Daughter Get Real

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[Music] it is great to see all of you gathered here this evening at the daughter you can make it convention amen so i want to declare all of you declare the program open and welcome all of you to a very powerful three-day convention for ladies um i believe that such programs are important because um in the bible women were always mentioned apart from the men whether they mentioned 5 000 souls and then apart from women and children so there must always be a women's program and children's program amen you know everything we do we must have a biblical basis and so it's good to look through the bible to see whether what we are doing is there so i want to encourage all of you uh ladies to really be spiritual amen i think the greatest need for us all is spirituality and when i say spirituality i am speaking of christian love because i found out that many women are very wicked it's true that's what i've found and that is why women don't want to work for each other they would prefer not to have a woman boss is it true it's not true yeah so i believe that christian spirituality makes us go into the love of god and love and i'm not talking about emotional love i'm talking about love is patience love is kind love is not arrogant love is not puffed up love is not easily provoked or easily hurt love endures all things love bears all things amen and love is not irritated or easily provoked by a rebuke which many of us are easily provoked by any kind of correction or anything that is directed at you directly you just change and your sweet appearance will just become beastly right so i believe that at this program you are being urged to be spiritual one thing that i can say about my wife is that she's spiritual yes because in our home we don't have family devotions i didn't grow up in a house where there was family devotion i'm not used to it so we don't have like every day in the morning we have bible readings you read you have read them yeah what solia there's nothing like that in our house do you understand but she prays and i also pray she she prays she doesn't sleep as easily as i do so she's awake in the night whilst i sleep and then the morning when i'm awake she's asleep what do you think it's a really system but that thing where you you read your bible right and then you pray and then you practice things that are in the bible which are against your feelings and against your nature is what we need most so i pray that through this program and these three days god will lead you into spirituality amen one thing i can say about my wife is that she's spiritual she knows the word of god she reads the word of god she reads christian bibles in fact i could i would even say that it took me time to really see that my wife was also somebody who liked things like dressing shoes hats sports shopping and so on because i saw him more as a spiritual person just it took years before i realized that that part was also in here oh you don't understand what i'm trying to say no because i now know that she also likes shopping shoes dresses this just like every other woman but i saw that she was spiritual first so if you are here you like shopping you like shoes you like dresses but there's nothing in there and there's nothing in there it's a very sad and unfortunate you're an unfortunate woman i wouldn't recommend anybody to marry you [Applause] and and [Music] and then i i wouldn't also recommend anybody to work for you and i also wouldn't recommend anybody to work with you because it wouldn't be easy for the person once the person comes under your powers it will not be easy so i just welcome you once again and uh i want to really recommend you to spirituality and to christian love and that these higher virtues there can be nothing that beautifies a woman more than these things a spiritual person and then a person who works not in sexual love but in christian agape love so may god bless you and may god bless my wife for this wonderful work that she's doing and um may you have may you have such a wife you know i was telling bishop sake the other day that you see my wife how she's nice she's sweet that's how she is in real life she's nice she's sweet she's pleasant it's nice to be with her and it's it's a blessing so may you be as you look you are looking nice may you be as you look in jesus name god bless you all [Applause] okay [Music] shall we just enter some time of worship [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] unlike you there's no god like creator of the universe maker of all things my hiding place my refuge my fortress my high tower bless that be your name oh give him praise let everything that has breath praise the lord [Music] [Music] you are the creator of a universe you are the one who knows everything you are the god who is in control thank you for being a god and to us thank you for being that rock thank you for being that refuge that hiding place thank you for your presence amongst us this evening and thank you that this evening you are touching the lives of your people oh god i didn't redeem your people i have shed no blood for your people it is you who sent your son i pray that this evening the gathering shall be unto you oh touch every lie for god in accordance with your need for only you know every heart only you know every life represented here all sweet spirit of god supernatural power of god anoint this vessel cleanse this vessel have mercy on this vessel and use this vessel to affect lives for eternity in jesus name amen amen please take your seat hallelujah i welcome you all to daughter you can make it 2006. amen i feel that the sermon has been preached already because i feel that god has really prepared us through the various items that have come on the program and oh what wonderful talents and giftings women have you know they are so creative and so expressive and there's so much in us to give and i pray that we will come to that place where we will empty it all to the glory of his name amen i also want to thank all those who have introduced me and spoken highly of me i give all the glory to god i say that he must increase but i must decrease amen and i want to celebrate all the the lives of all daughters hallelujah i know that you know there's a prophecy in genesis 3 15 when god was cast in the serpent he said i'll put enmity between the woman and you and between the woman's seed and your seed that was the devil's punishment it wasn't a woman's punishment amen and so women are a force to reckon with and satan knows that and that is why he keeps biting our heel so that we will limp and never get to that place but thank you that we will thank god that we will bruise his head and when your head is bruised it's worse than when your heel is bitten amen i want to honor my husband the bishop for giving us a place as women on the calendar of this church we thank god and we thank god for the fact that we too can have a voice amen there's a prominent church around and i was told that in that church there's no lady pastor amen it's only the bishop's wife in that church who is a lady pastor there's no other lady who is a pastor there and so i pray that we will not take the privilege that we have been given for granted and that will be of good behavior so that we'll be giving more leeway to do what god has called us to do amen i also want to salute bishop sake and bishop eddie for their presence here and also for being an integral part of this meeting god bless you and reward you and i want to thank a live chapel also for coming to be a part of us and thank you for honoring us in jesus name amen i think time is fast spent and so i'm going to try to be brief amen this me this evening i want you to come with me to john chapter 4. john chapter 4. now before i go to john chapter four let's read titus chapter two reading from verse three titus two verse 3 older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior not malicious gossips nor enslave to much wine teaching what is good that they may encourage or teach the young women to love their husbands to love their children to be sensible pure workers at home kind being subject to their own husbands that the word of god may not be blasphemed or dishonored amen and i think that this lays the foundation for women's ministries amen and it doesn't just say that older women should teach younger women but it causes it calls forth certain qualities from the older women it says that there should be reverence in their behavior amen there should not be malicious gossips so sometimes you're an older woman but you don't qualify to teach god's people because you are a malicious gossip not only do you gossip but you gossip with malice and malice means ill will or with an evil motive thank god the bible is old and he knew that you and i we are like that so god put it in his word for us not malicious gossips amen no enslaved too much wine king james says given to much wine i think as you get older maybe the temptation to get drunk and drink your problems away maybe something that paul was talking about so he says you should not be given too much wine and you should teach what is good you see sometimes you are a teacher but you don't teach what is good you teach your opinion you teach what you feel you teach what is prevalent you teach what is popular but to qualify to be an older woman to teach a younger woman you must teach what is good amen and the bible says that they may encourage or teach the younger women first of all to love their husbands not to weaken their marriages but to love their husbands to love their children to be sensible to be discreet means you are sensible amen it means that not all of us are sensible but thank god that it can be taught and we can learn amen to be pure that drama was talking about holiness and nowadays in the church of god holiness is just a cliche with paul said that there are certain qualities you might look out for in making somebody a leader but we don't look at that we just look at you're a good shepherd you are hard working you're but are you pure like akusha was saying in her poem the holy spirit is asking us are you pure since we should teach the younger women to be pure workers at home some of you are here this evening you've done no work at home and when you go back this evening you will drink ice water and sleep may the lord have mercy on you workers at home you must have balance some of you don't do any work at home you say i'm about the lord's business i'm called i think that heaven will have surprises because it is here written in black and white workers at home you get up you take your bible like the drama showed us and when your sister is speaking it takes shepherd ruby to bring a change in your life kind kind being subject to their own husbands many of us we don't respect our husbands we respect our bosses but as for our husbands we don't respect them but the bible says we should be taught to be submissive hallelujah and to be kind it means that we can arrive on planet earth without knowing all these things but thank god that through women's meetings we can be transformed and we can be changed and why all these things so that the word of god will not be blasphemed that's the only reason amen god punished david for bathsheba because he said that you have made the uncircumcised blaspheme you have given them occasion to blaspheme so it is something that god takes seriously and i pray that as we the older women become more sharpened and more like him we will also transmit christ's likeness to the younger women amen daughter get real john chapter four john chapter four please john is not in the old testament some of you knew how to get the daughter cloth you knew how to get matching shoes but you don't know how to find john john chapter four verse seven no verse five so he came to us my theme my topic this evening is daughter get real we are starting with that okay verse five so he came to a city of samaria called sika near the parcel of ground that jacob gave to his son joseph and jacob's world was there jesus therefore being wearied from his journey was sitting thus by the well it was about the sixth hour there came a woman of samaria to draw water jesus said to her give me a drink for his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food the samaritan woman therefore said to him how is it that you being a jew ask me for a drink since i am a samaritan woman for jews i have no dealings with samaritans jesus answered and said if you knew the gift of god and who it is who says to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water she said to him sir you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where then do you get that living water you are not greater than our father jacob are you who gave us the well and drank it himself and his sons and his cattle jesus answered and said to her everyone who drinks of this water shall fest again but whoever drinks of the water that i shall give him shall never thirst but the water that i shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life the woman said to him sir give me this water so i will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw he said to her go call your husband and come here the woman answered and said i have no husband jesus said to her you have well said i have no husband for you have had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband this you have said truly the woman said to him sir i perceive that you are a prophet our fathers worshipped in this mountain and you people say that in jerusalem is a place where men ought to worship jesus said to her woman believe me an hour is coming when neither in this mountain knowing jerusalem shall you worship the father you worship that which you do not know we worship that which we know for salvation is of the jews but an hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and truth for of such the father seeks to be his worshippers god is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth the woman said to him i know the messiah is coming he who is called christ when that one comes he will declare all things to us jesus said to her i will speak to you i am he verse 28 so the woman left her water pot and went into the city and said to the men come see a man who told me all the things that i have done this is not is this not the christ they went out of the city and we're coming to him and [Music] verse 39 and from that city many of the samaritans believed in him because of the word of the woman who testified he told me all the things that i have done so when the samaritans came to him they were asking him to stay with them and he stayed there two days and many more believed because of his word and they were saying to the woman it is no longer because of what you said that we believe for we have heard for ourselves and know that this one is indeed the savior of the world and after two days he went forth from there into galilee amen hallelujah daughter get real turn to the person next to you and say daughter get real you see this woman of samaria was going through a normal chore of fetching water it wasn't the days of baltic water it wasn't the days of having water dispensers it wasn't the day of refrigerators it was a common feminine chore to go to the well or to the riverside to fetch water hallelujah and that is why we see rebecca going to the riverside the well and we see that in act 16 lydia they gathered by the well and had paul amen the women but this woman is a unique woman because she comes out alone usually in the olden days women walked in bands and you see from the old testament the women were always in bands moving doing their chores together gossiping together and finding solutions together amen but this woman was alone that was significant and she came at 12 noon the sixth hour 12 noon is a very unusual time to go and fetch water for your daily chores it is sometimes suggested that she was a woman who was genuinely alone and that perhaps her reputation of having five husbands and the sixth one not being her own had made other women worry of hair because usually when you see a woman like that she may be admired by men but not liked by other women because five marriages some of us are believing god for just one and you come and they propose to you five times and as if that is not enough you have your wedding five times this is not the holy ghost it is witchcraft amen ladies so it is likely that this woman was a loner a man and she came at such an untoward hour to the well the bible said that jesus needed to go through samaria it was necessary it teaches me that if it is just for me or just for you jesus will make a detour so that his path will meet with yours how very little we think of ourselves as women and how very little and of little worth we think we are and we do not even assimilate the truth that god would divert his agenda just for one woman this evening i came to announce to you that because of your destiny and because of god's call on your life he will make a detour so that his path will meet yours and so that whatever is in you will come forth daughter it's time not to look down but to look up for your salvation draw us near hallelujah many times we feel that god has forgotten us many times it looks like you are praying to a brazen heavens it looks as if your prayers cannot go through as if the heavens are made of bronze or some type of metal but jesus will break all barriers just to reach you because samaritans had nothing to do with jews and the woman told jesus soon hallelujah when jesus came he was a whale sitting on a whale for indeed he is the living water amen he was an eternal well sitting on a temporary well sometimes you are somewhere so the water has dried up the way the world is going the world is going to have water water problems soon you know water resources institute they are all looking into it but this is a source of water that never dries up amen and when the woman came jesus asked her for water this woman was a woman who had issues hallelujah but like many of us she had covered her issues with layers it is said that a woman is like an onion you have to keep peeling before you really get to what is inside so anytime you're in the kitchen peeling the onion say to you yourself daughter get real it's time to remove the layers and the outer coverings and it's time to allow the master to focus on our issues amen many times we give our issues different names so that we will not face it like it says ah maybe so we give it an euphemism something that will make it sound a bit softer and a bit nice you know one is jealousy so it's a little discomfort i feel a little discomfort when i see her you know it's just a little discomfort but but it's jealousy when it's envy is green with envy they say i'm not saying that i just feel that she has a problem and we have to pray about it when it's malice you say it's hard work but this evening it's time to get real hallelujah and the woman instead of knowing that i am a woman with issues and how am i going to solve my issues she rather said that do you have a cup do you have anything to fetch this water which is showing jesus problems the world is deep you have nothing to fetch with how are you going to get the water we are focusing on other people's issues instead of looking within we are focusing on what is wrong with other people and what they don't have but it's time to get real amen ladies it's time to look inside and then she said how can you being a jew speak to a samaritan don't you know the efforts and ashantis they don't get on now you have become tribal you have become current affairs all that is a covering over the real view hallelujah you know many years ago when i was growing up my brothers were not real with my father neither were my sisters because they were not born again by myself my father was very strict even if you were a man a boy a male child he was strict with you they were not supposed to go to the nightclub they were not supposed to go out and various things so sometimes they'll go out and then they'll meet my father coming late and our house you know the road is just one you can't say that i'm ducking here on so my brothers devised a plan that as soon as they saw my father's light they just started to limp and if my father saw them he would slow down and look carefully and i think say to himself i don't have any child that limps and so he would just drive by because they were not real hallelujah and then my father would come round to the various rooms you know but there was a glass something on top so you could see through but he would come like a house master at the lights off you know everybody's he's coming and my sisters are in the night club i mean what are you talking about they are boogie into their last and my father would look in there and see my sisters would have tied pillows and put scarves on them and put them in the beds so that when my father looked he would look with contentment ah i'm bringing up my children well they are all asleep but they were freaking out somewhere tonight god is not like my father and you cannot deceive him with a limp and with tight pillows god is calling us to get real hallelujah so the woman said that how is it that you being a jew i mean she asked jesus many questions instead of asking herself questions she you are not greater than our father jacob are you who gave us the wealth and drunk of it himself his sons and his cattle she's going into detail jacob gave us this will after he gave us this wealth he drank of it himself himself his sons and even his cattle my facts are right she was giving jesus the history of the world but that had nothing to do with her issues and when we see people we give their history do you know this man do you know this woman do you know what she did do you know that get real you have issues of your own get real like solve them hallelujah but you are giving us history about jacob and he gave you the well and his son's drunk and his whatever and his cattle too what does that have to do with your brokenness you're no solutions life you are tortured and but you are not thinking about that you are not so bring up over that but you are looking for other things why because we are afraid to know the real us because when we see the real us we feel helpless and we feel that we cannot deal with it nobody likes failure and when we see the real us we see failure and when we see failure it lowers our self-esteem and when he lowers our self-esteem we feel weak in the face of failure and so we'd rather not look at it and we'd rather look at other things because when we look at ourselves it makes us feel bad when we look we look at ourselves it makes us feel that we have a job to do and when we look at ourselves it makes us think too much so we don't want to look at ourselves we want to look at other things and the woman kept asking questions amen give me this water so i will not be thirsty nor come all the way here that is what the woman said give me this water that i would and then she said should we worship on this mountain or should we come all the way to jerusalem because some people argue that we should worship on this mountain some people should we go to the kodesh or should we be at the cathedral is it necessary to move from or not or should we just stay here oh these are unimportant shallow things these pastors are they working what are they doing are they going are they coming all that is in an effort to divert our attention from ourselves and our own issues she pretended to be religious she said shall we worship on this mountain or should we come to jerusalem she's bringing jesus into a complex situation something that jews and samaritans fight over and she's now bringing that up what is your stand on this religious issue and many of us play religion so much that we never get to know him we are so used to going through the rudiments of worship after that praise worship is a slow and praise is a fast one after that the word oh i love you when bishop saki preaches because i laugh a lot you don't get anything there's a lot in the world but you don't get it you just laugh so this preacher i don't like it much he doesn't make me laugh and after the laughter we remain the same because we don't allow him to deal with our issues turn to the person next to you and say do you have issues daughter do you have issues hallelujah and she goes on give it and jesus says to her oh i have water if i give you this water you will never this again and she says to him give me this water so that i won't have to come to this world again we are so carnal minded that when spiritual things have told us we immediately give carnal explanations anything is kind of your marriage is kana your choice of your beloved scanner your work in the church is kind of it's about position it's about who knows me it's about how great i am everything is kinda so when he talks about spiritual things deep things i'll give you living water he said then give it to me so that this is going and coming away and coming i will stop carnality also stops us from getting to our issues because it's the holy spirit that reveals our issues to us but we to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace and many women are carnally minded whatever emotions say we do whatever is popular we do whatever looks nice we do but we never ask what is god's will for me and what i'm doing he has no say we are busy with our own things the holy spirit has become silent the bible says in all your ways acknowledge him most of us in all our ways we acknowledge ourselves and then we ask him that direct me according to how i've acknowledged myself daughter get real amen and jesus said woman believe me an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in jerusalem shall people worship you worship what you don't know you worship what you don't know that is why in the time of crisis you just go down in the time of crisis your carnality manifests because you worship what you don't know many of us god is the god of abraham the god of jacob the god of isaac what about you you see your god that was some time ago what about you can you say that he's your god when he leads you through affliction you see your god when times are hard and you don't have answers is he your god we worship what you worship what you don't she was worshiping all right but worshipping what she didn't know and you and i come to church sunday tuesday but we worship what we don't know that is why there's no fear of god in the church because we worship that which we don't know hallelujah like our sister kosher was saying god was saying that do you know me i want to be known by you but do you know me that is why you you live so um carelessly you know you saunter to the bed and you you do your best there because there's no notion of god there's no fear of god there's no holiness there's no purity you wear anything for mr quay i'm sorry you worship what you don't know it is possible to worship something but you don't know it you worship the god of the worship leader you worship the god of the bishop who preaches here but you don't know him for yourself hallelujah they say god has no grandchildren god has only children he doesn't have grandchildren that your father's god now you are a grandchild it doesn't happen god has no grandchildren god has only children hallelujah you worship what you don't know we worship that which we know that's a difference we worship that which we know but you you worship what you don't know since the day you got born again that's all you know about him there's no more knowledge when you come to church how was it powerful how was it for forgive then it's it ends there you worship what you don't know but an hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth sometimes we worship so that we will be seen in matthew 20 20 the bible says that the mother of the sons of zebedee she came and worshiped him desiring something from him you see so even the motive for her worship is so that she will get something and how painful it is when somebody knows what you like because when the person knows what you like is your weak point so she will give it to you to get what she wants and that's what happened to this woman's case she came desiring something of him and worshipped him and when she worshipped him jesus asked what do you want because she knows that worship is god's soft points so i desire this but it's not that i'm worshiping you because i love you but i deserve it so let me worship my way into it motive the heart is everything god is spiritual god is not carnal god is no man god is spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit not just worship because a woman was worshiping all right but she was worshiping something she didn't know or someone she didn't know but the bible jesus said that you worship what you don't know we worship what we know that's the difference he said that time is coming when true worshipers it means they are false worshippers and even what do you worship what is of significance to you what is precious to you we have to get real we have to have real answers so that we can have real solutions and real remedies from god what do we worship some of us we worship our marriages that's why when the marriage is not working your whole world comes down because that's your idol in first john john was writing to believe as he said my little children beware of idols he wasn't righted to unbelievers your idol is something you worship something you spend time on sometimes we worship other human beings oh this is my beloved that i've got let me give him all that i have that is your worship in fact worship comes from the word worth shift what is worth amen true worshipers will worship him in spirit and in truth not in falsehood not so that we will be seen not so that people would think we are spiritual when you are in your room can you give him worship when you're in the midnight hour of your life can you give him worship can you be real before him in worship even when we come to the church now there's no true worship everybody is looking at their foundation everybody is looking at their face powder everybody is looking at what people would think but true worshipers they just laid down daughter get real amen god is looking for true worship god is and jesus does not give up on the woman god god is not like man when he says one wrong thing about you so you are talking about jacob's mountain and all that i'm looking for serious people no that's not how god is he kept on with her you know they say that the mountain oh that time is coming when true worshippers we worship god you don't have anything to draw water with how come he kept he had patience god is patient with you you know i was having my quiet time and i saw the bible says through the patience of the scriptures we may obtain comfort i realized that the scriptures are patience the patience of the scriptures patience to teach us to nurture us to help us so god didn't say you know you are just bringing extraneous matters jews and samaritans and let's get on with it but he has time for you daughter he has time for you many of you you are looking for attention from places where you shouldn't look for attention from but god has time for you and god will give you real attention hallelujah this morning i was talking to one newlywed and she said when i wake up in the morning i want to open my eyes and see him by me but by the time i open my eyes he's gone i don't like that i don't like how he's behaving instead of sympathizing with i laughed so much because i felt that her expectations are not normal the person has woken up he shouldn't get out of the bed he should wait for you to be looking at his face what type of expectation is that but i know that very soon she will get real amen the woman said i know the messiah is coming when he's come he will declare all things to us jesus said i am he but before then jesus said to the woman go and call your husband i don't like to minister to people just similarly it's a household so go and bring your husband so that the blessing will be in the house and she said i have no husband but that was partial truth she told the truth but she didn't tell the whole truth and that's why in court we say speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because truth can be half and when truth is partial it can be very dangerous so she said i have no husband whether she was divorced whether her husband had died whether she was single was left to jesus's imagination all that she said was that a non-committal answer i have no husband and many of us are like that with god [Music] when we come to him we are not real and we give partial truths to the pastors partial in fact we pastors must pray for the gift of discernment of spirits we need it so that we can descend what is being told us amen so he said i have no husband and jesus said you have said truly because you have had five husbands already and the one with whom you are staying is not even your husband now why would this woman go through five relationships you know one day i asked my mother so when your husband dies will you marry again she said ah for what at this age when my husband dies then i'll go and look for another husband he will come maybe my husband eats lights when he comes you say he doesn't eat palm that's super thick look at me how much many more years do i have to live to be saying you don't eat granola soup you want this i don't i don't want all these problems and she said that some women also when their husbands die instead of marrying if they marry again somebody also dignified like their husband they go down and that she knows you don't miss this her husband was a nice judge magistrate fine now when the man died she married a sergeant and when you go to the house the sergeant's cap is hanging on the wall of the man's house she said when i see it something just happens to me and she said no no no i don't think i would like to marry again she said marriage is not easy first of all secondly the way my husband has looked after me i wonder what other man can look after me like that but this woman she didn't give up five times now why would a woman go through a broken relationship again and again and again why would she go through the same cycle again and again and again perhaps she was looking for something she was not finding she was looking for something in a relationship that she was not finding and instead of coming to the conclusion by the third one that that thing cannot be found she felt that maybe four and five will bring the revelation she was looking for something that does not exist you see in the book of esther when modica was saying that esther go to the king and tell him that when esther became queen of the empire there was a holiday and a public holiday have you seen a wedding that has become a public holiday before at least not yours and the king sent gifts and people from all provinces were called the bible says because the king loved esther above all women but after she was married when modika came to siesta please go and esther said i have not been called by the king for 30 days the same esta the superstar 30 days she has not been called why do you look for things that you cannot find especially those of you who are not married you fantasize so much you are looking for something that doesn't exist [Applause] and this woman is looking and when you are looking for something that doesn't exist and you don't know that it doesn't exist you keep looking so she's okay let me marry a norwegian no now let me my fancy oh guys they beat you maybe let me move now to a4 so that when he eats he wears his shots and puts his towel on his neck different things she was looking she was not finding what she was looking for she was looking for something that did not exist perhaps she had no patience when she marries you see i do a lot of marriage counselling i've married people they say teddy pasta i'm leaving him the way he snores i cannot sleep lady pasta i'm leaving so this lady told me that she had met her husband when they were unbelievers then they became born again so i said to her so when you were living together abroad and it was snowing did you not hear it said oh you know that era of the relation is not then i'll push it stop that snowing stop this but now since i'm married i saw that if i don't bring a change i'm sentenced and she said i've been telling him to go and do surgery he's not doing it so if he's not doing i'm also leaving i was shocked i said said you said 80 percent how many dollars does it cost how many dollars does it cost to do surgery for your snoring so perhaps this woman of samaria her main problem was snoring so she decided that since jon snows i would change it and when she married james he was putting his head his legs on her head i have a cousin like that when you sleep with her she boxes beats you put her legs under your face maybe so instead of being patient she went from one relationship to another she had issues amen so perhaps she had no patience perhaps also she was just doing trial and error do you know trial and error you try this one if it doesn't work it's just like a dress you just take it off wear another try take it off wear another and she got weary of it and she decided that but i think perhaps the greatest reason was that she had not looked within herself to find out that perhaps she was a leaking woman a woman who couldn't hold anything she was looking for acceptance she was looking for attention the ultimate of it she was looking for care she was looking for things that only god could give her instead instead of seeing her neediness first of all and seeing that that neediness can be fulfilled by only god she looked outside for the problems but did not see in herself a problem but the greatest place to solve problems is within ourselves amen because you can't control people you can't control circumstances you can't control what will come your way but you can control how you react to the things that come your way hallelujah and i believe that this woman was not getting real that jesus just allowed her to toss him you don't have water you don't have a cup why are you saying you're a samaritan are you interested in me how come only you and i are the well i know men that's your drift and this and jacob and the mountain and which one and but the real issue was you have a husband who is not your own perhaps this time she had decided that the five weddings are okay so now she will do test and see or test and see that the lord is good so she's going to test instead of signing going through divorce because she wouldn't like that so she would like to stay with him monitor him see how he behaves and decide whether she should marry him but daughters if we are going to get real it starts with us it doesn't start with a person out there it's how you react you see from the garden of eden man has always blamed somebody else when adam said the wife you gave me it's true that it came through the wife but you have a responsibility to be responsible amen the fact that eve came to tempt you god doesn't expect you to just fall i mean no discussion she just gave you you took you eight in spite of all that god has said how and then if you said it was a serpent the serpent came all right but the responsibility lies with you not to hold a conversation with him so it's true that is the serpent but a lot of it is us and we can only get real if we'll be sincere with ourselves david said in psalm 51 you desire truth in the inward part because truth in the inward path is difficult to find and that's why david prayed search me oh god and know my heart because sometimes you are looking for things in your heart you can't find them it takes the holy ghost to set you and to show you where you really are at hallelujah sometimes we have a problem and we want to spiritualize it and call it something else and behave as safe you know as well as we are macho when people share their problems we say oh believe god start a man go forward go for it it's well no bible says weep with them that we and rejoice with them that rejoice when hannah came to the temple she got real she said i'm a woman of a broken spirit and it is out of my bitterness and my pain that i've spoken if you go to the hospital and you're not real they cannot diagnose what's wrong with you if you're going you are not real we cannot get medicine for you and you know we women are experts because even in the makeup world we live there there's a certain makeup called concealer it conceals it conceals all the pimples all the wrinkles it conceals so when you arrive you look so you see when men have pot bellies they can't do anything about it but you can wear ghetto so you can't get real because your things you have a lot of things to cover it when things are hanging you have other things to hold them but a man he has to appear with the sport but he's hey your stomach is ready but some of you when you wear that thing you can't breathe it is only when you go home and you remove i feel like tommy [Applause] because we are used to covering we have what we call foundation the foundation covers a lot of things then after the foundation you put loose powder then after that you put concealer nowadays people even go and wear eyelashes so that when you do this then we say their lashes are up today they are all false we wear false nails and we are not used to being real because everything even our hair is borrowed hair [Applause] in many ladies we are not used to being real because our world is a world of make-believe when you go to that seamstress say put some material here so that i'll get a little hips so when you come and walk you say oh what a shapely woman when we get home we see that you are a pencil [Applause] hallelujah you can have any type of nails you want acrylic french these tips think of this that and we go chasing all these things why because it's difficult for us to be real and to accept ourselves as we are and allow god to work on our issues is difficult but this evening it's time to get real it is only when we get real that god can heal us you see one of our conventions a lady came to me and said thank you so much for the words you know i've been a christian for so many years i'm even a lady pastor but there are issues in my life that i've not been able to discuss or tell anybody because i feel that everybody is so righteous everybody is so good that when i say my issues i don't know how you know it will be taken she said that because of that i have carried guilt and condemnation from the age of about 17 up to now in my mid 30s late 30s really what can it be she said from the age of 17 i started to sleep with my husband the guy was become my husband today i started to sleep with him and it brought so many other complications and we were christians then we were in a church the pastor called us as children but we were then all these and i always felt so guilty and i followed it up by destroying so many babies as well so i used to think that if i marry if i don't marry this man and i marry somebody else it will be unfair to that person so i carry also that load so every time i see my own children i feel guilty i feel that i shouldn't have had children i feel you know i said oh really why have you kept it all alone because in the church everybody is pure everybody is good and she had a best friend so she told me as have you ever shared it with your best friend they had been friends for years she said no when i look at my friend she's so good and by the grace of god i knew the friend she was not so good she was not so good and what the friend had been to was worse than what this lady was telling me but she didn't know he said when i look at my friend she's so good so one day you know we're at a meeting and then it came up and i was just with this other friend and i felt that how this my friend is pure if i open up and speak just a moment would think that i'm not real so i said you know that's why god is a judge i want to tell you that this is your friend you don't know her at all but i'll not go into details but it's because we are not real we are not able to even share our triumphs share how far god has brought us when it's a woman you say come and give your testimony we'll be condemned before we even come and stand here the woman caught in adultery she was with a man but the title is the woman caught in adultery it takes two but in the account it takes one it's difficult to be accepted sometimes but thank god that god accepts us the way we are and sometimes your life's testimony will bless somebody if only you will be real but you are not real everything is okay everything is perfect you don't have any temptation you don't have any trial you are so good you are so lovely how can that be how can that be even the apostles who saw jesus transfigured they had their issues how come you you don't have any issues you were born incarnate from the virgin mary without sin and because of that we also don't pour our lives into other younger women so when other younger women make mistakes they feel oh this is it i'm finished it has never happened and many times the women i counsel who have walked the settle road some ones who are most ungracious says mommy why this young people why they believe that oh just you know just do away with them and move on i mean why i hear that and i say to them you if god were to treat you like that what would happen why is it that when you hear somebody going through something you are not gracious and many women are like that would rather cut you down more than to lift you up we will destroy you more than to comfort you bible says love covers no little sense a multitude a multitude we can only get real when we know we are accepted we can only get real when we know that we will be loved in spite of our feelings and it takes a woman to woman thing to say look i said to this lady there's therefore now no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus you are not condemned i said you are just like the woman was caught in the issue of adultery they took stones ready to throw at her to put her to death but the man was free somewhere he had won his clothes and gone shopping and this woman had been brought to jesus and jesus said he who is without sin let him pick up the first two and this evening i want to say he was without issues let him pick up the first stone we need each other and we need to get real so that the surgeon's knife can touch us proverbs 28 verse 13 he who hides his iniquity shall not be forgiven but he who confesses and forsakes them shall receive mercy it's one thing to confess the next step is to forsake all of all we say is forgive forgive mercy mercy but god is asking for repentance change change not just forgiveness you know one person said even if i'm busy crying love me why should you be busy the bible says temptations are sure to come but woe to them by whom they come well the woman said i perceive that you are a prophet women have great perception sometimes they call it intuition but it's perception they can see but perceiving him as a prophet is not enough but having an a personal encounter with him is what clinches the deal and jesus introduced himself to this woman and immediately she left her pot and became the greatest evangelist the world could know if only we will face our issues we will be liberated we will be all that god wants us to be will not be kept back we will not be kept back by shame by condemnation my people's opinions because we would have become real with god and god would have healed us and as i often say we'll turn around and be wounded healers the scar will be there but the wound will not be there she left her pot at flesh she said give me this water i said i don't come here again now that pot that she said jesus didn't have she also didn't have it anymore because it didn't matter anymore her issues had been dealt with she left the pot and went not to women but to men because she knew that she would not be accepted hey another man you are coming to call us to meet her there you go again she went to familiar territory where she used to do her business man and she called all the men of the city just one crusade one woman at the world daily chore supernatural experience she turned the whole city never underestimate your potential as a woman i see that god uses small things with the woman the zerifath widow it was oil and a little meal that made a difference with moses mother is just a wicker basket you know things that look insignificant with jail it was just a nail in caesarea's neck it's enough our weapons they look soft but they are lethal to the enemy and god will help us if only we'll be real daughter don't use concealer don't use mascara don't use false nails to cover what god wants to heal you know bishop or share with me the head of the daughters i think that everybody has something that crushes you and the bible was saying that the prophets and the priests have not healed that hate they have done it only slightly may we come to the place where the high priests can heal wholly because there's a bomb in gilead but it starts with getting real it starts with confessing it starts with forsaking it starts with stopping to point the finger and looking within ourselves say to yourself yes i'm in a difficult marriage but what's my contribution yes i have a funny husband but what is my contribution yes i have a difficult relationship at work but what is my contribution when you allow god to work on you the other things fall in line lady pastor emma said that she knew that she got to know that when she changed her husband would also change and it's none of your business if your husband changes or not because you are not the personal holy ghost but we should look at the beam in our eyes and allow god to take it out the bible says so that you will see clearly to take out the little thing in somebody else's eyes not that the beam so don't talk he says that so that you will see clearly and because you have a beam when you are taking a splinter from somebody's eye you do it with mercy you do it with love you do it with caution daughter get real amen stand to your faith hallelujah please lift up your hands to jesus this is a time of confession this is a time of being real with god he desires truth in the inward parts where no one can see where only you and him know this evening don't take your burdens away this evening don't let the spirit of pride destroy us but let's humble ourselves if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face i will heal their land your land of marriage your land of emotional turmoil your land of ministry your land of god's purpose and calling he's saying that he will heal that land come and make my heart your heart come and be everything i am and all i know search me truth to and through search me through and through [Music] come and make my heart your home i pray that the holy ghost will speak to you gently but firmly and i pray that you will agree agree on the way i agree with the holy spirit about your feelings your weaknesses the things that you can't share with [Music] anybody lift up your hands father thank you so much for your weather has come to us and thank you that before you all things are laid bare your word says all things are naked unto you with whom we have to do and this evening we bear our hearts we bear our souls we bear our lives and we say oh god look at our brokenness look at our feelings look at our weaknesses look at our malice look at our ill will look at the things that we have done and the things that we are doing and forgive us lord we bring our issues to you this evening we say take them lord and let that finger of god that can touch where no surgeon's knife can touch let it bring wholeness lord let it bring redemption lord let it bring a new beginning on the name of jesus and i thank you because your word says you will do more than i've asked you for or even thought of or imagined thank you for your children in jesus name amen you
Channel: Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills Official Videos
Views: 1,440
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Id: dKPA8qIDxps
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Length: 74min 33sec (4473 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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