DaVinci Resolve | 3D Camera Typography

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hi my name is fusely I'm gonna waste your time today I'll be showing you how to make 3D camera movement typography just like this let's get started if you do not know how to use Fusion go watch this tutorial by Casey Ferris that shows you how to do it otherwise this tutorial is not really for beginners because you're going to really need to know how to use Fusion all right first I got my clip just like this I have it in a compound clip and I have my audio underneath it with markers set up at the points where I want the sync to hold it right there and there that's where it is and then we go inside Fusion here we're going to set up a 3D scene so what we're going to do we're going to grab a 3D render first and I'm going to go over the settings on how to change the 3D render so you have a better playback and you're using it so we're going to change the render type from software render to the opengl then we're going to go down to anti-aliasing we're going to go down high quality and check that off we go to anti-aliasing presets use the high quality rate down to one and then this high quality simple count to two and that should give you a better playback then we're going to add an image plane node right right here and connect this image plane to the 3D render with this 3D render to the media out and then we're going to connect the media in into our image plane right here and set it up like this we're going to make our image plane we're gonna scale it up to two just like this and then we're gonna put it back about negative one right there then we're going to add a 3D merge right here and then add a 3D camera like this and then connect it to our merge three then we go to the transform on Arc 3D camera and we're going to put that Z to 1.66 and that should Center everything in our screen either the 3D camera I'm going to hit shift space and add a transform 3D put that here and this is what we're gonna do our image on next there's two ways you can add the typography either bring it in on 2D put in an image plane and then put it on the scene or you can actually use the 3D I like to use 2D because it allows me to customize the text more all right for 2D what we need to do is grab our text node just like this and then customize it however we want so I'll use it for the first word so it's going to be a bats like that then I'm going to change it to a spot called moonflower you can get it off of the font I'm going to scale it up some around there and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a thickness to it it shifts space I wrote it dilate let's review the auto dilate I'm going to go to the filter go to the circle and then we're going to scale it up so it's nice and thick I would hit your space and then add a shadow just like that and then we're going to increase the softness up like this and then we're going to decrease the alpha a little bit around there about 0.5 is only good and then we're going to bring this back and then we're going to add another image plane right here connect this to the image plane and then connect this to the 3D merge over here and then we have it in our scene like this right now in order to pan around like this I'm holding down all and the middle Mouse button and move around like this if you want to scoot forward you could hold down the middle Mouse button and move up like this or if you're looking down you can go like that that'll drag you forward just like this change where you're orbiting and then they can't even want to move up and down just use your Scrolls just like that and in order to zoom in and out you're going to hit hold down control and then use the scroll wheel alright so now we have our footage like that and what I'm going to do so we have this moved back is I'm gonna adjust the image plane so the text will be this will be far back or you do around negative 0.7 was what I did at before just like that and then I'm going to position it closer to the right side so let's go about 0.5 to the right that should be good then if it's too big it will scale it down also going to change this text color to Black all right and then now that done I'm just going to copy these nodes in like this so copy this I'm going to paste it and I'm also going to paste it again because we have another word and then let's connect this up to the merge 3D just like that or our second text is going to be this one right here you're going to move this to the negative 0.5 so it's going to be over there and then we're going to have this last one b in the middle so this is going to be at zero we're also going to move this audio around 0.5 and let's also move this up to 10 bit on the Y scale as well 4.05 Works to that we have something like this let's change the text so this is going to be not this is going to be maybe not that be a little bit too close I might pull this back a little bit and all right that's looking good let's see how it's looking in the render all right and now let's move around just to see if that's the right distance that we want we might want to scale this down a bit you know this text to be too big so let's scale this down like that let's move the camera over here and make sure it Center so we hit the viewer hit Ctrl G it brings up a graph into kind of center of the text like that and then we have something like this and that that's pretty good we can zoom in like that and that should be not too bad we can just copy this value over to the other text I think I'm also going to move this type that's over here we're going to move it up a little bit we're going to make it a little bit bigger and then also I'm going to move it forward like that and so that'll add a little bit more depth to it when we are moving the camera all right let's reset all this by double clicking the parameter resets it all and then let's take the graph off and then we're going to start the keyframe we'll grab our transform three right here let's open our spline graph and where we can see our markers that are here if you are working make sure that you have marker grab off so just right click up to options and we're going to go down to a marker grab it make sure just checked off all right so let's start keyframing so first we're going to have a zoom in I'm going to keep him at the beginning let's do all these at the beginning just like that and then let's go to our first word and then we're gonna go three frames back from our first word so let's do one two three just like that and then all right first one's gonna be that so let's move the camera so where we want it to be we're just looking at that let's do like some here and we don't want it to be that big let me zoom into it so Center it like that and switching the graph on again make sure it's in the right place around 0.5 is going to be enough so it's gonna this is going to be and that looks good to me and let's also just copy these values to the first keyframe as well so we're just looking over here copy this copy that and then but we're going to zoom out this time because we're going to zoom in for our first transition so there we go then let's go to the third marker again and do the same thing let's go three frames back one two three and then let's move our camera left over here I want to make sure that Center negative 0.5 move the C back just a little bit over here so it's kind of centered in the same way that we did it on the other scene and that should be good and then let's go to our last scene we can go five frames back from original and then reframe it here and then go to our last text so this is going to be in the middle also we'll be zooming out to here and we're also going to be moving up just a little bit and go out baby right here and that looks pretty good to me and have a zoom in for our last thing so we're going to zoom in just like that and go around the value over there now you can see we have ours all of our splines set up like that and then if you play it back that's what we got what we're going to do is we're going to control a all these notes or actually hit shift F and it's going to flatten them all out so you have a spline that goes like this and then we're going to edit all each spline so let's start with the Z for protecting marking these off at our frame and then what we're going to do is zoom in so that's kind of our spline just like this and then what we want to do is create s graphs underneath these blue markers or so it has a little bit of a more of a whip and action so if I let easy right here and we could bring this in like that and then pull this out and so that creates a little s shape over here as you can see and that'll have more of a whip action like that like that and then we're going to do the same thing over here make an S graph like this everyone has that we really want is the most vertical part of the graph to be underneath the mark blue marker you don't want the apply to be too vertical because then it becomes too sharp and you don't want that that that's that could be a little bit too sharp to ways you can do to make it so it's not so sharp just pull it back just like that and something like that will work and then we're gonna to have an easy minute at the end so it's going to require a graph like this okay that for the Z and then let's go to our Y and we forgot the keyframe and let's adjust the value like this again make sure it's underneath here and that should be good or we can actually have it closer to the end over here through that keyframe like that so let's keep him like this to make sure we'll have it in the right place and then readjust what we have over here and I can just move this all over to uh this one that's over here I think I messed that up so all right and now let's mess with the X so I'm gonna go here and then do the same thing we've been doing and then move this over here like that there we go now we have it takes like this and right now you can see it's pretty still feels stiff and we're gonna fix that with the motion gear so we're gonna go back to our render 3D and then we're going to go to the settings tab we're going to hit motion blur and then this increases up to eight that's what I like for this and it actually plays back pretty smoothly for me because of the settings we put on it earlier so we have something like this if you're still having for the quality issues you can right click over here and turn high quality off and but you still want to keep that motion blur on because that's how you know it still looks smooth it doesn't like that it's a little bit too stiff as well still and so what we're going to do is we're going to add all these on and then we're gonna flatten out the S graphs a little bit so this beat flattened out a little bit more so let's move these back a bit like that and so now it's a little bit less than Penny but it has a nice smoother Movement we just do these for anything any spot that we think it feels a little bit off I think the X starts a little bit too fast over here so let's bring this up like that we're gonna move over here and then we can bring something like that that we have more of a smoother movement and I think that zoom out is a little bit too sharp as well oh let's bring this over here something like this and maybe pull that down and pull that fold this over I don't know just play with it to see something you like and what I did next is I added just a video it kind of helps focus on the center more especially when we're gonna make it white just like this and then we can put the softness down like that so it's not too overbearing and then we could probably decrease the size or increase the size as well so it's not taking up the whole screen that's not too bad right now and you can see at the very end that there is no motion blur at this point the graph so what we're going to do is we're gonna go to this transform 3D again I'm going to highlight this last keyframe over here and right click and hit gradient extrapolation and that has something like this it shows a little bit of opacity but that's fine it's not going to show up in the final render and let's do this for the greenish population as well and that'll give you continuous motion blur at the beginning and at the end all right that doesn't look too bad and now I'm going to show you how to use a soft daddy shake this is what I got from wave because I didn't choose all day editor and he also has it watch me edit if you want to go look at that which is pretty good if you want to learn right now I'm going to add a shake that I got from him so let's bring it and just put it over top of the whole scene like this we're going to open a fusion page we're gonna add the camera Shake node it's the one without the CSH at the end it's like that I'm going to change our values to 1.2 or zero on the motion variable 2.7 for the pan tilt rotation and for the pure trsp we're gonna do 1.5 and then for the zoom to crop we're going to zoom it in by 0.1 so this has a room to move without showing any motion tile and yeah and we have a nice shape and it complements the edit pretty well so let's play it back all right that's not bad there's a couple more things that we could do to make it so it's less stiff so let's open the fusion this again and add a text animation to one of the notes so this one right here I'm gonna add text animation so this one's gonna be the randomized text animation I'm gonna do it again right here but if you want a tutorial on it this is the tutorial to find it at and that's the same process I'm going to do maybe it probably suggested just a little bit so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to around here this is going to have it start hoping we first see the text so let's have it like this we're gonna right click I'm gonna go to the correct text and we're going to right click this over here let's go to character level styling and then we're going to go to modifiers then we're going to keyframe right here and then we're going to keyframe the place we want it to stop so around towards the end when he's zooming in at that and then we'd go back to our original keyframe and then we're going to view this text and we're going to move these letters so the way we're going to move this way we're going to highlight one of the letters we're going to go to shading go down to rotation and then position and then you could adjust however you want whatever way you want to move this I'm just going to move this up and to the left a little bit and then for the next one I'm going to do the opposite so I'm going to do something like this down and two right and then for this one repeat the process in a different way that way and then let's do this down and then maybe inside as well and then if we play this back it does not snap back into place so what we need to do is unkeyframe this Frame it again and then go back to our shading Tab and we highlight everything and then we could double click these parameter and it brings it back and then you'll have your animation just like this then we're gonna go to our spline and then we can adjust our animation however we want the way I'm going to make it a little bit bouncy is I'm going to put this graph up like that and then over the original and then use them like this and that's where it's however it's going to have it's going to bounce just like that and then if you want a bit smoother let's bring it over like that and then that's not too bad for until you play back up here everything that looks pretty good to me now what you want to do if you don't think the camera's in our position for your clip you can move it up so right now I'm going to move High soccer up just a little bit just so she's in the center of the screen more like that and then we still should have room for everything else there you go you have your 3D typography slash 3D camera effect you're interested in learning how to make a twitch Shake click this video right here otherwise subscribe another good day
Channel: PeeJ ENT
Views: 55,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PeeJ, PeeJ ent, davinci resolve, amv, davinci resolve amv, amv davinci resolve, amv editing, amv edits, DaVinci Resolve | 3D Camera Typography
Id: YviOYW1afdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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