DaVinci Resolve 17 | Expression Shakes Basics

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[Music] hi my name is please let me not waste your time today i'm going to be showing you the controls needed in order to make expression shakes to start off you're going to have your footage already set meaning you have your transitions done your blur is done and the timing right then what you're going to do is add an adjustment clip and stretch it along your first clip and go into the fusion page next thing you're going to do is hit shift space and you're going to type in transform but you're going to want to hit the certain transform and make sure you hit it correctly it's the transform that does not have the subscript at the end and this transform has only sliders for position rotation and zoom in order to start the shake go back down the tools and hit reflect we're going to right click on position x and go down to modify with and then hit anim curves and curves allows you to control the curves of the setting that you are using with pre-made curves they already have in the modifier next you're gonna click the modifier tab at the top right in order to use these curves you're gonna go down a curve hit easing and then when it says in and out and the out we're going to hit elastic in the scaling tab of the modifier this is where you control how far your movements want to go so originally at the scale i want the position to be at one so it's centered on the screen and i want the scale to opposite by a negative one value in the timing tab this is where we control the strength of the shake or when the shake starts to happen for example if we start moving the time off set into the negative value then the shade gets a weaker what we want to do is play around with this and see what value we like my movement ranges from negative point seven to negative point five once we like the look of our position x then we can do atom curves on our position y with the same settings we're going to go to easing go to elastic on our out we change the scale to make sure everything's centered in the screen and change our time offset to decrease the strings of the curve lastly we're going to put anom curves on the rotation controls same settings as before but with the scaling here it controls the angle for my scale i put negative three and for my offset i put three then you can adjust the timing good thing about these in atom curves is that since we have the transition setting on we can either shorten or increase the time it lasts for our clips all i'm doing here is just duplicating the shake and once i play it back you can see that the shakes are kind of strong where it's shortened in order to fix this we're going to increase the length of the adjustment clip compounding the clip and cutting it where we need it in order to have the effects of the shake last less if any more questions or requests you would like me to do for other tutorials please comment down below and if you need additional help or just want to be a part of a community of davinci resolve editors there is a davinci resolve amv discord server where you can come and hang out link is in the description other than that if you found this helpful subscribe and have a good day what's your zodiac sign do you think i am fine am i wasting your time wait because you looking divine do you want to be mine now i see it as fine okay she got me slipping and sliding she whole roshi writing she closing that either she feels just so you know i'm a leo i'm worth like two people that makes us a trio ideal all right
Channel: PeeJ ENT
Views: 116,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PeeJ, PeeJ ent, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve shake, davinci resolve camera shake, davinci resolve expression shakes
Id: lSYEuIeVbgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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