The ABSOLUTE BEST WAY to edit Green Screen in Davinci Resolve

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hi guys welcome back to the channel buzzy bee yeah so this week guys I really really want to do this video for you guys remember I said I found a way I would I would say I found the best way to do green screen removal in the when she resolved right so I really want to show you guys it's not gonna be very long video but this is for me this is really the best we can remove green screen in DaVinci Resolve so I'm gonna take you guys step-by-step through it's not gonna be a long with you like I said so let's go alright so now we are in the Vinci resolve guys as you can see of the leg I've got two clips this is one two clips and then the one underneath which is now switched off at the moment is our background epi when you use for these two clips now the reason why I want to show you only on two clubs is let me just switch quickly displays and then you guys can see exactly the clubs that I am referring to so now obviously this this club I've used in a previous video I've done green screen removal in Adobe Premiere alright so I'm gonna use the same club and I now selected another Club disease footage from my weekly mixes that I've mentioned last week or weekly mixes that out that I'm doing so this clip I shot on Monday and as you can see is also currently at the background but now we've got a couple of challenges here as you can see there's a couple of things in the frame that we also need to get out of the frame so I'm I'm selecting the script to show you exactly if it is did you find yourself in a situation where you have to cut out something out of a frame then obviously I'll show you exactly how to do that but for now I'm going to go back to the first clip and then let me just switch back here to the other display so what you need to do is select your your your clock it's almost like I'm selecting this club now I am in the edit page and I want to go to my color page try it some switch into my color page alright so there is our clip this was shot in a flat profile as you guys can see but I also want you guys to just please ignore this in the meantime this is actually some color correction collector in there I've already done on the clip itself but this is also switched off I've created a compound club so then all my notes are in the in that compound clip alright so I switched off at the moment so we're only gonna focus on the first no this is what we call notes alright so the first thing you want to do is right-click anywhere and then you add an alpha output and you'll see it this pops up and what you need to do is you need to then use your your mouse click your left button and then just drag and connect these two all right so the blue goes with the blue all right so that's the first thing that you need to do guys then you go to your you can see there's a lot of things here if I click here you'll see it opens up your color wheels if I click here it will open up your curves but we want to go to our qualify which is the step over here you're gonna click on our qualifier now the mistake that I see a lot of people are doing they you you'll note here it says H s L now most of the guys that I've seen they you they keep it on the HSL tab I would suggest guys to change that HSL to three DS you just click the enter drop-down menu and you select 3d here lies a secret first time you want to do is you'll see you on top it says D spell select the spa selected alright and then what you want to do is if you in this page you go up to your footage in this window now you're just gonna draw lines wherever you see the green screen you just draw lines also just to not draw lines over your talent so I just your lines yeah and that will basically you know turn most of the Korean screen to black but I'll show you now exactly hardly looks nothing for now that will do if we need to draw more lines we can do it so now what you want to do is go to these well says selection range then you're gonna click on your invert right click on invert and now you can see it is switched to that now if I have to go fullscreen now you guys can see clearly that my background is quite black right and that's exactly what we want we want the background to be as black as possible alright so I'm happy with that let's go I'll chair I would say maybe just to add you know to maybe just make it mega represent sure that it's black now you go to your met finesse and then you can just increase your clean black I would say around 2 percent obviously you can play around with those guys that's only two point one that's fine alright so now if I do this again I'll switch to my full screen I can see that you know everything is black there's no whites that's coming through on the black and you know that's exactly how it's supposed to be alright so now now we have to make sure that you know our talent is also sorted and remembered like I said in the previous video in Adobe Premiere your talent needs to be as white as possible and then your background needs to be as black as possible alright so now let's switch now you're gonna have to go to your this tab over here it is your key right you're gonna click on it alright so now you can see the whites and then obviously the background is pure black so now I can already see that you know there's a couple of transparency issues in in the whites and we need to make that as white as possible so I would suggest to work with these two your qualifier so in this case I need this to be more white so I'm gonna increase my gain of my qualifier and I want you guys to look at what's gonna happen to the footage itself you see let's make it 11.5 and that looks super white to me I don't see anything let me just scroll but forward and then see if everything is proper so now I am quite happy with it all right if it is guys did you know you couldn't get your background as black as possible then you can play around with this offset over here and you can maybe just slide it you know more to the left you know in it will automatically get rid of you know maybe some white spots in your blacks etc etc but be very careful of because it will affect your your whites right so as you can see guys I think that's that looks proper right so let's just check and looks nice all right so now I want to switch on the color correction that I've done I'm just gonna click on this and as you can see if I switch it off again so on so this is the calculation that I've done and I'm just gonna you know enlarge is clean for you guys you guys can see and that looks super nice to me very nice so now I'm gonna go back to my alright before I do that I just want to show you exactly why I said select the spa the distal alright so let's go back to our qualifier quickly and I'm gonna just uncheck the D spot right and then I want you guys to look carefully especially to his hands can you see the green spell on his hands that is not what you want right so when you click that D spot it automatically takes away that green spot so I'm gonna show you I'm gonna click on it and then I'm gonna go back to the full screen again and now you can see that cleans though he's gone that's exactly what we want alright so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go to my edit page and then now what I want to do is I want to switch on my background right I'm gonna switch on my background and then this is now what it looks like that is what's the background so I'm gonna play for you guys and that looks absolutely stunning to me as I don't know what you guys think but that looks stunning all right I'm happy with that so let's go like I said I don't wanna I don't wanna you know I want to keep this as short as possible I don't wanna you know do a long video all right so let's go to our second clip all right so now we select the second clip okay after that we go to our color page and once again I can see I've already you know done some color correction and color grading but that is now switched off this is also shot in a flat profile and now we're gonna work on this version also you have to select the first note right so like I said again what we gonna what do we have to do first we first have to add an alpha output alright so there's our output and then we just link it up right then we go to our qualifier which is over here we select 3d guys please I urge you to select ready do not use HSI I've seen some green screen removal tutorials and it looks horrible select the 3d trust me this is the best in my opinion this is the best way to do green screen removal in da Vinci resolve so select your 3d and then the first thing that I do is I check this PO that is checked and now we draw lines we draw lines remember now as you can see the the background is coming through because I phone you know in I think let me just close it quickly let me just hide it okay let's go back here and we draw a line we draw lines and you can see exactly what it does to the background as you draw these lines and that has an effect on your green screen guys so draw as many lines as possible you know so we can get as much of the green out and then replace it with a black background like I said do not draw any lines over your challenge just wear your green screen is I think they don't do for now obviously we will check if that's efficient or not and what you want to do is obviously after that you click in vert boom there you go let's check if there's any white spots in the black switch to full screen quickly and as you can see here there's a couple of you know white sets coming through on the black and I think maybe if I can maybe just draw another couple of lines to see if I can get that out if not then I'll show you guys how to fix it all right because I really want to get that out you know you awesome if we can get that out you know just by drawing these lines all right so let's check I'm gonna go back to the full screen quickly as you can see most of most of the the whites are now oh we will fix these small parts and obviously I'll show you guys how to get rid of these of this edge oh yeah you know these things that there are in our frame we don't we don't want them all right so let's go alright so now that we happy with that I will now suggest you clean blacks raise it to say 2% more of those whites I would say maybe raise it more a little bit let's go to three let's go to three and let's just check what it did yeah you can see it looks cleaner right the blacks looks cleaner there's a couple of small spots that I see and I can still you know you know remove afterwards all right so I'm happy with that so now what we didn't do is we go to our key tab click on ology key sorry keep tab and then obviously now you can see I want myself to be as white as possible and then the blacks would be as black as possible I'm just gonna you know under the qualifier increase again and then to get rid of those let me just check on the percent make under percent sure if I still see as small small very small spots that's all when I get rid of those but so now I'm offset like I said I'm just gonna move it back a little bit maybe 40 I don't want to do too much because then I'm gonna affect the whites so let's just check if I see anything so I wonder percent happy with that right but now we want to get rid of this we do not want that in our frame okay so those are you gonna do it you can see over here we have our window tab says window so you're gonna click on that right and you can scroll up and then we select the square right and then you'll see exactly what happens here footage but obviously we don't want that because now if we're gonna leave it like that it's only gonna show that part of the video all right so now you're gonna you wanna you want to drag it out and drag this down to the left and drag this I think a little bit more alright so let's see what it did if I now go to my full screen boom that's out it is out great stuff great stuff alright so now what do you want to do is we're gonna leave it like that and now I want to switch on my color correction and color grading right looks a bit tense to me obviously we will go in you know more into detail in terms of color grading color correction etc guys little sweet to me all right so let's just see how it looks but the background on let's go back to our edit page and now I'm gonna switch on my my background and I'm gonna show you guys exactly how that looks I don't know about you guys what I'm happy with that that looks super alright guys so yeah like I said that's how you do it I'm quite happy with the results I hope you guys enjoyed this video hope you guys have learned something and now obviously you guys can go out and you know put everything to the test should shoot some green screen footage and then practice on how to remove it in DaVinci Resolve remember we've already done a video on how to remove it in Adobe Premiere please go and check out that video if you guys are using Adobe Premiere alright so please guys please subscribe to the channel he hit that notification BR and give us a thumbs up and I'll see you guys next week Wednesday for some more tutorials be safe guys a mouse
Channel: The Hive Entertainment
Views: 3,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #GreenScreen, #DavinciResolve, #BlackMagicDesign, #Videography, #Filmmaking, #Editing, #Colorgrading
Id: 92iKmx_JEuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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