Alan Wake [Part 3] (Stream)

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there we go hi everybody back with Alan Wake tonight just like we did on Monday and Tuesday and I'm gonna be playing it a little differently tonight than I have been because I missed a page the last episode and I know I've missed some thermoses so I'm no longer gonna go out my way for collectibles I'm just gonna play it straight so we should we should go through it a little faster this time I think I mean I'm gonna if I see a page I'm gonna get it but hi guys thanks for coming again I'd like to try to finish it tonight I don't know how likely that is because I looked it up in there's the six chapters and we'll be starting chapter four but I figure since I'm no longer collectible hunting maybe we'll be able to get through it faster cuz I don't really like I don't really like the idea of having to wait until Monday to continue it so we'll see I mean I beat both the Metro games in three streams so I wouldn't say the games short I mean we're like like seven and a half hours in and we're only halfway through I really don't think that that's short and we have to replay the last part because I didn't let it I didn't let it save but this will help catch up if you forgot what happened on Tuesday I could see cauldron lake I thought I could make out the spot where the island and the cabin had been there was a light near it it had to be a boat I was close now I had to get there fast I dreaded what I would find that ain't me bro a whiner right [Applause] Allen starts swimming weirdo all right now we're gonna find out what happens you know one sec okay previously on Allen Erica I'm haunted by the law are you seriously telling me that writer just took out my deputies thriller I supposedly wrote is coming true the genre of the story seems to be shifting it's turning into a horror story I was told that Palace had been kidnapped but that was a lie [Music] attack me the truth we're finally getting to it I felt I had to give you a sip don't [ __ ] you had to hunt went through another rough he's the kidnapper right now it's very important that you stay calm you don't want you to have another episode you're a patient arriving for a while we've got the page for this you're suffering from various differentiated schizo freemium kill you I felt groggy whatever Hartman had bumped in meme was making me numb I felt like this was happening to someone else someone I was watching on television I couldn't think couldn't focus now this isn't an episodic game it's just it's organized into episodes like chapters there were only empty sheets of paper here no manuscript pages what the [ __ ] no manuscript pages what the hell what good evening Alan now this is like getting better the lodge calm yeah I see you brought your pet gorilla with you so sure I'm calm I get the message loud and clear why right that's the spirit you're being very brave Alan I understand you're confused I would be more concerned if you weren't suspicious of me I don't blame you for it big of you now why don't you come with me we'll reacquaint you with my clinic and go over everything you might have forgotten little walk and some fresh air yes it will do you good yes yes the creators dilemma it's me skeleton out for a fishing trip except for the ones who are particularly vulnerable of course I encourage creativity as a part of the recovery process here at Lake Lodge I specialize in treating artists jump out the window I bet you do splendid Allen I honestly believe we can get this thing under control if we work together see about that Allen you go this way Wow it's a dead end go this way so wait where are you going oh he was he was following me now Allen from past experience with you I know I need to get right into the heart of the matter as quickly as I can after an episode so I'm just going to say this Alice is dead no your Annabelle honorable state until you understand I'll always know that you're suffering from hallucinations paranoid delusions unusual thinking an obsession about life darkness a feeling that everything revolves around you your thoughts and dreams your mind has constructed an elaborate fantasy scenario in which your writings are affecting reality she has been kidnapped in supernatural forces of darkness are trying to stop you Allen how many keys do you have for another shot so I went along with it he had to be lying oh it was the page what's with the druggie hate he given me I had to fight not to believe his words it's all in your head you've been making it up apart from the tragic accident with your wife no one has been killed your delusions are just a manifestation of your subconscious mind trying to protect you from the too painful truth unless we fight the fantasy it will return I know the instinct is to resist me but think about it doesn't this make far more sense than the insane supernatural conspiracy you have concocted in your mind you're a skeptic by Nature Alec thermos logic what I thought there was a thermos up here I thought sigh wow maybe I am crazy yeah I am imagining things aren't there I could swear I saw it somebody punch you in the nose alright that was me I never get tired of this view very inspiring isn't it Sharon Lake spread below us I could see mera peak on the other side of the lake I thought I could make out the spot where divers Isle had been when I arrived with Alice now there was nothing but waves it's weird right where seems there's a storm oh there's a storm coming already buddy this being your face well no matter this way follow me it's toss him overboard I'm telling you is good news toss him to his death control every time you have a relapse it gets more and more difficult to resurface from the dark depths of your imagination not surprising considering your profession imagination is what you work with Thomas Zane they're all your nightmares this should come as an immense relief to you if it doesn't why is that because I'm lying or because you don't want to admit that you're not well it's very natural for you to think of me as your enemy it's part of the LLL let him talk obviously his words my head sounds of my hands to stake you need to work with the boys you accept that we can begin the journey towards your recovery come along let's go inside yeah let's here's the entrance to the office wing that's for staff only you were impressed by my trophies when you first arrived here I do love to hunt the great outdoors man versus nature it's wonderful stuff pretty damn wonderful yeah I'm a real bad dream mister you should be afraid of me don't want to run into me and then that's for sure please Emerson mister wake is confused enough si explore a little bit I know we're supposed to follow him but I was in a qr-code does it go to the Facebook page oh my god this way all right geez okay wait wait what's this thing up here there's like a generator kind of start it Hartman had mentioned that the power had been acting up maybe that was the reason for the generator and the work light on the balcony the generator hadn't been activated and there was no key Church 3229 I'm sorry that you have absolutely no taste and you can't take more than five minutes of story come Alan this way just cuz they walk around for five minutes does it mean it's the [ __ ] walking simulator part of the therapy as soon as you feel up to it you should continue sorry I guess Alan should just be shooting everyone right now right welcome to a cauldron Lake Lodge okay great be patient well they made a pun on the freaking thing these guys from the diner water storm wipes this place off the face of the earth and these two are the Anderson brothers Odin and tor a heavy-metal band that makes sense they even adopted new first names to complete the image of Viking gods after the band broke up they lived on a farm nearby they are well in advanced stages of dementia they are well cared for TLC and all that there's nothing more that can be done I'm afraid that's [ __ ] killed somebody style it has left its mark no that won't do I'm so sorry to cut this short for now Alan the power has been acting up I better go check on it we'll continue this soon meanwhile when you feel up to it return to your room and try to write it really is for the best don't you think I don't think his wife was dead but he has no clue he's not crazy enough not crazy I got sunny who could understand the world what it's like this it takes crazy to know crazy that's the same thing I've heard in a while [Music] forget a crash-course all you need to know to get your head right you need to find the message here sunny here's something for you gave me a rash but I kept it safe from these bastards what was it a manuscript page my head was it is Zane could feel the poems taking form shaping things as he experimented he imagined he could almost feel the power surging through the keys of the typewriter it exhilarated him but there was fear too if not for his young assistant Emil he would have given it up but Emil convinced him otherwise he too went away with words wait Emil Hartmann was Thomas Zane's assistant I didn't know that have they mentioned that before I don't think they've mentioned that before clearing up or according to Hartmann I was sinking back into the fantasy I was convinced he was lying to me about everything crazy or not the Andersons made more sense yeah I've already been there well I don't know if I have maybe I have it return to my room where's my room looks like it's upstairs me well he's the boss no I may need a hand here later on birch the storms bound to make you know who jumping you know how they get yeah are you looking after me it's doing a shitty job of looking after me something's wrong I'm not myself it's hard to think there's a shadow inside my head I can only focus on writing everything else as a blur I'm trapped in this cabin have been for days but it's always dark outside my editor is real I saw her again she's not human it's not human a dark presence is wearing the old woman's face she was covered in clinging shadows there's a hole in her chest where her heart should be I think I've made a horrible mistake I don't think I'm any closer to saving Alice it's been lying to me using me to get the story at once and the story will come true I can't [ __ ] with this all right hey wait why don't you humor dr. Hartman and give the writing a shot huh huh typewriters in your room talking to me Hey look there's a knight Springs video game that's cool there's a lot of night spring stuff around here right I knew I couldn't but I figured I should just play along for now it was the only thing I could do with nurse birch watching me like a hawk nurse birch oh that's the dude okay okay let's um let's try it the white glare of the blank page in front of me hurt my eyes my hands began to shake uncontrollably hey wake you stay here I'm gonna go see what's up you just keep doing what you're doing be cool okay I know what the chaos was all about but it could be my only chance of getting out of here was Hartman kept talking giving Barry the Grand Tour clearly proud of the place he went on and on about his hunting trophies and Barry was impressed but he was here on business he raised his voice cut through the monologue hey Hartman where's al Hartman stopped in mid-sentence annoyed the interruption he nodded at the honking orderly standing nearby the man smiled and clapped a practice hand on Barry's shoulder hmm not so weak now are we let's investigate the racket Sinclair look bad that wasn't a love tap the crazy love I [Music] could get the key to the office wing from Sinclair I had to get to Hartman's office he taken away my manners they pages okay now let's go find him it's a page over here Hartman wasn't happy Maude could see it in his eyes he quickly lowered his own he had made a mess of it what the shame of failure was hard to bear he had an expected wake to say he needed more time and he blurred out two days less than waked a sport to show him who was in charge but that wasn't part of Hartman's plan so mots boss was Hartman why the markings on the tape said they were recording so I mean didn't I call that the sessions with his patients I saw Alice's name on one of them for a moment I couldn't breathe right yes tell me mrs. Wiig what would you say to well if you can just get him here I'll absolutely do my very best well I'll be sure to bear that in mind hearing her voice what she was saying made me happy and sick and guilty all at once worst of all I recognized the words the phone call from her it had been a cut above this just a require I'll buy it in a high price for invoke thanks for the resub three months very glad to see you we need to get to Hartman's office it's right next door had the coffee thermos huh I mean know what the cops found me a Rose's trailer but they didn't ass on me too much and I demanded to be treated as such I didn't mean to cut him off but well I thought we'd be these were all further away Alan please you're sliding back so tell me one more lie and I'll shoot you in the face oh oh oh well it was worth a shot really wake come on let's work together on this you have no partner shut up Barry get out of here I'll catch up with you get a car Oh al let's just all wait listen to me this is a mistake don't you see together we can create something absolutely wonderful hmm but look a look at this is that smart oh go up in the lock come on what Wow really I needed like to get the possessed bookshelves Oh light light light light light generator Oh No good the hell hey light again I guess I have to use the flair I thought maybe there's something else I could use Hartman knew he was no creator he had no ambitions on that front and he certainly didn't want to end up like every artist he had worked with here damaged in ways that were hard to describe or worse it was enough for Hartman to maintain creative control and provide direction to be producer that was what most of these people were in need of anyway of course suitable subjects were few and far in between every other artist he had worked with yeah Hartman just wants to be the idea guy I see achievement unlocked boob-tube what is this I'm watching I don't think it's a show I don't think it's a show like last time um okay oh okay come at me bro very good there's a flashlight hey I need that flashlight Barry and we've got to get it to open up this the store come on come on oh my god come on holy [ __ ] come on we gotta lure it is it gonna go back in here well we can't we can't just get out where we go there we go okay right here right here that's really annoying I tried to dodge there we go I did that time it's really difficult to time that dodge yeah is that not what you're supposed to do now I'm just bad at it come on oh-ho geez that works that works yeah give me that freaking flashlight is it coming after me no I found the card gates locked you're gonna have to go through the hedge maze over there Barry I don't have a line gimme gimme yeah no I see it's Elvis over here let's pick it up oh my god Adson open up okay where is he meet me in the hedge maze bury up those evil guys okay yeah I guess I don't really know what to call me there Cass sucks been around the garden with these guys here Oh dead end now can they move through the hedge don't trust email yes obviously thanks I steered the Viking paraphernalia that littered the area surrounding an unlikely centerpiece a full side stage complete with an impressive sound system with all the trimmings including a dragon it took a special kind of crazy to build something like this in a remote field when the sky split open with a deafening boom and the music started blasting it felt strangely appropriate hmmm okay let them come yeah pretty sure they can move through the hedge Oh God it needs some more ammo in a second I think aha say Hartman hurried down the corridor he had disliked leaving wake when he was surely at his most susceptible to therapy but this was not an ordinary storm wakey been riding and he had woken something up in the depths of the lake now it was coming for him Hartman had naturally prepared for a situation like this the idiot brothers would keep wake distracted while Hartman double-checked everything just to be sure the idiot brothers why would he well what was he double-checking okay let's uh let's guy here I'll buy you the high price money be double O three thanks for subscribing and following Cooper noise and calm all day long mask let's go go kick his ass there is oh hey it's it's him it's nurse Burch [Applause] there we go prezis way back there Wow pick up flare-gun my god [Applause] there we go finally kill those crows they were giving me trouble okay and thermos nothing it matters I still don't want a thermos it Oh God I don't have much left okay no more birds please I really hate the birds yeah the birds are the most annoying it the game like without question no the other enemies annoy me oh yes thank you and we got a page Manu that wake was smarter than him we didn't get on it thank you everything storm Kass thanks for his haven't let me appreciate it but Mott was calling the shots now he the expected wake to whimper and grovel but instead he seemed willing to fight Mont knew he gotten under wake skin if only mud actually had his wife the thought made him shiver okay me all right so Matt was a little jealous boy let's go ahead and we'll look behind the cabin there's nothing there false alarm I swear to God I hear more no we're gonna have to fight rose I really don't want to damnit okay we'll go back to the revolver for now they kind of just ambushed me there didn't they know the flare don't mind if I do let my another flare gun or maybe a flashbang though okay so if you missed the first couple streams objects can get possessed too by the Dark Presence that's what that is Barry was just glad he had survived the fall he had been separated from Al and there was no easy way to climb back up he told himself he'd be okay okay in the gloomy forest at night he would just have to start the fall and how to find his way down Barry turned when he heard the heavy footsteps and saw the movement the man shaped shadow lunged at him from the bushes an axe held high Barry screamed and threw up his hand the world exploded what is that did Barry does Barry die don't answer that but really sounds like he dies their hands versus axe email made Tom do it you know did you guys notice that the the Viking guys torn Odin they called Allen Tom earlier Thomas Zayn very weird maybe they love flanking they love flanking me geez up supply box yeah we found one here we go flare gun yes I swear to God if if these crows they come after us I'm going to freakin lose it okay we go this way I got you let's just get the flare gun out let's kill him yeah maybe I'll wait flare mouth Steph eleven thanks for resetting for two months I'll let pronounced her name correctly and it wasn't Stevie or something Hartman watched his wakes features slackened the man was bullheaded no doubt even lying on the bed he'd almost broken Hartman's nose the second time but with a little time he could break wake down break waked eye of her Direction wake wake was easily the most promising subject he had had well since Tom really uh-huh sleep well Helen Hartman whispered with a smile let me take care of you he sniffed hard to clear his throbbing nose swallowed blood and barely tasted it what was he sniffing me no no we got a dude no that's Barry that's because it's Barry okay isn't there like I mean I appreciate a little urgency I think here who's it like Barry yeah I heard you behind me nice I I dodged that I frigging green dodge that okay let's go [Music] please tell me I can't get the cut out you're now leaving bright fall it's counter cut that out we're going to D Anderson farm I knew you were gonna say something like that you know what you owe me big time for this when this is through if we make it I don't care what anybody says I'm done with darkness you're gonna buy me a tanning bed as a gift and I'm gonna live in it I cannot like berry come on come on if only they had two flashlights like that would help I'm crazy but that's fine oh you got that right out you're barking mad you are by far the craziness maybe that's inevitable when you deal with crazy stuff like this it helps this is happening Barry Alice they never had Alice she's trapped in the darkness but she's not dead how can you know Steve the game or 84 thanks for the time no listen damn the crows how can I know right there's something special about this place the lake it it does something to the works of art created here it makes them come true but there's a catch the dark presence whatever that thing is twists it to its own ends that's why all of this is happening it's using my manuscript to take over every how I believe you happened to Thomas same before it happened to the Andersons I believe you crazy or not you're not delusional weird shits going down that's a fact I'm on board man I'm with you the Andersons knew about it but they were too far gone to tell me with all the drugs they were on but they wrote it down this is somewhere at their farm area oh now this is where we get separated Oh am i limping I lost my gun in the crash what barrier was nowhere to be seen lost your gun are you okay hey my flashlight [Music] are you all right my god I'm getting closer okay okay Barry just wait for me okay as long as you got a flashlight for me he's gonna cut out with them God thanks for the house okay wake come on all right let's go I really need a flashlight that's a good oh [ __ ] [Music] there we go got him [Music] it's a page right here let's read it when he stopped the car at the anderson farm walter felt relieved oblivion was close at hand the brothers wouldn't miss a jar of moonshine or two in the booby hatch but then he saw the man on the porch and he knew who it was driving for his life and knowing it was useless he didn't realize he was crying until he couldn't see the road for the tears hmm the booby hatch say okay I want a flashlight give me the flashlight but they won't give it to me for a while well they there's a thermos over here what damn it what they guard the thermos they don't want me to take the thermos but I took it I took it anyway that's right No stop okay Ward's it by rocks if crows come on we're screwed we're so screwed yeah okay there we go and let's go up there's a generator up here it's a page agent Nightingale stared at the past outrider the man was sleeping off one hell of a night Nightingale felt a stab of envy it wakes oblivion but he had a job to do he put the gun to wakes head and almost became a murderer his hands shook and his throat felt tight and dry biting his teeth he tried again to pull the trigger he lost the nerve wake stirred Nightingale would have to settle for an arrest so he already knew that he gets arrested because we we've read that before it'd be a working generator somewhere around here to power up the old lights body build there we go oh this is the number here how annoying yep watch out yep can get hurt Hey five I could sense the movement in the woods that had it facing the enemy how did not lose batteries but I had no choice trust no one in the dark okay who is writing all these messages then go over here I don't think there's anything here though okay Wow put them back here Oh I don't even have a gun love it you [ __ ] [ __ ] come on get it good damnit just trying to try to get the light on they son locked me there you see that they stunned locked me a sense since the movement in this shouldn't be possible facing the enemy without a weapon was dangerous but I had no choice I'm sorry it shouldn't be possible yeah well I just wanna I just want to do it I just want to turn the generator on I think it'd be funny it's a challenge goddammit it's not it looks like it impossible it's impossible all right never mind then I don't know how you're supposed to do that there we go I understand I'm supposed to turn that like unless you have a flare or a gun I don't understand how you're supposed to turn on that generator like maybe I'll try if I find one to go back but very annoying waitwhat me so nothing happened whatever whatever let's get to the farm that Barry who was drive away from the farm headed in the same general direction as I was for all I knew it was Barry caught in the consequences of leaping before looking mmm could be someone else though could be Alice so much coffee they have so many thermoses here Oh heavy-duty flashlights yeah let's get it the car was heading for the cabin up ahead it was Barry hi is this a craven raid Thanks we're playing some Alan Wake or are you guys playing Super Mario Odyssey I haven't played that yet thanks for the raid hey hey everybody we're we're about eight hours into this game so might be tough to just jump in but the story goes I had seen glimpses of the light before I had seeded in my dream it was a strange spaceman or a diver in a pony suit he had one who'd been placing two pages on my path yeah I saw him oh there's traps coming up the Dark Presence followed the choreography laid out to it in the manuscript growing stronger and stronger moving like a storm from one scene of destruction to the next but it was still bound to follow the story and chained to the dark place it came from when the story reached the end it longed for it would finally be free that's interesting is the Dark Presence representative of writer's block hey I dig at Whataburger shh don't tell Kimmy my god there's so many like I said last night on the darkest dungeon stream eating water burgers the closest thing I have to a hobby outside of YouTube well come on another one the storm raged on is the Anderson brothers walked unsteadily away from the clinic with the other patients in tow knowing that this time they wouldn't return the darkness around them seed with horrors but tore and Odin were unafraid their eyes glinted with guile they knew every secret path and there was blood on their hands they had fought these shades before so I'm way different from the tauren Odom that Odin that we know oh my god a gun some shotgun but gun behind now I had a fighting chance of reaching out for the taking are filled with darkness yes thank you I [ __ ] know pretty obvious at this point thank you let's go up there because I saw a thermos and we must have it wow there's a trap up here they want to protect the thermos guys they were trying to protect it it's like I go this way right yeah could use a supply crate now at some point it may be beside the last second our once okay don't step in any more traps note to self Wow what it's neither one right it's a third one where is it geez come on face me coward where are you oh my god [ __ ] [Music] I was trying to that was just why play the DLC can I just can I just get through the main game first like maybe like I don't know it kind of depends I guess oh my god so I give it if at the end of this I'm really sick of this then probably not immediately oh my god again achievement unlocked it's not just a typewriter brand I don't know honey I do have flares anyone else okay yeah I'm not sure oh my god I'm not sure what the achievement means okay what don't stunlock me I've only got one left damn MP Smith 22:13 thanks for subscribing with twitch Prime appreciate it let me take a look at that achievement see what it says defeat 50 taken with a shotgun I was confused because it doesn't have a shotgun in the in the achievement icon it has like a piece of paper and I guess it's a shotgun shell I could see the car but there was no sight at the driver I guess cuz they're both Remington I don't know I understand okay going on up here let's not push okay [Music] [Music] it's dead I have listened to his entire crappy story who's the Maquis by jiu-ge doe I actually don't know what that is it's not that I think oh this is open oh that was another night Springs episode if I continue like the dark presence wants me to the story I'm riding won't save Alice it's a horror story it's going to kill her and me and everybody in this town no one will survive darkness will consume everything this is what it's wanted all along it will be free unstoppable and you must Alice to get to me dangled her in front of me to keep me going it was never going to release her I'm going to change this escape I've written myself into the story and now the protest hey Alice feels like a terrible risk but it's the only way to save Alice I'll be bound by the events of the story just as much as anyone else who's been woven into it the story must stay true for this to work there have to be victims along the way near escapes cliffhangers in a horror story it can't be certain that the hero will succeed or even survive he almost has to die I'll write my own escape into the story next I need help Zayn's going to be the one who will help me I'll make it happen Zayn's gonna be the one who will help me escape I'll make it happen okay whatever you say yeah you're right how true kicked his ass Danny huh why is Danny doing was locked look exactly like a hole the other I guess we're going to drive right I'm good distance away I need a car to get there fast fail hang on there's a manuscript over here you like just like I knew there would be for a moment Hartman considered strangling the idiot mob was mean-spirited but easily manipulated an emotional infant who lived for his approval wait by contrast was a far more difficult subject Maude had given him too much leash in two days who knew what could happen Hartman would have to find a way to rein him in and quickly wait is there a basement it's a basement yeah how do you get down there okay I'm gonna try to get get down there cuz there's stuff I want it you know okay there's nothing in the outhouse yeah here it is aha oh wow well yeah here's a supply cache flashbang a nice and a flare that's it it's nice but it's not that nice but where's the entrance to this Oh underneath the stairs okay I understand all right let's go if Barry wasn't up here he was probably in trouble down at the farm for a moment I felt bad for doubting him after all I made it this far myself let's get to the farm Wow let's go up here first wait saw something shiny oh I thought I saw something shiny well let's get some supplies here Oh another one there's supply cache the flash bang - flash bangs neato there's nothing up here cuz like those pointless Pub G houses maybe that play pub G like that one house where you go upstairs and there's always nothing there Thank You governor thanks to the tip you don't apologize for not being at a stream it's a significant time investment to be here love it let's go up there why not why the heck mount we're here as well check it out fire watchtower me will run to Delilah ooh radio switch the hunting rifle yeah I'll switch the hunting rifle I think this is ammo for it right over here the boys at the Weather Service reckon it'll last until morning at the very least pertaining to that let me read that missing persons yeah the sheriff's blue eyes thanks for subbing for three months it's appreciate as possible she's been injured in a car accident worried about missing me month-aversary its indoors and call the sheriff it's bad weather too so if used you're a national treasure Pat don't ever forget it let's go come on well seriously thanks kind of music is that what [Music] now this is the big guy so why I get punished for exploring I don't know the voice actress for Pat but they knocked it out of the park all right this way I think this is just okay maybe we go this way that was I was rough oh wow there we go see dad is not dead yet there we go had the rhyme over twice really I don't think we can get through it now okay let's go let's get to the farm what was a big piece of machinery right there checkpoint should hop down here I think there's anything else for us right here yeah all right let's check out this windmill right here I don't know if there's anything here oh it's nothing oh wait wait it is not bad it doesn't have fan and we'll try this one too aha loot box over here survivable the cash whatever there we go good big box maybe that's Alice's dad whoa let's go it's this thing it's a fire worker this is a thermos I'd known the brothers used to be some kind of rock stars but it hasn't really I saw this stage Old Gods Asgard [Music] [Music] Wow what [Music] [Music] [Music] our one [Music] heavy-duty flashlight let's get it I see I had it earlier I just didn't know [Applause] [Music] where where is he [Music] [Music] feel like that one stage of left 4 dead 2 [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa look at all that [Music] [Music] there we go that's a long little segment right there excuse me why did why did it explode was it balls rock and roll capital of America it was pretty cool I'm glad you're having fun Barry glad you're having a good time uh I thought so I had to get it they wouldn't put it back here [ __ ] WD Mulligan tune Thorntons chatter out he didn't think writers were particularly useful people and a huge man on for one stuck a Miss idiotic certainly not worth the missed opportunity for coffee and pie it wasn't even clear what the man had done except run from them at the trailer park Mulligan knew he wasn't alone the sheriff's patience with the fed was running out yeah he didn't think writers were particularly useful people it's a funny line okay let's go a lot of people seem to have that opinion I remember when I was uh when I worked as a copywriter I felt like the most underappreciated position at the place where I worked because it was just like anybody can just come up with words it was like very particular skill set actually oh my god secure yeah that's been my biggest worry all this time we need to get this thing moved out of the way yeah see the I see the switch up there Barry reminds you of George from Seinfeld that's an interesting comparison he's like George from Seinfeld if George wasn't absolutely miserable if it wasn't just an absolutely miserable wretched person he'd be Barry as the deputies hauled wakin wheeler away agent Nightingale eagerly examined the stack of papers awake had been carrying it was incomplete a collection of random pages but there was enough he saw his own name in there among others his hands shook with emotion finally it was proof he had been right all along got the hiccups I think here are something to say about everything and if I don't get my way [Music] right now I'm just standing here because I need my best friend Barry to carry me but that's okay I could just take him for granted I think I see what you did there you want me to do my imitation of Barry wheeler No thought so hey my hiccups are gone holding my breath works for me so people need to like be scared or something but I don't know it's just always worked for me hold my breath once and then it's gone [Music] oh yeah it's crazy and this from the guy who learned about Ozzy Osbourne through reality TV hmm got a point there another thermos so I'm talking about so I know some people point out there was a shotgun on stage but oh the hunting rifles better so usually good [Music] [Music] interesting I think that that's that wasn't a regular episode seems very similar to the current situation we find ourselves in yeah and then he wakes up at the end it's 1976 madness reigns at the Anderson farm contrary to all logic the head east ingredient of their moonshine is unfiltered water from cauldron Lake the Anderson's feel like gods Odin can't stop laughing he contemplates cutting his eye out tour runs across the field naked shrieking hammer in his hand trying to catch lightning their songs have power something ancient is stirring in the depths coming back what what something ancient is boat looked imposing almost like a battering ram there's another page right here oh I thought there was just cuz it's really bright over here I'm maxed out on everything this always happens okay 1975 Ragnarok tour ah but it's spelled ROC K sorry widow's wants me to update I'm not going to alright let's press the button thanks Oh [Music] think I wouldn't see her huh very okay jeez it's a bunch of them up here berry-berry see is this ticklish it's in flips here's that special one plenty or crops is hard work okay oh where are you they miss it doghouse where's the dog [ __ ] yeah oh my god where I got the soul tossin [ __ ] at me my god well I got one of them this guy's like sniping me this last one there's one more isn't there well maybe you got hit by the electricity oh there's Barry well should I figure out where the hell he was there's nothing over here oh yeah I guess there's not that's fine how did he get all the way here without having to fight anything hmm Wow those geezers had quite a production going on oh you know what else if we make it through this alive I'm gonna start representing them yep sell this stuff online maybe get a reality show going really serious good luck with that the door was barred from the other side I'd have to find another way okay what is that oh it's just a dent I thought that maybe it was like a symbol of some kind we got to get up there Wow I'll shut up fine Wow it's close yeah I'm fine they're around here he was [ __ ] he was protecting this coffee thermos we picked it up [Music] we keep going up right is this the better one heavy-duty lantern I mean oh it's a wider oh that is better even online pfff boys how busy are you now dear fest is almost here isn't it I bet that keeps you in business yeah actually we've been real busy with other stuff which concerns an ongoing investigation we can't talk about that Thornton I wasn't gonna say anything much the same we got you no other audience to fry and how would you compare your workload to last year's things have seemed relatively peaceful to me but people do tend to get a little wild this time of year I'm sure yeah it's pretty much the usual stuff and just get a lot more of it now is it just me or does deer fest get wilder every year people seem to be more drunk at least or they start earlier and younger oh it's definitely not just you Pat but definitely Pat hey I'm talking here Thornton [Music] now shoot I lost my train of thought not just me oh yeah yeah it's Wilder Pat but actually most of the trouble seems to be coming from grown men people who ought to know better you know kids are doing fine this year well that's nice to hear at least boys I want to thank you for stopping by I'll let you get back to your patrol yeah sure think I was useless that was my least favorite radio broadcast I think it was the last one cuz it just got an achievement listened to all the radio shows oh those the last one I heard and sad [Music] it was a lift up here oh my god let's go there there's more night Springs that's what I like to hear I'm sorry is there oh I thought we're gonna be able to pick up the chainsaw but it specifically blocks you off right there okay open the silo door what what the [ __ ] and just random over holy [ __ ] what what where do you learn these is that true that's a lot you got open this up right oh my god pick up the Psylocke's so I guess we yeah there we go hey let's go man I think we're gonna have to work together to open this gate now yeah I just popped it how about that there's a crazy place for crazy people we should feel right at home then yeah 65 billion cows and pigs in the world that seems like a very high estimate considering that means that there's what nine times as many cows and pigs in the world as there are humans okay how about say cuz most of the things that they say are accurate to my knowledge most of the things that they say they're like the wolf fun facts but that one was just an outright lie I don't see how it could possibly be true this is way off yeah it needs to Google that [ __ ] before he says anything okay there's nothing around the house it's going all right Briana ninety ninety six thanks for subscribing well they have a stage inside their home to the power downstairs was out but I was sure I could fix that at the fuse box okay the power downstairs was out that's why that's what I could fix that at the fuse box oh so you want me to come back after I fix the power all right gotta get a thermos can't miss that one excuse me uh where's the fuse box I'm looking for it is upstairs is there a basement there's a basement right here oh so I don't mean to interrupt okay I'm looking for the fuse box you haven't found it we could split up old gods know the truth the booby hatch flying a plane to be too close an eye on them at the clinic how was that called way a lot so they can get wasted it's the Dimebag Darrell guitar forget what they're called I don't like him but some people do screams rang and the stillness of the night I saw myself run toward the cabin flashlight in my hand I followed my past self I was an out-of-body observer a time traveler in a crazy drunken dream this was the beginning the night Alison disappeared the mystery of what had happened during the missing week was about to reveal itself was it there we go oh my god it's this well we fix it we fix the fuse look at that easy [Music] of course we need to find words coming from that's the message the a nurses talking about I know exactly where it's coming from [Music] [Music] what [Music] okay we need to find Cynthia Weaver we'll stay here for the night and head back to town as soon as it gets light hey al lots of hours before dawn might as well get some rest and by rest I mean drunk come on Barry this is yeah what what are you guys doing are you serious I wish to buy you matter whatever L should I'm a writer god damn it oh my just wanted to I could write ten books a year and and they beat the best books that year now you that's right I couldn't well they could cuz I'm a writer what that's moonshine you can't sell moonshine I just miss her you idiot I just want her here with me I know it's gonna be okay [Music] [Music] 99 there's another couch dude what this is the out-of-body experience on divers Isle I'm sorry are we where we what are we doing what this is the first person I'm coming it's alright I'm coming it was a crazy drunken doing and yet it was more than that it was the truth a suppressed memory unearthed by the Andersons moonshine I was there an out-of-body observer this was the night Alice and I had arrived at bright Falls the night Alice had disappeared I had a chance to find out what had happened I remembered being surprised to see the cabin dark Alice would have never turned the lights off allas allas I remember thinking I caught a glimpse of her form underwater sinking into the darkness what diving after who was the last vague memory I had of that night after that the next thing I could remember was waking up behind the wheel of the crash car and finding the first pages of the manuscript that's what I saw I couldn't find her and all that blackness I must have thought she drowned Alice Jagger had Alice and so she had me okay wait what I've been easy prey paulus maybe she didn't drown after all maybe the dark presence had touched me she had dug her nails into my brain and used me made me her puppet [Music] she must be here somewhere maybe upstairs in the study Alice yes that's right you can apologize you laugh at the whole thing together and put it behind you [Music] Alice she's not here you were foolish to think so no she's dead she drowned what the [ __ ] it's you [ __ ] you did you are guilty all she wanted was to help you right you killed her oh gosh still caldron Lake is a special place here you have the power to change things she wanted you to write I will tell you what to do you can write her back the story will come true and all will be well again she had Alice and the manuscript was the ransom for her yes all right I'll fix it I'll bring her back my biggest jump scare I remembered it all now in the dark I'd written four days a week almost a complete manuscript of a novel entitled departure Jagger had been my editor whispering in my ear making sure that the unfolding story would make her more and more powerful I thought I was saving Alice even with the cobweb she put in my head some part of me had been awareness to write my escape into the story to bring a light or the cab until at least me before I could finish to interrupt the horror story before the ending where darkness consumed everything and everyone Zane was weak and far away but I had written him into the story and to set me free some awkward little cutscene hello I am the diving suit of exposition I had woken up confused and groggy my mind consumed by darkness and fear all I could do was to escape the week's Benedict Allen had taken its toll I was barely conscious and failing fast [Music] it had to a COS theta through an even deeper into whatever dark place he now haunted him but he had managed to week in the dark presence and kept me safe that night hmm let's see I wrote it that's why I fall that's right Joyce it's your fault and you're gonna pay for it that ain't John Benjamin you're gonna pay for it oh boy I did like the diving suit of exposition there that was cool all right you see I am Thomas Zane and that dark presence has taken on the form of my wife's Barbara but it was a long time ago so she looks really old now it's just like uh huh of course boy took us two hours to get to that episode and that wasn't even collectible hunting I'm gonna take a little break to UM some water and just get my affairs in order so I'll be right back guys yeah welcome back and we'll start up some fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now if [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] previously on Alan Wake under the influence of the Dark Presence I wrote a horror story that is coming true Jagger had been my editor making sure that the unfolding story would make her more and more powerful some part of me had been aware enough to write my escape into the story other we can create something absolutely wonderful it does something to the works of art created my mom gave me the sword why Slinker how is this being kept in the dark prison and I need to find Cynthia Weaver to fix this your fault you're gonna pay for it from the neighboring counties [Music] [Music] all the manuscript pages were gone the FBI agent had taken them took a crap in my mouth what that about sums it up but [Music] what happened restart checkpoint the manuscript pages were gone the FBI agent hit sorry crap in my mouth oh this is as soon as I can yeah I guess that's all I can do I got a little distracted by bail she was just so cute I had to give her a little hug [Music] that about sums it up [Music] [Applause] you want me go back to the main menu why how much did I miss if it's like less than a minute I don't care okay I'm fine let's just get let's just go like I get it were arrested she's the one in the song the lady of the light what the crazy lady whatever you say we're stuck here I had some reading to do first Sheriff and let me tell you it was an interesting read well I've got you now Raymond Chandler if I use that wine well the evidence including conspiracy to murder a federal agent there's no way you're walking out of here you hear me in there Bret Easton Ellis some obnoxious gal I want to talk to your superior well we all want things sheriff I want it my look that's not possible right now agent nightingale Bret Easton Ellis is a weird one to choose weak what's wrong when I can psycho open it's a trick it's an obvious trick okay I've had enough of this crap wait I'm gonna trust you with this you're joking agent Nightingale your opinion would matter more if you were sober and if I actually believed you were here on official business whoa get back in the cell Stephen King the only way you're leaving this place is over my dead weight I predicted light we need light it's the only way to fight this thing in my office I've got your things there follow me that's how I got it I don't know how I got that letting go reads the manuscript nightingale tried to make sense of the manuscript it was disjointed and strange he didn't understand half of it but it all rang true impossibly true he took out his hip flask when he reached the page that described how we reached the page that made him take out his hip flask it wasn't the booze that made his mind real that's funny there's another one I can get nightingale [ __ ] fearing out of his control but the gun at least felt steady in his hands he was ready to fire resolved that he would let this happen over his dead body and yet he hesitated he had seen this moment before blended in the page he was transfixed by the deja vu and the horror that he was a character in a story someone had written then the monstrous presents bursting behind him and dragged him into the night it's pretty funny I want a flashlight and a gun right now stat it's a flare at least African force-choked it over to me I say choke because that has a grip you know cuz I think it's absolute it's funny so high you can't move on without me like I can't go in the meeting room might be doughnuts in there like in Twin Peaks fix the fuse yeah I just turn a couple of them that should be good enough wow it's fixed look at that wait where's Barry oh okay let's say your things wait what do I need to know what do you need for me they can be hurt in the light only in the light and I need to find Cynthia I can help me stop this oh I can't shoot it was a trick pretty quickly in the residue chopper come on let's get back come on he's gone Wow nice thing about this and I can't be in two places at once I need your help Wow okay here's a list of people and phone numbers I need you to call them and tell them you have a message from me night Springs okay they'll know what to do night Springs like the TV show gotcha oh hey that radio guy is on the list mate who's Frank breaker he related to you my dad is this like a secret society can you do this just like twin peaks' these guys need to be alerted just in case we don't come back you'll come back for me though right as soon as we get the chopper ready thanks wheeler I owe you one okay let's go awake through the back all right do you dude you order a pizza if you want to yes sir okay I know she's okay she's just busy so she asked me to oh no no no no actually I'm a literary agent sir I'm just helping her out cuz she's busy right now well the one you'd most likely be familiar with is Alan wink to hear that sir I'll tell Al you said that that's really nice but listen I really need to make some more calls here you got the message right yeah that's right okay thanks it's pretty funny sure I could stick around and hear more of his calls it's cool [Music] I'll go I'll open the gate for you once I'm across you stay here in the light and cover me sheriff okay are you sure okay then but hurry okay here I go here I go found some battery it's nice uh Wow what the what the [ __ ] was that oh I'd even see it Wow sounds like what is hurting me yeah well Barry gets a good pizza birds don't even think about it okay some players here man I want just to explore the rest of the town and do that yeah I guess I guess I'm supposed to write and light you can hurt them yes obviously thank you okay yeah so that's what I'm supposed to do actually oh wait maybe I'm not supposed to just hop right down maybe I need to yeah I know I don't have to do this but I want to No got it hate these things yeah bye-bye sucked I hate that I hate them I hate the crows this so no there's just the terrible okay I just I hate them okay let's go yeah that shotgun flashed I would have been amazing the heavy-duty one [Music] [Music] these have a lot of batteries Wow okay let me just look around a little bit I [Music] couldn't leave without the Sheriff she was my ticket to Weaver god I do everything for you huh you got a second I don't know what's gonna happen while I let you out are the are you just gonna like start up a cutscene or like I just I don't know flare like as much as I can before letting you out yeah you probably will start up a cutscene won't you yeah let me guess I press P oh sorry I press a but the time oh oh the light the light went out okay I guess it's gone the vehicle we're a great team wife Smythe let's let's go you and me Sarah let's do this it's the Parade Float are you serious [Music] still back there huh Wow there we go here you won't go that way well I want to go this way so you just got to deal with it shut the [ __ ] up okay we can't get the brave float anymore why not it's too bad wait can we go this way huh oh my god we got a flare gun I didn't even know that there was a box over here that worked out ha a thermos okay let's go let me not that it matters said I'm not going to get all hundred oh there's another one I think there's another one hey there's a there's an arrow pointed this way oh my god the air smelled of fish this was bright Falls industrial area there was probably a cannery nearby can it wake achievement unlocked come one come all I don't know what that was for kill for taking it with a single shot from the flare gun all right now take it yeah I like Sarah she's cool was Alice even done for us huh nothing can go up there do you think [Music] wait so we go this way right but we're now oh oh okay up here it's some kind of roundabout way to get up here the flare gun like it okay and I go all the way back around geez yeah she did get she got some new typewriter she taking herself kidnapped yeah it's true yeah dream Alice was very supportive you guys are right Sarah where'd you go where is she she left me she went on without me that's gotta be what it was right follow Sara okay well well look at this empty [ __ ] building some stuff over here some flares of course well why did it zoom in like that I wasn't expecting that oh I Sarah they are let's do this eh okay okay mmm brights diner hey this is where I was earlier heavy-duty flashlight don't mind if I do Omo next out let's use the jukebox again number six is it working I got an achievement drink them both up put deal I'm indie coconut twice Wow okay so this is where we first ran into the presence what may script page did we get here Barry was in his element making calls making things happen even if he didn't entirely know what those things were he wouldn't let the hot sheriff chick down even if every noise he heard from outside and he heard plenty made him jump he had only paused the text Allen message told him to hurry up suddenly Barry froze in mid dial a window broke somewhere in the building and then the lights went out he wouldn't let the hot sheriff chick down I figured they were gonna put those two together somehow makes sense she's the the tough smart heroic Sheriff and he's kind of the bumbling sidekick tends to be a stereotypical match these kind of things okay yo where we go in here I'm just gonna go here oh hey that's her oh my god shut up Alan then I take New York huh and I thought New Yorkers were rude so motion I got him I killed him I did it yeah the one-two punch it's almost as good as playing with Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite by the best club with AI experience I've ever had like she gives you ammo she does die it's terrific okay boy this stuff over here but there's a thermos here you want me to just leave the thermos yeah likely freaking story and flare gun ammo come on I gotta get both of those I'll sew this light over here check it I'll what I can't go in fine now [Music] it is place up far away how's the shotgun are those the hunting rifle that was the hunting rifle that's why I was confused so it's like should be doing way more damage oh this guy oh it's the sheet saw guy all right there we go there we go oh this is so bad Nicky please unlock the door please right out loud that's all right all right hmm okay hang on make sure I'm not missing anything good like ammo over here players whatever same thing really thermos almost there missed it thanks to you Sarah hope you feel proud of yourself I got it I got it I can make this how about I look for the keys and you get burned for a change what what a dick the darkness that wore Barbara Jagger's face was furious that story in the manuscript had been making it stronger all the time but now the light had set the writer free and heard it weakened it it was only a matter of days before the dark presence would be strong again but meanwhile it would be difficult to recapture the writer hmm its various the darkness that where's Barbara Jagger's face is furious the message was from Barry he was getting worried at the station he wanted us to hurry yeah okay cool it Barry holy [ __ ] okay no prob hunting rifle that's what I'm talking about I like this better because I mean it's better longer range yeah coffee thermos in the break room who would've thought where I've got eight flare snow we've got so many oh let's get this another flare they're really loading this up what's the what's the reason pick up helicopter key okay she can't hear you sir might be dead berry why isn't he inside Oh he made it inside wake he's okay come on wake let's go around we can meet him in the back well how come this is how come it's locked whatever so I can't hop over this ow oh yeah apparently not Wow ouch no cheese put the lime in the coconut it's in my head ever since I started the jukebox up again Barry can you hear me are you okay in there are you sure I keep thinking that this trash can top is a page it's not recorded when Brighton Falls was first formed as a nameless Trading Post but it became a town when the bright balls mining company started to operate nearby in 1878 it was then that Hubert Biltmore Wow a fur trapper and Amos Gunderson a parody from tacuba decided to build a post office saloon in hotel all operating from the same building it was through the efforts of these two men that bright Falls became the permanent and thriving town is today oh yeah it's thriving all right thriving with darkness let's go Sarah let's leave his ass behind man she just she get still before I can do anything geez we can make it through the bookstore wheeler should be waiting down there I'll call the sheriff oh I've got it don't worry about it Sara about time somebody showed up all the shooting in the earth idiotic one of these days they'll kill somebody and over okay I'm sorry we're keeping ya up our lives are at stake and we're shooting them off of us so get the hell over as far as I'm concerned oh wait Wow I said I wasn't really collectible hunting Here I am collectable hunting even though I know I can't get all of them know what's wrong with me okay right now I'm not a big fan of my own writing shut the hell up Cynthia Weaver worked hard following her obsessive rituals sometimes fighting them always giving in to them in the end she haunted the halls of bright Falls abandoned power plant she marked her caches with light-sensitive paint that could only be seen by eyes that have been see by light like she'd been she was preparing defenses and supply lines for the war she knew would come the war between the forces of light and darkness so those are that I was wondering who was writing all that crap it's Cynthia Weaver how about that she got cash somewhere around here no so there's nothing up there's nothing up here my gain lek right yeah there's nothing up here man I was hoping it would be rewarded for my curiosity whenever I guess yeah all right she's CW I forgot I thought they just mentioned her in that one note I guess I've been paying much attention that's a lot to pay attention to see do you see him clear that that was nice I thought he climbed up but he didn't listen up Sarah I know I seem crazy but there could be collectibles wait pick up lantern oh okay yeah MEXT on everything mmm nothing in here Oh Barry got back to his feet inside the bright falls general store and dusted himself off right next to the cans of baked beans was a locked case filled with flare guns and yet here was a conveniently placed barrel of crowbars Barry smile widened as he realized that this was the classic movie scene where the hero had to gear up and arm himself to the teeth Barry threw himself into the role of course he did the classic movie scene huh yeah you know what that's gonna happen do you remember it was a couple couple episodes ago I think I've been episode two he gave Alice the clicker that's gonna come back right it's got to come back I bet that's how they defeat the Dark Presence is with the clicker oh my god again I got it a more oh no it's to these guys wait three of them Wow whoa clothes where you go okay one down one to go okay we got it let's go back to those guys though do those little Saxon dudes okay it's open let's go awake what why hmm be a reason why it's tradition for it to be free the Dark Presence needed the writer to finish the story again and again the story let it get frustratingly close to the writer without letting it capture him it was bound by the events depicted in the manuscript but it could pursue the writer indirectly put others on the task and stopped those who would help him it took over everything in his path made them its puppets and sent them after Alan Wake right we're almost there we'll have to go through the basement to get to the parking lot yeah there's no way going through the Crypt will turn out to be a bad idea oh right Alan oh I don't like Alan he sucks like the game is good in spite of him fortunately but yeah he's just wow this is a huge basement I know I see the thermos I never thermos this I never get tired from making that fun all right furnace here okay oh nice berry Sarah with all due respect get the [ __ ] out of my way vampires the helicopters just across the parking lot and up the hill come on hang on there might be things around you never know I know this stuff right here batteries yeah I guess we're good I don't see anything else yeah Barry is great I am really like I'm so much when he first showed up but I've learned to love him the bright falls general store is now my favorite place in the entire world see this look at one of those things and they die it's my flaming eye of Mordor I wish I didn't say that's the Eye of Sauron what the eye of Mordor are you close enough I'm not gonna nitpick you on that one I guess his head screamed until she had no voice left to scream around her that darkness was alive it was cold and wet and malevolent and without end she was a prisoner trapped in the dark place the terror would have burned her mind out but one thing made her hang on she could sense Allen at the dark she could hear him she could see the words he was riding his flickering shadows he sensed her too he was trying to work his way to her yeah let's just take our sweet-ass time working our way to our right Alan sure are taking our time with someone who may or may not have a pilot's license you're cleared for departure she wants to go that way so I want to go this way flashbangs is that it okay I think it was worth it though there's some flashbangs let's go come on [ __ ] let's move it I'm again got him flashbangs I like the splash bangs they're good the helicopters just up ahead I'll need a while we all want to get out of here Barry uh maxed out on batteries don't forget the thermos get to the helicopter okay honey honey honey gun oh there's a there's gonna be a shitstorm here whoo yeah this is gonna be I've got six flare gun ammo oh there's gonna be a fight look at look at all the flash bangs they give you so much to work with it's crazy see if there's anything I don't think there's anything out here more batteries like when would you ever need this mini bash for peace okay I guess we're good it's gonna take off without me they defend them are the fire trucks gonna attack us [Applause] [Music] can't see them [Music] [Music] it's pretty easy whoa is that the tornado I think it is oh wow [Music] now we're kicking ass this is easy it's coming towards us not good I didn't really get them yeah we are doing just fine Wow don't tell me twice you better put it into this just get me only for sure we're taking a big chance I hope you're right about her or we can kiss this town to fine yeah I agree Chad I think that the pacing in this game is pretty well done I think sometimes a little little long but I think if they just had a little bit more enemy variety it'd be fine Casey shoots the place up every weekend look I never even carried a gun until a couple of days ago while my dad used to be a cop there tell some pretty wild stories stuff like this no no just normal bad stuff kind of like your books wake I used to tease dad that he was just like Alex Casey you've read me oh sure nobody's ever said that before nobody's ever criticized me before here I'll take her down the road across Kathy there Sheriff the birds again are you serious the helicopter should be fine though those massive headlights [Music] five wait I don't have any of my stuff I don't have any of it I don't have any of my stuff they gave me like they gave me like a million of them and they're all gone I I did not understand because I was like well I'm got like seven flare gun ammo so let's do it but nope okay wait the darkness controls the taken uh-huh yeah that's right I had to do something about the chain for the door to open Oh pride to shoot it let's probably why there's unlimited ammo back there okay and let me just look like here real quick I don't think there's anything knows nothing why they in there what oh wait why not just go in here but is a they just disappear when you do that they straight-up disappear I guess had to wait for it to finish opening this is kind of kind of annoys me a little bit so why did you drop all your batteries - you just set all of it down and then whatever sometimes I wonder why there's so much combat in this game when like they they like give you everything you need so that's no challenge and here's a new song from a band that they always remind me of our local rock legends the old gods I couldn't tell you why I guess it's just you know one of those things anyway here's poets of the fall in their latest single war every section you start you have no weapons I thought it was just a we're on up a sowed five still episode five the clicker well I must have subconsciously seen that when I was talking about the clicker earlier interesting [Music] [Music] set dodge a cinematic what the [Music] cause a lot of them [Music] come on oh my god holy [ __ ] god I got achievement two for the price of one I guess cuz I killed them like helps deal with one shotgun blast pretty sure at least [Music] where is it artists okay there's no more ammo checkpoint jeez that warehouse was kind of annoying but the game is very easy overall which I mean III honestly no problem with it but it's the type of game where I think I prefer to play it on nightmare actually funnily enough it was close but I had to find a way across yeah I guess that didn't count as a Pat main radio broadcast because he just introduced the song which is too bad because hardhat area Oh it's a manuscript right there I guess I'll to turn the power off though leapfrog why are you complimenting me this feels weird you need to be insulting me okay we turn this off all right no we turn this on how do we turn these off back here because obviously I need to I need to get through I get through there to get the page maybe I'll find a switch to flip over here up up up supply cache where is it up here it is oh I have only III didn't have a crash on me really early but it's only happened once so seems like so wait did I turn it on by need okay I'm I I must have to go around then that must be it okay I thought I could clear it maybe he's no brother oh geez oh my god he walked backwards into it that's funny he's funny okay yeah he walked backwards into it you serious oh I thought I was a hard hard place to be ambushed though wasn't much room to move around okay was this making her way to the water pipe alone Cynthia was angry at the writer foolish young man taking unnecessary risks and the way he broke the rules didn't he understand what was at stake since the terrible days in the 70s she hadn't wavered once as hard as it had been she was tired of protecting the town all these long years and now only wanted to rest um she will get to rest forever it's so generous with the ammo I love it there so they just to make you feel at home make sure you got everything you need I need to get that thermos I know I can't get all of them but I want to get as many as I can I've decided this would be a bad oh my god all these [ __ ] actually I know I know I love myself to get head-butted there it's because I was trying to decide what to do because I knew I only had two shotgun shells but okay this way yeah wouldn't what a terrible place to be right there that sucked I guess you can't shoot these off yeah would be cool if you could okay I guess we're good let's go yeah I can't crouch sadly as a page the story I had written in the cabin had come true touched by the dark presence I had written the horror story but the end was still missing the story was incomplete and the last unfinished page of the manuscript still sat in the typewriter in the cabin study if I could get back there if I could read the page then I could write my own ending of this story and save Alice it's weird that he wrote that you know yep it's were that he planned that it's I don't know I think the story that he wrote is kind of weird just in terms of all that light over there damn like in terms of like this is what he decided to go with really mmm I could have written anything Lieutenant William T G Randall Memorial Bridge this bridge has been designated as a memorial tonight an honor and recognition of Lieutenant William T G Randall the died of injuries received during his a successful rescue of two children from a burning car crash at this location that's very sad well hopefully that bridge will stand for a long time I couldn't get across until I found a wait what the anyone else geez the hell is that about my biggest jump scare yeah just has you know what buttons to press at these things how do any of them know what buttons to press they just got to things and they're like no I did what I wanted it to do that's pretty cool a what what's happening oh now is this like a pup G bridge ah [ __ ] my god yeah leave turn it off yes it's good kind of ruined by the helicopters get out of here let's go [Music] very noisy place watch TV maybe I should just stop here interesting the first couple episodes were more interesting in my opinion so if this is all based on a story that Alan Rove what does that mean that Alan also wrote those episodes of the TV check we shut the [ __ ] up God so loud think so loud go to the power plant all right yeah I mean the last two we're okay oh hey I got stay in the light don't I know yeah well it's going fast for me okay where's the lantern I've got this like dinky little flashlight now the lanta Wow slow your roll please whoa okay here we go another flare whoa tell these [ __ ] get out of here all right let's keep up come on up too much dammit I swear to God goodbye [ __ ] I killed all the birds by the way they're gone now oh yeah this is supply cash over here seriously if there were like a [ __ ] ton of birds I can kind of understand that but I just murdered all of them they left no pun intended I murdered all of them but yeah they gave up really easily I don't know there's Bart like you have blades you have helicopter blades chop them in half call it a day it's the big deal okay we're good safe haven where is it safe haven it's right over here I recognize the logo on the power-plant sign I'd seen a version of it painted all safe haven signifying hidden caches of supplies well all right so do we just go in there's a thermos trust no-one in the dark I'm pretty sure I figured out the whole thing if I can see your writing you're the light in the song that's her I've been waiting a very long time for you excuse me supplies here [Music] oh no I knew it I was about to say the power is gonna go out it's no other reason for them to be giving us this much stuff must be cut let me guess you want me to do it young man you're the one who likes to break the rules kill switches outside no okay here I go let go I go here okay is this the Oh can't be that easy we've got tons of resources I don't wanna use my flare gun on in laughs nothing over here Wow out of ammo okay we've worried sent me to cut the power to the transformer yard I was willing to do grunt work for to get her to help me I hoped Weaver was dependable I'd stumbled into this crazy world a little over a week ago she had been living dis insanity for decades darkness weights of my dreams okay like this Lake pretty cool well number one never go out at night rule number two double tap there it is I could see the kill switch that would cut the power to the transformer yard now I had to find a way to reach it well I think we just go right over to it I don't know floodgate controls rule number three always remember the lantern yes so when I gotta get all three of them up okay not sure I understand the puzzle but I just and then if I do this it should bring those two out okay I see very simple don't fall down Alan rule number 2 keep the lights on why is two over here out of order with three achievement unlocked gatekeeper wait wait Why What yes I was quoting Zombieland oh my god easy easy-peasy ants go back I don't flash thanks for subscribing Wow what I took two - shotgun what did this thing get possessed No heard the chainsaw there is [Music] oh whoa I love the flare gun it's like this game's Magnum actually oh holy [ __ ] okay let's go wait this isn't open yeah four guns are nice in this game chuckles sorry it was only like two missing pages how could I miss him miss him okay what now change the bulbs didn't give us yourself darkness where's her face no free rides like that I'm starting to realize that in that case young man perhaps you're a smarter man than Tom it was too late he tried to undo it wrote himself her everything he'd ever written out of the world he was so famous and afterward he left only one thing behind beyond what about say how long is this gonna take this tunnel goes directly to the web okay I call my friends tell them where we're going my friends ferry we're headed to the dam in one of the pipes meet us there it's Aaron oh we gotta go see if they're okay to be selfish but best friend won't treat like [ __ ] hey he's my friend well I use the pipe I'll meet you at the dam if you make it goodbye but our Allen didn't have to worry about her she knew how to stay see see they didn't start me over this time with the weapons and everything I still have everything that I had before so why did it start me off that last time I'm here okay I guess we're supposed to go this way then reach the crash site looks like there's a manuscript page here gotcha you can run but you can't hide where is it oh this one Sarah was almost starting to relax maybe they could turn this into a win yet suddenly there was a piercing sound like a table saw gone wild as a hundred birds made out of shadows swarmed into the rotor the chopper bucked wildly and the board lit up telling her what she already knew they were going down Barry wheeler screamed next to her they were going down okay well let's go find him I'm sure they're fine I swear to god I hate the crows like this game would be so much better without the crows I really really hate them you freakin yeah my friggin face yeah I got [ __ ] yeah bye-bye [ __ ] you where so annoying where they're coming from huh I know okay I thought they were coming after me [Applause] other there Oh oh shoot [Applause] jeez they got them seems like they left sure breaker so the crash site looked bad but as far as I could tell the wreck was empty okay let's keep going then up the well-lit room is this way up there like literally right here what's up we did it guys I have a different hmm I know you'd be alright the flaming eye of Mordor there we go we'll meet us at the down berries getting a little sassy I like it getting a little sassy and what's up here nothing nothing's up here okay that's where we're supposed to go where'd they go let's go inside the house real quick and see if there's anything in there surprisingly there's nothing there's absolutely nothing in here great glad I came in there wasting my time yeah Alan does deserve a good roasting although they are please I mean bright falls night Springs make sense yeah I think they commented on that already gym membership a lot like Neal and the residue ville revelations - right that's an itch that's joke okay I believe this is probably where the chapters gonna end seems to make sense Oh No you're fine I put a flair down [Music] it's right here and it's not that hard guys why is it bad he's right here let's be a little bit more vigilant you [ __ ] that's so bad it's dead was that it are we safe Wow you should see what I went through to get here Wow all right calm down jeez you guys are on edge yeah it's just cuz I've been through you know hell in a handbasket as they may say but I'm think that that was a big deal what we just went through oh do we have to fight them off stand back everybody and I got it you guys might as well not even be here now you got it you got a light them first there is yeah we gotta kill them all first though don't you know Barry yeah I did I did give me a second to walk across the room oh I thought those of manuscripts was just a flashlight we're almost there there's an entrance into the dam at the top what's the plan wait well Weaver's crazy but she's got something Zane left behind something to fix this gee could you be a little more vague Thomas Dane seriously might as well be Paul Bunyan or Bigfoot yeah well he was real have you seen what else has been happening we've been fighting dark shadow people well I was gonna be reckless but now you said that I guess I'll put my safety hat on over there that opens the door yeah oh okay you guys you guys go on ahead then oh and it broke you guys go ahead and find Weaver she should be in the damn now I'll have to make it alone through the top yeah yeah reach the top of the dam Oh drinking god I tried to dodge it that there we go anymore come on pretty simple boy down boy there's the last page last one the chapter Thomas Zane knew he had to remove all that had made this horror possible including himself that was the only way to banish the dark presence he had unleashed and now looked at him through the eyes of his dead love but he also knew that despite his best efforts it might someday return so even as he wrote himself and his work out of existence he added a loophole as insurance an exception to the rule anything of his stored in a shoebox would remain oh the insurance that Cynthia spoke of nice that's not good no no yeah bye-bye those things were everywhere [Music] get the well-lit room I get it is it well let though is it that's a little pointless little segment right there isn't it oh my god I was ridiculously outnumbered the search line could even the odds a searchlight huh ah oh that is pretty good Oh they get it there's something right there I'll shoot achieve unlocked collateral carnage I don't know what that means Oh No okay so if the eight overheats what [Applause] go dude go No I told him to jump there I don't the job at that time Oh wrong way I realize where I was yeah why didn't Helen just write like I am entirely made out of light for the remainder of the story I will never know well that room we did it I was wrong it's a foolish chance to take don't worry about the noise we're safe here I have looked after the well they doing for many many years now there is no I like the lamp lady she's silly but I like how log ladylike she is but she's not she's as annoying as log lady like she's not ask us to talk to her Lance at least need changing soon and I don't want to climb up the ladder to change them because it's very late Wow the page was autobiographical a memory from my childhood but I didn't write this it was a page written by Thomas Ain none of them were supposed to exist anymore Allen 7 years old would fight sleep to the bitter end when he did sleep he soon woke up but nightmares fresh in his mind one evening his mother sitting by his bed offered him an old light switch she called it the clicker and flicking the switch returned a magical light that would drive the Beast away to imbue the talisman with all possible power she added that it had been given to her by Alan's thoughts that's awesome who never knew him and anything in his too committed the proportions in his mind with the clicker firmly in his hand Alan finally slept like a baby now almost 30 years later Alan thought of this as you stood on the rim of cauldron Lake the clicker in his hand he took a deep breath and jumped my mind swirled I had given the clicker Dallas yet it was here Zane had written it into existence in a story I had written I can get to where now I can finish this I hate you Alan I hate you Alan [ __ ] you oh boy well I went an extra hour to finish episode 5 does anyone know how long episode six is [Music] [Music] [Music] like in seventh of six a normal episode [Music] ok so it's a couple hours like the others alright so I I should probably end it here then okay
Channel: John Twolfe
Views: 16,962
Rating: 4.9331741 out of 5
Keywords: Alan Wake, John Wolfe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 36sec (14316 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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