Can I beat EVERYTHING in Dark Souls fast enough to get a refund?

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today we are going to uh play dark souls remastered completely for free so you can see i've created a new steam account we are foot enthusiast 74 um because i really like running obviously and uh we've got our email here foot enthusiast 74 thank you for your recent transaction on steam we have bought dark souls remastered for 39.99 refunds and or returns may be granted for many products on steam you can request a refund for nearly any purchase on steam for any reason and in the case of games if the title has been played for less than two hours so what we're gonna try to do is uh play all of dark souls remastered here beat all the bosses and then get our money back uh i looked up uh i looked up a run just to try and get a game plan going and you could see they did it in one hour 33 minutes so if we could just replicate this like at least somewhat okay then we should be able to pull it off obviously i only get one try at this because as soon as my play time hits two hours i'm screwed that's it if i go two hours one minute i'm not gonna be able to refund it this may not go well i'll be honest with you this may not work out three two one [Music] go oh okay i agree okay go okay okay it's going it's going it's going okay oh jeez oh lord i gotta get through the privacy policy okay wait no i don't want to log into the game server no the game servers aren't even online no stop stop cancel okay yeah online mode that's fine all right go oh god this is already bad this is already really bad wow a minute already down the drain that is not great okay there's one boss dumb all right normally i would quit out to skip this animation because it saves time for the speed run but we don't care about the speed run time we care about real time in game time doesn't matter we just need to be out of here within two real hours okay two minutes in the asylum that's not terrible obviously there are glitches but i don't know them so i'm gonna do this run glitchless or at least very close to glitchless and the run that i studied to do this was glitchless so i don't want to deviate from that too much anyway ow dude you need to get out of the way holy [ __ ] that's not a good start okay well at least like if we're gonna die that's a pretty quick death threat like we're right here that's like what 30 seconds i just got to make a quick detour here for the short bow i think that's all i want from this guy now i gotta i gotta play safe because obviously dying is bad but also not too safe that i'm just like slow i think the most important part of this is gonna be not dying though and i know we already died but like not dying again okay he said all right i gotta make sure i get the drake sword here it's pretty important for the early game just gotta hit three slashes why is there a dude alive whatever he said now okay oh my god this is already way too sketchy we just began all right we're going to get this elevator you need to get out of the way it's fine we got the elevator right we got the elevator that's all that really matters can you tell that maybe i'm not as good at dark souls as i am but uh it's akira if i die here then we've probably already lost to be honest this guy should be easy yeah okay we're still in this he'll be rang the bell let's go now i didn't forget the belt we literally got the achievement [ __ ] stop trying to bait me into wasting time did you remember to ring the bell yes i rang the bell honestly it might have been better to just use the dagger with a resin for this fight instead of using a resin to get the drake sword this is not great damage oh my god lady lady dude i suck with the drake sword oh my god the dagger absolutely would have been better for this like not a doubt in my mind we would be killing her faster three more hits two more hits okay okay it's slow it's definitely slow but we didn't die all right both bells wrong in under 20 minutes not bad will you also see 2023 saw khan yeah sarkon did you ring the bell okay iron golem ideally we knock him off the edge that'll be much faster yeah if we don't do that it's it's just going to take forever there it is there it is okay he's definitely going to fall all right anor londo in 25 minutes not bad these dudes shouldn't be too much of a problem oh this guy's gonna cut me off you bastard okay how's the run going uh good probably i think i think if we maintain our current pace we'll be able to pull it off oh that was greedy okay okay we can save it how how did i get away with this can we kill him here yes all right first try baby very good very good so far so good all right get a quick glimpse here chat there you go i i do have splits open just so i know which boss to go to next and i made the splits based off the glitchless run that i that i watched it seems like a fairly standard boss order except for whatever reason he does the dlc like halfway through oh there's like a minute down the drain yeah i'm a little scared okay so we're we're almost 40 minutes in and i'm fighting sith from software and saturn just announced a new game for 2025. oh yeah wait actually wait i i was fully expecting a meme there wait a second wait a second what sack on sack on my balls nice try beat you to it no that doesn't count that doesn't count alright one more one more one more bam you should work on your fitness nice try how much hp we're doing not a lot okay i didn't think it would do that much damage honestly that bow is not even worth it we gotta kill hydra it doesn't count as a boss but we need to kill it anyway because you need to get into the dlc yeah we know bam oh the pendant oh my god the pen oh my god dude that would have been tragic to forget a thank you chat oh okay well i just gotta casually play this area now uh what a mess this is now i gotta work my way all the way back there i mean i guess i don't have to kill every single enemy oh my god this is a complete mess there pendant acquired thank you chat you just saved my ass i'm skipping all the bonfires here because i want to be able to homeward bone back to perish i need to not die here if i die here i'm going all the way back to anor londo oh okay okay okay we should we should have him all right good stuff good stuff good stuff good stuff all right time for the spooky part of the run we're we're going into the dlc now just be aware the dlc is like by far the part of the game that i'm the worst at i'm i'm pretty much trash at all four of those bosses so i'm expecting some deaths as long as it's not too many deaths it'll be okay okay uh you know now's a great time to get vitality well that immediately paid off oh my god it was a quick death at least if i had to die in the dlc i'd i'd want it to be there because the bonfire is right there just run back real quick yeah keep doing that attack that attacks our damage opportunity that one's not bad either oh my god what a great boss pattern guardian you legends oh my god what a nice guy you know maybe he's not so bad after all you know he got it he got his victory over us so that he's like all right i'll let you through i don't want to cost you 40 i'm gonna go ahead and get the shortcut for this one because i do not trust myself to first try artorias oh my god please have mercy little less than an hour left and i'm like a quarter of the way through the blc and i've done one of four lord souls that sounds bad i don't think it's as bad as it sounds though because like a lot of the late game bosses will go pretty quick trust have faith have faith going for the buff again oh no okay now he's buffing he we got him we got him yeah that second try was cleaned that was big okay on to manus manus is by far the boss i'm the worst at in this game and running back to him takes forever so i really really need to step up here let's just go for the shortcut here because i'm probably gonna die yep oh you know what what's another minute lost who cares i don't care i i have plenty of time i'm not worried at all don't do it don't do it it's okay i mean we we were aware this was going to be the shakiest part of this whole run we have some some buffer room for mistakes really really man it's the first move that's exactly what i was afraid of happening with this guy okay round two okay we're on to the magic i somehow survived that yes okay hardest spots done all right just calorie and we're done with dlc more than 40 minutes to wrap up the rest there's a lot of bosses left but they're all pretty easy i gotta not die to calamito cause like the walk back alone is like a minute and a half did i even plan this so vaguely yes oh no no i should have rolled through it i hope i can't believe like i i got [ __ ] man his second try relatively decent and then i'm gonna choke it on calamie my boy calamite i love this fight oh it's older i can come back all right let's let's kill other bosses for a moral boost chet what do you say we need we need the morale boost of knowing how close we are to the end because honestly i have no idea like how much time i need to finish from this point on with this many bosses left but if we if we can clear out like the rest of the base game and then just have cal meet and go in then maybe we'll have a better idea because like maybe i'm on fine pace maybe it's not as bad as it seems i really like that we have to just sit here for 15 seconds that's pretty cool okay straight even though i'm gonna die jacob okay 27 minutes left what is that like two minutes of boss yeah no that seems fine no that's that's plenty of time okay be nice priscilla all right see we're flying through these bosses at least nice okay that's huge just don't get wrecked by the guys down here oh my god what just quit out just put out just quit out it's an option i i should have just done that right away i'm screwed i'm are you kidding me [Music] easy boss what he [ __ ] repairing me through the [ __ ] fog wall just quit out just going out just put out just quit out squid out perfect okay that one well please oh man 14 minutes there's no way i'm sorry i know france i know okay another one dab man dude cavity is the difference i lost like five cap minutes on colony and i just i need like five more minutes okay you need no done i at least gotta get close so it doesn't look like pathetic right we at least gotta try to get close i can still clutch it yeah i mean if i enable enhanced game speed maybe let me just bust out a new glitch yeah are we gonna try again i don't know i mean i can definitely do this right if we're getting this close like i it's [ __ ] [ __ ] four three oh wait it's already counting up um we're in overtime now now the timer is displaying how much i missed it by great yeah we're finishing the run we're finishing the round then we go again i guess how much do you think we'll miss it by 10 minutes i'm gonna say 10 minutes well i've already bought uh dark souls on all foot enthusiasts here so we can't do the run again on this account so you know what we gotta do chef is we gotta bring back horse love horselover pulled through for us the first time he was able to successfully refund sakira i think he can do it for dark souls as well i just have to remember what the hell i put the password for horse lover okay i forgot my password oh no to get my password back it has to text me but i changed my phone number since making horse loving i don't want to call customer service you may experience longer than normal wait times thank you for your patience and understanding okay hold on let's let's start a timer for how long this takes hi thank you for calling yahoo please tell me your emails um yeah it's it's horselover1862 horselover1862 would it be the first and last name i put into the account i may have used a fake name how about your first and last name no one is calling right now my name is tom i i think the name on the account is gilbu the name of the account that you entered yes that that is correct how can i help you with this uh i i need my password reset i forgot the password we'll need to sign you up to our yahoo service for you to be eligible for support over the phone let me go ahead and sign you up right now so that we can no i don't want that service please you don't want the service is it because it's too much or you don't have a payment method yeah i just don't think that's worth the cost i gotta pay for the service to get my password reset that's right the the phone number that you call is a toll-free number the service that you need for technical support is the paid service this is a paid technical support for yahoo members i see so it seems like a pretty bad deal doesn't it well if you think that this is too much then uh we have here a much more cheaper option available let me go ahead and sign you up with that instead so that we can further help you out to get back onto your account uh that that's okay i'll i'll try and remember it but maybe i'll give you a call back i i gotta think about that well that was a waste time in our time of need horse lover has abandoned us okay we are horselover deluxe at i need to i need to take a second here i'm gonna have another donut first though what donut i'm letting you pick we got glazed we got the pink sprinkle or we got the uh the i believe it's boston cream cream it is all right chat i couldn't seem clearly because i was holding up to the camera those are just glazed donuts with chocolate on nothing's going right today am i ready i stalled enough all right three two one go oh i did that exact same thing last time go [Music] f oh god that's a bad sign we made a ton of mistakes that last run like a ton i can i can for sure do way better all right you actually [ __ ] you no wait no [ __ ] you this is probably not the time to be debating on what i want to do with the run i have a plan i have a plan i have a plan i have a plan okay chat i made a slight miscalculation by saying [ __ ] you to the shop guy i don't have a bow for the dragon now so we're not gonna get the drake sword i i said last one anyway that uh pine resin with the dagger it was probably better anyway for quail might seem a little worrisome that you know less than 10 minutes and we're already switching everything around but it's actually fine okay no it doesn't also what the [ __ ] grave miscalculation on the uh the damage here oh lord we [ __ ] up i was so positive that uh that we'd do damage she also apparently has a [ __ ] ton of bleed resist bone and get drake sword i mean it's gonna take all day isn't it this is gonna take all day yeah we had the gargoyle tailx you know what we got to do is i'm going to have to level my strength it's it's my only choice it's my only choice [ __ ] third time's the charmer surely third time would be the german horselover supre thank you for your purchase again you're welcome i i got you from stuff i'll all single-handedly keep the company afloat you're welcome this time though this time it's in the back all right we learned our lesson we're as prepared as we could possibly be just stick to the plan don't don't do any smart deviations don't try to mix it up at all just stick to the plane don't die and we got this okay visit the nice shopkeeper purchases goods non-negotiable absolutely non-negotiable we need them resin and three hits what the [ __ ] don't tell me this is rng i've never seen that happen before he's leaving all right backup plan halberd can't go wrong with albert you may think that things are not under control right now but i assure you that they are i have a plan i'm going to go upgrade the halberd right now and then it'll do big damage for quality okay sure that's about as much as the drake sword did okay quaylog down no no no no no no no what is that i [ __ ] knew it bro i should have just [ __ ] waited the boss is dead okay the boss is dead i just have to go back again you know what you know what you know what [ __ ] happens with iron gold all it takes is one weird interaction and you get swept right off the side and die what the [ __ ] this is why this is why we got the bonfire okay i told you this sort of thing happens with this guy massive question mark are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me i think the game is becoming sentient it's doing everything in its power to prevent me from getting this run miyazaki himself is at the controls he's playing as all the different enemies why do i have to find every single [ __ ] way to die in this game when i'm doing this this run without fail check if there is a way to die in a section that you never would have expected i'd somehow make it happen okay i'm thinking we need like us just a straight up deathless dlc maybe just like a straight up deathless of the entire rest of the run [Music] what the [ __ ] i'm dead three two one better chaos and gwen that close i'm even gonna get sub to in-game time 2.1 hours let's go again make another [ __ ] yahoo account or slover ultra attempts number four this is the one here we go you know i didn't think it'd be that challenging and it's really not it really truly isn't that's that's part of what makes it so painful there's already an account called horsefucker 1862. really yahoo there is already a [ __ ] account called horsefucker 1962. that that is taken too i wonder if it just says that and it just won't allow you to make an email with [ __ ] yeah that's it yahoo [ __ ] you if i can't have [ __ ] my email address just tell me don't tell me that it already exists okay that's just a lie just tell me that you're not brave enough to let me have an email account called horse [ __ ] lover of horses at is already taken lover of horuses 1862. we're going back to basics can i be horse [ __ ] here at least not available but the others are i can be horsefucker1862 there your your new prediction's up okay yes i believe or no i have a micro penis all right those are your options let's do this [ __ ] fifth time's a charm that's what they always say don't mess up the jump please thank god oh my god if that killed me please work with me here drake yeah if there's one thing i am chat it's determined it's probably a little too hard-headed here we go be nice guys oh i'm dead i should have just quit out as soon as i got hit i should have just quit out are you [ __ ] for real the giant is gonna perfectly roll catch me all right all right all right gonna mentally recover it's it's fine it's a long run it's been great up until then there's gonna be some mistakes there's gonna be some mistakes okay what the [ __ ] i swear to god at this [ __ ] combos what the [ __ ] i swear to god i'm so tired it's rough dude this is [ __ ] now it's time to return to the dlc we're in uh we're in much better shape than the our previous best run according to splits we're three minutes ahead but i think we're even more ahead than that oh my god the aoe really oh my god the [ __ ] aoe while you get eye infuriating infuriating guardian i thought we were cool man oh my god that attack's so weird dude i was literally mid-roll animation did you see that what do you mean power [ __ ] chat i think now maybe we're [ __ ] are you [ __ ] me i don't have [ __ ] time for this i've never in my life been stopped from warping from that guy are you serious with this [ __ ] how many times how many times this round is very cursed very very very very very [ __ ] cursed the amount of random [ __ ] that's lost me massive amounts of times is just unreal my god clutch [ __ ] quit out that's the squad of the wesley not this [ __ ] [ __ ] again thanks centipede demon get out of the [ __ ] lava how is this dude such a [ __ ] staller look at it just [ __ ] look at him [ __ ] take two steps jesus christ that was it right there that that was a that took a [ __ ] eternity are you serious he missed i don't know how he missed me but he missed me simultaneously really bad luck and really good luck this is so depressing three two one right outside gwen just needed one less stupid thing to happen want one less calamie instantaneously one-shotting me for no reason that that's that's all i need is not happen play time two hours it doesn't even say 2.1 it's just two hours see i mean i'm i would be willing to bet that if i requested the refund they'd give it to me but i didn't earn it you can't you can't skirt by with them like doing me a solid like okay he was only a little over two hours we'll get him like no no no no no no no no that's not what this is about it's about the refund policy specifically saying less than two hours [Music] playtime 114 minutes we did it it only took six tries and 240 dollars now let's refund this bad boy choose refund reason there's no option for too short i don't see any option for too short you know the servers have been down for like two weeks now okay the multiplayer doesn't work i mean obviously that's just unacceptable we're gonna have to get our money back servers have been down for weeks also it's too short all right perfect submit request okay your help request has been submitted to steam support and now we wait [Music] you
Channel: LilAggy
Views: 469,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, steam refund, refund speedrun, refund challenge, dark souls refund, dark souls speedrun, dark souls all bosses
Id: Xe3eBpYqVr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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