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let us pray let us pray father thank you for this evening thank you for this time we ask you to guide us thank you for bringing us at this time together thank you for the prophetic direction for our lives we are grateful for the opportunity that we have lead us by your mighty spirit we pray in Jesus name and everyone said amen hallelujah you may be seated [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Alleluia [Applause] well as a join to see all of you again and I want us to get straight into our business of neutralizing cases all right number one number one modern Christians must have a proper respect for cases modern Christians modern Christians must have a proper respect for cases someone 196 someone one nine verse six says then I shall not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy Commandments I will not be ashamed when I have respect and to all thy Commandments now mailee ashamed and disappointed in life when they do not have respect what is respect what does respect mean what does it mean to respect something what does it mean to respect it means to have a certain fear as I said have a certain fear a certain reverence a setting on earth all right for thank you I said an honor for words that are spoken you see just like people how don't have a proper respect they for something they don't regard it when it comes they don't care that it's there they don't care that it's not there it's like you know oh not be anything with what we do it means to esteem all right so when Christians speak about cases right you can see that they fear demons more than they fear cases we just have more respect for demons than they do for cases like they believe that demons exist much more than they believe that cases exist i with me so they would they would say let's go and cast out the devil let's bind the devil let's fast because this one comes out not but by prayer and fasting and there is a demon working now we can we know that the devil isn't is dead he is working is fighting that's what Christians respect modern Christians right but it is important that we grow to respect the case and the presence of cases even more than we do the presence of devils because the devils are the implementers of the case they are the implementers of cases so when it cases in existence case of death case of frustration if you take the case of on Adam about the frustrations that he would have or even that you would die you know how does the death come about the death comes about by evil spirits working out death one way or another but it is because the framework has been set for death to come otherwise there will be no death it is because of what has been spoken you see it's because of what has been said that death can even come or even think of coming are you listening so most Christians have a strong knowledge fear reverence for Devils but not cases and that's a great mistake because it is our lack of respect for the case that allows us to activate more cases and continue to walk in the road which brings about more asses which are very terrible amen Isaiah 22 and verse 11 it says either 22 verse 11 I still around if we read the whole verse you know we wouldn't be able to read the whole passage by just the little ways you also made a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool don't worry if you do understand it but you have not looked to the make up there off neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago Amen we do things we see things that are there there is a ditch there is a wall but we don't have respect to the one who has made it to be the way it is yes we don't have respect to the one who fashioned it long ago and many of the things that are fighting us are some things that have he declared long ago before you came to America all your parents came to America your parents parents came to America whichever group it is are you there amazing isn't it as I have 24 Isaiah chapter 24 and we're going to read from the beginning let's read from this form the F Monde the Lesley from this one behold the Lord maketh the ass empty and maketh it waste and tennis it upside down hey and scattered scattereth abroad and Abbot and they're off so things are upside down the one who should have prospered is not prospering the one who should have live is dying the verses are being happy is sad the one who should have been the happiest is not happy or should I be married Islam marriage round should have had a child is not having a child the one who has to so many degrees is not having a job [Music] you know I don't know about here but in Ghana medical doctors are some of the poorest people already came to when he 2020 were in secondary school what you call it here high school high school okay when were in high school and we had to choose science and at the clever ones did science and those who couldn't think too far did act they couldn't do math a lot of them wouldn't do math we do a lot of things physically do it at all where is finished school and in order that we had only one medical graduate field medical student are a few people who get entrance to this medical school feel after finishing school those who even among those who do us we have those who to law and admin is the top as students then we have those who this geography archeology philosophy political science karma classics so many ways they have now out of those who did just with the geography history whatever those are the people who then when do when they finish for that for us not enough you can run another course and another course then we become bankers and they are the richest and the doctors are the poorest that goes where they collaborate huh upside down it hospitals practically you wouldn't believe it practically and he just ma who I know somebody who works in the bank he can pay a doctor for a whole year or two years with one month salary yes no just one with just one dollar he can pick the doctor for two years yeah and he couldn't qualify for long it will disqualify for admin admin admin administration or whatever because it is amazing and it shall be after the people so with a priest so in this master as with the main solar ministries after the buyers Odessa after the land bass over the ball roll after the taken of losery so with the giver of butchery to him now they should not be the priests should not be like the people the servants should not be the same as his master by his mobility the buyer and the seller I'm not the same but they are being made the same the borrower and the lender who we equalize I cannot be well they can choose to borrow and the blessing is to lend those who borrow enter case and those who don't borrow or those who learn and you shall be blessed the blessing we speak over all the married couples let such a lovely weather come with the dark services thou shalt anandasana born every single wedding thou shalt a national for every single wedding a people don't know what it means and the next day they say the I in America there are Americans absolutely silicon of history of what is is your interest and those who don't take it the end mourneth and faded away and the world languages and faded away and the haughty people of the earth to language proud people and struggling the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the laws change the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant other made visible in cases the six therefore therefore has the case before the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate now it says here that this is why they cannot divert the earth and this as well is are desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left now it is demons have divided the earth an evil spirits are divided the end of fallen angels are divided the case has demanded at the case has the word earth so I'm trying to draw your attention to this the first point that you must have a proper respect for catches what it catches now Christians today don't really care much about Oh ORS nothing Oh what he said you know doesn't is nothing you know so that is what makes those things descend on you an envelope you until you don't realize what is happening to you then number two it is the beauty of a minister of God or a pastor to point out cases when they are present it is it is the beauty of the pastor or the Prophet to point out that cancers are working with me yes now it is it is important that you see when somebody points out other case people don't like it people don't like it so people tend to ministers can to just be blessing rarely will you find a man of born telling somebody you are and I can ah your finder professor professor you are dying case even if you think somebody's on I guess you will say now the wonderful ministers of God in the Old Testament when also shot in Malachi chapter 3 you see the famous prophet Malachi telling the people in verse 9 you are cast is working yes you are faced with the case yes Estella then you won cash no explanations no excuses you are cast you must carry the gas we'll be foolish to lose the ball country's care this is what we don't want if you say this whole nation is kept you safe racism is a hate speech you start safe human rights human rights have been degraded in its value to mean almost nothing today every negative thing that human beings want to do we were called human rights and call it a human right right disgrace very disgrace if you want to do whatever you want to do you watch and see we are going to see a dog and a human being walking down the aisle or the matrimony holy matrimony you say soon you say practically with a cat and when this is do you take this month to be a one and save me [Applause] yes and you are going to see people with children yes today is a crime tomorrow it will be a human right today is that crime tomorrow to be a human right it's my right to have sex with a child that's what someone you see and is hate speech to say that the love that I'm showing a child is wrong that's what you will see what is he so brothers and sisters is the duty of Ministers to point out catches on groups of people like the whole of Israel the whole nation all of you this is what is working on you are you still around or you are leaving we just started so I don't know where you're going we are going to point number three do not be offended when a cat is pointed out do not be offended when a cat is identified and pointed out to you amen Galatians 416 a might therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth amen and I become your enemy because I tell you the truth now we must grow up to realize that the check and bomb right is perhaps the only source for us to hear the truth you know that difficult truth the truth is not nice for anybody I should say it's not nice so you must not bond out the source of truth for your life with your anger and your subway days you must don't react to truth in a negative way because sometimes not sometimes many times truth is what will make you free three you shall know that truth as I know the truth if you can really know the truth the truth shall make you free and that truth is once you have bombed out anyone who can tell you the truth get out of my life don't speak because I don't want to know the truth so pass has become more and more quiet depending on who they are talking to you know I can talk endlessly depends on who I'm with yes I can talking talking talking talking - I'm a quiet person by the Pennsylvania I was watching a little advert at the airport on a television it was talking about texting and driving and they show the chameleon is a camel only that also money move I don't even realize it but one I was looking after one I was taking down is it a real animal nobody's it a real is there any animal like that that can look up and down at the same time like the I can go this way and this way nobody's answering so few can do both and you find the same person can be very quiet okay total not just like one I can go up and they don't want to go down yes up down talking is up talking is down it depends on you a few occasions of pointing your ak-47 at your pasta and Oh silence him forever when he sees you you only smile say you are blessed [Applause] you are blessed where you are K how many how many pastors would meet you and say you are canceled maquette all of you are kids the whole nation no no no no no no no people don't do that people say your dress god bless god bless take it one mirror you are care to that catch with the proper care so in this series of messages I need you to review your attitude not to what I'm preaching but generally because you silence people and you silence the truth out of your life so what up to people who don't talk to you anymore don't talk much I won't say anything about anything anymore it's not there's nothing to say about anything anymore but I decided to be quiet because of the responses they've been getting you know last week I was looking at the system know whose life is going around round running town you know but I hope to anything to hurt him or I stop talking talking to her about her years ago actually swelling deep and deeper into confusion I can see that only the truth can set her free but she doesn't like the truth and she doesn't want the truth and she's not getting the truth and her reaction to the truth so she Hey she doesn't like who she's actually feels put down she feels put down look look at the way they put down when she's talked to about whatever she's being talked to she kills put down I don't like being put down really really you don't like be put down because you're a woman you're a woman you don't like being put down okay sorry no comment keep walking that's it you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free don't wanna know the truth no problem we just keep on after there are many other people to tell the truth - you don't have to tell you the truth we just just say something neutral there's lots of neutral things you can say you don't have to address the issue and so we just some how there are the children okay fine ah it's knowing where you came from so there's no school other whether I who do you vote for there's maybe new trusted party topics we can talk about except the issue which is thinking you and which you need to be set free from many of us has Ted patty discussions except the real issue many of the people who are bishops hello in the church they're not many but the bishops most of them have had terrible meetings terrible meetings where they have been pummeled Hummels and have had pulverized they have had terrible experiences if that is a whale experience but mostly about the truth about issues so but Italia idiot being being made bishops that only didn't believe that it is happening and they they are sort of puzzled I notice a sense of bewilderment on the faces of the people that are being made bishops in our church get puzzled and bewildered rarely do you have anybody who feels at all yes I'm ready for this including your own Bishop - oh yes so but at least one quality that they have is not perfection in every area but the ability to have a meeting where the truth is talked about not that they are perfect where many Christians we can have any meeting and tell you the truth no we have to talk about every facet of it set that is one - not mere you said somebody also soldiers like do not run for the weather or the slow or putting of Clinton or some other party somebody else and many many married my marriages are like that they can't discuss certain issues will it be helpful to discuss you wanna just talk on Ted patty topics if you bring it to me and you it doesn't go far it goes into a landmine straight into a landmine so we have to talk on fete party so many other discussions are set active discussion but not do you love me I love you what happened I don't feel loved because of this and that so what do you also say I also dohsa you find a lot of new couples talk about such things as time goes by if it moves good at that patty I usually are living yeah when I came home you didn't kiss me the way you kissed me the kiss was very short these are new couples or the of the topic is still fresh and second party but after one you talk about ourselves talk about that because if you go into that because it's a two month game without the referee it's very explosive there's no referee to say you are wrong not wrong and few couples subject themselves to pastoral hilarity usually to one side either that girl is close enough to be told the truth other boys course it has to be to the truth so you have to counsel why many married couples if you are wise you can sew only one of them both cannot receive you don't seem to understand what I'm talking about you have to counsel one and give the advice that enables a person to survive without changes from the other side yes so you counter the one who can received more in a way to live without expecting a change from the other side don't change you out adjust as it comes to you a number for every case can be neutralized every case can be neutralized acts 10:34 then Peter opened his mouth and said of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons even God is very fair to all people unlike us we are not fair if I see you and you have my color I'll be nice to you one of the top evil spirits in the world today's racism and reverse racism I experienced a lot of racism in Ghana because of my color treated as a non-member or a non accepted person even as all today I'm often rejected or forgotten about God remembers me do yes but therefore how God is like if you are different he does all relate with you with that on his mind or his heart he relates with you without respect of your person yeah what is very important because it puts us all on an even playing field which is one of the reasons why people like to come to America because they feel that in America everybody can make it although you will find out that that is in inverted commas make it in inverted commas so but there are places that are quite clear that you know you are not from here and so you cannot compete equally Jonathan yes so just as you have that in the church you have that in the church you have that in the world people look at you and say you are not you are you are different where are you from - no no where are you from you're not you're not like me I can see without talking to you when I speak to you and I hear your accent what are you doing about that I know that you are not you're not American you know water water water water water you don't have water immediately the respect of persons by God is not like that so he doesn't relate with us and get this group a better chance in this group a less of a chance no he says he is not a respecter of persons Amen but in every nation that is every single country not in some countries not in some countries every country country of blacks country of white country of my color country of Chinese Asians he that fears him and what righteousness is accepted with God once you fear God and you work righteousness you can move up into the realm of acceptance with God in every nation and every type of person no matter your accent and no matter what where you are coming from that is with God that is with God but not with every country that's why that's why you have gang game doctors train the move to England and then they move to America we looking for more acceptance and what is looking for more acceptance are we accepted more and on end this is there are some countries this you get up to a point and they check your nationality and from here onwards you can't move that's it it's only for nationals this is as simple as that jiggle it so God is not like that whatever you are whoever in every nation every type person he will give you a chance if you fear him and you work righteousness right now we are talking about the case and chapter 2 what is the case our aim is to neutralize the case and because of that I am just laying the foundation of what it is because most ninety-nine percent of what we are talking about here is about neutralizing the case is not about the case itself so I just need to clear this pax to clear out the 1% but in 99 percent is about neutralizing the case all right so point number one is one because it's always going to be people that were late so was point number one modern Christians must have a proper respect for the curse is that also because you can have respect by it's not a proper respect number two as a duty of the minister of God to point out the cares like Malachi isn't it your case and the whole news in this case he pointed out that the entire group wealth reading on that case and there was nothing wrong with that it wasn't hate speech it wasn't racism alright okay number three do not be offended when a case is pointed out all right I decided to become somebody who is spoken to not about just third party topics but about real issues amen and number four every case can be neutralized and I'll show you how in the Bible amen right now the next topic which I believe will be the last for tonight is very important for you to understand so that you understand what you are trying to neutralize okay now in Revelation chapter 22 verse one we see something that I think is important for you to see okay 22 verse 1 he showed me a pure river of water of life all as some others they say water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there the Tree of Life which bare twelve manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations dress number three and there shall be no more cash there shall be no more cares but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it and his seventh shall serve Him and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads amen now notice heaven has one big characteristic which people often don't realize many thing in heaven we wear white robes we'll be singing all the time we'll look like little ghosts that are flying all over the place you know this is all that we are thinking of heaven but one of the big characteristics of heaven is that there shall be no more case sorry no more tears there shall be no more okay so this is also I let you and there shall be no more death no more case so that should tell you that this big-time case working now and you you don't respect it you don't regard it you say it's nothing you're just moving around in your life is to bring about yourself the establishment of the case in a marvelous way yes you know just as people have very strong beliefs about evil spirits you must have an even stronger understanding and belief about curses there shall be no market now the reason why Christians do not have a proper respect for a case is because in life right maybe another hundred people usually one would be at a loss of fun like type of person or one would philosophize most people don't think deeply and don't think far and don't analyze what is happening you see so that's out of a hundred people maybe one only a thousand people one person start to think what's happening in the world like what's happening to all of us what's happening what was really happening few people philosophize and think deeply about life what's happening was not happening what is going down instead of up what happens to all immigrants who come to America so state this place in this country and religion and people don't think much you know but if you start to think then you start to notice trends patterns unbelievable paradoxes that exist yes so that's why there will be a case and people don't even you say that the case is like what are you talking about I'm blessed I don't know about cuz I'm blessed I don't know what else I'm blood yeah but it says there shall be no more cash it's that it's present the Bible says that it develops a we really didn't think about Bible says that'll be normal adage that it's present working it's working it's working it's working so what do you do you can say it's not if there's a black number in your house if I was you I would search for it and I mean you have to be you have to get a profit you have to get a professional or some kind of very clever because a black number is a snake you see in the afternoon is the only one you see in the afternoon you see the rest in the night this one you see in the daytime and this one will attack you the others will not attack you discipline attack you it's a most dangerous trick and was I aggressive snake you go along not regarding things that you should regard no respect in this you should respect all right so the threat ends of the case of the presence of certain things it's just that most people don't think 5 and don't think be by if you were to think deeply so you have people like comics communists who start to think about how you should share so that everybody has they have those who think on the other side let people work hard and choose you have people like Sigmund Freud who came up with the theories about temperaments the phlegmatic the choleric you know and you start to put people in groups it helps you to understand if you don't understand some of those things you will never understand your marriage because your relatives like Marty can I tell you a thousand years will change in a thousand years of arguing and being angry with him won't changing your mind to a choleric a thousand is going to change him a melancholic a thousand is not going to change it and so it's few there few people like that in the world good things deeply analyzed most people just carry on carry on carry on this one many people also don't go into the ministry or into missions because they don't think deeply they got if you were to think deeply I mean I'm in the ministry I'm over 50 years old now I give myself to the ministry as young what what had I lost I eat I drink I have somewhere to stay I sleep on one bed I haven't had to drive I've lived my life since I was 25 years old I've been a pasta what I've not been deprived in any way I don't see how it has affected me God has blessed me and so on what are those who are not doing that what do they also have you also have eating they are also drinking you sleep on a bed they are round it will have so much more than we have yes a deeper don't stick deeply if you stop deeply any other cell we are all getting to the point in it if I list for the next whatever so few years of a certainty yes O's it's over you can see the science already this finishes so what is it Anna next is eternity and I'll you spend your life well universe both don't think deeply practice and far that is why missions ministries and working for goddess heaven God is rejected by small minds very small tiny Minds so the reason why people don't recognize the cash is they don't they don't do it they don't think ah there's nothing deeply they don't analyze because if you analyze you will see ya chickens in a farm they get developed the farmer comes every day gives them food vitamin C it is bring the doctor event comes we give them vitamins minerals whatever the whole thing fire where are your father where are your mother three months ago they were here and the three must be ago for here they don't think about it they don't think fast and low realize that there are many the families coming to give you food is not his love for you that is given business it is just a shot and you will be being sold are careful if you could come out come out to see the thigh and the breast and the wing of your mother said your father with this package and are these two you would not be so happy with the farmer who is giving you whatever but the chickens do not see us and they don't analyze and you would think that you would think that somebody who is a Christian grown-up would think further but amazingly it's also if it's in fact because if you analyze how long would you live my wife um what do you call it discussion group discussion group they were for one girl is dead one of them is dead the discussion group you know like will be ours who we are discussions for exam one is dead study group or whatever you call it Fred we have roommates who are then we shall say as a woman who is dead friends we have good friend best friend your bit shocking we don't say much so such messages are shocking to people and they are often offended sometimes when you say that and you will feel that someone's to tell you something from you so the police let us ask ourself what is the case number one I guess is an appeal to a supernatural power to inflict evil on someone I guess is an appeal to a supernatural power so in hominis 23 an appeal was made to Bala - Cass Israel and he took up this parable instead I like the healing of mom have brought me from Aaron out of the mountains of the easy income cash me Jacob and his file bhai Israel Qasim Jacob please so X it is an appeal made to a supernatural power number to access it is an expressed wish it is a wish that's why you have to do look at pyramids wishes it is a wish that some form of adversity of distortion will attach itself to someone Deuteronomy 27 a city in caste the man who makes a graven image or molten image all right and all the peoples are on 10 today isn't so God has a wish that some form of publicity or massage you will fall or attach to everyone who plays with idol worship music yeah hey including the worship of honey and you'll notice that people who have fallen in love with money have a lot of different options it is calling them number 3 - the because it is to be sentenced to inferiority and devotion by the power of all you will never be sentenced to the motion and the deception was rendered answer to the lowest position on earth it is that because thou hast done it la vaque above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust about it so to be sentenced to the lowest position and the motion whatever keeps you in the lowest position this conference marks the end of that position please your position in Jesus name [Applause] we'll pull that up animal you leave it alone today he's only way of survival it is hiding you can be seen if you die you seen it is that you must be hidden below and there are many black people to be seen to be trying to rise it is very slowly be asking something to catch you down yes recently I attended the inauguration of somebody's family and the minister of cities called in to the side and said do you have any powers that I use you need to have power to fortify yourself in this report on Ibiza like this I need practically just this week a student people don't like such things you flourishing in this cuz I'm finished working in and education listen you have any but a second get some personal somebody to be prayer you need to press so let us repent your sentence too low you all right if you write the show its net wish load this enough here it's lova lova not wrong to do because it is to have continual show it is the repetitive continuous frequent unrelenting and sustained sure that you find something applique because these are both the definitions from the dictionary and the Bible so to because it is to have continual little merit and we're having fun Jean was happening see you have to listen to the words of allah kiya apply you are already scared there are many marriages Rita and I case but we can see so we just talk about that party we just talked at party talk da Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada da na you love sociable so when you realize you are continually bringing sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow sadness your social analyze a taste of the work what I'm doing is not making things better it is not making things better because there are things that activate the can both of the values if you tell people this or this you'll be shot people turn on you you start becoming more more quiet somebody's going to get mine you are vice no you have to listen to what to listen to what is since everybody say Amen [Applause] no not everything that is being said is a blessing you listen carefully and when you realize that it is a blessing then you say oh man but you have to listen carefully somebody's going to get married and you say to the person this person now then you sit down your your responses and so the whole married depression after you process every time there's something wrong with somebody the are children of God now if you notice one of the reasons for marriage is that I will give you a help meet of suitable that suits you she's good for you not everybody is good for you some are not good for you not everybody is the same even people who are polygamists who has numerous rifle and number one end up being with one or two there are rather than the other or one of them you have been spoken to polygamous I have spoken to polygon I asked them I interviewed them yes an interview then you cannot age what but when it comes to certain things they will just go call rose rose rose yes out of all of them is easier if that may not be the prettiest may not be the ones with the nicest dressing yes they may call the first one for certain things and the suitable one for other things first one are certain things that official one described for the fish' where we are going for inauguration come let's go now go for reception let's go now go for this function let's go but the easy one that is nice to deal with in vacation the vacation one and the enjoyment one and the peaceful one most suitable even among the polygamous one time I was talking to a lady who was married to a man what several well so I asked her I used a favorite she's managed that I think so so I said how do you know he said because he calls me more than he calls the others because me more after one that ecology calls me at any time I said in the morning after evening time not everyone is suitable so what we have poison ivy is not suitable one day there was a certain sister she was going to marry a brother who was a homosexual but she didn't know so I said to her pasta are you not going to tell her so that she's away that he has this aspect the pastor said oh no no no no no no no no no agent Ellen eat it in general yeah yeah you'll be surprised their reactions you tell somebody something the truth they weren't child you know what he said about you you know what I said about it was I have people up till today who don't talk to me yes absolutely they don't talk to me and they give testimonies when I was getting married to my health mum some people where I killed my marriage but that was so good to me by the power of God but which man rejected starting table of contents today I am yet the glory of God twenty-three years after you testify look I put a lot of time [Applause] [Music] and they will use you Isetta who came to speak that's why people keep quiet Faris is do not say a word if they just look at you Oh glory to God you guys are doing a great job your place glory to God what I propose not to open your mouth when that person is going to depend on you like a Viper so a kiss is something that makes us sad sad sad sad sad bad bad continually yes and God said to the woman in solo so you shall conceive sadness it's a characteristic of a castithan Genesis 3:17 in soul he said to the man running man soul you shall be you be sad always one day except him brother said to me he said when I was going to marry you told me I said I told you said yes you told me I told you want he said you told me if I was you now that's one of the ways to know whether you are giving counseling good counsel always put yourself in a situation if I was you are not marry this one that is the one he is married to which is is trembling now I said I told you that I said that it was even in the days I was not experienced that's why I told you I wouldn't have today I may not have told you I just look at you few people qualify to even be told a truth they qualified to share nothing so Adams gonna have solo continuously number five to be cast is to continually have everything work against you all the time is to experience the opposite of what you soon Genesis 3:18 thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the head of it thorns and thistles now how many people have got phone firms like a farm of bones like I'm planting phones this is my speciality I'm planting for backup for a case of Tom's phone plantations but Adam was told that he's going to plant corn or what is going to get turned up what you live in plant that's what you are reaping opposite upside-down remember the best we read the upside down everything is upside down I thought I said I don't have to be in America you have fun Farms vessels phones plantations maybe in Ohio and those type of places you have such things their own farms but God told Adam you're going to have stones everything is going to be painful all the things you put in is good to come back as pain you this is a sadness of many a one husband and a one wives you put in a lot of love and you get playing tones whatever makes you sad I declare it's broken in Jesus name to be cast number six is to sweat to struggle to toil and to labor with little results in the sweat of thy face so that it read look it's never the original normal for you to sweat just to eat bread now when you see somebody's to sweat or sweat just for a piece of bread huh that was never the plan hiccup ha ha do you know that most people don't own houses most people don't know if you own a mod get you donor house you want a mod teach and I'll never change my position on that you know when I was young I always thought that was something I didn't know economics finance and all these things because I don't know economics and I didn't study it so I thought there was something I didn't know if you need a country like in camera where I live I'll today something I don't know that they know but I don't know and now I've come to see that most of the people who did econom --ax couldn't get signs in a window in school they couldn't do science that's why they did act and I asked you they couldn't get admin they couldn't get locked so they did tog Rafi philosophy classics and what have you so even the IQ is not at a certain level and that's why they use big big waves to create a complex thing that is not complex if you have oil in the sea and oil like we have in Ghana we have oil in the sea we have mining the oil bringing it out hmm we have a twenty five million people behind us who need oil who need petrol but no they do an arrangement and send it away somewhere and then buy from somewhere you see and paint it and you have oil shortages because we all so many people we cannot pay and I used to think I don't know son but what I've come to say these people couldn't get science to do in their in their simple they couldn't get simple take your common sense sticks up start before you start becoming complicated in coming up with barrows arrange the financial engineering equity something a economic evaluation monetization amortization and whatever words you have is all rubbish even a very good doctor when you explain to you always understand if it's a very good Islanders naturalist in you and they explain it there are no big ways nothing just understand it so in the sweat of thy face that you get just a little a long struggle few people have anything more than a little bread after a whole life of sweaty as I said I'd need to add in the ministry I've been I'm also tired preaching working whatever all those who have done other things I can't say if the bell curve the majority of us all eating small bread as I serve suffering for the whole of life why not suffer for God are not suffer for God you suffer anyway but no no number 7 to be cast is to have emptiness vanity longing frustration it says and now thou are cast from the earth it shall not henceforth yield unto be a strength Genesis 4 best 12 it will not henceforth yield unto you a strength so you put in you don't get is yielding not Fonzo but a strength what it could you like all this would have given me this like America could have given me so much it's not kidding you its strength for the level of inputs that you put it so we are left wrong game you Mary and you need a B and C from a woman who can give it but not giving so you are filled with longing grasping desire but for that from somewhere else so this was to King he says will no longer yield his strength or you re to a man his strength is luck which he showed to you or he showed that he's capable of no more giving it to you strength of love is not for you for somebody else is not for you for something else we are doing it to each other all the time yeah no longer yielding to us strength strength hmm when prostitutes are working you see the strength that they had and the pornography if you watch those of you who watch pornography strength with smile you are you would never see another tooth hungry Victor I'll say hurry up and go away now true or not you [Music] shall not yield unto thee her strength is the care that was his punishment for killing his brother let the condition for killing his brother you work by a tool it will yield not Fonzo to you but not much and not with strength so you marry knowing that this woman can love but you will not get love you get something small baby food and just food which you can buy and just a food even that you may not get the food is a lot people don't even give you food but they can't cook you know yeah so they don't have food a lot of people don't have food I know in marriage people I wish to know no food no food there's no food yeah you're getting pretty small yeah Wow amazing number seven are giving you seven already number eight to be cast is to be never established a fugitive continually on the run a beggar a trump a weightless person to be cast is to be never established Wow you'll be established after this program in Jesus's no I believe that by the time we finished tell your friends who are not here that they better make sure they are here because whatever they will let you be established in America it's coming around in disability what's up them I tell you to tell them he said not our cast from the air Genesis for nine to twelve now I chose from BS we shall open amount to receive thy brother's death on my hand when thou tillest the ground it shall not yield unto you his strength as fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the air where you keep on moving moving never becoming published we are not established against other punishment he cares him you'll be established after this country [Applause] now if you are struggling to fear mortgage you are not established because you see if you don't work this month and you don't pay this money it's going to add up just one month can cause a crisis just one month now so fuzzy you don't work for three months now that's big time it's your pain thousand five hundred and you don't work for three months its fourth of this paper they're sitting there a part of the thousand five you must face and are doing so cousin your pay comes at is two thousand and now there's four thousand five hundred waiting to be paid for this 9,500 suppose it the next time something happens to your job and you can't say again another month thousand five thousand five twenty four five is how much seven five plus interest that's what you must say this month plus if you have to travel or something have come up so you have to buy o tickets on the credit card or some other reason and the credit card will give you more because on the credit card your aspect in is there you can never I skip now you can let that go that's why they love the credit card to give to you give you the credit card you can never escape if this linking to you everywhere yeah established we are not talking of fake businesses when you say to a businessman and you are worth 20 billion but you are or 40 billion you can this is you can deceive the whole world forever with this tech business and SEC prosperity how long will you try to disable that - 1 million is bigger than zero until how long will you try to disable that - 1 million is bigger than 0 0 is bigger it has more in it than - 1 million we light it in class plus plus 3 or plus 280 the children can tell you - 1000 is far less than view 0 is a bigger number than minus 1000 stop trying to deceive yourself about whether you establish or not rather face the reality and let's bump out the cake let's fit the reality above the thing but instead of say there's no snake when there is a fake one day I went to the golf course with a brother and he packed under a tree and when we came he saw a snake inside his car besides Nick we're inside the car inside inside I think it was on the dashboard or on their on the on the come that's where you put your feet look I think they stayed another four hours they chase the snake if we find it again yes so I don't know what you would have done because when you put your foot there to press the brake or whatever you don't know what is coming from them they did everything and in the end he just closed the kind left in there and wait yeah now telling yourself there is no stick who he no blt what is this difficult food above you'd be driving and before you realize you are filling something one day I went somewhere and I in the night I just had my travelers up on the door you know they have these hooks there yeah I was inexperienced I was inexperienced so in the morning I worried put it on went out talk to the people whatever were instantly we're ending the meeting then I was outside standing there talking to people outside where the car shows we had been there having a gun of a cop meeting but I saw something moving I saw something moving I said what did I feel yeah and I said no I didn't feel it look it's time to stop saying it is no day when it is there then suddenly I felt again and I said no or it is here inside my clouded with that be wearing for some time then I started to jump and before I could I was about to strip for tally outside this lizard came out of my father's and came out through the trousers and came out if you may say it's not the visor stop telling yourself you I established when you dare not even have a cold and say you you know go to work you are doing logo to a get up and move don't deny donned a night god wants to study one of the first we can see that they said this will die in Jesus name [Applause] hallelujah Naaman eyes to be cast is to be made as servants of seven a seventh of 7s permanently blighted blighted means prevented from growth and prosperity 2/7 can rise up into growth and prosperity phew number 10 to be cast is to be surrounded surrounded what does it mean to be surrounded well start going in deuteronomy 28 verse 19 without going in or out you meet the same thing huh because you are surrounded when you are going out is the same problem when you are coming in is the same problem because you are surrounded whichever direction you go in you meet the same thing whether you married a Filipino you have the same problem you married a Latino you have the same problem you made Africa you have the same from you marry African America you had the same father whether you go here and I go here but I go in this direction whether I go in this direction but I go in this direction is the same wall that you need that's what it needs to be surrounded and then it said in someone 1-8 disturb big compassed me about like bees someone one is they said all nations contact me about they surrounded me but in the name of the Lord I shall destroy them they compact me about yet they come up me but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them they come past me about like bees they are praised are the fire phones for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them amen so to be surrounded is to be kissed and the sign that you are surrounded is where epic direction you take lead to the same problem the wall that surrounds you I with me yes the cash always creates the same picture so today God is telling us that the cash which I have tried to summarize in all these 10 different ways s been surrounded surrounded that is why we've broken out in healing Jesus to say to other nations not just to Ghana no no III broken out of the case you see and people are surprised people are surprised that we can go as far as South Africa or as far as and the bomb we only suit or any of these countries to be reaching out because the walls that try to surround me are broken in Jesus name Amen so whatever restricts you and whatever confines you is broken today in Jesus you never be restricted anymore in your life you'll never be held back anymore in your life because the cash is neutralized in these three days in Jesus name Amen now when you respect something you can capture it you can neutralize it you can't deal with it but you must respect it yes to say it's not there it's a beautiful sit down one time I was in Kenya and they told us they took us on a safari we're having a camp but the Safari Drive is a don't you know almost dark so that you see the angle that's when they go hunting so we went out very L it was nice when they took us before just before that comes that I just exceed it of the animals and when we go to never come out of the car never was come out of the car you know I will we go to a certain point I felt a great temptation to come out of it because as far as my eye could see oh there was no toes plane you know where the wire animals as flat I almost came out but I didn't last I was sitting in that button then that driver said look there was a little shrub that brown everything was brown you know dry seas in Browntown Dante was the lion did you buy just buy i buy the car we just we also just stopped I think we're waiting for some people we differ another car that was coming it was right there you must have a respect for dangerous things that are powerful and that I need and your lack of respect for them will destroy you there's a place deep respect well in some ways when he went when he said you are blessed you shall bow and you shall not land we shall learn and you shall not born as a blessing or you are cast in you shall bow is a bow and not land are you hit with your log you're not respecting a powerful thing like a case is it we respect all the evil spirits it is this is juju this is this is that you respected my what is careful this is nothing you don't respect it it will destroy you there's a part if you ever go to Johannesburg it's called the lion pad you should visit it right Drive Thru you be there you'd be there you are not surrounded anymore Jesus say whatever is restricting you you don't go for holidays is broken in Jesus [Applause] sit sit up sit up sit up sit down lie on pack I've been there but after I went there I have some Chinese tourists when they and the various classes do not come out of the cards not even roll down your window I think respected it is they came out to take pictures and allowance Adam yes and you tried you see and you know I remember one lie on a mill and walk right up to the car and I saw that episode of you will you move this car now I don't have any love for this experience rocker a spectator of the powerful things and excess is dangerous and powerful yes is dangerous and powerful I can't it's dangerous and powerful blessing is powerful but I guess it's dangerous to your life to light distance so don't hold hold donating donating don't mind him yeah you live to give testimony that the thing is powerful nothing it may don't know what you're saying even for a second you will live to give testimony that the cat is powerful huh what do you think so I need you to be very very respectful of cases right now there are some cases but you must greatly respect these are the global cases number one global chess the case of men ordinary men by God in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread you must respect it don't think it's not true it's real we are laboring and that that case and the case is defining the activities of Onan whether you like it or not huh are you with me yes now assume they catch on women Genesis 3:16 unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception so women these are global cases now there is no bar cases because they were spoken by fathers of the whole world like Adam and Noah Jacob people who have a nation's and the whole world the things spoken affected has affected every descendants of that group whether you like it or not so women your mother if she was told I will greatly multiply thy sorrow so you found a women I often saw that on men they walk alone they don't have any friends they don't trust people some of them have friends some Donna don't start this what about this what about that what about that don't stop you might as well leave the cast by Noah Kerr said be Canaan as 7:07 thought he'd be to his brethren that's what people called a case of ham they call it a case of ham because ham was the one who dishonored his father out of the three enhance descendants our Africa Sudan Egypt Ethiopia and the whole African picture that case has been misused the scripture has been misused by those who want to enslave and mistreat people you can use the scripture for anything you want you can use it to say anything you wanted to say and you can misuse the scripture and make it say what it is not saying and so on but this was the basis for slavery and making black people animals Jonathan yeah so that's wrong but it's still there whether you like it or not it's a relative and other they don't have to be angry when the product is you are careful or there's a case number four the case on Israel Israel has many cases that are working in their lives in Deuteronomy 28 Moses said all these cases shall come upon it if I ever have a chance to be in Israel with you I was one of the things I would do with you is that I would take Deuteronomy and my Bible in my hand and I will go with you to the yad vashem Memorial Museum and I will walk with you step by step and I'll read the scripture to you and show you this one is this one one by one you see they have lived out the words of Moses to their letter you can't believe it I with me yeah I doesn't mean they are not also blessed but the case is also real you see you can say it's not there but if it is that is there and if you look at this blockage there is no group on earth which is not after what I've named women Jews non-jews the nice gift is that the case or those who hate Israel yes I will bless them that bless you and catch him after 30 that's all and in him just initiative the Genesis 12:3 yes for the haters of Jews so just as the Jews experienced in their cases those who hate them also is praised in there so these things are defining what is happening in the world regatta or do something only for women is the only comment Italy for Jews is for non-jews and so on it's real but your duty is to analyze it and see after you see that is real then the power to neutralize a psychic comes upon you and you start to neutralize it are you listening when that was done to your feet everybody now before you say of closing prayer and while you are still standing I want you to notice apart from these global cases we have what we call the top Bible cases the top i broke asses and i just want you to take note of a few because some of us who have activated some of them Kherson idol worshippers on sunday i think i had one young man giving a testimony of how he was carrying some fetish things and i was using them too it's there Deuteronomy 18 to told me 27 caste is the man who makes an idol and I want to say that one time at a crusade but I can still remember looking at a lady who was coming her arm was like the up of alligator and she had clothes and maybe others three diseases I tend to somebody and I said I've never seen such diseases at a crusade before and then they said to me the doctor said to me it is a well-known thing in the hospital about a strange diseases that come from this area and it was an area known for its idol worship well known for idol worship well known for either was so watch out anybody here who is carrying a protection from your hometown or from wherever you've brought it all the way to America you are having such a thing you are a chronic carrying a cash with you annual and Christians have it actresses who have all these things so remember that luck in America in America especially if you come from certain parts of the world you know yourselves I'd love to mention you of an engineer name or whatever and what you're doing here to amateur a care for those who dishonor their father's case it is he who dishonored his father and his mother did on the top Bible classes people like that don't do well who cases his father mother his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness so watch out cancel those who cheat and deceive those of you who told lies to come here Malachi 1:14 can set be the deceiver Kennedy was the deceiver you see I'm not here to say you are casual I'm here you are here to neutralize well since you are not cancer that is you neutralized but it is a case and will neutralize it in Jesus name [Applause] you cannot deceive bubbles in Malaga 114 can set be the deceiver you deceive your husband to marry him you told him you were a virgin or a veggies a virgin like person you are not evading or were you virgin like when either a virgin or virgin like you said you have had one or two boyfriends or you have one or two hundred casts on teeth zachariah 5s threes then he said to me this is the case that goes for over the face of it for everyone but killers still it this cares online hmm and swearing sacrifice there's four I will bring it on him he shall enter the house of a teeth and into the house of him that sweareth falsely cares or non-tithers Malachi 3:8 with a man Rob God you have robbed me but you say well why did we love you until you are cast with a cast cast on disobedience when God calls you and you disobey you may be wherever but the cat is following you so anyone disobedient to God death admit it do you get it it's not arguing it is a come to pass if that will not happen under the voice of the Lord I go to observe these capsules will come upon you and yeah a lot all right and so on and there are many of them people who don't help the Lord's work that is 5:23 case amuro's said the angel of the Lord Cathy beat that leader inhabitants thereof because they came not to the help of the Lord and to the help of the Lord against the mighty I with me yeah cancel those who mislead the public he said unto the wicked thou art righteous he that says to the wicked you are righteous not politicians him shall the people kiss kiss on those who commit adultery having sex with somebody else's wife or husband that I also dropped 24 verse 15 of the adult relator for the Twilight he is Swift as the waters their portion is cast those who have cast sex with family members can said be he that lieth with his sister or his mother or the daughter of his father case of those who have sex with animals last week somebody came to tell me having sex with animals yes practically yes he mentioned to animals practica is if you will not know why certain things are happening on all these things in the Bible you think I'd is not this modern age huh and I catch on certain locations job five verse one but suddenly I test is avocation I cast his habitation job one two one zero five one two five you either amount ins of Gilboa let there be no rain upon you no fields of offering jumbo Ava's case so there are some places maybe is it in a case today I'm going to stay but you are going whatever is evil waiting for you in the house by the time you get back it will have disappeared in Jesus name let your hand and just begin to pray Lord and here for the neutralizing power of God to neutralize whatever is working against me and increase my life I thank you Jesus that you are blessing me touching me healing me delivering me I give you praise I give you glory I give you honor I give you that in the mighty name of Jesus Christ thanks a million Oh God for your blessing for your holy word put your hand on your heart lord I thank you that truth comes to set us free thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I'm free from every case I do not deny realities but I'm free by the truth the truth has set me free it's setting me free it's setting me free in Jesus name Amen god bless you you babysitter's so now um so you know what I guess wanted to get out of with these caches it's not a nice part of the things so but it's a real part that's where we are so we need to know how to come out of it and break out of it amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 15,230
Rating: 4.8174272 out of 5
Id: 95UO7bncYvM
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Length: 125min 52sec (7552 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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