DaVinci Resolve | Every Way to make a Shake Effect

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shakes are one of the most important additions that you can make to your edits to make your videos feel less rigid in this video I will go over the best methods on creating a shake effect IND eventure resolve including using ADM curves Shake nodes modifiers and actual Expressions to give you the best Shake possible hi my name is pach thanks to skillshare for sponsoring a portion of this video now my favorite and easiest way in my opinion to make shakes is through using anom curves anom curves is a modifier that allows you to control animation with a preset or custom motion graphs while having the length of the animation be flexible from the length of the adjustment clip the reason that I am starting with this one is because it also helps you visualize and understand what makes a shake shake here I'm in a 24 frame adjustment clip with my footage and I'm going to select the media in and hit shift space I'm going to search for the transform node that doesn't have the XF suffix at the end and make sure you click get a couple times to make sure you select the node correctly then add it to our graph you will know when it's the correct node when you see these slider controls for your X and Y positions in your inspector from here I'm going to choose the Y setting right click it go up to modify width and then select andom curves now let's go up to the modifiers tab to change the settings from here I'm going to go to our source and choose duration and this will make sure that our Shake will be scaled by how many frames are in our adjustment clip next we're going to change our curve to easing so we can access the preset graphs on the out portion we're going to change that to elastic now if we open up the spinee panel and hit this button you'll see the graph that is the basis for our Shake we play this back in our composition we can see our Shake but as you can see it doesn't end up in the right place that we want it to end this is where we can change the scaling settings that control what values are actually being used by the graph an easy way to understand them is that the offset value is usually the value that you see at the beginning of your clip and the scale is either being added or subtracted from this offset value to give us our final value so right now we are starting from a value of zero and we're adding 0.5 to get our value at the end we always want our shake to end at a value of zero so we can add an to our control to make sure that always happens I'm going to double click the offset value box and hit the equal sign to activate our expression controls then I'm going to click the plus sign and pick up the scale value to make it equal to the value of the control now I'll add a subtraction side in front of it and this will do the inverse value of whatever value I set onto the scale so no matter how far I change the scale the end value will always end at zero and our beginning value will now be flexible to change for however far we want our shake to travel now to get even more specific with our graph we can mess with the timing controls and pay attention to the graph when I change these settings the time scale control allows us to change the length of our shake that last either longer or shorter changing how how tight or long the frequency of the graph is with a time offset setting you can change where you want the value of the graph to start from for example we can fast forward to a part of the graph without one of the crests of the wave so we can have a shorter Shake one of my favorite use cases for changing the setting is by finding the point on the wave that is close to zero at the start of my clip so the shake can be used nicely when zooming in on a clip that we're already looking at one last thing with anom cures is that we can actually key frame when we want the shake to happen if we change the source from duration to custom we can now key frame where we want the shake to happen just make sure that your starting key frame is at zero representing the start of the graph and the last key frame is at one representing the end of the graph cool thing about this is by adjusting the custom graph you can change the look of your anom curves graph giving you some different looking Alternatives but let's go back to our original shake and go back to our tool controls where we can turn on reflective edges do the same method to our rotate setting and we can get something like this now what you just learned about on how to edit the andom curse graph is basically the basis of how we're going to edit the rest of our shakes with our different variations of methods and if you want to learn more about variations of creative methods you should definitely check out skillshare the sponsor of this video now I remember when I started creating on DCI there was not many resources online in order to help guide me through that Journey now for you you don't have to experience that same struggle because you have resource like skillshare skillshare is the biggest online learning community for Curious creatives with thousands of classes led by industry Professionals in the film design and productivity space explore your creativity this new year by developing new skills quickly with their dedicated learning paths these paths are specific guides on different creative skills and programs that are helpful for people of all skill levels whether you're a beginner an intermediate or an advanced user and since I wanted to brush up on some of my 3D knowledge one of the learning paths that I started was the build 3D models and animation with blender by Derrick Elliott I appreciate how each section was broken down so I could easily understand this confusing program and I really enjoy the in-depth explanation and helpful tips I was getting compared to other resources I've tried in the past you know which ones I'm talking about they also have a divin resolve pathway if you're still new to all of this or you just need to brush up on some skills if you're interested in trying this out the first 500 people to use my link will get a one Monon free trial of skillshare thank you again to skillshare for sponsoring this video now back to the shakes now I'm going to show you how to make a shake with a shake node personally I only use this node when I need a constant Shake in the scene but you can key frame it to do some nice effects like a pre-shock or shake that goes across two clips I'm going to select my media in and hi shift space I'm going to type in camera shake and then choose a second option without the suffix I like using this node more than the other one because it has a lot more controls over the shake if we play it back in our viewer we can see that the effect is already going without his key framing anything and if we go check the sply graph to see the way our Shake is moving we don't have that graph that's the downside of using this node you won't actually see the position of the value of where our clip is with the shake nonetheless we can still use it in a similar way to anom Curves first I'm going to go down all the controls and turn them down to zero except our PTR speed motion scale and our speed scale now in the shake levels controls we have our main settings like our pan which is just our X amplitude the Tilt which is our y amplitude and the PTR speed which is our frequency it's also worth noting that our motion scale is like our amplitude multiplier for these values and our speed scale is how fast we travel through the imaginary sine wave that the rest of the values I've set up to get our basic y Shake I'm going to raise the Tilt amplitude all the way and then key frame our motion scale at the beginning from one down to the end at zero lastly in our spline let's make our motion scale graph look like this now we have our y Shake If you think the value is too low you can turn the motion scale up to two to but then this is the maximum value you can have for this node it's just not built to be more flexible last thing I'm going to do is change the Border type to reflect so we have these mirrored edges now in order to do the pre- shake I'm going to put this adjustment clip over the cut in our transition here then go back into our fusion page then where the scene switches I'm going to key frame our motion scale at two and at both ends of our comp I'm going to key frame the motion scale at zero then I'm going to adjust my graph to look like this and now we have a nice looking pre-ap that bleeds into our next clip and that's the extent of how I use the camera Shake node now to the other modifiers there are three other modifiers that we can use to make a shaked effect we have the perturb modifier the expression curve modifier and the regular Shake modifier the one I'm going to be focusing on is the shake modifier because it gives nice controls to create a different St of shake popularly known as the twitch Shake I'm going to select our media in and H shift space I'm going to add the transform without the XF at the end once it's added then I'm going to right click the Y go to modify width and down to shake then I'm going to go to the modifiers tab where I can see the shake controls Shake we're going to do is going to be rough so we're going to turn the smoothness all the way down so the shake is super sensitive for the minimum and maximum values I'm going to key frame at the beginning on the minimum add a value of negative 1 and at the end go to a value of zero for the maximum value I want to go from 1 to zero then I'm going to open up the spine graph and make graphs it looks like this so it go super fast to the value of zero and now I will repeat the process for the X X control then from here I can rece the value until I have a place where I want the shake to start from then lastly go to the controls page and turn on mirrored edges and motion blur the shake is good for immediate impacts or for showing off high energy in a scene lastly I'm going to show you how to make a shake with an actual expression using a sine wave I'm going to click the media in and add a transform node without the XF but this time I'm going to add some user controls to my node I'm going to right click the node and then go up to edit controls then this panel pops up and prompts me to make a new control in this case I'm going to name it A1 I'm going to go down here to page selection and make sure we click the controls page so the setting shows up on the correct main page and lastly for our input control category I'm going to select slider control to give us another slider control on our page then I'm going to do the same process two more times but this time I'm going to name one of the controls F1 and the other one graph so once we've done that I have my controls right here and I'm going to put an expression on the Y control by putting an equal sign in the value box and then by hitting enter Then I want to connect our y value to our graph control that we set up then on our graph control we're going to also make an expression as well but this time we're going to put in some Expressions first thing that we're going to put is sign open parenthesis lowercase t m time and then close parentheses this gives us a nice sign way that we're going to manipulate for our other controls next to the time variable I'm going to multiply this by our F1 control so I'm going to go next to the E on our time then I'm going hit the star symbol to make a multiply command and I'm going to put F1 which is our control name next to that and lastly to finish up our expression I'm going to go outside of our parentheses and multiply this by our A1 control so what is happening let's look at the graph of our graph control currently it's really flat because we need to adjust our values in our F1 and our A1 controls I going to put this to a value of one for both of them now we can see our sign graph the way that we're going to make it decay like our other shakes is by adjusting our A1 control I'm key frame our A1 control at a beginning value of 0.1 then at the end of our composition I'm going to key frame it at zero then in our graph I'm going to adjust it look like this and if I click the graph control to update the graph you can see the decaying graph if you play it back you can see our y Shake just like this so what is happening with our controls we adjusting the values of our sine wave expression to make it have a Decay the A1 control which represents our amplitude or how far the wave spans is being key frame down to zero which gives us our Decay effect of our wave our F1 control adjusts the actual frequency of the sine wave an addition that we can make to our expression is by adding a value to our F1 control and that offsets the position of the sine wave where our graph can start just like the time offset control in the anim curse effect and then that makes us have our shape now technically you can do this whole expression with only one extra control or with a modifier like a calculations effect which splits the value of the controls to two editable controls but much easier to visualize everything with all the effects on the same page that's why I added all these user controls that is our Shake now would I ever go out of my way to make this shake most likely not but I still want to show you guys that there is a true possible way to make an expression Shake if you want to play around with that in the future and that should be everything thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video thank you for watching if you're interested in other videos like every single way to mask inside a div you resolve click this video right here otherwise subscribe and have a good day
Channel: PeeJ ENT
Views: 13,834
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Keywords: PeeJ, PeeJ ent, davinci resolve, amv, davinci resolve amv, amv davinci resolve, amv editing, amv edits, davinci resolve shake
Id: RnQQehVy8j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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