CO-OP Darkest Dungeon [Part 17] - Darkest Dungeons & Dragons

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Hey hey everybody hey welcome back to coop darkest dungeon it's been a while how is everybody fantastic well let's start off with everybody's Christmas I had the I had a cold and a stomach flu so I think it was poised at food poisoning not a stomach flu but it was great I yeah I got a filing cabinet for Christmas so I can organize my paperwork my tax documents and my titles you're going off the chain and my parents like what do you want and I was like a filing cabinet and so [Laughter] something I don't know hey to say that's not happening me that's not happening that's who said something like TOS you do like drugs that help you close at rate so you could work harder yeah constant consent ro my favorite drug brain for so ever it was called yeah Oh Jake how was your sure let me coffee thanks for something what'd you do Jake you blew yourself I was trying to adjust the white balance a little bit easier or make it a little bit better and then my [ __ ] mouse like adjusted like blue yourself Wow alex is not amused thanks for subbing by the way and slimy coffee thank you guys a lot so we have actually installed some mods my Christmas was great though thank you for asking oh we were just sorry to know how was your how was your Christmas it was great so anyway the new classes okay so we have we have eight new classes installed everybody and they're all secrets there they will show up in the stagecoach but not right now we're gonna have to run a dungeon before they'll show up John won't tell us what classes it was by the way it is a mystery don't make the game like way easier though is what is what I hear that was never said that was never said he installed that one yeah I installed yeah I installed Luke Skywalker who's Chris Redfield yeah I did see president so I saw some class mods that I was like I don't think so like Tifa from ff7 I don't thinks I'm sorry just like that doesn't fit the lore and fortunately bleach so so we've got eight new class mods in addition we have 75 new palettes so for those of us who like to customize what color our character is there are new options we have the do shipping and receiving got a lot of palettes quiet John oh I'm so sorry I said sit when they turn up sets in oh and Jake is leave me quite I it's fine bye you guys are you guys turned up now are we turned up are we turned down turn down from shut up turn down for shut up we also have a stackable inventory now and what this means is the inventory is the same size but now some items that didn't stack before like firewood or jute tapestry they now stack so it'll be a little easier to organize I'm really happy with that one yeah we'll still have inventory problems but they won't be as prevalent hopefully and then I'm trying to remember what else I added I added one that's a secret I'm not gonna tell you guys about its as it's a mod that's who knows what it is and then the game is now a dating game yes there's now hatoful boyfriend mode yes yes and I also I added a larger roster mod because since we've added 8 new classes we're gonna want to recruit them so now we have 37 slots instead of 21 need and also since there's four of us it'll help us have more options when we're making our teams Wow thanks Dustin for resizing with your terrible joke turned down for wolf you've been demoted but thank you for resetting for a year and a half really appreciate it that was the last straw have you even finished Breaking Bad yet the hell's the matter with you bought it for what date mode for what wait doesn't want you anymore disgusted watch this anime and no real shows so he was starting with Breaking Bad which was a good first step yeah I'm not even sure if it if it finished though also high rigor mortis Oh Alex does not amuse thanks for the tip I appreciate it kick a chicken with it and take your teeth out that is these are some these are so those are misheard lyric Sunday memes so alright anyone am sorry anyways chat it's like part number what's breaking about either keep please just turn this off and go watch it what are you watchin here get out of here I think it's some of the best like it's like one of the best like TV shows ever yeah get out of here oh yeah what do you dug up Jake why are you watching twitch right now you haven't watched Breaking Bad well have you've not seen [ __ ] a The Godfather either hell's matter with you alright so do you guys want to do a boss the full man I thought daddy actually made me want to die and I say very funny the sequel yes [ __ ] slave I'm just gonna ignore snows comment what's the medallion what's this that's a martyr's seal that's not talking about last time yeah it helps with death's door it makes you really powerful at death's door yeah flatulent that's it yeah little people have been so I had a question do we just want to like run an easy dungeon so we can maybe get some new classes let's just [ __ ] playthrough needs [ __ ] do it we also need to would happen we also said are you fine play me weird I mean can we just agree that she's probably not gonna cut the mustard and wait for like a bear or weird to come along I like her as a class it's just that I feel like she's only level two and it's like so far down yeah you know what we might get some we might get some low-level guys in the stagecoach though but we could we've got much longer roster cuz we can go out to like level three node yeah yeah yeah I think three well whatever you guys want to want to play I'll I'll roll with gesture though John Stehr see John Stehr yeah let me just look okay everybody else is oh no hang on these people [Music] bonus true you need to take a rest I am here toss him in there my completely missing Elliot for some money Hey oh yeah toss Missy Elliot in there yeah Missy Elliot that's great yeah is it worth it we're about to find out he's about to work it oh my god thank you put a thing down flip it and reverse it thank you Craven for finishing the lyric I guess I'll take a cut baby he'll as well and I don't like plunder at the bank oh but then we need like a good healer oh that's too high not too high I think she'll be okay we don't have to do an apprentice level dungeon we could do a veteran one if it's not because I always I can work with that love some babies yeah my next targeted level six yeah yeah all right now we gotta do our favorite part oh god it's ring kids all right here we go trinkets and baubles here we go all right Jay gray okay all right all right good Oh oh my that one's good no it's good - I'll take that one Wow okay what do you want on yours you know um you want probably scrubs on your antiquarian did not take them yeah no we got two of them that's right oh that's handy yeah we can you know dual shield great no no perfect these guys these streamers sound like women's is just like some wild women's is those really those two clothes - yeah do dis muscle yeah yeah who cares really received our prize is gonna go die I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with the dice please just go die changing the topic but I won three hundred fifty dollars on Christmas Day who on PokerStars Wow I did see that I didn't know if that was real money or degenerate right the problem is though yeah I wish I could say it people that I had won it through poker but they have this like weird casino part of it I went to something called the money wheel and it's actually in real time like it's a guy that reached the chat and spins the wheel so I was talking to the guy about World of Warcraft because we were reminiscing about it and then he like just spun this weird multiplayer thing and I was like [ __ ] I'll just bet my money on like the rarest part of the board and see if I win big and then it came through Wow weird experience that it was possibly the saddest experience of Christmas I've ever had it was like 5:00 a.m. on Christmas morning because I couldn't sleep as per usual congratulations $250 though not bad that's pretty good that's awesome so I guess so does it need any tips for the next week and a half everybody telling you that I'm telling this to the chat after I just streamed solo so anyone that tipsy now feels stupid like oh great okay I wish a told me that before funding this [ __ ] degenerate oh sorry don't have a patreon let you guys do ya nervous stop that's why I'm doing right now never stop a twitch oh my god wow we just we wrecks those guys easy ooh this rare antique from the antiquarian pulling through 12 those gonna sort of stacking now right yeah I mean it would stack before never Chili's and in the antiquarian as much as possible right gets more things do we want to dig this up yeah let's dig it dig it a slot machine once wow so know Dustin's one-upping you Wow Wow bit chicken a few minutes to lose all back yeah he's a nice oh no net profit really I'm sure he I'm sure he was having a few whiskey's here don't need up my memory really quick yeah think about think about remember about the shallow grave I mean one time when I was a kid I had an experience with a shallow grave and what'd you do they're called curios well everybody was like hey don't touch that and I was like but I wanna and so I took my shovel uh-huh oh wow we should do that here too okay yeah we should let's relive your trauma yeah antique it's good Mary though nothing's here should we go down south or why don't let's go let's go really good we're gonna live through all this so look it lets go through every room we can yeah yeah we're not even gonna I mean it's not even gonna be oh look at that another rare antique yeah we're not even gonna take damage we'll be fine yeah we don't even need the vessel really what I bring about what's it done yeah honestly is no one voted for that song she further she for no one really efore Schieffer bored God boring Joe about to have a how about to have a fight on their hands though guys we're about to have a fight on their hands did you foiled us again [Music] oh the maggots are really easy I was really anticlimactic oh I feel like we're still gonna be doing this campaign the darkest dungeon when we're like 17 we're still gonna be fighting magnets magnets magnets magnets how do they how do they work do they work what do I have a buff or anything no no you guys stunned and you've got an attack I want the antiquarian to gain stress yeah yeah I wanted that to happen okay all right I saw like see from final fantasy xi Kraven where everybody thought I had to get the last hit for like years and I don't think there's less sitting in this game it could be wrong I don't really know how the antiquarian completely works if there was less sitting in this game would you stop playing him ya know we'd be passing I don't think I think we need bandage forever hold on maybe a pretty sure it's bandage oh my god yes advantage there's a 40% chance of just getting gold and trinkets though should we do it you guys want it's up to you all I want to do it yes I'll set Emma Watson in I'll get [ __ ] well we want Missy Elliott in there I think be working oh yeah that's right Missy get it get it Missy unfortunate she got a quirk reinforce slow reflexes us only minus one speed minus one speed who gives a [ __ ] I think we've established we do not care about the st. Aquarian in any way okay whoo you didn't get a one-hit kill there John what's that all about because I'm a jester I don't exactly do ton of damage it's doing are you doing Jake I'm trying I'm trying to take control of the [ __ ] Mouse there we go thank you like when you're on parsecs you ever like just try to move the mouse and what yeah I seen that yeah that was a 15 damage crit from the antiquarians nervous stab head oh right there that's true okay I wish you would do some heavy lifting for pieces of [ __ ] I want you to take a little harvest action huh yeah okay maybe do you smoke it's when I get John uh-huh I go right to playing Goro boy yeah it's very good right they changed the bit that we play that pack said they did that's why I'm saying there was some puzzles that I was like wait like this wasn't in the packs build and then some that were in the packs build weren't in the final game yeah that was weird I think the balancing like the balancing of the books puzzle used to be more complex or like a bit more annoying yeah it was there was one that was like the book-balancing that was earlier than that do you notice what I'm talking about like you had you had like clock gongs or something like that yeah that went up and down and that wasn't in the game Oh sad oh that wasn't in the game [ __ ] you're right yeah it was very sad very good though hey guess what Jake be distressed thank you play a song is that gorg Wiggin worth it like is it fun to play it's really good experience thank you and Jake would like it it's a it's a puzzle game but it's really really good it'll give you the feels Oh like the dude worked on it for like five or six years or something like that and you can tell oh it's all hand-drawn there's no rich narrative sorry sorry Jake oh no actually there is there is a story to it what is it rich I don't think I've ever said the words rich narrative in my wife I'm relatively certain I think I might been synonym making fun of you maybe perhaps yeah I can I nailed it yeah so you don't have to admit that why would I admit that feed these stress Jake sucking so stupidly ever admits oh he's a stress Jake I played you finally saw a [ __ ] fine yeah yeah rich creamy narrative frothing at the mouth oh my god I was not gonna do it those are good drops - wow that was some good choice skip just now I'm glad someone's happy some some happiness is being gained from this Christmas was just you sitting in your room alone no my favorite parties that I just hovered over it which means somebody else clicked it which is even better that's why John trying to take a nice try I was trying to click the other one no why did you click on the X oh my god no MLM on and once it's a gravedigger and she got scurvy just got so either god eat some fruit [ __ ] listen I know Beauty and the Beast didn't turn out so well but come on we talk about me like a billion dollars did it yeah she's rich as [ __ ] now I mean after what the Harry Potter man but I mean who really respects her anymore you know so who's the real winner JK Rowling is a winner Dustin says dammit Jake stop tripping over your jeans oh now it's true I love it I'm true keep it going Dustin yeah Dustin you're you're re modded yeah he's back in back in business yeah so we returned to the hamlet now how much more do we have let's see we got one more I mean look at this word no stress we could do it we have like one fries no Jake stop what young man Jake need to show respect for your elders and the situation you're moving the mouse is what you're doing no I'm not I just asked the question prove that I'm moving the mouse don't have room it I don't have to prove it prove it I really wish that on parsec if somebody else is controlling the mouse it would show like instead of the cursor be that person's name or their fates it's like I want to see Jake's could name like over like abandon quest I'm not doing it doing it yeah I prove I'm doing it you're the one with the burden of proof here okay uh you I'm just pragmatic compassion yes by your emotions well another emotion emotional response from you free Wow I've only gone once this entire round read this entire dungeon yeah we're kind of just going in that no that's okay you know you're healing me do my dungeon nice and clean in and out all right we're good all right and we got the boys yes we got it we've finally left with one that's great holy [ __ ] why did we know install the stacking mode before just so many arguments that didn't need to [ __ ] oh we're preserving the game experience [ __ ] the game it's been 17 weeks unlimited inventory unlimited staff basically technically it's been more than 17 weeks it's been five years yeah something closer that I'm pretty sure now what's in the stagecoach Lamia she's a new healer she's great she can transform as well I haven't used her but Craven wants a woman okay he's the first one he said some things he does know I'll give a [ __ ] she's pretty I love her oh you want to name her fiance Becky Becky yes it looks like a Becky right Becky Kay all right let's take her we've also got a another new one here it's a level zero scourge I haven't I haven't played this one I just kind of installed him so I don't know what guys the Lord of the Rings character it seems like it looks like a like a Dark Souls chibi yeah yeah dark he's all about the blight apparently he is level zero though and he is a 1 to 5 blight character that's also a tank apparently and you believe it can you believe it yeah he's level zero what's the blight casters we have usually go for in the backs that's pretty cool he is level zero yeah maybe wait for a higher level one Becky's good yeah great the stagecoach network maybe is there mod where we could just magically have more deeds and all yeah that's cool gameshark so we need 10 oh my god okay we can do eight bus Kress and we can get here old stagecoach Network upgraded you wanna do that yes okay all right we got it first day of winter we're kind of keeping them all to secret this part from John he knows it but maybe in the future he'll divulge well I went through I went over most of them the beginning there's one secret one that we haven't triggered yet ah so that'll be interesting ha ha ha well let's put bonus and this is just on nexus or where is it it's just on the Steam Workshop yeah bonus - oh and Emma Watson John Stehr have diseases let's get them shut up finally it's not me shut up Jake that is that Israel it's not Jake what's the red plague oh um it's not a real thing makes you a rational thing lead resist his way down max HP and crit are down as well now okay it's not not good guys wanna do another dungeon with the Lamia or however you pronounce it Lamia yeah yeah throw becky in let's throw her in alright I need to check her abilities out I need to figure out how she works go ahead knock yourself out the following diseases smallpox rip so she's a change some obese mode she does have a beast mode cuz so she's kinda like abomination like that okay you'll look at that heal it also cures Wow nice that's that's really strong Wow she also has a stress heal as well and clears horror that's pretty good also an instant kill and she's got a gun I was like wow this character has a lot of really she's really pretty so real quick is she like the abomination and that like wholly care additional you know fight with her I don't think so maybe well what the reckons we could find out hmm that red hair is really pretty like her like that are you guys like a blonde I'm red hair is very Austin Texas you guys like the blonde or red go red I like red Reds really cute yeah um I think you get all of them because I think some of them are beast form and some of them are human form so I know I honestly don't know I think it's just this like I use this and then I get the beast abilities I don't know we'll figure it out it's fine I'm good well those tops are in there toss are in the back maybe right yeah probably because that's where she heals and it looks like the rest of them are ranged yet so as soon as I transform then I can rake and that jumps me forward three oh that's lit holy [ __ ] yeah all right cool I like I like her she's great she's also got another she can pull my cast guard she does literally everything this is really good she's great I am so do you still wanna play the antiquarian Missy Elliott um no yeah it's a good question so we actually have two boss dungeons we can do now we've got the fulminating prophet and the brigand 12-pounder which sounds the best accessory so these are your only yeah it's another new class that we have bad trinkets just FYI right yeah these mods look like they're really well done like the Lamia looks like she could be part of the game world just doesn't look like right like somebody's showing her yeah yeah the the art owners really well done I saw like [ __ ] left4dead whenever you play it with mods you're just like wow okay it's a flat j-pop this is definitely my screen do you guys watch this the brigand 12 paper and a break at 12 under goes again he's it's the Canon we basically we have to kill the kill the [ __ ] as they spawn the the flame guy with the match at the back otherwise the cannon goes off oh the best boy actually best boy in there yeah Jake do you want to play well hold on a second level three would work for this dungeon right it would but probably want to go higher level though yeah I'm million as level three yeah well your character might as well be a [ __ ] level six with all the babies Jesus Christ I could just be like the healer you know healer oh you also heal [ __ ] yeah I mean I'm not gonna say no to healers but um in that case [ __ ] don't do wells the what's the range character that you have I think he just has Vestal for range Oh I mean he is also he's also got juicy jakers you won't play mat arms also level three he's also level three at that point gameplay is craving [ __ ] it look you know what let's just let's see the man-at-arms okay then I will choose someone else hmm let's see my jester is getting his diseases taken care of otherwise I would play him um I could play Bell the the only thing about that is that we were and we're going to a medium dungeon and in that case we're gonna come across the big snake characters and all that right cuz yeah it's truly I wonder if I could play our blessed oh I can cuz we're playing on radio yeah should be fine is okay if I take four and you take three Craven because I think you have some that are three only like hiss I guess that's it actually yeah I'm taking three cuz I do better from the fourth spot well I can heal everybody in front of me yeah yeah she looks great but like what should we like in practice what if she's like awful yeah let's find out let's [ __ ] find out let's uh it goes into angel form and readier mmm yeah quick question since your character is the mark ability would you want to do the bounty hunter in tandem or would you rather just keep it as it is let's just keep it as is that's fine okay I don't think we need much marked synergy but I just I'm the safer ranged okay they're all unequipped so they should be there okay where's the brawler's clubs there's two of them right yeah the second pair is on a double stack come on it's not allowed by B that'd be ridiculous wait what if I go spill ham oh my god do it do it I'd be concerned about stress but I don't know allow me I can heal her all that yeah you do have a stress he'll forgot maybe he'll have a stress field and I'm a monster for me and a gun and anti steel there was a cloud there's a class mod that was like Jedi Master or whatever like and I was like how about no we only have lightsabers in this dark fantasy setting Thanks should I just do the same thing like in case we get moved or something I mean I think Sun ring would be good but well yeah Sun ring but but brothers gloves was more so what I was thinking what would you moved well I mean we're doing a boss fight right yeah yeah but they're not gonna pull us that this one's just damaged yeah I don't think yeah I don't think he pulls we had an eye patch for him that was really good oh yeah where is that I think it's up top yeah that's 15% max HP they'll help ya sure make um a little beef here at 7 HP so Craven um so for her I think I'm gonna strictly work on healing just be safe for the first round okay that's all good sure you can take the surgeons gloves what that's why okay Oh ceilings good and then the other one was Vestal only so that was vessel only but we could find something else that would be good for her is there anything that like mmm scouting wouldn't make sense for her unless she's like a Scouter as well hmm just like binoculars yeah and she has more midi-chlorians than anyone else oh my god so she turns into a big green monster leading like damaged crits sadness here I'm gonna do no speed to make sense here some I pick for me I have no idea what to pick say no I don't need the [ __ ] animal cracker okay look I'm not doing anything anymore that's fine okay we're good that's it what was that what did I just get what was that is kills plate a mule air cuz you have a couple blight like these two at the end oh so if I transform yeah okay when when you trance him I'm gonna do it once or twice we'll see I'm going to take where is it snipers +15 accuracy position for Becca my date snipers ring gave you 10 XS version it was 12 but they would also Wow let's go all right I still remember the graphic for it it was like a really [ __ ] Brian ring a little like shitty Brown ring so awful little lower yeah they're so expensive sushi look what was that talking about Fahrenheit if you love it again sorry yeah this looks - she did we sushi we want more let's just let's go 20 food just cuz I'm craving some sushi just cuz I went to a sushi yesterday actually I'm all those places have like a conveyor belt or the sushi goes around what no I just can I just can imagine like you broke into a factory or something and just like I'm playing on the [ __ ] conveyer pull like sticky rice they're like sir please leave no you have a chain like one of those old toilets oh it's just soy sauce kind of a great goddamn max hated it oh my god II hate you then see a troglodyte yeah he's a he's typical American he was like can I get like a burger and fries here Scott door there immediately where do you have can we go there please I know that the boss is like over here won't you go to there I want to go can we go north all right let's do else we don't we can we talk about my pretty pretty princess no I'm gonna understand this my oh she's looking all fierce oh look at her [ __ ] it yeah he gave us horror yes it looks awesome holy [ __ ] that she looks really cool yeah she could be in the in the [ __ ] game legit yeah yeah I hope they got money for this they also mail some way they also made a couple other classes I installed so maggots destroy her so how bad is this horror Oh so you give us like stroy her you ghost like 10 non-stress every time you transform but when you're not I won't do this for a while that's what it look like yeah what do you look at me like so but you do have a stress heal that clears horror as well in your normal arm so yeah I'm gonna do that for a while that was fun oh oh no Becky stop that I must she is this Starbucks i dude it there oh holy [ __ ] I been watching the crown on Netflix now holy [ __ ] it's so good it yeah it was a really good show it's great it yeah it's whenever like sheets coordinated up until shortly after the JFK assassination then next season they're gonna switch actresses alright Craven any of you guys seen dark I have I watched episode one last night actually yeah she seems um it's it's very slow yes agree hey but it it gets really holy really [ __ ] you drain in the forest so much damage lean back so wait did my did my horror he'll do a Oh II know as you and one other person yeah yeah oh you and you send it a little you sing a little song when you do it you I thought you read accidentally click close is the masses like just right there no that would be it I only do that if someone messes with it I wasn't messing with it that's just where it was hmm so when you use that ability just actually because side effect yeah it does she goes I wish I could hear it yeah yeah sure sound like will mute it because we heard ourselves on the program we're using yeah we can't hear the game today guys just so you know to see jakers oh oh [ __ ] no you brought in some weird abilities don't afraid good at this matter arms thing help me nice Scott he's got the right ones the no the shield thing is weird that's his bodyguard my shield is weird okay what do to you stress field I'll give you a special all right what is good [ __ ] you fun we've got a solid a steam I think solid solid ass team a solid a steam let's straight up a steam and it is solid I'm on fire no wow it's there it's like I don't know naughty then [ __ ] oh my god alright uh heal myself that's a bad she's just like the Statue of Liberty yeah she is great she is Miss all snakes all up on her face yeah I look under that dress yeah grace Lirio then erase grace it's [ __ ] troll hate him we dodged it he dodged it what an [ __ ] how'd your batteries being harmed things just what is you want say that again you're bad these this man and arm thing I think sorry I fumble sometimes all right so what is the lore you won and it also gives them a dodge debuff that actually would be helpful would be helpful yeah okay cool okay x10 does I don't know if it was like what's that one pole were like gets rid of the bodies Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry mmm hands are off sorry I'm crash the crash I thought we agreed not to talk about that sorry I'm farming a lot in Diablo 3 nothing comes to quite evening alone a quiet evening alone ok I'm gonna I'm gonna work her dodge down to zero hopefully it is she has a dodge of zero now [ __ ] her up yeah [ __ ] her up yeah listening to the newest power more LM like non-stop lately it's a lot of fun Eileen whoo that was the fun I don't know John our date could have been sent out no good no it'll be like more out right with the insult it would have been like you were like oh yeah you [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] loving [ __ ] mmm yeah bad one highest current we've seen it's pretty high oh let's beat this troll this [ __ ] troglodyte over here with this tree brand wish that was a class in this game trouble I'd love to play so tonight I want this guy on our team I know hit them like real hard I don't have I don't have a move anyway shut the [ __ ] up so just heal heal or stress heel or heel or okay apparently if you help each other on the battlefield means you're lesbians evidently go juicy jakers there we go boom Becca will be whatever you want for if it's a if it gets or like Instagram likes that's all matters Wow get that fandom going they may want to open this it could be trapped oh um you me look us up it just could be trapped we don't okay so Jake Jake Jake goes in trouble a date has the perfect cast I don't like sushi which causes horror and allies and anger and full of it I need to I know mouse for one second stop it I'm not doing anything there you go hands off jigsaw up a little bit Jake switched it so that so no investigating the chest Swan did not and that's not true the secret door we gotta go we gotta go to it it's right here Turkey yeah we got key yeah yeah okay yes nice the only sec - for I get rid of the Jade the citrine right no Jade wait what's that what how much is the accessory worth 3,500 oh yeah this thing oh this thing's worth 750 citrine it's worth less yeah 250 but we can sack the citrine yeah no but we don't want to okay okay fine fine fine nothing compares to puzzling chef azah hydron bustling chef is either okay okay no but seriously no jokes no but seriously now it's real okay so I'm assuming that the boss battles in the lower-left how do we want to get there I kind of want to go west through the treasure in the curio rooms West themself go west young man what is that I don't know it's a reference Oh something something classic it's not anime related okay I went back did to be heard that you Jumanji movie is terrible and it has lots of really outdated video gaming jokes in it I really really hope that the rock at one point says the cake is a lie I really hope it's that bad oh I hope so too out wait how it like Super Mario level old or well it's like so instead of being a stuck in a board game they're stuck in a video game now okay but okay yeah just like getting all the Chaos Emeralds looks at camera too in depth that'd be like me to like of a deep time that would be like I'll tone it down you guys would be nerdy yeah [ __ ] never use [Laughter] great-great-great classic classic classic classic classical elements I'm going to well you know I'm just gonna I'm just gonna hit somebody yeah yeah hit someone be violent I just need a somebody Kingsley on worst holy [ __ ] they're the worst man in the world I disagree I think the fray is the fray are they solve and I thought they broke up I don't know who cares honestly yeah sure Hey [Music] yeah it was over Grey's Anatomy for like four seasons [Music] [Music] it's not like a guitar or bass or piano or drums I'm so sorry so can we please take these sapphires over the Jade yeah sure great how about the straight-up cash money yeah I want some of that let's take this over the the bad slippery Tibet shoes those ugly [ __ ] shoes yeah terrible okay so should we use a skeleton key on this just a frame position yes let's pop it in pop pop pop it oh oh this is this is the surprise surprise Mada installed yeah no I don't like it it's great you change your mind you're [ __ ] dead you chaste terms this Opie character all of a sudden there's actually quite a benefit because I'm tight oh he sneezed on me that was that wasn't a sneeze he's got a post oh I'm gonna move back to ya take this chance to move I feel faint are you feeling a little bit under the weather no I'm fine you're some sleep all right wow it's bad it's back yeah it went to zero it's like when you use haste on someone in final payments oh my blight resistant hundred ten percent have you ever played a fantastic game John yeah Wow you're the kind of person that likes only like one final fantasy just like they're all [ __ ] apart from four to be honest I don't have any I don't have any strong feelings about Final Fantasy what's the one where like the main characters this is probably just gonna differentiate it very much but the one where the main characters blonde and he like his he plays yeah you play sky soccer or some [ __ ] in the beginning no I remember receving he says Final Fantasy 9s best he says I played that one I also played sweet akin we kind of like the fourth one I played the fourth one I got pretty far into that fourth is really good fourth fifth that's the one with the we news or whatever yeah number two is the best by far hey yeah yeah yeah I mean I haven't really played very much of Final Fantasy oh good I think whatever it's my turn I need to switch back from this node to the other one because I can't really bite this thing which is apparently what her like just like there it's just different it's different it's more like blight based and it's not just like straight-up damage like the abomination yeah yeah yeah I really like this big thing bro that's awful I mean I wish they just added mimics into the base game to be honest I bought final fantasy 5 because I heard that's the one that people use to do like a weird speedrun job system thing where they like randomize what jobs to get at the start and they can't change it so you can end up with look for majors at a party holy summers this is kind of high yeah his eldritch type interesting when we hear myself actually I hate 15 I just can't get into it about our word hi guys is that the new one yeah yes yeah it's the newest main series one I got like half way through it then just dropped it I have never done that with the final pants game before yeah except for 12 Wow like something how like an active time system where it's like the enemies have a timer you have a timer but a lot of the combat systems throughout the games have been turn-based yeah I know that I just say I thought I heard like a couple of them recently just did oh yeah yeah like 15 has an open combat system 14 is an MMO so that's all open um so just so you guys know I have an 18 damage blight on me right now he's in deep [ __ ] my garden you with that helper which well Craven has a cure for blight and BISM I haven't been doing it sorry just FYI I saw you healed yourself so I and uh oh no I have whole roared and you do have horror I know she'll that bull roar no I should I should kill John please it's a lot of protection yeah he's quite tanky means a chest right ya know what is happening I'm doing the it's like it's like dipped to zero a lot in the past few minutes yeah it's weird I don't know why oh yeah thank you for healing and curing me yeah what I do as a fancy lady apparently heal this horror though because it's our [ __ ] us up we better get some like badass [ __ ] we definitely got some badass [ __ ] yeah that's great install a new mod unlimited inventory so wait what so what's our uh okay so we could just use a torsion and move another one over in that frees up spot yeah I want to do that answer that wait oh yes well I can tell you're not just using the torches in this game it's been months since I played the game yeah you just double-click them right click double-click yeah I right-click I just hunger check there we go oh wait let me just there you go Thanks yeah drop I'm gonna let my dogs really quick if it's my turn before I get back then somebody go for me I will i disarmed I did it I did it was me hey do you uh think this up sure cuz like I don't see any obstacles on the map yet you know we're doing well for horror or stress even yeah ooh we can stack into their Emerald we can stack the deeds [ __ ] the Jade and then the F [ __ ] the J right okay even just looks like a lump the forest okay break it yeah yeah hard to tell no I was just I was just making noises that's half of what I do he's just being John Wolfe on the on the daily all that time so I'm just sitting in my room by myself he's just not recording I just make domed sounds so and then I turned the camera on and I'm like just completely emotionless normal yeah see I'm just gonna hit something there you go you got a very distinct like when will my husband return from war look on your face John when you're particularly stressed about YouTube I'm just waiting for waiting for the boat to come in yeah waiting for the likes to roll in Oh waiting waiting to die waiting to live waiting for an absolution that would never come Wow that's some Titanic you're welcome nobody thanks to you yeah nobody yeah nobody thank to you so you're welcome man that your walk I hate that [ __ ] people do that in the comments they like say like actually that type of elephant is um it's called a black Western African elephant you're welcome it's like I [ __ ] thank you for that actually and I wouldn't I wouldn't thank you for that ever exactly like oh I'm actually that's an alligator or not a crocodile um I hate the word FYI yes yes yeah tell you why I hate FYI I hate family remainder I hate remember kids any and hot raising [ __ ] that people do on lane yes get them all [ __ ] off into the bin Oliver always followed by very sort of really patronizing like bit of information everybody already knows I'm guilty of a friendly reminder you know ooh witchy crow thanks for the tip hope you all hope you guys all had a happy holiday excited to see how this session goes ah that's a bit of optimism we needed Jake take your turn goddamnit we need queffle Jake stat screams dog we're hemorrhaging viewers they're leaving by the dozens during your turns wheeler we lose 4.7 viewers per Jake turns Wow we keep this outlaying girl have anyone left you can hue the [ __ ] out of them you know laying graph isn't like the bitrate is just of yours dipping into that my skin it burns myself yeah me I love that it's a heel and a cure that's so good that seems really strong is really strong it doesn't feel quite darkest dungeon though does it it does I mean the movie should be like a middle-range healer between like the vessel which is the best and has a group feeling and I'm just glad we have another healer oh my god I'm liking another ring okay there we go on the line graph we're gonna see the big dip yeah I know I don't know what that's happening is that twitch or is that something on our end I don't know Geoff parsec set quite high I made not any higher than it usually is I look at the settings it should be fine just a finger there might be Windows Defender [ __ ] for uh over there uh Gears of War and so on let us play it's on I'm sorry it turns itself back on the minute you chose that it went from unstable - excellent under the bit oh my god you turned it back on for Gears of work is the one work without it just I know ridiculous [ __ ] believe can you believe [ __ ] believe it can you believe it I hope it doesn't work in or out but is it doesn't happen anymore maybe the framerate actually looks better name oh my god of course it does oh well bear actually stop being blighted sorry angry it's so invasive like you may have a virus at this point all right can we get these three beads oh yeah we need that blood very good now we don't need the blight because we don't have and we don't have any crimson curse until we go back in the courtyard oh that's right that's right that's right and plus we have that place giving us to get rid of us bandage I feel like we don't need it cuz you just cure people well I can't he'll bleed hey you can write like it yeah cure blight and bleed oh I can't I can't do this how I can't a little bookish thanks for subbing for three months appreciate it aside from that nothing yeah we're good Oh who wants to touch the tent me Jake said Jake said it first there he goes nothing is left inside the tent we're getting a scalp okay so south right and then West yeah looks like we don't have anything here when do you guys want to camp probably like just before the battle like the big battle I mean we'll be not knowing answer so we don't know when that's gonna be you know I mean don't probably be in the corner make a solid guess right it's like we could weep like here we go here we go this will probably tell us so we got one obstacle it's not here it's not here it's got to be north then oh the curio or past gets past the curio yeah so let's head to that that last room we're at then camp there does that sound good no I was thinking maybe we do the curio room then we can let me we have another fight coming up so I not be buff for that as well we could do that I think we just camp right here I'm s'more so thinking about health and all that I'm fine with I'm fine with camping here either way [Laughter] [Music] only give a [ __ ] whatever [ __ ] it yeah fine clearly my fingers drink blood I showed up today great so I gotta go that's fine yeah don't worry about it oh you think so no are you are you there okay I'm there oh dude blinked I couldn't just turn to stone yeah the [ __ ] adjustment and we feast right we feast always we always always always we always feast look at that look at he looking at stress let's see what lounging she's so good I love her she's got lampreys kiss removed blight removed disease +15 stress well we don't have any blight or disease so we're good soothing presence all campaigns -15 stress can we please use that's great yeah let's do that that's great okay it's just yeah do we have anything that prevents nighttime and no compared to the other [ __ ] class that they added the shield breaker that gets like nightmares stress you all to death yeah exactly I know that one's like oh [ __ ] I mean we can pretty much only use them in short dungeons yeah this one's just like yeah healed you for everything ever you'll never ever ever get diseases again let's check out these exciting ability we're just like gave us money then it'd just be like oh great that's the best character ever Thank You Becky thank thanks Becky it's from your dad so I'd like to use restream crossbow on me as a classic classic yeah okay and then Jacob dirty has a dad he has a party +10 dodge buff which could be cool but we can't do anybody do that I'm assuming we have nobody they can prevent 90mm bush no we don't exactly then yeah I would do that I would do that for Kampai Kampai he's also he's also got maintain equipment that gives himself ten percent protection fifteen percent damage for four battles and he also has he can also give one companion +5 dodge plus 3 speed but that's stupid yeah the middle two are the best for him so yeah I'd go tactics probably just cuz that helps everyone Oh Jake Wow actually never mind never mind shut up consistent with your character all all right we'll go tactics what's the catch Jake all right have to be a catch can I just be a good person does there always have to be a [ __ ] catch with me all right let's find out if we if we get ambushed hopefully nice assuming the worst Hey [Music] okay cool I'm happy I really liked the Lamia is it lay Mia or Lamia didn't yeah lay Mia sounds too much like lame yeah that's why I like Lamia and also I like Lamia headless in general Jake has the hidden agenda wait wait sorry wait wait wait what were you before you do it I just wanted to use a torch okay go it will help aren't Lea it's pronounced Lamia Lamia Lamia is from Greek so though they want us to emphasize the hi Mia Lamia me Lamia that's more vanish yeah what's up Lamia what sounds like something a little bit who oh but this this video says leimia I don't like labia I won't do it even though it's like the correct way to do i I've heard a crown slay Mia which is why I said it like that but and just say it's yeah but that sounds like Lana la mia darling llama darling don't spit on me la mia beer come back oh don't run look at the dial of you got the Dodge debuff on there that's good yeah pronunciations [ __ ] this is coming from someone who's like a kind of special even more at spelling stickler but my mood Jim thanks for the resub I hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year thank you you too what's your new year's plans [Music] we're gonna stay home I never go out for New Year's well I mean I have before that it just it's not my favorite holiday I'll put it that way I don't like how crazy people get Neer's Eve set novel toys like a VCR didn't count so let's celebrate the next one kind of thing let's drive drunk more just yeah I know I can't ochio tower at New Year's is insane like all of the foreign kids who are just over to like a party very cool hmm yeah it's like really weird atmosphere onyx yeah okay don't you hate holder for something better later yeah yeah you hear that onyx you're only there temporarily fender has discovered but it was not on so turned back on has discovered that you're trying to gain independence Windows Defender is surprised all right okay I'm gonna mosey buddy says don't turn me off I guess that what's the what's the paper clip from from words oh yeah quit beat like Clippy yeah looks like you that's some [ __ ] boomer Dilbert [ __ ] Oh goddamn you know you can't like crappy no it Dilbert Kathy and like Marmaduke [ __ ] those are boomer comics so they're not they are they they are boomer comics it's like office humor come on it's but it's so true to office humor like it's it's exactly what it's like working in an office that's why he's boomer humor I'm sorry I guess none of us have jobs that's it or if we have a job it's like some sort of online [ __ ] job for old people so therefore Dilbert's for old people yeah Oh Dilbert is the worst I think don't run Kathy for the word I think Kathy is horrible but Kathy's worse Mondays yeah Dilbert is the equivalent of a god bless this mess okay baby balloons or some [ __ ] there's way worse comic strips out there mmm Mallard Filmore come on shoo have you guys have a red shoe oh the best what the [ __ ] is shoe yeah you guys don't even read come on come on whoa whoa whoa all right um how do i I remember I remember sinal being unimpressed with Calvin Hobbs - so I feel like Calvin that was Lisa sweet that's like the least that's like the lowest quality that it has in my opinion yeah if faithful Gilbert is an insightful it's just like Gilbert's never insightful it's just like oh no Wednesday's are bad three doublet like once when you were a child and you were like I don't get it cuz I did that I hated Dilbert at first what you're saying is when you get older and you start to like it No yeah but it's like like 50 60 70 40 years between 6 and boomer though what are you doing so what you're saying is that when you become kind of old you start to like get the humor a little I'm sorry is 22 kind of old I don't know what what how old are you Jake really tell you I don't know yeah no I'm actually 13 I shouldn't be on this room you just now illegally post videos to YouTube yeah awesome the second most recent Dilbert comic I can read it on people still get it because the visuals are absolute doll ship introducing our new mobile phone product the BSB 100 vs b stands for beautiful slippery and bristled whoops what's the hundred stand for it that's the many terms you'll have to replace a cracked screen smartphones are heard you can't and they break so easily I mean it's just I'm sorry clever the daily comic can't have a zinger every single day 30 years that's like 9,000 comics flappers give me Garfield any day oh my god here about lasagna dare you compare Dilbert to Garfield Wow regarde way bear Oh what oh my god much better can we please what you guys are crazy still Bert's personality I hate liberals political things and most items is majorly right-wing as like a fellow employee trying to make trying to make a union get Greg over there huh oh my god that [ __ ] yeah I just killed him while you guys were to do it again talking about Gilbert's non-existent political references that's actually good stress you'll yeah it's yeah ya know me okay but I will say this I mean I'll defend Dilbert but my two favorites are Calvin and Hobbes and the far side those are my two favorites come on Hubbs I get I don't even know what first day it is why Jesus why I mean you get come on well tell me what it is I might actually know what it is it's a comic strip it's a one panel comic strip no [ __ ] but like it's time circulation anymore I don't it there's no story they're all like one panel gags hard to do um oh my god I think this is the wrong audience to discuss this with yeah we're a bit too young aren't we oh my god you guys I'm the oldest person here nice I'm saying they were [ __ ] awful Jesus Christ so take it from the elder of the bunch I tell you they weren't that good what what's what's they just the funnies in general just all of them they're all just like family friendly Sherlock like middle like middle-class America White Fang did you want them doing cocaine and banging each other and the freaking Sun they can actually be funny that's one thing they can do Hey they can be funny I'm high on heroin right now at the moment hey Marmaduke eat these balloons full of cocaine boy hey Family Circus it really sucked when grandma died yesterday like was really funny Family Circus buddies the goal is to be funny you know it was hilarious that grandma died yes right yeah because the because the dad didn't like her right exactly she was a cantankerous old lady so he was like this bosses ass we're not even paying attention that's all I do in life is here I'm just I'm feeling stress at this point curing and healing stress yeah dad about comment it's another Dilbert comic and I think this is why John likes it her product has fewer features a higher price compared to our competitors other person will fix that with a little thing I call marketing lying is unethical that's why we only miss lead why do you keep bringing the three-panel ones because nobody wants to hear me be there okay oh my god so most of them are three paddles yeah I love of them are three or four reads the daily like during the week funnies sum up the Sunday paper on sucking knee-slapper every single day of the week for years I'd end it could be a knee-slapper like at least once a year comic strip Jake how about you write one let's see what jams you come up with funny what do you want for me oh [ __ ] whoa my switch hang on SOT SOT SOT I'm not doing anything okay sorry Chet we can't see right now if you're like I agree I hate comic strips and sports I don't know why you're getting on me on to me about video game entertainment Darius so Jon might know if it's not video games or anime I'm out no sir no thank you I love I love your angry fanboys sports ball again broccoli I'd rather do my homework for my mom seasoning on food nobody's talking oh my god sorry I need to just stop and stop looking at chat and seeing people be like yeah but seriously though good all right I'm gonna kill the matchstick guy bye he's angry too let's get me doing how was her Christmas that's good okay good yeah I mean I we did make it good sure am I here make me right here present from John this year was comics from 1983 [Music] best that wasn't I told you guys I got a filing cabinet for Christmas I mean no I said the ultimate gift did you do one of those things were you like you got Kimmy a gift that you actually wanted like one of those Dilbert comic like what is this crap and you know if you don't want it all read it I think it's funny no we got we max has been knew that [ __ ] me all year and it's pissing me off he's like I got you this late for your birthday and I'm like oh it's not really my my silent is like okay I'll put my office years later it's like well your office looks really nice right now what's for me that one was for me hmm this is so funny if that works it's all I got for HP left please kill it but lark is your organs thanks for subbing another Dilbert fan to the fray why are you all so cute I don't know why are you asking us that weird thanks though well actually why are you saying the reason I'm so due to my Swedish and Norwegian upbringing like pull out your [ __ ] family history yeah like my great-great-grandfather lived in Norway at the Sun on so he had beautiful blonde hair and a nice beard yeah a lot for a symmetrical face oh boy all right um I guess I'm gonna stress heal for this last round yeah [Music] that stress feels so nice if we get another you really is if we get another Lamia I want another Lamia I want like two more lenient I was just let's just go ahead and clear our entire group and just go and just roll down just for like the two on the front alternative squids the two in the back kneeling exactly just healing the horror of the whole time kid now you're a squid now you're all a Mia now hands behind your back stop we can I get a shake we cannot lose this looking over the things that seems like a good leper yeah you seem really nice we take it let's get rid of the torches in the shovel at least maybe the Onyx yeah in the food oh and the food yeah torches food shovel gone we take the blueprint and the trinkets what you guys think you're losing your [ __ ] on the stream that's hilarious huh just like you're just like have your hands and your [ __ ] face cuz I'm so worried I'm gonna do something yeah okay I'm gonna do that then there we go okay then we do have 1750 gold that's actually worth more than the two emeralds and they're actually worth more than the Sapphire let's get with the emeralds is this last room or do we have one more to go I mean the places we can go I thought that was we can we can do other places but they're just empty rooms there's no treasure or anything there's a couple curious but yeah we should hear the stuff that we can't sell which we did already all right I mean we get rid of journal page I really wanted to stop getting those though I know me too so like we should start working towards getting rid of those nah let's go ahead and swap over don't page the money I mean it's fine you guys can go for it I say no room all right ten ten ten ten ten turn hey I called such a low budget we couldn't even afford to like have actual music John what what [ __ ] is this wait what show am i apparently jig standard of entertainment is just so hot afraid just mission afraid to do the song expects daily Dilbert comics to be hilarious he expects me to have background music for the war room to room doctor food fudge ohms thank you for subscribing anyway why do we want to get rid of for the 17:50 gold I wanna okay so I'm gonna see my case so we can stop getting the journal pages once we collect all nine is that correct yeah yeah after we get all the journal pages we're done with them they don't show up it yes so that means that's like I'm not done singing my case what's done with all nine journal pages instead that loop pooled number is gonna be filled to somebody or with something else so we're gonna get like money or gems or accessories instead or journal pages so let's just get it out of the way or we could just get the money as opposed to the money later we don't really need that much money at the moment um we're pretty I want to I want them done I'm on Craven side on this I I want the journal page so we take the thing that has no value or the thing that chucks I'm not major guy we lose I don't know 17 typical 7 boomer logic yeah yeah yeah yeah jeez I'm so unsure piece of paper or 1700 old Oh so I start a Roth IRA or come on should I renew and should I invest in renewable energy or Shine's Joe for oil over and over well every day's yeah all right so say nobody yeah should I come up with on your screen name because I hate my current one no there's nothing to do with what weird so right now SAR are we three to one in favor of ditching the onyx for the gold yes of the journal page okay there we go yes take stupid I really I really genuinely hope there's gonna be a month just needed a thousand gold and we also don't have it we got the a wouldn't know what happened we got twenty one thousand we cleaned the [ __ ] all and we could have had 22,000 gold that is gold paper that is tuefel straight white male America hysterical blindness just say no that's fine I've never seen that deceased before was it was I give my story Garbo okay so we got to fix that right idle grave-robbers game one resolved level so I think we're just working away no she didn't she was ashamed oh she was an idle no if you close it it mate like no maybe no nope nope okay let's uh let's talk knows your politics lightly am i popping yeah terrible - yeah just connect the microphone and leave and so we got 50,000 gold great let's check the stagecoach so we have a couple new classes here but they're level zero we have the revenant level zero this is terrifying it looks pretty crazy I want it sees like sono level zero is what we've decided right okay it looks like Oh siphon life he'll 5% max HP huh so what twentieth of his max HP and also blights it bites everybody it killed its everybody you can only use it when you're under 33% okay so it's like a flatulent type of thing you know she's per battle to immortality it gives you blocks protection and a party protection that's wild that is crazy blood fury activates reposts and marks himself yeah and it also does a bleed yeah this all sounds really great if you know we find one that's a level three of this I know I just wanted I just wanted to look at what he does that's all I'm just I'm just being a dick it's fine it's like this far it's clearly we've also got the Enigma which this looks like a sin Oh class if I've ever seen one [Laughter] it looks like a sin a bite from Hellraiser or something he's got like robes and [ __ ] it looks like he does electricity stuff mystic bolt it's a stun armor-piercing stun does even missed a gun from Guild Wars plus 50% damage versus stealth look at that yeah unusual Janus it's a small heal and an accuracy buff somebody Dynamis he also has a five percent damage buff Wow it also has a chance to buff himself by 80 percent damage Jesus [ __ ] excuse excuse excuse me Wow so that's pretty cool we'll definitely keep this in mind if we see them at level three yeah do we want to increase the stagecoach Network again yes yes okay sure what's up to you it's like yeah okay so to bus for there and then okay so next time we'll have even we'll have even more heroes neato cool beans let's let's check out the Nomad wagon radical oh wow these are not that this is garbage jazz boy 97 thanks for subbing how about buildings can be build more buildings I doubt it and some just take gold just straight up right um I think maybe a couple do most oh yeah we have the sinking vinter vintners I forgot about that we're getting two balls of the blood every week yeah let's see I think most of them require heirlooms all come require heirlooms and a lot of them so I think they're probably easily we should start saving up for let's see the Red Hook does nothing I know that the bank gives five percent interest on saved gold cartographers camp more portraits hard to find or the easy to find parts are the hardest one to find okay so 55 is like quite a bit yeah okay torch light is more beneficial okay that sounds that doesn't really sound worth 300 crushed so some food is granted for free each week so I guess when we go into a dungeon it'll already provision some food for us that's right puppet theater Idol stress relief in town increases by 10 per week is I mean like if you don't go into like a bar you can still yeah yeah that actually could be helpful that's actually gonna useful yeah and then the rest of these are like class specific I I'd say saving up if we can for that stress relief one would be nice I'm on the same page with that Paul sometimes the pointy with the buildings yeah they're not that great they're not it's important there's a lot of people first thing yeah you seem like great Bob right you invest in it the Jeff someone's the easiest one to get it's only forty crests and five hundred cold well I'll be really nice for Sue no or me I've got one too yours is like the Allah grant does that mean is that a permanent like twenty percent damage boost for that skilled huh yeah yeah it's actually super worth it just have that available yeah all right I think we should save up for that because that seems pretty nice well as a grave-robber on the ancestors memoirs somebody killed a grave robber Oh Robert spoon oh maybe they'll maybe they'll get one resolved level next time yeah okay nobody's really stressed so let's just let's go I'll take a bit I'll take Becky again been pretty easy so far well you guys want to do another boss we got the fulminating prophet Oh Becky just a dazzling mirror oh it's just verses bloodsuckers that's actually kind of nice though I mean I'd take it yeah I mean yeah I mean yeah yeah everything I'm gonna look at other veteran dungeons there's this leper mask which I think we already have once they really have I think it's a little bit risky though yeah that's a long veteran dungeon hmm I mean we could do a we could do a long veteran dungeon I think we'd stolen would we we'd still only have one camp opportunity though right be up to with long you have to in that case yeah you get two firewood um which now stacks which is good yeah I'm just looking oh that's that position for man-at-arms trinket that's weird basically it's it's designed for you to be back there and just bodyguard people I could make us some money know all about the money aren't you Jake I mean are we gonna use are we gonna use like a back man-at-arms that is a nice drink it that is a nice trinket that's fine it's a short dungeon that's a short yourself I'm cool that I I do that that's a good trinket that's a champion level dungeon those we're going to go in with our Tuffy's is short oh goes Kampai okay gonna just get them oh no that's fine anyway I know where you wanted him to okay that's where I like to live Wow want me to do the vestal here I think I'll go I'll go crusader and yeah you could go Vestal okay so know what you doing so now um Wow am i doing what are you doing I mean I'd be fine going as beckii again I feel like we need some more kinky characters yeah I've got a stress he'll my crusader so tanky I can cure blight and all that shite you know which gets quite nasty yeah high levels doesn't it yeah yeah maybe I could take the disorienting blast apart from instead of incision for anybody who can't see how much money we have 50 grand right now 50 grand him Modi Mellark Morgan thank you for the tip that was in gold thanks guys this series has been great this is mudlark Morgan thank you you're welcome how'd you enjoy it can I just yeah we all know what Kate who carries it yeah you can go ahead and get disorienting blast if you want it's the one that's unlock or locked that one or or blindly gasps sorry it's what I was thinking gasps probably looks like it's gonna be quite nice it's a double stun I really like bright yeah max all your [ __ ] see people probably just who's your character you'd be all about it yeah okay drink then oh yeah max out your healing please yeah yeah hey max everything like four characters are level six next mouth I'm not against it um yeah max now you sure yeah it'll be like [ __ ] mudlark Morgan thank you for the $15 tip oh I think they tipped all of us maybe maybe they're making the redness maybe they're making the round very much okay so yeah okay fine I'll just max out them yeah we've gotta move or [ __ ] reach really 25 inch and you oh [ __ ] yeah well let's get you okay you max out Becky's fine yeah that's Jake hold on Becky yeah she's she's Maxim Becky's Becky's stacked goddamn and she came from the wagon um so say what do I have yeah I'm gonna get these yes carry paper I'd mix that out too yeah cool I think we're running out of money actually I'll just leave it I'll do the stress he'll and then we're good hey guess what we spent all the money so no all right let's go we've 8000 we'll be fine um okay I'm going to use the brawler's clubs except for the part where it's wasteful I'm sorry you just want to hold on to the gold [ __ ] sighs I didn't in this good for you oh no no that was for those for me no I couldn't I can use it to because I've got a stress he'll okay that's yours Craven I built my crusader as a healer oh yeah hey yeah I could actually do that then I do I do twelve stress heal every I mean we got brawler's gloves for damage I feel like that's fine I think it's fine yeah and we're gonna need some stress heal for a champion so yeah okay oh there you go Craven all right where's my eye patch why all the concern I've seen nothing horrific what let me sort that how do we sort this you can sort by rarity you can sort by character class which is the eye at the top I think yeah so there you go glory days which I wish we had the second part of that I know good one day yeah that's really good but what that would it kind of sucks yeah the repose it's still it's still pretty good but I mean I'm not building my character that way yet mudlark Morgan thank you very much for the $15 what kind of tips all around who were refighting on this next round unholy mostly unholy and human I think see you Taylor what time do you call this I think we've got an unholy rear you mean I could be wrong do you have an unholy ring Taylor thank you very much for the gift on this I might take this under late tomorrow oh you're gonna play dead cells yes yes you're like a twitchy reaction based game today but I hope you like goodness son ring cool alright I really want us to get blasphemous charm for you because that's such it's so good for the plague doctor yeah it like makes him but I guess you can go light amulet for now until we get it I wish read the blasphemous trinket that would increase your stomach forty percent I think Taylor watching their forbidden word is that anime it's sad to move I can just tell ya okay I'm good I think I'm good okay and then Jake I'll tell you what all right so we still have that attack nope you know and this is exactly why I just wanted to get that over there and you know let's get this one all right good that was all John by the way it wasn't me well I think you kind of lost my privileges a little trinket I get a round of applause for Jake for picking the right choices that was great good job great job Jake terrific you're getting an applause for everyone so typical straight white male can we get some lawn gnomes because there are some like potential horror things I think oh wait maybe I'm wrong dreams do we need the horror ah well you guys think should we bring some laudanum just in case like maybe two more mark three it's go for actually you just want for each of us it makes sense yeah yeah sure that's why and then anything else this is short one so maybe some bandages just in case we got bad bleed yeah it's a good that's a good point yeah dudes they kind of randomly stock it really quickly yeah cool yeah especially the on champion last time we did a champion level dungeon didn't we like get our asses handed to us and have to leave like after two battles yeah we were also I believe we were also slightly under leveled we had a couple level threes that's right yeah yeah that's right so we got too cocky yeah I think we'll be okay with this team though we have stress heal we have healing we Morgan a paper the most valuable thing in the game we're getting get out of the way fantastic so hey it's valuable people who like Lorde that's great hey how much you've read something jad it make you breathe I know you're nervous people like my latest let's play okay this guy [ __ ] sucks he can revive dead party members we need to destroy him like we need and he gives them all above of 25% damage while he's out we do like kick his ass yeah you know so like buffs them further while he's out so yep damage yep 45% so don't ever be oh yeah I could probably do it then if I get hit them great yeah it's like a whole new game we need to focus on killing him I feel like at the moment I can't reach him something yeah that's right he can yeah the only one that we can reach him with is sin oh and I feel like you should just bomb every turn and maybe we can hold out that's why I made that email back in the day I'm gonna for a while I'm gonna see if I can take damage to bottom so you said just about 40 outfits that oh there's there's that that made it now there's there's eight different outfits it looks like so 9 yeah they went from 4 to 9 so there's 5 new ones for the Navy and the purple one yeah one that looks cool a little silver as well on the trim dodged it God [ __ ] oh my god those are huge we're gonna need Jake to heal up Thank You Taylor god bless mr. Carvin d leave do you say was leaving god damn it alright I'll go for them not again not again I'm here hi ru how are ya you're ready did retribution should I move him oh they don't work hey you missed one idiot sure did Wow sure did yeah big hit there big France oh one we need to kill him so bad we need to kill something like it's a bucket ahead that's kind of cute oh sorry that's not my track yeah Oh in the other eye on the flag moves that's really that's really cool that's a nice touch put your plague bombs in my face hole unholy rally here we go and brawn back this guy's [ __ ] cool I like him Hey oh he sucks the fight but I kinda like him 1212 flight that's good yeah so he's dead right basically I mean I mean yeah we another round or two we should try not to kill anything I know it sounds weird just keep keep their helpful well maybe we should maybe we should kill them cuz he can bring him back but they'll lose their buff temporary yeah retribution I can't do my retribution thing on the ghost ones though yeah so okay so we don't want to kill those two guys so just try to attack him I guess or do you want me to keel on you guys Heelys please well you said you wanted to kill him as soon as possible so yeah but not you alright fine apparently I'm not applicable when you say guys got it yeah okay that's fine I'm not a part of guys and totally got it yep great yeah so he's against you Jaden yeah no it's fantastic hair yeah saying hey I've been doing you know I've been doing great mmm shadows company another dollar or no should I do black if I did scary paper I this guy would die but you can pass get more a little bit more stress well I get you strike no oh no never pass this is like family if you'd never pass I think I might yourself again I think I might no I can't oh you can't I'm already marked I gotta wait till it's done I guess I mean he's already gonna revive that one guy so just do it [ __ ] it and just do what well oh he brought back that guy great why are you gonna do this take a ticket with it next turn next turn he'll die this freakin thing I hate this guy I want that I know can we get that high-flying trinket oh you're gonna crush him yeah they lost that off oh thank god I'm like his helmet and I like the fact he's a cyclops that's really cute I hate him really cute stop being nice to him he's a douche yeah no douche he's a [ __ ] him he's a dick and I hate him but man he's a great design I like him the crowd quakes his corpse is blighted what do I do anymore I was a good decision also Jake I appreciate the AoE heals that's pretty nice thanks welcome thanks Jake for doing it you're supposed to do you know what I want this buff though it might not be a buff is okay if I take a look it up yeah do it let's do it see what happens oh hey guy oh good for you sure yeah - 20% stress go I'm so happy for you a place where you're light in that bad though a little bit like gave me something yeah it was it was only I could remember with my brain I think weary of light I must say too lazy to look it up I think gave buffer torch light yeah oh no oh champion level maggots guys their bulbous Magus these croissants are attacking me evil pigs in a blanket Oh No deadliest breakfast quite a lot of em protection right today no not really they're squishy as [ __ ] what's the catch here do they explode Thank You Jake wait us and stuff can they can they turn end stuff I can't really do but they're squishy they die presses thud oh yeah they did a quick as far as [ __ ] what imaginable was like super critical crit 30 yeah he nibbled your jugular he's bleed out you have 5 HP so you die oh it's still rubbish but in a different color yeah these pants what maggots are exactly even yeah you don't even get anything for them does anyone want to read I do I got a train my one good eye who you got lurker which is plus 10% damage if torch blow 26 their place ruins scout ruins yeah or whatever some good thing for ruins watch out Jake goddamn it Oh Jake Wow oh yeah this guy evil myself this guy really sucks I'm gonna move in my turn I think oh how about I make you quicker yeah buff me yeah buff Jake yeah there you go Smith I didn't even think about the fact that would like healing easier I just wanted to be buffed no uh I don't want to be buff sometimes Jake yeah that that's good and I'll just keep me in the front at school yeah well he's marking himself I'm working fine no it's fine stress oh geez stressful incantation yes oh god no this is [ __ ] great whoops oh this is perfect oh ok back your whiner just get out of there I'll move in front of you and then all will be right with the world ok not quite I'm supposed to be in the far behind yeah all right well that's where you're gonna be your insufferable shut up I'm gonna do [ __ ] oh yeah once you kill yourself and it begins again we got 14 seer almost back come on pull me 24 stress that's that's ridiculous okay I'm gonna stress kill you cry pretty good when you get to go again cuz you're speed is up double tap oh [ __ ] Wow it's for health that's that's like I'm five heal right there that's not bad oh cool now I don't have to you perfect oh my god of course I get [ __ ] yeah but we got why this is why but we've got it just my luck there we'll use it wow what a waste right well then what a waste of humans knowing you you'd probably be like I refuse to use it I didn't agree on a horse oh no oh my god you've got 92 um I'm gonna try to keep you from just so hard you get like slamming turn no correct mmm [ __ ] it just let me die yeah you're not gonna die it it's fine Oh Jake you're just like that one kid that's not like in the group but nobody knows why are your parents rich Oh No yeah nothing we could do about that I mean we could have tried to kill her but let's go let's go oh my god do we all get and she's dead yeah no focus if she's focused she'll like do stress heals every now and then so that's great I got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night party party party party party I hate that [ __ ] song like because song has ever been so transparently manufactured for the public as that song like she doesn't eight yeah I don't know that comic that you really like I am suddenly so tired I have to leave yeah at the time I don't want to hear that guys I have a feeling tonight's gonna be a good night tonight's gonna be a good good night hey John what are you doing tonight I ate plane darkest dungeon with my crew with your crew Lulu yeah get it started yeah that's the that's what the lyrics were yep [ __ ] dying oh my god die please please kill her she keeps stressing she's gonna get Jake back to a hundred yeah oh thank god for a change something good happens to me oh my god you sound like a teenager you sound like a solid your teenage dirtbag baby [Laughter] I was looking like some titles like reefer John pick up on yours like you're a dick there [ __ ] yeah shut the [ __ ] up nobody wants to hear you talk cut my life into pieces this is my last resort suffocation no breathing is that what the teens are listening to you today John that's what that's what you're listening to Oh got them [ __ ] yeah even with nothing bad happens to you still complain even when you get focused one of the like that is the best and as saddest to get when you get a hundred cuz you basically can't die of a heart attack now yeah well you know I also got like 70 stress right now so you know like perspective John no because you guys know stress and you know you've got stress ceiling you I stress field like three extra me on I think I think you need to look at it from a person's perspective ok empathy no you're right I I won't stress Hill you anymore how about that that's fine that's fine because you know what John you needs that you need to focus on myself so eat if you're ready to focus on other people and recognize it's not always about you Jim yeah though Jake cut out right before he finished the word John I thought John cut him off [Laughter] did you drop me from the call no all right everybody went quiet from in there it's like visit me did I get dropped for the call I can't realize we're in a fight let's what let's work through Jake's logic though he says I need to not be so selfish and not think about myself right after I got done telling him I stress healed the but you should have some empathy John what's the girl's healing you what do you think about other people what are you feeling you I'm all I'm saying it's John you know you need to stop complaining about others who are having a hard time oh now you [ __ ] yeah I've changes we've never seen John you should try being deserving of empathy Wow also I am getting my ass kicked but you are and you kinda need some healing but I'm exhausted like a [ __ ] though yeah that's good some of that empathy and heal Craven or just let me bleed it out it's fine I just don't know Z that's how you do it John right there okay having fun full time whatever just die I should have buff on you guys let's just guys so hey everybody what's your new year's resolution hey thanks for the bus Jake he gave me a buff what's the buff yeah the buff what's your alpha I want to see the buff what do you got me here I'm Piper no no no I pressed the [ __ ] the party heal did somebody else like click when I was on it or a button that know I had the [ __ ] say no no no no my hands been off the entire time heal I know I clicked party human design [ __ ] the game is bugged I said somebody hovered when I try to click it that's one that's good ok turn it up let's get get to let's turn it you know what John you know what John clearly you don't want me to heal you so I won't heal you that's a soft no that's fine you need to heal Craven anyway so that's fine please heal crepe no wear heels that's fine I won't stress to you we just won't heal each other a little bit fine you already said you weren't gonna do that cuz you have no empathy so it's fine no it's it's just it's clearly it's John I'm sorry Alcoholics Anonymous here we're not talking through [ __ ] marital problems wait are we not is that not what this is feels like I'm a [ __ ] purgatory Oh No Wow way to go Wow Wow ah Castle my [ __ ] I'm gonna as soon as I can this is a great mod I'm I'm glad this mud got installed it's good it is fun I do like it I like mimics having a good time keep talking yes cool morning they're so focused Jake yeah that's right that Chris dodge dodge dodge yeah all right it might be worth using command cuz it hits everyone right yeah my ex director saying crit yeah once what command what are your abilities commander yeah as let's do that I just looked it how rude who should I use done everybody oh yeah let's see if trying to dodge now idiot okay [ __ ] seem to try and dodge my hey Mexico home plays me if my turn comes up now oh yeah so I I will need that oh I guess so because I can use it there we go thanks P flare they say that's pretty neat oh good it is pretty neat I think it's swell I think it's pretty neat too I guess I'll just crush all right crush them boom nothing got ears to look just the one - that never happens never losing has heated oh no ooh isn't it ironic because I think I know budding day it's like a black fly and your surname Wow and who would have thought mr. plate safe was afraid to fly there's whole damn life to take that right the plane crash down you die what is it this not is this nice I like her I like her dude on a plane going down boys she's like blue this is this nice that's my favorite oh my family's gonna be alone I'm about to die well like her tone of voice changes what is this that's the [ __ ] out of them crush crush can somebody clear that please me and John just sing like an entire I want to hear that please please die mimic Noah you know they just we're gonna sing a verse of millennial music Jake peppercorn thanks for the subscription I do Molly I do mom I do Molly Molly Molly my work no work what work do this damn Wow nice one Wow good like cake oh good job what that horror do you want use a lot in them Craven [ __ ] it's like um yeah let's go ahead where as well by the way I can turn the mimics off at any time like for next week we could just turn it off if we want to kind of give us they give us stuff or is it just an annoyance I don't know I think I think they give us one Bible aside it just feels like it's a little too frequent theme off I'm into like a little mini boss mmm I feel like it should be like lesbian though what should I do I think you should get the black materia from them I guess some of me your mmm I could really use a heal good night yeah dun dun dun what'd you guys think on two once you hit it oh sure yeah oh yeah you are damned oh damn oh ah yup mm-hmm I'm fine okay let's get your fine goodbye sorry I'll heal you John thanks mo appreciate it it's the thought that counts right yeah I think this might be it oh why did I repost that why did you not that was weird hmm for [ __ ] sake as like what HP just died watch this be a Miss there or something please mr. Gregory life has no intrinsic merit unless an ordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue of Jesus Christ somebody if I can read the dictionary yeah so basically I went to college bigger monsters mean they bleed more right is that that's what he's saying yeah so we need these crests slop it up for the Onyx paper maybe the paper no on it yeah angry angry by my onyx yeah oh we can go oh let's look at the map really quick let's go there's no leave those in the room battle but it completed the quest for us that's weird oh yeah bear was the mine yeah I think that was a sight because like if if as a vessel you use this one with the other one there's that's an extra 10% healing that we get that's pretty good or the true origins charm we got diseases oh my god disease the black an actual black plague yeah me it I'm so dead let's get let's get that out of there shriek errs prize hello the shrinker hey did weird level up did she did she did she did she did she works that's oh that's all cravin gets a level six tetanus and it's just a rash plague let's see who's at the stagecoach there's a level to scourge there's a level toolkit falconer yeah as a falconer oh my god it's pretty cool got a burger so it's got like a like dick McGuirk except with the bird yeah yeah basically this is the highest rated class mod just by the way maybe do you want it - no - I still get big the other guy the other guy saw before that was - a little level oh yeah sure if he pumps up again as the one I mean there's there's eight classes so it's enough for its states to take - oh yeah the Seraph this is another new one so I gotta play with this one a little bit basically they're very good at marking things and then getting a ton of damage off the mark but then they consume the mark so like vindicate this 75% damage versus mark but then it takes it away yeah yeah so that's kind of they're not that interesting like they have a bodyguard you know yeah like they're okay okay the [ __ ] owners got a cute I like that pretty cool what do you want to name it grassland Captain Falcon okay I'm not proud of it very literal I like it this is also the seer right here so this is the one that we have the trinket for already I love the icon for this wait what the [ __ ] little like hand good that's amazing no hang on Plus 1,000% damage against bleeding blader stunned bypasses guard and stealth has armor piercing what the [ __ ] Wayne giant you don't let you downloaded Saitama well no wait hang on a second major the damage what is maintenance eighty percent so we just bring this level zero into like all master or [ __ ] champion level dungeons that's really I think maybe it's supposed to be like a useless ability that gets really good only if they're dying that's that's really weird why is that they can use it anyway really that seems really broken yeah I'm just surprised this isn't the one hmm this isn't the same guy who made like the ones that we've been using the Lamia and the Falconer we just that just that seems crazy yeah it's cuz the damage mode is menu same percent yeah I know but but then it's but then it's 10 times oh okay I get it okay so it's actually Isis that's weird though okay so I guess they're like some sort of like ghostly kind of I don't really know I don't know this one by Kraven bye-bye it's got buff okay well we'll check it out when we've got a higher level one I guess there's also not Sierra I'm a bit iffy about little I love all to scourge though I might want to take this one yeah looks like a Dark Knight from World of Warcraft straight up almost Jake you want to take this one there's a lot of blight stuff so is he like a whole lot so these most most of you no okay just the one does hmm who does a lot of ranged abilities juror just know it's just the one seems like he's frontline he just doesn't like a ton of blight damage yeah and it seems like he has a lot of multi hit as well I mean yeah I'll take him but I mean I'm also not gonna complain a few so this one he actually has a heel with cure yeah that's pretty cool this is pretty cool but you get it okay so you could dodge and blight skill chance debuff is this the Dark Knight looking dude there's Forge do you so you want to Jake yeah I'll take them we've got rosters room so we can just take these guys we won't call him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah there you go there we go yeah cool you should combine it in one word make it look fancy like oh [ __ ] okay she's it's a family show can we say oh snap wow look at look at the plethora of trinkets we have available at Sonoma waggon [ __ ] there's actually a mod that's like there's actually a mind that like straight-up is just like make the Nomad wagon not suck increases like the rarity of the trinkets in them so Jon I have a legit question not like trying to criticize anything but like so you say a plethora instead of plethora okay is that correct I don't know it's like a youtube comment it's just just that it you just said plethora I usually say plethora it's just emphasizing a different syllable yeah difference level yeah emphasis on the different salon I'm just curious where that came from like where did it came because I read it before I heard it as words mouths words that I mispronounced I read them before I hear them so no I'm the exact same white just I don't know yeah anyways I just want to hmm it's just interesting how you're different I see is that what you're saying levels are different all right Jake's coming on what is himself legit just curious it was fascinating to me I'm sorry I just want to ask fascinating I think it's fascinating so we do have a Shrieker but I don't think we can it doesn't say we can get what the hell is this thing Multi tail feathers yeah no thanks we don't have to do the Shrieker I don't think although I think I think it can steal trinkets if we don't go to it oh I don't know I'm not too fussed about it personally I like a large ring is we got afford to lose a couple in my opinion yeah time right yeah what else can we do we can go take down this fulminating profit boss I think shiny it's a tough ring we already have one and we literally never use it well I won't know yeah Jake wants another one so let's do it but seriously I'd be down for killing a profit it'd be a good way to end the stream good good ending okay good to me okay was it very bracelet when I have that one is that just rate up 20% damage what the [ __ ] yeah so ancestral trinkets come from long champion level dungeons and they're tough to get add to query in candle plus 50% I know but look at that look at how Opie this thing is plus 50% healing skills plus 25% max HP that is [ __ ] that's a huge buff fest candle ever yeah nothing ooh Falconer hood oh and that's kind of cute I like that we have done the cove in a while it's only level 3 look ruins is level 6 we all dis level 5 oh we do not want to code the darkest I like my eyes just glazed over let's this one yeah I agree yeah yeah I'm cool that one that's fine yeah by all means I really like Becky what is the Terran event gentle tight I don't know what that is yeah I don't know do you want to have to find out you won't play the Falconer I always level 2 and this is every dungeon but yeah I'm sorry I'm good yeah or well you know guy and then it's not a big deal cuz it streams over wow if Becky dies I quit Becky didn't exist before two hours ago she means a lot to me okay Becky speaks me oh my god Becky look at her butt Becca Becca um let's see I will shoot y'all mm-hmm that's that's Jake's character wait which one oh [ __ ] ja I will tell you doing to level twos wouldn't be a good oh I want to take bail in there oh you know although how's Belle doing she's good she's probably resting no you know it's very difficult I mean I could I could play jester I could play jester and then I'll go in slot to yeah I look at my abilities Wow I have to don't usually jump around a lot no you can jump just with one yeah I have like I like a Normie build with this right now where I basically just stress heal and harvest okay so I can mark a target and get myself insane dodged by the way yeah I could I could mark myself oh you you mark yourself I recommend herself and that's why it's thirty dodge so that's that's pretty cool actually I say rock guitar get Taylor your joke your little joke baby laughs I like that mm-hmm Becky must die Becky must die yeah Becky I think it's like the least likely to die here she's level four she'll be fine like yeah I have quite nice um accuracy d-bus I like them a volley fire look at that yeah hits everybody who flurry shuffles yeah shuffles everybody about mmm I'm gonna keep these two because they mark though yeah okay a thief the number yeah yeah like that oh and this it's the claw yeah like it's ripping your eyeball oh [ __ ] that's what that means - it's the claw coming out your eyeball always reach it okay I'll charge a ticket thing yeah yeah it's so I'm in slot 4 yes I'm gonna get trinkets back yeah you could do sniper ring if that's what you're thinking powder let's do it snipping ring dipper ring snipper ring yeah I got reverence I [Music] just like carrying this head about I don't give a [ __ ] oh well I guess I'll be stress healing you what does that do it's plus 25% damage minus 10% it's just straight up damage but also you get stresses hey you also get stress the [ __ ] out but I'm on the team so it should be okay okay all right everybody it's gonna be fine I have a stress he'll guide guy I'm gonna go this one cuz yeah the transformation thing does help a lot and then what was the healing thing we had oh sure agents charm yeah where's uh might be down there it's to the right it's that sneaky one that one yeah okay all right okay okay guys let me let me let me take a look at my ability real quick I think I might go it's so finale I think I might go slice off here and just go like kind of boring yeah okay yeah yeah oh I'm assuming Jake's gonna take brawler's gloves let's see I could go die but I'm a dice okay go with God I could go with the dice that way that would be ideal actually so hey Jake are you gonna see Jake are you gonna take ultra slaves ring cuz that's for the cove or should I take I'll take it okay and then I'll take lucky dice all right okay that with that ring right next to it was pretty good too this yeah I'm gonna take the Sun ring ring all right cool let's do this word let's go so we got three pi Neil glands what oh okay so we got to take these pineal glands over to the protective wards I've never done this quest before it's weird tiny L glands is it inial is I'm pretty you should have seen how quickly the smile vanished from my face just now that mean back up its 3 min to snore it's okay I hope so cuz these guys they've got the coral stuff and I took a couple bandages because they have those swordfish that like to bleed bleed yeah alright listen this is good Wow well maybe you should [ __ ] speak up if you have a problem Jake no I'm you should [ __ ] speak up I said I said make assumptions it's fine uh-huh sorry for giving you approval John I apologize we go to the west y'all y'all I am so pretty I am so pretty you're a pre pre princess usually I always go for red but I always go for I always go for red as well yeah me too I almost like the green one cuz it can transmit of like green arrow Robin Hood come on switch my outfit Oh Oh what you like a caramel chocolate let's go the West shall we because there might be a part of it okay let's go it looks like a Chester as well look like McDonald's playpen oh yeah yeah Macy's 25.6 be trapped did we use the medicinal herb on here to get rid of it that's fine okay take a different color even though he has no feelings for colors or anything let's just assume that he likes this one okay stop stop stop stop stop stop okay John do you mind if people in chat know how many subs you haven't read you Riley keep that secret I don't care with 396 lost seven million or more yeah seven million for more to four hundred and then we'll just makes ten thousands of dollars a month oh my god yeah at pocalypse what's that Nani they didn't [ __ ] okay get over here get some leverage here say I'm sorry I'd love the falconer I just saw the idle animation like I'm a little birdie oh it's so cool hey [ __ ] what's up nice that's cool what terrible strength oh I can't do anything from here Wow oh no yeah I guess move back yeah cuz I have to kill myself I can't risk going the white mode I like that the Falcon flies the whole time yeah that's really neat yeah do I pee if I want see it go you want to see me like yeah let's see the Falcons it sick the Falcon on him it marks let's go hide the bird actually flies in that's really cool how [ __ ] dare use don't at me [ __ ] absolutely at me hope how come I can't oh I can only do those from 3 oh [ __ ] I can only heal from this one ah well you're much more valuable at that than me so I'm just gonna be DPS jester for now which is gonna be really weird but that's fine forget a muster boy no clonic don't call me Dad oh I'm not mustered I holy [ __ ] 35 damage he's marked so I'm gonna kill myself say yeah me I'm great what am i slicing off exactly it's cuz it says slice off success scales some sashimi look at the way she holds the Falcon when she walks just so oh it's cool I can see why that's one of the is it the highest rated one use it it's the it's the most popular one sorry yeah the birds like like ruffles feathers sometimes as they walk yeah I could think of a few improvements this was bad only runs at 53 FPS thinking logically about it it's not that good about using emotions like you trouble the dates holy [ __ ] prophetic holy [ __ ] it's a lot stress that is a lot of stress I don't like that I think it's so great absolutely mark by Mark it'll be good for you Jake yeah I like biting on the first two so we could maybe just take one in the night cuz they do a lot of damage they do they do a lot of damage before the ice got Kolb's kill the [ __ ] out of the first one good oh you should feel like this is what the Our Blessed Kanto should have yeah oh yeah I know right you get stressed to yourself right oh no you guys try to steal someone else and it also stress heals you okay okay yeah I was seeing they're like what the [ __ ] I was like not either four seven on you okay oh my god stress is crazy on this dressing Oh Donnie the [ __ ] something's gonna die so here we go the to stressors left sadly backline needs to die yeah come hither come hither you [ __ ] come here the vine [ __ ] [ __ ] berry fin right what am i doing this guy's going to take I think there's a help yes it did no he's gonna die he's gonna die no she's nine oh god oh yes mention pay attention it's what I said Oh brain with her back that's not what I said I said it's fine Jake you're not being a very rational listen John not no it's perfect I know that's what I said ah it was [ __ ] stupid talk about people not paying attention thing you don't pay attention John you know you like you're a hypocrite or something I can go back and watch John's mind right now he's already editing oh my god give it a rest holy [ __ ] guys suck seam is good uh thank you another wonderful heal by me mmm yeah you just want to move one spot so I can kill him next okay okay go for the eyes there we go all right yeah more of a demented chicken and all oh my god was this my box oh my god I'm talking about obviously we're talking about the crescendo box look really early to camp but not yet we can't do such an early camper always early you guys always know whatever you guys won't wait till bird is displeased with you stress I'm fine fine fine that's fine let's let's see let's that's it's 3:52 am finishing the [ __ ] stones Craven wow I don't know it's so early alright fine you know I don't care I just like going to bed at named Therma boss respect me if we don't have a boss and that's fine but like we also still have a lot more rooms to go I suppose why don't we start getting over a hundred and people freaked out it like snowballs really bad it does yeah yeah they're on the verge right now so it's like you know yeah alright let's go in here yeah my home is like hafiz right no it's East always faces food so we can always feast all right let's see what the falconers things are Wow prevent nighttime ambush cool and this is scouting that's a really good one do we want to go ahead and take that like I would do that immediately yeah cuz they rent nighttime ambush as always for it just helps a lot yeah and no you ills find those food Thanks then I have a a Oh ease stress heal right yes soothing presence which I would like to do that one okay and then I think it's a calling song we got four points last let me see sick can add here and all these people talk about I can also do this pop laughs and was gone say it out I can also do minus fifteen stressed all companions and another stress buff you could sing as every rose has its thorn I could do turn back time to but that would use up all of our respite points you guys think I think every Rose is good I think so too they basically take like no stress damage for and being great okay oh thank god all my trust is gone hmm I could just feel the years just pouring off of me they pour off stressed again your question yeah Jake stressing me out alright north or east I was thinking east we can just take out the east rooms and then go up north for the yeah make it a scouting chance before then so we can see what's going on so let's go east that's north do it okay let's go oh my god hey you never seen this guy no crab asaurus rex he's great does he bleed it does play wow it does really we can't believe it oh he's weak tip light huh I can really only attack him hey crit I'm for seven hey he's bleeding just like that's 20 damage actually that's pretty good now I will say so what he does he has this move called arterial pinch and it does like it doesn't do much damage but it gives you a really nasty bleed like a really bad one so we have bandages oh we should be fine back at first I would say we should protect him right yeah well it's not a high protect he has to our shake I really member oh you know what Jake ages him you're marking them so you hate white right good in throw my veil down I should keep my ceiling yeah I would say get us down as far as you can well we do this instead just all right smack them yeah that's beer you know sorry no I'm me ha ha that's fine I tried the least useful member of the party right now cool motor slam out fun Oh what oh no that's all bad hmm but I what a shocker Oh what again again cuz can I even happen apparently what did we do with Craven I mean considering two of the party members are stunned we can we need to do damage so like doesn't stress everyone out yeah no you're right we shall just dives that yeah we're all gonna die look at all the low HP on the board no we're on danger of dying yeah I'll just skip two turns and let Craven just heal seven stress again I think we should just pass that's a bad it's all F for that all you ever have are bad ideas John now far have you gotten in this game Jake I didn't say I got very far I'm just saying that he's won I didn't have a lot of bad ideas here is all you know aim past a turn and gain stress man you're just complaining about stress the two seconds ago that's a bad idea in my opinion and also contradictory he wasn't a real idea Jake was it okay I was mocking the bad do you say that now you say that you say that now I think it was a parent semester people who are watching I can feel myself aging all right Craven so as you can see things kind of went to [ __ ] as soon as you left so stop leaving first of all you want to transform here because it's basically that or you shuffle around and puts in about position or you move to the front like there's just I feel like what do ya okay I don't know I'm roll the dice here we go do it oh oh she's throwing them ever done we take less stress damage from the horror I think so sled their slave nursing yeah do that oh yes yeah cuz that that snail thing is gonna which it was not born I really want to tie something in chat but I can't is it naughty the [ __ ] I was gonna say sorry I'm still recovering from my food poisoning no creature can outmatch me thanks Eden for Risa being rating mildly [ __ ] news that's a long time oh my god leave me alone haha I should untransformed this round though right yeah I would say so yeah so now I can start healing and stuff again yeah cuz we we need it it's kind of cool that you still get a turn after you D transform yeah it's cool do me well the abominations like that too right yeah I think so yes it is nice cool that's good no no stuns yeah yeah you give some resistors up I'm gonna move back I know put cinnamon front but Elsa moves Jacob yeah I'm the crab guys marks I'd like to hit him hard oh you still have two boobs you can do up there oh yeah cool I'm so chanted use the spinal it's a terrible idea which one it's this one but it makes everybody shuffle around so for your eyes yeah I don't even know if you have eyes did you just stole them yeah oh yeah you could you could kill it I mean like yeah awesome perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect yeah now we just need some heels I think so what score do yeah yeah okay great thank you thanks for handling the stress a lot man yeah we I think we've got the stress in a pretty good spot now Joe meet your waist time for healing yeah sure I I'll kill him in one hit so shuffle shuffle now come on next the cars yeah cool yeah do not do is that the highest crit we've seen so that's so it really mattered fantastic what that oh thank you hey thank you salty gouge brow again no talking get it there we go inspiration and improvement yes there we go okay cool that's a good thing okay I used I hade I three papers of Andrew gold where do I put that should we get rid of them the herbs no or use the torch get rid of a torch yeah yeah I think we do that okay let's do that so guys how many papers is this now I know only crown this is a huge ass dungeon by the way yeah this is really a big dungeon we're going away past ten and we are now shovel so I'm going to sleep oh okay what do we what do we do we'll be on what a major I'm panicking panicking well we can't get rid of the journal pages no we're keeping those yeah so by bionics right so you were kidding Craven hey I thought you were being serious you're like I'm going to bed right now I should pull out sometime bye oh my god are you freaking oh my god or Never we got don't just you got gonna go in forever we got buffed up Jesus Christ this is gonna go 377 tea I would if you're gonna stun anyone definitely stuck got this dude right here he's got 30 stun resist and he does DPS yikes Barry's girlfriend wolf I watched that last weekend actually oh nice still holds up it's still really good movie I'm alone yeah I I think it's pretty good I was to another John Hughes film I think damn so would be pulling him affect his ability to attack at all all right they seem to be able to attack from any position okay I'll just hit them and then wait for like sento or myself to mark them next time or something hey crit that's that's a good hit story works brass 'iv all right yeah that's good oh [ __ ] Oh naughty light [ __ ] oh that's the Nate damnably but we we do have three bandages for this exact purpose so we're fine we're fine we're fine look at his little mouth like mending him they can't wait to put my mandibles on you I can't wait to pry apart show flesh with my metal balls I have a proboscis let's get one a pro biscuit yeah that's it like it was he dead oh dude that one sorry that's got a lame eh oh you should use the bandage bun Darsh one of the band yes on dodgem Livia song for bondage oblivious I can't believe Sinnoh made a Harry Potter joke what the you're actually watching it last the flatmates they watch me Harry Potter - of course I did [ __ ] duh oh wow that's good Wow go for the eyes that's not holy [ __ ] leave me alone oh you resisted it though I resist your advances [ __ ] no yeah you deserve a treat yourself I treat yourself go gluten-free key thanks for subscribing that's great quality names the fat arm let's give them a little truffle shuffle yeah cool bird to do yeah come here idiot time for you to die yeah mr. caravan was a caravan listen up another thing I like the higher part maybe I'm just saying that I had an okay tip oh my god was this your first time watching chamber secrets I've seen the first four I think hmm this is without a repeat viewing yes that's a hot take but uh exotic or beats whatever where to find them whatever mm-hmm with Eddie Redmayne [ __ ] sucked it was bad fantastic beasts and where to find them or something like that I haven't seen it it's it's terrible I thought I was [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] suppose it any worse than any superhero movie no I thought it was I thought it was awful your social movie Stan I really am though I really am so my opinion there doesn't really matter to emeralds ooh how's that eye patch it's the same eye patch we usually have gab just raided us oh holy [ __ ] we always but this time we go hey everybody we're playing some some coop darkest dungeon a goob what were you playing a girl gamer gap good game gap goob I think it was a male game do you think can we take these emeralds please I refuse 900 gold it's worth more 1,500 could sack higher oh you could sack higher so okay stacking that bread okay yeah sure good but you know if we get any more paper the emeralds are gonzo by know obviously paper run oh my god great all that paper oh man fantastic stacking that bread stuck in that paper paper we could like well thanks for the read gab we could read we could read a book we can find a novel appreciate we could so okay we got to go over here I hate to move on from this thrilling topic but hey more paper if we get it and we gotta go this quest location so that we can use the our pineal gland oh my god again again don't wanna bring up old memes but yeah we don't want to bring up our old memes our our world Wow [Music] we need to just like aspire to kinder this is really ya know I I feel like I'm actually they're just yeah just get him out of here yeah we are the apex that's right apex predator yeah we just apex predator at them great great oh I'm pronouncing it properly did you hear that everybody pineal gland that is different you came oh yeah you guys I don't put a piteous a piteous gland the piteously the penis gland straight up penis yeah yes the penis gland I've got one myself a + con it'd be great if the British just had no idea the pineal gland existed and they were just like they'd just as soon everyone's mispronouncing penis yes the penis gland why's everyone call it the pineal gland I went to a house reproduce pineal and she said pineal or pineal Emma you can't just [ __ ] say both of them you gotta pick one video or plenty likes that person in the argument it's just like everything's right it's up to you Oh heal yourself oh man that's right that's right that's right yes I know what I'm doing now don't take Jake much damage these days like just generally we're a bit hard here bit tougher the sturdier yeah we are pretty tough aren't we I envy you there needs to be an ability when we can't wear the bird picture winds off it's like because you have that dog move or the dog like litter wins oh yeah like I don't know you know how like a snow white [ __ ] like whistle and the words would come in like so er close up and [ __ ] yeah like that with the crow phones anyway bye bye is your wound shut yeah cool hey protective ward I got a stanchion oh cool he's got one okay we got it cool look at that we gotta check out this one up north because it might have one oh we gotta check it out we got it we got it we got it check it check it out work it out there is one here holy [ __ ] hi Magic Man you imagine could you imagine I can only imagine do you remember retires we should use this to get food yeah we've got a lot of medicine orbs and we haven't seen any Coral oh yeah we're very familiar with like very mainstream rock radio in the early to mid-2000s dang I didn't do it we're rich okay we don't need this really this Ruby no just yeah how much does the Ruby worth 1250 these are but no these are 15 oh yeah hmm I'm good with this okay chicken with it I mean we could ditch the gold for the Ruby that's nothing cuz if we get another Ruby oh my god it'd be called the gambler that's me yeah let's just always take Jake is overruled let's gamble I love every possible way just always take the money no I use a torch oh oh okay okay you I mean we're used to burn we're used to selling for less because we asked Jake to be on the show so oh man yeah I region 'le we asked cry cry was a little bit busy it was like I'd love to guys I'd love to but then I killed them and then they didn't really have any other it's just me if you killed cry you would be hounded to death yeah you would you would I think it'd be fine you would face justice sir no I'd be fine the denizens of the Internet people will be like hey why'd you kill cry I'd be like they'd be like okay then you blow who's crying now and they black we're going we're gonna find you please I like this I love this fight oh journal page another days you gotta get it what we gotta get rid of bellever what are we getting rid of the ribs here are the herbs oh but we can get rid of negative quarks within a minute the bond dodges yeah the bandage is as well as I can I can heal bleed I can always true bye bye bandage yeah can you believe this the luck this is this could be oh my god buddy somebody contact Kotaku this could be a five page run guys run I don't wanna I don't want to get hit myself this could be a fight patron Oh what I'm [ __ ] up my god my firt can't take it okay oh my god guys five page run can't believe it and I can't get hang out okay just wow why are we collecting you idiot why are we collecting scientists believe you don't get it do you know if we don't explain it to you it's not worth explaining oh my god ow please heal me hey why don't you watch like a darkest dungeon playthrough okay and then come back go watch our other sixteen you're talking you're talking to a person chatting me right now yeah basically the same thing that watch parts one through sixteen on youtube I [ __ ] up decking oh my god you're right why aren't they stacking the stackable inventory is not as advertised stackable lies it's not as stackable as previously advertised this is Oh body guarded whatever hmm let's mix it up I thought it was it was the other way well this is fun I'm really worried about John Stehr mr. mustard mans HP is done really he was he was laughing just sound that was your fake laugh yeah I'll go again Becky Becky go again okay it was for yeah okay I wish I could hit him tbh good job [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] go for the eyes sorry I fief I should be seeing I see for now the lobbyists really was really good healer well he'll heal no matter what oh man money on your mind can't ever give them a player online player online [ __ ] you're still alive yeah Jesus just be dead nobody wants you just die oh my god yeah brilliant confluence of skill and purpose yeah I know he says that no matter what we do yeah gosh I already had lethal damage in that one Jake so you miss played there yeah that was a miss play Lyons entire chat eggsky birth was a Miss play that was a miss egghead miss play I can't yeah big bold against come play I'm confused cuz he was guarded or he was guarding the other one so it didn't matter yeah it was Oh 57 holy [ __ ] gosh gosh darn was that a Miss place you know miss play yeah you it wasn't dead so I love that we have these journal pages losing one of them or get ready to get rid of the emerald you're the emerald why the emerald [ __ ] in the routine we're sick into the [ __ ] pages I want the pages at this point you lie in it okay I want to stick with every page we get we make room for I just I would like to ditch I would like to make the case we should just the Ruby it's to the Emerald so cuz the emeralds are worth more now and they're more common so committing the bus in the Ruby but but if we stack if we stack the Ruby that'd be more though isn't that what your logic was that was the gamble that was a gamble but the gamble is called off down because we got a sure thing of three bus have a sure thing of 1700 gold before they cap it six on sex what's the point that's [ __ ] [ __ ] mod then its [Music] vitamins its items that didn't previously stack like for example this mod where let's item right here this would have been in three separate slots but because we have the stackable inventory it was all in one as three so I posed the vote that we introduced a new mod where one thing like some lazy sack of [ __ ] no like all these crests like white these are all stacking one these pages they should all stack them one like I think that should be a mod where we can mute we shove a mod that all the glorious romantic buttons should we open this I'm sorry is that is that bad is that awful you're right you're right great we should get a mod where we can just everything's with kill and then we just win the game should we open this or is it a mimic okay it's not anything [Music] we're going to say no we got the pages herbs but the herbs if we remove a negative quark with the herbs that's worth like over a thousand have to ditch it and it's worth one week of time yeah mrs. Blaine it's fine yeah we're fine [ __ ] it I just have to drop a mixtape just did that drop on your track button 1.5 K you think gold it's a lot more important than this Jake I think we've given up like 7,000 8,000 10,000 somewhere in that region just four well that is very accurate so there's there's a 1700 right there and the other 70 plus the Ruby plus what else was there was like something else that we gave up on I'm just saying like this isn't like an 8000 gold in the long run you know how the you know how this works right while we're getting the pages you say that but you don't know that for all you [ __ ] know because you don't know the algorithm oh you know for sure but just as easily waivers could be replaced by some shitty trinket that we don't even want if it works the way I want it to then could be okay so like if we just like make up arguments just for the sake of it then you're right let's just see my volume who did that so do you guys want yeah weird do we want to avoid this some hallway here that has this battle or do we just want to go through it the other hallway could also have a battle though the other hallway also could have a protective ward because we haven't scouted it yet I don't think that's true I'd like to go around I agree the drawn ality said they could have the ward at it yeah cuz okay okay but what if we going lucky scouting okay both will also avoid a battle though potentially I agree and we can get out of this suit mighty big a mimic and then who'll be laughing it would be me you'll be me I'll be crying if we get a mimic you'll be crying it's [ __ ] half 4:00 in the morning I'll be [ __ ] crying I see that as if that means anything to me because let's say half 4:00 in the morning on my other nice just getting started well let's go okay then this is this is an easy fight this is an easy fight nothing cake shows me a gun oh wow [ __ ] dodge [ __ ] idiot a not gonna point out your own head at least you'd hit alright yeah take the wallstreet wave yeah here don't shake me bro er don't touch me thank you bro yep cool let's destroy it that first guy let's just what sure let's decimate him yeah please stop that was funny okay yes I mean I hate I hate being slot to Norma gesture it's horrible Jake that's all you baby the game froze on me nothing nothing ever works out for you does it - you can't bye-bye okay we can use with this larb here yeah for fire huh should we uh no listen every single word written on that page the four pages hey you know I've a proposal workers ready how about swap guys guys I have an idea how about we swap the citrine for the emerald so because if it's tax it would be more okay I'm gonna close down because actually it won't take even if it's five if it's sex like it's only sex up to five an amount then it would it would be more it only said it would be like a lot a lot SuperDuper a lot I'm out Oh the site's content this journal thing this journal thing is something we should have done how unfortunate holy [ __ ] use a torch here staggering for us use it toys do it torch people Wow okay who's well we're all equally stressed out use the other one the battle song everybody gets a tiny buff enjoy the tiny buff rip their [ __ ] eyes out [ __ ] off oh my god looks like the bird is just like yeah my feathers I'm flapping at you it's so angry Rajon take some start marking things Jake's raging right now gang is raging I'm having my blood sugar crash mommy another coca-cola please mummy no no no it's dr. pepper not not coca-cola doctor wait wait hold on are you making fun of that you're young and therefore spoiled because of your ajan oh okay did your stinking hatchet probably cream car filled okay you tell us another couple of those office jokes that are so hilarious please I'm sorry we ever worked in an office no no I want some perspective could you please make it hilarious jokes it does if you work in an office I work in charge it was never it was never funny I don't okay man I really hate mondays John that's not it oh my god damn i right that's not that's Kathy that's not Dilbert it's a different no Josh what the boss but better call ayiti am i right have you tried turning off and on again they never bet they don't even have an IT department you would know if you had worked in an office look Kimmy wrong on the internet again five I'm gonna go edit video see you [Laughter] Wow you could tell I stayed there for a while hey guys it's me Sano beets ripoff card game play this card or I could play this card or I could play this card or I could play this card or I could play this card I think I'll play this card that this card in this card but I could play this card this card in this car god dammit okay Jake what you gonna do sneak to you I didn't want to try to do an offensive Scottish accent I am a sort of Platinum heavy rain so I'm trying to get the ending where the bad guy that's what I keep rising [ __ ] if I ever say what I keep looking for Jason but I can never press that this is embarrassing because people are gonna think that I like it I'm doing a heavy rain hey guys one time I'm going for the 100% completion run if you're gonna talk [ __ ] couldn't please at least be accurate accuracy that's all like we're giving him like a posh British accent my little eyes morphing oh my god what what fine 100% QTE completion run [ __ ] Emir [ __ ] we're gonna [ __ ] light in the [ __ ] out of you come here mister what what the [ __ ] is even a QTE completion what is QuickTime event can you tell me yeah so is the goal to get all your beauty oh my god we've got a 5 page run Jesus run everything has to we have to ditch oh my god we have to dish it right into the lake we don't need it oh my god oh no we need the food though what if we have a hunger check ah we gotta get rid of the medicines one torch but we can't we can't get rid of it in the camp when they have one torch oh we only have one torch that's a good point yeah let's use it what you doing but what was that who did that I don't know who do that oh my god you must have not played the game in a really long time you try to drag the torch oh my god what did okay but so let's go playing have you thank God is David cage ah hey we got this Falconer we want to get that like an hour ago oh my god so Jake as the resident heavy rain speed runner what's your best time [Laughter] Jake what's your preferred right for speed yeah do you like to cut off the finger or try and keep what's what's the fastest you've ever found Jason you can't how fast did you press X to find Jason yeah the finger I don't even think you can yeah you can't keep the finger if you can't get the finger you can leave we had a fight wait room guys five page run five pages contact the speedrunners forum or whatever oh good games done quick right yeah yeah I need to go up yeah shake heavy rain speedrun good games like heavy rain I'll get right on that yeah many Jason's per minute can you put Jason Jason Jason we want to check the stagecoach real quick before you leave yes to see to see so this is a Thrall this is another one of the class I want him I want him oh but I haven't picked up a new client I don't know that's true that's true that's true you you guys take the beefy boys and I'll take the pretty girl no I don't I don't want it you just got one I want them you just got one you just got one shut up beefy boy Jay yeah there we go no no no no no no go back what go back renamed why I have a bad feeling about this it's no no no you know I got it I got it stop it stop I got it be beefy jakers yeah there we go beefy be Jake beefy bake beefy material oh my god it was really close there you go there you go and I'm too tired I'm too tired to fight at this point actually great before I forget we need to put jumps and so the all right let's [ __ ] let's call it ollie [ __ ] what time is it my god remember like a week ago or something like that when I was like hey we should like a super long I was thinking about that really yeah and now after like going 30 minutes over I'm like I want to kill myself yeah three hours in you it's like fun perfect perfect amount the new classes are fun what'd you guys think about the new classes go just thinking she was a star right Becky was the star I think she wasn't sure where part knows yeah I'm not good I think I think it's pretty well-balanced too and it's same creator behind both as well so I'm looking for yeah I want to see the Scourge or whatever and I want to see the thrall yeah beefy boy jay is looking good yeah oh [ __ ] and oh [ __ ] yeah all right cool well boy leave Jake if you want to see you again where can they do that uh you can find me uh offensive Jake on YouTube and twitch sweet sue no how about you if you won't find me call me beat me if you want to reach me sooner Beats or YouTube just Google like YouTube cinema and you'll find me thank you sweet the Craven what about you you can find me on youtube at mr. Craven if you search it or Craven nation if you type it Wow the channel thing I'm gonna have a new horror game up tomorrow then also gonna be stirring that brand new game tomorrow sweet brand-new brand-new brand new series starting tomorrow on my channel and then also later on left for dead by tomorrow can I ask can I ask you can we come you do the resident evil 3 1 tomorrow do it that sounds like a lot of fun what's [ __ ] or we can spam more of that a Lord of the Rings one cuz I was a [ __ ] ton of fun yeah yeah I'd do that one again two yeses those legit had a dream about it I had your [ __ ] Jonathan thank you sloth Erick for the last minute I appreciate it who do we want to raid I still streaming after this no mr. Lee as tempting as it was the place of slay the spire so I could talk about which cards I can use [Laughter] we can raid manly he's playing ruiner oh sure he's got face cam on what the [ __ ] Nami the [ __ ] he's got okay let's [ __ ] the Reed family baddest hero and say who who sent you guys me Craven sin Oh Jake alright let's do it let's do it we gotta wait for the timer to countdown so you guys want to talk about anything for the next like 10 seconds this is about what I expected alright I'm playing dead cells tomorrow hey yeah I'm playing a mystery game come check me out it's more fun playing I'm also playing mr. game on Friday and Saturday great game I'm playing is actually one of my favorite games of all time it's same same same no of course it is a difficult life no no are you Ellen Page it's not a [ __ ] team okay we're off
Channel: John Twolfe
Views: 9,592
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: Darkest Dungeon, John Wolfe, Co-op Darkest Dungeon
Id: KFzIQqQ-wv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 40sec (12580 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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