DaVinci Resolve | How to make an AMV for Beginners

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[Music] hi my name is peace i may not waste your time today i'm going to be showing you some tips on how to make your first amv and davinci resolve i will be going over how to move around the timeline how to line up your clips with audio and some basic transitions to get you started to start off i'm assuming you know how to drag footage into your media pool and get the clips onto the timeline here are some movement tips on how to move while holding down control and scrolling you are able to scroll down the timeline while holding down alt and scrolling you are able to zoom in on wherever the playhead is on the timeline and by holding down the scroll wheel you are able to drag wherever you want onto the timeline if you want to cut clips or split them in half you can hit b for the blade tool and you're going to click wherever you want to split the clip and if you hit a go back to your cursor what we want to begin doing with our clip is splitting it to where the scenes end and start to do this we're going to drag our playhead across the timeline to see where we want to split the clips you can drag your playhead you can hit the arrow keys to go frame by frame you can hold down your arrow key to scrub through frames what we want to do is split the clip right where the scene starts say we have this clip and we want to split it we're gonna go to the first frame of the scene and split the clip right there then we're going to go to the end of the scene and split the clip at the end and then rinse and repeat for the rest of the clips once we split all our clips then we can add music here's some music i recorded through obs all you got to do to get rid of the video footage is a right click go down to link clips and uncheck that and then click on the video layer and delete it if we want to view the audio track longer so we can see the wavelengths we're going to go to the side where it has the audio tracks listed and pull down on this line drag your audio to the beginning of the timeline then we're going to mark out the beats of where we want the transitions to happen in order to put a marker down we're going to hit m on our keyboard if you don't have your clip selected and you hit m the marker will go in your timeline if you select a clip the marker will go on your clip and if you select audio the marker will go on your audio throughout the music we're going to mark the beats everywhere on the audio where the wavelength spikes that's we're going to put on marker once we're done with that we're going to drag our clips that we want to match with the beats to do this we are going to drag our clip to our audio and we are going to shorten it by dragging in the sides to fit with the audio and rinse and repeat for the rest of the clips once we fit all of our clips into the beats and how we like it then we're going to start adding transitions the way i do transitions is through an adjustment layer to find an adjustment clip we're going to go to our effects library i'm going to go down to toolbox effects and drag adjustment clip above our clips once the adjustment clip is on our timeline we're going to drag it back into the media pool then delete the one that's on our timeline and drag it back onto the timeline this ensures us that the adjustment clip will start at zero to whatever frame that we go to you're going to take your adjustment clip and line it up with your first scene then you're going to put your play head over the clips and hit the fusion button in the fusion page this is where we're going to add all of our effects and transitions to do that we're going to use the most basic node which is the transform node we can hit shift space on our keyboard and type transform and click that and hit enter or we can go to the toolbar up right here and click the transform icon it will put a transition node onto our fusion page here we're going to connect our transform node to the node graph we do this by clicking the right side of the line to get rid of the line then by dragging the output of the media in to the transform and the output of the transform to the media out in order to view what we're doing we're going to click the media out and hit two it'll pop up that node into our viewer say if we click the media in node and hit one that will show the media one in the left viewer first transition that we're gonna do is a zoom in transition to do that we're gonna use keyframes if you don't know what keyframes are keyframes are basically wherever you make a keyframe is exactly the value that it's going to appear so at our first keyframe we want our size to be normal and then wherever we want the second keyframe we click hit the keyframe button and adjust the size to our liking and you'll get something like this but we don't want that we want to transition so we're going to do it like this you're going to keyframe the starting frame of your timeline and the last frame of your timeline and we're going to adjust the size on our last frame with the keyframe so we'll save that size in order to make the transition you have something like this which is not an ideal transition to fix that we're going to go into our spline graph spline graph is where we can adjust how the transition is going to look there are many curves you can use to adjust this flying graph but this is how we're going to do the zoom in transition start off we're going to highlight all of our keyframes in the spline viewer i'm going to click the smooth button over here or hit s on our keyboard this is going to allow us to make the proper curves that we want i'm going to drag this line over here and drag this line over here so the curve bends like this this kind of curve is called an ease out curve lastly before i zoom in we're going to go to settings then motion blur we're going to click the quality and the shutter a couple of times to make sure that when the zoom happens there's going to be a blur and it's going to make it look better you may be wondering how we're going to zoom out in order to zoom out we're going to go back to our edit page and drag another adjustment clip onto our next clip we're going to do the same thing we just did keeping the starting frame keyframe the last frame at the starting frame we're going to zoom out like this on our transform node we can go to edges and hit mirror once we've keyframed our sizes we're going to go to our splinecraft again but this time we're going to make an ease in curve which looks like this then we're going to add motion blur and this is what we should have for our transition now we need to transition to the next clip so what we're going to do is go back to the fusion page on this adjustment clip and add another transform node for this transition i'm going to do a slide in order to do that we're going to keyframe our position keyframe the beginning keyframe the end at the last keyframe we're going to move our position to the left and turn on mirrored edges and adjust the spline as an ease out curve then we'll go back to the edit page and put an adjustment clip on our next scene in the fusion page we're going to keyframe the position at the start and at the end adjust the position at the start make it easy and curve turn on our motion blur settings and there you go you got the slide transition after you know those two transitions those are pretty much the basics you can use those to do all sorts of things and that's the basis of most transitions that you're going to use in the future all you got to do is finish your edit and it should look like this if this video helped you please leave a like and if you have any more questions or requests on what i should do in the future please leave a comment to let me know also if you would like to join an amv editing community on discord there's a link to one in the description where we can help you out if you have any questions or share projects that we've done it's a really good community and i suggest you guys should join and with that please subscribe and have a good one zodiac sign do you think i'm fine at my wasting your time wait because you looking divine do you want to be mine now i see it as fine okay she got me slipping and sliding she hold right she writing she closing that eyelid she feels just so you know i'm a leo i'm worth like two people that makes us a trio ideal all right
Channel: PeeJ ENT
Views: 385,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PeeJ, PeeJ ent, davinci resolve, tutorial, amv, how to make amvs, amv basics
Id: FMyyfMByq18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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