Why You Might Want to Reconsider that Carnivore Diet | Dave Asprey on Health Theory

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if you eat more than 20% of your calories from protein it is gonna cause a four times higher increase in all cause mortality everyone this episode is brought to you by our sponsor better help an online counseling company with the mission to make professional counseling accessible affordable and convenient I hope you enjoy hey everyone welcome to hell theory today's guest is Dave asprey's back for round 2 and if you don't know Dave he is the Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author of several books including headstrong game changers and most recently super human he's also one of the world's most famous bio hackers the founder and CEO of bulletproof and the host of the top ten podcast bullet-proof radio Dave welcome back it's always fun to come to your house and see the amazing stuff you're working on do you have me of course and speaking of working on man you and I share an obsession with the new book you're living to 180 so your book opens with one of my favorite quotes of all time which is do not go gently into that good night rage rage rage against the dying of the light why start there how has this become your obsession it's funny there's a very old restaurant in Berkeley California in fact my parents used to eat there my mom was pregnant with me way back in the day it's called Spangler's and they actually have that quote up in when you enter into the restaurant there's I remember when I was a little kid my grandfather reading that quote to me and I remind father was passing away he was in his I was 80s and he came down with an autoimmune kidney condition and he sat down and he said well I'm a PhD scientist chemist and I know that if I work really hard I might get to the point where I can sit at home and be well enough to watch golf and do dialysis twice a week for the rest of my life I don't want that so I'm going on the wine diet and he said call the family and he said what does that mean he said I'm only having wine and no water no nothing else so everyone flew in and he passed away a few days later literally doing exactly what he said he just had a few sips of wine and ever he wanted to but he decided he was gonna go let's talk about that for a second so I'm I'm actually really interested in this so like if I knew that that was a one-way street as much as I want to live forever 180 like as long as humanly possible if it got to the end man I'm I'm all about the wine diet or euthanasia quite frankly like where do you come down on that if you think that there's hope and you think that there's hope to have the quality of life that you want then you fight for it and in fact one of these guys who never disclosed as publicly CEO of a fortune 200 company he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer the same stuff that took out Steve Jobs and I sat down at the rosewood hotel and he said Dave I'm gonna tell you what I did and the day he was diagnosed he said I'm not gonna die I have I have a company and I have kids this isn't fair he never told anyone so he went on a full keto diet that day and he shrunk his tumor to the point that it became operable they did chemo on it and when the doctors weren't looking he injected insulin to do insulin potentiated therapy which it works way better with chemotherapy but the doctors wouldn't do and so he's like I'm taking charge and you know what he he did it right so and I and in running an anti-aging non-profit group for twenty years I have met people who were saying I have this life loading condition and I am gonna own this and they do and I've also met with so I'm gonna own this and a certain point they go it's not working and then I make peace with it and the people who died kicking and screaming are the most unhappy and if you believe any of the Buddhist perspectives on hell or any there's other things like that those are the people who have probably a shitty afterlife and aren't going to like their next life if you're into reincarnation do you believe absolutely really yeah that's so interesting how did you get into that like when did that become your dominant belief system there's the western side of this so I grew up is in a in a atheist household full of rigorous engineers and you know like only stupid people would believe that stuff but here's what it comes down to if your nervous system believes that you get to you get a game over at the end of this game you relax a lot more okay okay so check this out if I can do anything to remove my unconscious fear of death which inhibits me from doing the things that I want to do and I'm here if believe me wear your carnation can do that fine I'll sign up for it because here's the deal if I'm right great if I'm wrong I'm dead I don't care like I you can't lose by believing in reincarnation so I can't tell you that it's provable I've also done very deep states of neurofeedback I've done deep stuff shamanic wise and I've talked to different people from different traditions who look at me and say the same things about stuff that I have no knowledge of so as a curious person where that scientific method is observe is the first step I've observed stuff I can't explain via any normal hypothesis so I know the stuff that we believe has holes in it just like it does biologically so I'm just gonna say I like that choice best because even if it's complete it still enhances my quality of life that's really interesting so one the reason that the one thing and all that that doesn't resonate with me is that believing that you get a game over at the end of this causes you to relax which is the exact opposite I would say certainly for me even if I live forever like I want to go hard hard hard every day and if there's an end then I really want to go hard every day whereas I feel like the opposite might be true if I knew I were getting reincarnated one of my lifes might be the donut life where I just chill and I'm like look I'm gonna tap out early I get it but I'm just gonna eat me some tasty food until it comes if you believe that I would do Tibet to learn meditation for the Masters like I've debated the Lamas and what they'll tell you is you've probably done that had the donut life yeah absolutely if you're asking that question now you probably already had your donut line right right so the idea is you're going to keep making the same mistakes for a lifetime after lifetime after lifetime until you learn your lesson so for me that's pretty good motivation to learn my lesson this time don't have to repeat the lesson again because who wants to recruit first grade over and over and over eventually it's gonna get boring alright so while we have this one and this isn't our donut life then what should we be doing like I love the concept that you explore in the book about ok you may be here and maybe here is even pretty good but there actually is something above that and that you're not kidding when you say that you really want to live to 180 how do we actually get there like walk us through the you call it the the four killers sure and start there and everything in superhuman comes down to something called return on investment and it you just have to look at what you're investing and we usually give investment as dollars but what we're really investing is not even time we're investing energy because if you have energy you can use the energy to make money if you have time but no energy the time is useless if you have money but no energy the money is mostly useless unless you spend it to get energy back which is what I had to do when I weighed 300 pounds and you know I was I was screw it up so if you don't have money you don't have time to have energy you're in pretty desperate straits so when it comes to living 280 what if during this entire life however long it is you did the things that gave you the highest return on investment for learning the lessons that you need to learn whether because this is the only life you haven't you tricked yourself and you believe in reincarnation so your heart rate variability good higher or because you actually are gonna come back in our life I have no idea but I'm good either way so just in case I think live into at least hundred eighty is a good plan it lets me do more the fun stuff and when we get down to what's in super human first step to living 180 is not dying it sounds kind of obvious but a lot of people read that book oh I never thought about it but let's just play the odds if your average by the way okay you're listening to the show you're already not average because you're paying attention to health right and if you're reading superhuman you're not average but if you are average what's going to kill you is probably heart disease cancer or Alzheimer's disease or diabetes and diabetes interned as a risk factor for the other three so pretty much that's your future you're going to be unable to metabolize food until you puff up and die of a sugar overload and other diseases that's no good you're going to pop a gasket your heart will stop being or you could just forget your name your kids names and end up in diapers and cancer we all know you know chemical poisoning radiation poisoning surgery and well no one talks about though is that your chances of living if you had cancer are twice as high now as they used to be so we're actually not preventing cancer very well the incidence is higher but the survival rate is increasing pretty dramatically right so I I end up looking at all these and saying okay what do we do the basic things to avoid your risk of all of those because if you just turn that down your quality of life is unquestionably going to be higher even if you die at 87 or whatever the average would be given your demographics and then once you've lowered those risks you say alright what are the things that are going to make me die of some other cause and maybe one of these and for those there's these seven pillars of aging that now scientists understand we used to think oh we don't know why we age we age because of time you know we age because of whatever but it's not one thing and it's sort of like what is your car break well is it because you didn't change the oil you didn't put gas on the tank you didn't change the tires you didn't rotate the timing belt and all the other stuff you do to maintain a car and did you do it the right time throughout the life of the car if you do it right there's cars with 700,000 miles on them and driving today and there's cars in the junkyard with 70,000 miles I'd like this to be a 700,000 mile car it might have a few wrinkles in the seats but it's perfectly serviceable and it gets around under its own power and this is doable but only if you know the maintenance schedule so the seven pillars in superman' are about those for each of the pillars there's things you can do that are free their lifestyle based there's things you can do that are pretty cheap like maybe change your diet a little bit or take a supplement or a small gadget let's say and then there are things that are based on the very cutting-edge science some of them are frightening ly expensive but this is what the millionaires are doing and I went to the trouble of going out and doing as many of those as I could afford or find and those things are in here so I here's the experience we're doing it here's you know an expert here's your my own assessment of this and here's the results I had and what I want people to walk away from this interview from reading the book just from thinking about this aging is death by a thousand cuts and these seven pillars are what are holding you up but what if you took less cuts there were less deep and then you healed those cuts like Wolverine instead of just putting band-aids on them you'll find that when you're old you have a lot of scars and you function a lot better and actually you're not old you just have lots of years and that is the path that I'm on and it's an accessible achievable path for everyone so one of the things you talk about in the book I was actually excited to see that you put it into a nice simple sentence and basically aging boils down to the mitochondria yeah and I've never heard anybody put such a fine point on it before one for people that don't know what our mitochondria and then to why is aging so related to that mitochondria are we like to have the power plants of a cells there's a seventh grade biology it's what you hear on every news show but I went really deep on the biology of these ancient bacteria that we like to say we harnessed for ourselves they're actually running a lot of the decisions in our bodies there are the ones who run the operating system of life for us and the operating system of life is run away from kill or hide from scary things they decide how much energy goes into fight-or-flight and how much goes into cellular protein folding they're making the electrons and deciding what to do with them and they're keenly interested in food because without food their job is to take food and air and a little bit of light and make energy out of that and if they don't get enough of those things they freak out and they change their behaviors and that changes your behaviors and mitochondria because the way you're talking about them make them sound like they're a separate entity and they actually do have their own DNA right they are separate bacteria that are now inside ourselves they have their own DNA and they share some functions with our DNA but after this book came out when I said very straightforward mitochondria are at the root of Aging and one of the seven pillars is mitochondrial mutation however their performance determines how well you live then the study came out and what they found was profound they found that when mitochondria make enough energy that the energy gets used by your nuclear DNA repair facilities so if you have enough energy in your cells because you ate the right stuff because you did the right stuff like sleep and exercise the right way and all the other things that I talked about in here you will have enough energy to repair your human DNA not your mitochondrial DNA so if you don't want to get cancer you don't wanna get these mutations over time you've got to have enough energy to repair and this is what's happening to a lot of us when I say a lot of us 48% of people under age 40 have mitochondrial insufficiency everyone over age 40 has mitochondrial insufficiency unless they're managing it how do you test for that it just so happens that upgrade labs we have the gold standard test in fact were the only ones who have it we have exclusive rights to it and you use a vo2 mask and it actually measures your oxygen consumption and how efficient you are at using it there are other blood tests and all that are just not that reliable I've been searching for a mitochondrial sufficiency test for years the only one that I know is you get on an exercise bike breathing through a mask with a special algorithm that analyzes what you're doing to see how much energy you make and how much oxygen was left over there's no lying to that system right so the studies show those numbers are accurate so what that means is as we age we get worse at using air and food to make electrons whether it's to ride a bike or to think a thought or to feel an emotion all of those are driven by the same exact electrons that are powering your phone and we unfortunately can't plug into a USB cable to recharge yet that would be a lot easier that's that's the next would be a lot easier so if mitochondria are the source of aging you threw out a couple things really faster that we can do to protect against that or to optimize our mitochondria what does that look like there's about a quadrillion mitochondria in your body way more than there are bacteria in your gut and way way more than there are cells in your body so your neurons in your brain have 15,000 mitochondria in one cell and these things have their own little unique consciousness the cell level consciousness like a bacteria would have you know very basic things that they do but it's become this elegant dance we're inside a neuron these mitochondria will move back and forth and it'll break in half and and they do stuff that is at the very very core of life so if we didn't understand 2030 years ago because we couldn't see it we couldn't measure it and one of the things that they do is they hang around even if they don't work very well that means that if you don't provide enough stress for them they will not go to the biologically expensive trouble of killing the weak ones and replacing them with fresh young want arresting it in there so it's kind of like a cell in your battery right you're in your tests or even in your phone there's multiple cells in your battery and if one of the cells goes bad the battery use the phone keeps working doesn't charge quite as well two of the cells go bad eventually enough the cells go bad it only holds a charge for five minutes you're in the hospital your phones getting replaced well what if there was a way to say oh this cells going wrong let me kick that cell out and grow a fresh new cell that's what our bodies do and when you do things like fasting and you just don't eat breakfast it's not that hard or don't eat for a couple days when you do that all the cells that cannot survive because they're freaking out I don't mean your cells I mean the cells within the cells the mitochondria they'll actually die through a process called autophagy and when that happens your body cleans out the dead ones and you grow fresh new young ones but if you never experienced hunger because you're living that doughnut life then you won't do that and if you get really cold for a brief period of time any cell that can't make enough heat to keep you warm your buddy says Oh an ice age might be coming I better have enough young cells that can make heat and it gets rid of the cells all right let's give Pacific on both of those and then we'll keep going but so intermittent fasting what's your protocol so bulletproof diet 2014 I talked about doing a 16 hour window it turns out you can and so this has since been backed up by several experts on ontology you can have bulletproof coffee in the morning zero sugar zero protein is important to carbs so you're only doing fat and coffee or just coffee or tea a lot of people can't go for 16 hours I mean if you're like I was when when I weighed 300 pounds the idea of going without eating six or eight meals a day is abhorrent because you know you're gonna die and so or you're saying okay I've got this willpower to do it and at 11:00 in the morning you're looking on going everyone around me is a jerk like I want to punch all these people I'm gonna make it to lunch but why is everyone said to you know that's not functional so a lot of people they're starting it off with bulletproof copy because they're getting their energy up right so I'm gonna put that in the realm of intermittent fasting I called that one bulletproof fasting shocking right but I'm also very clear the amount of caffeine in two cups of coffee doubles ketone production and so you can have and that's just caffeine but coffee itself has other benefits so you can have two cups even a decaf if you want to but CAF works better in the morning without any of the bulletproof stuff in it and you're still going to see a metabolic advantage from doing that and if you go for 16 or 18 hours of fasting for me I skip breakfast and have a late lunch works really well the recommendations in here exercise before the late lunch because exercising in a fasted state increases Auto AG increases stress on the cells the ones you can't hack it get out of Dodge and you grow new ones and I'll tell you the data actually shows if you want to be a circadian you know great golden god you probably should have breakfast in an early lunch and then fast but you'll have no friends if you do that so it's not worth it that's literally how I live my life so I eat my last meal at 2:00 p.m. yep and you have no friends it's perfect I literally do how do you know it is it does make it hard though how often do you go days without eating I would say twice a month I'll go a couple days without eating and I've experimented I feel really good if I go more than 48 hours so they feel better oh yeah I feel great when I'm fasting and I feel really good when I'm done and here's the kicker though if I'm gonna go that amount of time and I want to feel really good and be able to write work on my books and do projects I'm not gonna do working out during a two or three day fast but I'll not have dinner on Friday and then on Saturday morning I'm gonna have coffee but I'm gonna put a teaspoon to brain octane in there which is a very small amount different people have all sorts of different debates about you know how much of what makes it a fast because mice only had water I'm just gonna say like brain octane specifically doesn't get stored as fat and doesn't get metabolized by the liver it goes around those things directly into energy and you're doing a teaspoon of it I get the same results from that as I do with I just drink black coffee but my hunger levels are like way way lower so I just feel nothing I'd better does brain octane have calories it does have calories yeah but different calories do different things or I hate me sure so this is a calorie that doesn't require anything from the liver and it doesn't require any insulin in fact it will have no effect on your insulin whatsoever and it doesn't require any protease or any of the protein digestion things so it pretty much goes in and gets used as energy and superhuman I call it one of the energy fats where most fats get stored as fat or have to get broken down by the liver to become energy they do become energy of building blocks this stuff doesn't do that you know with fast it's interesting so the very first time my fast I did a three day fast and I had a brutal headache the second night oh and I welcome the middle the night my head is pounding and I'm like I don't know if advil has calories or not so I refused to take it you know what what it works activated charcoal like I won't would never tried that oh it's one of the effect it's the first supplement that that I made for bulletproof and it's an ultra fine one it helps with headaches it can help with headaches if they're induced by toxins and what happened is your gut bacteria we're getting really pissed off they were making extra lipid polysaccharides and you might have been dehydrated you might have needed magnesium and sodium and potassium but what's most likely is you were pumping out tons of lipid polysaccharides or making it feel bad so anyone who's fasting I highly recommend take activated charcoal because your body's gonna be dumping toxins you might as well absorb them in the gut and poop them out instead of putting into your liver and letting your body recirculate them when the liver doesn't have glucose available for oxidative destruction of toxins one of the reasons you get a sugar craving if you eat a food that has toxins in or even moldy coffee you get that sugar craving because your liver is like God this is a stressor I need energy right now it's going to call on you to get that energy so when you're fasting absorbing toxins transformative there are zero calories digestible calories in charcoal right interesting yeah I've never tried charcoal okay so now the cold thing so what's your protocol for cold how long and how cold I have a cryotherapy machine at home we put them in bulletproof labs so three minutes of air that's chilled to 270 degrees below zero that's called no wet efficient but that's air okay this is different than a cold shower cold showers like right walking outside in shorts during a snowstorm when you're warm is not that big of a deal in cryotherapy is more like that so I'm getting the signal into my body it's a very strong signal in a very short period of time you come out you have like goose pimples but I'm I'm not serving most people no shiver if they're healthy they shouldn't shiver and I also went through a period of ice baths I have a digitally controlled ice bath that'll hold the temperature constant circulate the water and freeze your butt off if you want to do that and there's peripheral cold sensors that are in the skin which cryotherapy with air does and then there's stuff from cold showers or ice baths which are the core temperature receptors and the ones on the skin and it's arguable which one's better I know which one takes less time and there you get similar results from both a mouse research study came out and they show how much cold exposure and how much time is necessary and it matches exactly what I've seen in humans so I'm gonna say this one works for humans as well just because it's the same numbers right what I noticed from myself and others you take a cold shower the first day after eight seconds and by the way the water hits you in the forehead and the chest after eight seconds you like gives a jerk and you jump out of the shower and you're hitting yourself in the head because your head hurts right and then you go back in the next day and you're gonna be twenty thirty seconds before you do the same thing and then the third day you can do a minute you come out good I still think Dave's a jerk but it wasn't that bad and the fourth day you get in like this feels really good well what changed in three days well the mouse studies show that three days of brief cold exposure changes the levels of cardiolipin in the mitochondrial cell membrane and hardy alipin cardiolipin and it's one of the things that makes mitochondrial membranes and all cells are membrane is what is what essentially allows some things in a lot of somethings out in mitochondria the meta chondral membrane potential is what makes the electrons so what it's doing is it's making the mitochondria work better and they shift the amount of this compound that's in the membrane to allow them to be better at making electricity and that's why after three days oh I can make enough electricity to handle the cold whereas before I couldn't do it and that's why the three-day period of swearing at at you for listening to this show is worth it because on the fourth day I feel good but then you burn way more calories throughout the day you feel better so it's a minute literally making the mitochondria more thermogenic like what's why using questions why would the response to cold be that the only thing I can think is all right my understanding of the difference between traditional adipose tissue and brown fat is that you have more dense mitochondria which are able to generate more energy which thusly creates more heat and therefore you're able to keep yourself more warm so that was sort of always I thought more mitochondria are being formed I didn't realize there was actually something happening to that mitochondria it's you know you will see a shift over time to have more brown fat and less white fat as the demands on the body to instantly turn on lots of heat goes up the body says okay let me shape myself to an environment where I'm required to turn on lots of heat quickly so this is just a to match the environment that your body thinks it's in which is one where cold could happen at any time so the brown fat that mostly is along your upper spine that will that will get stronger and bigger and it has more matoke Andreea but the rest of the mitochondria throughout your body will also shift their levels of cardiolipin so you're getting is more mitochondria in the form of more brown fat and you're getting better mitochondria everywhere else and the mitochondria that cannot make enough heat will get replaced and that's I think the big win and the amount of time that takes to do that I don't know the amount of time that it takes to grow a single new mitochondria it's probably different for different cells based on nutritional availability but it's an interesting question yeah I used to get just Dave ferociously cold like I was cold all the time it I was like bundled up I had I lost a ton of weight so I lost 60 pounds but I did it really stupidly and I did it through essentially rabbit starvation I was needing any fat no carbs eighty-five a little more percentage of my calories came from I was basically eating boiled chicken breasts and steamed broccoli all day every day it's a crappy life isn't oh my god it was horrible that's horrible and finally my wife and my business partners pulled me aside and said dude you no longer have a personality yeah like it it just sucked but I got super lean right but I almost certainly did some sort of cellular or metabolic damage and for years after that I was so cold all the time yeah now that didn't change until I started taking cold showers and now I find that like I'm just not that cold very often anymore and so I have definitely developed a resilience to cold did you remember your thyroid levels checked I did not that I paid attention to what that probably happened is that something happened that lowered your thyroid function which is part of the reason got fat because your thyroid is the thermostat for all your cells the mitochondria listen to thyroid hormone to figure out what to do and this is why in super human I talked about the vegan trap tell me more this is one of the more interesting parts of the book and so I was a raw vegan for a while I was cold and I was raw vegan too come to think of it I'm saying but then I got a lot of other health issues I hadn't had before even though I didn't lose some weight on that but what happens is you say all right based on an assumption and the assumption is it's going to make me healthy or it's gonna be better for the planet both of which are wrong by the way so I did this and what happens for the first six weeks is the type of fat in your cell membranes changes and it changes to match vegetables newsflash we're not vegetables so as that happens your body says oh my ability to make energy just went down I will compensate by turning up my thyroid hormone but then at a certain point your thyroid is turned all the way up and then nothing nothing's happening you're still making up energy and then you can get thyroid problems including Hashimoto's which is a common problem of doing that and it not to mention you're reading excessive carbs just by definition because that's what plants make mostly and the vegan trap there is this idea that you feel great for six weeks the period of time that it takes to make a new habet is 40 days or maybe it's six weeks which is 42 days and after that period time like look I felt better on the vegan diet and you did you cranked up your thyroid hormone so now you feel good and that can't be why I'm not feeling good that can't be why I'm getting cold but that's the vegan trap is that you you are convinced it made you feel good because it did so it can't be that and you start looking at all these other things well it's maybe because I'm not vegan enough like I'm gonna cut out salt right and like you just keep doing these things trying to figure out why didn't I recapture that initial glow and it's because various biological systems are turning off so for cleansing or whatever yeah begin for a little while it's great the rest of the time you should be pretty much 8090 percent vegan with some of the types of fat that you're made out of which are saturated fats you know get the right ones from plants alone and the amount of building block protein that your body needs I think is like collagen protein are essential you do not need the amount of animal protein that most people eat and you should never eat industrially raised animal protein so it's bad for them and it's bad for the soil it's bad for the earth and it's bad for your soul depending on whatever soul belief systems you have like nobody wins when you crowd animals so I will eat the vegan meal every time or all fast before I'll eat the industrial raised feedlot animals it's not okay however I have a small farm I raised sheep and pigs and I eat them in they're delicious and I don't eat a lot of them because you don't need a lot of them in the total deaths per calorie on the bulletproof diet which is primarily vegetables which don't kill anything grains actually do kill a lot of things through habitat destruction and just mechanized cutting down of crops so we have big problems there where a tractor comes through and kills the turtles the bunnies the ladybugs the butterflies and destroys lots of crops for you to get low yield calories from these things so what you probably need is four ounces and maybe six ounces of meat a day and not more than that and the guidelines in super human that's for normal people if you're a weight lifter or you're over age 60 it's probably point six grams per pound of body weight which is way less than body bill sometimes it's one or two grams yeah so you can really want to pound your protein and what the studies are showing is whether it's animal or plant protein you don't want to overdo protein like you did with the rabbit thing there if you eat more than 20% of your calories from protein it is gonna cause a four times higher increase in all cause mortality is that protein no matter the source uh-huh I know like sure if it's fried and stuff like that oh no there's the the cooking of the protein really matters but it actually matters based on amino acid ratios okay so are you saying 20% whether it's plant or animal animal protein is worse with 20% but if your 20% plant protein you're still not going to get the benefits and you're gonna start having problems from it so there are essential amino acids amino acids they're the building blocks of proteins so you can kind of look at those they're letters in the alphabet yep and then you string them together and you get peptides which are protein fragments and you so you each peptides a word and when you put the words together into a sentence that's a protein right and so if you look at the composition of letters that are in what you eat there's ones that are required for us to live called cysteine and methionine and tryptophan so you must have them or over time you'll starve slight problem if you have too much of them they lead to systemic inflammation systemic inflammation is a sign of mitochondrial dysfunction which means they're making you older so your risks for cancer and cardiovascular disease do you go up if you over consume animal protein so then the logic will say well don't eat any of it then except for the fact that you need those they're essential in their building blocks the good news is that almost no one is going to be protein deficient if they were to go vegan it's not about protein you might miss a few of your conditionally essential ones but you would miss out on things like collagen proteins including dye and tripeptides that really help you to build the cartilage in your joints and keep your skin working and the types of fats that come in animals are very important so what you end up finding is all of us should be eating way less animals but that doesn't mean we should use ero animals all those from eating way more dairy fat but not more dairy protein because that protein is not the ideal protein for us you can have some of it but you don't need too much of it and you end up in this thing where we've made these artificial divides of that's a plant-based protein therefore it's good for you or we could just say guys different proteins do different things and you should choose the right proteins whether they come from a test tube whether they come from an animal look at what the protein is the source is less important and then you look at the source and you say okay which of these sources builds our soil and makes for a healthy world where there's diversity and I just having run an organic farm that looks a permaculture I can tell you I can eat grass but I can eat the thing that ate the grass and it's poop sure is good for the garden right so we have this this ecosystem where we all get along and this is how it worked before there were humans we had 100 million Buffalo running around in the u.s. keeping our soil healthy as part of that's their job was to go out and fertilize things and it's it's very interesting to watch how we we've taken on these belief systems that you know nothing can ever die not paying attention to the fact that when the tractor came through and cut the bread for your sandwich that you killed many many creatures and back when we had a healthy ecosystem you could walk around behind the tractor with a bag and pick up hundreds of frogs and snakes you could have frog legs for dinner every time they cut the grain well now all the frogs are dead and there's no more snakes because we have monoculture everywhere but hey at least we're not killing anything how do you really feel Dave let me ask you what do you think about the carnivore diet I did something similar to that when I was testing out like the edges of the bulletproof recommendations I did one serving of vegetables a day for three months right so it wasn't pure carnivore because you know I did eat a little bit of broccoli every day Shamy it jacked me up really oh my god did you transition though or did you just like hammer over well I was already you know doing keto and cyclical and potatoes with meat or keto plant-based okay with me okay yeah yeah one of the few people I've heard like really throw out some heavy warnings about protein so keep going got it when you say that it jacked you up he did yeah I was tracking my sleep I've tracked my sleep for almost 15 years and then 6 hours and 17 minutes or something I'm so close to the truth what is 6 hours and 10 minutes you see come on seven minutes off all right I'm gonna give you full credit on that that's pretty amazing yeah and this is like for many years now that much sleep and I my percentage of deep and REM keeps going up but during that time I felt really good for the first week or two and after that my sleep I was waking up 10 to 12 times a night without knowing it I'd wake up in the morning I look at my results Mike this is the worst sleep ever what's going on and I had like like a kind of a constant headache and I got angry and I was like joints hurt and it was not working and I was really convinced okay we don't need any carbs brother that's wrong you need carbs and I think what it did is they tell me more is what do you say that because as of this moment I don't believe that to be true tell me how I'm wrong um because the gut bacteria that eat carbs benefit from soluble fiber so if you're not getting soluble fiber there's a chapter in here on that you can still be keto and absolutely will fiber but you got to have something to feed certain species we've got bacteria so they can do stuff now if you go back a bulletproof diet was the first book in the entire genre that talked about how collagen can be used in the gut to make butyric acid so maybe my problems I was eating too many revised and I wasn't eating enough collagen when I was doing my my diet there I've interviewed Steve Omohundro this is a guy who is a leader in artificial intelligence creating a global brain who came down with cancer in his blood and he'd been fighting it for a long time with it was he was slowly going down went carnivore Cara Lee Lee fixed and so he came on and talked about that his pictures of his freezer and things it's all just meat so I'm a huge fan just like I would say go vegan for a month go kind of or for a month reset your gut bacteria I actually have questions about the sustainability of eating only grass-fed meat and I know if we took most of our golf courses and turn them into grass-fed meat production facilities ie farms we could handle a lot more than we do but we're just eating too much meat as a species so as a brief intervention to cure yourself i I'm in huge support of it but you better do know detail and had being the guy who has learned how to take our lambs down you know how to how to take him down as in Ivan like I've learned had a butcher shop how to do it there's a lot of stuff in there that you're supposed to be eating that you don't and at the idea here is you need to get the skin you need to get the organs and things like that if you're going to go kind of are so there's there's a case for it there are people have done it for many years successfully I think it's very expensive very limiting and probably bad for the planet and maybe good for you but I brought some rare that's alright give me some rapid-fire things that are gonna help me be superhuman green tea black coffee dark chocolate blueberries sleeping like a professional even if you get less sleep give me some of your sleep tips like is it timing obviously light you're like synonymous with blue blocking yeah I I did make those kind of cool I I have a company called true dark just in full disclosure I founded the thing but if I don't wear my glasses before bed for at least an hour I do not get the one and a half to two hours of deep sleep that I expect in six hours if in this is your lights are dim and it doesn't matter it really matters if I travel it matters even more so I landed last night I got some hotel around midnight and I got my hour and 40 minutes of deep sleep last night in a hotel after landing and coming in that I could never do that ever that's amazing that's the glasses but for dreaming it's been a real problem getting her enough REM sleep for me for years has been an issue and there's a company called lifecycle that makes an Australian lion's mane mushroom extract I had the guys on the show they went really deep on the science and I've lion's mane is well known for its cognitive enhancing properties this stuff first sleep though is something that that that has worked for me and I can tell you if I don't I do a lotta five droppers of it if I do that I get my hour-and-a-half of REM and if I don't I'm gonna get thirty minutes the other things that work aside from dark know that lowering the temperature of the room for people wake up late like three or four in the morning can't go back to sleep racing thoughts that's a cortisol and a fuelling issue the for bed you need either raw honey or collagen or MCT oil / brain octane or maybe all three and there's different pathways raw honey not in hot water because it's not rot anymore it raises liver glycogen but not muscle glycogen and we're talking a small amount it stabilizes it so you don't get a blood sugar crash brain octane provides ketones which are the backup energy supply for the brain to pump itself out at night and for some people the amino acid glycine that's present in collagen can be calming and helped them sleep through the night I do those I take the sleep mode supplement I find weighted blackout curtains are a necessity at this point raising the head of your bed by 6 inches there's really good evidence that that's going to change blood flow dynamics and cerebral spinal fluid dynamics in the brain make it easier for your brain to drain stuff out that's interest under the head of your bed it's pretty easy to do that and it's a one-time hack that can have long going benefits hmm what about red and amber light amber light is good amber light in fact true light and one of the parts of true dark we make a light uses amber for like blood vessel formation in the skin along with collagen regeneration and so there's usefulness for that during the day you usually see me wearing yellow glasses that blocks some blue light but not all cuz you need blue light during the day so amber light as a therapeutic way blink on the skin it works on blood vessels mostly and on fine wrinkles red light and infrared light also work on fine wrinkles on collagen regeneration on tissue regeneration and if you're looking to use an amber light at night it turns out blue blocking isn't enough to make you go to sleep there's four kinds of light than mess with your sleep and blue blockers only get one of the four so your melatonin will go out but the other three are still there so you need to block all four that's why the sleep glasses are different than blue blocking so you see a lot of people walking on blue blockers during the day they got no daytime signal also that's a bad thing but if you're walking around under bright LEDs and staring your screen on full power all day you're getting an overwhelming a light signal so it's about getting it getting it right but for me it's that hour before bed where you just have to and for looking younger red light therapies profound for this guy and what do you use for red light therapy is there a device yeah there's a variety of devices so you go to upgrade labs we have you know the many tens of thousands of dollar whole-body thing you kind of roast on it with systemic effects including you can actually see your nitric oxide levels go up on a spit strip after you're exposed to red like it has biological effects and then it's kind of the mid-range of cost and performance there's company called Juve and they have a very very powerful LEDs in an array and then at the most affordable end of things is the true light stuff from the company I have that makes the glasses they're more affordable they have yellow they have the red and they have the infra red but they're not as powerful of LEDs so I would say you got to look at your your your price point where you want to go what you want to do but it's an LED therapy kind of thing and you know jube makes a little box you can take with you and there's panels you can string together the bottom line is if you're feeling weird in your stomach and you're you have nausea or you have a headache and you put red light on your stomach or on your head it's shocking what happens there's studies of putting red light in conjunction with ketosis and they looked at somewhere in Minnesota they looked at say a dozen people they put them on a strict keto diet they put them on red light therapy with a circuito diet and a standard diet and red light therapy of the standard diet and the men who were on keto plus red light therapy had a doubling of testosterone production but he told loan a red light alone both bumped it up but nowhere near as much so there's synergistic effects between keto and red light which is really cool they're a timing of that like when do you want your red light in the morning and the night generally you just think of sunset in some place so you would do when you wake up to before bed and during the day if you if you have time you know and you're looking at skin repair or something you can do it anytime during the day but the to peak periods are for bed and upon waking nice alright man there is a lot more in this book you're a very easy man to find online but where's your ideal for people to connect with you your ideal for people to snatch up the book go to Dave Asprey comm and this is my author URL you can clearly go to build your jaw and pick up all the cool bulletproof stuff I've put most of my blog posts and all the podcast transcripts and all that kind of stuff Dave aspirator comes to go there and if you send me your receipt from picking up superhuman there's 8 interviews with like the leading gods of anti-aging that are just for people to pick up the books I'm really serious about this and building a community around people that do the stuff that has been a nonprofit activity for me for 20 years that's now becoming my my primary focus nice man what's one change that you would have people make that would take them the farthest towards becoming superhuman this is gonna sound really really lame it's probably sleep today don't sound lame to me all right I'd like to tell you you should meditate or you should you know make sure that you're not eating toxins that it all is synergistic but seriously if you just learn to get better sleep in whatever time you have to sleep it is the most leverage return on investment and it's probably also the cheapest thing you can do so that and maybe order some breathing exercises is a pretty good deal nice I like it it's good advice guys this is somebody who literally puts out good advice for a living if you're not already following him on one of the many platforms that he's active on you definitely want to check out the book it really is interesting and offers a whole host of things you can be doing to better your life and speaking of bettering your life if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary okay everybody it's time to talk about mental health there's a lot of you know I suffered from anxiety for years and trying to tackle something like that on your own is not always the best so if any of you are feeling lost or hopeless or have anxiety or tremendous fear or feel like maybe you're sliding towards depression getting help is a critical part of getting better but a lot of people are nervous to even try out therapy or don't really know where to start well now there is a service called better help that makes therapy more accessible and affordable so you can get a counselor with the sort of expertise that might not be available to you locally better help assesses your needs and matches you with a licensed professional therapist within 24 hours you can log into your account anytime to message your counselor and better help also has group in our sessions every week where members can learn in groups directly from licensed counselors on multiple topics like relationships and ways to overcome your anxiety especially if the thought of seeking help makes you even a little nervous be sure to check out over 60,000 positive reviews 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Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 260,876
Rating: 4.3465667 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Dave Asprey, Bulletproof, Live to 180, Health Theory, biohacking, biohacker, Super Human, coffee, brains, keto, diet, mitochondria, energy, aging, fasting, carnivore diet, activated charcoal, protein, vegan, weight loss.
Id: TqqCzyKP4F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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