Darkest Dungeon [Part 1] (Stream)

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all right coca-cola so I'm gonna be playing some darkest dungeon the game's fully out now the last time I played was when it was in early access so we've missed a lot with it and probably be streaming it all week on Thursday we're gonna have a special darkest dungeon stream authentic thanks for subscribing really appreciate it yeah we're gonna be playing darkest dungeon on Thursday co-op actually me Sinnoh Jake and Kraven I think it's the plan so just throwing that up there what we're gonna be doing it is let's just it's a trade secret but basically we're gonna be kind of playing it like it's Dungeons & Dragons a little bit will be making group decisions and we'll each take turns on our characters turns so it'll be fun but I'm just playing solo for the next couple days all of these all these are my old files and I think I'm gonna delete them okay so we're gonna start a new game if you don't know anything about darkest dungeon that's totally fine we'll be kind of going through everything in this one for sure because I needed a refresher course two radiant campaigns while still challenging or adjusted to be faster and more forgiving than normal last time I played there wasn't a difficulty setting so my mags hey guys let's see do we wanna be radiant i mend yourself thanks for subscribing arre sobbing sorry two months yeah there used to not be a difficulty selection it used to just be hard okay so that's easy darkest is a normal campaign no time limit to win the campaign will be longer and more challenging than radiant mode Stygian campaigns are not for the faint of heart you must conquer the evil within a time and hero death limit [ __ ] we're not doing that let's just do a radiant campaign for now I think on Thursday for the coop stream will be doing darkest maybe I don't know but uh yeah uh we're gonna name this I don't know I I don't have anything creative apparently I don't have the DLC oh it's a good point I should get that how much is the DLC oh it's 10 bucks yeah I'll get it I'll get it real quick I meant to do that before sorry I've been working on the new video all day install okay just bought it I think it's downloading right now no I didn't mean to click it [ __ ] whatever it'll just be called darkest so here's the intro if you've never seen it you will arrive along the old road a lot of center of the countryside only I fear to evermore tenebrous places there is a sickness in the ancient hidden cobbles of the old road and on its writhing path he will face viciousness violence and perhaps seven terrorists so let's deal yourself and remember there can be no bravery without madness the old road to hell but in that gaping abyss we will find our redemption Thank You narrator this is uh such a stylized game so cool game volumes a little low we can turn it up slightly it's just it's easy for things to get really loud and then overpower my voice I turn it up like a decibel and a half I think I think you can buy this game through twitch I'm not sure maybe not okay are we done here or with the stagecoach destroyed and the caretaker gone you will have to make the dreams of the hamlet on foot we good okay okay so this is basically the tutorial stage and you can die here you can't die here it's actually happened to me before I think it happened in my youtube series actually so the way that darkest dungeon works is there's a little mini map and it's a side-scrolling sort of deal so we're just gonna travel to the right basically yeah if you purchase darkest dungeon on my page I will get a portion of the proceeds just I throw it out there cuz it's very rare that there's a game that has that integration on Twitch I think this is the first time I've ever played one so just real quick if you've never seen this game it's a turn-based RPG and there's tons of stats here to look at yeah let me let me go ahead and move my face out of the way a little bit so that we can actually see things see the map so there's health which is the heart that's the red stat 33 health but then there's also sanity which it's actually called stress and there's 200 of that if you hit 200 I believe your character goes insane and they need to spend time doing some mental R&R but then there's other stats here damage everyone knows with damages dodge everyone should know what that is crit chance accuracy accuracy and dodge interact obviously and yeah I'm not really sure what protection points are I used to know anyway so we got ourselves a two characters here we've got a crusader who's kind of the tank and then the highwayman is like a ranged damage dealer although the Crusader deals more damage anyway so yeah let's see and what's interesting about darkest dungeon 2 is that attacks are position based it's like for example you can see right here the the white dots and the red dots the white dots are the positions out of four where you can use a move and the red dots are where you can hit so like pistol shot for example doesn't hit someone in position one so I can't use it here he's too close basically to use a ranged attack so I can only use a melee attack like open vein if there's a line in between the dots the circles that means that it can hit multiple enemies so grapeshot blasts could hit multiple enemies we're gonna use open vein here it gives bleed which is a damage overtime effect and we've surprised him so we can pretty much just knock him out immediately and before you do an attack you can see the light colored numbers there it gives an approximation you know you'll do between 6 and 12 damage you have an 83% chance to hit and a 5% chance to do a crit so does the calculations for you and you could just look they're so easy and the three halo that I just got it decreased my stress if you do good things there's a chance that will decrease your stress I'm not really sure how murdering someone would be less stress a little bit yeah okay so we found some gold let's take that and then this is our inventory right here so we've got food and gold and your characters can starve okay so we just got stressed out for no reason one of the other unique mechanics within darkest dungeon is the light mechanic so right now we're in radiant light however as we travel the light gets dimmer and the darker it is the more dangerous the more powerful the monsters are the more your characters will get stressed out it's just a bad situation the only way that you can increase the light level is to use a torch we don't have any torches but you will if you go into dungeons and I believe there are some characters like the vestal that can increase the light amount with certain abilities so while exploring you'll often find interactive objects so we're gonna take a look at this tent and we can choose to check inside the tent and there's a chance that we can find something good there's also a chance we could find something bad we'll probably find something good here yeah so it worked out we got some gold but it could have not ended up that way so and we'll move on to the next room where we'll have another battle so this blood lighter dude right here believe he takes up two spots because he's he's thick let's see does he have bleed resistance 20% is his bleed resistance it said oh I actually didn't mean to do that it's fine though we debuff him so that's good so he's gonna take two damage per round for three rounds as part of his bleed status let's see what do I want to do now I can't use stunning blow to potentially stun but he has a 50% stun resistance so the chance that will stun him is pretty low I might just go for smite here cuz it does the most damage will do between 6 and 12 so 11 pretty good okay so I got a debuff there - to dodge and that's 11 damage and it moved me back one position that can really mess you up now if we open Vayne him again cuz he does have a minus 20% bleed resist then we can stack the bleed and it'll do more damage per turn so that's probably I'm gonna end up doing here Soren Kestrel thank you for subscribing appreciate it so I'm not interacting with chat much I'm just trying to explain exactly what's happening so everybody's caught up so see now the bleed does 4 damage per round and he has 6 HP so you're probably need to attack one more time I'm actually let's see I'm probably just gonna do smite here to hit him take him out so the bleed didn't really come into play when most monsters die they leave corpses corpses act as temporary obstacles and will eventually go away on their own you can't attack corpses to destroy them faster but often the better approaches to use range skills push-pull skills and even corpse clearing special skills that some heroes possess monsters killed with bleed blight or crits leave no corpses at all now the corpse is still bleeding which I find very interesting I don't see any reason why we shouldn't attack the corpse we get weird weird we gotta get back there and hit them so we dodged that interestingly enough so now we've moved him closer so now we can melee easier ten damage there he'll go down just like that so now we found two torches so we can increase the light level if we want we found two deeds now purple items like this are used to upgrade places in the town which we haven't encountered yet there's also holy water used to purge evil and restore purity can be applied to a hero to increase resistances so all good stuff we'll take it and we're done with the tutorial dungeon so the tutorial dungeon is actually pretty much unchanged from what I played earlier return to Hamlet we don't really have a choice here that was the entire map was two rooms I got an achievement there are achievements now welcome home okay yeah heirlooms that's what they're called I wasn't sure what they're called there's a busts portraits deeds and whatever the shields are I don't know yeah we got 1300 gold collected throughout the campaign and then since we completed the quest as well we get 5000 additional gold so now our characters are level 1 and normally we have like a theater face here like one side happy one side sad and if you click it you can basically roll for a new trait it could be a positive or a negative one you don't have to do it it's an important distinction you don't have to do it so yeah I hope everybody's keeping up so far I think it's pretty simple if you've played turn-based games okay so yeah disclaimer I'm not very good at this game I'm at least last time I played I did awfully I did terribly get help wherever you may however I hope this is I'm playing on easy it will be better a better experience you do have to oh maybe I was mistaken then or maybe they changed that probably I was just mistaken then all right never mind so the stagecoach you can recruit new heroes and we're gonna do that right now yeah so there were only two recruits there and it's always the plague doctor and the best I believe Vestal is so good you could heal with them so nice ah let's see while you're here spend some of your starring heirlooms on that bring the stagecoach Network this will increase the number of heroes available here in the future I think that's actually a good idea so everything within the town can be upgraded they all require heirlooms so let's say we've got 12 deeds and 20 crests so we can increase them available heroes to three we can also increase the size of our roster well we can experience recruits that's cool let's go ahead and do that because in the early game I think I think we want to be recruiting heroes alight heroes here in the mud and rain so three is not a bad way to start us a few ancestors memoirs my failings oh we can play cutscenes interesting look at all this oh wow there's tons of bosses so the last time I played there was just there was the hag the necromancer and the swine prince so it's been a long time so they've added a lot to this game awesome I'm really excited there isn't much more you can do in town right now it's time to embark on a quest before that I think I want to name my character he's after my friends this will be me just because I'm I tend to go for like warrior and these type of games melee like armored type of dude so that'll be me um I'll have this be my friend Kraven highwayman he's got a hard noggin huh and makes sense quick reflexes so quirks that's what the called I called them traits earlier he's also a known cheat Wow it's not allowed to gamble while in town so that will come into play later don't worry about all this stuff but you can't get rid of bad quirks it's good to get rid of bad quirks they can stack up and get really nasty so 15% stun resistance and +2 speed not that I didn't actually look at mine what I have I'm god-fearing and town will only pray for stress relief I think everybody starts with these quirks kleptomaniac prone to stealing items that's not good warrior of light plus 10% damage if torch above 75 that's something to think about okay and then this one I think I'm gonna make this so no seems like a plague doctor type like I'm actually picking the exact because my friend Cinna streams this game too I think I'm picking the same characters he is let's say uh bloodthirsty fascinated with injury wounds and torture that can get you into some sticky situations soft - 5 % next HP 10% damages torches below 26 well that's not gonna come into play hopefully plus 15% damage in Cove which is one of the areas now the plague doctors mainly ranged and does a lot of poison damage or blight that's what it's called blight it was basically poisoned so noxious blast and if you see this like preferred position that's like where you should it's recommended to have them in your lineup so we want to have the plague doctor in the back now it can change depending on which skills you unlock in which what your set is what your loadout is as you go into different dungeons so like we could have plague doctor be more melee if we want [Music] just talking about you reset for 12 months thanks man I appreciate it thanks thanks thanks I just uh I made you the plague doctor hope that's okay and I'm probably just gonna copy exactly what you did it make gap the vestal it just makes sense so the vessel is the healer divine grace is a single heal does she also have damnit divine comfort is a party heal she doesn't have an unlocked yet we're gonna have to unlock it for her but she's gotten melee there so we interesting we have mainly melee abilities you don't want the vessel in the frontlines 30% disease resistance +2 speed fascinated with corpses we're not gonna have her in the front we're gonna have her in the back just healing the entire time that's all it's gonna happen and morbidity and begins okay so this is where we select our quests and we form an adventuring party of four heroes to embark on it so we're gonna pick where they sit let me see real quick I think I'm actually I'm actually going to flip these I think so no should be in the back and gap will be in three okay so we can only go to the darkest dungeon ah which I've never been the darkest dungeon or The Cove back when I played last played this game it was just the ruins the Warrens in the Weald so we're gonna go the ruins first it's a short map should be pretty easy level 1 difficulty here are the rewards for crests 3,000 gold and a debuff stone a common item not that great probably won't use it we don't have any campfires either a campfire it gives you a chance to take a break from the dungeon and recuperate a little bit you get to use like different skills to heal each other and reduce stress it can be good for long dungeons for a short one we won't need it the goal for this one is explored 90% of rooms and you're gonna see that a lot with the really short dungeons it's gonna be stuff like just to explore it alright a lot of the later ones will have more specific goals but yeah this should be fine you're so bleak the narrator is so bleak I love it so this is where we load up on supplies before we embark out they do cost gold so basically darkest dungeon a core mechanic of darkest dungeon is like risk versus reward like how much gold am I going to spend going into this dungeon and how many gold am I gonna get well exploring the dungeon and will I make a profit it's like you know you're constantly weighing those things so I'm going to I'm gonna take six torches six food a shovel um a skeleton key actually we'll do a torches eight food I feel like this one's gonna be really short so I don't want to like overstock I think we'll be fine yeah we'll be good I'm gonna embark I'm gonna I'm gonna try to go light here it's not as important to profit off of the early dungeons at least I mean they've updated this game a lot so maybe the balance has shifted a bit but I do want to go and kind of light okay so this is a pretty small dungeon yeah let's move on we got a free torch here nice so let's take that so I have nine torches we still have radiant light at the moment 76 I think that's Oh it went down a little bit we should have no problem with these guys but we did get surprised though and I have a thumb that was because we are in dim light so it did switch this up a bit which it's gonna it could throw us off but we'll deal with it now there's only two of them I don't want to because you you can't move but it'll take an entire turn and we might as well just go for it it's not a big deal nobody got like shifted from the back to the front or vice versa so they have a 200% bleed resistance makes sense because they're undead but I'm gonna go for it anyway we got a crit bear very lucky normally I do not get that lucky good good incision there and since our vessel is in the back I'm gonna move her up cuz she does need to heal anybody right now smite does extra damage and I missed smite does extra damage to unholy so um let's toss out noxious blast on this bozo so we did get blighted there for damage per round so he's dead he's doesn't know it well go ahead go straight for the kill though so we got 300 gold there this is a unlocked strongbox I do have a skeleton key optionally I could use it here I think but I am just gonna open it up and take what's inside we got a shovel a torch a jade which is a treasure 375 gold and 250 gold so we'll take that so and not not great but uh worked out let's go to the next room does everybody kind of getting out the game work say it it'll become more if you're unsure about some things it'll become more clear as there are more examples I'm actually gonna switch those guys before I forget okay so here's an obstacle now we can clear it by hand if we don't have a shovel but everyone gets super stressed out it's not worth it so it's good to take a shovel clear right there and we'll just move on that easy it does you do use up 250 gold though just like just like that let's use a torch get things lit up a hundred there we go so they're surprised see so because we have like a hundred percent light or 94 whatever we have really high light and so they're surprised if the light gets dimmer there's more of a chance that your party is going to be surprised that that's just part of the the light mechanic okay so this cultists acolyte has a pull and I don't really want that happening so I'm gonna try to focus her down quite a bit I'm gonna do a play grenade here the blight is pretty powerful for points around for three rounds so we'll try to do T her and I'm also going to use elimination it's only two to five damage but I do I just wanna there we go five did the max there and there was a resistance let's see I do kind of so grapeshot blast can hit all three of them but it won't do much damage and it has fairly little chance to hit here against her 67% not too happy with that I might just go pistol shot here seventy-three percent so there's a chance it could miss here but if it doesn't miss she'll probably if it doesn't kill her she'll die from the blight so yeah we don't have to worry about her at all anymore cuz on her next turn she's gonna take four blight damage and die so we're done with her for now smite does extra unholy damage now the question is which one do I want to hit I think probably this one with 10 HP um didn't quite kill him so yeah so she she took the blight damage she dies and we dodged that these are really easy enemies though ooh seven damage excuse you I'll go with open vein here good and I'm gonna actually heal myself for three that was the bare minimum and Bolden bait the vapors is a buff 25% damage in +3 speed I don't really need to use it right now to be honest so we've got four crests there which is great very good anytime you get heirlooms it's good times we'll take those and let's check out the light ninety nine move on to the next room and nothing was in this room a lot of times we'll walk into room there's just nothing in there we didn't get scouting scouting is when you can see rooms in in the near future like the way column adjacent rooms where you could see adjacent rooms you can see what's in them we don't have that yet let's go let's go here there's no real way we can know for sure say so here's a backpack Oh didn't like I think I will use a torch here because I like having lighted this is made clear sure so if you look at your heroes or whatever they have different resistances [Music] the Crusader has let's see what is it trap disarmed 60% okay it's a little difference this last time I played I think trap disarmed 9% so the highwayman very good at disarming traps if you come across them vestal not so much which makes sense right it doesn't make sense that like the plague doctor the vest would be great at it so like the character that you choose when you're opening up something does matter so we're gonna put this with the highwayman okay it turned out to be fine we got another skeleton key and a thousand gold and we haven't run into this yet but like sometimes you got to be careful because there are traps like on the ground or in the environment that you'll have to disarm before you actually come upon them okay so we got Wolverine over here he's a melee character 15 HP so pretty tanky we are like in radiant light uneasy though so it's it's completely fine what's his bleed resistance 20% let's go for it well actually I kinda wanna go for the acolyte cuz she just have eldritch pool which can screw up my plans seven damage that's really not bad gonna play grenade there and yeah I'll just that should do it yeah so next next time she goes she'll die Wow we're just dodging these like crazy I'm gonna do smite on this guy and just take him out extra damage on unholy so yeah so we took two out there which is pretty nice [Music] tracking shut now that can only be done against the corpse let's do open vein hopefully we can get a bleed here oh you got a bleed on me we actually heal myself I'm gonna be a selfish healer oh that's a big print so we got nice treasure there 500 gold a bandage and another treasure so this is an heirloom chess or what if I can use a skeleton key here the key unlocks a hidden compartment okay so we actually got extra stuff there I think so we got two busts again heirlooms very good 750 gold and another 750 gold treasure so you may notice that we are running low on inventory and at some point we're gonna have to make some tough decisions oh we got scouting okay so there's actually nothing in the next room but we'll go for it anyway all right he's he's bleeding we could use a bandage but he can just toughen up I think okay so this is for example this is a trap right here so there it is scouted traps will be visible on the ground as you approach them so let's attempt to disarm it it's very good disarming so it was no problem let's go ahead and use up a torch here okay well that was a very uneventful hallway and yeah there was nobody there um let's go ahead and move to this next room I went pretty light here so I don't really want to I don't have to go to every room for food let's take all of it now that required an extra slot okay let's keep things highlight oh right so everybody's getting hungry let's eat for food there it also brings health back and there's nothing here against this is a really boring dungeon so far it makes sense the first one that we've come across now if you you can let the light burn down and the enemies will get harder but the rewards will get better is the trade-off I might do that I'm not sure okay here we go so this is our first fight against four I believe and they're surprised so we have a big advantage here let's see this guy's dodge thirteen I want to decrease this guy's dodge if I can there we go okay so he's got a Dodge of zero and now I'm gonna use play grenade which lay at these both of them in the back we'll get some blight going on them for damage per round very nice like a nice great shot blast and just hit all of them or I could go for so like this guy the the Quartier is dead here he's got four HP four damage blight the are bolused is not but I don't think that I'm really gonna do a lot of difference here I'll go for it anyway seven damage let's see we got I think I'm gonna do smite on the bone defender no or I could just kill the bone soldier kill the bone soldier and then so we killed two there it's pretty nice he took some blight damage and we dodged that this is really I am not used to things going this well but then again I'm not used to easy difficulty very different so he's gonna die in the next next blight hit let's go ahead and heal up this want to be safe you know because the árboles is dead noxious blast get that blight oh no I got hit what terrible strength oh I got stunned so I got under stunned and I get plus 40% stun resist as a result and there we go so we got ooh eight crests and two busts so now our quest is complete I'm gonna continue adventuring for now we can go back at any time I do want to open this heirloom chest we use with skeleton key so we got eight more crests and four busts so we got out of that with a nice Hall eight bus twenty crests and I think I'm content with that I got two achievements the first of many victories and a collection of treasured antiques so our risk reward there was heavily tilted towards reward I think things worked out great look all that what girls heirlooms okay so we have resolved XP which will increase our level let me just see real quick what happens when I hit return to town it opens them anyway okay so cinahl got a positive quark plus 15 percent move resist so if someone tries to pull or push him he has resistance against that however gab got one negative quark obsessed with material things Hillel mania Craven got one and one fear of mankind plus 15 percent stress versus human and minus ten accuracy versus human so Kraven doesn't like to fight people they do have photo mania minus 20 percent stress of torch above 75 so the negative quirks can pile up hopefully Fairbank kind is a really bad one over time some negative quirks will lock into place and become severe severe negative quirks costs much more to remove in the sanitarium that is interesting that was not that's a new thing so we got the Abby here where we can go to for stress relief so this is where heroes can relieve stress there are different activities and the tavern and the Abby each activity is different side effects experiment to find the best activity for each hero depending on their quirks committing a hero to an activity locks them in that activity until the next week so if you put somebody in the Abby to relieve their stress they'll be able to go and they'll be able to embark on a mission with you you have to take a different hero with you on your next quest okay I'm not really worried about right now cuz like Sinnoh and gab are really low I'm really not worried about that at all see increase stress recovery now we can increase these but I'm not too worried about that right now like I said so we can't unlock the guild or the blacksmith or the sanitarium or the tavern yeah oh no the taverns open cellar ah thanks for the resub I wish I could have given you the jalapeno lemonade at r-tx make sure to keep hydrated oh yeah sorry we weren't at r-tx very long not very long at all to be honest most the time I was there I spent standing in line yeah I won't worry about this now I can get them anytime and Debbie really needs stress relief right now let's go the stagecoach though okay so we got a bounty hunter here which I definitely will recruit we got a grave robber here and no blurb for that one I guess and the hound master so we can't get experienced recruits until we get other prerequisites that's very interesting okay so I've never actually used the Hound master before that's a class I've never used they have a torn rotator - five percent damage to melee skills plus ten percent damage to range skills interesting let's look at their I don't I'm not familiar with their abilities so they have hounds rush does bleed additional damage versus beast hounds hairy and that hate that that hits everybody as you can see from the red line gives bleed target whistle that can be used on anybody to mark the target and debuff - 20 percent protection they also have a self heal that's very interesting a self-heal bounty hunter is another character that can mark so the Bounty Hunter and the hound masters seem like they might worked well together the Bounty Hunter has collect bounty does 90 percent damage its marked and they also have of course a mark for death which marks a target and debuffs it we've got an uppercut here so bounty hunters kind of a melee you know brawler if you will finish him plus 25% damage versus stun so Donnie honor is a very complimentary character I super link thanks for receiving your cool keep it up thank you I appreciate that okay so yeah Bonnie I was a very complementary character I can use him with the Crusader who has a stun or the hound master has Mark who did the bounty hunter B will have the bounty hunter be Jake my friend Jake and then so this is the grave robber I'm not very experienced with the grave robber I have played with it before we old scrounger plus 10% scouting a chance in the wheel and town will never drink very good let's say sell lunge so you can use that from the back and it's a melee ability flashing daggers hits the middle targets debuff so the debuff ax bleed resist shadow fade is a stun +20 dodged and they also have poison darts which give blight I'm gonna have this be my friend cat and then that leaves the hound master actually really this is Craven so we'll make we'll make the hell mr. Craven actually and that means I gotta rename this one though uh you should this be I don't know let me think um I'll just be my friend Alex Alex and Jake have a channel together called Japs in case you didn't know and I will put him and Jake together there they go so alright so we got we got all our characters together and I'm gonna go ahead and bark on another journey looks like we can only be in the ruins still and I think that all these they all the same goal 90% of rooms this one is longer as you can see as a campfire and some medium to portraits see leper only oh I haven't used the leper 3 cress to bus 2 portraits okay um I don't know if we're ready for a medium one just yet everybody's like level 1 or level zero so we'll go for another short one now plus 3% stun skill chance that's interesting I would take that actually so let's see let's try to do something a little different all the bounty hunter with me I'll put him in number two there I'll put Kraven in I'll put them in the very back cuz they can do Wow yeah they can do pretty much anything there and then we'll also have cat cuz doesn't kind of a stun yeah so well I've lots of synergy with the Bounty Hunter here actually actually I'm gonna put the Bounty Hunter and three cuz yeah there's gonna be in three the only one that you can't do from 3 is uppercut from what I can see and we don't really care about that we're mainly gonna be doing collec bounty so I'm fine with him being three ants go ahead and provision - dog treats greatly increase the hounds vigor for a short time that's cool this is another short one I don't think it'll be oh I had added a shovel already yeah see just in case yeah well we'll get the outbreak team back together soon this should be a pretty easy dungeon so I'm gonna stock up too hard pace out the halls of your lineage once familiar oh yeah we know that we know that um okay so explore nine percent of rooms so we're gonna have to go this way I think at some point just go in we're getting stressed out actually I think the grave robber is gonna be our best chance to disarm traps the crate is just empty okay and that was a pretty boring hallway okay so we got two courtiers here we got surprise because it's in dim light and they shuffled us up pretty good can't use my stun of course we use lunge here whoa pretty nice I moved I moved her up so I could move them back as well 20 stress damage just now with tempting goblet hate these guys okay let's um let's do the hounds Harry hits all of them and has oh you know what let's not do that because I was like I was mainly doing that for the bleed but they have 2% bleed resistance because they're dead so never mind should I figure out what to do here cuz like they're all they're all like scrawny little dudes I don't really feel like marking them I'm just gonna take this guy out I got some stress relief there and I can't do anything with the Crusader because he's all the way in the back Callie mm there we go I stress that we don't have a healer in the group massive oversight on my part shadow fade we get the stun okay so that's gonna do some stress 20 stress damage let's rush him in the back lead resistance to finish him not that it really mattered but you know okay well move forward again geez hopefully got that blight and we did good instead I was annoying okay let's uh let's switch these guys around a little bit there we go everything is as it should be let's go ahead and skeleton key there got to deeds to food to 250 gold we got scouting doesn't like there's anything down there I don't really feel like messing with it so we're gonna go back there's no treasure it's no point so you do have to walk back through hallways you've already explored and I did since it did bring torches you might as well use them we've got another torch here and we're gonna use it right away okay so we got ourselves a fight they're surprised though cuz of the torch light and I think we'll just sprite take them out real quick don't know why did that mm-hmm no point yeah well mark him why not get D buffed we don't really need that extra damage though just doing it for the heck of it hello oh don't hit me with tempting goblet good dodge she's okay I wasn't supposed to be - yeah I forgot - 20% bleed resist that's not really gonna work here we'll do poison darts on the one in the back get that light going Oh resist with 10% really I'm gonna mark the are bolused cuz 15 HP is pretty stocky I don't like that I can hit these guys let's say uppercut you think I could do it stun resist this it's not that high should I just go for collect bounty just for damage I kind like messing these dudes up oh here's this it they'll fight it get the stun so that's good you got good stun here let's just kill this guy Wow didn't kill him at one HP go for poison darts on this guy again finally good now I'm gonna do hounds rush on this dude wow what an impressive seven damage on that marked target [Music] I'm gonna try son this guy yeah how do you like being taken out of position now they are all still alive which is annoying and they're picking on my bounty hunter which I totally deserve this poor Jake miss handling this fight well we got rid of one I'm wondering that's act 6 damage per round good so that thing's dead lady hounds rush on this guy out I'm superior damage there finally worked okay so mr. bounty hunter let's move you further back how about that we've got see five more rooms geez whistles oh he has kleptomania so he just took it even though I didn't say that he could and the pack had a map inside though so looks like we got a fight on our hands coming up in that one room and right here as well they're surprised though I'm not really worried so you can get the stun here and these guys can bleed so I think I'm gonna try to get bleeped on all of them and I got it on too let's see if we can get two stuns here look we got a crit and the stun yeah Jake's getting real stressed out here very sad very sad and now cats getting stressed out hmm [Music] we got kripp there 17 damaged nice I want poison on her and I want to do this there we go good so he oh he got stacked bleed huh he has 1 hp left there we go I worked out so we got holy water neat she's a torch here keep things light shallow fade is back one that's why I thought was happening I didn't read it carefully enough okay so we're gonna move on to this one which there's there's gonna be a battle there as you can see crate is empty okay the sack is empty really that's unlucky keep things up so we got so got radiant light 83 and they're surprised good surprise is a huge advantage huge flashing daggers not bad and we got the debuff there bleed resistance is down of course it's still one hundred eighty percent so I'm gonna mark the Quartier for a hound soon because I don't really have a whole lot of range here [Music] and we got a kill there go we took out two of them we're good we're definitely gonna have to send Craven and Jake to get some stress relief when we get back maybe cat - this is a very stressful dungeon right here to hounds rush only eight there we go now we can't get to them hmm this will bring them up a little bit dodged I'm fine taking the tempting Goblet because I've got the most stress available and good to bus need right okay we're in a room let's keep moving we're definitely gonna have to like do a self heal soon for four Craven stashed heirlooms so we got to deeds there Oh almost walked on that trap got some stress relief - should we use a torch here yeah I want to go in with radiant light 100% and purpose is made clear okay looks like there's a battle like right here there we go this shouldn't be a bad one pretty good I just wanted to do that - to get one guy out and also do some extra damage possibly bleed although it wasn't gonna happen zealous accusation here so we can clear this corpse up and it didn't matter I was very quick oh yeah I didn't I didn't use heal self ok so right now we got one of these things I care what this is supposed to be switch outfit Oh neat you can switch their outfit now that's cool I think probably the Crusader would be the best for the holy altar I'm not really sure what what would be good to put here holy water great favor from the gods 30% damage Wow that is uh that's pretty good we'll use our last torch here which I'm fine with we're almost done we didn't even have a fight there once we get done with this room we'll have completed the question we can go back and then I have no more torches so we're just stuck with whatever light we have was this decorative urn holds ashes of The Departed I don't know what to put on the decorative urn oh no I contracted creeping cough which is a terrible one oh that one's bad apparently my god Frank work is no severe it's been like two seconds all creepin cough isn't a quirk is a disease yeah - 20 percent of damage so it kind of nullifies my buff that I got the light is fading okay but we finished so let's return to Hamlet the shifted corridors and sloped walls of our ancestry are beginning to feel familiar look at collected treasure that's pretty bad and we didn't get nearly as many heirlooms this time as we did the first one now so I got negative Court their mines 15 percent damage on first round oof - 20 % armor upgrade cost that's a good one kleptomaniac clutch hitter plus 3% crit if HP below 50% interesting yeah but you don't remember it now huh all right so we've got the blacksmith and the guild this is I was waiting for okay so I'm going to get instructor mastery it'll let us upgrade skills to Rank 2 which is really neat I want to do it okay so uh like for example I can upgrade from smite one to smite two now for only 250 gold which is pretty nice I can also unlock different abilities for a thousand gold which is really good blacksmith so you can allow weapon upgrades to rank two armor upgrades rank two and you can reduce cost we won't do any of that yet I think what I want to do here see we can't get rid of quirks yet which is annoying but let's uh see these are portraits actually which I have very few of let's go for this one it's increased stress recovery for the cloister rituals the caretaker the caretaker is currently enjoying this activity is very irritating I did that before whatever let's hold off for now on these upgrades will stick Jake into the transept I guess it's 1250 and then we'll throw Kraven into the flood but then pin it salt I think there are different heroes that respond to different treatments in different ways but I don't really have a good grasp on that yet okay so we have we can we can take two of these guys we can actually increase the hero barracks which I think I will do so we can get a cultist there are two occultists we'll see which one's better healers gift plus 20% healing skills while camping ten accuracy versus humans 3% critters humans and town will only drink that's really annoying and let's say they have sacrificial stem word reconstruction which is a very strong heal but it gives bleed very strong though generally it can heal anywhere from zero to 13 so it's a gamble I like it though vulnerability hex marks targets and debuffs their dodge weakening curse Devo so I'll call this is like all about debuffs just generally like kind of a eldritch sort of [Music] love crafting he's got like a bunch of tentacle attacks not this one doesn't have any of them like I hands from the abyss or abyssal artillery let's see what the other one has they have abyssal artillery but they have the same abilities Oh than that clumsy - five dodge I think I like that more than in town will only drink so yeah I think I think I like we can encourage more than abyssal artillery yeah I know we'll take this one and this one's gotta be this one's gotta be somebody will make this one manly my friend of manly badass hero he'll be the occultists and actually I've never seen this class before this is a new one to me the antiquarian okay looks like they're they prefer to be in the back +5 accuracy our range skills bears the crushing guilt of Deeds real and imagined I'm not sure with the repercussions of that quark are but I imagine could be pretty bad I can kind of see where they would be going with that nervous stab okay so that's just a that's just a straight-up damage 90 percent accuracy it's pretty high though for one that's pretty high get down so you move back and you can buff yourself your dodge and speed invigorating vapors +3 dodge interesting so you can force a guard by an ally huh yeah we'll take them why not I already know who this is gonna be I don't know this is gonna be that's minx right there purple and everything I don't know if I want to occultists just yet but yeah we'll take this one too why not somebody's gonna die at some point someone's gonna die that's one I don't know if the occultist really fits him but I like this one taco all right cool let's go ahead and embark and the wee old is now open so the wee old is a little bit different than the ruins the goals for this is just simply complete 100% of room battles I'm gonna toss me in there I do have creepin cough so minus 20% damage actually I don't know who else the front line would be I mean maybe minks they could just do nervous stabs up in there hmm let me see what gap in this in this in this fight with divine grace and everything put her in three you know what we'll get a cinema gap back in there with cat and heck I'll go again I know I've got creeping cough but he's got 33 HP like come on let's go into the we all because why not I don't really give a [ __ ] all right I know I am going in like pretty light [Music] we're definitely gonna need anti-venom here okay hi I went I went a little less light that time it will mark her I do not have a Hellion I do really like hellions though so the we old is like personally my least favorite there's gonna be lots of like mushroom type of poison II Blighty just nasty swamp stuff in here oh there's a trap I don't even see it oh I didn't get blighted though we've got a fight here now okay no fight so we've already encountered place to where we need a shovel pack contains loop we got a journal page I have no idea what that is what what is it whoa there's like notes blood-soaked pages torn from a journal one of six these dark caves dripped with an overabundance of humidity beyond my threshold of discomfort I nearly broke my ankle on the rocks made slick with some of ubiquitous slime the pools stir and slosh with no visible cause and the shadows beyond torchlight seemed to grow and shrink of their own accord 79 22 I don't know I I do not remember having like a story like that that's neat okay so we're still in radiant light and as you can see we've still got Wolverine here with us but we got some of these fungus things here hate them so much we'll do something Oh got a crit there debuff and Wow stress relief thanks cat some of us have high prot which absorbs attack damage do tease ignore prot and our effective means take down these highly armored opponents okay so that's what protection points is yeah the we all dislike the toxic sewers you don't to kill anybody yet I'm gonna try to so I'm gonna do a play grenade here I know that like they had a high resistance to blight and everything but I also wanna get rid of that prot like it just said seemed like a hint [Music] where if I can stun they have 25% some resistance was just kind of hi see if I can get him anyway Italy resisted it bleed yeah I got bleed there and I got a debuff okay so I dodged that and the blights doing work there they really hate cat that's sad they hate cat also get a so get healed though heroes bleeding so we can use a bandage if we want [Music] I'll just do some more damage I do want to poison this guy but oh this guy in the back eight damage per round it will heal up cat thank you so much I know that she's marked but good dodge there Oh gap got blighted there it's gonna go for damage here ten we need to kill something in like fast I'm not doing so great here don't sack the blight cat she's a death's door so when a hero is reduced to zero HP there at death's door well in the state they will suffer stat penalties plus any further damage has a chance to kill them I really miss managed this fight for sure yeah bleed can also [Music] so let's use a bandage there oh geez I would say let's move her back but oh wow this is terrible Hiro was blighted I can use antivenin to neutralize it yeah I don't want to have anything bad happened this early to me the point resistance is just so high it's annoying okay please bite this one that one didn't do anything good good yes pick on me please I am kind of the tank it's supposed to be anyway we're getting so lucky here why'd you crit on the one I didn't want you to I'm gonna get blighted now you resisted it of course I'm gonna continue to heal up Kat because she needs it can I do a stun here good he's gonna flee oh man gabs flight is really bad thank you so the son works there I think this will work oh my god there we go I'm lucky that it wasn't just absolutely awful there it was pretty bad yeah I think I think this team is just oh no I was definitely missing something in that fight one day was per round should I use the anti-venom now that is for damage but like it could be so much worse I feel like it's okay I mean we're really we've just started so anti-venom now hold your horses all right oh wow death storm recovery sheesh yeah this is this is getting kind of rough and we got surprised there hmm I'm just looking I want to see what happens if I don't switch the current positions oh I can't heal with the vessel in position two so that's a problem so yeah I'm gonna actually that turned out really well that's about really well and we got a crit heal that is nice don't bleed okay she actually got pushed there are you tacking my back line for how Bad's that blight for damage per round okay so you're dead because he's got the blight to cool I'm gonna heal myself [ __ ] you guys I know he gets a hit off but yeah we we netted one HP there so it was worth it dodge well he's gonna die from blight anyway right right razor a Kazi thank you for the subscription just straight-up subscription notes what's primer anything thank you I appreciate that cool give you another heal so dead let's see if we can clear the corpse and there we go so yeah that went fine that went absolutely fine we got four crests a thousand gold they're absolutely fantastic I don't know the dim light I forgot to use a torch [ __ ] mad man I've never seen that before like I said I last time I played was when the game was in early access got a crit heal there let's hope this works out Oh stress yeah that's that's new I haven't seen him skip some poison going or blight rather I keep calling it poison dodj I didn't want her to move back because I want the vessel to always be in a position to heal looking over a stunning herb if we don't get this done then let's go for damage ah three damage yeah it's these guys they're hard to deal with cuz like I don't have any bleed that's the thing I don't have any bleed and they have blight resistance but they have high protection so it's just really hard for this team in particular to deal with because like I just don't have any bleed I've even got a poison darts oh we took out the cultists didn't even leave a corpse and like it'd be great if we could get a blight on this guy but Oh incision but that would mean I would have to move up quite a bit see if I can get a blight here oh good that's gonna cut through that HP gonna keep healing cat cuz she keeps getting hurt okay good so he's pretty close to dying there and she dives that's good stopped doing the groping swipe sounds so intrusive he's torchlight there that worked out okay so he's totally dead let's see if we can get blight on this thing hey we did gab MVP as the Vestal and they just love to go after cat I mean she's got 17 dodge so like too bad ooh that's a full Hill right there yeah we're good now sure okay so we got all right shut it [Music] pristine fountain do we use holy water on this it looks like that would help oh I didn't realize that's what that did so I got like 30 stress relief okay now we just got to go back which is annoying like all that stress we just lost Oh No she won she had an obsession with corpses now we got the Black Plague - ten percent max HP - five speak damn it gab and your obsession with corpses you necro maniac it's okay we're like we're doing fine so far like this is a fine dungeon how did I not see that here [ __ ] it wasn't scouted right we got a torch we're gonna have tons of torches the first test by the end of this week I read home we get I'll take it okay let's keep moving I'm gonna keep I'm gonna watch that torch light up cuz like I have 5 torches left over what the hell what tough 70 HP we got stun off what the hell is this thing so no do you know what this is it's got a ton of HP is it it's not it's human and Eldridge it's not on holy well okay this is not a boss it's oh it's a random spawn boss are you freaking kidding me yeah well I've got a nice blight going see if we can stack the blight seven damage per round eleven damage per round blight that's pretty good really where are these things 16 HP each well this is this is rough maybe I should focus them actually oh I see what they're supposed to be that's cool lifesteal no okay good dodge gab thanks for the host we're playing darkest dungeon you're in it it's almost your turn hang on I got a stack that blight ten damage per round for three rounds so he's on a death sentence right now make sure it happens yeah 14 damage per round for three rounds I got it's your turn as the vestal okay [Music] they don't leave corpses right because I'd be silly there we go okay good he hasn't actually done anything yet which is worrying but he's got a huge damage overtime on him got a crit there you are damned damned Oh he just used it again really he just uses it again on what every I mean he's a seven damage per round for two rounds okay so he's he doesn't have a death sentence actually ten damage for three rounds whatever there we go we'll make sure he dies my god thanks for the rain I really appreciate it hey guys check out gabs channel she's a fellow streamer in robot college are you guys playing wait what these guys swear I know I'm not healing but you know finished Silent Hill origins that got the UFO ending fun yeah I know he has a life steal I just didn't know did 20 that's crazy hi resist I really want him to die 18 damage per rounds Oh leave Sunol alone how dare you my guy is almost dead just one HP get him sent oh there we go man this is annoying ah I got bleed they're really these guys look at that bleed and I don't have a bandage oh my god a trifling victory a victory nonetheless only 3500 gold that's it guess what old John's eaten some food he's in some of the parties food sheathe use a shovel there I need a bandage yeah no [ __ ] you need a bandage okay let's we're getting pretty close we've still got a room battle left hmm oh my god it's in this last one I don't have another shovel oh I don't have another shovel I came in with two didn't I is this the third one I don't think it's worth it to get the quest should I abandon yeah I thought I was gonna get more than that that I was doing fine until that fight without tools of iron you must rely on flesh an indefatigable purpose oh they're full oh you're full oh you can't have you can't possibly have any more food boy clear require the strength to follow it okay please don't kill me got stunned there damn and marked no cat oh wow they are picking on her so hard she's at death's door I was hoping would be the other way around eight and five should I kill me or show yo cat I got yo cat they use anti-venom oh no I can't crap okay good so we got two more ah yes no no no no none of the light yeah oh really Oh mine for the taking 450 gold mine for the taking guys yeah the rng in this game it sucks when it's on your side it's great what it is though look at all those deeds dude okay so that turned out pretty good oh and hey I'm level two can't got photomania minus 20% stress if torch is above 75 that's cool yeah Craven's still he's still in there he's still whipping away at himself huh okay so we've got the sanitarium you you can lock a positive quirk in place interesting I'm going to let's see gab has the Black Plague psycho thanks to the resub three months at the $10 tier really appreciate that let's see let's uh yeah but creeping cough is pretty bad minus 20% damage at the same time look at these prone to stealing items okay let's um I want to get rid of creeping cough yeah let's just it's just a rash why do you need the knife Oh No let's see if we can get rid of a negative quirk let's see so no being soft I feel like is not good see anyone else no cheat fear of mankind is really bad that's like probably the worst negative quirk I see but I don't know if I will I don't know if alex is gonna like stick around for a while you know uh I actually think I want to get rid of sin O's soft no 1500 you're killing me actually I probably should have done this first reduce the treatment costs Oh increases the number of medical ward slots to - oh well let's do that now and let's get gap in there you're the Black Plague okay so now that we've done that cat clearly needs to go in for stress relief clearly and I don't know if we wanted to spend all of our bus right now right now let's just throw cat in there and sometimes they like develop new quirks when they go in for stress relief or whatever yeah anyone else who's stress now cats really the only one all right let's see who's at the stagecoach we got another vessel who I will gladly take lively flawed release - three percent crit on range skills obsessed with killing they do have divine grace they don't have the party heel and they have judgment which is not a bad attack and you do get a self heal there so it's kind of a two-for-one I like that I like judgement okay this isn't a bad one will recruit this vessel because vessel is such a great class and unrelenting yeah um I was there a leopard - I'll - check that one out see this will be the doxy will be this vesicle okay Oh a leper oh I have used the leper I do like lepers 35 HP it's nice to have an extra tank so I think I will get this one plus 5% in virtue chance and minus 20% stress in the Warrens chop has a 75% accuracy but there's a lot of damage and if you can upgrade it and get the accuracy up it does just a [ __ ] ton of damage so I think I'm good I'm definitely gonna recruit this leper as my 12th person for sure and since I just recruited doxy I'll recruit deaf - we got all robot college up in here all right so that's everybody for now let me let me see can i I can spend more and get more recruits I don't think I need a 16 man roster though right now so I think we'll just we'll hold off on that [Music] let me see all right I did get ooh make it this - how do I give it to her yeah grave-robber only 30% stun skill chance so she gets that minus 15% stress Hellion only oh I'd love to have a Hellion I hope somebody dies soon so I get to replace them with the Hellion yeah the leopard if you want once you get the lepers accuracy shortcomings shored up he's really good in my opinion oh we don't have the Nomad wagon unlocked yet damn I try to jump the gun there ah let's go ahead what can I do here reduce cost well I don't want to get anything just yet I don't think do I want a weapon upgrade for anybody yeah sure and let's toss out a furnace who'd we want to upgrade let's get so many 675 gold yeah the highwayman is basically there for damage anyway so let's get a shake in there too it's only six hundred gold that's peanuts let's get them both level two the rest of these guys haven't proven themselves yet they're all level zero so we'll just leave them be for now okay so we can actually go the Warrens now and I believe we should go with def here as our tank as the leper just have him chopping in the front so you complete 100% of room battles and we'll get lucky dice gesture only I don't have any gestures which I'm fine with I'm not a big fan gesture yeah I'm not going to dismiss someone unless there's a Hellion available so we'll have a lot some of these people that we haven't played with yet I want to get ducks in there because I want to get another vessel moving so we'll have dock C and F together which is fine and then doc Oh doc Oh doc oh my god doc Oh in the back on this one and since I just upgraded them I think I'll have Alex in slot 2 here so we're not we haven't gotten to use manly or minx yet but it's just purely comp related see so the Warrens were gonna want bandages I usually don't go more than eight food for short dungeons so I think I'm gonna stick with that here yeah we'll go with that so yeah pretty excited about this I really like this game I think it's better now than why I played in early access of course I am playing on easy so everything just feels more fair when you play it in early access there were no difficulties and I think it was just on medium I'm not sure but it was look at all look at all those fights let's do this okay it was all that's left of a previous adventurer ah I'm not sure what we could use here nothing of value anyway could have been worse is that trap yeah disarmed let's go in we've still got radiant light so surprise nope nobody's here so see let's go over this way we can actually avoid a battle oh jeez come on ah now bloodthirsty fascinated with injury wounds and torture so alex is getting kind of negative quirk heavy here fear of mankind is a bad one we won't have to worry about it here cuz we'll be battling pigs oh no there are human oh that's bad I do like I do like the Warrens music quite a bit hmm bleed 40% because of course they do I'll hit all of them and they dodged all of it great great vulnerability hacks let's uh let's mark somebody actually let's uh let's deep off them because they're pretty low HP I don't think they really need to be marked I don't have a whole lot of damage besides the leper I just realized Oh can mark a target I don't really feel confident in chopping this guy with seventy-five percent accuracy 68 percent chance to hit I don't like those odds I'm gonna try to intimidate this guy oh we got a what a marked for three rounds they're interesting they're changing up their positions I was gonna try to a pistol shot if I got a mark but I didn't I think I'm just gonna try to kill here Wow my leper is getting after they're getting really lucky here can I say that let's do a ward reconstruction too did too did too let's heal up to is like Oh the very low end of the spectrum there let's go for a chop here and dodged resisted the bleed there which would have killed it except I can't use sacrificial stab here crit 12 that's what I'm talking about that's a nice heel it did enhance the bleed a little bit unfortunately but okay let's do let's do a kill there okay so we're doing just fine here come on let's go chop done thank you there's no way that they can dodge that right right there we go that took forever should I use a bandage right now I mean he's got a ton of HP Def's fine he's fine that was this oh wait Oh Colts crawling so we want the occultist to use this right I don't know if that has anything to do with anything the site is too much for him to bear too much stress right there I need to read up on how that works Wow somebody fights but yeah we gotta go to this treasure excuse me I don't know why when I do this ah he's got the Black Plague now it's like these aren't even worth it the item had no effect oh and I used it up Wow quark reinforced what what what I am I was supposed to be using in the Warrens I actually don't know damn it I'll heal him up well weekend that one he resisted it never mind we won't weaken that one I guess bleed okay good that one's got a death sentence and they're dead I was perfect shop mist herbs oh okay thank you I'll keep that in mind for next time good weakening curse nice 33% damage I'll chop that corpse out of the way Oh dim light dim this is this we can use some more mine 60% damage there we go good got four crests there I don't mind that let's get back up to radiant light treasure there we go swine jumper these guys have a ton of HP this drummer guy he can really be a pain there's a lot of HP here okay so I'm just gonna I'm gonna heal my highwayman here cuz he's got fear of mankind could be a could be a problem see oh that's what the leper is all about that shop right there now you're not back seating big black Silvio don't worry I'm I asked for help oh it's due a weakening curse on this guy huh okay good it did work because he ease their damage ER and I resisted the bleed good plus 12% damage let's get some buffs going drums of doom I hate drums of doom doing some stress damage there I'm going to heal these guys again stop vomiting aah you're the worst shooing mark - 15 dodge oh that might be that might be nice let's do molnár ability hex here does it take dodges of the negatives oh he resisted it damn Oh got a crit for four good thing - three percent damage no okay so what just happened if you're unfamiliar and this is your first time seeing it so when they hit full stress they can either there was the resolve is tested and they can either become afflicted or they can not become afflicted which is really nice but doc Oh is now a negative Nancy and with full stress well enough a hundred stress you know I mean so it's gonna be bad for us chop align 2:11 damage whatever every cow it's working out well you think yourself powerful but you are an insect okay doc Oh get out of here I think I'm gonna see me clear this corpse damn it yeah I know not to let there hit that let their stress hit 200 I didn't realize that his stress was that high it was really really high there we go that worked out bring them forward that's good it shop on the drummer that worked and another chop now dodge that you are improving I'll be it slowly well I get to I get to move huh we could incur s-- sometimes they won't do it you say when they're afflicted there we go heirloom chess skeleton key so we got 12 crests to deeds that is pretty nice I like that what affliction did he get abusive yeah there it is so that's what he got it's annoying but Wow oh we didn't see it we get scouting okay you know what we use a bandage get that straightened up I like having fun anything in those we got another fight on our hands there surprise though which kind of surprises me to be honest this weekend that guy oh he resisted it I really miss my chop kill the tank bleed okay getting stressed out the left devs getting stressed out there doc sees marked we got bleed you should dodge next time this is just a little tip thanks twitch chat don't member asking though got a crit there that's that fear for mankind to work at worked right there I think and they're going after him hard poor Alex okay can it be my turn at some point God the bleed is stacking Wow what downer irrational oh boy this is not good like we're fine health-wise it's just stress it's okay this dress isn't gonna hit 200 so I'm gonna keep telling myself anyway I'm not gonna do board reconstruction I don't want to stack the bleed see if I can mark this guy oh I also got minus 15 per stress continues to build beyond the point of affliction if the hero's stress bar fills a second time completely their body will give out get them a tour retreat back to town before this happens death awaits us all jeez - damage per round over five rounds we'll try to get rid of that if we can shop pointed nine damage this guy is dead there we go got rid of somebody oh I meant to do the bandage oh well so much stress it's crazy we really need to take out this drummer I think I've been I haven't been prioritizing him properly springing everybody down you know I think I will do word reconstruction out too I was gonna say I'll I'll do reconstruction then use the bandage but I'll you see just moved without my permission stress isn't gonna hit 200 hopefully mortals fighting mortals with dull amusement Wow doc oh you're getting on my nerves now stop giving me tips you're gonna stress out you guys are stressing out doc see okay dead bull pepper drives the whirling Celeste er what oh my god she's gonna get stressed out she's gonna get a oh no she ate a hundred crit for for really like a myself an additional bleed okay I'm gonna use the bandage he wouldn't do it at first okay let's get this guy forward let's take him out Oh got him no stop stop stressing everyone out no alex is next why there's ten thank you and it's gotta bleed but look at that look for crest two busts and a portrait and we completed the quest already let's see what else is around that's not that interesting so like my sweet food scraps around do you think the shovel does anything here I had no effect torch so medicinal herbs huh that's all I have to bring in next time everything I've been eating already all right let's go back this is a disaster I got achievement the price we pay for sanity I think it's because I had characters get so stressed out that they got those quirks look at all those crests look at all those crests I'm gonna spend those in town we'll only flagellate for stress relief Oh 10% sky and chance and ruined tuckered out - tempest of damage if HP below 50% meanwhile dokgo got a nice he got a nice one accuracy and critic in stun holy thanks doc Oh terrific and Men soldiers and outlaws fools and corpses a day long awaited word of our predicament has spread and a new crop of aspiring corpses step from the stagecoach six more recruits than usual Craven's finally done flagellating himself ok good Black Plague and creepin cough and soft were all removed nice nice nice nice let's take a look at the stagecoach so yeah this is nice stuff here the are bolused that's a good class it's um Archer in the back I like the herbalist we also got man-at-arms lots of lots of neat classes here to choose from also got the Jester which I've never really liked just my opinion now let me look around a little bit I'm a little annoyed right now with Alex and all of his freakin bad quirks and like these guys are losing it lot to get their stress down or do we you know we could just say bye-bye to them we could dismiss but we're not gonna do that we're gonna play with pride really a be here for stress relief increases stress recovery I want two slots though damn I really want to slots let's throw some people in here for quirks I think let's take a look at me real quick I've still got some quirks I need to work out god-fearing is kind of a problem let's see how much so much that is so that's 5,000 so a severe negative quirk is 5,000 compared to 1500 that's quite expensive I think I'll get rid of Tom but before I do that let's see reduce the treatment cost okay so I can't have two treatment slots yet I can't reduce the cost though which I think I will let's throw me in there for that I know I'm a little partial throwing me in there like that so Alex does have the Black Plague well we'll get rid of that for him though yeah anybody else have a disease no now these guys are really in need of some stress relief doc Oh has he will only drink interesting well let's get the man a drink except the caretakers in there okay you know what no I really hate to do this doc oh but I'm just gonna you're too much of a liability ah it's too bad cuz like man Slayer and unholy Slayer those are nice positive quirks he looks gifts too I guess I guess they're not that far they're not that bad I'll keep him around yeah let's see so the cloister is I think where I'm gonna send doxy death I'll toss into the transept yeah okay and let's take a look around here you know I want to see if I can buy gab a divine comfort for a party heal or if I could just increase yes to find grace - I like that you know let's get gab a party heal and also they can't have four active combat skills so what we got to do is we got to get rid of one and put in the other I think I'm going to get rid of mace bash because I want her in like position three so I'm thinking we go with that yeah and I've grade it so it heals one two three party which is nice let's go here we don't really need to up her weapons actually let's see do we want to upgrade armor yeah let's get armor upgrades to two let's toss Jake in there and gave him armor to because I think he's gonna be in the front lines this next adventure that we embark upon I want to get everybody's armor upgraded so Sinnoh gab they need upgraded armor can't get Alex in there right now because he's busy cat you know I'll wait on cat see ya I think we'll wait on the rest of it let's go ahead and embark do I have anything else no no no that was a gesture only item that I acquired so okay let's we're not taking duck on this one because he's gonna bring everybody down let's toss in sin Oh gab Jake and let's give somebody new a chance let's give somebody else a shot minks maybe yeah let's let's toss in minks why not give the antiquarian a shot cuz I've never played with them before they don't really seem to have any synergy though with anything else that I have and actually I hate to like put it off but I'm wondering you know I might want to throw in Craven instead cuz he and Alex work well together because they can both mark stuff for each other yeah and he's got a cell feel okay so do we want to go to the The Cove I've never been to the cove let's go to the co because I've never been there and this is another short one I already had antivenom whatever yeah woman bark hold it we'll get a good one now while I'm going kind of kind of late on the stream so I've never I've never done The Cove before it wasn't in the early access version that I played really is the shovel there get rid of that you get the unburned torch here yes sure it's interesting we do this one over here was a trap I didn't see exciting get scouting minus 20 Dodge for 12 rounds minus 5 speed for 12 rounds excuse me that's a pretty pretty big debuff there's something odd about this Coral a screw it Oh minus 10 stress good night Taylor thanks for mudding there is nothing here okay we'll go back the way we came so we basically we just we wasted okay we gotta eat food already that was pretty early that was really early I did not know that they need to eat that quickly I'm a little annoyed because I only brought eight food cuz normally that that's completely fine to last me through a short dungeon oh no she's gonna gab drive me crazy you got a nasty gash oh you just got hurt how'd you get a nasty gash what that increase your disease disease resistance or oh I don't know I'm not really sure I understand what that was a stuff sea creatures watch the short wonder one at 8 only digested fish inside really okay so i've never played against these we got surprised cuz its shadowy really get that light out there so we got drowned thrall here pelagic grouper and pelagic Xiamen so we got three eldritch and he's also unholy hmmm their blight resistance is really low which i find very interesting so i'm gonna try to take advantage of that elimination - 20 dodge or that one yeah okay good zero dodge for everybody let's mark this one so we can do a collector there Oh 20 damage oh he's a healer interesting yeah well good luck healing when it stacks it didn't stack let's uh mark him for death go heal Alex up or uh Jake sorry hounds rush this should be a oh only seven damage Alba did did give him bleed the revenge what it explodes I didn't know that how could you know that okay hang on I'm not gonna kill him yet I want to get a heal heal self Oh come on let's get a cuz he's gonna die the next turn divine comfort he'll party three three three three that's very fortunate okay worked out your loading screen said it well I was too busy talking about others [ __ ] oh you should be reading the loading screen ah okay I guess I'll go over here cuz the quest is to complete 100% of room battles Wow second shovel used already hope that there's not a third one okay there surprised oh no I'm gonna heal again I'm just gonna all right good go you're good oh I guess I could have hmm [Music] they're bleed resist is pretty high unfortunately now these are beasts now let's do it let's get some do tea we can okay do not mind that at all really always prod is 75 didn't realize that I should have looked a little closer there we go hmm yeah that should do it yeah eight damage of blight per turn I just wanted to tack that third one and I'm gonna see if I can stack some bleeds be nice now they all resisted them make sense this is not that scary so far I'm trying to be on the lookout but there's a crit stress is still not that bad though I'm stressed wow they're really going after gab hard I don't like that there we go good job suno I love the party he'll you just get so much net healing I canna pack thank you for receiving for five bucks okay please die soon damn it I'll get dodge it yeah let's just end it I thought about stalling so I can get another heal but I don't need to do that let's use a torch here 250 gold and let's move into the next room anything good nope we're gonna go back so there's gotta be there's gotta be at least one more room battle I hope not too I guess we'll find out in the next couple rooms let's go south on the map well it's a good item to use in this in the code does anybody know cuz I want to just use an item like I don't think I actually use medicinal herbs here I think maybe like shovel cause it's like wonder what a date I don't know hmm hey I'll just get it dissing orbs all right yeah they got his cleanse oh nice oh that was good I'll take all that Pat contains the loot oh that's really good thank you a trampled Journal one of four Sebastian's watch was his last we were jolted during our evenings were past the best we could make in these murky halls of our once-great house from the roar and flash of black powder we dropped our bowls and hurried to him all we could find was his spent pistol and a trail of blood leading into a maze of shadows we press on okay what are you guys doing here all right aren't you guys supposed to be in the ruins sheesh this guy's got 35 HP let's start stacking that blight now gonna mark him ah click bounty rain of whips ah no sin Oh okay so we got bleed and oh geez so that's five damage over time there now we just have to please have to kill him boy to group heal again six three three three that's really nice guys guys do a lot of damage I'm not using a bandage one it's just one damage though get the stun now he resisted Oh No okay resisted the push still got stunned ah I got lucky there let's try it again good okay uh.okay resisted the bleed darn it interesting okay he's got a death sentence now he was he'll self here and then up she's come on thank you for allowing me to heal let's heal up sit out here a little bit Boldin Yngwie per is why not now good there we go got got to heels of five really nice let's just kill him nothing else we can really do and we got eight kress let me see should really have him should really be like that I know it got messed up early and I just never fixed it because it wasn't that big a deal but I really want yeah I really want blight in the back oh we gotta get rid of this thrilled guy pelagic Guardian okay well okay here's the deal I'm gonna mark him for death I don't want him to explode again sounds rush there it's 11:00 and then I'm gonna do I'm gonna drop a bomb and play grenade back there and yeah he's on a ticking timer good anybody have a tie dies I should know about no not really gonna kill our bounty hunter good bye bye bye Felicia oh I dodged that it is fun trash-talking them especially on easy difficulty boy called the Dean it's the buff 25% damage 5 accuracy and 3% crit ok this thing needs to die ASAP Wow good got the blight see if we can good that helps yeah I think I'll do it I'll set up a collects belly damn nine damage yeah okay uh nice Oh dodged really stack that blight yeah this is rough I think I'm gonna heal myself actually I'm gonna try the dog treats I haven't tried them yet there we go we got nice heels there 5 HP each good I resisted the bleed please kill thank you that's right I obliterated hmm let's get a mark there and debuff protection nice got lucky again fun and that is it skeleton key [Laughter] who knows what value it hides let's try a shovel the shell prevents the oyster from closing so we got gold and a blight charm nice you got a lot of stuff here let's see I had a shovel leftover a bandage ate food so I could just not bought food no no we consumed for food earlier for torch it's just I'm trying to remember for next time I mean I could keep going might as well I've got extra stuff stashed heirlooms yeah you have enough room okay well let's give her the anti-venom Oh ruff trap Oh No pakad already been looted out too bad okay so yeah nothing's in this whole way and I don't think anything's in this room all right let's go back I've seen every corner of this ruined land look at all those heirlooms they're all crests which doesn't really help us much all right Jake you got a good one plus 15 percent healing skills while camping sin oh and town will only visit the brothel for stress relief they +2 speed of the torches below 26 great not gonna happen though not gonna happen free upgrade he stayed up working for days inspired by the rare quality of his materials and determined to do them justice with his own skill free upgrade armor x 1 really def while praying saw a glimpse of greater beings controlling destiny a new quirk god-fearing no longer irrational though doc sees no longer hopeless alex is not the black plague anymore I also don't have calm so I get a free armor upgrade that is cool I think I'm gonna get the armor upgrade for free nice thanks oh boy yeah I need more of these other ones I've got 40 crests right now and I don't have any of the other ones hmm can reduce the cost of skill training which actually that might be worth it okay okay let's get some of these other people in there though [Music] Alex get him Armour to and let's see if we can't get doc go into the bar holy crap it's the only place he'll go and then Alex and gab both need to yeah get their stress relief okay and I think that that's about it the rest of you guys are going to wait someone's gonna have to wait doc C&F they're gonna have to wait two plus 20% flight resistance but - to dodge so that might be good for like if we go into the Weald plus fifteen percent bleed skilled chance Oh heli and only Wow I need a Hellion damn isn't that one here that's okay all right well this was a good first stream I think uh we'll be back here tomorrow from 7:00 to 10:00 central with some more if you guys are interested how'd you guys like this the stream today as it was there anybody here who had never seen this game before and kind of into it now curious yeah that's a really cool game I really enjoy it I think like I said I this for a few videos on YouTube but it's changed a lot since then and I think I like it a lot more now than I did back then actually and I liked it a lot back then I think I plugged like 25 hours into it yes it does cost money I think it's like 20 bucks 25 maybe but yeah it's good all right so yeah I'll be back tomorrow same time do I need to save anywhere okay just leave I can just leave right I kind of forget exit to main menu Wow my guess uh [Music] yeah okay good it did it did save yeah um let's see if we want to raid anybody raid raid raid let's raid definition it was currently playing looks like it's pub good let me see oh it's Albion online okay the what it showed and the thumbnail is not what is here so yeah the whole robot college streamer just go there say John raid you will know the tragic extent my failings shop and if you want participate the raid just go there say John raid and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye bye [Music]
Channel: John Twolfe
Views: 14,172
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Darkest Dungeon, Darkest Dungeon Part 1, Darkest Dungeon gameplay, Darkest Dungeon stream, John Wolfe
Id: IrH6vrp1VvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 30sec (10530 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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