is because in that 20 seconds i can very quickly go within the fusion tab use the delta keyer and have way more customization way more effects and get a much cleaner key way faster all in the exact same time so if i can spend the same time keying out an image but i get a better result i'm going to be doing that every single time every single time now the reason why this effect is great the 3d key is great is because you can play it back in real time if it was to bring any footage within the fusion tab and key out an image it's going to take performance power to play it back it's gonna have to render it doesn't matter how powerful your computer is straight away you're not gonna get real-time playback immediately you're gonna have to wait a few seconds for it to compute also the fact that i don't necessarily need to leave the edit page is quite powerful because i know a lot of people may not necessarily be keying out of professionalism they may not be doing it as a job a lot of people may be just keying for youtube videos or for memes or they may not necessarily want to spend the time tweaking controls they may not understand i'm gonna have a delta keying video very soon so watch out for that but they may not necessarily want to spend the time to do that so if i'm editing a video and i want quick results a fairly good key and i want to save in the edit page i'm using this kia for sure it's good for that you can get real-time results fairly quick results and it doesn't take as much processing power again if i'm spending longer than 15 20 seconds finessing a key i'm not doing it i'm not doing it vinegar page i can do this within a fusion page and get way better results weight cleaner results with way more customization that's just my opinion your results may vary so um yeah let's get to some comments shall we okay so thank you to av-8 with mike thank you to sda dan cars emcon roland terminator extended vanessa africa who else we got here henry t jonathan hilton south philly 28th jerome weaver thank you andy harris you were exceptionally helpful right here john and esco mario so we're going to leave it here guys if you liked the video please share subscribe comment like i'm going to try and make more tutorials for you i've been making tutorials for like 10 to 11 days straight releasing them so i needed a little bit of a two-day break hope that's okay also black friday week is coming up it's this week so for this week and next week i'm gonna have up to fifty percent off all of my products all of my products so that's lots as presets that sales as online courses that's my patreon yep we've got patreon exclusives on there discord server you know but yeah guys so if you want to support me click the link in the description and without further ado i'll see you on the next video guys peace you
Channel: Branden Arc
Views: 34,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Branden Arc, davinci resolve 17, davinci 17, resolve 17, brand new davinci resolve 17, 3d key davinci resolve 17, brand new 3d key davinci resolve 17, 3d key, green screen davinci resolve 17, green screen davinci 17, how to key green screen davinci resolve, color key davinci resolve
Id: IvuvP-R9Qw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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