3 FULL EPISODES - +90 Minutes NON-STOP The Beginnners Bible

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[Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just talking up and take [Music] [Applause] it's a story Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the beginning there was god the earth was empty and dark God looked over the surface of the world it was time for something to happen let there be light and the earth became white I shall call the light day and the darkness night and so there had been darkness and then light and that was the world's very first day now God was just getting started the next thing to do was to make the sky above the world and to fill the sky with clouds [Music] and that was the second day in the world on the third day God separated the water from the dry land God made all kinds of things to put on the land there were rocks and mountains valleys deserts and beaches [Music] there were big islands and little islands there were oceans and seas rivers and lakes but there was still more to come on the third day because God wasn't done yet it was time to make all the plants God made tall trees and short bushes vines ferns leaves and flowers [Music] God gave all the flowers a different size color shape and smell [Music] and all the grasses and plants and trees that make seeds and fruits were made on the third day too [Music] on the fourth day God made a brilliant light in the sky called the Sun to light up the day and a silvery one called the moon to add some light to the night time and as a special touch God added billions of twinkling stars to the night on the fifth day God made some creatures to live in this beautiful world there were birds and more birds [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and more verbs and in the rivers and oceans and seas and lakes God made fish [Music] and the oceans were full of all sorts of amazing creatures [Music] and that was the end of the fifth day but there is still a lot more for God to do on the sixth day it was time to make the rest of the animals [Music] there were so many animals to me big animals [Music] and small animals [Music] [Applause] there were spotted animals and horned animals [Music] every one of God's animals was beautiful [Music] now on this sixth day God did something else that was very important God created the first man [Music] and that man was called Adam then God blew the breath of life right into Adam where am I welcome to the world Adam who are you I am God look around you all the plants of the earth and all their seeds and all their fruits I give them to you and all the animals you have power over them as well everything is yours to use to care for and protect [Music] sit sit please [Music] God looked over everything and was happy and on the seventh day God rested it is very good now God wanted Adam to live in the most wonderful place that could ever be so God planted a beautiful garden for Adam to live in it was called the Garden of Eden God made a great river run through the garden and then the river split into four great rivers [Music] Adam had all the animals for company in the garden Wow excuse me [Music] hey Adams first job was to name all the animals this new request from God sounds like it's quite a job I'm going to be as busy as a bee I've got to search my brain and come up with the name for every living breathing thing I see you with the large brown spots eating from tree tops your neck is the biggest part of you twisting round so easily I believe your name will be stretchy now that's pretty touching or perhaps Juara will do the jungle must be long the one so fierce and strong I shiver and tremble at your growl so you with the flowing mane I give you the kingly name Rory no that fits you 40 maybe lion is fine for now those flippy floppy things I think I'll call them wings and creatures they're attached to will be burned the red rest will be Robin ostrich that big on hair it is the clawed one movie peds Oh I'd say your fantasies shell protects you very well although it can slow you down a bit so you with the scaly skin I named you and all your kin pokey [Music] know your Wordle be turtle yeah just right the swimmers in the seat will mostly fishes beat with whale and snail and lobster one and all the orange one is goldfish Cod the ice cold fish has the Bonefish of one day the way you jump around so you hardly touch the ground and scamper so fast you're just a blur so you with the cotton tip you'll be known on every trail as hopper no that's not oh I have it your rabbit for sure it's still early in the day and I'm well on my way to naming every animal I know why there's only half a million to go [Music] looks like you've got a dear friend I'd like to have a friend too [Music] there were many animals to name adam grew very tired of trying to decide what to call each one now god looked down on at him sleeping there in the garden and adam looked very alone hmm and God decided that Adam needed a companion someone to be with God decided it was time to make another person so God created woman [Music] know why hello hello I mean hi I mean shucks where am I you're in God's garden the Garden of Eden it's really nice here you'll see these are my friends this is monkey and this is dog and this is haven't named you yet have I gee I guess you need a name too don't you how do you like Eve it's lovely Eve I like it and I like this place me too you see God made this garden for me I mean us to live in and everything's pretty and you can eat anything you want and not quite who was that that was God oh there is one fruit in all the garden that you may not Eve there is this is the tree of knowledge of good and evil you may eat up anything else in the garden but you may not eat the fruit from this tree okay tree of knowledge of good and evil no eating absolutely no eating right anything else in the garden is okay but not that tree definitely not that tree right [Music] [Laughter] and so Adam and Eve that very happily in the Garden of Eden until one day I'm so happy life's a breeze picking fruit from all the trees howdy oh you startled me hello what are you called why hey miss serpent nice to meet you nice to meet you too nice day isn't it very nice day nice tree isn't it very nice tree nice fruit um I have to go now no you don't we're just getting to know each other you don't wonder and my feelings do you no good because I want us to be very good friends now as I was saying it's nice fruit isn't it you can eat it you know eat what you know what I'm talking about the fruit of this tree you can eat it the fruit of this tree no I can't eat that sure you can it's easy it tastes great [Music] we're not allowed to eat that God said so God said we'd be in big trouble if we ate that fruit yeah you won't be in trouble dad just doesn't want you to eat the fruit from this tree because if you eat it you'll get smiled like God Oh as a matter are you a chicken I'm not a chicken well then why not give it a shot just one teeny tiny taste God probably won't even notice and this fruit I'm telling you is incredible no I really can't never tell try yet well if it won't kill me and it'll make me smart maybe just one tiny taste sort of a lick not even a bite really well how bad could that be pretty good and I've got to tell Adam about this Adam Adam you'll never guess what just happened what you know the fruit rich fruit you know the one we weren't supposed to eat what about it you didn't did you I did Eve how could you Adam it's great I want you to try it too that serpent over there told me all about it I just took a little bite that's all but evil really get it if we eat that fruit I didn't get it did I oh yeah I guess not just take a tiny bite God's probably not even looking oh go ahead I don't know it was good but suddenly I feel kind of scared I just feel so I don't know so sort of naked good grief I'm naked that's better what were we thinking thank God it's coming I think we're in trouble big trouble I think we're gonna get it now we'd better hide [Music] Adam II what are you doing we're hiding why well we didn't want you to see us we did a bad thing we were scared how did you know these things did you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil well yes but it was her fault she talked me into it it wasn't my fault that serpent talked me into it I am NOT happy you have disobeyed me we're sorry we're really sorry I'm not worried what can happen to me you serpent will crawl on your belly and need us forever you will fear people and people will fear you this is your punishment for all time and you hadn't even because I trusted you when you disobeyed me you must leave the garden life was easy for you here but it will not be easy outside you will have to work hard that your children will have to work hard you will know what it means to hurt and suffer pain there are some guards to keep warm after you leave the garden now go [Music] God put an angel with a flaming sword at the entrance to the garden so Adam and Eve could never go back but even though Adam and Eve had disobeyed God even though they had to leave the garden God still loved them I'm sorry Eve I'm sorry too Adam I guess we're all alone no not quite alone and thus began Adam and Eve's new life outside the gardens from then on their life was filled with joy and sadness good things and bad but even though they could never go back to the Garden God did not abandon Adam and Eve God always watched over them wherever they went forever after [Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just tolling up [Music] the story Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] long ago God sent his prophet Samuel to find the future king of the Israelites [Music] Samuel go to Jesse's house in Bethlehem there you will find the new king over all Israel I wonder who that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my sons come into the house there is a guest here to see you Oh David you stay there and look after the Sheep we're going inside [Music] Jesse you say you have eight sons yes and they are such fine young men here they come [Music] which one could it be surely this must be God's chosen one no satinwood you are thinking too much about what it looks like you must look inside you must look at his heart hmm wait there are only seven here don't you have another son yes but he is the youngest and the smallest see him off there guarding the Sheep him no oh it couldn't be him thank you I will leave now [Music] you must look at his heart what's your name son David God has told me that you will be the new king of Israel someday God is my friend he helps me save my seat yes and one day I hope you save us all goodbye David goodbye and God bless David's three older brothers were called away David come over here and pray with me as I bless the men of the family for battle to go fight for the people of Israel early up up in Adama may the Lord bless you and keep you and bring you safely home from that but father what son you didn't bless me I want to fight for Israel hmm don't worry about us father we're old enough and strong enough we can hardly wait to fight the enemy of God's chosen people the evil Philistines will win and behold before you know it David hey wait everybody wait don't leave without me please please let me go father I want to fight for the people of Israel - I may be small but I'm great like just the other day I saved a whole flock of sheep from a huge ferocious lion I hit him with a stone from my sling and knocked him clean out want to see how good I'm getting no David not now first I had to sum that lion right on his nose Buster's these jaws apart rescued our little lab and then I'm not afraid of those Philistines so please father please let me go fight to guarding sheep isn't exactly the same as fighting the big bad philistines little David stay home little brother father needs your help to watch over the Sheep and father can watch over you grow up little lamb you may be brave enough to fight but you're just too little [Music] inner dub trauma time to go but my father goodbye goodbye my goodbye someday I'll go to battle for the people of Israel father some dead now the two great armies met for war in the middle of a vast Valley King Saul led the army of Israelites [Music] but the enemy the Philistines had a giant on their side [Music] [Music] the giant came marching across the valley toward the army of the Israelites his lakes were his biggest tree trunks his arms were strong as iron and his steps made the whole earth trembling I am Goliath the Giant and all of you are nothing but King Saul's little servers even if all of you fight me together you can never beat me [Music] I dare you choose just one man rave enough to fight not me not me not me either just one man if he beats me all of my men will be your servants but if I slay him all of you shall be our servants forever who is brave enough to fight God tired just step forward I'll be waiting [Laughter] [Music] every morning and evening for 40 days Goliath marched to the center of the valley and gave his great battle cry [Music] [Applause] [Music] who will fight me today [Music] not me yesterday none of the brave or foolish enough you are nothing he said right [Music] well what do my brothers think no don't even think about it I'll try to you're not risking your life for him maybe neither are you le ab it's not worth it not even to Mary King Saul's daughter oh but wouldn't it be great being rewarded with the princess's hand in marriage defeating the Giant oh I wish this was over and we could go home to Father in Bethlehem the king will come up with a plan you watch [Music] [Laughter] bet I can get five in a row [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now remember never be afraid David that was a good shot son did you see that father maybe now you let me go join the army and fight with King Saul in the Israelites no son I told you before they won't take you you're too young to be a soldier and you've got to get some more meat on those bones of yours but father I'm strong and I can run like a deer I said no David now do as I ask and take this food to your brothers then hurry home to tell me how they are not be careful son I pray you will bring good news [Music] who will fight me today Wow is there one man brave enough to fight our old Israelites nothing but cowards [Music] Elya apena top Shambo what are you doing why are you running away you better run yourself if you know what's good for you it's Goliath the giant gives the champion for the Philistines against the people of Israel why won't anyone fight that what do you mean look at him he's too strong he's over 10 feet tall none of us could even lift his spear but what about King Saul King Saul will give a rich reward to the man who slays that giant you'll even let him marry his own daughter and none of you are brave enough to try no because none of us want to die for no reason [Music] Elya why won't you fight a bin a DAB why are you afraid Shama are you afraid of the giant - all the soldiers are afraid little David yes little brother aren't you afraid - you're too young to be here at all David yes little brother go home and take care of sheep where it's safe no I can't someone has to fight Goliath but who everyone here is afraid I'll fight the Giant I'm not afraid you yes God is stronger than Goliath and God will help me go tell King Saul I'm not afraid I have news for King Saul what news so there's this Israelite champion it was really a young shepherd boy it says he wants to fight for King Saul and the Israelites it says God will help him fight the Giant he's never even been trained as a soldier well tell the foolish lion to the home King Saul is no use for jokes out here on the battlefield you tell the boy tell the boy to come here but sire Joep bring the boy here to me now I wonder who he is I wonder why he's the only one brave enough to fight the giant I understand yeah it's fear appears to be the size of a small tree and all I've got is that slingshot this Philistine is large but I know who's in charge I have a guy [Applause] [Music] the I caught the rolling by little baby I was no debris the fight for God's not this but I know ha I have a giant [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with me [Music] so that's the little hero looks like he couldn't fight a flea make way for the little giant killer I don't see any giant killer I don't see anyone neither do i silence make way for this boy I said make way for the shepherd boy the king wants to see him oh yes surely commander and right away sir your majesty I let the boys speak please sir don't be afraid of the giant with God's help I'll fight him for you I'll fight Goliath for you and for all of the people of Israel but how can a boy like you fight Goliath you can't match him in size or strength or skill my boy why you've never even been trained for battle it's true your majesty I am young and small but God will make me strong if God saves my sheep God will save me from this giant now let me fight the giant for you and the people of Israel yes little David and may God be with you [Applause] Joey get my sword and shield get my armor put them on young David huh Joab I said dress the boy for battle huh yes yes your majesty well didn't you hear King Saul do as he says [Music] [Music] but David God's help is all the armor I need [Music] please help me god help me fight Goliath the giant for the people of Israel can you hear me Goliath the Giant I am ready to fight [Music] [Music] ha do you think you can fight with sticks and stones you'll be sorry you fight me with your sharp sword and heavy spear Goliath but I fight you in the name of God [Music] [Applause] Goliath he's dead and the Israelites chased the Philistines away [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I had this dead where is the boy Joab bring him here to me little brother it is you our brave baby brother David bring the boy here to King Saul thank you my son thank God for majesty that is how little David beat Goliath the giant with the help of God this was only one of the many great adventures God had planned for David David the shepherd boy grew up to become a great king who served God throughout David's long and adventurous life he always remembered the comforting words of God do you know how the world began how God created it by and from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just tolling up and take a it's a story [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] in the town of Bethany there was a lot of celebrating but not everyone had heard the wonderful miraculous news [Music] excuse me pardon me what's going on haven't you heard a good friend of ours has died really - why is everyone so happy because he has come back to life that's impossible that would would be a miracle I'd sooner believe that my donkey talks who is this man no ordinary man that's for sure his name is Jesus and he's the son of God we don't blame you for not believing us we'd think the same thing if we didn't know Jesus and hadn't seen the miracles ourselves oh excuse me I'm Peter and I'm Andrew come sit with us Andrew introduced Jesus to me I liked him the very first time I met him Peter told the traveler that a few days after meeting Jesus they were all invited to a wedding even Jesus's mother Mary was there [Music] halfway through the party that groom saw that the wine was almost gone without wine there wouldn't be anything to drink and the party might end early they have no wine is there anything you can do to help but it's not time to let people know who I am okay do whatever he tells you to do go and fill six empty jars with water [Music] then pour the water for all the wedding guests I don't believe it this is the best wine I've ever tasted huh the groom didn't know where the wine came from [Applause] but Andrew and Peter noon [Music] it was Jesus first miracle that could have been some trick don't you think no it definitely wasn't a trick we saw it with our own eyes and that was just the beginning of his miracles like the time we were about to fish Peter explained how Jesus was teaching a large group of people about the kingdom of God hello again please no pushing may I join you of course let's go out into the water Jesus spoke to the crowd onshore for a little while longer then said Peter sail out into deeper water and let's fish but Jesus we fished all night and caught nothing maybe so but now put your nets into the water and see with you catch anything you say Jesus our nets are about to break we're going to need another boat [Music] this is fantastic we have so many fish we're going to sink Peter Andrew it's time to stop fishing now what come with me and I'll teach you how to be fishers of men so Andrew and Peter quit their jobs they stopped fishing so they could be with Jesus and learn from him after that they met James and John who also joined Jesus they became jesus' closest friends and followed him wherever he went to teach people we were the first of his followers his disciples this is James and John so the boat load of fish was another miracle I don't know maybe Jesus had a knack for fishing I'm a pretty good fisherman myself you know oh that was just the beginning there were so many other miracles oh this is Phillip and Thomas there was the time Jesus was teaching inside a friend's house James told how the house was packed with people who had come to hear Jesus will never get close enough for him to help our sick friend hmm maybe there's more than one way to get inside [Music] so remember with faith you can do anything what are they doing away go away do you hear no wait don't you see how hard they work to get their sick friend inside the house what's going to happen all of the bad things you have done in your life no longer matter I forgive you of your sins what Jesus can't forgive this man everyone knows that only God can forgive someone who is bad who does he think he is when I say I forgive your sins there's no way of proving that I've really done anything true true but you will see my power if I heal this man's body too time to get up and walk home glory to God this really is his son [Applause] [Music] if Jesus can cure a sick man then it's true that he can forgive sins too [Music] look Jesus has healed me and then the man and his four friends shouted for joy and sang all the way home that sounds like a miracle but maybe the man wasn't really sick and he just tricked Jesus [Music] what's this someone who doesn't believe Jesus miracles he thinks they're just tricks a minute ago you said you were a pretty good fisherman once I caught a camel fish this big but have you ever been able to make a storm go away no one can do that there was the time when all of us were sailing across a lake I'm tired and need to rest a little while [Music] [Music] going to sink us grab this rope and pull it tight [Music] please be still [Music] Peter why don't you have more faith there's no reason to be frightened when I am with you it's a miracle even the wind and water oh baby I I don't know what to say I hardly believe my ears if only I could see such miracles with my own eyes yes I have seen the miracles I've seen them with my eyes I've seen my friend name Jesus turned water into wine seeing is believing believe in what I see when you look within your heart you'll see what I mean I can almost see the miracles right before my eyes he fills the nets of fishermen turns water into wine he feeds the hungry cures the lame give sight to the blind when I my heart miracles come alive I believe in miracles I believe in Jesus [Music] because the power of God is [Music] when you believe in [Music] I can almost say that I can almost toss my doubts Paro if [Music] sometimes my brother you got there is a man in Israel he's doing wondrous things they say he is the son of God Jesus is his man [Music] I believe in Jesus I think the power of God is are not would you believe [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] the disciples then told about the day when Jesus was stopped by two blind men Jesus please please heal us do you really think I can make you see again oh yes we've heard all about you you are the true Son of God we know you can make us see again then what you believe can happen will happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] just keep on believing first we could only see darkness now we can see the light of the world oh what a miracle that must have been please don't stop there the disciples then explained the more people learned about Jesus the more they hungered for his teachings like the day in Galilee when he spoke to a crowd of 5,000 people it was a wonderful day almost like a big surprise picnic can't everyone go home now so they can get something to eat but Peter there is so much more I want to tell them Philip where can we buy enough food for all these people it would take eight months of work to pay for all the food for a crowd this size Jesus I found a boy who has five loaves of bread and two fish the boy gladly gave Jesus his food [Music] after blessing the food Jesus gave it to his disciples to hand out it was just a little bit of food but it filled every basket they had and kept filling them and after everyone had eaten they collected the leftovers and found that there was enough to still fill every basket Jesus had performed another miracle but the day wasn't over yet right after the wonderful picnic Jesus sent his disciples back across the lake [Music] [Music] look there what is it a ghost don't be afraid I'm coming to help you Jesus is it alright for me to come out to you come ahead Peter [Music] oh my [Music] I I can't walk on water help me Jesus help me [Music] why did you doubt me Peter [Music] [Applause] [Music] truly you are the son of God [Music] why did you sink Peter because of that moment I lost my faith I didn't totally believe in Jesus or what he was doing but he showed me how greetings that is oh for such wonderful things to happen Jesus must truly be the Son of God but we haven't told you about one of the greatest miracles of all James told about the time when Jesus heard some very bad news about his friend Lazarus [Music] Lazarus has died sad we're sorry Jesus don't be my friends he's dead but I'm going to bring him back to life when I do it will help you to believe in me they found Lazarus's sister's wedding in front of the burial tomb Jesus I'm sure Lazarus wouldn't have died if you had been there Martha anyone who believes in Me will live again even if he has died do you believe that yes because I believe you are God's Son then take away this stone [Music] God may everyone now see that you have sent me to give life Lazarus come out [Music] [Music] Jesus must be the son of God then Peter told the traveler about Jesus's most important most wonderful miracle it happened three days after his own death it was on a Sunday when John and Peter went to where Jesus was buried but he was gone Jesus came back to life he then visited his disciples they first saw him down by the water what are we supposed to do now we should become fishermen again what else can we do sea is completely empty yes we fished all night and we haven't caught a thing hello have you caught any fish not even one try again throw your net over the right side of the boat [Music] Hey look it's Jesus quick let's go to shore you go ahead I can't wait [Music] good morning Peter call to the others let's have fish for breakfast in all Jesus has been here with us for 40 days now telling us about the kingdom of God oh how wonderful I only wish that I leader there you are I give you my blessings and now it is time for me to return to heaven so I can be with my father now go out into the world and teach everyone you meet about me remember I'll always be with you through the Holy Spirit [Music] we must leave now my friend I and the others are going to Jerusalem to begin our life's work to tell others like yourself about Jesus remember everything that we've told you today and believe in the miracles of Jesus I believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 895,723
Rating: 4.5255928 out of 5
Keywords: Noah's Ark (Art Subject), The Bible (Religious Text), Religion (TV Genre), noah bible, beginner's bible, the bible, bibel geschichten, bible story, The beginners bible, beginner bible, Bible Story (TV Subject), bible stories, bible children, bible kids story, education, animation, tv, serie, church, god, bible for kids, stories for kids, cartoon, kids tv, bible, jesus, tv bible, full episodes
Id: xwV9pLl9zuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 56sec (4616 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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