I Tested TikTok Life Hacks With My Daughter

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my pack says that if you put a paper towel over a glass of water it's actually going to hold it oh my gosh Matt you have to see this it's actually working are you kidding me today I'm testing Tick Tock life hacks to see if they actually work and if they don't work you have to do a punishment uh can you check on me she's nothing right now what my friends don't know is that I have a list of seven pranks and if I get through all seven of them one of you subscribers that is subscribed with notifications on will win a brand new iPad one prank down six more to go this next Tick Tock hack I saw and it's supposed to lift the water just using a candle and a vase turned over let's see if this actually works I'm gonna go like this and now I'm gonna flip this over zamfam smash the thumbs up so this works okay it's working it's working it's working oh yeah oh yeah punishment for me I wonder what happens when you lift it up it says that if you put toothpaste in fonta it will change color I'm gonna put all of the toothpaste that I can change colors no this can't fail I don't want to punishment editors can you this is the table of punishments and you are doing the duct tape explosion that sounds scary I can't get out that's because this is duct tape explosion oh these are water balloons this is an explosion ah the explosion oh the rest of these hacks better work this next Tick Tock life hack is for your baby these go on the end of mops but if you've got a baby that's crawling like zadie you can also clean your floors I put them on one of her onesies and now we're gonna see if it works if zadie can clean the floor just by crawling zadie's all in our onesie and now we're gonna watch her crawl and clean the floors oh come follow come follow me mom needs her floors clean oh yeah cleaning the floors I am giving this Tick Tock life hack a thumbs up Tick Tock says that if you take Pringles and you put it in boiling water you can actually make mashed potatoes and now we mix it looks like it's disintegrating look at this it looks like I might not have to mash that much because it's definitely falling apart this is gonna actually work I officially have Pringles mashed potatoes it's really good in front of me our three mashed potatoes one of them I made out of Pringles the other two are from somewhere else you guys have to decide which one is the one I made and if you get it wrong you get slime you can't make mashed potatoes out of Pringles Pringles aren't even white everyone stand in front of the one you want you guys all think that that one is the Pringles one yeah do we have spoons okay no no you don't spoons just eat it with your mouth chirp chirp so what do you guys think Rebecca's made me taste every single mashed potato in the world I know that those are not Pringles those are KFCs Matt you are right Amanda dolls were the Pringle mashed potatoes those were so good and you two are getting slime why three oh my gosh I hate it so much this Tick Tock hack says that if you put a Q-tip over your earlobe it'll flap your ear forward you start here you're supposed to go up right here flat forward it's not working no I don't want to fail okay you know what what if you do it in reverse you film it and then you do it in reverse it worked nope didn't work there are so what I want to do right now wax eyelashes yeah that would hurt eat mystery ice cream but we're doing fish egg lotion fish eggs on your legs I can't it smells so bad it smells so bad ew this is so bad I hope I do not have to eat any food after this I've lost my appetite this Tick Tock life hack says that if you put baking soda into ketchup that it will explode I really want this to work smash a thumbs up if you think this is going to work I hear something it's not it actually worked and now it's time to prank I brought you out here because you've been working so hard I wanted to give you something I know how much you love Burgers I love Burgers could I get some ketchup yes yes I knew you'd ask for ketchup I'm not scared of her cooking but this looks pretty good I got it thank you so it's a little full though so just shake it a little more what was that right gotcha I wanted a little bit of Ketchum on my burger not my whole body are you kidding me right now give me this back I bought it I need it I don't even get a burger we're here at McDonald's and this Tick Tock life hack says that if you order an ice cream cone and orange onto soda you put it in and it's supposed to taste like an orange creamsicle I really hope this works oh it's all fluffy look at that now it is time for the official test you guys let me see oh my gosh this is delicious this is so good might I say it's better than their ice cream life hack says that if you have a milk and you put food dye in it then you take a Q-tip with dish soap you put it in it makes a giant art display I've seen it on a plate but I've never seen it in a giant baby pool which is why I brought in Amanda we got some milk pour in the news it's like make a design I think if you can float out damn fam comment below if you've seen this Tick Tock looks like Mandana just had a rainbow baby in this pool now it's time for the Q-tips we are putting dish soap all over them here Amanda hopefully that doesn't ruin it oh don't do it over don't do it over shoot oh my gosh it's starting okay we just gotta go ready here just put the Q-tips in whoa it's working this looks like a giant fire explosion this is called the no punishment squeeze we're moving on that works this next one is if you like to make boba so this is a sweet tea and you get coffee creamer and you pour it in you mix it up that's crazy it does taste like Boba and I saw another girl do this she brought these bobas of her own to just give it that extra effect and voila well but McDonald's who would have thought this Tick Tock life hack is for zadie zadie loves Balloons look oh oh no it went up if you cannot reach the balloon a spray bottle is supposed to get it down and of course I've got to get the balloon for my daughter zadie look at that damn fam your next linking down too mom's gonna spray it and voila they talk like that works so in case you ever need a balloon just have a squirt bottle okay this Tick Tock hack says that if you order make nuggets and you open them you can slide it in a pickle and it kind of turns into I don't know one of those like slider things or even a chicken sandwich without the bun look it fit perfectly I love chicken McNuggets but adding this kind of gives it a new kick but I do know someone that does not like pickles and that is Maddie stay tuned because I'm gonna prank her with these Amanda is going to be doing this next Tick Tock life hack Amanda why aren't you wearing your brace I'm supposed to don't tell the doctor after this go watch when I surprised my best friends with 24 gifts in 24 hours Amanda had a huge crush I mean I gotta hold my hands the guys are going to lift you for this Tick Tock half and we're supposed to have you go up to the ceiling what we're gonna try to get you above her head all right lift her up okay four feet high now I want you to try to jump all the way down three two one jump Amanda I'm sorry it was just a prank you didn't actually go up that high I'm not supposed to be jumping at all or standing right now oh my gosh I said can you take me to the emergency room again let me know how you're doing keep the eyes back on I'm so sorry Sam fam that counts as a prank but I did not mean to get Amanda injured I feel so bad hopefully she'll give me a call and everything will be okay didn't really hurt I just wanted to spend time with Isaac if you order a small fry it's actually the same size as the medium and the large when I saw this it looked like they were all the same I don't think that this is gonna work in this please work please work I don't want to do a punishment it's not true Punishment No which one are we gonna do okay thank you mystery ice cream really eat it honestly it doesn't look that bad it's got like chocolate syrup gonna go for it it can't be bad I'm hot I can't disclose the content but if you can smash a pineapple then you can drink the juice directly from it we're about to find out [Music] come on Rebecca it's obvious this is a punishment there's so many punishments I want to do right now chubby bunny ice cubes if you get less than five you have to do another punishment are you making this up as we go five one Chubby Bunny oh two happy birthday that counts as one it's like a nacho rule that's great come on that was fun oh yeah dang it life hacks says that if you put bubble solution in a slinky and then you blow into it and pop it'll like Spiral all the way up I'm getting it all nice and soapy with my solution I'm lifting it up oh there is something so I'm supposed to blow in this now and then I pop it oh oh look at that look at that no punishment for me I I love butter on my corn on the cob apparently you take a glass and you cut the butter it can be used to perfectly butter your corn oh look at me doing Tick Tock life hacks oh man I went to uh pretend I went at the correct angle so I'm just gonna add a little butter to the bottom you just gotta DIY it you guys this is going to work I am not doing a punishment plus I really want some corn on the cob right now and now with the big the big ass oh this is awesome one more um definitely thumbs up it's corn I forgot corn goes right through me this next hack is for if you're outside and you don't want to step in things like dog poop these are called duct tape shoes and it's supposed to prevent your socks and your feet from getting dirty these duct tape shoes are done right there I am making oh these shoes are to prevent you from stepping at poo exactly oh my gosh I'm gonna step oh oh you get it oh but it doesn't get on me oh it's still on you no like that's stuck in it everywhere but it doesn't get on my socks these socks are Brewing so I might as well do it I would do a little bit more on the heel why are you so concerned with the heel because there's there's a thing that these shoes can do I hope this works because this will solve a lot of my problems Squad two no poo on my shoe oh it's still there a little bit though obviously it does it for that but those shoes actually repel the water I have waterproof shoes on I love waterproof shoes which means that you could walk on water that's what the tick tock lifehack says you're gonna let me do it this time yeah yeah try it they should work let's go okay Matt watch this I'm walking you said I could go okay fine if you want to take it to the next level you should run on the water with these shoes you were so right yes give me some of that let's go get some speed though these shoes will work but I don't know how far they'll take you walk on one truly did not work life Jack fail prank we're checking them off the list Sam fam this life hack is supposed to make this balloon a phone case so I'm gonna take my phone and I'm gonna blow this thing up and supposedly I just put my phone on and I let the air out slowly and then it's gonna go around my phone maybe I push a little harder come on [Music] didn't work punishment this is my sock you have to drink the mystery juice from that stock it's cloudy a watermelon Matt oh gosh oh oh you're welcome these next hacks you will love especially if you have a Jeep like me this first pack is a secret hidden feature that a Jeep had this is a life hack if you want to hide money from someone now I'm gonna open it you think wow there's nothing here but hand sanitizer watch this voila keep my money hidden in here and no one will ever know so just don't break into my car you're not gonna find that unless you watch this video this next is pretty weird I'm not sure why they have it but there is a drain inside this Jeep it is a hole that goes down to the street from your Jeep so zamfam I'm gonna prank Matt make him think that I peed in this this is just apple juice and then I'm gonna pour the drain down on his face hey Matt why are you hung the horn in the front yard look right here it's a drain oh that's creepy I have a funnel here to show you that it works here put it in the hole okay oh gosh it's so gross looking can you shut the door really quickly drink a lot of water just get out please I need some privacy bathroom right inside hold on you're peeing right now I have a lot of fluids there's a button right under the tire to get this there's it's canned right under there yeah okay I don't see a button down here at all what is that what is that okay I have some good news you don't have to throw away the water bottle another prank checked off the list this life hack says that if you use paper first on rock paper scissors you are most likely to win because people always choose Rock I'm going to see if this is true and if it is I'm gonna use it on Maddie and prank her using the McDonald's chicken nugget pickles Maddie hey hey do you want a hundred dollars no you have to beat me at rock paper scissors easy if you lose you have to eat a McDonald's chicken nugget yeah no no no there is no way that I'm doing it I know you hate McDonald's but how bad you want the hundred dollars fine I'll do it Rock Paper Scissors Shoot no no best two out of three Rock Paper Scissors Shoot history it looks like you don't get a hundred dollars and you do get a chicken making nugget eat it eat it that tastes like pickles there was a pickle in that it's a tick tock life hack do you want a regular one no I don't want a regular one that's the worst like hot guys another prank checked off the list this Tick Tock life hack says that if you mix sugar salt and water you can make instant snow remember zamfam I've got to finish these I don't want to punish them and I still have some more pranks to do here we go we got the sugar and the salt we are going to add the water I really hope this makes instant snow here we go oh it's not working Matt done yet I'll make you a deal if I can't do it you don't have to do a punishment really yep good luck with that after these room anyways enjoy there you go good luck I won't need luck all right I think I got the mixture right here oh that's exactly what I did instant slow it looks like you're doing a punishment how did that even work maybe I just have bad luck with hacks skills well looks like you're gonna be brushing someone's teeth with your finger who's I didn't brush my teeth today I was wondering when that beef jerky smell was ew get it in there I don't want to get it in there this is so gross how much harder no I think that's good I don't need to get the bottom teeth those things are yellow and they're not changing well filled and minty fresh now this Tick Tock life hack is the egg bounce test I covered my egg with salt for 24 hours and I covered mine with apple cider vinegar whichever person egg bounces win loser has to do a punishment comment below who's you think is going to bounce three two one technically neither one of them bounced mine might not have bounced high but yours cracked which means you're doing a punishment come on you better give me a good punishment that's exactly what I was thinking about this is the egg balloon pop just get it over with joke's on you I like my eggs scrambled yolks on you take says that if you pour honey in a water bottle and you freeze it you'll actually be able to squeeze it out you gotta just like be really careful oh my gosh this is hard oh yeah they don't call me the queen bee for nothing nobody calls me that now I have all of the honey in we're gonna put in the freezer and see what happens check on this in a little bit these are Jolly Ranchers and I'm gonna blow up these Jolly Ranchers into a bubble hopefully you put a bunch of Jolly Ranchers on a plate and you put it in the microwave we're gonna find out if this life hack works put it in 30 seconds each so we just wait time is up oh look at this now I'm gonna attempt to blow a bubble please work now I'm gonna try to blow it like this whoa whoa and that means that I don't have a punishment um don't do that it's been some time now and I'm curious to see if this actually worked hopefully it did I still have one more prank look it actually really worked you guys it's like a tube of honey this is so cool I have an idea I still have one prank left that I have to do I'm gonna do it on Mac I'm gonna put a hot sauce on this if I pull off this prank that means one of you subscribers gets an iPad disaster it's honey you can like squeeze it it's like a tube you want some no I don't like honey you like honey is this why are you reacting like this never mind teach you how to make an orange slushie so supposedly you're supposed to fill some ice you can take some Sunny D and you like put it in a bag oh yeah slushing it up I'm gonna zip it up but we're not done you've got to put it in here and now it's time to add salt salt supposedly I think makes it like extra cold or something I don't know maybe it gives it a winter Vibe I just need to just need thing to work we're gonna set it in the freezer we're gonna see what happens now we wait I am back with my straw and I'm ready to get my slushie did this actually work oh my gosh oh you know what I need a taste test I got my straw um Sunny D more like sunny I see I just wanted to give the slushy effect so you guys can see that this actually works whoa whoa you did not need to buy a slushie machine you didn't need to go to 7-Eleven you needed to go two cost a day Rebecca zamolo because I would make you a smoothie in winter it's not cold or anything it's delicious Isaac is right over there zamfam and I'm going to prank him there is a site called privnote.com and supposedly you can send a message and then it'll self-destruct after you read it I'm gonna send him a message from Maddie what the heck it's a link hey it's Maddie I totally have a crush on you and I want to be your girlfriend yes what are you doing excited about you're never gonna believe this your cousin just texted me right now and said she wants to be my girlfriend what she would never text you that no Doug I would bet you anything on it I would even show you my foot the one where you don't have a tattoo yeah because there's nothing there okay fine let's see it right here I don't see anything no no there was a text message right here take off that shoe fine hold my banana hey I okay zamfam we didn't get to see if he actually had the tattoo but I did all seven pranks which means one of you subscribers wins a brand new iPhone so make sure you are subscribed with notifications on click all and comment below your Instagram handle so I can contact you
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 8,522,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, life hacks, tested, daughter, Rebecca Zamolo, matt and rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: 83_YgW2y23Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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