Blackmagic Fusion | Keying Tutorial

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hello guys and welcome to this new tutorial this one is about green screen although the subject is pretty much covered on the Internet there's plenty of tutorial about fusion the one that I suggest you to have a look at is by Vito confusion you can find it in patreon I will leave the link in the description but anyway I wanted to share my perspective on the topic so let's just jump right in so the first thing that we have to do is to set up a linear workflow so then we add a gamut load and let's change the source space - srgb and be sure that we have to remove gamma checked and then we can copy the comment over to the background what we need to do now is to add a fewer lot which will add back the gamma in our viewer so to do what to do it we need to select this lat icon and then select the gamut view a lot and edit it go in the out output space and choose srgb and provide posts multiply and then we have to do the same for the second viewer and that's it so now we can focus on our green screen as we can see if we scrub through the video we can see that even if these is clip downloaded from the Deep Web I don't remember actually what I got this one I think it's a sample from Shutterstock or from videohive I'm not sure but as you can see it is this is a fairly heavily compressed video but even if is compressed I have to say that the green screen itself is pretty good this is a lockdown shot so the camera is not moving and that gives us the opportunity to create a better clean plate let's add a delta here and peewit one thing that is important to remember is that you don't want to sample from the Delta here output itself and if you need to enlarge this sample we just press command on a Mac or control on a PC and drag and then you can sample so as you can see we have a fairly decent selection let's hope over the mat tab the black head crushed white what we want to do here is actually dilate our mat let's go 25 here maybe we can do something like this because we want all the hair daesil's inside maybe this means a bit too much we can do something like this and maybe we can add an ellipse mask and pipe it into the garbage matte to get rid of unwanted area just invert the mat and do that so now that we have our alpha I'm gonna add a mat control and wipe our background in and our alpha and then in the mud control I'm going to combine the alpha invert the mat and post multiply the image so that we have just the green screen so now what I'm gonna do is adding a frame average and sample both Direction supplicate the missing frames and sample 50 frames [Music] so now as you can see I get something like this which will be pretty useful if I add a alpha divide and a brightness contrast if I clip the black and the white remove all the channels and activate the Alpha I can get back my clean plate so now I'm a alpha multiplied and all I have to do is right-click save the image [Music] and hold it plate dot EXR as you can see I've been rehearsing so let's save it let's get rid of this and our plate dot e XR let's get rid of this and then we can add a clean plate node and set this one to hold frame frame zero will be okay let's pipe in the plate in the garbage matte also and view the clean plate and then we select the green channel invert and then if we crush the hi we can group the edges and we end up with a perfect clean plate so let's group this with common the chip on a Mac or ctrl G on a PC and rename let's call this one okay so now we can add our Delta here and our clean plate back so as you can see right out of the bat we get very good key one thing that we have to do also is denoise our footage and we are going to do this with the remove noise note let's lock the colors and let's add some softness let's bring back some details so if we have a look at the Alpha before I looked like this and after as you can see is better when the noise so now what we wanna do is click duplicate this Delta here let me do some room here and pipe the background [Music] and then we are the power clean plate here again so now we have these two here which are which are absolutely identical that's called the second one which will be our output let's call it alpha and on the first Delta here let's go into the a Matt control and crush the water blocks a little bit and crush the white so that we end up with something like this now we want to erode our mud and maybe blur it a little bit so if now we had this Delta here into the solid mud of the Delta here the second one we got rid of all the imperfections inside our butt so in this particular case there's no need to have separate muds one for for the hair and one for the rest these this of course depends on the footage you're working on let's move on and deal with the disappear there are many ways to this pill our footage inside of fusion the one that I'm going to show you is a macro that I came up with that you can find on reactor and it's called advanced spin so you want to be no one denies footage let's do something like this so right out of the bat the speed color is set to green but to work correctly this macro will need an alpha and just pipe this one into the math input and we will have the our alpha so now we can do many things such as add back the background luminance or remove completely the saturation of our background and of course control our fringes I'm gonna leave this as is for now and what I'm gonna do is add a channel boolean and [Music] I'm gonna add I'm gonna pipe theme the original footage as a background and this built one as the foreground and I'm gonna subtract them one from another let's do nothing on the Alpha so as you can see here I have all of the green that was this peeled from this image and how is this gonna be and useful let me show you how let's add a custom tool and in this custom tool let's move over to the channel tab and let's copy the green channel over to the red and the blue channel and let's group this one and call it spheal and difference and now [Music] we're gonna add our background but instead I'm gonna use this awesome tool which is called wireless node you can find the wireless node on reactor let's make these let's show the tile and let's reference the background and rename it background cop so now if I merge the background on top [Music] like this so if I merge the background on top I can use a spill difference as a mask just need to go into the merge node and use the luminance so as you can see [Music] what i'm doing here i'm using the spin difference to dial in where the green was some new detail one thing that we have to do is to blur the background copy [Music] maybe something like this and then we can dial the effect in or out as we need to and I'm gonna leave it like so the next thing that I'm that we're gonna do is to edge extend our our footage and to do so I'm gonna use another macro that I created which is called advanced and advanced educator let me show you how it works let's pipe in our image we need a we need an alpha let's find the alpha into the foreground and as you can see we are extending our edges so I'm gonna remove a sum of the edge extension using our rectangle tool because in this case and most of the case hair details do not actually work with the edge extent really well so I'm gonna do something like this and get rid of the extension so let's dive into the edge extent for a moment and let's move to the Alfa adjust see for example here I'm the the edge extent plug-in is not working correctly so we can adjust the Alpha a little bit and maybe erode touch something like that and then go back to displaying a final result so now all we have to do is to add a matte control and I hate when fusion does that and by the alpha in the foreground of a Matt control and combine the alpha and post multiply the image oh if you get something like that it means that we have some something wrong going on in our alpha [Music] if we keep pressing with a right-click on the lot icon we get this gain and gamma controls let's come up and as you can see we have a lot of things that we don't want in our key so let's [Music] crash the block a tiny amount and restore the fridges a tiny bit and then we can go back to our mod control okay so now that we have corrected that issue we can post multiply our image we are up and running [Music] so one one thing that I want to show you is that here for example we have some hair detail which is actually made wrong by the edge extend and upon what I actually would do is add an ellipse mask set the fight mode to subtract and maybe I would rock it or animate the mask and just get rid of the edge extension here in this place okay but I'm not gonna do that for this tutorial just so you know that the hair or fine details some sometimes can be messed up by the edge extension so keep an eye on that so now that we have our alpha I'm gonna hurt our background let's merge girl on top of our background and [Music] and let's add a blur here I'm gonna use the filmic blur which is another macro that you can download from reactor that I made and let's increase the focus size and maybe be the shape a little bit and enable the chromatic aberration as you can see the result is pretty nice but we have to do one important thing which I'm gonna show you using the waveform monitor as you can see the black of our background do not match with the black of our girl and you can see the girl has a deeper black then the background who you can take care of this using color correction but I'm gonna use another macro that I created which is the black smudge and of course this macro is available on reactor and as you can see [Music] for a moment you can sample a color to be your black or you can input a source image which is what I'm gonna do let me show you a little trick I have for this let's add a clean plate and let's pipe tobacco in and then let's add the same background in the garbage matte and view the clean plate so now let's choose the luminance and if I make these sliders [Music] I get my details back so let me show what I wanna do let's grow the edges [Music] and this is exactly what I want I just want the darker part of the image so now I can add a blur node and I can blur it and now I can add my blur into the blacks match and as you can see the black have been merged automatically as you can see so I think we are almost done we just need to add a light rub so let's add a wireless node another wireless node and again show a picture and the background again and let's call it background copy [Music] and then we'll need another wireless note [Music] for the Alpha and it's called this one [Music] so now what I'm gonna do is actually generate a light wrap from these alpha and I'm gonna do so using a bitmap node and make a copy of it let's pipe one into the other so now selecting the second one into paint mode we can choose multiply and go in back to the first one we can choose invert so now if we view the second bitmap node and selecting the first one we move we increase the soft edge we get our light Rob if we get this issue here we just have to select the clipping no clipping mode to frame and it will go away so now that we have these light Rob Matt I can simply buy a background on top of my image and I can type my like Rob the mask input of the merge of course I would blur my background and also in this particular case I would add a loom back here and I would do something like so to just have the brighter part of image so let's style the back a little bit and we are pretty much done so let's let me show you one thing instead of using these light rub I want to show you these expo light rub exponential light rub that I made which is not yet on reactor I hoped it will be soon actually and let me show you the difference so we actually have a exponential light rod which gives us very a better result more realistic result let me show you how it works [Music] something like that and maybe just dial it back okay now the last thing that I think we need to add is some field green and let's make it colored a little bit smaller and let's decrease the strength something like that and now I think we are done let's give it a fly back so I think these pretty much covers the way that I usually do my green screens of course some of the techniques needs to be adapted to the footage that you have to deal with okay here's the playback as you can see our result is pretty good let's zoom in the hair details and as you can see they're pretty awesome and also let's have a look at the motion blur which is most perfect thanks to the edge extension so thank you very much for watching I hope you liked this one and let's see you in the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Millolab Tuts
Views: 12,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackmagic, Fusion, tutorial, vfx, compositi, keying, greenscreen, green, alpha
Id: vCSdD_-I8sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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