Exodus ~ 40:7 to 40:38

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we're ready to get back in our father's word the fortieth chapter of the great book of Exodus the coming out I called going home and we're going to complete the book today I want you to remember the number one thing concerning the tabernacle even this old schoolmaster the old one that would sit out in the desert it taught us how to communicate with our Father and if you do not have that line of communication which the tabernacle actually instructed in the very design itself you're in a heap of hurt today in the simplicity in which Christ teaches us as his word grows into actual fact and fulfillment in Christ Himself how precious it is that Christ would become that tabernacle that house the mini membered body and he being that head capstone and you want to make sure you don't reject it okay having said that let's get right into it chapter 40 we pick it up in verse 7 and let's go with it and thou shalt set the labor between the tent of the congregation and the altar and shall put water therein and of course the laborer is inside of the offering place and this is where you cleansed yourself as for stated verse 8 and now shall set up the court roundabout and hang up the hanging at the court date each piece put in place remember the picture that we showed in the last lecture verse 9 and thou shall take the anointing oil very important here take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and all that is there in everything and shall hallow read that means make it holy very holy spiritual in God's service and all the vessels thereof and it shall be holy it is holy holy our father's very habitation the place wherein we go to communicate with him you don't many Christians say well should really of course you and you anoint the doorpost you or not wherever you have a problem that's that is part of your obeyence to Almighty God which he has instructed even for the sick as it is written in James chapter 5 take the all of our people and called the elders of North the hill and ask father to heal them it isn't the oil that does the healing but your obeyence and using it and Christians must always remember what Christ really means Christos in the Greek the anointed one when you and want that Tabernacle and it is the anointing of Christ in our lives 10 and thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt offering and all his vessel sanctify the altar and it shall be an altar most holy why would it ultimately be most holy before the true they offered the burnt offering it's the blood of animals because ultimately it would turn into I do not want your burnt offerings I want your love and this is why you anointed is to come into the knowledge of the true sacrifice God wants from you is for you to sacrifice your love to him sacrificially to know that he is father he is in control and that he loves you that's why this would be most holy it is your love going out to him which is what He desires verse 11 and thou shalt anoint the Laver and his foot and sanctify it that's the place of washing 12 and thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons into the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and washed them with water even the priest himself you're going to in other words this would be baptism for the Christian or in preparation of the the message 13 and thou shalt put upon here in the holy garments and anoint him and sanctify him that he may minister unto me in the priest's office now many are going to say today well what did those priests roles become what what are they today and what did these things signify haven't you ever really fusions chapter 6 the gospel armor that's what a priest and even a layperson must put it on to execute because we do not stand against flesh and blood we stand against principalities in high places meaning Satan and his little people so therefore that's what the robes are today is that precious gospel armor of the Living God verse 14 and thou shalt bring his sons and clothed them with coach same way 15 today coats of armour that is what the gospel armor is 15 and thou shalt anoint them as thou didst and want their father that they may minister unto me in the priest's office for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations and what is that everlasting priesthood it's the priesthood of Melchizedek of which Christ was head what does no cause of that mean Melkor King and the deck of the elect God's he left and and certainly if you want that document in Scripture wise you would read Hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 it wasn't just for a few generations how long was it for all generations forever verse 16 thus did Moses according to all that the LORD commanded him so did he Moses was so very obedient you notice some Moses wasn't anointed why cause he wore middle and from with wearing man love God chosen by God verse 17 and it came to pass in the first month in the second year first day of the month that the tabernacle was reared up it was raised up now why why is God putting this here it didn't say the first year I hope you noticed that said the second year in other words we have a repeat each year when you gather and that Tabernacle was put up on that first day it was to be completed and ready for action by the end of the 14th because what happened on the 15th that's when God freed them from Egypt that is Passover that is when the Death Angel passed over all of the house of Israel because that doorpost was anointed with the blood of the Lamb which this anointing or we're talking about now is symbolic of of Christ's blood on the cross for by it is sacrilegious to offer a burnt offering any more or any blood sacrifice because we have the blood of Christ that we are under but we're having repetition here because it begins the second year god knows his children forget they don't take it and let it really sink down so guess what here we go again second year eighteen and moses reared up the tabernacle and fastened his sockets and set up the boards thereof and he put in the bars thereof and reared up all his pillars he raised the tabernacle okay put it the outside and nineteen and he spread abroad the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering of the kid above opponent as the LORD commanded Moses Moses was faithful he did everything exactly as God's told him 20 he took and put the testimony into the ark and set the staves on the ark and put the mercy seat above upon the ark and the mercy seat of course is separate it is the seat of Christ it has a Messiah connotation you know what happened there originally and so it is verse 21 and he brought the ark into the tabernacle and set up the veil of the covering and covered the Ark of the Testament testimony as the LORD commanded Moses in other words he put it simply quite simply in the Holy of Holies and and so it was 22 and he put the table in the tent of the congregation upon the side of the tabernacle northward without the veil you know I want you to stop and think what is this table and the tent and the congregation in other words this is just outside the wall of the Holy of Holies just past the the altar of incense and then we come to the place just inside the door of the tabernacle where this would be and you said you will put them northward now what Brit what are we talking about here next verse to identify which table were talking about 23 and he set the bread in order upon it before the Lord as the LORD hath commanded Moses in other words this is the shewbread which in the Hebrew tongue means the bread of faces where you face Christ Christ's body became that bread but now stop and think of moment how many people will confuse themselves if they're not careful if you're looking east which you would be looking in the first opening of the tabernacle yard past the place of burnt offering you the tabernacle gate when you're just inside which side did you have the showbread oh you had it on your right well if you're facing east what do you have right you have south okay if you're facing east and on your right you're looking to do south why did it say northward here well hang on let's find out here in a moment verse 24 and he put the candlestick here we go with the menorah on the opposite side of the tabernacle big candlestick in the tent of the congregation over against the table on the side of the tabernacle southward now the your your answer to this lies in the word side okay because beside is what it what the word is garlic read the Hebrew tongue and it means opposite side other words what you did you put you put the can the shewbread on the right side which was the south side but you turned it facing north because the opposite is you put the menorah only northward side but it faced south that's common sense because when you were in the tabernacle both the shewbread and and the menorah were facing you so and so it is in other words what it's saying is put one on the south side and face it north or by the congregations and can see it and put the the menorah on the north side and face it south where when you approach you're looking at it directly so no mystery there it's just simply understanding the word yatra which means the opposite side put it opposite verse 25 and he lighted the lamps before the Lord as the LORD commanded Moses all seven of them symbolic of the light of Christ and the right reflected by God's elect 26 and he took the golden altar in the tent of the congregation before the veil and and there you have it 27 and he burnt sweet incense their own just outside that veil and the lord commanded mode as the LORD commanded Moses and naturally that incense as it burned is the same as your prayers are going up I would remind you again what happened here in the temple when Zechariah the father of John the Baptist was was promised he was burning incense he was at this very spot when God spoke to him told him that Elizabeth would conceive and he would name the child John which means gracious gift from God and that John the Baptist was a gracious gift from God so when you say your prayers any more Christ is your door Christ open that door so you can directly talk to the father those prayers go up he hears you your enemies become his enemies your adversaries become his adversaries verse 28 and he set up the hanging at the door of the tabernacle the covering and he put verse 29 and he put the altar of burnt offerings by the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation and offered upon you at the burnt offering and the meat offering and as the LORD commanded Moses which now as I said you're at the very least part of the tabernacle grounds now at the entrance gate and this now is where you offer your love before you go in and not any other place before you go in you clear everything and you sacrificially offer your love to Almighty God second time through this why God doesn't want you to forget what would that mean he was to hear from you you he has feelings and he loves you and this is that place where your love comes forth to him he would set it pleasures him it makes his day that's why it's so very important for you to remember that verse 30 and he set the labor between the tent of the congregation and the altar and put water there to wash withal to cleanse and so it is 31 and Moses and Aaron his sons and Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet there at 32 when they went into the tent of the congregation and when they came near unto the altar they washed as the LORD commanded Moses in case this term tent of the congregation that is outside of the holy of holies the congregation could only go there only the high priest could enter past into the the altar of incense into the covering of the Holy of Holies only the high priest so the rest of the tabernacle was for the congregation just as in the temple in modern in Christ time Solomon's porch was as far as Gentiles could you toured the temple or in the temple and many of them worshiped there and and so it is that well why why couldn't they all come they weren't worthy so this is why that Christ paid an awesome price so that you can cleanse yourself in his blood and through his body you could have that healing the forgiveness of sins when repentance abounds and when you make yourself ready for that particular meeting of God because you do meet with him when you go to that Tabernacle using this method of approach to talk with God that's what the whole thing is about is a place to communicate with God and as I've said before a family that doesn't communicate you got a problem a nation that doesn't communicate you got a problem a community that doesn't communicate you got a problem a Christian that doesn't communicate with God is a bigger problem yet for that particular Christian because if you don't talk to him and communicate with him he's not going to communicate to you so you're going to be locked up you're going to be set aside he really can't use you that's why he uses repetitions so that lest you forget how to approach him cleansing your heart with repentance that's how the labor comes in now is forgiveness not only baptism but even after baptism we still sin oh mercy did he say that yes I did I know that there are some people that teach you cannot sin after you're baptized and that's a false teaching because in the flesh we are sinners but and that's why we have repentance and unless you repent you it's not erased from the book of life or by which you're judged so you can get people in a bunch of trouble by teaching lack of repentance for sins maybe just in the way you eat breaking God's health laws there's many ways that flesh bodies can sin but here you have this washing through repentance that cleanses you and you know it is a million do you know how good your father is you know how much he loves you he said once you repent and I forgive you I do not want to hear about it again it's over done gone so it is that's how God loves his children verse 33 and he reared at the court roundabout he raised up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar and he said that the hanging of the court gate so Moses finished the work complete before the 14th of that first day of them before the fourteenth day of that first month 34 listen carefully then a cloud covered the ten of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle you remember you remember that picture I showed you of that tabernacle that fire coming down from heaven by night that's God was there that's where that word Shekinah comes from God dwells there you might say you mean he really really how else are you going to communicate with him friend but do you think we're just puffing smoke here he's there he's in this tabernacle of the mini membered body he comes down he hears and he listens verse 35 then Moses was not able to enter into the kin of the congregation because the cloud they're on and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle he was blessing it and so it is always be patient waiting upon God God has his thing to do also verse 36 and when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys in other words God led them wherever they would go what does that say to you today when you communicate with God he will lead you where you should go it's just step by step little by little it's not just a building that's all know little by little in your life as God's time plan unfolds before our very eyes but then God is going to meet you he has always always led his people in stores and you with intelligence and belief walk through he can also close doors well does that mean he rejects us that means he doesn't want you there means he's got other business for you if you're in good standing with him he never closes a door that he doesn't open one somewhere else because he's got better business that he wishes you to take care of God leads his own veste point 37 but if the cloud were not taken out then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up until God opens the way and you're pretty sure in your heart and mine you stay put and and and and continue talking and communicating with God he'll let you know when I know this will sound strange to some but with just as some people that I can think of one may and who was undecided even put out a fleece to the Lord and and and that police was put out three different times and finally the third time I understand God I understand and and and so it is that God leads and directs his own and you know it when all is said and done it's no accident the way many things happen and I'm talking to God's elect here and the kings and queens of the earth knows there's no accidents God knows very well what he's doing he expects our obedience verse 38 to complete the very book for the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day and fire was on it by night and the sight of all how many all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys God was there again this is that Hebrew word Shekinah many of you that are not real familiar with Hebrew let me give you some help in your strongest concordance it is the word seventy nine thirty five seventy nine thirty five Shekinah it should be a word we use more often than we do because it means in the Hebrew tongue God dwells there or God Yakov a is there that's how you reach him that's why this is such an important book going home he's coming back the son is to lead the way to the Father and certainly this is the way it's done yeah I hope you've enjoyed this book of Exodus the coming home I want to summarize just real briefly we had what did God use he just used to babe that poor little child was chunked into a little old basket a little arc and he was shoved out into the Nile crocodiles and shoved out into the reeds and down he went Pharaoh's household sees him fetches him see did God do that of course he did don't you ever doubt it very name means Moses means growing from the water how fares daughter loved that child and the little Miriam his sister waiting along in the reeds another child God used her to bring Moses his mother to nurse that child until he was weaning time and then this child would grow and would be soul admired by Pharaoh himself then knowing that these were his people that were in such terrible straits and servitude destroyed an Egyptian which was thinking his own people would protect him uh-uh no no the word was out and he had to flee but my point being God uses whom every will you may feel insufficient in this final generation the generation of the fig tree when God uses whomever he will in these end times especially so that little lad went across the desert and of all places to end up in the land of Kenites when you're in him today scattered here they're young he picked a wife that was a media night I mean of a child of Abraham to keep the seed line perfect fair and so it was that that child that daughter and then showed him and took him in and he married her and finally God would speak to him and send him back and all of those veils of God's wrath that are coming in the great book of Revelation that's why it's going home Moses directed them that little babe that was in that basket that little Ark and called down by Almighty God the very wrath of God upon the Egyptians even down to finally the very Passover itself which we still celebrate to this day that's why it's celebrated that's why Christ became our Passover don't you ever overlook that fact 1st Corinthians 5 verse 17 8 Christ is our Passover because this is where the freedom came that blood upon the doorpost the Death Angel Satan's little ones must pass over your family and that's why it is ever ever so important that you know the method of the tabernacle that is to say to communicate to converse to talk to our Heavenly Father whereby he the same father that was the father of that little babe in that basket that took that babe and delivered a nation going to take a people and he's going to deliver a nation again it's going to happen but he will sin that one of whom Moses was the type and that one will lead that one would you've studied all this time to know how to communicate with is the tabernacle it's returning he is our tabernacle he is the head if you have seen him you have also seen the father so though many might say this is Old Testament it's a school that's it teaches you how to be obedient to the Living God and the preparation that you must understand in your way to communicate with him without especially in these in times when he intends to communicate with you by the Holy Spirit speaking through you when you're not to even premeditate what you will say mark chapter 13 delivered it before the false one preparation and the long trip that same cloud that was over the tabernacle then and that same fire that was over it by night powd and that fire is still here it still guides it's called the Holy Spirit today that leads you guide you and direct you that is the presence of the Living God for it is God's Spirit he touches and he needs what a book the book of Exodus the going out the coming home we're coming up and near that very time when these events will transpire communicate with your father talk to him that's all you have to do let him know you love him study his word were by your a skilled wise builder of the tabernacle which simply means gathering the body whereby we have the victory in these end times no this is not Old Testament though it is written there it is the very method that is utilized to bring to pass the entering in alright I hope you enjoyed it god bless you listen a moment once you're pleased
Channel: YHVH Savior
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Keywords: Murray, Book of, Arnold Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of Exodus, Shepherd's, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Exodus, Shepherd's Chapel
Id: Ztj12ep0yAU
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Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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