Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness - Northernlion Plays - Episode 16 [Critical]

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hey everybody welcome back this is gonna be a big episode we're fighting this boss for two reasons one is the party's ready I think roughly as ready as it could ever be the other one well we could use a little bit more money but to upgrade the ability slightly but the other one is we get double the shards this week right that's the town event plus 100% sharts that's huge I mean as of right now we have 12 shards can't do jack with them I to be honestly I don't even remember where the heck you spend them pretty sure you spend them at the the Nomad wagon and then you shuffle look at this can't buy crap we could buy some amazing stuff presumably if we got 60 vessel only plus 20% healing skills of holy waters in your inventory plus 25% damage against husk plus 25% damage against eldritch gotta be honest doesn't seem that good how about plus 2 speed plus 15 dodge how about well ok not so much plus 15% damage on attack random target 5% well it's dangerous but extra max HP and blight skilled chance as well do it like there's some good stuff going on here we'll have to think about that once we once we win if we win but this will be a boss fight it's medium length I don't know if you camp on a medium length mission here on the farms maybe maybe this one doesn't just take place in one world like one level I don't know maybe it does maybe it doesn't so it would be me at the front mouth in the number four position usually Kate in the number three position but actually now that I think about it it's got to be swapped because he can now do incision hot and fresh out the kitchen do we want to maybe remove a stun to put a D stealth I'm gonna say no because we have tracking shot on Justin the usual suspects but I'm a little scared just a little scary and you know what we actually want Justin up front good cop bad cop I don't even know what that means but okay cool all right let's try unequip sort by rarity wears this like extra healing yeah as well we want extra healing but extra stress that's huge cuz I heard that this boss does insane damage and then I don't really care if you do damage I would rather have our healer just stay alive then we'll go to our plague doctor disease resist is probably not likely to be relevant extra accuracy seems good and I hear that blight is also really useful so if we can get anything that raises our blight up I mean you can take a blight stone or a blight charm blight stone would be what you would take yeah I think it fits even though minus one speed in some situations will have relevancy I don't really want a lower dodge but for extra Christian sigh think I'll accept it if we can get that plus like something that raises maximum HP like this takes you to 34 and then you get that lowers your dodge but raises your crit chance I like that we'll follow that up I mean extra dodge is always nice I have to think a little bit extra stun Shan slower speed I don't think so might just leave it like that I don't really want a lower dodge by four just to get 10% damage that means like 2 damage per hit I mean it adds up but yeah maybe maybe you talked myself into it you know I'll take a stun stone losing the speed sucks but we're already at two so everybody's equipped with something it's the first time we've had that happen a long time now we should take some laudanum I think because laudanum removes madness I recently learned this let me see if my cheat sheet my homework see if it actually has well you should take for the farmstead on a medium mission cuz if it does I mean this is all so new to me it's a new boss on a new area I've never seen before in my life no okay so I have no idea what would you normally take on a medium mission lots of torches lots of food I'll take two stacks just to be safe I guess and then we would want remember you do need shovels I guess three seems like a good number I think some holy water maybe we already had some and it take for laudanum just in case because I don't I don't know what I'm doing and we'll stack up anti-venom and an embark I guess and see how it goes I hope it's Reggie Miller the Miller lamentably eager for some early sign of improvement fixed his watery eyes intently upon the wilted fields and listless mill I think this is like a it's a in as inspired by the movie annihilation in the book that is not called annihilation but it's part of the annihilation trilogy you know little like you know mysterious thing crashes into rural areas sort of vibe sounds familiar right oh so we got four or rather three places we can stop it looks like sure celestial cornerstone let's do it well I'm ready I'm ready to try onward onward friends all right Constance miasma minus 10% Healy received plus 10% stress I don't know how that changes things so you've gotten stealth that's fine I cannot use a play grenade that sucks your bleed resist exists that's fine we're probably gonna kill you with a point-blank shot or at least come close so let's land this hope for a bleed good very good point-blank shot extremely good remove the corpse as well even better then we can't Dees tell you we need a tracking shot for that so this is more you would probably go for in my opinion the dazzling light via versus just going for the raw damage because the stun is likely to happen here and I mean sell this accusation that's fine on it honestly not that big of a deal this dude is dead anyway it's the horse that's a problem you should have the highest beam we can't do anything we don't want to pass we'll move so I'm fortunate but we can't afford this dress okay well that's how that happens because you're out I hate to do it we could stun I hate to do it you know that in my head I'm like I'm loving to do it okay smack wow this is going a little more poorly than I would have hoped I'm gonna move up to and it is kind of a waste of a turn we got two horses now dude okay you're blight resist is pretty low unfortunately that's not the move I used but it did its buy me a turn it's all right don't worry and I was brain is broken so he's gone stealth again you want to bring him out of stealth I don't know right now we're kind of kind of waffling you know waffling back and forth this dude's dodges out of control apparently give me a tracking shot on this guy or a wicked slice for six to twelve let's try the tracking shot buff sauce very slightly one twenty seventy uh okay so we're going way too slow really need to speed it up but I mean we're in I wouldn't describe it as a holding pattern we're in a position that right now looks okay HP wise little ten stress not a concern land the actual play grenade please good fifteen points of blight is outrageous I knew we were gonna hit you one day now you could go for a stunt on the front unit I think it's what you do it's a coin flip stun it's more effective in my opinion than just going for the damage in the cell field right now I know we got this unit at the back but there we go that's the moneymaker we do have to dwell we were trying to clear the corpse but a zealous accusation shouldn't handle them pretty easily this guy at the back he's got high stun Shan still hit him with the plague boys good that's eight ten damage of blight even better so if we can hit him for 13 he's dead 35% chance to crit either you have to go didn't work and that's okay you just accepted cleared the crystals everything's looking just fine I wish you didn't get a chance to attack but you do it hurts and it shuffles but it's okay because well no after that will immediately go party he'll and everybody's looking relatively good another horse and these guys they did get shuffled but they're not in a terrible situation right now you're dead right you're dead credit him on the plague Renee God I'm looking like a goose that's 25 damage of blight if we can just chain stun him we're in a great spot he's gonna get one attack I can't really change stun I guess now that I think about it okay we got to take him out of stealth no need for a heal let's just move back into default positions you can't even see him so I mean it's a turn to buff that's not a bad thing you can't do a tracking shot because he's not in the front okay well is what it is he is still slowly melting that's a probably the worst shuffle we've ever had that's extremely good though now you probably want to go further I mean our HP is not that I think you go for the stun it's a bit dicey yeah it was gonna say if it doesn't work people are gonna be none too pleased he's dead though okay so we the problem is we want to get all of our units back into their positions that's gonna take a little bit more time it's just farm hands for now I think a stun is okay it's just the bias the slightest bit of time well these guys dab on the haters stunting didn't work you take for damage with no other associated effects you move forward to I don't want to push this guy back though beauty crit Beauty crit that stress relief as well everything's looking fine you know what you do move back one then Justin can move forward to on his turn six with the bleed please okay back in default positions what's the odds of a judgment hitting and killing low let's take a stun instead dab on the haters he's dead we got a free turn this is great stir stress is fine it's it's helped that set of premium so we're gonna move back puts you in point-blank range it's not really a free turn right because we got a spawn but you get the idea generally speaking we're gonna start with a plague grenade it's progress we used to start with stun then we did stun accidentally now we mix it up this one like you're not worth a point-blank shot no offense you can Civ could party heal your stunners is this crazy I think a party heals just fine not in dire need but you know just for a little bit of maintenance seems appropriate this is what happens when you mark a unit that's fine little stress nothing to freak out about just yet sort of now all we can really do is hit this guy but we'd like to clear the corpse as well you know he's gonna riposte would you rather just I don't know I'd like to prevent this thing from even becoming a crystal reality Ben 1 damage I was gonna say I assume some stress on that resist it whatever debuff I didn't get that okay fair enough fair enough you know lesson learned again sorry to inform you that you are not even worth the point-blank shot we're gonna save that for a tank your enemy melt you're doing good work think if you want to hit him with all you can't hit him with an incision if you want to hit him with the plague grenade could be worse 10 damage he's dead so you got the kill even if it doesn't look like that your choice is very simple you go for the zealous the answer to that question is extremely yes it's also a modest cell field yeah yeah we're looking good okay so then you just go for the straight-up heal that's huge not quite full HP but getting back up there we're almost at the first threshold and we get to go first glad that's very merciful flag grenade four zero is okay because the real damage is in the flight just like the real pro tips in the comments be steel screen stress no debuff okay zealous I think it's worth there the stab we got lucky rarely does a unit get to surpass the double dab in terms of you slice one of these days a point-blank shot is gonna be appropriate for now I got to think about this party heals fine you know these are gonna become crystals but that's a good zealous accusation personally kind of like the dazzling light attempt the stun works out nicely buys us a turn of not having to worry about being reshuffled which has good dividends to be paid in the future as well so another plague grenade for zero blight taking ten we need to hit you for two which seems easy enough I mean got a heal off of it why did we get a he'll off of it I don't know [Music] zealous should work please dead even if he attacks first spawns another sleepers oh this just takes us out okay good to go honestly so far so good what the heck do you do with this thing gleaming shards okay give me a moment I gotta go back in this situation do you blame me well it just gives you shards times 5 to 15 apparently sometimes greed is good 5 it's our first chance at it I'm not gonna be mad I don't even think we need to eat yet I think moving onward sensible light changes gleaming but plus 15% bleed skilled chance plus 15% healing skills both of those very important for us but they get better bleed and better crit as well well I mean straight-up stun resist is low kind of tempting but I mean in my world you know in this family we chunk you resisted the blight okay good to know stumbling scratch not that bad stress is more dangerous than HP because we don't have a stress healer and that's okay now your stun resistance I enough that frightens me slightly there's no need for a party heal in general I think you either try to stun this guy you try to stun you can't stun there you could land a judgement 4 to 8 damage if it hit for 7 or 8 it would get you but the odds of it even hitting are low I think this even with the stun chance is a better option just in terms of like Occam's razor you are worthy of point blank shot I think give them no quarter dude the shader and lighting effects here looks so nice did you you didn't destroy the corpse I was so excited for you to destroy that corpse you got 40 protections you're really more of like a damage over time sort of enemy but you know for a lack of a better option you know what turn one buff yourself I'm assuming it lasts this entire battle so that's pretty good okay usually what's your blight resists zero I love it go to town here hit for one blighted that means you're dead that stress is extremely annoying though I just worry do I have to hit you you know what I mean like or is it when it's your turn are you gonna explode are you just gonna die I'm assuming you're just going to die but I can't say for certain this time I mean honestly I think the judgement is probably your best option but you could get away with a party he'll just keep everybody copacetic as the retreat by the way is very nice it's easier to target this unit at the back than it is at the front oh ok we got a big stress boy at the back he's pretty strong against blight he's weak against stun so I'm gonna hit him with one of these if it stuns this guy bonus but hey that's huge ok so that saved us probably 20 stress on a unit that's important on its own then who do you go for well I mean if I could take this guy out reliably I would like to know crit but that's ok still fine unfortunate or fine there's nothing we can do about it is the thing and just very very slowly working on the dude with forty percent protection what's your speed nine oh you don't get to go first there is a God okay you can't be incisions you can go for the blight chance it's the only way you kill them reliably before he shows up now this orienting blast is another stunned and also clears corpses that would have been good to look at but I am a fool grade work mouth you should get stress reduction for that that's politics dude resisted the move at least it's okay oh let's go the stress reduction is a little cherry on top so I'm thinking about moving him up for a point-blank shot but it is what it is large corpse eater hmm okay your blight is extremely high you're me out here what do you do you think like what I'm thinking right now is hit this guy with some do T's get him killed and then you can focus this other one that if I'm being honest scares the crap out of me we can pray doesn't bad it doesn't matter to me apparently stunned chances low good create lower stress he's killable you number six let's go okay okay progress is being made seeds of madness easy enough to deal with now this guy at the back you got to think about it right like what do you hit him with a stun chance is reasonably likely it would also clear corpses but I don't know if these counters corpses anymore they don't he is stunned okay so biases and turn to deal with this trash and ideally maybe land some crits on the corpse eater it's fine it's a low percentage chance they hit alright he's coming off the stun okay you are also an issue but your blight resist is low so now you can get away with that although we maybe should have smacked you with some bleed first it's really open for for dodges uh dude is why you take four Laden Amanda mine it's only three stress I can't justify it genuinely can't justify it even though that's what it's there for me we can justify it on mouth absolutely we don't need to use a heal yet in this family we don't heal what we do do is stun this guy and minimize stress gain beautiful 50% chance never tell me the odds I mean even the stun chance on you is pretty high but somebody's got to do damage that's a low roll okay you take laudanum then I'm thinking bleed this boy if you can dude we hit you with that laudanum and you reward us with a beautiful crit and bleed what can you say he's Iceland this dude's ice now that's what happens still gonna be more enemies that's okay what are you talking about dude I don't know what any of these words mean good heel on my boy rather take that healed and hit this guy 4-0 most likely outcome you're going again violence this time the story's a little different see that's why this just it's a low percentage chance to hit is what it comes down to for damage is so bad there but okay he's dead on the next turn if we get a chance we can take a turn to heal up four times [ __ ] replied that's why I didn't want to be too aggressive with the laudanum honestly we could take a turn to just move back get a point-blank shot ready to go now if you take the laudanum again you're never gonna blight that boy at the back but you may stun him these two moves are so similar when the enemies are large resistance time it is what it is now this guy's up at the front which is where you want them what do you do you hit them or do you just do you try for the stun I think you I think you smite him we got rid of the enemy that creates horror no need for heels maybe you go for the stun cuz you're a little bit don't take it the wrong way you're less valuable from a damaged apartment so floor damage done the MILF he's been marked that's fine point-blank shot is what we've been it's what the doctor ordered new enemies no new enemies yet hit him with the d-o-t you know me go for the stun now to try to buy us a turn where he does an attack dude's hit three coin flips in a row no chance he hits a fourth well I keep saying Mathis but it's Justin Justin's gonna finish the job all he has to do is crit he tried buddy he got close tentacle devour 12 damage bad not that bad and I'm being honest again what do you do quick stun attempt at least better than going for the like 5 percent blight chance maybe even zero now that I think about it easy money heal on me critted for 18 a little stress relief across the board who doesn't love it you're dead anyway give me a pistol shot oh that's the good stuff Oh bleed it up my friend bleed it up now the problem is we do have a boss fight approaching so that's a little scary with how high our stress is already but you know II didn't expect it to be easy okay I mean the thing is it could heal you but I think we go for broke for damage may help came close it's not that bad the debuff stinks but we're out after this anyway close to it at least alright this guy not dead but we'd probably run what kills him if we don't do it I think you kill them with your plague doctor that way your melee units maybe have a chance to get back at him I don't know it left a corpse so might have been ladies coming up anyway fair enough big miss smack them in general well you're on three so we'd have to you have 21 HP well that settles it cuz we're not gonna we're not gonna hit him for 18 so that corpse will become a 2 way 6 HP units there to 6 HP units at the back that's actually frightening but if they both get blighted they're both dead incredible ok high damage good crit chance you take what you can get could stun but hello Wow maybe we should have stunned with the the low roll we got there you got to kill him at some point though what are you gonna do right 9 damage Wow stunned on the plague doctor he got his job done this turn he also healed off of their death we're still going huh this would be a great turn to have the plague doctor this one hurts me a little bit okay mounts gonna have some stress-related issues it almost no question about it you stumbled you scratch does it make you feel good things have got to die leave the stuns to the other units you start smackin that's an extreme low roll dad you know you did just enough nevermind now you can stun you could heal you're not gonna clear the corpse the corpse is gonna change and that's okay I think you go for the oh you can't do a backline stun well in that case I think you go for the heal that's a pretty high roll it's bad and it's good the bad is abundantly clear is your bleed resistance aw like I just can't hit you with that and it's stunning you doesn't make sense stunning you makes a lot of sense basically we have to prioritize crushing the crystal so even even if we don't get to use a point-blank point-blank shot we got a we got to do it you know I wish we didn't very young well relatively like forty seven or something percent chance to do it I think you've risk it and it didn't work and that's okay what we were hoping to do is kill it and then be able to do a point-blank shot on this guy that was my bad I didn't even realize cuz we're in the front we couldn't do a pistol shot we got lucky yeah send them back maybe not with that much damage just lapse and resisted the moon fantastic oh we're out okay I know this heals like crazy yeah the body's refreshed great news he's back could use a little stress reduction let's eat there's nothing we can do about this stress I think we just have to accept that that is what it is still have to laudanum but doesn't doesn't do anything yeah okay filled with blood play resist is low so start with the d-o-t you know me escape everything I think with the exception of stress everything is going okay right now I think you should just accept you know it is what it is and you're performing I don't know if I'd say admirably but I don't think you're performing this admirably I think you're doing just fine now no heal is necessary a stun is not necessarily bad I kind of like the idea of a stun on the horse even though like this guy's dead too zealous or yeah jealous accusation so I'd rather take the coin flip to stun him that's fine we know we're gonna get reposted here killed an enemy well worth it hope there goes gravity 12 extra stress seeds madness that's a zealous accusation waiting to happen stun burns off another turn beauty what do we like honestly there's a chance you go for that then what's the benefit of doing this instead of going for another plague it's very low because we're gonna use a zealous accusation and probably get two kills regardless so he should be dead we're gonna give her posted again hmmm this guy not dead so we kind of blew it on that one but what are the odds of hitting 86 I'll take ok just fine new enemy spawning in I assume yeah not that strong nothing to worry about just yet at the end of this I'm assuming we have a boss so I'm happy our HP is to him relatively good for now that's great as Ellis puts you in lethal range potentially or alternatively how much is that the bleed is up there I'd rather you don't get a chance but I'd rather not have any stress exist either well as Ellis picks up two kills now it's still rather like his judgment does it have any chance not really we can stop you from attacking potentially no all right it's all about zealous accusation they are good bones gonna get to attack that's what happens when you get greedy I guess lots of stress still coming in but our units are staying somewhat sane hmm maybe no longer not quite a hundred ninety-eight ok so that's extremely scary we got created which is very unfortunate but here we go seeds of madness no new enemies this turn that's insanely lucky strong heal good heal honestly put you in point-blank range 8686 good very good all right this unit at the back the foreman okay stir the rabble we've had him before I think the rabble are thoroughly stirred we go next pretty high blight pretty low stun take a turn to handle or business I think double stun can't ask for anything more than that it's unfortunate but you know we can mitigate it resolve is being tested he's become stalwart I knew it my virtuous friend even the will benefits from the immune response my frigging hero blast me Justin blast them send them back to the loam dad past turn that's unfortunate but I understand the stress you're under right now it's the right turn for it good good good good by us just a little just the slightest bit of time I have truly mastered life and death 15 stress-reduction he's a god I think he try to incise this poor man he's a he rolling the absolute legend give me a give me a party he'll know give me a divine grace many hands what is that buff hmm you resist stuns I understand [Music] you gotta go but if I can get you first that's fine that's okay so the seeds it's a little bit more stress it's a lot more stress got blighted but we did bring antivenoms so this is okay I think remember what that does oh it's tells you we can get around that mouth if you bleed him he's a legend there's nothing else you can say the man is an absolute legend I'm not gonna say he's single-handedly saved us but he alleviated a lot of the stress that me personally was feeling that I personally was feeling in real life so absolutely dude hit him with a quick stun that buys us a lot of time all right this guy's in stealth that's just you know you got to accept it well I mean we could have tracked and shot him I didn't think about that in the moment even though I mentioned it the term prior I have truly mastered life and death stress relief my god what can you say that hasn't already been said true legendary status trampled is dangerous for you this configuration can work just fine I mean what do you say here you got it you're not gonna ice them with the judgement so what you should but you can't hit him with anything else yeah I think you hit him with the judgment hope for a crit not crit bhai roll and he's dead too bleep now that I think about it then you go for the stun with your with your Crusader it's good damage didn't get stunned but can't be med far man's beast eale scream well that's as a scream alright no more stress please we've been a very important dodge but still getting up there resisted the blight at least I don't really want to move you back two spots yes I'm assuming we're gonna be taken out of this world pretty soon I don't necessarily want to say just deal with it he's not dead yet but he's close to turns or actually if you hit him with one judgement he's ice okay now I'm like if you move you move forward too no thank you crit would be amazing not crit but close not [ __ ] close you can't hit him he's at ease you can't stop him and I'm not being facetious nobody knows how if I had figured out how to stop him I would have stopped him by now please move him up beautiful beautiful he's still got a go so I think you hit him first you gotta help my lord you have to remember Justin's really the damage dealer now you have no choice alright not good consider these rabble thoroughly stirred back one I don't know dude it's kind of hard to go back one when I got Malph on the on the top row here the only question is can't do anything there's no point in moving them back one you'd rather just move the Crusader up one this is not great but the next enemy that spawns I believe dab on the haters stun you t the next enemy that spawns I believe will take us out of this madness I hope so you're on seven with three bleed could move Malthus better adjust them back one that's not really what we want though we'd rather I mean the Crusader I'm not saying they're bad but I mean look at that I think that just I'm not saying proved but seems to make it seem like we made the right decision their ceaseless labor it's alright I'll get in front of your shot Justin nothing to worry about pause from labor what happens their heels for five as a what are extreme waste of your own time to be honest with you I have truly mastered life and death he has zero stress what can you say he's a hero speed three I think yeah I some dude oh my god it's percolating out to the rest of the group all right he finally got a hit we've proven a god can bleed stuns are not a terrible idea in my opinion here just keep yourself you know basically we want an extra action cuz they've taken an action away from me with all the moving that we've had to do no seeds need to be sown let's go the accused's Ellis Lee all right I know I know you're you're good never stop spreading dude thank God I gave him a move he can actually use from the front right no trespassers oh that's all right nothing a couple of Cheetos won't fix right I meant we were gonna feed him but you know if our vessels not doing anything else I heels fine two paws from labor it's an extreme waste of your time I'm telling you you're dead we shouldn't have even wasted your your initiative look at that all right who's spawning beyond time and space take me out of here okay 42 minutes in we're still going relatively strong from the comments the Millers hearth the Millers the Millers hearth it's a camp all okay together stress relief by far the most important but a bus would be amazing as well so all party members if religious - stress if not religious - a little bit stress acetic out it sounds religious but may not be not many of these units seem religious but you are religious hmm it's 15 stress hold up self - 25 stress all other companions you take a little dice roll I'm willing to roll I'm okay with that whole party - 15 stress now I would love by the way to not be ambushed but I don't think there's any way we can do that I think we just got to accept this is where we stand rest stop thank God because I also had not shuffled my party all right everybody is basically full let's go do it hello it's the Miller regained all right stress is relatively okay mouth it's Miller v mouth you think you're gonna stop this guy okay he's super resistant to bleed so it's not even it's worth doing it for damage but wouldn't you rather just get a little well what's your crit chance 11 you rather just get a stun chance of 25 maybe no don't be a folk a what we should have obviously done that the master beckons summoned some boys right all right now he's in blight able range this guy's got to go I'm gonna say buff yourself because a point Bay a point-blank shot is probably gonna ice that fool oh he came to life from the dead and he gets the gold before Justin I see how it is winter's breath he's all iced up frozen farmhand he's got some protection now that's no joke got mad weapons too and trying to hear not trying to hear that that's what he says this town is stun his but his but is stunned Justin is your time to shine six damage extremely poor and also screwed up the screwed up mouths move that's okay so what comes next we'll play grenade action start start hitting them with the d-o-t the reaping not that bad party heal can compensate are we going to party he'll absolutely seems highly appropriate to mostly compensate for what just happened the master beckons another bad boy has been spawned with a little repost attached to him I think you rely on the Crusader to get the kill you crypt the frozen boy that's what you do he's not dead but it's very very close you are also not dead reality bends clutch dodge Kate that was huge he's dead oh he is dead I forgot he was stunned okay so he's iced now we can actually straight up you want to just cut this fool beauty you want to land a blight on the Miller bush okay thankfully the Miller has no idea sorry I woke you up come on flail those crops daddy the Miller has no idea that we're gonna get mouth on his butt now good good stress reduction of course I love it hit him with the plague grenade dad he's blighted up alright there's 15 damage he didn't even know what to do with smack him around there's another 14 right off the top you keep throwing out the party yields he keeps throwing out those attacks you keep throwing out those attacks that's the way the game goes you know what you do after that you hit him again you resisted the blight you madman crops didn't flail we resisted the blight as well one good turn deserves another wouldn't you say quick little heal on myself there this unit is no longer stealth good dodge we're waiting on a crit there the crits gonna make things in flippin nightmare but I still think you want to ice this guy that's fine a zealous accusation puts him in a weird spot now so you get to go twice on that's how we do it now that's that's that's what fairness is in the modern era you're insanely lucky a few too many attacks coming out right now no denying it please stop with the reaping very much like my vessel to be able to take a turn clutch antivenom little stress reduction full party he'll 444 is a little low considering we got trinkets that buff that you summon in a boy yes you are regular farm and please beauty I hate that he gets to go still okay on a stress level here seems like from my perspective now start going to town on this guy we're starting to get him on the ropes just a little 10 more damage I think he keep it up he's gonna feel the burn real quick the harvest that sounds WAY worse stress reduction but he's got protection rushing and rushing around straight up stall lucky it worked no reaping please winter's breath okay so he's frozen it's more annoying but we're still working on this guy party he'll please huge double crit hollow key stress and horror that's alright because we still have to laudanum left not sweating it you're guarded I don't like that if you're guarded we might as well just hit you with a better attack that'll do that'll do nicely now I don't I mean it's kind of the same boat four to six bleed resist the same I still think you go plague grenade just to put this guy in zealous range is ezel asleep destroyed no he is one HP the master beckons new enemies okay farmhand not farm and flail the crops were used to that a lot a lot of crops have been flailed so far reaping it happens our vessel is so slow dude hallo kini more laudanum action but you're actually okay I might not use it on you tea top that real quickly there's no joy I mean there's a choice but there's really no choice four four four four you live with it you live and learn dead untargetable hmm I'm annoyed because this guy is he's gonna step in front of this so what would you do try for a stun on this guy perhaps can't be done incision on who like for what purpose I guess what you would do is incision on this guy and the reason is maybe your next attack will be able to sneak through here instead of hitting them with a zero damage do T but it's it's a war of attrition right now no question about it you've targeted my most unstressed unit with horror that is okay by me and honestly that sucks still what do you do I'm thinking a little party he'll heard of it eight damage zealous won't get you I think we just ice yet hopefully few too many low rolls in a row here starting to make me feel the burn it's alright a little stress relief even though it does Buffum lucky me we're up hopefully that's what I meant I mean he's up okay please stop hitting Justin Justin his he's a nice boy hey it did one damage didn't resist okay everything's coming up roses dude I almost ill feel like you go for the party he'll even though it's slow rolling a little bit you know you're stemming the tide it's slowly slipping away but the idea is that won't happen forever we're trying for those high crits but it's taken time reality Ben I don't mind it's gonna do like I was gonna say a ton of stress but I don't mind no reaping please okay our little reaping just waiting for like the first time in Earth's history that we get a single dodge on that it's all right a little anti-venom good good good good good good mouths you Saints [Music] stack them on the master Becca's better than the masturbates thank you for know crit that's all I could ever ask for no reaping winters bread okay perhaps that's fine I hate that that's a guard but still honestly you have to go for the high-heeled bingo you do not need laudanum who wouldn't mind you eating but perhaps now is not the time so you're gonna block if you're gonna block we might as well go for you instead good take one attack off the board that might be worth our last laudanum but I'm kind of thinking we save it for the healer 50% stun could kill the corpse what do we need to kill the corpse I don't know honestly I kind of prefer this done right now just a biased time hopefully mouths you God you God of blindness let's go it's a buff so what no no yes we go next I love it of that antivenom forget the course just smack them it's the only thing you got it's fine master beckons okay not that bad crit please we're getting there like it's taking time and I would never suggest it isn't but we're getting there I think on this one we're more like hit Justin with I was hoping a better role but that's fine it 9 is still pretty good the reality been that our two most high stress units it is what it is mouths you beauty hit him where it hurts dude look at this he's on 18 he's getting desperate so am i yeah it's my wife asking me if I'm okay except saying some weird stuff right now he's dead he is dead he's yet no justin is 2 hp ok no no no no no no no first to get this trash out of here dude I can't afford to be reposted it's not worth the risk please I mean you're asking me ice this fool look at that are you still chilling here no I didn't think so well that was a landmark episode from my worldview we accomplished some serious I mean we're you we should get 60 shards really maybe 7 all things considered at least 65 is I'm not sure if it doubles the reward or if it doubles your total collected Justin did get a disease although they hit level 5 scurvy we'll handle that then that a phobia and prefer not to and bad humor is also terrible but still dude we made it through we killed the Miller women recruit shard mercenaries if you select champion arrows have come to answer the strange call to combat they hunger for the spoils of this otherworldly vessel it can only be used for the endless harvest question the farmstead they can be found by the stagecoach six more recruits than usual as well you know that was huge excuse me I think I've been I've been ripped off we do need a hound master and then let's see why are you special cuz your level six Oh interesting okay good to know I really want to buy some of the cool trinkets though so I'm gonna be honest I think we should dump a double but not Malthus so probably invest in oh we can't even invest in our hero barracks because I'd like to get a hound master you know but still let's let's handle our our a team first Kate's gonna need stress relief I'm gonna need stress relief it's gonna it's gonna be a couple weeks ok well you're not getting any stress relief with Stan's problem tape word problem tapeworm Justin's problem scurvy I actually think that it's worth treating the scurvy personally and apart from that thanks for watching not a lot of money but a big mission we'll figure out well you know what let's do it right now we got 47 we could buy one crystal trinket plague doctor only extra dodge extra blight chance extra healing of medicinal herbs in inventory to me here's what I'm thinking my boy mouth came through in the clutch he won us a lot on that last mission so you know what congratulations mouth ash and distillation belongs to you too left but still thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed the episode if you did click the like button how's that a great deal don't tweet my boy mouth without his knowledge of what you're tweeting him about just tweet him and help him have a nice day say hey you saved NL's but in darkest dungeon today if you enjoyed the episode click the like button helps out a lot as a series progresses especially click the bell if you want to be notified when these go live it's noon PST every single day for now thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 60,132
Rating: 4.9490318 out of 5
Keywords: Darkest Dungeon, Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness, Darkest Dungeon DLC, Darkest Dungeon Steam, Darkest Dungeon Campaign, The Color of Madness, Darkest Dungeon let's play, let's play darkest dungeon
Id: 10mmpYNQ_0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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