Dave Asprey reveals: The IDEAL time to eat | Ep135

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[Music] welcome to the dr gundry podcast it's one of the best ways to lose weight increase your energy and reduce inflammation so why isn't everyone doing it because the technique i'm talking about is fasting well my guest today says almost everything you've heard about fasting is all wrong not only that but he says there's actually a better way to fast and it doesn't mean suffering or giving up all your favorite foods i got to hear about this today i'm joined by my friend and biohacker extraordinaire dave asprey and he's got a brand new book called fast this way burn fat heal inflammation and eat like the high performing human you were meant to be we're going to chat about the powerful benefits of fasting the foods you can eat while you fast and the kryptonite foods you must avoid dave welcome back to the dr gundry podcast dr gundry i love getting a chance to talk with you thanks for having me on there's so much good stuff uh to share that i think that your audience is just gonna understand maybe better than average because you've done such a good job of talking about food toxins and the link between them and fasting is is very important it's really hard to fast if you just wrecked your gut before the fast that's one of the things people don't understand that's very true all right so the obvious question and of course in the title of your book why why fasting um most people think that fasting means going completely without food you and i both agree that that's not quite right why not well a lot of the studies on fasting were done with mice and they gave them ice only water so then you could say well that's what worked in the study so i'm going to give a person only water and it turns out water fasting works but you have to lay around rest and you're expected to feel bad and if there's anything i've learned in the 10 years of bulletproof it's that people have a life so there's such a thing as a working fast where oh i needed my brain to work all day today and i wanted the metabolic benefits of fasting and there's also such a thing as a spiritual fast where i was going to do a longer fast and i was going to use all that extra energy to to go within and and to do to do the the deep personal development work but to try and do that monday morning when you're intermittent fasting is probably a bad strategy yeah i know in your book you you spend a lot of time talking about some of your vision quests and how all that came about and it's fascinating reading so i absolutely recommend people get your book just to learn about how you went about doing this all right you you write in the book that fasting is not suffering now come on dave most people associate it with suffering but you and i know that's not true and in fact it's quite the opposite and i think you do a wonderful demonstration in your new book about how it's not about suffering can can you explain why it isn't about suffering most people believe that if you don't eat six times a day your body will go into starvation mode and starvation equals pain and then death and we know that's not really true but we kind of feel like that's true and so you can reset that and say well wait what if my goal was to fast for a short period of time 16 hours maybe 18 hours how could i do it where my goal is i wanted to get the benefits but i didn't want to feel even a little bit of hunger or pain because i had kids to take care of because i had a job to do and what you can do then is you can say all right what are the things that actually break a fast and it turns out protein will break a fast and carbohydrates will break a fast but you can have certain kinds of fat in relatively small amounts during a fast and the body believes you're still fasting but you get a ton of energy you can even have things that are good for your gut bacteria during a fast that suppress hunger so there's nothing that says you have to fast like a mouse in a lab and there's nothing that says you have to suffer the reason i wrote fast this way is that if you look at how much energy and time and money you invest in something and you look at how much energy do you get back that's how you think about it the highest return investment you can make is skipping breakfast because you save time you saved money and you got more energy out of it if you do it right and i write about these three fasting hacks that you can do that reduce your suffering reduce your hunger give you more energy and more focus so fasting becomes an effortless easier part of the day that gives you more energy than eating a muffin in the middle of the morning and so you win on every aspect of it and that's what's missing from the world it's this picture of like oh i just leaned in i pushed through i knew that i was hypoglybitchy at 11 o'clock but i made it through my meeting anyway i'm not talking about making it through i'm talking about feeling better than normal when you do this that's what is missing from our fasting conversation but dave everybody knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day we've been told that by cereal companies for over a hundred years why isn't it the most important meal of the day well it's it is the most important meal of the day when you think about breaking a fast it's just when you have breakfast which is your first meal of the day which usually should be around noon so the idea that you have to eat before you go to work only really came about from farming and then the industrial revolution when we all started living by these clocks well you didn't have time to eat when it would be a normal time to eat so we're all just going to agree we before we really should be eating because it's more convenient so you go to work in a factory and we took that on as a societal norm and it's really good for selling stuff especially breakfast cereal you eat cereal in the morning you'll be starving by 10 o'clock and then you'll buy a cereal bar or you'll eat a muffin or the bagel even if you say you won't eat it you will be so hungry because you ate the wrong thing for breakfast that you are destined to cheat on your diet and you're not going to feel good you spend the whole day in a yo-yo when you fast right you have your last meal of the day as early as is reasonable so an earlier dinner at five or six if you do that and you don't have a midnight snack or something between six o'clock and say 10 o'clock when you go to sleep you've got four hours of fasting that didn't feel like fasting because you're still full from dinner you slept for eight hours you already did 12 hours without eating and then all you do is say oh i'll do four more hours and there you go you did a 16 hour intermittent fast but if instead you say oh i'll just have breakfast even if i'm not that hungry um i'll just do it because that's what i'm supposed to do you're actually causing metabolic harm you're not getting any benefits from it and if you wake up starving that's not normal that means whatever you had for dinner was the wrong food if you want to feel really really bad just have bell peppers for dinner you'll wake up just just dying for food it's because you triggered a craving and you and i both know why right yeah and make sure you push your bell peppers on your pizza there you go that's a that's a real whammy no you're right as you know i've got a book coming out in the middle of march called the energy paradox and it really it echoes exactly what you're saying and i think it's fascinating to really look at the history of breakfast which you correctly say it's break fast and that's where the term comes from and when you actually look at hunter gatherers hunter gatherers don't eat break fast they there's no storage system number one and number two they just head out and you're right they tend to eat their first meal at oh 10 11 noon often when they find their first meal and i think the victorian england in the industrial revolution is actually where the idea that we should eat before we head off to work because people forget that factory conditions were so abysmal you actually did not get to eat lunch at the factory and so you know you ate before you went to the factory and you may be at the factory for 12 hours 14 hours before you returned home and in fact funny story uh that's actually a ramadan fast which is it is which is actually as i talk about in the interview paradox another way to pull this off so uh that's where it came from you're right and serial companies this was the best thing that ever happened to him but but it's a it's a new thing it's just like electric lights it used to be okay it's dark outside you have a little bit of a kerosene lantern or a whale oil lantern before that or a candle and you didn't have very much of that so then you just go to sleep when it was dark and so now we've said oh let's eat at a time that's not normal let's keep it bright really late at night and there's even a chapter in fastest way about how to combine light and fasting in order to change your circadian rhythm really rapidly because it turns out light is the biggest signal for getting your body aligned to the actual time of day but food is the second signal when two billion years ago there were these ancient mitochondria these bacteria floating in the ocean and those are the things that set the timing and the energy metabolism in the body as as you all know but if you think about it well the sun would come up they wouldn't eat right when the sun first came up because they would go down in the ocean when it was colder as they would get warmer they'd come to the surface and they would feed and the most food available is when the sun's right overhead because they were eating algae and plankton and stuff like that so it's natural that we would start our food our largest consumption should be in the middle of the day not right at sunrise and so our bodies are still getting ready to eat when we're eating and the idea that you can just let yourself have that time in the morning where your body is still working on getting going and running its repair systems and when it's not distracted by the work of digestion and you say what do you mean distracted by that well it takes metabolic energy to break down food if you're not breaking down food you're going to break down old dead cells or old proteins you're going to do repair on the body and then the food will come but if the food's always there the body says i can't just let it sit in the gut i have to fix the food instead of fixing myself and giving yourself a break like that it sounds what i might be hungry no if you do this right you do not experience any hunger you just don't want to eat i've had nothing to eat today it's around 11 o'clock i simply don't miss food i haven't thought once about a muffin or anything like that there's a sense of peace about it and the definition of fasting that i talk about it in fastest way it's going without and you can fast from junk food it's called eating healthier you can fast from carbs it's called keto you can fast from lectins it's called good for you so you can just choose i'm going to not eat some things eat fast from alcohol you can fast from social media and in any of those things there's great numbers of people say but if i do that i'll suffer and what fasting really does for you is it shows the cells in your body or it shows the thoughts in your mind that what they thought you needed you didn't really need and the surprising thing about intermittent fasting is the return of energy is greater than you would ever expect so it isn't about expending effort it's about getting more ability to expend effort so let's talk about some of the benefits of fasting because obviously before anybody even says okay dave i i buy into maybe i should do this but how what what am i going to get for my effort in avoiding food for at least for a longer period than i'm used to i mean what about blood sugar responses what about autophagy one of my favorite subjects and what about nad plus ah i love your questions i love the way you think about things dr gundry well you do from fasting get autophagy which is where your body breaks down cells and proteins in the body that are weak so if you eat all the time the body says well i have these these mitochondria are these cells they're weak but since there's always food they're still good enough and it lets them hang around even though they really don't work very well but they're not all the way they're kind of halfway worn out but when the body says you mean sometimes i might have all of 18 hours without food i guess the cells that get really uncomfortable aren't good enough anymore and it gets rid of them and it builds younger healthier cells and mitochondria that's a really big deal and it breaks up cellular junk that can get built up in the cells as well so that's a major benefit blood sugar response there's lots of type 2 diabetics who go off medications or aren't type 2 diabetics anymore just from intermittent fasting it usually helps if you exercise you don't have to over exercise and it helps if you don't eat junk food the rest of the time but this skipping breakfast fixes blood sugar issues for a lot of people especially when they follow the advice to have your dinner earlier so you just get this longer window where the body can go in say oh i did have high blood sugar i guess since i'm not breaking down yet another muffin i will actually burn the sugar that's in my blood and become better at doing that and you can also see a repair of the the microbiome in the gut these longer periods allow good guys to take over and the bad guys to go away so a lot of people end up having much healthier digestion because they gave it a rest yeah i think that's one of the things that certainly i talk about is that you really do get a beneficial change in the microbiome and many people believe in including me that it may be fundamentally a change in the microbiome that's behind a lot of the benefits in intermittent fasting i want to echo something you say about autophagy years ago when a cell was ready to die we thought that all cells basically lack of a better word explode and are replaced with a new cell and that was called apoptosis we now know that apoptosis is not the way you want a cell to die but you would much rather recycle the components of the cell and that's autophagy which literally means self-eat so when i have a patient and i'm trying to explain the difference to them and we can actually measure this with blood tests i say okay and i'll use you dave since i got you let's suppose you are a successful entrepreneur the bulletproof coffee is you know is great bulletproof lifestyle is great and you've been in an old building and the old building is getting kind of torn down and it looks bad and you go you know i am so successful i am dave asprey biohacker extraordinaire i'm going to blow up this building and i'm going to build a skyscraper and i'm going to put my name on the top of it so that everybody knows how successful i am well we do this with ourselves and when we have lots of stuff coming in when we've got lots of food we go oh you know times are great i'm just going to blow up the cell and i'm going to replace it with a new one but i'm going to literally blow this cell up and that actually ex debris goes everywhere yes this inflammatory debris of cells blowing up and even mitochondria which you ourselves believe are actually ancient bacteria that causes inflammation now on the other hand let's suppose that times are a little rough for bulletproof covid's hurting you know the coffee sales and you go well this building is still not very good i know resources are tight but we can make repairs on this building we can put a fresh coat of paint we can put duct tape on the tubing and we'll get by until you know i'm a genius and i'm going to rebuild this whole wonderful empire that's actually what happens and the minute my patients hear this they go oh i get it so i want to i want to fool my body that times are actually a little worse than my body thinks it is and just this partitioning of eating into a more compact window is a phenomenal method for telling your cells that they ought to repair themselves rather than blow themselves up so you can you can you you can take that and do what you want with it it it's a really good analogy and it's that signal that hey you might have to thrive at a time when there isn't food means that the body will become more resilient and it's it's really funny because almost every one of the the bio hacking interventions that i've talked about over the last 10 years the same thing you take a brief cold shower well the body says hmm it might get really cold at any time therefore any cells that can't make heat quickly are no longer good enough i better start doing my upgrades and if you're always warm you're always full well but i don't have to do any upgrades i'll just kind of let junk build up who cares if there's a bag of trash in the corner it doesn't matter because i'm in a world where it just doesn't matter and you realize you can tell the body by changing your environment that it does matter and it has to stay in shape and probably the hardest way to tell the body you have to stay in shape is oh you know go for a run for an hour every day that's going to have less of an effect on you from a health perspective than skipping breakfast granted exercise is still important it's just that it takes a lot of effort to go run for an hour and the kind of of work that the body will do it'll say i need to be able to put energy out for an hour but that's a different kind of metabolism then i need to have resilience so that i can go with or without food without you being hungry and what i discovered in the course of of my path is that i had never experienced hunger when i was young and obese i only experienced cravings because i was eating the wrong foods and i'd wake up in the morning with cravings every time it was time to eat i would have cravings and when you start doing intermittent fasting you realize well this morning it was a really easy fast what did i do for dinner last night that might have had an effect on my energy levels today and when i fasted in a cave for four days with no food and no people anywhere which is the through line for the book i really had to sit down and and focus on that okay when am i hungry and when am i feeling something else there are emotional reasons people either people eat for boredom for loneliness and that can be a part of a problem that someone has but quite often it's that you feel like you're going to die if you don't eat because you really punched yourself in the gut with your last meal and you and i are so aligned on you know avoiding these inflammatory food toxins and having a very healthy lining of the gut because when you do that it makes fasting even easier so the idea behind fast this way is to present tools that say for someone who's maybe got 100 pounds to lose like i used to and really feels terrible if they skip breakfast because their metabolism is not in a place to handle that how do you do this and if you say i'm just gonna have water in the morning you're gonna drink all morning the odds are that four out of five days someone's gonna put some food in front of you and at 10 30 you're going to eat it just because you don't have any more willpower left because willpower comes from burning blood sugar it comes from burning ketones it's energy and you're already out of energy so the three fasting hacks in the book make it so that you can control ghrelin which is a hunger hormone or cck which is a satiety hormone and you can do it during a fast and maintain autophagy in fact one of my favorite kinds of fasts has been it was in the bulletproof diet book as well it's a protein fast if you go a day and you eat some food as long as there's less than 15 grams of protein in total then your body still stays in autophagy but you got to eat something so you weren't hungry and maybe that's where you start or maybe you start with a shorter fast and you actually make it with a little bit of grass-fed butter and some mct oil and maybe even some prebiotic fiber which i know you're a fan of you make a really good one and you can put that in there and if you have fiber only during a fast well the fiber doesn't raise your blood sugar it doesn't turn on protein digestion so your body keeps doing autophagy your blood sugar remains stable but you now have this huge feeling of satiety and you fed the good gut bacteria so you could do that monday through friday and then maybe say oh saturday i have some time to rest and reflect i'm only going to have black coffee or tea or maybe i'll just have water and i'm going to really kind of suffer through it and and and rest and relax traditionally fasting goes with resting and the problem with with where we are as a society now is it's hard to rest during the week so if to try and combine intermittent fasting as a new faster with a job and now you're working from home with kids hanging off each arm most people have a really hard time getting going and i did too when i started doing this and that's why i i wrote the book it as you know it's very easy to write a book on fasting step one don't eat for a while step two it's good for you here's ten studies right this is not that book and your books are not like those either they have to have new thinking new science new techniques and new ways to make it easy and that was why it was worth the time to put together a book like this yeah good point so uh you know one thing you talk about and i talk about in all my books are the benefits of ketones a lot of people think you need to do a ketogenic diet to make ketones what say you well you don't have to do a ketogenic diet to make ketones you may want to do a ketogenic diet for a shorter period of time as long as you go in and go out of ketosis chronic unending ketosis is not good for you there are a few people who get away with it but generally speaking you're going to want to have some carbohydrates because things like the glial cells in your brain they're the maintainers of your brain they actually like blood glucose so people generally if you go full ketosis or if you over fast which is becoming a big problem now i felt great when i intermittent fasted therefore i'm gonna do one meal a day fasting which is a 24-hour 24-hour fast i'm gonna do this every day and what i found over 10 years of working with people doing this in the bulletproof lifestyle women tend to hit a wall with fasting after about four to six weeks where their sleep quality goes down because they're just either not getting enough calories or they're just eating too infrequently so first is sleep quality then hormones get dysregulated so the cycles change and then hair starts getting thin and if you look at men it usually takes them six to eight weeks to do it and with men it's oh my sleep quality goes away i wake up without the kickstand i normally have in the morning and then i start getting thinner hair and if you go all keto without a break this can happen and if you start over fasting so i find that for people who have reasonable weight to lose and haven't built a metabolic flexibility like that you don't need to go full keto what you can do though is you can use two of the three fasting hacks that raise ketones enough this is enough to suppress hunger hormones and to show your cells that they can eat ketones as a fat source without having to go full on keto bro mode where i'm only eating you know bacon for the rest of my life which is not a good idea and one of those is just black coffee the amount of caffeine that is present in two small cups of coffee is going to actually make you double your ketone production according to a study from uc san diego and if you use mct oil mct oil at least the c8 form of mct oil is four times more ketogenic than coconut oil or the most abundant mct oil so coffee plus some mct bumps your ketones up enough they need to be at 0.5 which is a very low level and at 0.5 ghrelin the hunger hormone drops and cck the fullness hormone goes up and when that happens it frees your mind and i found the study that illustrates that it turns out that about 15 of the thoughts in the average person's day are about what's for their next meal and that's an average person if you're obese like i used to be or your metabolism isn't working you might be looking at 30 or 40 percent of your thoughts are about tacos and donuts well when you get your ketone levels up using mct oil and using black coffee well your thoughts turn off and you get those thoughts back and it makes a really big difference you know i'm glad you brought up that the you know the going key toe or doing a ketogenic diet 24 hours a day seven days a week months on end is probably really a bad idea and there's certainly no evolutionary evidence that we would have ever done that um we do you know we are the fat ape for a very good reason because we can burn free fatty acids for most of our fuel needs and the brain can't use a lot of free fatty acids because they can't get into the brain fast enough through the blood-brain barrier and so we have a backup system of ketones but thank you for pointing it out even at full ketosis even at full crazy three to five millimoles of ketones in your blood your brain still has to have anywhere from 30 to 40 percent of its fuel as glucose it really does it really does and people say oh no your brain loves ketones and it is the preferred fuel and i say well if that's the case how come at full ketosis your brains still were using 30 to 40 glucose and it seems like it's because neurons are the the rock star celebrity part of the brain and they will use ketones even if sugar is present but the glial cells and the astrocytes and the support and maintenance system the immune system of the brain it is shown in studies to prefer glucose so if you want rapid thinking in fact one of the reasons spiritual practices have fasting is ketones let your neurons work better so you can really have that energy and the focus to go deep to go within and that's why you feel really good when you intermittent fast but if you only do that then you are not maintaining the brain anymore and this is why people go keto which i'm a fan of do it and then go out and go in and go out and go in and go out and when you're at the weight you want to be you can have carbs just have them with your evening meal you'll sleep better as a result your gut bacteria will be happier and don't eat toxic carbs you know don't eat whole grains because they're actually just not healthy for you as you well know so when you get it all dialed in like that you end up realizing that okay i can have ketones the other thing that always struck me is odd when someone's really into this idea of keto imagine um imagine if someone came to you dr gundry and said you know i wanted to have more energy so i got my blood glucose up to 200. isn't that awesome right you're diabetic well if someone has ketones of of you know four or five or six for long periods of time it's because the body's not using the ketones for energy otherwise the blood levels wouldn't go up so high so we don't have proof that high levels of ketones are beneficial we have proof that metabolizing ketones is beneficial and if they're present in the blood and you're not pulling them out quickly your body isn't good at doing that intermittent fasting makes it so that you can better burn ketones and better burn glucose when you can burn glucose properly that means you're not diabetic and when you can burn ketones properly it means you have metabolic flexibility which equals human resilience and it's that that balancing act it makes us younger it makes us smarter faster happier and it turns off the cravings and it's turning off the cravings that's so critically important if you just want to function during the day yeah uh i want to touch on one final point before i let you go you you mentioned kryptonite foods uh i think you've you've been alluding to some of them uh what are they and why should people avoid them well there are about five of them that are really big triggers of hunger and uh you and i have been at the forefront of talking about lectins as a major trigger of hunger and a cause of human suffering so lectins are one of them so the idea that improperly cooked beans and legumes and certainly the nightshade family and whole grains in general you also have phytates and phytates are things that block your ability to absorb minerals from food and they grow in oftentimes whole grains and things like that we have oxalic acid which is present in kale and raw spinach and things like that and so many people like i ate a kale salad and then i was so hungry i ate another kale salad then i was so hungry i ate a donut well what's going on there is that oxalic acid is rough on the gut it's rough on the brain it's rough on the joints and it's not a particularly good thing to put into your body especially if you're trying to be full during a fast on top of that we have histamine if you're eating leftovers or things especially made out of pork or soy protein or fish that are old or fermented it tends to grow high levels of histamine now we know histamine from allergies but it's also a neurotransmitter and it drives brain fog and cravings so if you eat something full of histamine you will have a powerful drive to eat sugar and to just eat as much as you can and if you're trying to fast and you just sabotaged yourself the odds of you feeling good during the fast are about zero if you ate a ton of histamine some people are more sensitive than others and the final one is mold toxins or mycotoxins and these come either from something that grows on food in the field or when it's in storage and if you get food that has higher levels of these it creates a cellular stress response and when the body says oh no i have these toxins it's going to tell you to eat sugar because it wants the sugar to oxidize the toxins so you can excrete them and if you eat foods that either are leftovers or foods that are high sources of this like peanuts which is the perfect bad fats the very long chain fatty acids and lectins and aflatoxin well it's no wonder you wanted a lot of jelly with that peanut butter it's because you needed it to deal with this huge toxic burden that created physical stress that increased your hunger and reduced your resilience so by taking these classes of foods out of your diet you actually experience hunger instead of experiencing cravings and the amount of willpower it takes to go through the day is a lot less than normal all right well well put you know dave it's always a pleasure to have you on the podcast where can listeners find the book and learn more about you as if they didn't know but let's don't well if you go to fastthisway.com it's got all the links to pick up the book but if you send me a receipt i will spend two weeks teaching my book to you as a gift and i've never done this before i was a teacher at the university of california for five years this is a chance for me to spend your three one hour q and a sessions and daily a lecture from each chapter in the book to walk people through it so i'm for every book i do from here on out i'm going to teach because if it's a college class so people can use it as a textbook because that's a part of sharing this knowledge it's so precious and uh i'm really looking forward dr gundry to your new book the energy paradox when it comes out because all of your books are groundbreaking and just awesome and you're you're getting it at such a deep level so i appreciate being on your show and appreciate your work well thank you okay so we've got an audience question but you're going to be in on this one um gwendolyn nelson917 on instagram writes do you recommend nuts as a good first food after a fast if not then what all right i'll let you take it first i don't recommend nuts as a good first food after fast a lot of nuts do contain oxalic acid a lot of them contain phytates and a lot of them contain lectins so these are unlikely to make you feel really good after a fast you might have a couple walnuts which don't have a lot of that although they do have a lot of linoleic acid so if walnuts are your primary source of fat you're not going to like how you feel because you need a decent amount of saturated fat as well so what i like to do after a fast is i like to have a source of starch i'm totally fine with something like white rice and i like to have some healthy fat with it some people like to do a vegetable juice which i'm not opposed to but you need to not make it a kale juice if you're going to do that [Laughter] what do you say dr gundry yeah um people are going to learn in the energy paradox that pistachios are the highest source of the hormone melatonin known to exist and as people will learn the energy paradox i and probably you are a monster fan of melatonin because it is probably the most important hormone for mitochondrial protection that ever exists and so why not eat a few pistachios pistachios have a special power in superhuman man to aging book they also have a specific type of polyphenol that is highly correlated with anti-aging so they're one of the best nuts with pistachios though they're also a high source of mold toxins eat high quality pistachios and if they taste off don't eat them but a good pistachio yeah that's a good way to get going i like that and actually fun fast a fun fact is the little feathery thing inside the pistachio nut that kind of sits there in the in the shell that's actually the highest sources of the polyphenols in a in a pistachio so eat those little funny things all right i actually like people to use like a purple sweet potato that you've roasted and then thrown in the refrigerator and then reheated it actually is the highest available of resistant starch that you are and we could talk for an hour in resistance searches and i think we have before yeah we have all right dave thanks so much for being with us and uh hopefully i'll talk to you about the energy paradox and you're absolutely invited back on bulletproof radio to talk about the energy paradox anytime you write a book it's worth my time to read it and it's worth my listeners time to learn about it from you so it's a standing invitation dr gundry thank you all right take care bye all right it's time for the review of the week this review this week's review comes from barbara wilcox on youtube who writes this is a praise report i just jogged again for the first time in 30 years i've been listening to your podcast and bought your book had to give it to my daughter too you have single-handedly healed me thank you i'm just a few weeks in so i have a ways to go but thank you thank you thank you well thank you barbara i love hearing success stories like this one so please keep them coming this as you know is why i do this to empower you to take back your health because you know why i'm dr gundry and i'm always looking out for you see you next week before you go i just wanted to remind you that you can find the show on itunes google play stitcher or wherever you get your podcast because i'm dr gundry and i'm always looking out for you you
Channel: The Dr. Gundry Podcast
Views: 108,428
Rating: 4.8812737 out of 5
Keywords: dr gundry, dr. gundry, steven gundry, gundry md, gundry, plant paradox, the plant paradox, plant paradox diet, diet, cookbook, lectins, lectin free, the dr gundry podcast, podcast, interview, dave asprey, bulletproof coffee, bulletproof diet, healthy eating, dave asprey interview, healthy eating for teens, healthy eating motivation, fasting weight loss, fasting to lose weight, healthy eating for beginners, Eat Smarter, Dave Asprey, Fast This Way, fasting, Health, Interviews
Id: 6JC6vHE0lRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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